Direktori : /var/www/projetos/takthua.com.br/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/lib/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/takthua.com.br/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/lib/callout.php |
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { die('No direct access.'); } /** * TODO: combine this with custom tours that can introduce a new feature * Use this file to add a pointer notice that will only show once. * Typically you will just want to edit these three variables (the image will default to the MetaSlider logo) */ $metaslider_callout_name = 'gallery'; // $nonce = wp_create_nonce('metaslider_request'); // $tour_reset = "event.preventDefault();var link = window.jQuery(this);window.jQuery.post(ajaxurl, {action: \'set_tour_status\',current_step: \'0\',\'METASLIDER_NONCE\':\'{$nonce}\'}, function(data){window.location = link.attr(\'href\');});"; $metaslider_callout_text = sprintf(__('Hey there! We just started working on a brand new gallery extension. <a href="%s">Check it out</a> and let us know what you think!', 'ml-slider'), self_admin_url('admin.php?page=metagallery')); // $metaslider_callout_text = sprintf(__('Hey there! We just started working on a brand new gallery extension. Check it out and let us know what you think! <a href="%s" onclick="%s">Check it out</a>', 'ml-slider'), self_admin_url('admin.php?page=metaslider'), esc_attr($tour_reset)); $metaslider_callout_image = ''; /** * Also allow users to hide indefinitely */ if (defined('METASLIDER_HIDE_CALLOUT') && METASLIDER_HIDE_CALLOUT) { return; } new MetaSlider_Callout($metaslider_callout_name, $metaslider_callout_text, $metaslider_callout_image); /** * Class to handle a callout */ class MetaSlider_Callout { /** * The notice key * * @var string */ protected $key; /** * The notice text * * @var string */ protected $text; /** * The image html * * @var string */ protected $image; /** * The page to show it on * get_current_screen()->id * * @var string */ protected $page; /** * Constructor * * @param string $key The key of the callout (should be unique) * @param string $text The text of the callout * @param string|null $image The html of the image * @param string $page The page to show the callout */ public function __construct($key, $text, $image = null, $page = 'plugins') { $this->key = $key; $this->text = $text; $this->page = $page; // Default to the MetaSlider logo $this->image = $image ? $image : "<img width=\"50\" height=\"50\" src=\"" . METASLIDER_ADMIN_URL . "/images/metaslider_logo_large.png\" alt=\"MetaSlider\">"; // Load the scripts and initialize add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'setup_callout')); } /** * Method to load in call out scripts */ public function setup_callout() { // Only show to users who can access MetaSlider $capability = apply_filters('metaslider_capability', 'edit_others_posts'); if (!current_user_can($capability)) { return; } // Only show on the specified page if ($this->page !== get_current_screen()->id) { return; } // Only show once if ((bool) get_user_option('metaslider_user_saw_callout_' . $this->key)) { return; } update_user_option(get_current_user_id(), 'metaslider_user_saw_callout_' . $this->key, true); // Add all the necessary scripts and styles wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-tether-js-callout', METASLIDER_ADMIN_URL . 'assets/tether/dist/js/tether.min.js', METASLIDER_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-shepherd-js-callout', METASLIDER_ADMIN_URL . 'assets/tether-shepherd/dist/js/shepherd.min.js', array('metaslider-tether-js-callout'), METASLIDER_VERSION, true); $this->wp_add_inline_script('metaslider-shepherd-js-callout', " try { window.jQuery(function($) { var ms_callout_tour = new Shepherd.Tour(); ms_callout_tour.options.defaults = { classes: 'shepherd-theme-arrows metaslider-callout-tip', showCancelLink: true, tetherOptions: { offset: '0 5px' } }; ms_callout_tour.addStep('welcome', { title: 'Check out what\'s new!', text: '<div class=\"metaslider-callout-image\">{$this->image}</div><div>{$this->text}</div>', attachTo: 'li#toplevel_page_metaslider right', buttons: [] }); ms_callout_tour.start(); }); } catch (e) { console.log('MetaSlider: There was an error with the callout'); } "); wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-shepherd-css-callout', METASLIDER_ADMIN_URL . 'assets/tether-shepherd/dist/css/shepherd-theme-arrows.css', false, METASLIDER_VERSION); wp_add_inline_style('metaslider-shepherd-css-callout', " .metaslider-callout-tip { z-index: 999999; min-width: 300px; } .metaslider-callout-tip .shepherd-content { border-radius: 3px!important; filter: none!important; box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 10px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } .metaslider-callout-tip header { background-color: #DD6823!important; border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0!important; } .metaslider-callout-tip header h3 { color: white; font-size: 1.1em; } .metaslider-callout-tip .shepherd-text { min-height: 100px; max-width: 400px; display: flex; align-items: center; } .metaslider-callout-tip .shepherd-text > p { display: none; } .metaslider-callout-tip .shepherd-text > div { flex: 1; } .metaslider-callout-image { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; max-width: 66px; margin-right: 0.5rem; } .shepherd-element.shepherd-theme-arrows.shepherd-has-title .shepherd-content header a.shepherd-cancel-link { opacity: 0.7; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-size: 0.8em; border: 1px solid #FFF; border-radius: 50%; width: 22px; height: 22px; line-height: 20px; padding: 0; text-align: center; float: none; position: absolute; right: 11px; top: 12px; } .shepherd-element.shepherd-theme-arrows.shepherd-has-title .shepherd-content header a.shepherd-cancel-link::before { color: #FFF; content: '" . __('Close', 'As in to close a modal window', 'ml-slider') . "'; position: absolute; right: 20px; padding-right: 10px; } .shepherd-element.shepherd-theme-arrows.shepherd-has-title .shepherd-content header a.shepherd-cancel-link::after { content: '" . esc_html('\f335') . "'; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; font-family: dashicons; color: #FFF; position: absolute; left: 2px; line-height: 21px; font-size: 16px; } "); } /** * Polyfill to handle the wp_add_inline_script() function. * * @param string $handle The script identifier * @param string $data The script to add, without <script> tags * @param string $position Whether to output before or after * * @return object|bool */ public function wp_add_inline_script($handle, $data, $position = 'after') { if (function_exists('wp_add_inline_script')) { return wp_add_inline_script($handle, $data, $position); } global $wp_scripts; if (!$data) { return false; } // First fetch any existing scripts $script = $wp_scripts->get_data($handle, 'data'); // Append to the end $script .= $data; return $wp_scripts->add_data($handle, 'data', $script); } }