Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/src/Item_Rack.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2022 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class Item_Rack extends CommonDBRelation { public static $itemtype_1 = 'Rack'; public static $items_id_1 = 'racks_id'; public static $itemtype_2 = 'itemtype'; public static $items_id_2 = 'items_id'; public static $checkItem_2_Rights = self::DONT_CHECK_ITEM_RIGHTS; public static $mustBeAttached_1 = false; public static $mustBeAttached_2 = false; public static function getTypeName($nb = 0) { return _n('Item', 'Item', $nb); } public function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { $nb = 0; switch ($item->getType()) { default: if ($_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs']) { $nb = countElementsInTable( self::getTable(), ['racks_id' => $item->getID()] ); $nb += countElementsInTable( PDU_Rack::getTable(), ['racks_id' => $item->getID()] ); } return self::createTabEntry(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $nb); } return ''; } public static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { self::showItems($item, $withtemplate); return true; } public function getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction() { $forbidden = parent::getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction(); $forbidden[] = 'MassiveAction:update'; $forbidden[] = 'CommonDBConnexity:affect'; $forbidden[] = 'CommonDBConnexity:unaffect'; return $forbidden; } /** * Print racks items * @param Rack $rack the current rack instance * @return void */ public static function showItems(Rack $rack) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; $ID = $rack->getID(); $rand = mt_rand(); if ( !$rack->getFromDB($ID) || !$rack->can($ID, READ) ) { return false; } $canedit = $rack->canEdit($ID); $items = $DB->request([ 'FROM' => self::getTable(), 'WHERE' => [ 'racks_id' => $rack->getID() ], 'ORDER' => 'position DESC' ]); $link = new self(); if ($canedit) { Session::initNavigateListItems( self::getType(), //TRANS : %1$s is the itemtype name, // %2$s is the name of the item (used for headings of a list) sprintf( __('%1$s = %2$s'), $rack->getTypeName(1), $rack->getName() ) ); } echo "<div id='switchview'>"; echo "<i id='sviewlist' class='pointer ti ti-list' title='" . __('View as list') . "'></i>"; echo "<i id='sviewgraph' class='pointer ti ti-server selected' title='" . __('View graphical representation') . "'></i>"; echo "</div>"; $items = iterator_to_array($items); echo "<div id='viewlist'>"; echo "<h2>" . __("Racked items") . "</h2>"; if (!count($items)) { echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>"; echo "</table>"; } else { if ($canedit) { Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand); $massiveactionparams = [ 'num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], count($items)), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand ]; Html::showMassiveActions($massiveactionparams); } echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>"; $header = "<tr>"; if ($canedit) { $header .= "<th width='10'>"; $header .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand); $header .= "</th>"; } $header .= "<th>" . _n('Item', 'Items', 1) . "</th>"; $header .= "<th>" . __('Position') . "</th>"; $header .= "<th>" . __('Orientation') . "</th>"; $header .= "</tr>"; echo $header; foreach ($items as $row) { $item = new $row['itemtype'](); $item->getFromDB($row['items_id']); echo "<tr lass='tab_bg_1'>"; if ($canedit) { echo "<td>"; Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $row["id"]); echo "</td>"; } echo "<td>" . $item->getLink() . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$row['position']}</td>"; $txt_orientation = $row['orientation'] == Rack::FRONT ? __('Front') : __('Rear'); echo "<td>$txt_orientation</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo $header; echo "</table>"; if ($canedit && count($items)) { $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false; Html::showMassiveActions($massiveactionparams); } if ($canedit) { Html::closeForm(); } } PDU_Rack::showListForRack($rack); echo "</div>"; echo "<div id='viewgraph'>"; $data = []; //all rows; empty for ($i = (int)$rack->fields['number_units']; $i > 0; --$i) { $data[Rack::FRONT][$i] = false; $data[Rack::REAR][$i] = false; } //fill rows $outbound = []; foreach ($items as $row) { $rel = new self(); $rel->getFromDB($row['id']); $item = new $row['itemtype'](); if (!$item->getFromDB($row['items_id'])) { continue; } $position = $row['position']; $gs_item = [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $item->getName(), 'x' => $row['hpos'] >= 2 ? 1 : 0, 'y' => $rack->fields['number_units'] - $row['position'], 'height' => 1, 'width' => 2, 'bgcolor' => $row['bgcolor'], 'picture_f' => null, 'picture_r' => null, 'url' => $item->getLinkURL(), 'rel_url' => $rel->getLinkURL(), 'rear' => false, 'half_rack' => false, 'reserved' => (bool) $row['is_reserved'], ]; $model_class = $item->getType() . 'Model'; $modelsfield = strtolower($item->getType()) . 'models_id'; $model = new $model_class(); if ($model->getFromDB($item->fields[$modelsfield])) { if ($model->fields['required_units'] > 1) { $gs_item['height'] = $model->fields['required_units']; $gs_item['y'] = $rack->fields['number_units'] + 1 - $row['position'] - $model->fields['required_units']; } if ($model->fields['is_half_rack'] == 1) { $gs_item['half_rack'] = true; $gs_item['width'] = 1; $row['position'] .= "_" . $gs_item['x']; if ($row['orientation'] == Rack::REAR) { $gs_item['x'] = $row['hpos'] == 2 ? 0 : 1; } } if (!empty($model->fields['picture_front'])) { $gs_item['picture_f'] = Toolbox::getPictureUrl($model->fields['picture_front']); } if (!empty($model->fields['picture_rear'])) { $gs_item['picture_r'] = Toolbox::getPictureUrl($model->fields['picture_rear']); } } else { $model = null; } if (isset($data[$row['orientation']][$position])) { $data[$row['orientation']][$row['position']] = [ 'row' => $row, 'item' => $item, 'model' => $model, 'gs_item' => $gs_item ]; //add to other side if needed if ( $model == null || $model->fields['depth'] >= 1 ) { $gs_item['rear'] = true; $flip_orientation = (int) !((bool) $row['orientation']); if ($gs_item['half_rack']) { $gs_item['x'] = (int) !((bool) $gs_item['x']); //$row['position'] = substr($row['position'], 0, -2)."_".$gs_item['x']; } $data[$flip_orientation][$row['position']] = [ 'row' => $row, 'item' => $item, 'gs_item' => $gs_item ]; } } else { $outbound[] = [ 'row' => $row, 'item' => $item, 'model' => $model, 'gs_item' => $gs_item, ]; } } if (count($outbound)) { echo "<table class='outbound'><thead><th>"; echo __('Following elements are out of rack bounds'); echo "</th></thead><tbody>"; foreach ($outbound as $out) { echo "<tr><td>" . self::getCell($out, !$canedit) . "</td></tr>"; } echo "</tbody></table>"; } $nb_top_pdu = count(PDU_Rack::getForRackSide($rack, PDU_Rack::SIDE_TOP)); $nb_bot_pdu = count(PDU_Rack::getForRackSide($rack, PDU_Rack::SIDE_BOTTOM)); echo ' <div class="racks_row"> <span class="racks_view_controls"> <span class="mini_toggle active" id="toggle_images">' . __('images') . '</span> <span class="mini_toggle active" id="toggle_text">' . __('texts') . '</span> <div class="clearfix"></div> </span> <div class="racks_col"> <h2>' . __('Front') . '</h2> <div class="rack_side rack_front">'; // append some spaces on top for having symetrical view between front and rear for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_top_pdu; $i++) { echo "<div class='virtual_pdu_space'></div>"; } echo '<ul class="indexes"></ul> <div class="grid-stack grid-stack-2 grid-rack" id="grid-front" gs-column="2" gs-max-row="' . ($rack->fields['number_units'] + 1) . '">'; if ($link->canCreate()) { echo '<div class="racks_add"></div>'; } foreach ($data[Rack::FRONT] as $current_item) { echo self::getCell($current_item, !$canedit); } echo ' <div class="grid-stack-item lock-bottom" gs-no-resize="true" gs-no-move="true" gs-h="1" gs-w="2" gs-x="0" gs-y="' . $rack->fields['number_units'] . '"></div> </div> <ul class="indexes"></ul>'; // append some spaces on bottom for having symetrical view between front and rear for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_bot_pdu; $i++) { echo "<div class='virtual_pdu_space'></div>"; } echo '</div> </div> <div class="racks_col"> <h2>' . __('Rear') . '</h2>'; echo '<div class="rack_side rack_rear">'; PDU_Rack::showVizForRack($rack, PDU_Rack::SIDE_TOP); PDU_Rack::showVizForRack($rack, PDU_Rack::SIDE_LEFT); echo '<ul class="indexes"></ul> <div class="grid-stack grid-stack-2 grid-rack" id="grid2-rear" gs-column="2" gs-max-row="' . ($rack->fields['number_units'] + 1) . '">'; if ($link->canCreate()) { echo '<div class="racks_add"></div>'; } foreach ($data[Rack::REAR] as $current_item) { echo self::getCell($current_item, !$canedit); } echo ' <div class="grid-stack-item lock-bottom" gs-no-resize="true" gs-no-move="true" gs-h="1" gs-w="2" gs-x="0" gs-y="' . $rack->fields['number_units'] . '"> </div> </div> <ul class="indexes"></ul>'; PDU_Rack::showVizForRack($rack, PDU_Rack::SIDE_RIGHT); PDU_Rack::showVizForRack($rack, PDU_Rack::SIDE_BOTTOM); echo '</div>'; echo ' </div> <div class="racks_col">'; self::showStats($rack); PDU_Rack::showStatsForRack($rack); echo '</div>'; // .racks_col echo '</div>'; // .racks_row echo "<div id='grid-dialog'></div>"; echo "</div>"; // #viewgraph $rack_add_tip = __s('Insert an item here'); $ajax_url = $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/rack.php"; $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT // init variables to pass to js/rack.js var grid_link_url = "{$link->getFormURL()}"; var grid_item_ajax_url = "{$ajax_url}"; var grid_rack_id = $ID; var grid_rack_units = {$rack->fields['number_units']}; var grid_rack_add_tip = "{$rack_add_tip}"; $(function() { // initialize grid with function defined in js/rack.js initRack(); }); JAVASCRIPT; echo Html::scriptBlock($js); } /** * Display a mini stats block (wiehgt, power, etc) for the current rack instance * @param Rack $rack the current rack instance * @return void */ public static function showStats(Rack $rack) { global $DB; $items = $DB->request([ 'FROM' => self::getTable(), 'WHERE' => [ 'racks_id' => $rack->getID() ] ]); $weight = 0; $power = 0; $units = [ Rack::FRONT => array_fill(0, $rack->fields['number_units'], 0), Rack::REAR => array_fill(0, $rack->fields['number_units'], 0), ]; $rel = new self(); foreach ($items as $row) { $rel->getFromDB($row['id']); $item = new $row['itemtype'](); $item->getFromDB($row['items_id']); $model_class = $item->getType() . 'Model'; $modelsfield = strtolower($item->getType()) . 'models_id'; $model = new $model_class(); if ($model->getFromDB($item->fields[$modelsfield])) { $required_units = $model->fields['required_units']; for ($i = 0; $i < $model->fields['required_units']; $i++) { $units[$row['orientation']][$row['position'] + $i] = 1; if ($model->fields['depth'] == 1) { $other_side = (int) !(bool) $row['orientation']; $units[$other_side][$row['position'] + $i] = 1; } } if (array_key_exists('power_consumption', $model->fields)) { // PDU does not consume energy $power += $model->fields['power_consumption']; } $weight += $model->fields['weight']; } else { $units[Rack::FRONT][$row['position']] = 1; $units[Rack::REAR][$row['position']] = 1; } } $nb_units = max( array_sum($units[Rack::FRONT]), array_sum($units[Rack::REAR]) ); $space_prct = round(100 * $nb_units / max($rack->fields['number_units'], 1)); $weight_prct = round(100 * $weight / max($rack->fields['max_weight'], 1)); $power_prct = round(100 * $power / max($rack->fields['max_power'], 1)); echo "<div id='rack_stats' class='rack_side_block'>"; echo "<h2>" . __("Rack stats") . "</h2>"; echo "<div class='rack_side_block_content'>"; echo "<h3>" . __("Space") . "</h3>"; Html::progressBar('rack_space', [ 'create' => true, 'percent' => $space_prct, 'message' => $space_prct . "%", ]); echo "<h3>" . __("Weight") . "</h3>"; Html::progressBar('rack_weight', [ 'create' => true, 'percent' => $weight_prct, 'message' => $weight . " / " . $rack->fields['max_weight'] ]); echo "<h3>" . __("Power") . "</h3>"; Html::progressBar('rack_power', [ 'create' => true, 'percent' => $power_prct, 'message' => $power . " / " . $rack->fields['max_power'] ]); echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } public function showForm($ID, array $options = []) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; $colspan = 4; echo "<div class='center'>"; $this->initForm($ID, $options); $this->showFormHeader(); $rack = new Rack(); $rack->getFromDB($this->fields['racks_id']); $rand = mt_rand(); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_itemtype$rand'>" . __('Item type') . "</label></td>"; echo "<td>"; if (isset($options['_onlypdu']) && $options['_onlypdu']) { $this->fields['itemtype'] = 'PDU'; echo Html::hidden( 'itemtype', [ 'id' => "itemtype_$rand", 'value' => 'PDU' ] ); echo PDU::getTypeName(1); } else { $types = array_combine($CFG_GLPI['rackable_types'], $CFG_GLPI['rackable_types']); foreach ($types as $type => &$text) { $text = $type::getTypeName(1); } Dropdown::showFromArray( 'itemtype', $types, [ 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'value' => $this->fields["itemtype"], 'rand' => $rand ] ); } //get all used items $used = $used_reserved = []; $iterator = $DB->request([ 'FROM' => $this->getTable() ]); foreach ($iterator as $row) { $used[$row['itemtype']][] = $row['items_id']; } // find used pdu (not racked) foreach (PDU_Rack::getUsed() as $used_pdu) { $used['PDU'][] = $used_pdu['pdus_id']; } // get all reserved items $iterator = $DB->request([ 'FROM' => $this->getTable(), 'WHERE' => [ 'is_reserved' => true ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $row) { $used_reserved[$row['itemtype']][] = $row['items_id']; } //items part of an enclosure should not be listed $iterator = $DB->request([ 'FROM' => Item_Enclosure::getTable() ]); foreach ($iterator as $row) { $used[$row['itemtype']][] = $row['items_id']; } echo Html::hidden( 'used', [ 'id' => "used_$rand", 'value' => json_encode($used) ] ); //TODO: update possible positions according to selected item number of units //TODO: update positions on rack selection //TODO: update hpos from item model info is_half_rack //TODO: update orientation according to item model depth echo "</td>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_items_id$rand'>" . _n('Item', 'Items', 1) . "</label></td>"; echo "<td id='items_id'>"; if (isset($this->fields['itemtype']) && !empty($this->fields['itemtype'])) { $itemtype = $this->fields['itemtype']; $itemtype = new $itemtype(); $itemtype::dropdown([ 'name' => "items_id", 'value' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'rand' => $rand ]); } else { Dropdown::showFromArray( 'items_id', [], [ 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'rand' => $rand ] ); } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_racks_id$rand'>" . Rack::getTypeName(1) . "</label></td>"; echo "<td>"; Rack::dropdown(['value' => $this->fields["racks_id"], 'rand' => $rand]); echo "</td>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_position$rand'>" . __('Position') . "</label></td>"; echo "<td >"; Dropdown::showNumber( 'position', [ 'value' => $this->fields["position"], 'min' => 1, 'max' => $rack->fields['number_units'], 'step' => 1, 'used' => $rack->getFilled($this->fields['itemtype'], $this->fields['items_id']), 'rand' => $rand ] ); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_orientation$rand'>" . __('Orientation (front rack point of view)') . "</label></td>"; echo "<td >"; Dropdown::showFromArray( 'orientation', [ Rack::FRONT => __('Front'), Rack::REAR => __('Rear') ], [ 'value' => $this->fields["orientation"], 'rand' => $rand ] ); echo "</td>"; echo "<td><label for='bgcolor$rand'>" . __('Background color') . "</label></td>"; echo "<td>"; Html::showColorField( 'bgcolor', [ 'value' => $this->fields['bgcolor'], 'rand' => $rand ] ); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_hpos$rand'>" . __('Horizontal position (from rack point of view)') . "</label></td>"; echo "<td>"; Dropdown::showFromArray( 'hpos', [ Rack::POS_NONE => __('None'), Rack::POS_LEFT => __('Left'), Rack::POS_RIGHT => __('Right') ], [ 'value' => $this->fields['hpos'], 'rand' => $rand ] ); echo "</td>"; echo "<td><label for='dropdown_is_reserved$rand'>" . __('Reserved position?') . "</label></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo Html::scriptBlock(" var toggleUsed = function(reserved) { if (reserved == 1) { $('#used_$rand').val('" . json_encode($used_reserved) . "'); } else { $('#used_$rand').val('" . json_encode($used) . "'); } // force change of itemtype dropdown to have a correct (with empty/filled used input) // filtered items list $('#dropdown_itemtype$rand').trigger('change'); } "); Dropdown::showYesNo( 'is_reserved', $this->fields['is_reserved'], -1, [ 'rand' => $rand, 'on_change' => 'toggleUsed(this.value)' ] ); $entities = $rack->fields['entities_id']; if ($rack->fields['is_recursive']) { $entities = getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $entities); } Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent( ["dropdown_itemtype$rand", "dropdown_is_reserved$rand", "used_$rand"], "items_id", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/dropdownAllItems.php", [ 'idtable' => '__VALUE0__', 'name' => 'items_id', 'value' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'rand' => $rand, 'is_reserved' => '__VALUE1__', 'used' => '__VALUE2__', 'entity_restrict' => $entities, ] ); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $this->showFormButtons($options); return true; } public function post_getEmpty() { $this->fields['bgcolor'] = '#69CEBA'; } /** * Get cell content * * @param mixed $cell Rack cell (array or false) * * @return string */ private static function getCell($cell, $readonly = false) { if ($cell) { $item = $cell['item']; $gs_item = $cell['gs_item']; $name = $gs_item['name']; $typename = is_object($item) ? $item->getTypeName() : ""; $serial = is_object($item) ? $item->fields['serial'] : ""; $otherserial = is_object($item) ? $item->fields['otherserial'] : ""; $model = is_object($item) && isset($cell['model']) && is_object($cell['model']) && isset($cell['model']->fields['name']) ? $cell['model']->fields['name'] : ''; $rear = $gs_item['rear']; $back_class = $rear ? "item_rear" : "item_front"; $half_class = $gs_item['half_rack'] ? "half_rack" : ""; $reserved = $gs_item['reserved']; $reserved_cl = $reserved ? "reserved" : ""; $icon = $reserved ? self::getItemIcon("Reserved") : self::getItemIcon(get_class($item)); $bg_color = $gs_item['bgcolor']; if ($item->maybeDeleted() && $item->isDeleted()) { $bg_color = '#ff0000'; //red for deleted items } $fg_color = !empty($bg_color) ? Html::getInvertedColor($gs_item['bgcolor']) : ""; $fg_color_s = "color: $fg_color;"; $img_class = ""; $img_s = ""; if ($gs_item['picture_f'] && !$rear && !$reserved) { $img_s = "background: $bg_color url(\"" . $gs_item['picture_f'] . "\") no-repeat top left/100% 100%;"; $img_class = 'with_picture'; } if ($gs_item['picture_r'] && $rear && !$reserved) { $img_s = "background: $bg_color url(\"" . $gs_item['picture_r'] . "\") no-repeat top left/100% 100%;"; $img_class = 'with_picture'; } $tip = "<span class='tipcontent'>"; $tip .= "<span> <label>" . ($rear ? __("asset rear side") : __("asset front side")) . " </label> </span>"; if (!empty($typename)) { $tip .= "<span> <label>" . _n('Type', 'Types', 1) . ":</label> $typename </span>"; } if (!empty($name)) { $tip .= "<span> <label>" . __('name') . ":</label> $name </span>"; } if (!empty($serial)) { $tip .= "<span> <label>" . __('serial') . ":</label> $serial </span>"; } if (!empty($otherserial)) { $tip .= "<span> <label>" . __('Inventory number') . ":</label> $otherserial </span>"; } if (!empty($model)) { $tip .= "<span> <label>" . __('model') . ":</label> $model </span>"; } $tip .= "</span>"; $readonly_attr = $readonly ? 'gs-no-move="true"' : ''; return " <div class='grid-stack-item pdu-grid {$back_class} {$half_class} {$reserved_cl} {$img_class}' gs-w='{$gs_item['width']}' gs-h='{$gs_item['height']}' gs-x='{$gs_item['x']}' gs-y='{$gs_item['y']}' gs-id='{$gs_item['id']}' gs-locked='true' {$readonly_attr} style='background-color: $bg_color; color: $fg_color;'> <div class='grid-stack-item-content' style='$fg_color_s $img_s'> $icon" . (!empty($gs_item['url']) ? "<a href='{$gs_item['url']}' class='itemrack_name' style='$fg_color_s'>{$gs_item['name']}</a>" : "<span class='itemrack_name'>" . $gs_item['name'] . "</span>") . " <a href='{$gs_item['rel_url']}'> <i class='fa fa-pencil-alt rel-link' style='$fg_color_s' title='" . __("Edit rack relation") . "'></i> </a> $tip </div> </div>"; } return false; } /** * Return an i html tag with a dedicated icon for the itemtype * @param string $itemtype A rackable itemtype * @return string The i html tag */ private static function getItemIcon($itemtype = "") { $icon = ""; switch ($itemtype) { case "Computer": $icon = "ti ti-server"; break; case "Reserved": $icon = "ti ti-lock"; break; default: $icon = $itemtype::getIcon(); break; } if (!empty($icon)) { $icon = "<i class='item_rack_icon $icon'></i>"; } return $icon; } public function prepareInputForAdd($input) { return $this->prepareInput($input); } public function prepareInputForUpdate($input) { return $this->prepareInput($input); } /** * Prepares input (for update and add) * * @param array $input Input data * * @return array */ private function prepareInput($input) { $error_detected = []; $itemtype = !$this->isNewItem() ? $this->fields['itemtype'] : null; $items_id = !$this->isNewItem() ? $this->fields['items_id'] : null; $racks_id = !$this->isNewItem() ? $this->fields['racks_id'] : null; $position = !$this->isNewItem() ? $this->fields['position'] : null; $hpos = !$this->isNewItem() ? $this->fields['hpos'] : null; $orientation = !$this->isNewItem() ? $this->fields['orientation'] : null; //check for requirements if ( ($this->isNewItem() && (!isset($input['itemtype']) || empty($input['itemtype']))) || (isset($input['itemtype']) && empty($input['itemtype'])) ) { $error_detected[] = __('An item type is required'); } if ( ($this->isNewItem() && (!isset($input['items_id']) || empty($input['items_id']))) || (isset($input['items_id']) && empty($input['items_id'])) ) { $error_detected[] = __('An item is required'); } if ( ($this->isNewItem() && (!isset($input['racks_id']) || empty($input['racks_id']))) || (isset($input['racks_id']) && empty($input['racks_id'])) ) { $error_detected[] = __('A rack is required'); } if ( ($this->isNewItem() && (!isset($input['position']) || empty($input['position']))) || (isset($input['position']) && empty($input['position'])) ) { $error_detected[] = __('A position is required'); } if (isset($input['itemtype'])) { $itemtype = $input['itemtype']; } if (isset($input['items_id'])) { $items_id = $input['items_id']; } if (isset($input['racks_id'])) { $racks_id = $input['racks_id']; } if (isset($input['position'])) { $position = $input['position']; } if (isset($input['hpos'])) { $hpos = $input['hpos']; } if (isset($input['orientation'])) { $orientation = $input['orientation']; } if (!count($error_detected)) { //check if required U are available at position $rack = new Rack(); $rack->getFromDB($racks_id); if ($this->isNewItem()) { $filled = $rack->getFilled(); } else { // If object is existing, exclude current state from used positions $filled = $rack->getFilled($this->fields['itemtype'], $this->fields['items_id']); } $item = new $itemtype(); $item->getFromDB($items_id); $model_class = $item->getType() . 'Model'; $modelsfield = strtolower($item->getType()) . 'models_id'; $model = new $model_class(); $required_units = 1; $width = 1; $depth = 1; if ($model->getFromDB($item->fields[$modelsfield])) { if ($model->fields['required_units'] > 1) { $required_units = $model->fields['required_units']; } if ($model->fields['is_half_rack'] == 1) { if ($this->isNewItem() && !isset($input['hpos']) || $input['hpos'] == 0) { $error_detected[] = __('You must define an horizontal position for this item'); } $width = 0.5; } if ($model->fields['depth'] != 1) { if ($this->isNewItem() && !isset($input['orientation'])) { $error_detected[] = __('You must define an orientation for this item'); } $depth = $model->fields['depth']; } } if ( $position > $rack->fields['number_units'] || $position + $required_units > $rack->fields['number_units'] + 1 ) { $error_detected[] = __('Item is out of rack bounds'); } else if (!count($error_detected)) { $i = 0; while ($i < $required_units) { $current_position = $position + $i; if (isset($filled[$current_position])) { $content_filled = $filled[$current_position]; if ($hpos == Rack::POS_NONE || $hpos == Rack::POS_LEFT) { $d = 0; while ($d / 4 < $depth) { $pos = ($orientation == Rack::REAR) ? 3 - $d : $d; $val = 1; if (isset($content_filled[Rack::POS_LEFT][$pos]) && $content_filled[Rack::POS_LEFT][$pos] != 0) { $error_detected[] = __('Not enough space available to place item'); break 2; } ++$d; } } if ($hpos == Rack::POS_NONE || $hpos == Rack::POS_RIGHT) { $d = 0; while ($d / 4 < $depth) { $pos = ($orientation == Rack::REAR) ? 3 - $d : $d; $val = 1; if (isset($content_filled[Rack::POS_RIGHT][$pos]) && $content_filled[Rack::POS_RIGHT][$pos] != 0) { $error_detected[] = __('Not enough space available to place item'); break 2; } ++$d; } } } ++$i; } } } if (count($error_detected)) { foreach ($error_detected as $error) { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect( $error, true, ERROR ); } return false; } return $input; } protected function computeFriendlyName() { $rack = new Rack(); $rack->getFromDB($this->fields['racks_id']); $name = sprintf( __('Item for rack "%1$s"'), $rack->getName() ); return $name; } public static function getIcon() { return Rack::getIcon(); } }