Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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v�M�Y��	}�W�g	�"Migration cleaner" tool"session.auto_start" and "session.use_trans_sid" must be set to off."session.auto_start" must be set to off."session.use_trans_sid" must be set to off.%.1f Gbit/s%1$d day %2$dh%3$s%1$d days %2$dh%3$s%1$d on %2$d%1$dh%2$s%1$s%1$s #%2$s%1$s %2$s%1$s (%2$s)%1$s + %2$s%1$s - %2$s%1$s - Error during the database query: %2$s - Error is %3$s%1$s - ID %2$d%1$s - Network outlet %2$s%1$s - The port %2$s%1$s - replay rules on existing database: %2$s/%3$s (%4$s Mio)%1$s / %2$s%1$s < %2$s%1$s <> %2$s%1$s = %2$s%1$s > %2$s%1$s account net value%1$s adds an item%1$s adds the item %2$s%1$s adds the item %2$s (%3$d)%1$s adds the license %2$s%1$s adds the reservation %2$s for item %3$s%1$s adds the version %2$s%1$s by %2$s%1$s deletes the license %2$s%1$s log in from IP %2$s%1$s of %2$s: %3$s%1$s on %2$s%1$s purges the license %2$s%1$s purges the reservation for item %2$s%1$s purges the version %2$s%1$s satisfaction survey (%2$s)%1$s trying to add an item that already exists: %2$s%1$s updates the item %2$s%1$s updates the license %2$s%1$s updates the version %2$s%1$s value%1$s%2$d days %3$d hours %4$d minutes%1$s%2$d days %3$d hours %4$d minutes %5$d seconds%1$s%2$d hours %3$d minutes%1$s%2$d hours %3$d minutes %4$d seconds%1$s%2$d minute%1$s%2$d minutes%1$s%2$d minutes %3$d seconds%1$s%2$s%1$s%2$s second%1$s%2$s seconds%1$s, %2$s%1$s: %2$s%1$s: from %2$s to %3$s:%d Gbit/s%d Mbit/s%d day%d days%d hour%d hours%d minute%d minutes%d month%d months%d new ticket%d new tickets%d printed page%d printed pages%d view%d views%d week%d weeks%d year%d years%d%%%s Mio%s Mio max%s adds a comment on knowledge base%s adds a cost%s adds a followup%s adds a link with a supplier%s adds a link with an item%s adds a link with an knowledge base%s adds a target%s adds a task%s adds a team member%s adds a user to a group%s adds a user to an entity%s adds a virtual machine%s adds a volume%s adds an actor%s adds an alert%s adds an antivirus%s adds an approval%s adds an item%s adds cartridges%s adds consumables%s adds several network ports%s adds the item%s approves or refuses a solution%s associates a VLAN to a network port%s associates a network name to an item%s associates a type%s connects an item%s deletes an actor%s deletes an item%s deletes several network ports%s deletes users from a group%s disconnects an item%s edit a comment on knowledge base%s gives a consumable%s hour%s hours%s installs a cartridge%s installs software%s is not writable%s item%s items%s items/sec%s makes a bad usage.%s purges a cartridge%s purges a cost%s purges a followup%s purges a sla level%s purges a task%s purges a virtual machine%s purges a volume%s purges an alert%s purges an antivirus%s purges an approval%s purges an item%s purges an ola level%s purges link between tickets%s replaces an item%s restores an item%s second%s seconds%s sets unitary management%s start%s starts%s stop%s stops%s ticket in progress or recently solved on this item.%s tickets in progress or recently solved on this item.%s tries to use a non standard path.%s updates a cartridge%s updates a cost%s updates a followup%s updates a sla level%s updates a task%s updates a virtual machine%s updates a volume%s updates an alert%s updates an antivirus%s updates an approval%s updates an item%s updates an ola level%s: send cartridge alert failed%s: send consumable alert failed(%1$d authorizations problems, %2$d failures)(leave the field empty for a generation from HTML)+ %d day+ %d days+ %d hour+ %d hours+ %d minute+ %d minutes+ %d month+ %d months+ %d week+ %d weeks+ %d year+ %d years- %d day- %d days- %d hour- %d hours- %d minute- %d minutes- %d month- %d months- %d week- %d weeks- %d year- %d years... From an external source1- Critical (login error only)2- Severe (not used)24/73- Important (successful logins)4- Notices (add, delete, tracking)5- Complete (all)A PHP extension stopped the file uploadA minimum of 64 Mio is commonly required for GLPI.A new version is available: %s.A validation request has been submittedANDAND NOTANVAPIAPI DocumentationAPI clientAPI clientsAPI disabledAPI tokenATXAcceptedAccepted mail archive folder (optional)Access deniedAccount net valueAccount numberActionActionsAction completed, fully processedAction completed, no processing requiredAction completed, partially processedAction typeAction when a user is deleted from the LDAP directoryActionsActions refusedActiveActive DirectoryActorAd-hocAd-hoc (without access point)AddAdd API clientAdd a LDAP directory replicaAdd a changeAdd a close timeAdd a compatible printer modelAdd a contactAdd a contractAdd a correct IP to the network portAdd a criterionAdd a documentAdd a followup to tickets (requester)Add a followup to tickets of associated groupsAdd a hidden fieldAdd a link with an itemAdd a mandatory fieldAdd a networkAdd a network aliasAdd a network nameAdd a new actionAdd a new componentAdd a new costAdd a new followupAdd a new taskAdd a new translationAdd a predefined fieldAdd a problemAdd a projectAdd a scheduleAdd a supplierAdd a targetAdd a team memberAdd a template...Add a ticketAdd a userAdd a user without accreditation from a LDAP directoryAdd a virtual machineAdd a volumeAdd an actorAdd an antivirusAdd an authorization to a userAdd an escalation levelAdd an itemAdd an item typeAdd cartridgesAdd dateAdd date_creation to %sAdd date_mod to %sAdd documents into ticket notificationsAdd externalAdd followup (associated groups)Add followup (requester)Add new devicesAdd of - %s to databaseAdd several portsAdd the itemAdd the result of regular expressionAdd to all itemsAdd to all ticketsAdd to scheduleAdd user...Add users from an external sourceAdded by %sAdditional headersAddressAddressable networkAdministrationAdministration of reservationsAdministratorAdministrator nameAdvanced informationAfterAggregation portAlarms on cartridgesAlarms on consumablesAlarms on contractsAlarms on expired licensesAlarms on financial and administrative informationAlarms optionsAlert me when unlockedAlert on duplicate recordAlert sent on %sAlert thresholdAlerts on reservationsAlerts on tickets which are not solvedAlerts on tickets which are not solved sinceAlias portAllAll categoriesAll dashboardsAll itemsAll linked ticketsAll my articlesAll pages in CSVAll pages in SLKAll pages in landscape PDFAll pages in portrait PDFAll reservable devicesAll unpublished articlesAllocated memoryAllow FAQ anonymous accessAllow anonymous followups (receiver)Allow anonymous ticket creation (helpdesk.receiver)Alternate usernameAlternate username numberAlternate username updated. The connected items have been updated using this alternate username.AltitudeAlwaysAlways dereferencedAmortization coefficientAmortization durationAmortization typeAn addressable network is a network defined on an equipmentAn answer to a validation request was producedAn approval request has been submitted by %sAn email to %s was added to queueAn email was sent to %sAnalysisAntivirusAntivirusesAntivirus versionAny solution statusAppend a correct gateway to the network %sApplication tokenAppliedApprovalApprovalsApproval commentsApproval dateApproval granted by %sApproval of the solutionApproval requestApproval request to requester group managerApproval requesterApproval statusApprovals for the ticketApproverAprilArchitectureArchitecturesArchives log files and deletes aging onesArchiving log file: %1$s to %2$sAre you sure you want to delete the dashboard %s ?Are you sure you want to return this non-reservable item?As child ofAs soon as possibleAsk for unlockAsset lifecycleAssetsAssets DashboardAssignAssign a SLAAssign a ticketAssign equipmentAssign the value from regular expressionAssign: equipment by IP addressAssign: equipment by MAC addressAssign: equipment by name + domainAssignedAssigned toAssigned to a supplierAssigned to groupsAssigned to techniciansAssistanceAssociable items to a ticketAssociable to a ticketAssociate a VLANAssociate myselfAssociate to a groupAssociate to a profileAssociated contactAssociated contactsAssociated contractAssociated contractsAssociated elementAssociated elementsAssociated itemAssociated itemsAssociated item IDAssociated item typeAssociated item typesAssociated supplierAssociated suppliersAssociationAt all eventsAt least one field has an incorrect valueAttribute of the user containing its groupsAttribute representing entityAttribute valueAugustAuthenticationAuthentication on GLPI databaseAuthentication on a LDAP directoryAuthentication on mail serverAuthorizationAuthorizationsAuthorization errorAuthorizations assignment rulesAuthorize reservationsAuthorized uploadAuthorsAuto LoginAuto login disabledAuto-Submitted email headerAuto-lock ModeAutofill dates for financial and administrative informationAutomaticAutomatic actionAutomatic actionsAutomatic actions of SLAAutomatic assignment of ticketsAutomatic closing configurationAutomatic closing of solved tickets afterAutomatic fields (marked by *)Automatic inventoryAutomatic reminders of SLAAutomatic reminders of SLAsAutomatic tickets closingAutomatic user assignmentAutomatically add a user of an external sourceAutomatically add users from an external authentication sourceAutomatically generated by GLPI %sAutomatically update of the elements related to the computersAvailabilityAvailableAverageAverage countAverage number of printed pagesAverage real duration of treatment of the ticketAverage satisfactionAverage speedAverage timeAverage time in stockAverage time in useAverage time to closureAverage time to resolutionAverage time to take into accountBNCBackBack to planningBack to stockBackup planBaseDNBased on the category then the itemBased on the item then the categoryBatteryBatteriesBattery typeBattery typesBe careful: there is no default valueBeforeBeginBegin dateBegin hour of run periodBeginning of the installationBeginning of the monthBeginning of the yearBelonging to groupsBinding to the LDAP directoryBlacklistBlacklistsBlacklisted for importBlacklisted mail contentBlankBlank TemplateBrandBring downBring upBudgetBudgetsBudget typeBudget typesBuilding numberBulk import groups from a LDAP directoryBulk import users from a LDAP directoryBulk modificationBulk modification errorBusiness rules for ticket (entity parent)Business rules for ticketsBusiness rules for tickets (entity)ByBy %sBy changeBy contractBy dayBy default, a software may be linked to a ticketBy entityBy hardwareBy hardware characteristicsBy locationBy problemBy ticketBy yearCASCAS HostCAS authenticationCLICSSCSVCSV delimiterCacheCalendarCalendarsCalendar of the ticketCan be managerCan be notifiedCan containCan not add a range riding an existing periodCan't connect to the databaseCan't connect to the database.Can't create the database connection file, please verify file permissions.Can't get DB lockCan't startCancelCancel the approval request to %sCannot change a migration network port to an unknown oneCannot update item: not enough right on the parent(s) item(s)CapacityCapacity by defaultCaptionCartridgeCartridgesCartridge modelCartridge modelsCartridge typeCartridge typesCartridges alarmCaseCasesCase typeCase typesCategory nameCategory treeCausesCaution! You are not the author of this element. Delete targets can result in loss of access to that element.Caution! You will update the GLPI database named: %sCaution: you're about to remove a heading used for one or more items.CertificateCertificatesCertificate %1$s expired on %2$sCertificate typeCertificate typesChangeChangesChange %1$s to %2$sChange of the authentication methodChange of the database layout - %sChange taskChange tasksChange the priorityChangesChanges on linked itemsCharacteristicsCheck allCheck all asCheck certificateCheck for new updatesCheck if a new version is availableCheck permissions to the directory: %sCheck the SQL replicaCheck your personnal informationCheck/uncheck allChecking of the compatibility of your environment with the execution of GLPIChecking write permissions for session filesChecklistChecksumChild entitiesChild groupsChipsetChoose 'Install' for a completely new installation of GLPI.Choose a templateChoose an existing deviceCityCleanClean %1$d graph file created since more than %2$s secondsClean %1$d graph files created since more than %2$s secondsClean %1$d session file created since more than %2$s secondsClean %1$d session files created since more than %2$s secondsClean expired sessionsClean generated graphicsClean notification queueClean old logsClean temporary filesClean the network port migration errorsClearClear statusCloneClone this dashboardCloseClose dateClose timeClose timesClosedClosed %1$s (%2$s)Closed on %sClosing dateClosing of the ticketClosing timeClosureClosure of a problemCodeCollect dataColorCommentsComments on financial and administrative informationComments to the satisfaction surveyCommonCommon optionsComplete nameComponentComponentsComputerComputersComputer modelComputer modelsComputer typeComputer typesComputer's nameConditionConfiguring the satisfaction surveyConfirm the final deletion?Connect a computerConnect an itemConnected devicesConnected toConnectionConnectionsConnection by dial line - Dialup PortConnection errorsConnection failedConnection failed. If you use a proxy, please configure it. (%s)Connection filterConnection optionsConnection stringConnection to database failed, verify the connection parameters included in config_db.php fileConsumableConsumablesConsumable modelConsumable modelsConsumable typeConsumable typesConsumables alarmContactContactsContact of project teamContact typeContact typesContact your GLPI admin!ContentContinueContract endedContract entered in notice timeContract entered in notice time for periodContract expired since theContract period endedContract reached the end of a period since theContract renewal periodContract typeContract typesContract with notice for the current period since theContract with notice since theContracts alarmContracts expired in the last 30 daysContracts expiring in less than 30 daysContracts expiring in less than 7 daysContracts where notice begins in less than 30 daysContracts where notice begins in less than 7 daysControl listControllerControllersCopyCopy computer statusCopy from itemCopy from userCopy the date of purchaseCopy the delivery dateCopy the order dateCopy the start date of warrantyCoresCostCostsCould not connect to mailgate serverCould not find mailgate %dCounter errorCountryCreateCreate a change from this problemCreate a change from this ticketCreate a new database or use an existing one:Create a new network nameCreate a problem from this ticketCreate a sub project from this projectCreate a ticketCreate a ticket from this taskCreate a validation request for a requestCreate a validation request for an incidentCreate by %1$s on %2$sCreate for incidentCreate for requestCreate survey afterCreate the directory %sCreate ticketCreated from the template %sCreated on %sCreated ticketsCreation dateCreation date of the satisfaction surveyCreatorCriteria refusedCriterionCriteriaCritical state colorCritical state thresholdCurrent and future reservationsCurrent counter of pagesCurrent fileCurrent page in CSVCurrent page in SLKCurrent page in landscape PDFCurrent page in portrait PDFDD=DynamicD=Dynamic, R=RecursiveDD-MM-YYYYDEBUGDVIDashboardDashboardsDataData migration - %sDatabase connection setupDatabase connection successfulDatabase createdDateDatesDate formatDate of last physical inventoryDate of purchaseDate of solvingDayDaysDays to keep sent emailsDebugDebug mode has been disabled!Debug mode has been enabled!DecemberDecision-makerDecommission dateDecreasingDefault characters limit (summary text boxes)Default decimals limitDefault displayDefault emailDefault entityDefault file size limit imported by the mails receiverDefault for followup mail recipientsDefault for followupsDefault for mail recipientsDefault for ticketsDefault for tickets (mini dashboard)Default heading when adding a document to a ticketDefault languageDefault logins / passwords are:Default profileDefault reportDefault searchDefault search results limit (page)Default serverDefault statusDefault threshold for cartridges countDefault threshold for consumables countDefault ticket templateDefault translationDefault url length limitDefault valueDefault value for alarms on contractsDefault value for alarms on financial and administrative informationDefault valuesDelay to send email notificationsDelegateeDeleteDelete a link with an itemDelete an itemDelete emailsDelete permanentlyDelete the itemDelete this dashboardDeletedDeleted user in LDAP directoryDeleting a problemDeletion of a followupDeletion of a projectDeletion of a project taskDeletion of a reservationDeletion of a taskDeletion of a ticketDeletion of archived log file: %sDeletion refusedDelivery dateDelivery formDeployment planDepthDereferenced during the search (but not when locating)Dereferenced when locating (not during the search)Describe the incident or requestDescribe your issueDescriptionDestination entityDeviceDevicesDevice 1Device 2Device listDevice modelDevice modelsDevice nameDevice reservations expiring todayDevice temporarily unavailableDevice typeDevice typesDevices own by my groupsDevices typeDevices typesDictionaryDictionariesDictionary of manufacturersDictionnary of computer modelsDictionnary of computer typesDictionnary of device modelsDictionnary of device typesDictionnary of monitor typesDictionnary of network equipment typesDictionnary of networking equipment modelsDictionnary of operating system architecturesDictionnary of operating system versionsDictionnary of operating systemsDictionnary of phone modelsDictionnary of phone typesDictionnary of printer modelsDictionnary of printer typesDictionnary of printersDictionnary of service packsDictionnary of softwareDigitDirect connectionsDisableDisable filtering by dateDisabledDisabled pluginDisplay (number of items)Display all itemsDisplay optionsDisplay order of surnames firstnamesDisplay reportDisplay the complete name in tree dropdownsDisplayPortDissociate a VLANDissociate from a groupDissociate from a profileDo not copyDo not deleteDo you really want to use unitary management for this item?Do you want to continue?DocumentDocumentsDocument Ticket %dDocument copy succeeded.Document headingDocument headingsDocument move succeeded.Document typeDocument typesDocumentationSummaryDocumentsDoerDoes not expireDomainDomainsDoneDownloadDownload URLDownload user VCardDrag and drop your file here, orDriveDrivesDropdownDropdownsDropdowns dictionaryDue date progressionDuplicate the element as many times as there are connectionsDuplicated byDuplicated ticketsDuplicatesDurationDuration of surveyDynamicDynamic displayERROR: %s is not writableESSIDEach dayEach monthEach month, same dateEach month, same day of weekEach weekEditEffective durationEmailEmailsEmail %s not found. Impossible import.Email FollowupEmail HTML bodyEmail addressEmail alarmsEmail attribute for x509 authenticationEmail bodyEmail domain Name (users email will be login@domain)Email followupEmail followups configurationEmail for followupEmail not found. Impossible importEmail notificationEmail notificationsEmail notifications are disabledEmail serverEmail server for authenticationEmail signatureEmail text bodyEmpty login or passwordEnableEnable Rest APIEnable filtering by dateEnable followupEnable high contrastEnable notifications by defaultEnable the financial and administrative informationEnable the financial and administrative information by defaultEndEnd + NoticeEnd at %sEnd dateEnd hour of run periodEnd of contractEnd of lifeEnter the first letters (user, item name, serial or asset number)Entities assignmentEntityEntitiesEntity administratorEntity based on LDAP informationEntity based on user's profileEntity dropdownsEntity for software creationEntity from TAGEntity from complete nameEntity from domainEntity from mail domainEntity not foundEntity rightEnvironmentEquipment without network cardEquipment's report by yearErrorError / to cleanError in creating database!Error in entering dates. The starting date is later than the ending dateError in sending the emailError inserting email to queueError on executing the actionError reading directory %sError replaying rulesError retrieving RSS feedError when parsing HTTP_REFERER. Reload previous page before doing action again.Error: %s is not a directoryError: the two passwords do not matchEscalation levelEscalation levelsEscalations defined in the SLA will be triggered under this new date.EthernetEthernet portEthernet port speedEthernet port typeEvaluationEventEventsEvent typeEvents typeExecuteExecutionExpected send dateExpert modeExpirationExpiration dateExpiration date + noticeExportExpressExtensionExternalExternal authentication sourcesExternal authenticationsExternal linkExternal linksExternal surveyFAQFAQ itemFQDNFQDN is not validFQDN must not be emptyFailed login for %1$s from IP %2$sFailed operationFailed to connect to the proxy server (%s)Failed to create the directory %s. Verify that you have the correct permissionFailed to delete the file %1$s (%2$s)Failed to delete the file %sFailed to send test email to administratorFailed to write file to diskFatherFaxFebruaryFiber channel portFieldFieldsField itemtype is mandatoryField storage of the login in the HTTP requestFields storage of the login in the HTTP requestFieldsFields unicityFileFile %s not found.File contentFile is altered (bad checksum)File is too bigFile is too smallFile move failedFile move failed.File not foundFile systemFile systemsFile too large to be added.Filetype not allowedFill when shifting to state %sFilter to search in groupsFinancial and administrative informationFinancial and administratives informationFind a free item in a specific periodFind computers in GLPI having the statusFinished stateFirstFirst ItemFirst nameFirst name, SurnameFirst/last addresses: %1$s/%2$sFixed costFlag change forbidden. Linked items found.FlowFollowupFollowupsFollowup authorFor security reasons, please change the password for the default users: %sFor security reasons, please remove file: %sFor this type of item, the financial and administrative information are only a model for the items which you should add.For tickets closed afterForce synchronizationForgotten password?Former technician in charge of the ticketFree percentageFree sizeFrequencyFrequency by defaultFridayFrom %1$s to %2$sFrom %sFrom \ ToFrom email headerFront pictureFully Qualified Domain Name. Use the classical notation (labels separated by dots). For example: indepnet.netGLPIGLPI internal databaseGLPI server time zoneGMTGatewayGateway not include inside the networkGateway: %sGeneralGeneral setupGeneration of satisfaction surveysGioGive toGiven toGlobalGlobal ViewGlobal approval statusGlobal criteriaGlobal dictionaryGlobal displaysGlobal dropdownGlobal dropdownsGlobal managementGlobal rightGlobal searchGlobal sizeGo back to GLPIGo to created item after creationGrantedGranted + Not subject to approvalGraphics cardGraphics cardsGroupGroupsGroup DNGroup ViewGroup assigned to taskGroup attribute containing its usersGroup except manager usersGroup in charge of the hardwareGroup in charge of the ticketGroup in charge of the ticket except manager usersGroup of project teamGroup of project team except manager usersGroup treeHDMIHard driveHard drivesHard drive sizeHard drive typeHardware financial and administrative informationHardware typeHardware under contractHardware userHeadingHeadsetHelpHelpdesk reporting formHidden fieldHidden fieldsHistoricalHits rateHomeHourHoursHow LDAP aliases should be handledI don't understand why this migration error is not deleted.IDID TAGIMAPIPIP addressIP addressesIP networkIP networksIP network is not included in the database. However, you can see current available networks.IP network: %1$s/%2$sIP versionIPv4 address rangeIPv6 addressIcalIconIf approval is denied, specify a reason.If contacts are no longer usedIf contracts are no longer usedIf devices are no longer usedIf documents are no longer usedIf monitors are no longer usedIf phones are no longer usedIf printers are no longer usedIf software are no longer usedIf suppliers are no longer usedIf synced (all changes)If synced (current user changes)If synced or read-only accountIf the cartridge types are no longer usedIf you confirm the deletion, all uses of this dropdown will be blanked.If you reject the solution, you must specify a reasonIgnored value for the unicityIgnored values for the unicityImage exceeds maximum heightImage exceeds maximum widthImage requires a minimum heightImage requires a minimum widthImmediatlyImmobilization numberImpactImpactsImportImport a userImport entities from LDAP directoryImport from directoriesImport from other sourcesImport new usersImport of new groupsImport optionsImport rules from a XML fileImpossible record for %sImpossible to accomplish an update by this way!Impossible to use CAS as external source of connectionImpossible to use LDAP as external source of connectionImpossible to use the database:Impossible to write the database setup fileIn groupsIn stockIn usersIn users and groupsIn-Reply-To email headerInactiveIncidentIncoming mail folder (optional, often INBOX)Incompatible itemsIncorrect passwordIncorrect username or passwordInfiniteInformation about system installation and configurationInformation in inventory tool (TAG) representing the entityInfrastructure (with access point)Inheritance of the parent entityInitial contract periodInitial page counterInitialization of the databaseInstallInstallationInstallationsInstallation dateInstallation or update of GLPIInstalled softwareInstalling a cartridgeIntended actionInterfaceInterface type (Hard drive...)Interface types (Hard drive...)InternalInternal surveyInternetInternet domainInternet domainsInternet informationInvalid IP addressInvalid address or netmaskInvalid attached fileInvalid configuration for %1$s folder in receiver %2$sInvalid cookie dataInvalid dates. Update cancelled.Invalid email addressInvalid filenameInvalid frequency. It must be greater than the preliminary creation.Invalid gateway addressInvalid input format for the networkInvalid internet name: %sInvalid network (already defined or with invalid addresses)Invalid network addressInvalid processInvalid subnet maskInvalid use of session IDInventoryInventory numberInvitation to fill out the surveyInvoice numberInvoice periodIs up to dateIt is possible to affect the result of a regular expression using the string #0It's mandatory to select a type and at least one fieldItemItemsItem IDItem NameItem TypeItem URLItem already definedItem groupItem in the trashbinItem locationItem locksItem not foundItem not linked to an objectItem reaching the end of warranty on %1$s: %2$sItem successfully addedItem successfully added but duplicate record onItem successfully added but duplicate record on %sItem successfully deletedItem successfully purgedItem successfully restoredItem successfully updatedItem typeItems seenItems to transferJanuaryJulyJuneJust follow this link (you have one day):KeepKeep statusKeep tickets when purging hardware in the inventoryKeyKioKnowledge baseKnowledge base administrationKnowledge base categoryKnowledge base categoriesKnowledge base item has been reverted to revision %sKnowledge base item has not been reverted to revision %sKnowledge base item translation has been reverted to revision %sKnowledge base item translation has not been reverted to revision %sKnowledge base translationKnown mail domainLDAP criteriaLDAP criterionLDAP criteriaLDAP directoryLDAP directoriesLDAP directory choiceLDAP directory for authenticationLDAP directory information attribute representing the entityLDAP directory linkLDAP directory of an entityLDAP directory time zoneLDAP filter associated to the entity (if necessary)LabelLang has been changed!LanguageLastLast %d changeLast %d changesLast %d eventsLast %d problemLast %d problemsLast %d ticketLast %d ticketsLast changesLast edit byLast loginLast login on %sLast monthLast problemsLast runLast run listLast solution statusLast synchronizationLast synchronization on %sLast ticketsLast updateLast update by %1$s on %2$sLast update in GLPILast update in the LDAP directoryLast update on %sLast updated entriesLast updaterLateLatitudeLaunchLevelLicenseLicensesLicense %1$s expired on %2$sLicense typeLicense typesLife cycle of changesLife cycle of problemsLife cycle of ticketsLife cyclesLifelongLimit of the schedules for planningLinearLinkLinksLink Contact/SupplierLinks Contact/SupplierLink Contract/ItemLinks Contract/ItemLink Problem/ChangeLinks Problem/ChangeLink Ticket/ChangeLinks Ticket/ChangeLink Ticket/ProblemLinks Ticket/ProblemLink Ticket/Project taskLinks Ticket/Project taskLink if possibleLink if possible, otherwise imports declinedLink or filenameLink with items for the creation of ticketsLinked ticketLinked ticketsLinked toLinks between cartridge types and cartridgesLinks between computers and volumesLinks between consumable types and consumablesLinks between printers and cartridge types and cartridgesLinks between suppliers and contactsListList of LDAP directory replicatesList of available tagsList of not imported emailsList of the hardware under contractList of translationsList of valuesLoading...LoanLocal loop portLocal network portLocal rules: %sLocationLocationsLocation commentsLocation nameLocation treeLocation updated. The connected items have been moved in the same location.LockLocksLock a link with an itemLock an itemLock dateLock the itemLocked byLocked by you!Locked dateLocked fieldLocked fieldsLocked itemsLocking UserLogLogsLog LevelLog connectionsLog inLog in againLog out fallback URLLogical operatorLoginLogin fieldLogoutLogs in files (SQL, email, automatic action...)LongitudeLowercaseMACMAC addressMAC address by defaultMHzMIME typeMM-DD-YYYYMachineMail domainMail domain surrogates entityMail serverMail serversMail testMails receiverMainMain server %sMaintenance modeMake a reservationMake availableMake unavailableManage templates...ManagedManaged itemsManagementManagement typeManager groupManager group except manager usersManager of groupManager of group of project teamManager of the group in charge of the ticketMandatory fieldMandatory fieldsMandatory fields are not filled!Mandatory fields are not filled. Please correct: %sManufacturerManufacturersManufacturer choiceMarchMasterMaterial costMatrix of calculus for priorityMax number of itemsMaximal countMaximal number of automatic actions (run by CLI)Maximal timeMaximum emails to send at onceMaximum number of files exceededMaximum number of resultsMaximum size of each file imported by the mails receiverMaximum timeMayMay be a regular expressionMemberMembersMemory by defaultMemory typeMemory typesMergeMergingMessageMessage IDMessage-ID email headerMethod Not AllowedMicrophoneMigration cleanerMilestoneMinimal countMinimal timeMinuteMinutesMioMissing a temporary folderMobile phoneModeModelModelsModify the commentMondayMonitorMonitorsMonitor modelMonitor modelsMonitoring of automatic actionsMonthly TCOMost popular questionsMount pointMoveMove to groupMultimode fiberMy devicesMy devices and all itemsMy groupsMy settingsMy tasksMy unpublished articlesNO-TLSNO-VALIDATE-CERTNORSHNameNetworkNetworksNetwork addressNetwork aliasNetwork aliasesNetwork already defined in visible entitiesNetwork cardNetwork cardsNetwork deviceNetwork devicesNetwork interfaceNetwork interfacesNetwork nameNetwork namesNetwork portNetwork portsNetwork port information conflicting with %sNetwork port is not available...Network port migrationNetwork port type to be addedNetwork reportNetwork report by hardware: %sNetwork report by location: %sNetwork report by outlet: %sNetworkingNetworking equipment modelNetworking equipment modelsNetworking equipment typeNetworking equipment typesNeverNever dereferenced (default)Never expireNewNew changeNew change for this item...New child headingNew followupNew itemNew noteNew problemNew projectNew project taskNew reservationNew taskNew ticketNew ticket for this item...NextNext creation on %sNext escalation: %sNext runNext task to run: %sNoNo EventNo HTTP_REFERER found in request. Reload previous page before doing action again.No IP address foundNo LDAP directory defined in GLPINo accessNo action availableNo action pendingNo associated itemNo autofillNo automatic transferNo cartridgeNo cartridge availableNo change found.No change of entityNo conflicting networkNo consumableNo consumable foundNo data available on the web siteNo defined categoryNo directory associated to entity: impossible searchNo directory selectedNo element to be testedNo file availableNo file was uploadedNo free cartridgeNo generated surveyNo group to be importedNo historicalNo importNo item foundNo item reaching the end of warranty.No item to displayNo link definedNo locked itemNo network card availableNo network name foundNo network port foundNo options available for this port type.No personal criteria. Create personal parameters?No problem found.No problem in progress.No reservationNo restrictionNo selected element or badly defined operationNo selected itemsNo statistics are availableNo task with Run mode = CLI, fix your tasks configurationNo ticket found.No ticket in progress.No translation foundNo user foundNo user to be importedNo user to be synchronizedNon-existent functionNoneNone or Invalid host in HTTP_REFERER. Reload previous page before doing action again.None or Invalid path in HTTP_REFERER. Reload previous page before doing action again.NormalNot CSRF compliantNot associatedNot connectedNot connected.Not solved ticketsNot subject to approvalNot yet authenticatedNoteNotesNothing to launchNoticeNotificationNotificationsNotification has been created!Notification methodNotification optionsNotification queueNotification templateNotification templatesNotifications configurationNotifications for my changesNovemberNowNumberNumber formatNumber of all linked ticketsNumber of answered satisfaction surveyNumber of assigned ticketsNumber of closed ticketsNumber of coresNumber of days this action logs are storedNumber of days to keep archived logsNumber of duplicated ticketsNumber of emails to retrieveNumber of items displayedNumber of late ticketsNumber of licensesNumber of new cartridgesNumber of new consumablesNumber of opened satisfaction surveyNumber of opened ticketsNumber of solved ticketsNumber of threadsNumber of ticketsNumber of tickets as requesterNumber of tries of sentNumber of unresolved itemsNumber of used cartridgesNumber of used consumablesNumber of worn cartridgesNumber of written ticketsOKOK - database was initializedOK state colorOLAOROR NOTOctoberOpen in a new windowOpened %1$s (%2$s)Opened on %sOpening dateOperating systemOperating systemsOperation performed partially successfulOperation successfulOpposite linkOptional when approvedOr complete searchOrder by item typeOrder dateOrder numberOrigin portOriginal network port informationOtherOther authentication sent in the HTTP requestOther financial and administrative information (licenses, cartridges, consumables)Other item existOther kind of itemsOther...OthersOthers authentication methodsPCIPDF export fontPHPPOPPage sizeParallelPartitionPasswordPassword (for non-anonymous binds)Password confirmationPassword minimum lengthPassword must containsPassword must include at least a digit!Password must include at least a lowercase letter!Password must include at least a symbol!Password must include at least a uppercase letter!Password need digitPassword need lowercase characterPassword need symbolPassword need uppercase characterPassword security policyPassword security policy validationPassword too short!Password updatePast reservationsPendingPercent donePerformancePeriodPeriod endPeriod end + NoticePeriodicityPeriodicity noticePeripheral modelPeripheral modelsPeripheral typePeripheral typesPersonalPersonal RSS feedPersonal RSS feedPersonal ViewPersonal reminderPersonal remindersPersonalizationPhonePhonesPhone 2Phone modelPhone modelsPhone typePhone typesPivotPlan this taskPlanned durationPlanned end datePlanned start datePlanningPlanningReminderPlanning end datePlanning recallPlanning reminderPlanning remindersPlanning start datePlansPlease enter your email address. An email will be sent to you and you will be able to choose a new password.Please select a database:Please select a software!Please select a version!PluginPluginsPluginsPortPortsPort (default=389)Port (optional)PositionPossible valuesPostal codePotential upload attack or file too large. Moving temporary file failed.PowerPower supplyPower suppliesPre-select me as a technician when creating a ticketPreconfigurationPredefined fieldPredefined fieldsPrefix for notificationsPreliminary creationPreservePreviewPreviousPrinted pagesPrinterPrintersPrinter counterPrinter modelPrinter modelsPrinter typePrinter typesPrinters dictionnaryPriorityPriority colorsPrivatePrivate followupPrivate followups by defaultPrivate taskPrivate tasks by defaultProblemProblemsProblem solvedProblem taskProblem tasksProblemsProblems on linked itemsProblems on pending statusProblems to be processedProcessingProcessorProcessorsProcessor frequencyProduct NumberProfileProfilesProfile's interfaceProfilesProgressProhibit reservationsProjectProjectsProject stateProject statesProject taskProject tasksProject tasks typeProject tasks typesProject teamProject teamsProject team groupProject team userProject typeProject typesProxy configuration for upgrade checkPublicPublic RSS feedPublic RSS feedsPublic followupPublic reminderPublic remindersPublish in the FAQPublisherPurchase date incompatible with the associated budget. %1$s not in budget period: %2$s / %3$sPurchase versionPurgePut in trashbinPut on hold on %sPut this item in the FAQQualificationQuantityNumberRRAIDRSS feeds foundRate to trigger surveyReadRead authRead helpdesk parametersRead notesRead parametersRead the FAQRead the item's notesRead user authentication and synchronization methodReal durationReal duration of treatment of the ticketReal end dateReal start dateRear pictureReasonReason of rejectionRecalculateRecalculate the categoryRecall on %sReceived email headerReceiverReceiversReceivers in error: %sRecent entriesRecipientRecipientsRecipient emailRecipient nameRecordRecordsRecord into the database deniedRecurrentRecurrent ticketsRecursiveReferenceRefresh rateRefused emailRefused emailsRefused mail archive folder (optional)RegenerateRegistered ID (issued by PCI-SIG)Registered IDs (issued by PCI-SIG)Reinit the network topologyReject emailRelationReload page?RemainingRemember meReminderRemindersReminders frequency for alarms on cartridgesReminders frequency for alarms on consumablesRemove all at onceRemove the domain of logins like login@domainRenewalReopenRepeaterReplay dictionary rules for manufacturers (----- = All)Replay rules on existing database ended on %sReplay rules on existing database started on %sReplay rules on existing database: %1$s/%2$sReplay the dictionary rulesReplay the rules dictionaryReplicateReplicatesReplicate %sReportReportsRequestRequest commentsRequest dateRequest sourceRequest sourcesRequest sources by defaultRequested item not foundRequesterRequestersRequester FirstnameRequester IDRequester LastnameRequester groupRequester groupsRequester group except manager usersRequester group managerRequester in groupRequester locationRequired argument missing!Required unitsReservable itemReservable itemsReservationReservationsReservation expiredReserve an itemResetReset display optionsReset last runReset password successful.ResolutionResolution dateResolution timeResponse dateResponse date to the satisfaction surveyRest APIRestore the itemRestrict %s field for x509 authentication (separator $)Restrict device managementRestrict monitor managementRestrict phone managementRestrict printer managementResult detailsResult of the regular expressionResultsResults to display by pageResults to display on home pageRetrieve email (Mails receivers)ReviewRights and entities assignmentRights assignmentRoom numberRoot directory (optional)Root entityRootDN (for non anonymous binds)RpmRuleRulesRule nameRule resultsRule typeRules applicable in the sub-entitiesRules applied: %sRules for assigning a category to a softwareRules for assigning a category to softwareRules for assigning a computer to an entityRules for assigning a ticket created through a mails receiverRules for assigning an item to an entityRules for import and link computersRules listRules managementRules refusedRules used forRules using the object have been disabled.Run countRun frequencyRun modeRun periodRunningSECURESELinux mode is %sSHA1SLASMTPSMTP hostSMTP login (optional)SMTP password (optional)SMTP+SSLSMTP+TLSSQL passwordSQL replicaSQL replicasSQL replica: read onlySQL serverSQL server (MariaDB or MySQL)SQL server: %s can't connect to the databaseSQL userSSLSatisfactionSatisfaction surveySatisfaction survey configurationSatisfaction survey expiredSatisfaction survey trigger rateSatisfaction with the resolution of the ticketSaturdaySaveSave and add to the knowledge baseSave current searchScheduledSearchSearch a solutionSearch criteria for usersSearch engineSearch filter (if needed)Search filter for entitiesSearch filter for usersSearch has been savedSearch has not been savedSearch result default displaySearch result displaySearch result user displaySearch the ID of your hardwareSearch typeSecond ItemSecondarySecuritySee (actor)See (author)See allSee all planningsSee all reservable itemsSee all ticketsSee assignedSee assigned ticketsSee configurationSee group ticketSee hardware of my groupsSee my ticketSee personnal planningSee planningSee private onesSee public onesSee schedule of people in my groupsSee the catalog of pluginsSee tickets created by my groupsSelect 'Upgrade' to update your version of GLPI from an earlier versionSelect allSelect an urgency levelSelect default items to showSelect statistics to be displayedSelect the desired entitySelect the report you want to generateSelect the type of the item that must be unlockSelect/unselect allSelection too large, massive action disabled.SendSend "usage statistics"Send a notificationSend a test email to the administratorSend alarms on cartridgesSend alarms on consumablesSend alarms on contractsSend alarms on expired certificateSend alarms on expired licensesSend alarms on financial and administrative informationSend alarms on receiver errorsSend an approval requestSend contract alarms beforeSend dateSend financial and administrative information alarms beforeSend license alarms beforeSend licenses alert failedSend mails in queueSend planning recallsSend reservation alert failedSender emailSender nameSeptemberSerialSerial NumberSerial numberSerial of the operating systemServerServiceService is down for maintenance. It will be back shortly.Service packService packsSet personalSet publicSet status: %sSet the network using notation address/maskSettingsSetupSeveral network names available! Go to the tab 'Network Name' to manage them.Show GLPI IDShow allShow graphicsShow list of available tagsShow new tickets on the home pageShow personnal information in new ticket form (simplified interface)Simple modeSimplified interfaceSimplified interface help linkSingle mode fiberSingle valueSizeSize by defaultSoftwareSoftwareSoftware categorySoftware categoriesSoftware category deleted by the dictionary rulesSoftware deleted after mergingSoftware deleted by GLPI dictionary rulesSoftware dictionarySolutionSolutionsSolution approvedSolution rejectedSolution rejection commentSolution rejection dateSolution templateSolution templatesSolution typeSolution typesSolve ticketsSolvedSolved %1$s (%2$s)Solved on %sSons of %sSoundSoundcardSoundcardsSourceSource of followupSpeakerSpeakersSpecificitiesSpecify a dateSpecify an end dateSpeedStandard interfaceStandard interface help linkStartStart at %sStart dateStart date of warrantyStartup dateState of the virtual machineStates of the virtual machineStatisticsStatus of itemsStatuses of itemsStatus of the approval requestStatus updated. The connected items have been updated using this status.Status value in databaseSteal a ticketStep %dStep for the hours (minutes)Sub-DSubjectSubject email headerSubmit messageSubnetSubnet maskSubnet masksSuccesful deletion of the file %sSuccessful importationSuccessfully recreated network treeSummarySundaySundays and holidaysSupplierSuppliersSupplier of project teamSupport hoursSurnameSurname, First nameSurvey typeSymbolSymptomsSynchronizationSynchronizing already imported usersSystemSystem boardSystem boardsSystem lockSystem logs retention period (in days, 0 for infinite)TCOTCO (value + tracking cost)TLSTacitTagTaggedTake into accountTake into account timeTargetTargetsTarget entity for the computerTaskTasksTask %s executedTask authorTask categoryTask categoriesTask completed in %sTask completed.Task teamTask teamsTask templateTask templatesTasks state by defaultTeam memberTeam membersTechnicianTechnician as assignedTechnician groupTechnician in chargeTechnician in charge of the hardwareTechnician in charge of the taskTechnician in charge of the ticketTechnician in tasksTemplateTemplatesTemplate for a requestTemplate for an incidentTemplate nameTemplate translationTemplate translationsTemplatesTemporary directory doesn't existTestTest connection to email serverTest doneTest email sent to administratorTest failedTest failed: %sTest of connection to LDAP directoryTest of the connection at the databaseTest rules engineTest successfulTest successful: %sTestingThank you for using our automatic helpdesk system.That will remove all the reservations in progress.The CURL extension for your PHP parser isn't installedThe PHP mail function is unknown or is not activated on your system.The action you have requested is not allowed.The action you have requested is not allowed. Reload previous page before doing action again.The authentication method configuration doesn't allow you to change your password.The directory %s doesn't exist.The engine passes the result of a rule to the following one.The engine stops on the first checked rule.The engine treats all the rules.The file is not an image file.The file is valid. Upload is successful.The following automatic actions are in error. They require intervention.The installation is finishedThe login is not valid. Unable to add the user.The login is not valid. Unable to update login.The new password must be different from current passwordThe required item is already reserved for this timeframeThe selected user (%s) has no valid email address. The request has been created, without email confirmation.The server answered: %sThe two passwords do not matchThe uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML formThe uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.iniThe uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.iniThe uploaded file was only partially uploadedThe use of a SMTP is needed.The version of the database is not compatible with the version of the installed files. An update is necessary.These parameters are used as actions in generic rules for assignment to entitiesThink of making a backup before transferring items.Third party typeThird party typesThis is a test email.This item is not part of the FAQThis item is part of the FAQThis profile is the last with write rights on profilesThis ticket concerns meThreadsThreshold of alarm reached for the type of cartridge: %1$s - Reference %2$s - Remaining %3$dThreshold of alarm reached for the type of consumable: %1$s - Reference %2$s - Remaining %3$dThursdayTicketTicketsTicket #%1$s %2$sTicket categoryTicket categoriesTicket costTicket costsTicket creation form on loginTicket locationTicket on linked itemsTickets on linked itemsTicket solvedTicket taskTicket tasksTicket templateTicket templatesTicketsTickets default typeTickets durationTickets on pending statusTickets to be processedTimeTimesTime costTime rangeTime rangesTime to resolveTimeline filterTioTitleTo %sTo be in charge of a ticketTo be unaware of importTo copy/paste in your support requestTo doTo email headerTo empty the list of elements to be transferredTo increase the limit: change max_input_vars or suhosin.post.max_vars in php configuration.To updateTodayToggle filtersTokenToo large attached fileToolsTotalTotal account net valueTotal costTotal countTotal durationTotal real duration of treatment of the ticketTotal remaining on the budgetTotal spent on the budgetTotal valueTotal: %1$d (%2$d new, %3$d used, %4$d worn)Total: %1$d (%2$d used, %3$d worn)Total: %1$d, New: %2$d, Used: %3$dTotal: Value=%1$s - Account net value=%2$sTransferTransfer modeTransform this network port toTranslationTranslationsTranslation of dropdownsTry againTry increasing the memory_limit parameter in the php.ini file.TuesdayTwisted pair (RJ-45)Type of componentURLURL of item reservedURL of the APIURL of the applicationUSBUUIDUnable to add. The user already exist.Unable to add. The user already exists.Unable to affect the email to an entityUnable to archive log file: %1$s. %2$s already exists. Wait till next day.Unable to connect to the LDAP directoryUnable to delete archived log file: %sUnable to get itemUnable to update login. A user already exists.Unauthorized access to this fileUnauthorized file typeUnavailableUncategorized softwareUncheck allUndefined function %s (for cron)Undefined interfaceUnder observationUninstallUninstalling a cartridgeUnique fieldsUnit managementUnknown errorUnknown fileUnknown interfaceUnknown networkUnknown network portUnknown ticketUnlimitedUnlockUnlock Item RequestUnlock a link with an itemUnlock an itemUnlock componentsUnlock the itemUnofficial translations are also availableUnpublishedUnspecifiedUnsupported mail server type:%s.Unsupported version (%1$s)UntaggedUp to dateUpdateUpdate (actor)Update SourceUpdate SourcesUpdate allUpdate all bookmarks execution timeUpdate an itemUpdate auth and syncUpdate authentification method toUpdate followups (author)Update helpdesk parametersUpdate method for user authentication and synchronizationUpdate my passwordUpdate notesUpdate of a followupUpdate of a problemUpdate of a projectUpdate of a project taskUpdate of a reservationUpdate of a taskUpdate of a ticketUpdate of the fieldUpdate parametersUpdate passwordUpdate printer counterUpdate the approval request to %sUpdate the itemUpdate the item's notesUpdate to %sUpgradeUpload directory doesn't existUpload successfulUppercaseUrgencyUse DN in the searchUse GLPIUse GLPI in modeUse TLSUse a FTP installed fileUse as a solutionUse dateUse locksUse mail date, instead of collect oneUse paged resultsUse unitary managementUsedUsed cartridgesUsed consumablesUsed itemsUsed onUserUsersUser DNUser assigned to taskUser attribute containing its groupsUser categoryUser categoriesUser data cacheUser displayUser featuring a single profileUser featuring the profileUser informationUser missing in LDAP directoryUser not authorized to connect in GLPIUser not found or several users foundUser of project teamUser or group updated. The connected items have been moved in the same values.User titleUsers titlesUser with a single profileVALIDATE-CERTValidValid licenseValid licensesValid sinceValid tagsValid to %sValid untilValidateValidate a requestValidate an incidentValidationValidationsValidation requestValidation request answerValueValues for the generic rules for assignment to entitiesValues used in the interface to search users from a LDAP directoryVcardVersionVersionsVersion 1Version 2Version 3+Version in useViewViewsView updated usersVirtual machineVirtual machinesVirtual portsVirtualization modelVirtualization modelsVirtualization systemVirtualization systemsVisibilityVisibility end dateVisibility start dateVisible for a changeVisible for a problemVisible for a requestVisible for an incidentVisible in a projectVisible in a ticketVisible in the simplified interfaceVisible sinceVisible untilVolumeVolumesWaiting for approvalWaiting timeWarningWarning before running rename based on the dictionary rulesWarning state colorWarning state thresholdWarning: The request exceeds the limit of the directory. The results are only partial.Warning: read-only!Warranty durationWarranty expiration dateWarranty extension valueWarranty informationWatcherWatchersWatcher groupWatcher groupsWatcher group except manager usersWatcher group managerWay of sending emailsWebWeb linkWeb link to approval the solutionWebcalWebsiteWednesdayWeightWhen connecting or updatingWhen disconnectingWifiWifi modeWifi networkWifi networksWifi network typeWifi portWifi protocol versionWithdraw dynamic authorizations and groupsWithout a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s dayWithout a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s daysWithout nameWithout titleWork in progress...Worn cartridgesWriteWriterWriting abilityX-Auto-Response-Suppress email headerX-Priority email headerX-UCE-Status email headerXMLRPC APIYYYY-MM-DDYesYes if emptyYes if equalYou are not allowed to change the visibility flag for child entities.You are trying to use GLPI with outdated files compared to the version of the database. Please install the correct GLPI files corresponding to the version of your database.You can also replace all uses of this dropdown by another.You can continue to add elements to be transferred or execute the transfer nowYou can delete or modify these accounts as well as the initial data.You can delete this migration errorYou can't add a followup without descriptionYou can't delete that item, because it has sub-itemsYou cannot solve this item!You didn't select a database!You do not have rights to delete %s item.You don't have access to this application because your account was deactivated or removedYou don't have permission to perform this action.You don't have right to connectYou don't have right to see all ticketsYou don't need the "migration cleaner" tool anymore...You have been made a request to reset your account password.You have been redirected because you no longer have access to this itemYou have been redirected because you no longer have access to this ticketYou have the latest available versionYou must accept cookies to reach this applicationYou must define a default profile to create a new userYou will find it on the GLPI-PROJECT.org site.Your comment has been addedYour comment has been editedYour email could not be processed.
If the problem persists, contact the administratorYour observed ticketsYour password has been successfully updated.Your password reset request has expired or is invalid. Please renew it.Your password will expire on %s.Your planningYour problems in progressYour ticket has been registered, its treatment is in progress.Your tickets in progressYour tickets to closeYour tickets to validateadjectiveInvalidadjectiveValidafterandand/orauthenticationEnabledbeforebuttonAddbuttonAdd a contactbuttonAdd a contractbuttonAdd a delegateebuttonAdd a documentbuttonAdd a licensebuttonAdd a managerbuttonAdd a new filebuttonAdd a supplierbuttonAdd a taskbuttonAdd a userbuttonAdd a versionbuttonAdd an itembuttonAdd consumablesbuttonAdd to transfer listbuttonAssociatebuttonAssociate an existing documentbuttonAssociate certificatebuttonBrowsebuttonCancelbuttonChangebuttonChange the authentication methodbuttonCleanbuttonClonebuttonClosebuttonConfirmbuttonConnectbuttonDeletebuttonDelete permanentlybuttonDelete permanently and remove devicesbuttonDelete permanently but keep devicesbuttonDisablebuttonDisconnectbuttonDissociatebuttonDuplicatebuttonEditbuttonEnablebuttonExportbuttonGet email tickets nowbuttonGivebuttonImportbuttonInstallbuttonLinkbuttonLink ticketsbuttonManagebuttonMergebuttonMovebuttonPostbuttonPut in trashbinbuttonRemove a contractbuttonRemove a documentbuttonRemove a userbuttonRemove an itembuttonReplacebuttonRestorebuttonSavebuttonSearchbuttonSendbuttonShowbuttonSynchronizebuttonTestbuttonUninstallbuttonUnlockbuttonUnlock itemsbuttonUpdatebuttonUpgradebuttonUsecan't connect to the databasecartridgeNewNewcartridgeUsedUsedcartridgeWornWornchangeTestingconsumableNewNewconsumableUsedUsedcontainsdate_mod and date_creationdefault criteriondefault_value must be 0 or 1default_value must be numericdoes not containdoes not existexistsfinished byfromgenerated on %sglpi/glpi for the administrator accounthiddenimpactAllimpactAt least highimpactAt least lowimpactAt least mediumimpactAt least very highimpactAt least very lowimpactHighimpactLowimpactMediumimpactVery highimpactVery lowinfocomAdministrative numberisis already present in GLPIis empty in GLPIis notitemStateitem not linked to an objectlast Fridaylast Mondaylast Saturdaylast Sundaylast Thursdaylast Tuesdaylast Wednesdaylast criterionldap_start_tls does not existlocationAltitudelocationLatitudelocationLongitudelocationStatemissing idmissing itemtypemissing resourcemonthmonthsnameUpdatenormal/normal for the normal accountnot underoorothersparameter app_token seems wrongparameter user_token seems invalidperiodicityDailyperiodicityMonthlyperiodicityNoneperiodicityWeeklypersonTitlephoneNumberpluginEnabledpluginInstalled / not activatedpluginInstalled / not configuredpluginNot installedpost-only/postonly for the postonly accountpriceValuepriorityAllpriorityAt least highpriorityAt least lowpriorityAt least mediumpriorityAt least very highpriorityAt least very lowpriorityHighpriorityLowpriorityMajorpriorityMediumpriorityVery highpriorityVery lowquantityNumberquantityNumber of associated itemsquantityNumber of changesquantityNumber of contractsquantityNumber of documentsquantityNumber of followupsquantityNumber of installationsquantityNumber of itemsquantityNumber of linesquantityNumber of linked ticketsquantityNumber of problemsquantityNumber of tasksquantityNumber of team membersquantityNumber of ticketsquantityProcessors numberregular expression does not matchregular expression matchesrestorerulerun script as apache usersend contract alert failedsend infocom alert failedsetupGeneralshowsolutionRefusedstarting withstates_idstatusAcceptedstatusClosedstatusNewstatusNot closedstatusNot solvedstatusProcessing (assigned)statusProcessing (planned)statusRefusedstatusSolvedstatusSolved + ClosedsupportsurveyAnsweredAnsweredsurveyOpenedOpenedtech/tech for the technician accounttemplatetextsthis portticketNewticketOpenedOpenedticketSolvedSolvedtoto the login screen.tree structureunderunknownurgencyAllurgencyAt least highurgencyAt least lowurgencyAt least mediumurgencyAt least very highurgencyAt least very lowurgencyHighurgencyLowurgencyMediumurgencyVery highurgencyVery lowuserAdministrative numbervalidationRefusedversionview documentation in your browser at %swattswith email responsewithout email responsexx509 certificate authenticationyesterdayyou may have to add a networkProject-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION
PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-26 09:06+0000
Last-Translator: Alexandre Delaunay <delaunay.alexandre@gmail.com>, 2022
Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://www.transifex.com/glpi/teams/1637/zh_TW/)
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Language: zh_TW
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“移轉清除”工具"session.auto_start" 與 "session.use_trans_sid" 必須設定為關閉."session.auto_start" 必須設定為關閉."session.use_trans_sid" 必須設定為關閉.%.1f Gbit/s%1$d 日 %2$dh%3$s%1$d 在 %2$d%1$dh%2$s%1$s%1$s #%2$s%1$s %2$s%1$s (%2$s)%1$s + %2$s%1$s - %2$s%1$s - 在資料庫存取時發生錯誤: %2$s - 錯誤是 %3$s%1$s - ID %2$d%1$s - 網路插座 %2$s%1$s - 連接埠 %2$s%1$s -  現有的資料庫重放規則: %2$s/%3$s (%4$s Mio)%1$s / %2$s%1$s < %2$s%1$s <> %2$s%1$s = %2$s%1$s < %2$s%1$s 帳號淨值%1$s新增一個項目%1$s 新增項目 %2$s%1$s 新增項目 %2$s (%3$d)%1$s 新增授權 %2$s%1$s 為 %2$s 預借項目 %3$s%1$s 新增版本 %2$s%1$s 依 %2$s%1$s 刪除授權 %2$s%1$s 登錄從 IP %2$s%1$s of %2$s: %3$s%1$s 在 %2$s%1$s 清除授權 %2$s%1$s 刪除 項目 %2$s 的預借%1$s 清除版本 %2$s%1$s滿意度調查(%2$s)%1$s 嘗試去新增一個已存在項目: %2$s%1$s 更新項目 %2$s%1$s 更新授權 %2$s%1$s 更新版本 %2$s%1$s值%1$s%2$d 天 %3$d 小時 %4$d 分鐘%1$s%2$d 天 %3$d 小時 %4$d 分鐘 %5$d 秒%1$s%2$d 小時 %3$d 分鐘%1$s%2$d 小時 %3$d 分鐘 %4$d 秒%1$s%2$d 分鐘%1$s%2$d 分鐘 %3$d 秒%1$s%2$s%1$s%2$s 秒%1$s, %2$s%1$s: %2$s%1$s: 從 %2$s 至 %3$s:%d Gbit/s%d Mbit/s%d 日%d 小時%d 分%d 月%d 筆新待辦事項%d 列印頁面%d 檢視%d 週%d 年%d%%%s Mio%s MIO最大加入 %s註解到知識庫%s 新增成本%s 新增一個追蹤%s 新增一個供應商連結%s 新增連結與項目%s加入連結給知識庫%s 新增一個目標%s 新增工作%s 新增一個團隊成員%s 新增使用者到群組%s 新增一個使用者進實體%s 新增一個虛擬機%s 新增一個磁卷%s 新增一個角色%s加入警告%s 新增一個防毒軟體%s 新增核准請求%s 新增一個項目%s 新增印表機耗材%s 新增耗材%s 新增數個連接埠%s 新增了項目%s 核准或拒絕一個解決方案%s關連至網路 VLAN 連接埠%s 將網絡名稱關聯至項目%s 建立類型的關連%s 連接至項目%s 刪除角色%s 刪除項目%s 珊除數個網路連接埠%s 從群組刪除使用者%s 中斷連接項目%s 編輯註解於知識庫%s 提供一個消耗品%s 時%s 安裝印表機耗材%s 安裝軟體%s 不可寫入%s 項目%s 項目/秒%s 作出一個不好的用法%s 清除印表機耗材%s 清除成本%s 清除一個追蹤%s 清除一個SLA等級%s 清除工作%s 清空虛擬機器%s 清除一個磁卷%s丟棄警示%s 清除一個防毒軟體%s 清空簽核項目%s 清除項目%s 丟棄一個 OLA 層級%s 清除待辦事項間的連結%s 取代一個項目%s 還原項目%s 秒%s 設定統一的管理%s 啟動%s 停止此項目的 %s 個待辦事項正在處理中或最近已解決。%s嘗試使用一個非標準路徑%s 更新印表機耗材%s 更新成本%s 更新一個追蹤%s  更新一個SLA等級%s 更新工作%s 更新一個虛擬機%s 更新一個磁卷%s更新警示%s 更新一個防毒軟體%s 更新核准請求%s 更新項目%s更新一個 OLA 層級%s: 發送墨水匣通知失敗%s: 發送消耗品警告通知失敗(%1$d 授權問題, %2$d 失敗)(自HTML產生的欄位保留空白)+ %d 日+ %d 時+ %d 分+ %d 月+ %d 週+ %d 年%d 日%d 小時- %d 分%d 月%d 週%d 年... 從外部來源1- 危急 (只記錄登入異常)2 -嚴重(未使用)24/73- 重要 (成功登入)4 -通知(新增,刪除,追蹤)5 -完成(所有)PHP的擴展停止了檔案上傳GLPI通常需要最低64 Mio一個新的可用版本:%s驗證請求已提交ANDAND NOTANVAPIAPI 文件API 客戶端API 已停用API tokenATX已接受接受郵件存檔目錄(選用)拒絕存取帳戶淨值統一編號動作執行已完成,已全部處理執行已完成,不需要處理執行已完成,已處理一部分作用類型當使用者從 LDAP目錄中刪除後執行動作被拒絕的動作啟用Active 目錄角色Ad-hocAd-hoc(不含訪問點)新增新增 API 客戶端新增一個LDAP replica新增一個變更新增結案時間新增相容的印表機型號新增聯絡人新增一個合約新增一個正確的網路連接埠新增標準新增一個文件新增追蹤至待辦事項 (請求者)新增追蹤至相關群組的待辦事項新增一個隱藏欄位新增一個項目連結新增一個必填隱藏欄位新增一個網路新增一個網路別名新增一個網路名稱新增一個動作新增一個零組件新增一個新成本新增追蹤新增一個作業新增一個新的翻譯新增預定義欄位新增一個問題新增一個專案新增一個日程表新增一個供應商新增一個目標新增一個團隊成員新增一塊樣板…新增待辦事項新增使用者新增一個沒有從一個 LDAP目錄認證的使用者新增虛擬機新增儲存裝置新增一個角色新增一個防毒軟體新增權力給使用者新增一個提升的等級新增一個項目新增項目類型新增印表機耗材新增日期新增 date_creation 至 %s新增 date_mod 至 %s新增文件至待辦事項通知增加外部新增追蹤 (相關的群組)新增追蹤 (請求者)新增裝置新增 - %s 至 資料庫新增數個連接埠項目新增了正規表示式的結果新增至所有項目新增至所有待辦事項新增到日曆新增使用者...從外部來源新增使用者新增由 %s額外的標題地址可定址網路行政預借管理管理員行政人員名稱進階訊息之後匯合連接埠印表機耗材提醒耗材提醒合約警報授權過期警報會計和行政資訊警報警報選項當被解鎖時通知我對重複記錄警告發送警報 %s報警閾值關於預借的警報提示尚未解決的待辦事項提示尚未解決的待辦事項自連接埠別名全部所有類別所有儀錶板所有項目所有連結的待辦事項我的所有文章所有頁面以 CSV 導出所有頁面以 SLK 導出所有頁面為橫向PDF所有頁面用直向PDF所有預留裝置所有未發布的文章已分配的內存允許FAQ匿名訪問允許匿名追蹤 (收件人)允許匿名建立待辦事項 (helpdesk.receiver)聯絡人聯絡電話聯絡人更新。 和聯絡關聯的項目已被更新。海拔永遠始終解除引用分期償還係數分期償還期間攤銷類型可定址網路是一個網路定義裝置產生驗證請求回覆核准請求已經由%s提交一封發送給 %s 已被加入佇列已寄送郵件到 %s分析防毒軟體防毒軟體 版本解決方案進度新增了一個正確的通訊閘至網路 %s應用程式token套用核准核准說明核准日期核准准予至%s核准該解決方案請求核准核准請求者群組管理者的請求核准請求者簽核狀態核准此待辦事項核准者4月架構封存記錄檔並刪除過期的檔案封存紀錄檔: 從 %1$s 到 %2$s確認刪除此儀錶板 1%s ?你確定要返回此非預留項目?作為子項目儘快處理請求解鎖資產生命週期資產資產儀錶板分配指定一個 SLA指派待辦事項指派 設備正規表示法的值指派: 設備 IP address指派: 設備 MAC address指派: 設備 name + domain已分配分配給指派一個供應商分配給群祖分配給技術人員協助可與待辦事項建立關聯的項目可與待辦事項關聯的項目關聯一個VLAN自行分配與一個組聯合和個人檔案建立關聯相關的聯絡人關聯的合約相關的物件相關的項目相關的項目 ID相關的項目類型相關的供應商關連所有的事件至少有一個欄位有一個不正確的值用戶的屬性及其群組代表實體的屬性屬性值8月身份驗證在 GLPI 資料庫認證在目錄認證在電子郵件伺服器認證授權授權錯誤認證分配規則授權保留授權上傳作者自動登入自動登入功能關閉電子郵件標題 自動提交自動鎖定 模式自動填寫會計和管理資訊日期自動自動動作SLA 的自動操作自動分配待辦事項自動結束設定自動結束已解決的待辦事項於自動欄位 (以*標記)自動資產SLA的自動提醒服務水平協議自動提醒自動結束待辦事項自動使用者指派分配自動地新增一個外部來源的使用者自動地新增一個外在認證來源的使用者由GLPI自動生成 %s自動更新項目並關聯至電腦可用性可用平均平均次數平均列印頁數實際處理待辦事項的平均時間平均滿意度平均速度平均時間平均庫存時間平均使用時間平均結案時間平均解決時間考慮到平均時間BNC返回回到日曆回到目錄備份計劃基本的 DN根據類別然後項目根據項目然後類別電池組電池種類注意 : 那裡沒有預設值之前開始開始日執行週期的開始小時安裝的起點從本月開始從今年開始屬於該群組綁定到LDAP目錄黑名單匯出黑名單電子郵件內容黑名單空白空白的樣板品牌減低提升預算預算類型版本編號由 LDAP 目錄整批導入群組由 LDAP目錄整批導入使用者重大修改大量修改錯誤待辦事項的商業規則 (父實體)待辦事項的商業規則待辦事項的商業規則 (實體)依依 %s通過更改根據合約日軟體可預設連結至一個待辦事項依實體根據硬體根據硬體特性根據地點依問題依待辦事項根據年CASCAS主機CAS認證CLICSSCSVCSV的分隔符號高速緩存日程表此待辦事項的日曆可以是管理者可通知可包含無法新增重複已存在的範圍無法連接在資料庫無法連接在資料庫.不可能創建資料庫連接文件,在文件請驗證權限無法獲得DB鎖無法啟動取消取消核准請求至 %s無法變更移轉至未知的連接埠無法更新項目:不夠完整的原項目容量預設容量標題印表機耗材墨水型號墨水類型印表機耗材提醒機殼案件類型類別名稱類別樹原因注意!你是不是該項目的作者。刪除該可能會導致存取該項目失敗。注意!您將更新GLPI的資料庫名為: %s注意,您將刪除一個用於一個或更多項目的標題.憑證憑證%1$s即將於%2$s逾期憑證種類變更變更%1$s 至 %2$s變更驗證方式變更資料庫的版面 - %s變更作業變更優先次序變更於已連結項目上的變更特徵全選檢查所有的如檢查憑證檢查更新檢查是否有新版本可用檢查目錄的權限 : %s檢查 SQL 複寫檢查您的個人喜好資訊選擇/取消 全部檢查您執行GPLI環境的相容性檢查 Session 檔案寫入的權限檢視清單校驗碼從屬實體子群組晶片組選擇 '安裝' 以完整安裝新的GLPI.選項樣板選擇一個已存在的裝置城市清除清除超過 %2$s 秒所創建的%1$d 圖檔清除超過 %2$s 秒所創建的%1$d 連線檔案清除逾時的sessions清除產成的圖片清空通知排程清除舊的日誌清除暫存檔清除的網路連接埠移轉錯誤清除清除狀態复制複製此儀錶板結案結案日期結案時間結案關閉 %1$s(%2$s)關閉在 %s截止日期結束待辦事項結案時間結案結束問題碼蒐集資料顏色備註會計和管理資訊的註釋滿意度調查的意見公共常用的選項全名零組件電腦電腦型號電腦型號電腦名稱狀況設定滿意度調查最終確認刪除嗎?連接至一台電腦連接一個項目連接的設備連接到連接撥號線路連接 - 撥號連接埠連線錯誤連接發生了故障連接失敗。如果您使用代理服務器,請設定它 (%s)連接過濾器連接選項結果的連接參量與資料庫的連接失敗,驗證在config_db.php文件中的連線參數耗材耗材型號耗材類型耗材提醒聯絡人專案團隊聯絡人聯繫類型聯繫你的GLPI管理員內容繼續合約終止合約簽訂的通知時間合約簽訂的通知時間週期合約已到期 自合約期間終止合約到結束的時間自合約週期性合約類型本期合約通知自合約已提醒 自合約警報已到期的合約(30天內)小於30天到期的合約小於7天到期的合約通知(小於30天到期的合約)通知(小於7天到期的合約)控制清單控制器複製複製電腦狀態從項目複製從使用者複製複製購買日期複製送交日期複製下單日期複製的保固起始日期核心花費無法連接到郵件伺服器找不到到郵件伺服器 %d錯誤總計國家建立建立這個問題的變更使用此待辦事項建立變更創建一個新的資料庫或是使用一個已經存在的資料庫:創建一個新的網路名稱使用此待辦事項建立問題為這個專案建立一個子專案建立待辦事項使用此工作建立待辦事項為需求建立一個驗證請求為事件建立一個驗證請求於 %2$s 被 %1$s 創建建立事件建立請求稍後建立調查創建目錄 %s建立待辦事項從樣版%s建立建立於 %s已建立待辦事項建立日期創建日期的滿意度調查作者被拒絕的標準標準嚴重狀態的顏色嚴重狀態界限值進行中和未來的的預借現在表的頁數當前檔案目前頁面以 CSV 導出目前頁面以 SLK 導出目前頁面為橫向PDF目前頁面用直向PDFDD =動態D =動態,R =遞回DD-MM-YYYY除錯DVI儀錶板儀錶板資料數據移轉 - %s資料庫連接設定資料庫連接成功已建立資料庫日期日期格式最後盤點日期購買日期解決日期日已發送郵件保留天數除錯偵錯模式已關閉偵錯模式已開啟12月決策者除役日期遞減預設值字元的上限(摘要文字框)預設值小數位數限制顯示預設預設E-mail預設實體依郵件接收器預設值限制檔案大小導入預設的 後續追蹤郵件 收件者後續追蹤 預設值預設郵件收件人預設的待辦事項預設的工單( 最小儀錶板)新增文件至待辦事項時的預設標題預設語言預設 logins / passwords 是:預設配置文件預設報告預設的搜尋預設的搜尋結果限制(頁)預設伺服器預設狀態印表機耗材計數的預設門檻值耗材數量的預設門檻值預設待辦事項樣板預設語系預設URL長度的限制預設值合約的預設通知值會計和管理資訊警報預設值預設值延遲發送電郵通知授權債務人刪除刪除一個項目中連結刪除一個項目刪除電子郵件永久刪除刪除項目刪除此儀錶板已刪除已刪除LDAP目錄中的使用者刪除問題刪除追蹤刪除專案刪除專案工作刪除預借刪除一項作業刪除待辦事項刪除封存的紀錄檔: %s拒絕刪除交貨日期送貨單部署計劃深度在搜查過程中取消引用 (當 定位 時除外)定位時解除引用 (當搜尋時除外)問題描述/處理情形描述您的問題描述目標實體設備設備 1設備 2原料單設備型號設備名稱今天到期的預借物件設備暫時無法使用設備類型我群組擁有的設備設備類型辭典製造商字典電腦型號字典電腦類型字典週邊裝置型號字典週邊裝置類型字典螢幕類型字典網路設備類型字典網路設備型號字典作業系統架構 辭典作業系統版本字典作業系統字典電話機型號字典電話機類型字典印表機型號字典印表機類型字典印表機字典Service Pack 字典軟體字典數字直接連接停止停用日期篩選已停用已停用的外掛程式顯示(項目數)顯示所有項目顯示選項顯示姓名顯示報告在樹狀結構下拉列表顯示完整名稱顯示埠號刪除一個 VLAN從群組中移除從個人檔案中移除不要複製不要刪除你真的想用這個項目的統一管理?您要繼續嗎?文件待辦事項文件 %d 檔案拷貝成功.文件標題檔案移動成功.文件類型總結文件行為人無逾期網域完成下載下載的URL下載用戶 VCard拖拉你的檔案到此, 或驅動程式下拉表下拉式選單字典到期日期累進依連線次數複製項目已複製由重複的待辦事項重複期間調查的期間動態Ajax錯誤: %s 不可寫入ESSID每天每個月每月,同一日期每月,同一週的同一天每週編輯有效的期程電子郵件Email %s 未找到. 無法導入.電子郵件追蹤電子郵件HTML主體電子郵件地址警示郵件對x509的電子郵件屬性電子郵件的主體電子郵件Domain名稱 <br>(使用者的電子郵件是 login@domain)電子郵件追蹤電子郵件追蹤設定電子郵件追蹤沒有找到電子郵件, 無法導入郵件通知郵件通知功能關閉電子郵件伺服器電子郵件服務器進行身份驗證郵件署名電子郵件文字主體空白的登錄或密碼啟動啟用 Rest API啟用日期篩選開啟追蹤啟用高對比預設啟用通知啟用會計和行政資訊以預設啟用會計和行政資訊結束結束 + 通知結束於 %s結束日期執行週期的結束小時結束的合約用完輸入的第一個字母(使用者、項目名稱或者序號)實體移轉實體管理者實體實體根據LDAP訊息實體基於使用者的個人資料下拉式選單實體軟體創建的實體從 TAG實體實體的完整名稱自domain實體從郵件domain實體實體不存在實體權利環境設備沒有裝置網路卡根據年的設備報告錯誤錯誤 / 清除在創建資料庫時出錯!輸入日期的錯誤,開始日期晚於結束日期寄送電子郵件發生錯誤於插入郵件到佇列時發生錯誤執行中發生錯誤讀取目錄 %s 錯誤錯誤的回放規則RSS訂閱錯誤檢索處理HTTP_REFERER時產生錯誤. 請再次重新載入上頁.錯誤:  %s不是一個目錄錯誤:這兩個密碼不相同提升層級在這個新的日期將觸發在SLA中所定義的提升。根據模板新增印表機乙太網路連接埠乙太網路連接埠速度乙太網路連接埠類型評估事件事件類型事件類型執行執行預計發件日進階模式到期日到期日到期日+通知匯出表達擴展名外部外部認證來源外在認證外部連結外部調查常見問題解答FAQ 項目FQDNFQDN 無效FQDN 必需不為空從IP %2$s的%1$s 的登錄失敗操作失敗無法連接到代理服務器(%s)無法創建目錄%s, 驗證您是否具有正確的權限無法刪除文件 %1$s (%2$s)刪除檔案失敗 %s發送測試郵件到管理員失敗磁碟寫入檔案失敗父傳真2月光纖頻道口領域項目類型 是 必填欄位記載在登入HTTP請求的欄位領域唯一欄位文件查無檔案 %s。文件內容文件被改變(不正確的校驗)檔案過大檔案過小檔案移動發生了錯誤檔案移動發生了錯誤.沒發現檔案檔案系統新增的檔案過大.不允許使用的檔案類型填寫移轉狀態 %s以群組做搜尋會計和行政資訊會計和管理資訊在特定期間內尋找一個可用項目搜尋有狀態的電腦已結束區域第一首項目名字名, 姓最先/最後地址:%1$s/%2$s固定成本禁止變更Flag。發現連結項目.流量追蹤追蹤作者基於安全原因,請更改預設的帳號密碼: %s因安全因素, 請移除 %s 檔案你應該新增這個類型的項目,會計和管理資訊只有一個型號項目待辦事項關閉於強制同步忘記密碼?負責此待辦事項的前技術人員磁碟可用空間 %可用容量頻率預設頻率星期五自 %1$s 至 %2$s寄件者 %s來自\ 給自郵件標題正面預覽完整網域名稱, 使用的的傳統符號(用點分隔標籤). 例如:indepnet.netGLPI基於GLPI本身GLPI 伺服器時區GMT通訊閘通訊閘不在該網段內通訊閘道:%s通用一般設定產生滿意度調查Gio給予給予全部全部檢視全部驗證狀態全部標準全域字典全部檢視全域下拉表全部管理全部權利全部查尋全部容量返回到GLPI新增後移到 新增項目已接受准予 + 不須核准顯示卡群組群組 DN群組檢視分配給作業的群組群組類別包含此使用者除管理者以外的群組負責的硬體群組負責此待辦事項的群組除管理者以外負責此待辦事項的群組專案團隊群組除管理者以外的專案團隊群組群組樹HDMI硬體驅動器硬碟大小硬碟類型硬體會計和管理資訊硬體類型在合約內的硬體硬體使用者標題耳機幫助客服回報表格隱藏欄位歷史點擊率主頁時LDAP 別名應如何處理我不明白,為什麼這種移轉錯誤不會被刪除。IDID標籤IMAPIPIP 位置網路IPIP 網路不包含在資料庫內. 然而您可以查看現在可用的網路.網路 IP : %1$s/%2$sIP 版本IPv4 位置範圍IPv6 位置範圍Ical圖標如果拒絕核准,明確說明理由.如果聯絡人已不使用如果合約已不再使用如果設備不再使用如果文件不再使用若螢幕不再使用若電話機不再使用如果印表機不再使用如果軟體不再使用如果供應商已不再使用如果同步(更改所有)如果同步(當前使用者變更)如果同步或唯讀帳戶如果墨水類型已經不使用如果您確認刪除時,所有使用這個下拉選單將成空白.如果你拒絕該解決方案,您必須明確說明原因忽略值的唯一性圖片超過最大高度圖片超過最大寬度圖片需要最小高度圖片需要最小寬度立即固定數字影響影響導入導入使用者由LDAP目錄導入實體從目錄倒入從其它來源導入導入新使用者導入新群組導入選項使用XML檔案匯入規則不可能紀錄 %s這樣無法完成更新!!無法用CAS作為連接的外部來源不能用LDAP作為連接的外部來源無法使用資料庫:無法修改資料庫設定文件依群組庫存依使用者使用者 & 群組電子郵件標題顯示回覆停用事件接收郵件目錄(選用,通常是INBOX)衝突的項目密碼錯誤錯誤的帳號/密碼無限系統的安裝和設定資訊實體識別TAG基礎設施(含訪問點)繼承父系實體最初的合同期限初始頁面數量器初始化資料庫安裝安裝安裝日期GLPI安裝或更新已安裝軟體安裝一個墨盒準備的事接口介面類型(硬體驅動...)內部內部調查網路網路網域網際網路訊息無效的 IP 地址無效的位置或是網路遮罩無效的附件檔無效的 %1$s 目錄設定於收件人 %2$s無效數據無效的資料. 取消更新.無效的電子郵件無效的檔名無效讀頻率。它必須大於初建值。無效的通訊閘位址無效的網路輸入格式無效的網路名稱: %s無效的網路(已定義或者含無效的位址)無效的網路位址無效的程序無效的子網路遮罩期間 ID 使用有誤財產目錄財產編號邀請填寫調查發票號碼發票週期已更新你可以使用字串 #0 改變正規表示法的結果它的強制性選擇一個類型,並且至少要一個欄位項目項目 ID項目 名稱項目 類型項目的URL此項目已備定義項目 群組垃圾桶裡的項目項目位置項目鎖定項目不存在項目未連結至物件項目保固即將結束於%1$s: %2$s項目新增成功項目成功添加,但重複的記錄在項目成功添加,但重複的記錄在 %s項目刪除成功項目清除成功項目回復成功項目更新成功項目類型檢視的項目移轉項目1月7月6月只要依照此鏈接(你有一天):保留保持狀態從此存貨中清除硬體時保留待辦事項KeyKio知識庫知識庫管理知識庫類別知識庫項目已復原到版次 %s知識庫項目未復原到版次 %s知識庫項目翻譯已復原到版次 %s知識庫項目翻譯未復原到版次 %s知識庫翻譯已知的郵件域名LDAP標準LDAP標準LDAP目錄選擇LDAP目錄給進行身份驗證LDAP目錄實體以LDAP目錄資料屬性表示LDAP 連結LDAP目錄中的一個實體LDAP目錄時區與此實體相關的 LDAP 篩選器 (若需要)標籤語言已變更!語系選擇最後最後 %d 變更最近%d個事件最後 %d 問題最近的 %d 筆待辦事項最後變更最後編輯由最後登入上次登入在%s最近一個月最近的問題最後執行最後運行清單最後解決方案進度上次同步上次同步在%s最近的待辦事項上次更新日期最後於 %2$s 被 %1$s 更新最後更新於GLPI最後更新於LDAP目錄最後更新於 %s最近更新的記錄最後更新延遲緯度啟動等級授權嵊權 %1$s 過期於 %2$s授權類型生命週期的變化生命週期的問題待辦事項的生命週期生命週期終身計劃日程表的限制線性連結連結 聯絡人/供應商連結合約/項目連結 問題/變更連結 待辦事項/變更連結 待辦事項/問題連結 待辦事項/專案 工作如果可能的話連結如果可能的話連結,否則拒絕導入連結或文件名建立待辦事項時連結項目已連結的待辦事項連結至連結印表機耗材和印表機耗材類型電腦和磁碟區之間的鏈接耗材類型和耗材之間的連結連結印表機和印表機耗材及印表機耗材類型連結供應商與聯絡人清單條列 LDAP replica可用的標籤列表不導入電子郵件名單硬體名單根據合約翻譯列表列出值讀取中...借出本地連接埠本地網路連接埠本機規則: %s位置位置註釋位置 名稱位置樹狀結構位置已更新. 連接的項已被移至相同的位置.鎖鎖定一個項目中連結鎖定一個項目鎖定日期鎖定項目鎖定已被你鎖定鎖定日期被鎖定的欄位鎖定項目鎖定用戶Log日誌等級紀錄連線登入再次登錄登錄後備網址邏輯運算登入登入欄位登出記載到日誌文件中 (SQL, 電子郵件, 自動執行...)經度小寫MACMAC地址預設MAC位置兆赫MIME類型MM-DD-YYYY機器郵件網域郵件域代理實體郵件伺服器郵件測試郵件收件人主要主要伺服器 %s維護模式設定一個預借設定為 可用設定為 不可用處理樣板…管理管理的項目管理管理類型管理員群組除管理者以外的管理者群組群組的管理員專案團隊群組管理者負責此待辦事項的群組的管理者必填欄位主欄位未填寫!未填寫必須輸入的欄位,請更正: %s製造商製造商的選擇3月主要物質費用矩陣演算優先項目最大值(0=無限的)最大次數自動操作的最大數量(由命令列運行)最大時間一次可發送郵件最大數量超過檔案數量限制結果的最大數量依郵件接收器最大值導入每個檔案最大時間5月可能是一個正規表示式成員預設記憶體記憶體類型合併合併中訊息訊息編號電子郵件標題的訊息ID不允許使用的方法話筒移轉清除里程碑最小次數最小時間分鐘Mb遺失暫存目錄行動電話模式型號修改批注星期一螢幕螢幕型號監測自動執行月 總成本常問的問題掛載點移動移至群組多模光纖我的設備我的設備及所有的項目我的群組我的設定我的作業我未發表的文章NO-TLSNO-VALIDATE-CERTNORSH名稱網路設備網路位置網路別名網路已經定義在可見實體網路卡網路設備網路介面網路名稱網路連接埠網路連接埠資訊設定為 %s網路連接埠不可用網路連接埠移轉網路連接埠類型將新增網絡報告網絡硬體報告: %s根據地點的網絡報告: %s網路報表依插座:%s網路網路裝置樣式網路裝置類型從不從來沒有解除引用(預設)永不過期新的新變更項目更新。。。新的子標題新追蹤新的項目新增新註解新問題新專案新增專案工作新增預借新作業新增待辦事項為此項目新增待辦事項...下一步下一個建立於 %s下一個提升: %s下次執行執行下一個作業: %s否沒有事件請求中找不到HTTP_REFERER. 請再次重新載入上頁.未發現任何IP地址沒有 LDAP 目錄設定於 GLPI不能進入沒有可用的動作未執行待決定沒有相關的項目沒有自動填寫沒有自動傳送沒有墨水夾沒有可用的墨匣沒有發現變更實體沒有變更沒有衝突的網路沒有消耗品沒有發現消耗品網頁沒有任何可用資料沒有被定義的類別沒有與實體相關的目錄:無法搜尋沒有已選擇的目錄沒有項目進行測試沒有有效有效未有檔案被上傳可用墨水夾?沒有調查產生沒有群組需要導入沒有歷史沒有導入沒有發現項目沒有即將結束的保固項目沒有項目顯示沒有連結定義無鎖定項目沒有可用的網路卡沒有找到網路名稱沒有發現網路端口沒有可用的連接埠類型選項沒有個人條件。 創建個人參數?沒有發現問題沒有問題在進行沒有預借沒有限制沒有選定的項目或不正確的操作沒有已選擇的項目沒有可用的統計沒有作業在執行模式 = CLI, 修正您的作業設定沒有任何待辦事項。沒有待辦事項處理中。未翻譯無此使用者沒有使用者被導入沒有使用者以同步不存在的功能無HTTP_REFERER 主機 無效或不存在. 請再次重新載入上頁.HTTP_REFERER 路徑 無效或不存在. 請再次重新載入上頁.正常無CSRF相容未相關無連接未連接。未解決的待辦事項不須經批准尚未身份驗證註解無任何需要啟動通知通知提醒已建立!通知方法通知選項通知排程通知樣板通知設定通知我的變更11月現在數字數字格式所有連結的待辦事項數量已回覆的滿意度調查數已指派的待辦事項數量已結束的待辦事項數量核心數量用於下一個/上一個項目封存的紀錄檔保留天數重複的待辦事項數量依郵件數量來檢索顯示的項目數已延誤的待辦事項數量授權數量新的印表機耗材數量新的耗材數量已開啟的滿意度調查數已開啟的待辦事項數量已解決的待辦事項數量執行緒數量待辦事項數量作為請求者的待辦事項數量已嘗試傳送次數未解決的項目數量已使用印表機耗材數量已使用的耗材數量舊的印表機耗材數量已填寫的待辦事項數量OKOK-資料庫初始化了OK狀態的顏色OLAOROR NOT10月在新視窗開啟開啟%1$s(%2$s)開始在 %s開始日期作業系統執行的操作 部分 成功執行成功相對連結核准時可填寫或完成搜尋按項目類型訂購日期序號原連接埠原網路連接埠資訊其它其它身份驗證發送的HTTP請求其它會計和管理資訊(授權、印表機耗材、耗材)其它項目已存在其他類型的項目其它...其它其他身份驗證方法PCIPDF 匯出字型PHPPOP頁面大小Parallel分割密碼通行證(非匿名)密碼確認密碼最小長度密碼必須包含密碼必須至少包含一個數字!密碼必須包含至少一個小寫字母!密碼必須至少包含一個符號!密碼必須至少包含一個大寫字母!密碼需要數字密碼需要包含小寫字符密碼必需要包含符號密碼需要包含大寫字符密碼的安全策略密碼的安全驗證策略密碼太短!更新密碼過去的預借待決定完成百分比效能期間週期結束週期結束 + 通知週期性週期性的通知週邊設備型號週邊設備類型個人的個人RSS訂閱個人檢視個人提醒個人化電話機電話2電話機型號電話機類型Pivot規劃此作業規劃的期程預計結束日期預計開始日期規劃中提醒計劃結束日期計劃恢復計劃的提醒計劃開始日期計劃請輸入您的電子郵件地址. 一封電子郵件將被發送給您, 您將能夠選擇一個新的密碼.請選項一個資料庫:請選擇一個軟體請選擇一個版本外掛程式外掛程式連接埠端口(預設=389)端口(選用)職位可能的值郵遞區號潛在的的上傳攻擊或文件過大, 移動暫存檔案失敗.電源供應器電源供應器建立待辦事項時預設選擇我為技術人員預設預定義欄位通知的前綴初步創建保存預覽上一步列印的頁面印表機印表機計數器(頁數)印表機型號印表機類型印表機字典優先權優先顏色私人非公開追蹤預設非公開追蹤私人作業私人作業依預設值問題問題已解決問題作業問題連結項目的問題問題的待處理狀態需處理的問題處理中處理器處理器的頻率產品編號配置文件個人配置介面配置文件進行禁止預借專案專案狀態專案工作專案工作類型專案團隊專案團隊群組專案團隊使用者專案類型為升級檢查Proxy設定公開公開RSS訂閱公開追蹤公開提醒發布在 問與答出版商購買日期與此相關的預算不一致。 %1$s 不在此預算期間當中:%2$s / %3$s採購版本清除回收進垃圾桶擱置 %s將此項目放入常見問題解答條件數字RRAID發現 RSS feeds觸發調查率讀讀取授權讀取Helpdesk參數讀取註解讀取參數讀取 問與答讀取項目註解讀取用戶認證與同步方法實際的持續時間實際處理待辦事項的時間實際結束日期實際開始日期反面預覽原因回絕原因重新計算重新計算類別恢復在 %s接收到的電子郵件標題收件人接收錯誤: %s近來的輸入收件人收件人電子郵件收件人名字記錄拒絕記錄到數據庫中遞迴例行待辦事項遞迴參考更新頻率拒絕的電子郵件拒絕郵件存檔目錄(選用)重建已註冊 IDs (由PCI-SIG發行)重新重置網路拓樸圖拒絕電子郵件关联重新載入頁面殘餘記住我提醒印表機耗材的提醒頻率耗材的提醒通知頻率全部一次移除從login@domain刪除登入Domain更新重新開啟轉發器依字典替換製造商 (----- = All)現有的資料庫上重新執行規則, 結束於%s現有的資料庫重新執行規則, 始於 %s現有的資料庫重新執行規則: %1$s/%2$s依辭典重命名依辭典重命名Replicate備援伺服器 %s報告需求申請說明申請日期請求來源依預設請求源未發現請求的項目請求者請求者的名字請求者 ID請求者的姓請求者群組除管理者以外的請求者群組請求者群組管理者群組中的請求者請求者位置遺漏必要的參數需要數量預留項目預借預借過期預訂一個項目重置重置顯示選項重置上次執行重設密碼成功.決議決議通過日期解決時間回覆日期滿意度調查回應日期Rest API恢復項目限制X509認證(%s字段分隔符$)設備管理限制螢幕管理限制電話管理限制印表機管理限制詳細結果正規表示法的結果發生依頁顯示結果顯示結果於首頁檢索電子郵件(郵件收件人)修改權利和實體移轉權利移轉房號根目錄(任意)實體根目錄rootdn (非匿名)轉速規則規則名稱規則的結果規則類型規則適用於子實體套用規則: %s分配某個類別給軟體的規則軟體類別分類規則電腦分配給實體的規則透過郵件收件者建立的待辦事項指派規則分配一個項目的實體規則導入和連接電腦的規則規則清單規則管理被拒絕的規則規則使用於使用規則的物件已被已被停用。執行次數執行頻率執行模式執行週期執行中安全SELinux的模式為 %sSHA1SLASMTPSMTP 主機SMTP 登入 (選用l)SMTP 密碼 (選用)SMTP+SSLSMTP+TLSSQL密碼SQL的副本SQL 複製: 唯讀SQL 伺服器SQL 伺服器 (MariaDB or MySQL)SQL 伺服器: %s 無法連線到資料庫SQL使用者SSL滿意度滿意度調查滿意度調查設定滿意度調查已過期滿意度調查的觸發率此待辦事項處理結果的滿意度星期六存檔保存並新增到知識庫儲存現有搜索已排定搜尋搜索解決方案使用者的搜索條件搜尋影引擎搜尋篩選(如需要)實體的搜索篩選依使用者做搜尋篩選搜索已儲存搜索尚未儲存預設搜尋域列表顯示搜尋結果顯示使用者搜尋結果搜尋您電腦的 ID搜尋方式次項目Secondary安全檢視(角色)查看 (作者)查看所有查看所有計劃檢視所有可預借項目檢視所有待辦事項檢視已指派檢視已指派的待辦事項檢視配置檢視群組待辦事項自我的群組請參見硬體檢視我的待辦事項查看個人計劃看預訂檢視私人的檢視公開的在我的群組查看所有人的時間表檢視外掛程式的類別檢視由我的群組建立的待辦事項選擇從較早版本的 升級 GLPI全部選擇選擇急迫等級選擇顯示預設項目選擇顯示的統計選擇所需的實體選擇一個您想要形成的報告選擇需要解鎖的項目類型全選/取消全選選擇過大,已停用此大量動作。送出傳送 "使用統計"發送通知發一個測試郵件到管理員發送印表機耗材提醒發送耗材提醒發送合約警報逾期憑證警報過期授權發送警報發送會計和管理資訊警報發送接收錯誤警報發送核准請求發送合約通知後送出日期發送會計和管理資訊警報先於發送授權通知後發送授權通知失敗發送佇列中的郵件發送計劃恢復發送預借失敗通知發件人電子郵件發件人名字9月序列序號序號作業系統的序號伺服器服務為了系統維護,系統已停止服務。將在短時間內恢復。服務包設定為私人設定為公開設定狀態: %s設定網路通知使用地址/遮罩設置設定數個可用的網絡名稱!到選項 “網絡名稱” 來管理它們。顯示GLPI ID顯示全部顯示圖形顯示可用的標籤列表在首頁顯示新待辦事項在新增待辦事項表單中顯示個人資訊 (簡單介面)簡單模式服務台服務台說明連結單模光纖單一值大小預設大小軟體軟體類別已依字典規則刪除軟體分類完成合併後將軟體放進垃圾桶已依 GLPI 字典規則刪除軟體軟體字典解決方案已核准的解決方案被拒絕的解決方案拒絕解決方案的原因拒絕解決方案的日期解決方案樣版解答類型解決待辦事項已解決解決%1$s(%2$s)解決關於 %s子項來自於 %s音效音效卡來源追蹤來源揚聲器揚聲器特異性指定日期指定結束日期速度中控台中控台說明連結開始開始於 %s開始日期保固起始日期開始日期虛擬機的狀態統計項目狀態核准請求的狀態狀態已更新. 已連線的裝置被更新為現在的狀態.資料庫的狀態值竊取待辦事項步驟 %d時間的間距(分)Sub-D標題電子郵件的標題發送訊息Subnet子網路遮罩檔案刪除成功 %s成功導入成功的重建網路樹總結星期天星期天和例假日供應商專案團隊供應商維護支援時間姓姓, 名調查類型符號徵狀同步使用者同步已完成導入系統主機版系統鎖定系統日誌保留期限(以天為單位,0為無限)總成本總成本 (價值+追蹤成本)TLS默認標籤標籤考慮到考量到帳戶時間目標實體目標的電腦作業作業 %s 已執行作業作者任務類別作業完成於 %s作業完成.作業團隊任務範本預設任務狀態團隊成員工程師 技術人員已指派技術人員群組負責技術員硬體技術負責範圍作業的技術負責人負責此待辦事項的技術人員技術員在作業樣板請求樣板事件模板樣板名稱樣版翻譯樣板暫存的資料夾不存在測試測試連線至電子郵件伺服器測試完成發送測試郵件到管理員測試失敗測試失敗:%s測試連線至 LDAP 目錄測試接資料庫測試規則測試成功測試成功:%s測試中感謝您使用我們的自動服務台系統.這將刪除所有的預借資訊.PHP解析器未安裝 CURL 或 DOMXML延伸功能PHP郵件功能未知或沒有在您的系統中被啟用.不允許您所提出的需求您剛才的請求是不允許的。做動作之前,再次重新載入上頁。身份驗證方法設定不允許您更改密碼。目錄%s不存在該引擎依規則傳遞結果給下一個該引擎停止第一個檢查站規則.該引擎處理所有的規則.檔案不是一個影像檔檔案是有效。 上載成功。後續自動執行發生錯誤,它需要人工介入.安裝完成登入無效. 無法新增使用者.登入無效. 無法更新登入新密碼不能和現持密碼相同需求的項目在該時段已經被預訂.所選的使用者(%s)有沒有有效的電子郵件地址。請求已經建立,沒有電子郵件確認。伺服器回答了: %s兩個密碼不相同上傳的檔案大小超出在 HTML 表單中MAX_FILE_SIZE所設定的大小上傳的檔案大小超出在 php.ini 中post_max_size所設定的大小上傳的檔案大小超出在 php.ini 中upload_max_filesize所設定的大小上傳的文件只有部分被上傳對SMTP的使用是需要的.資料庫與安裝的檔案版本不符,必需更新。這些參數作為一般規則執行實體指派請考慮在移轉前先進行這些項目的備份第三方類型這是測試電子郵件這項目不作為公眾常見問答的部分這項目是公眾常見問答的一部分此配置文件是最後正確寫入的配置與我有關的待辦事項執行緒墨水夾數量的預設通知閾值: %1$s - 參考 %2$s - 剩餘 %3$d消耗品警告通知達到: %1$s - 參照 %2$s - 剩餘 %3$d星期四待辦事項待辦事項 #%1$s %2$s待辦事項類別待辦事項成本登入時顯示新增待辦事項表單待辦事項位置於已連結項目上的待辦事項已解決待辦事項待辦事項工作待辦事項樣板待辦事項待辦事項的預設類型待辦事項處理時間擱置的待辦事項需處理的待辦事項時間時間成本時間範圍解決時間Timeline 篩選器Tio標題到 %s成為待辦事項負責人導入不要知道複製/貼上 於您的支援請求去執行至郵件標題將需移轉的項目由清單中清除為了增加上限:請在PHP配置更改max_input_vars或suhosin.post.max_vars。要更新今天篩選器 切換Token附件檔太大工具共計所有帳戶淨值總成本總數總期間實際處理待辦事項的總時間預算總餘額總計花費預算總計共: %1$d (%2$d 新的, %3$d 用過的, %4$d 舊的)剩餘:%1$d(%2$d已使用,%3$d磨損)總共: %1$d, 新的: %2$d, 已使用: %3$d總共: 值=%1$s - 帳戶淨值=%2$s移轉移轉模式變更網路連接埠至翻譯下拉式選單翻譯重試新增memory_limit參量的嘗試在php.ini文件。星期二雙絞線(RJ-45)零組件的類型URL被預借項目的URLAPI 的URL應用程式的URLUSBUUID無法新增。使用者已經存在。無法新增,該使用者已存在.無法影響實體的電子郵件無法封存紀錄檔: %1$s. %2$s 已經存在. 等待下一天.無法連結 LDAP 目錄無法刪除封存的紀錄檔: %s無法取得該項目無法更新登入. 該使用者已存在.對這個檔案沒有存取權限未經授權檔案類型無法使用未分類的軟體取消全部未定義的功能 %s (cron使用)未定義的介面觀察中移除解除安裝墨盒唯一的欄位(s)實體管理不明的錯誤未知的檔案未知的介面未知的網路未知的網路連接埠不明的待辦事項無限制解鎖解鎖項目請求解鎖一個項目中連結解鎖一個項目解鎖元件解鎖項目非官方的翻譯也可未公佈未指定不支持郵件伺服器種類:%s不支援的版本 (%1$s)未標記的更新至最新更新更新(角色)更新來源全部更新更新所有書籤執行時間更新一個項目更新授權並同步將更新認證方法為更新追蹤 (作者)更新Helpdesk參數使用者認證和同步方法更新我的密码更新註解更新追蹤更新問題更新專案更新專案工作更新預借更新一項作業更新待辦事項修改評論更新參數更新密碼更新印表機計數器更新核准請求至 %s更新項目更新項目的註解更新至 %s升級上傳的目錄不存在更新成功大寫緊急使用 DN 做搜尋使用GLPI使用GLPI模式使用TLS使用FTP安裝檔案使用為一種解決方案使用日期使用鎖定使用郵件日期替代一次收集使用分頁結果使用統一的管理已使用用過的印表機耗材已使用的耗材使用的項目用過於使用者使用者的DN分配給作業的使用者使用者類別包含自身群組用戶類別使用者資料快取顯示使用者使用者具有一個配置文件使用者特色配置文件使用者訊息使用者不存在LDAP目錄中使用者無權連接GLPI無法找到使用者或發現多個使用者專案團隊使用者使用者或群組已更新. 已連接的項目已被移至相同的值.使用者標題使用者使用單一的配置文件VALIDATE-CERT有效的有效的授權有效的授權生效日有效的標籤有效期到%s到期日驗證驗證請求驗證事件驗證驗證請求驗證請求回覆價值實體分配值的一般規則LDAP目錄搜索使用者界面中使用的值電子名片版本第一版第二版第三版使用版本查看查看更新的使用者虛擬機虛擬連接埠虛擬化型號虛擬化系統可見可見結束日期可見開始日期可見 變更可見問題可見請求可見事件在專案中顯示在待辦事項中顯示在簡明介面可視開始可見可見 直到磁卷等待核准等待時間警告在依字典執行重新名稱前顯示警告訊息警告狀態的顏色警告狀態界限值警告:請求超出目錄的限制。只有部份結果。警告 : 唯讀 !保固期保固到期日停止保固後殘值保固資訊監督監督群組除管理者以外的監督者群組監督群組管理員發送電子郵件的方式網路網頁連結網頁連結至核准解決方案Webcal網站星期三重量連線 / 更新 行為中斷連線 行為WifiWifi 模式Wifi 網路Wifi 網路類型Wifi 連接埠WiFi 協議版本撤銷認證和群組(動態)沒有任何回覆的待辦事項將會於 %s 天後自動關閉沒有名稱沒有標題執行中...舊的印表機耗材寫作者寫入電子郵件標題 X-自動回覆 - 不顯示電子郵件標題 X-優先電子郵件標題 X-UCE狀態XMLRPC APIYYYY-MM-DD是是的,如果為空是的,如果等於您未被授權變更子程序可見的設定.您嘗試使用舊版本的GLPI連接新版本的GLPI資料庫. 請安裝與目前資料庫版本相符的GLPI檔案.您也可以替換所有使用的這個下拉選單至另一個您可以繼續新增需要移轉的項目或現在就移轉這些項目您最好在第一筆資料建立入資料庫前能刪除或修改這些帳戶。您可以刪除此移轉錯誤你不可以新增一個沒有說明的追蹤您不能刪除那個地方,因為它有子地點您不能解決此問題你沒有選擇資料庫!你無權刪除%s物件您沒有權限使用該應用程序, 因為您的帳戶被停用或移除您沒有執行這項工作的權限.無法正常連線您沒有權限檢視所有待辦事項你並不需要“移轉清理”工具了....你已經送出重設帳戶密碼要求。您已被重定向,因為你無法再使用此項目因為您已無權限存取此待辦事項,已重新導向至其他頁面您擁有最新的可用版本您必要同意這個應用程式使用 Cookies你必須定義預設設置擋來新增一個新用戶你可於 GLPI-PROJECT.org 網站找到相關訊息。你的註解已加入你的註解已編輯您的電子郵件無法進行處理⏎, 如果問題仍然存在,請聯繫管理員你追蹤的待辦事項你的密碼已成功更新您的密碼重置請求已過期或無效,請更新密碼.你的密码即将逾期%s您的計劃您的問題在進行您的待辦事項已登記,目前狀態為處理中。.您待處理的待辦事項您待結束的待辦事項您待檢驗的待辦事項無效的有效的之後且且/或啟用之前新增新增聯絡人新增一個合約新增一個委託者新增一個文件新增一個授權新增一個管理者新增一個檔案新增一個供應商增加一個作業新增使用者新增一個版本新增一個項目新增耗材新增到傳輸列表分配和現有的文件關聯相關憑證瀏覽取消變更更改身份驗證方法清除复制結案確認連接刪除永久刪除永久刪除並移除裝置永久刪除但是保留裝置停止中斷分開重複編輯啟動匯出立即取得電子郵件待辦事項授予導入安裝連結連結待辦事項管理合併移動送出回收進垃圾桶刪除一個合約刪除的文件移除一個管理者移除一個項目取代恢復存檔搜尋送出展示同步測試移除解鎖解鎖項目更新升級使用無法連接在資料庫新的用過的舊的測試中新的已使用包含date_mod 與 date_creation預設標準default_value 必需為 0 或 1default_value 必需為數字不包含不存在存在完成 by寄件者生成於 %sGLPI/ GLPI的管理員帳戶隱藏全部至高至低至中至非常高至非常低高低中非常高非常低行政號碼是已存在於 GLPI在GLPI內是空的不是狀態項目無法連接到一個物件上週五上週一上週六上週日上週四上週二上週三最後一項標準ldap_start_tls不存在海拔緯度經度狀態id 遺失項目類型遺失資源遺失月更新normal為正常帳戶不在o或其它參數 user_token 似乎有錯誤參數 user_token 看似有誤日月無週標題數字啟用已安裝 / 未啟用已安裝 / 未設定未安裝post-only/post-only為postonly帳戶價值全部至高至低至中至非常高至非常低高低主要中非常高非常低數字相關的項目數量變更 數量合約數量文件數量追蹤的數量安裝數量項目數行數已連結的待辦事項數量問題數量作業數量團隊成員人數待辦事項數量處理器數量正規不符合正規檢核還原規則以Apache使用者執行腳本發送合約通知失敗發送訊息通知失敗一般顯示拒絕開始 withstates_id已接受結案新的未結案未解決處理中(已分配)處理中(已計劃)拒絕已解決解決 + 結案支援解答已開始tech/tech為工程師帳戶模板文字此連接埠新的已開始已解決到到登錄畫面樹狀結構在未知全部至高至低至中至非常高至非常低高低中非常高非常低行政號碼拒絕版本瀏覽器開啟文件中 %s瓦特數電子郵件的的回應沒有電子郵件的的回應xx509 認證昨天你必需新增一個網路

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