Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/js/modules/SearchTokenizer/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/js/modules/SearchTokenizer/SearchInput.js |
/** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2022 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import SearchTokenizer from "./SearchTokenizer.js"; /** * @typedef SearchInputOptions * @property {{}} [popover] Popover options * @property {'edit'|'remove'} [backspace_action='edit'] The action when pressing the backspace key at the start of the input * @property {function} [on_result_change] Callback when the result changes * @property {TokenizerOptions} [tokenizer_options] Tokenizer options * @property {boolean} filter_on_type Whether to filter the suggestions on typing * @property {{}} [input_options] Options for the new input element * @property {[]|'copy'} [input_options.classes] Classes for the new input element. If set to "copy", the classes of the original input will be copied * @property {{}|'copy'} [input_options.attributes] Attributes for the new input element. If set to "copy", the attributes of the original input will be copied * @property {{}|'copy'} [input_options.data] Data for the new input element. If set to "copy", the attributes of the original input will be copied */ export default class SearchInput { constructor(input, options) { /** * @type {jQuery} */ this.original_input = $(input); /** * @type {SearchInputOptions} */ this.options = Object.assign({ backspace_action: 'edit', tokenizer_options: {}, filter_on_type: true, input_options: { classes: [], attributes: {}, data: {} } }, options || {}); this.tokenizer = new SearchTokenizer(this.options.allowed_tags || {}, this.options.drop_unallowed_tags || false, this.options.tokenizer_options); this.displayed_input = $(` <div class="form-control search-input d-flex overflow-auto" tabindex="0"></div> `).insertBefore(input); this.displayed_input.append(`<span class="search-input-tag-input flex-grow-1" contenteditable="true"></span>`); this.applyInputOptions(); this.original_input.hide(); this.last_result = null; this.registerListeners(); } applyInputOptions() { let new_attrs = {}; if (typeof this.options.input_options.attributes === 'object') { new_attrs = this.options.input_options.attributes; } else if (this.options.input_options.attributes === 'copy') { const original_attr = this.original_input.get(0).attributes; for (let i = 0; i < original_attr.length; i++) { // Get only non-data attributes if (!original_attr[i].name.startsWith('data-') && original_attr[i].name !== 'class') { new_attrs[original_attr[i].name] = original_attr[i].value; } } } let new_data = {}; let old_data_attrs = {}; if (typeof this.options.input_options.data === 'object') { new_data = this.options.input_options.data; } else if (this.options.input_options.data === 'copy') { new_data = this.original_input.data(); const original_attr = this.original_input.get(0).attributes; // Get data attributes in case they aren't in jQuery data for (let i = 0; i < original_attr.length; i++) { // Get only data attributes if (original_attr[i].name.startsWith('data-')) { old_data_attrs[original_attr[i].name] = original_attr[i].value; } } } // Add data attributes. We don't use $.data() because having the DOM attribute may be needed and using $.data doesn't add them. // Information from $.data will override any data attributes of the same name new_attrs = Object.assign(old_data_attrs, Object.keys(new_data).reduce((obj, key) => { obj['data-' + key] = new_data[key]; return obj; }, new_attrs)); // Apply attributes including data attributes this.displayed_input.attr(new_attrs); // Apply classes if (Array.isArray(this.options.input_options.classes)) { this.displayed_input.addClass(this.options.input_options.classes.join(' ')); } else if (this.options.input_options.classes === 'copy') { this.displayed_input.addClass(this.original_input.attr('class')); } } registerListeners() { const input = this.displayed_input; input.on('input change', () => { if (this.isSelectionUntagged()) { this.refreshPopover(); } }); input.popover(Object.assign({ trigger: 'manual', html: true, container: this.displayed_input.parent(), customClass: 'search-input-popover shadow', placement: 'bottom', // Option from Bootstrap (fallback) popperConfig: { placement: 'bottom-start', // Option only available directly in popper.js (Preferred) }, delay: { hide: 300 }, sanitize: false, content: () => { return this.getPopoverContent(); } }, this.options.popover || {})); input.parent().on('mousedown', '.search-input-popover', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }); input.parent().on('click', '.search-input-popover .tags-list li', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const tag = $(e.target).closest('li').attr('data-tag'); const node = $('<span class="search-input-tag-input">'+tag.trim()+':</span>').insertBefore($('.search-input-tag-input:last-of-type')); //Clear selected node's text const selected_node = this.getSelectedNode(); $(selected_node).text(''); const new_node = this.tagifyInputNode(node); this.makeTagEditable(new_node); new_node.focus(); }); input.parent().on('click', '.search-input-popover .tags-list li button.tag-prefix', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const prefix = $(e.target).closest('button.tag-prefix').attr('data-prefix'); const tag = $(e.target).closest('li').attr('data-tag'); const node = $('<span class="search-input-tag-input">'+(prefix || '')+tag.trim()+':</span>').insertBefore($('.search-input-tag-input:last-of-type')); //Clear selected node's text const selected_node = this.getSelectedNode(); $(selected_node).text(''); const new_node = this.tagifyInputNode(node); this.makeTagEditable(new_node); new_node.focus(); }); input.parent().on('click', '.search-input-popover .term-suggestions-list li', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const li = $(e.target).closest('li'); const tag = li.closest('ul').attr('data-tag'); const selected_term = li.text().trim(); const editing_node = input.find('.search-input-tag-input[data-tag="'+tag+'"]'); editing_node.text(`${tag}:${selected_term}`); this.tagifyInputNode(editing_node); this.placeCaretInDefaultInput(); }); input.on('input click focus', () => { this.refreshPopover(); input.popover('show'); }); $(document.body).on('click', (e) => { if ($(e.target).closest(input, this.original_input, input.parent().find('.search-input-popover')).length === 0) { input.popover('hide'); } }); input.on('blur', '.search-input-tag-input', (e) => { const tag_input = $(e.target).closest('.search-input-tag-input'); this.tagifyInputNode(tag_input); }); input.on('keydown', '.search-input-tag-input', (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 9) { // Tab // Prevent losing focus when pressing tab key e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 8) { // Backspace const selected_node = this.getSelectedNode(); if (!selected_node || selected_node.classList.contains('search-input-tag-input')) { const selection = document.getSelection(); if (!selection.anchorNode.isSameNode(selection.focusNode)) { // Prevent removing the input placeholder tag e.preventDefault(); } // if end selection is at the beginning of the input, do the backspace_action if (selection.anchorOffset === 0) { if (this.options.backspace_action === 'remove') { // Remove tag element before the selected_node const prev_node = selected_node.previousSibling; if (prev_node) { prev_node.remove(); this.displayed_input.trigger('result_change'); } } else if (this.options.backspace_action === 'edit') { // Make the tag element before the selected_node editable const prev_node = $(selected_node.previousSibling); if (prev_node) { this.makeTagEditable(prev_node); e.preventDefault(); } } } } } else if (e.keyCode === 13) { // Enter e.preventDefault(); const popover_list = input.parent().find('.search-input-popover ul'); if (popover_list.length > 0) { const active_item = popover_list.find('li.active'); if (active_item.length > 0) { const active_tag_prefix = active_item.find('button.tag-prefix.active'); if (active_tag_prefix.length > 0) { active_tag_prefix.click(); } else { active_item.click(); } } else { this.tagifySelectedNode(); } } else { this.tagifySelectedNode(); } } else if (e.keyCode === 40) { // Down arrow const popover_list = input.parent().find('.search-input-popover ul'); if (popover_list.length > 0) { const active_item = popover_list.find('li.active'); if (active_item.length === 0) { popover_list.find('li:first-of-type').addClass('active'); } else { const next_item = active_item.next(); if (next_item.length > 0) { active_item.removeClass('active'); next_item.addClass('active'); } } //deactivate all tag-prefix buttons in the popover popover_list.find('button.tag-prefix').removeClass('active'); } } else if (e.keyCode === 38) { // Up arrow const popover_list = input.parent().find('.search-input-popover ul'); if (popover_list.length > 0) { const active_item = popover_list.find('li.active'); if (active_item.length === 0) { popover_list.find('li:last-of-type').addClass('active'); } else { const prev_item = active_item.prev(); if (prev_item.length > 0) { active_item.removeClass('active'); prev_item.addClass('active'); } } //deactivate all tag-prefix buttons in the popover popover_list.find('button.tag-prefix').removeClass('active'); } } else if (e.keyCode === 37) { // Left arrow const popover_list = input.parent().find('.search-input-popover ul'); if (popover_list.length > 0) { const active_item = popover_list.find('li.active'); if (active_item.length > 0) { const active_tag_prefix = active_item.find('button.tag-prefix.active'); if (active_tag_prefix.length === 0) { active_item.find('button.tag-prefix:last-of-type').addClass('active'); } else { const prev_tag_prefix = active_tag_prefix.prev(); active_tag_prefix.removeClass('active'); if (prev_tag_prefix.length > 0) { prev_tag_prefix.addClass('active'); } } } } } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // Right arrow const popover_list = input.parent().find('.search-input-popover ul'); if (popover_list.length > 0) { const active_item = popover_list.find('li.active'); if (active_item.length > 0) { const active_tag_prefix = active_item.find('button.tag-prefix.active'); if (active_tag_prefix.length === 0) { active_item.find('button.tag-prefix:first-of-type').addClass('active'); } else { const next_tag_prefix = active_tag_prefix.next(); active_tag_prefix.removeClass('active'); if (next_tag_prefix.length > 0) { next_tag_prefix.addClass('active'); } } } } } }); input.on('keypress', '.search-input-tag-input', (e) => { // Prevent default behavior of the enter key if (e.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); } }); input.on('keyup', 'search-input-tag-input', (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 9) { // Tab e.preventDefault(); this.tagifySelectedNode(); } }); input.on('click', '.search-input-tag', (e) => { const tag = $(e.target).closest('.search-input-tag'); this.makeTagEditable(tag); }); input.on('click', '.search-input-tag i', (e) => { $(e.target).closest('.search-input-tag').remove(); this.displayed_input.trigger('result_change'); }); input.on('result_change', (e) => { let text = this.getRawInput(); const result = this.tokenizer.tokenize(text); const result_changed = JSON.stringify(result) !== JSON.stringify(this.last_result); if (this.options.on_result_change && result_changed) { this.options.on_result_change(e, result); } this.last_result = result; }); } tagifySelectedNode() { const selected_node = $(this.getSelectedNode()); if (selected_node && this.isSelectionUntagged()) { return this.tagifyInputNode(selected_node); } return null; } /** * * @param {SearchToken} token */ tokenToTagHtml(token) { const tag_display = token.tag ? `<b>${token.exclusion ? this.tokenizer.EXCLUSION_PREFIX : ''}${token.prefix ? token.prefix : ''}${token.tag}</b>:` : ''; let tag_color_override = null; if (this.tokenizer.options.custom_prefixes[token.prefix]) { tag_color_override = this.tokenizer.options.custom_prefixes[token.prefix].token_color || null; } else if (token.exclusion) { tag_color_override = '#80000080'; } const dark_mode = $('html').css('--is-dark').trim() === 'true'; const text_color = $(document.body).css('color'); let style_overrides = ''; if (!token.tag) { tag_color_override = text_color; } if (dark_mode) { tag_color_override = tag_color_override || '#b3b3b3'; // Remove alpha from hex color if (tag_color_override.indexOf('#') === 0) { tag_color_override = tag_color_override.replace(/[^#]*#([0-9a-f]{6})([0-9a-f]{2})?/i, '#$1'); } style_overrides = tag_color_override ? `style="border-color: ${tag_color_override} !important; background-color: unset !important;"` : ''; } else { style_overrides = tag_color_override ? `style="background-color: ${tag_color_override} !important"` : ''; } return `<span class="search-input-tag badge bg-secondary me-1" contenteditable="false" data-tag="${token.tag}" ${style_overrides}> <span class="search-input-tag-value" contenteditable="false">${tag_display}${token.term || ''}</span> <i class="ti ti-x cursor-pointer ms-1" title="${__('Delete')}" contenteditable="false"></i> </span>`; } tagifyInputNode(node) { const tokenized = this.tokenizer.tokenize(node.text()); const tagged_tokens = tokenized.getTaggedTerms(); const untagged_tokens = tokenized.getUntaggedTerms(); let last_inserted = null; for (let i = 0; i < tagged_tokens.length; i++) { const t = tagged_tokens[i]; last_inserted = $(this.tokenToTagHtml(t)).insertBefore(node); last_inserted.data('token', t); this.transformTagTermFromAutocomplete(last_inserted); } if (node.data('token') !== undefined && node.data('token').tag) { const untagged_text = tokenized.getFullPhrase(); node.text(untagged_text); } else { for (let i = 0; i < untagged_tokens.length; i++) { const t = untagged_tokens[i]; last_inserted = $(this.tokenToTagHtml(t)).insertBefore(node); last_inserted.data('token', t); } node.text(''); } if (node.text().length === 0) { // if node is the last child of the container, empty it. Otherwise, remove the selected node if (node.is(':last-child')) { node.empty(); } else { try { node.remove(); } catch (e) { // node is already removed. In some cases, this can be attempted to be removed twice } } if (last_inserted) { this.displayed_input.find('.search-input-tag-input:last-of-type').focus(); this.refreshPopover(); } } else { // place cursor at end of the selected_node text this.placeCaretAtEndOfNode(node.get(0)); } this.displayed_input.trigger('result_change'); return last_inserted; } transformTagTermFromAutocomplete(node) { const tokenized = this.tokenizer.tokenize(node.text()); const tagged_tokens = tokenized.getTaggedTerms(); const last_token = tagged_tokens[tagged_tokens.length - 1]; const autocomplete_info = this.tokenizer.getAutocomplete(last_token.tag); if (autocomplete_info) { autocomplete_info.forEach((t) => { const autocomplete_value = $(`<span>${t}</span>`).text(); const term_text = $(`<span>${last_token.term}</span>`).text(); if (autocomplete_value.localeCompare(term_text, undefined, { sensitivity: 'accent' }) === 0) { last_token.term = t; node.replaceWith($(this.tokenToTagHtml(last_token))); } }); } } makeTagEditable(tag) { if (tag && tag.hasClass('search-input-tag')) { tag.removeClass('search-input-tag'); tag.addClass('search-input-tag-input'); tag.attr('contenteditable', 'true'); const token = tag.data('token'); tag.empty(); tag.text(token.raw); tag.focus(); // place cursor at end of the tag text this.placeCaretAtEndOfNode(tag.get(0)); // Refresh popover to get up to date suggestions this.refreshPopover(); this.displayed_input.trigger('result_change'); } } getSelectedNode() { const selection = document.getSelection(); let result = null; if (selection) { result = selection.anchorNode; if (result && result.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { result = result.parentNode; } } return result || null; } isSelectionUntagged() { const node = this.getSelectedNode(); return node !== null && node.classList.contains('search-input-tag-input'); } placeCaretAfterNode(node) { if (!node || !node.parentNode) { return; } const nextSibling = node.nextSibling; const sel = document.getSelection(); const range = sel.getRangeAt(0); if (sel.rangeCount) { range.setStartAfter(nextSibling || node); range.collapse(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); this.refreshPopover(); } } placeCaretAtStartOfNode(node) { if (!node || !node.parentNode) { return; } const sel = document.getSelection(); const range = sel.getRangeAt(0); if (sel.rangeCount) { range.setStart(node, 0); range.collapse(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); this.refreshPopover(); } } placeCaretAtEndOfNode(node) { const selection = document.getSelection(); const range = document.createRange(); if (node.lastChild && node.lastChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { range.setStart(node.lastChild, node.lastChild.length); } else { range.setStart(node, node.childNodes.length); } selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); this.refreshPopover(); } placeCaretInDefaultInput() { const default_input = this.displayed_input.find('.search-input-tag-input:last-of-type'); if (default_input.length > 0) { this.placeCaretAtStartOfNode(default_input.get(0)); } } getRawInput() { let raw_input = ''; this.displayed_input.find('.search-input-tag').each((i, node) => { const n = $(node); if (n.data('token') !== undefined) { raw_input += n.data('token').raw + ' '; } }); return raw_input.trim(); } refreshPopover() { const content = this.getPopoverContent(); this.displayed_input.parent().find('.popover-body').html(content); } getPopoverContent() { const input = this.displayed_input; const selected = $(this.getSelectedNode()); let last_token = null; if (this.isSelectionUntagged()) { if (selected.closest(input)) { const text = selected.text(); const cursor_pos = document.getSelection().anchorOffset; const t = text.slice(0, cursor_pos); if (t.endsWith(' ')) { return this.getTagsHelperContent(); } const tokens = this.tokenizer.tokenize(t).tokens; const max = Math.max.apply(Math, tokens.map((token) => { return token.position; })); last_token = tokens.find((token) => { return token.position === max; }); } } return (last_token && last_token.tag) ? this.getAutocompleteHelperContent(last_token.tag) : this.getTagsHelperContent(); } getTagsHelperContent() { const tags = this.tokenizer.allowed_tags; const selected = $(this.getSelectedNode()); let selected_text = (selected ? selected.text() : '').trim(); const selected_phrases = selected_text.match(/(?:[^\s"]+|"[^"]*")+/g); selected_text = selected_phrases ? selected_phrases[selected_phrases.length - 1] : ''; let helper = ''; if (Object.keys(tags).length > 0) { helper += '<ul class="list-group tags-list">'; } $.each(tags, (name, info) => { if ((this.options.filter_on_type && selected_text.length > 0) && !name.toLowerCase().startsWith(selected_text.toLowerCase())) { return; // continue } const description = info.description || ''; let prefix_content = ''; const prefix_count = Object.keys(info.supported_prefixes || {}).length; $.each(info.supported_prefixes, (i, prefix) => { const custom_prefix = this.tokenizer.options.custom_prefixes[prefix]; let label = custom_prefix ? (custom_prefix.label || prefix) : prefix; if (prefix === this.tokenizer.EXCLUSION_PREFIX) { label = __('Exclude'); } prefix_content += `<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm ${prefix_count > 1 ? 'ms-1' : ''} tag-prefix" title="${label}" data-prefix="${prefix}">${prefix}</button>`; }); helper += ` <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" style="cursor: pointer" data-tag="${name}"> <div class="d-flex flex-grow-1 justify-content-between"> <b>${name}</b> <span>${prefix_content}</span> </div> <div class="text-muted fst-italic">${description}</div> </li> `; }); if (Object.keys(tags).length > 0) { helper += '</ul>'; } return helper; } getAutocompleteHelperContent(tag_name) { tag_name = tag_name.toLowerCase(); const tag = this.tokenizer.allowed_tags[tag_name]; if (tag === undefined) { return null; } const selected = $(this.getSelectedNode()); const selected_text = (selected ? selected.text() : '').trim(); const tokens = this.tokenizer.tokenize(selected_text).getTaggedTerms(); const current_term = (tokens.length > 0 ? tokens[0].term : '').trim(); let helper = ''; const autocomplete_values = this.tokenizer.getAutocomplete(tag_name); if (autocomplete_values.length > 0) { helper += `<ul class="list-group term-suggestions-list" data-tag="${tag_name}">`; } else { helper = `${tag_name.toLowerCase()}: ${tag.description}`; } $.each(autocomplete_values, (i, v) => { if ((this.options.filter_on_type && selected_text.length > 0) && !v.toLowerCase().startsWith(current_term.toLowerCase())) { return; // continue } helper += `<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" style="cursor: pointer">${v}</li>`; }); if (autocomplete_values.length > 0) { helper += '</ul>'; } return helper; } }