Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/js/dashboard.js |
/** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2022 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* global GridStack, GoInFullscreen, GoOutFullscreen, EasyMDE, getUuidV4, _, sortable */ /* global glpi_ajax_dialog, glpi_close_all_dialogs */ var Dashboard = { grid: null, elem_id: "", element: null, elem_dom: null, rand: null, interval: null, current_name: null, markdown_editors: [], all_cards: [], all_widgets: [], edit_mode: false, embed: false, ajax_cards: false, context: "core", markdown_contents: [], dash_width: 0, cell_margin: 3, cols: 26, cache_key: "", filters: "{}", display: function(params) { var that = this; // get passed options and merge it with default ones var options = (typeof params !== 'undefined') ? params: {}; var default_options = { cols: 24, rows: 24, cell_length: 40, cell_margin: 5, rand: '', embed: false, ajax_cards: true, all_cards: [], context: "core" }; options = Object.assign({}, default_options, options); this.rand = options.rand; this.elem_id = "#dashboard-"+options.rand; this.element = $(Dashboard.elem_id); this.elem_dom = Dashboard.element[0]; this.current_name = $(this.elem_id+' .dashboard_select').val() || options.current; this.embed = options.embed; this.ajax_cards = options.ajax_cards; this.all_cards = options.all_cards; this.all_widgets = options.all_widgets; this.context = options.context; this.dash_width = this.element.width(); this.cell_margin = options.cell_margin; this.cols = options.cols; this.cache_key = options.cache_key || ""; // compute the width offset of gridstack container relatively to viewport var elem_domRect = this.elem_dom.getBoundingClientRect(); var width_offset = elem_domRect.left + (window.innerWidth - elem_domRect.right) + 0.02; Dashboard.grid = GridStack.init({ column: options.cols, maxRow: (options.rows + 1), // +1 for a hidden item at bottom (to fix height) margin : this.cell_margin, float: true, // widget can be placed anywhere on the grid, not only on top animate: false, // as we don't move widget automatically, we don't need animation draggable: { // override jquery ui draggable options 'cancel': 'textarea' // avoid draggable on some child elements }, 'minWidth': 768 - width_offset, // breakpoint of one column mode (based on the dashboard container width), trying to reduce to match the `-md` breakpoint of bootstrap (this last is based on viewport width) }); // set grid in static to prevent edition (unless user click on edit button) // previously in option, but current version of gridstack has a bug with one column mode (responsive) // see https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js/issues/1229 Dashboard.grid.setStatic(true); // generate the css based on the grid width Dashboard.generateCss(); // init filters from storage Dashboard.initFilters(); Dashboard.refreshDashboard(); // retieve cards content by ajax if (Dashboard.ajax_cards) { Dashboard.getCardsAjax(); } // animate the dashboards if (!Dashboard.ajax_cards) { Dashboard.fitNumbers(); Dashboard.animateNumbers(); } // change dashboard $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .dashboard_select").change(function() { Dashboard.current_name = $(this).val(); var selected_label = $(this).find("option:selected").text(); $(".dashboard-name").val(selected_label); Dashboard.refreshDashboard(); Dashboard.setLastDashboard(); Dashboard.initFilters(); }); // add dashboard $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .add-dashboard").click(function() { Dashboard.addForm(); }); $(document).on('submit', '.display-add-dashboard-form', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); glpi_close_all_dialogs(); var button = $(this); var form_data = {}; $.each(button.closest('.display-add-dashboard-form').serializeArray(), function() { form_data[this.name] = this.value; }); Dashboard.addNew(form_data); }); // delete dashboard $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .delete-dashboard").click(function() { Dashboard.delete(); }); //clone dashboard $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .clone-dashboard").click(function() { Dashboard.clone(); }); // embed mode toggle $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .open-embed").click(function() { glpi_ajax_dialog({ title: __("Share or embed this dashboard"), url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", params: { action: 'display_embed_form', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name }, }); }); // edit mode toggle $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .edit-dashboard").click(function() { var activate = !$(this).hasClass('active'); Dashboard.setEditMode(activate); }); // fullscreen mode toggle var expand_selector = "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toggle-fullscreen"; $(expand_selector).click(function() { Dashboard.toggleFullscreenMode($(this)); }); // trigger fullscreen off (by esc key) $(document).on('fullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange', function() { if (!document.webkitIsFullScreen && !document.mozFullScreen && !document.msFullscreenElement !== null) { Dashboard.disableFullscreenMode(); } }); // night mode toggle $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .night-mode").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('active'); Dashboard.element.toggleClass('theme-dark'); }); // refresh mode toggle $("#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .toolbar .auto-refresh").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('active'); var active = $(this).hasClass('active'); if (active) { var minutes = parseInt(CFG_GLPI.refresh_views); if (minutes == 0 || Number.isNaN(minutes)) { minutes = 30; } var seconds = minutes * 60; Dashboard.interval = setInterval(function() { Dashboard.refreshDashboard(); }, seconds * 1000); } else { clearInterval(Dashboard.interval); } }); // browser resized (use debounce to delay generation of css) var debounce; $(window).on('resize', function(event) { if (event.target.constructor.name !== "Window") { return; } window.clearTimeout(debounce); debounce = window.setTimeout(function() { Dashboard.generateCss(); // fit again numbers Dashboard.fitNumbers(); }, 200); }); // publish rights $(document).on('click', '.display-rights-form .save_rights', function() { glpi_close_all_dialogs(); var button = $(this); var form_data = {}; var is_private; $.each(button.closest('.display-rights-form').serializeArray(), function() { var current_val = this.value.split('-'); var right_name = current_val[0]; var value = current_val[1]; if (!(right_name in form_data)) { form_data[right_name] = []; } form_data[right_name].push(value); }); is_private = button.closest('.display-rights-form').find('select[name="is_private"]').val(); $.post({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'save_rights', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, rights: form_data, is_private: is_private, } }); }); // event: moving item Dashboard.grid.on('dragstop', function() { Dashboard.saveDashboard(); }); // event: resize item Dashboard.grid.on('resizestop', function(event, elem) { Dashboard.saveDashboard(); // resize also chart if exists var chart = $(elem).find('.ct-chart'); if (chart.length > 0) { chart[0].__chartist__.update(); } // Used after "resize.fittext" event to reset our custom width "trick" // See computeWidth() function for more info on the trick that.resetComputedWidth($('body').find('.big-number').find('.formatted-number')); that.resetComputedWidth($('body').find('.big-number').find('.label')); // animate the number Dashboard.fitNumbers($(elem)); Dashboard.animateNumbers($(elem)); }); // delete item $(document).on('click', "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .delete-item", function() { var del_ctrl = $(this); var item = del_ctrl.closest('.grid-stack-item')[0]; Dashboard.grid.removeWidget(item); Dashboard.saveDashboard(); }); // refresh item $(document).on('click', "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .refresh-item", function() { var refresh_ctrl = $(this); var item = refresh_ctrl.closest('.grid-stack-item'); var id = item.attr('gs-id'); Dashboard.getCardsAjax("[gs-id="+id+"]"); }); // edit item $(document).on('click', "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .edit-item", function() { var edit_ctrl = $(this); var item = edit_ctrl.parent().parent('.grid-stack-item'); var card_opt = item.data('card-options'); glpi_ajax_dialog({ title: __("Edit this card"), url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", params: { action: 'display_edit_widget', gridstack_id: item.attr('gs-id'), card_id: card_opt.card_id, x: item.attr('gs-x'), y: item.attr('gs-y'), width: item.attr('gs-w'), height: item.attr('gs-h'), card_options: card_opt, }, }); }); // add new widget form $(document).on("click", "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .cell-add", function() { var add_ctrl = $(this); glpi_ajax_dialog({ title: __("Add a card"), url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", params: { action: 'display_add_widget', x: add_ctrl.data('x'), y: add_ctrl.data('y') }, }); }); // save new or existing widget (submit form) $(document).on('submit', '.display-widget-form ', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); Dashboard.setWidgetFromForm($(this)); }); // add new filter $(document).on("click", "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .filters_toolbar .add-filter", function() { glpi_close_all_dialogs(); var filters = Dashboard.getFiltersFromDB(); var filter_names = Object.keys(filters); glpi_ajax_dialog({ title: __("Add a filter"), url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", params: { action: 'display_add_filter', used: filter_names }, }); }); // save new filter (submit form) $(document).on('submit', '.display-filter-form ', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var form = $(this); Dashboard.setFilterFromForm(form); }); // delete existing filter $(document).on("click", "#dashboard-"+options.rand+" .filters_toolbar .delete-filter", function() { var filter = $(this).closest('.filter'); var filter_id = filter.data('filter-id'); // remove filter from dom filter.remove(); // remove filter from storage and refresh cards var filters = Dashboard.getFiltersFromDB(); delete filters[filter_id]; Dashboard.setFiltersInDB(filters); Dashboard.refreshCardsImpactedByFilter(filter_id); }); // rename dashboard $(document).on('click', '.save-dashboard-name ', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // change in selector $('.dashboard_select option[value='+Dashboard.current_name+']') .text($(".dashboard-name").val()); Dashboard.saveDashboard(); $('.display-message') .addClass('success') .text(__("Saved")) .show('fade').delay(2000).hide('fade'); }); // display widget types after selecting a card $(document).on('select2:select', '.display-widget-form select[name=card_id]', function(event) { var select2_data = event.params.data; var selected = select2_data.id; var widgettype_field = $(this).closest('.display-widget-form').find('.widgettype_field'); var available_widgets = Dashboard.all_cards[selected].widgettype; var force_checked = available_widgets.length === 1; widgettype_field .show() .find('input[type=radio]') .next('label').css('display', 'none').end() .filter("[value='"+available_widgets.join("'],[value='")+"']") .prop("checked", force_checked) .trigger('change') .next('label').css('display', 'inline-block'); }); // display gradient and limit after selecting a widget $(document).on('change', '.display-widget-form [name=widgettype]', function() { var widgetdom = $(this); var widgettype = widgetdom.val(); var widget = Dashboard.all_widgets[widgettype]; var usegradient = widget.gradient || false; var pointlabels = widget.pointlbl || false; var uselimit = widget.limit || false; var width = widget.width || 2; var height = widget.height || 2; var form = widgetdom.closest('.display-widget-form'); form.find('.gradient_field').toggle(usegradient); form.find('.pointlbl_field').toggle(pointlabels); form.find('.limit_field').toggle(uselimit); var width_field = form.find('[name="width"]'); var height_field = form.find('[name="height"]'); if (width_field.val() == 0) { width_field.val(width); } if (height_field.val() == 0) { height_field.val(height); } }); // markdown textarea edited $(document).on('input', '.card.markdown textarea.markdown_content', function() { Dashboard.saveMarkdown($(this)); }); // FitText() add an event listener that recompute the font size of all // "fittexted" elements of the page. // This means we need to apply our max-width "trick" on this event // See computeWidth() function for more info on the trick $(window).on('resize.fittext', function() { that.computeWidth($('body').find('.big-number').find('.formatted-number')); that.computeWidth($('body').find('.big-number').find('.label')); }); }, saveMarkdown:function(textarea) { var item = textarea.closest('.grid-stack-item'); var content = textarea.val(); var gs_id = item.attr('gs-id'); item.addClass('dirty'); Dashboard.markdown_contents[gs_id] = content; }, setWidgetFromForm: function(form) { glpi_close_all_dialogs(); var form_data = {}; $.each(form.serializeArray(), function() { form_data[this.name] = this.value; }); // no card selected if (form_data.card_id === "0") { return false; } form_data.card_options = form_data.card_options || {}; if (typeof form_data.card_options === "string") { form_data.card_options = JSON.parse(form_data.card_options); } var edit_item = "old_id" in form_data && form_data.old_id.length > 0; // prepare options form_data.card_options.color = form_data.color || null; form_data.card_options.widgettype = form_data.widgettype || null; form_data.card_options.use_gradient = form_data.use_gradient || 0; form_data.card_options.point_labels = form_data.point_labels || 0; form_data.card_options.limit = form_data.limit || 7; // specific case for markdown if (form_data.card_id === "markdown_editable" && !('markdown_content' in form_data.card_options)) { form_data.card_options.markdown_content = ""; } // id edit mode remove old item before adding the new if (edit_item === true) { if (form_data.old_id === "0") { return false; } var item = $('.grid-stack-item[gs-id='+form_data.old_id+']')[0]; Dashboard.grid.removeWidget(item); } // complete ajax data var uuid = getUuidV4(); form_data.gridstack_id = form_data.card_id+"_"+uuid; form_data.card_options.card_id = form_data.card_id; form_data.card_options.gridstack_id = form_data.gridstack_id; var args = form_data.card_options; args.force = true; // add the new widget var widget = Dashboard.addWidget(form_data); // get the html of the new card and save dashboard $.get({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'get_card', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, card_id: form_data.card_id, cache_key: Dashboard.cache_key, args: args, } }).done(function(card_html) { widget .children('.grid-stack-item-content') .append(card_html); Dashboard.fitNumbers(widget); Dashboard.animateNumbers(widget); Dashboard.saveDashboard(); }); }, addWidget: function(p) { var gridstack_id = p.gridstack_id; var x = parseInt(p.x || -1); var y = parseInt(p.y || -1); var width = parseInt(p.width || 2); var height = parseInt(p.height || 2); var options = p.card_options || {}; var html = ' \ <div class="grid-stack-item"> \ <span class="controls"> \ <i class="refresh-item ti ti-refresh" title="'+__("Refresh this card")+'"></i> \ <i class="edit-item ti ti-edit" title="'+__("Edit this card")+'"></i> \ <i class="delete-item ti ti-x" title="'+__("Delete this card")+'"></i> \ </span> \ <div class="grid-stack-item-content"> \ </div> \ </div>'; // add the widget to the grid var widget = Dashboard.grid.addWidget(html, { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': width, 'h': height, 'autoPosition': x < 0 || y < 0, 'id': gridstack_id, }); // append options $(widget).attr('data-card-options', JSON.stringify(options)); return $(widget); }, setFilterFromForm: function(form) { glpi_close_all_dialogs(); var form_data = {}; $.each(form.serializeArray(), function() { form_data[this.name] = this.value; }); // get the html of the new card and save dashboard $.get({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'get_filter', filter_id: form_data.filter_id, } }).done(function(filter_html) { $('.filters').append(filter_html); Dashboard.saveFilter(form_data.filter_id, []); }); }, refreshDashboard: function() { var gridstack = $(Dashboard.elem_id+" .grid-stack"); Dashboard.grid.removeAll(); $.get({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, action: 'get_dashboard_items', embed: (Dashboard.embed ? 1 : 0), } }).done(function(html) { gridstack.prepend(html); gridstack.find('.grid-stack-item').each(function() { Dashboard.grid.makeWidget($(this)[0]); }); if (Dashboard.ajax_cards) { Dashboard.getCardsAjax(); } }); }, setLastDashboard: function() { $.post({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, page: (location.origin+location.pathname) .replace(CFG_GLPI.url_base, ''), action: 'set_last_dashboard', } }); }, saveFilter: function(filter_id, value) { // store current filter in localStorage var filters = Dashboard.getFiltersFromDB(); filters[filter_id] = value; Dashboard.setFiltersInDB(filters); // refresh sortable sortable('.filters', 'reload'); // refresh all card impacted by the changed filter Dashboard.refreshCardsImpactedByFilter(filter_id); }, refreshCardsImpactedByFilter: function(filter_id) { $('.dashboard .card.filter-'+filter_id).each(function () { var gridstack_item = $(this).closest(".grid-stack-item"); var card_id = gridstack_item.attr('gs-id'); Dashboard.getCardsAjax("[gs-id="+card_id+"]"); }); }, saveDashboard: function(force_refresh) { force_refresh = force_refresh | false; var serializedData = $.makeArray( Dashboard.element.find('.grid-stack-item:visible:not(.grid-stack-placeholder)') ) .map(function (v) { var gs_id = $(v).attr('gs-id'); var options = $(v).data('card-options'); // replace markdown content (this to avoid unwanted slashing) if (_.keys(Dashboard.markdown_contents).length > 0 && gs_id in Dashboard.markdown_contents) { options.markdown_content = Dashboard.markdown_contents[gs_id]; } return gs_id ? { gridstack_id: $(v).attr('gs-id'), card_id: options.card_id, x: $(v).attr('gs-x'), y: $(v).attr('gs-y'), width: $(v).attr('gs-w'), height: $(v).attr('gs-h'), card_options: options } : null; }); $.post({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'save_items', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, items: serializedData, title: $(".dashboard-name").val() } }).done(function() { if (force_refresh) { Dashboard.refreshDashboard(); } }); }, /** * FitText() only use the width of an item into consideration (and ignore the height). * This means that if you keep increasing the width of a card without also * increasing the height then your text will overflow the card's height at * some point. * * This function fix this by reducing the available width of the parent DOM * element to ensure a decent height / width ratio will be used by fitText() * * @param {*} items */ computeWidth: function(items) { items.each(function() { // Compute parent dimension var parent_width = $(this).parent().parent().width(); var parent_height = $(this).parent().parent().height(); // Only for "wide" cards if (parent_width > parent_height) { // FitText "ideal" ratio to avoid any overflow // This value was found by using fitText() on a ~1600px wide span and // checking the resulting text height. // It probably wont be the perfect ratio for every possible texts // length but it is a safe ratio to use for our calculation var target_ratio = 0.35; // Compute what our desired height would be if we want to match the // target ratio var desired_width = parent_height / target_ratio; var desired_width_percent = (desired_width / parent_width) * 100; // Keep half the space since we have two items to display (value and label) var desired_width_percent_half = desired_width_percent / 2; // Apply the width $(this).css('width', desired_width_percent_half + '%'); } }); }, /** * Remove the custom width as it should only be used temporarily to 'trick' * fitText into using a different fontSize and should not be applied to the * actual text * * @param {*} items */ resetComputedWidth: function(items) { items.each(function() { $(this).css('width', '100%'); }); }, fitNumbers: function(parent_item) { parent_item = parent_item || $('body'); var text_offset = 1.16; // responsive mode if (this.dash_width <= 700 || $(this.grid.el).hasClass('grid-stack-one-column-mode')) { text_offset = 1.8; } // Set temporary max width to trick fitText and avoid overflow this.computeWidth(parent_item.find('.big-number').find('.formatted-number')); this.computeWidth(parent_item.find('.big-number').find('.label')); parent_item .find('.big-number') .find('.formatted-number').fitText(text_offset); parent_item .find('.summary-numbers') .find('.formatted-number').fitText(text_offset-0.65); parent_item .find('.summary-numbers') .find('.line .label').fitText(text_offset-0.2); parent_item .find('.big-number') .find('.label').fitText(text_offset - 0.2, { minFontSize: '12px'}); // Remove temporary width this.resetComputedWidth(parent_item.find('.big-number').find('.formatted-number')); this.resetComputedWidth(parent_item.find('.big-number').find('.label')); }, animateNumbers: function(parent_item) { parent_item = parent_item || $('body'); parent_item .find('.multiple-numbers, .summary-numbers, .big-number') .find('.formatted-number') .each(function () { var count = $(this); var precision = count.data('precision'); var number = count.children('.number'); var suffix = count.children('.suffix').text(); var targetNumber = number.text(); // Some custom formats may contain text in the number field, no animation in this case if (isNaN(number.text())) { return true; } jQuery({ Counter: 0 }).animate({ Counter: number.text() }, { duration: 800, easing: 'swing', step: function () { number.text(this.Counter.toFixed(precision))+suffix; }, complete: function () { number.text(targetNumber)+suffix; } }); }); }, setEditMode: function(activate) { Dashboard.edit_mode = typeof activate == "undefined" ? true : activate; var edit_ctrl = $(Dashboard.elem_id+" .toolbar .edit-dashboard"); edit_ctrl.toggleClass('active', activate); Dashboard.element.toggleClass('edit-mode', activate); Dashboard.grid.setStatic(!activate); // set filters as sortable (draggable) or not sortable('.filters', activate ? 'enable' : 'disable'); if (!Dashboard.edit_mode) { // save markdown textareas set as dirty var dirty_textareas = $(".grid-stack-item.dirty"); if (dirty_textareas.length > 0) { Dashboard.saveDashboard(true); } } }, toggleFullscreenMode: function(fs_ctrl) { var fs_enabled = !fs_ctrl.hasClass('active'); Dashboard.element.toggleClass('fullscreen') .find('.night-mode').toggle(fs_enabled); fs_ctrl.toggleClass('active'); // desactivate edit mode if (fs_enabled) { Dashboard.setEditMode(false); } // fullscreen browser api if (fs_enabled) { GoInFullscreen(Dashboard.elem_dom); } else { GoOutFullscreen(); } }, disableFullscreenMode: function() { Dashboard.element .removeClass('fullscreen') .find('.night-mode').hide().end() .find('.toggle-fullscreen').removeClass('active'); GoOutFullscreen(); }, /** * Clone current dashboard * (clean all previous gridstack_id in cards) */ clone: function() { $.post({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, action: 'clone_dashboard', }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(new_dash) { Dashboard.addNewDashbardInSelect(new_dash.title, new_dash.key); }); }, /** * Delete current dashboard */ delete: function() { var confirm_msg = __("Are you sure you want to delete the dashboard %s ?") .replace('%s', Dashboard.current_name); if (window.confirm(confirm_msg, __("Delete this dashboard"))) { $.post({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'delete_dashboard', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, } }).done(function() { $("#dashboard-"+Dashboard.rand+" .toolbar .dashboard_select") .find("option[value='"+Dashboard.current_name+"']").remove() .end() // reset find filtering .prop("selectedIndex", 0) .trigger('change'); }); } }, /** * Display form to add a new dashboard */ addForm: function() { glpi_ajax_dialog({ title: __("Add a new dashboard"), url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", params: { action: 'add_new', } }); }, addNew: function(form_data) { $.post({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'save_new_dashboard', title: form_data.title, context: Dashboard.context, } }).done(function(dashboard_key) { Dashboard.addNewDashbardInSelect(form_data.title, dashboard_key); Dashboard.setEditMode(true); }); }, /** * Add a new option to top left dashboard select */ addNewDashbardInSelect: function(label, value) { var newOption = new Option(label, value, false, true); $("#dashboard-"+Dashboard.rand+" .toolbar .dashboard_select") .append(newOption) .trigger('change'); }, getCardsAjax: function(specific_one) { specific_one = specific_one || ""; var filters = Dashboard.getFiltersFromDB(); let requested_cards = []; let card_ajax_data = []; $(".grid-stack-item:not(.lock-bottom)"+specific_one).each(function() { var card = $(this); var card_opt = card.data('card-options'); var gridstack_id = card.attr('gs-id'); var card_id = card_opt.card_id || card.attr('gs-id'); card_opt.gridstack_id = gridstack_id; // store markdown after card reload if ("markdown_content" in card_opt) { Dashboard.markdown_contents[gridstack_id] = card_opt.markdown_content; } // append filters card_opt.apply_filters = filters; card_ajax_data.push({ 'card_id': card_id, 'force': (specific_one.length > 0 ? 1 : 0), 'args': card_opt, 'c_cache_key': card_opt.cache_key || "" }); requested_cards.push({ 'card_el': card, 'card_id': card_id }); }); return $.ajax({ url:CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", method: 'POST', data: { 'action': 'get_cards', data: JSON.stringify({ //Preserve integers 'dashboard': Dashboard.current_name, 'force': (specific_one.length > 0 ? 1 : 0), 'embed': (Dashboard.embed ? 1 : 0), 'd_cache_key': Dashboard.cache_key, 'cards': card_ajax_data }) } }).then(function(results) { $.each(requested_cards, (i2, crd) => { let has_result = false; const card = crd.card_el; $.each(results, (card_id, card_result) => { if (crd.card_id === card_id) { const html = card_result; has_result = true; card.children('.grid-stack-item-content').html(html); Dashboard.fitNumbers(card); Dashboard.animateNumbers(card); } }); if (!has_result) { card.html("<div class='empty-card card-error'><i class='fas fa-exclamation-triangle'></i></div>"); } }); }).fail(function() { $.each(requested_cards, (i2, crd) => { const card = crd.card_el; card.html("<div class='empty-card card-error'><i class='fas fa-exclamation-triangle'></i></div>"); }); }); }, easter: function() { var items = $(Dashboard.elem_id+" .grid-stack .grid-stack-item .card"); setInterval(function() { var color = "#"+((1<<24)*Math.random()|0).toString(16); var no_item = Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length) + 1; var item = items[no_item]; $(item).css('background-color', color); }, 10); }, generateCss: function() { var dash_width = Math.floor(this.element.width()); var cell_length = dash_width / this.cols; var cell_height = cell_length; var cell_fullsize = (dash_width / this.cols); var width_percent = 100 / this.cols; var style = " \ "+this.elem_id+" .cell-add { \ width: "+cell_length+"px; \ height: "+cell_fullsize+"px; \ } \ "+this.elem_id+" .grid-guide { \ background-size: "+cell_length+"px "+cell_fullsize+"px; \ bottom: "+cell_fullsize+"px; \ }"; for (var i = 0; i < this.cols; i++) { var left = i * width_percent; var width = (i+1) * width_percent; style+= this.elem_id+" .grid-stack > .grid-stack-item[gs-x='"+i+"'] { \ left: "+left+"%; \ } \ "+this.elem_id+" .grid-stack > .grid-stack-item[gs-w='"+(i+1)+"'] { \ min-width: "+width_percent+"%; \ width: "+width+"%; \ }"; } // remove old inline styles $("#gs_inline_css_"+this.rand).remove(); // add new style if (dash_width > 700) { $("<style id='gs_inline_css_"+this.rand+"'></style>") .prop("type", "text/css") .html(style) .appendTo("head"); } else { cell_height = 60; } // apply new height to gridstack this.grid.cellHeight(cell_height); }, /** * init filters of the dashboard */ initFilters: function() { if ($(".filters").length === 0) { return; } var filters = Dashboard.getFiltersFromDB(); // replace empty array by empty string to avoid jquery remove the corresponding key // when sending ajax query $.each(filters, function( index, value ) { if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length == 0) { filters[index] = ""; } }); // get html of provided filters $.get({ url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { "action": "get_dashboard_filters", "filters": filters, } }).done(function(html) { $('.filters').html(html); // we must emit an event to all filters to say them dashboard is ready $(document).trigger("glpiDasbhoardInitFilter"); // start sortable on filter but disable it by default, // we will enable it when edit mode will be toggled on sortable('.filters', { placeholderClass: 'filter-placeholder', orientation: 'horizontal', })[0].addEventListener('sortupdate', function(e) { // after drag, save the order of filters in storage var items_after = $(e.detail.destination.items).filter('.filter'); var filters = Dashboard.getFiltersFromDB(); var new_filters = {}; $.each(items_after, function() { var filter_id = $(this).data('filter-id'); new_filters[filter_id] = filters[filter_id]; }); Dashboard.setFiltersInDB(new_filters); }); sortable('.filters', 'disable'); }); }, /** * Return saved filter from server side database */ getFiltersFromDB: function() { var filters; $.ajax({ method: 'GET', url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", async: false, data: { action: 'get_filter_data', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, } }).done(function(response) { try { filters = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { filters = JSON.parse('{}'); } }); return filters; }, /** * Save an object of filters for the current dashboard into serverside database * * @param {Object} sub_filters */ setFiltersInDB: function(sub_filters) { var filters = []; if (Dashboard.current_name.length > 0) { filters[Dashboard.current_name] = sub_filters; } $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: CFG_GLPI.root_doc+"/ajax/dashboard.php", data: { action: 'save_filter_data', dashboard: Dashboard.current_name, filters: JSON.stringify(filters[Dashboard.current_name], function(k, v) { return v === undefined ? null : v; }), } }); }, };