Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/ajax/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br.old/ajax/kanban.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2022 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ use Glpi\Application\View\TemplateRenderer; use Glpi\Features\Kanban; use Glpi\Features\Teamwork; use Glpi\Http\Response; use Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer; $AJAX_INCLUDE = 1; include('../inc/includes.php'); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Html::header_nocache(); Session::checkLoginUser(); /** @global array $_UPOST */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { Response::sendError(400, "Missing action parameter", Response::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML); } $action = $_REQUEST['action']; $nonkanban_actions = ['update', 'bulk_add_item', 'add_item', 'move_item', 'show_card_edit_form', 'delete_item', 'load_item_panel', 'add_teammember', 'delete_teammember' ]; if (isset($_REQUEST['itemtype'])) { if (!in_array($_REQUEST['action'], $nonkanban_actions) && !Toolbox::hasTrait($_REQUEST['itemtype'], Kanban::class)) { // Bad request // For all actions, except those in $nonkanban_actions, we expect to be manipulating the Kanban itself. Response::sendError(400, "Invalid itemtype parameter", Response::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML); } /** @var CommonDBTM $item */ $itemtype = $_REQUEST['itemtype']; $item = new $itemtype(); } // Rights Checks if (isset($itemtype)) { if (in_array($action, ['refresh', 'get_switcher_dropdown', 'get_column', 'load_item_panel'])) { if (!$item->canView()) { // Missing rights http_response_code(403); return; } } if (in_array($action, ['update', 'load_item_panel', 'delete_teammember'])) { $item->getFromDB($_REQUEST['items_id']); if (!$item->canUpdateItem()) { // Missing rights http_response_code(403); return; } } if (in_array($action, ['add_teammember'])) { $item->getFromDB($_REQUEST['items_id']); $can_assign = method_exists($item, 'canAssign') ? $item->canAssign() : $item->canUpdateItem(); if (!$can_assign) { // Missing rights http_response_code(403); return; } } if (in_array($action, ['bulk_add_item', 'add_item'])) { if (!$item->canCreate()) { // Missing rights http_response_code(403); return; } } if (in_array($action, ['delete_item'])) { $maybe_deleted = $item->maybeDeleted(); if (($maybe_deleted && !$item::canDelete()) && (!$maybe_deleted && $item::canPurge())) { // Missing rights http_response_code(403); return; } } } // Helper to check required parameters $checkParams = static function ($required) { foreach ($required as $param) { if (!isset($_REQUEST[$param])) { Response::sendError(400, "Missing $param parameter"); } } }; // Action Processing if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'update') { $checkParams(['column_field', 'column_value']); // Update project or task based on changes made in the Kanban $item->update([ 'id' => $_POST['items_id'], $_POST['column_field'] => $_POST['column_value'] ]); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'add_item') { $checkParams(['inputs']); $item = new $itemtype(); $inputs = []; parse_str($_UPOST['inputs'], $inputs); $item->add(Sanitizer::sanitize($inputs)); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'bulk_add_item') { $checkParams(['inputs']); $item = new $itemtype(); $inputs = []; parse_str($_UPOST['inputs'], $inputs); $bulk_item_list = preg_split('/\r\n|[\r\n]/', $inputs['bulk_item_list']); if (!empty($bulk_item_list)) { unset($inputs['bulk_item_list']); foreach ($bulk_item_list as $item_entry) { $item_entry = trim($item_entry); if (!empty($item_entry)) { $item->add(Sanitizer::sanitize($inputs + ['name' => $item_entry, 'content' => ''])); } } } } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'move_item') { $checkParams(['card', 'column', 'position', 'kanban']); /** @var Kanban|CommonDBTM $kanban */ $kanban = new $_POST['kanban']['itemtype'](); $can_move = $kanban->canOrderKanbanCard($_POST['kanban']['items_id']); if ($can_move) { Item_Kanban::moveCard( $_POST['kanban']['itemtype'], $_POST['kanban']['items_id'], $_POST['card'], $_POST['column'], $_POST['position'] ); } } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'show_column') { $checkParams(['column', 'kanban']); Item_Kanban::showColumn($_POST['kanban']['itemtype'], $_POST['kanban']['items_id'], $_POST['column']); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'hide_column') { $checkParams(['column', 'kanban']); Item_Kanban::hideColumn($_POST['kanban']['itemtype'], $_POST['kanban']['items_id'], $_POST['column']); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'collapse_column') { $checkParams(['column', 'kanban']); Item_Kanban::collapseColumn($_POST['kanban']['itemtype'], $_POST['kanban']['items_id'], $_POST['column']); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'expand_column') { $checkParams(['column', 'kanban']); Item_Kanban::expandColumn($_POST['kanban']['itemtype'], $_POST['kanban']['items_id'], $_POST['column']); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'move_column') { $checkParams(['column', 'kanban', 'position']); Item_Kanban::moveColumn($_POST['kanban']['itemtype'], $_POST['kanban']['items_id'], $_POST['column'], $_POST['position']); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'refresh') { $checkParams(['column_field']); // Get all columns to refresh the kanban header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", true); $force_columns = Item_Kanban::getAllShownColumns($itemtype, $_REQUEST['items_id']); $columns = $itemtype::getKanbanColumns($_REQUEST['items_id'], $_REQUEST['column_field'], $force_columns, true); echo json_encode($columns, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'get_switcher_dropdown') { $values = $itemtype::getAllForKanban(); Dropdown::showFromArray('kanban-board-switcher', $values, [ 'value' => $_REQUEST['items_id'] ?? '' ]); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'get_url') { $checkParams(['items_id']); if ($_REQUEST['items_id'] == -1) { echo $itemtype::getGlobalKanbanUrl(true); return; } $item->getFromDB($_REQUEST['items_id']); echo $item->getKanbanUrlWithID($_REQUEST['items_id'], true); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'create_column') { $checkParams(['column_field', 'items_id', 'column_name']); $column_field = $_POST['column_field']; $column_itemtype = getItemtypeForForeignKeyField($column_field); if (!$column_itemtype::canCreate() || !$column_itemtype::canView()) { // Missing rights http_response_code(403); return; } $params = $_POST['params'] ?? []; $column_item = new $column_itemtype(); $column_id = $column_item->add([ 'name' => $_POST['column_name'] ] + $params); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", true); $column = $itemtype::getKanbanColumns($_POST['items_id'], $column_field, [$column_id]); echo json_encode($column); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'save_column_state') { $checkParams(['items_id', 'state']); Item_Kanban::saveStateForItem($_POST['itemtype'], $_POST['items_id'], $_POST['state']); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'load_column_state') { $checkParams(['items_id', 'last_load']); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", true); $response = [ 'state' => Item_Kanban::loadStateForItem($_REQUEST['itemtype'], $_REQUEST['items_id'], $_REQUEST['last_load']), 'timestamp' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'] ]; echo json_encode($response, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'list_columns') { $checkParams(['column_field']); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", true); echo json_encode($itemtype::getAllKanbanColumns($_REQUEST['column_field'])); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'get_column') { $checkParams(['column_id', 'column_field', 'items_id']); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", true); $column = $itemtype::getKanbanColumns($_REQUEST['items_id'], $_REQUEST['column_field'], [$_REQUEST['column_id']]); echo json_encode($column, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'show_card_edit_form') { $checkParams(['card']); $item->getFromDB($_REQUEST['card']); if ($item->canViewItem() && $item->canUpdateItem()) { $item->showForm($_REQUEST['card']); } else { http_response_code(403); return; } } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'delete_item') { $checkParams(['items_id']); $item->getFromDB($_POST['items_id']); // Check if the item can be trashed and if the request isn't forcing deletion (purge) $maybe_deleted = $item->maybeDeleted() && !($_REQUEST['force'] ?? false); if (($maybe_deleted && $item->canDeleteItem()) || (!$maybe_deleted && $item->canPurgeItem())) { $item->delete(['id' => $_POST['items_id']], !$maybe_deleted); } else { http_response_code(403); return; } } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'add_teammember') { $checkParams(['itemtype_teammember', 'items_id_teammember']); $item->addTeamMember($_POST['itemtype_teammember'], (int) $_POST['items_id_teammember'], [ 'role' => (int) $_POST['role'] ]); } else if (($_POST['action'] ?? null) === 'delete_teammember') { $checkParams(['itemtype_teammember', 'items_id_teammember']); $item->deleteTeamMember($_POST['itemtype_teammember'], (int) $_POST['items_id_teammember'], [ 'role' => (int) $_POST['role'] ]); } else if (($_REQUEST['action'] ?? null) === 'load_item_panel') { if (isset($itemtype, $item)) { TemplateRenderer::getInstance()->display('components/kanban/item_panels/default_panel.html.twig', [ 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'item_fields' => $item->fields, 'team' => Toolbox::hasTrait($item, Teamwork::class) ? $item->getTeam() : [] ]); } else { http_response_code(400); return; } } else { http_response_code(400); return; }