Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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## About GLPI

GLPI stands for **Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique** is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing.

GLPI features:
* Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers and any associated components through an interface, with inventory tools such as: [FusionInventory](http://fusioninventory.org/) or [OCS Inventory](https://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/)
* Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)
* Item lifecycle management
* Licenses management (ITIL compliant)
* Management of warranty and financial information (purchase order, warranty and extension, damping)
* Management of contracts, contacts, documents related to inventory items
* Incidents, requests, problems and changes management
* Knowledge base and Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)
* Asset reservation

Moreover, GLPI supports many [plugins](http://plugins.glpi-project.org) that provide additional features.

## Demonstration

Check GLPI features by asking for a free personal demonstration on **[glpi-network.cloud](https://www.glpi-network.cloud)**

## License


It is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 - please consult the file called [LICENSE](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glpi-project/glpi/main/LICENSE) for more details.

## Some screenshots


![Tickets Timeline](pics/screenshots/ticket.png)


![DCIM drag&drop](pics/screenshots/dcim_racks_draganddrop.gif)


![asset view](pics/screenshots/asset.png)


![Asset dashboard](pics/screenshots/dashboard.png)

## Prerequisites

* A web server (Apache, Nginx, IIS, etc.)
* MariaDB >= 10.2 or MySQL >= 5.7
* PHP (See compatibility matrix below)

    | GLPI Version | Minimum PHP | Maximum PHP |
    | ------------ | ----------- | ----------- |
    | 9.4.X        | 5.6         | 7.4         |
    | 9.5.X        | 7.2         | 8.0         |
    | 10.0.X       | 7.4         | 8.1         |
* Mandatory PHP extensions:
    - dom, fileinfo, json, session, simplexml (these are enabled in PHP by default)
    - curl (access to remote resources, like inventory agents, marketplace API, RSS feeds, ...)
    - gd (pictures handling)
    - intl (internationalization)
    - libxml (XML handling)
    - mysqli (communication with database server)
    - zlib (handling of compressed communication with inventory agents, installation of gzip packages from marketplace, PDF generation)

* Suggested PHP extensions
    - exif (security enhancement on images validation)
    - ldap (usage of authentication through remote LDAP server)
    - openssl (email sending using SSL/TLS)
    - zip and bz2 (installation of zip and bz2 packages from marketplace)

 * Supported browsers:
    - Edge
    - Firefox (including 2 latest ESR versions)
    - Chrome

Please, consider using browsers on editor's supported version

## Download

See :
* [releases](https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/releases) for tarball packages.

## Documentation

Here is a [pdf version](https://forge.glpi-project.org/attachments/download/1901/glpidoc-0.85-en-partial.pdf).
We are working on a [markdown version](https://github.com/glpi-project/doc)

* [Installation](https://readthedocs.org/projects/glpi-install/)
* [Update](https://glpi-install.readthedocs.io/en/latest/update.html)

## Additional resources

* [Official website](http://glpi-project.org)
* [Demo](https://www.glpi-network.cloud)
* [Translations on transifex service](https://www.transifex.com/glpi/public/)
* [Issues](https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues)
* [Suggestions](http://suggest.glpi-project.org)
* [Forum](http://forum.glpi-project.org)
* [Development documentation](http://glpi-developer-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/master/)
* [Plugin directory](http://plugins.glpi-project.org)
* [Plugin development documentation](http://glpi-developer-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/master/plugins/index.html)

## Support
GLPI is a living software. Improvements are continuously made, new functionalities are being developed, and issues are being fixed.

To ease support and development, we need your help when encountering issues.
There is a GLPI version typical lifecycle:
 * A new major version (9.3) is released.
 * Minor versions (9.3.x), fixing bugs or issues, are published after several weeks.
   Please consider updating to the latest released minor version if you encounter some bugs or performance issues.
 * Several months after major version released, a new major version (9.4) is released.
   Previous major versions become unsupported, please update to the new major version.
   Obviously, we provide support for the migration tools too!

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0