Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/vendor/rlanvin/php-rrule/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/vendor/rlanvin/php-rrule/src/RfcParser.php |
<?php /** * Licensed under the MIT license. * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file. * * @author RĂ©mi Lanvin <remi@cloudconnected.fr> * @link https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule */ namespace RRule; /** * Collection of static methods to parse RFC strings. * * This is used internally by RRule and RSet. The methods are public, BUT this * isn't part of the public API of this library. Therefore there is no guarantee * they will not break even for a minor version release. * * @internal */ class RfcParser { static $tzdata = null; /** * High level "line". * Explode a line into property name, property parameters and property value */ static public function parseLine($line, array $default = array()) { $line = trim($line); $property = array_merge(array( 'name' => '', 'params' => array(), 'value' => null ), $default); if (strpos($line,':') === false) { if (! $property['name']) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Failed to parse RFC line, missing property name followed by ":"'); } $property['value'] = $line; } else { list($property['name'],$property['value']) = explode(':', $line); $tmp = explode(';',$property['name']); $property['name'] = $tmp[0]; array_splice($tmp,0,1); foreach ($tmp as $pair) { if (strpos($pair,'=') === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Failed to parse RFC line, invalid property parameters: '.$pair); } list($key,$value) = explode('=',$pair); $property['params'][$key] = $value; } } return $property; } /** * Parse both DTSTART and RRULE (and EXRULE). * * It's impossible to accuratly parse a RRULE in isolation (without the DTSTART) * as some tests depends on DTSTART (notably the date format for UNTIL). * * @param string $string The RFC-like string * @param mixed $dtstart The default dtstart to be used (if not in the string) * @return array */ static public function parseRRule($string, $dtstart = null) { $string = trim($string); $parts = array(); $dtstart_type = null; $rfc_date_regexp = '/\d{6}(T\d{6})?Z?/'; // regexp to check the date, a bit loose $nb_dtstart = 0; $nb_rrule = 0; $lines = explode("\n", $string); if ($dtstart) { $nb_dtstart = 1; if (is_string($dtstart)) { if (strlen($dtstart) == 10) { $dtstart_type = 'date'; } else { $dtstart_type = 'localtime'; } } else { $dtstart_type = 'tzid'; } $parts['DTSTART'] = RRule::parseDate($dtstart); } foreach ($lines as $line) { $property = self::parseLine($line, array( 'name' => sizeof($lines) > 1 ? null : 'RRULE' // allow missing property name for single-line RRULE )); switch (strtoupper($property['name'])) { case 'DTSTART': $nb_dtstart += 1; if ($nb_dtstart > 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Too many DTSTART properties (there can be only one)'); } $tmp = null; $dtstart_type = 'date'; if (! preg_match($rfc_date_regexp, $property['value'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid DTSTART property: date or date time format incorrect' ); } if (isset($property['params']['TZID'])) { // TZID must only be specified if this is a date-time (see section 3.3.4 & 3.3.5 of RFC 5545) if (strpos($property['value'], 'T') === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid DTSTART property: TZID should not be specified if there is no time component' ); } // The "TZID" property parameter MUST NOT be applied to DATE-TIME // properties whose time values are specified in UTC. if (strpos($property['value'], 'Z') !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid DTSTART property: TZID must not be applied when time is specified in UTC' ); } $dtstart_type = 'tzid'; $tmp = self::parseTimeZone($property['params']['TZID']); } elseif (strpos($property['value'], 'T') !== false) { if (strpos($property['value'], 'Z') === false) { $dtstart_type = 'localtime'; // no timezone } else { $dtstart_type = 'utc'; } } $parts['DTSTART'] = new \DateTime($property['value'], $tmp); break; case 'RRULE': case 'EXRULE': $nb_rrule += 1; if ($nb_rrule > 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Too many RRULE properties (there can be only one)'); } foreach (explode(';',$property['value']) as $pair) { $pair = explode('=', $pair); if (! isset($pair[1]) || isset($pair[2])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Failed to parse RFC string, malformed RRULE property: {$property['value']}"); } list($key, $value) = $pair; if ($key === 'UNTIL') { if (! preg_match($rfc_date_regexp, $value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid UNTIL property: date or date time format incorrect' ); } switch ($dtstart_type) { case 'date': if (strpos($value, 'T') !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid UNTIL property: The value of the UNTIL rule part MUST be a date if DTSTART is a date.' ); } break; case 'localtime': if (strpos($value, 'T') === false || strpos($value, 'Z') !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid UNTIL property: if the "DTSTART" property is specified as a date with local time, then the UNTIL rule part MUST also be specified as a date with local time' ); } break; case 'tzid': case 'utc': if (strpos($value, 'T') === false || strpos($value, 'Z') === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid UNTIL property: if the "DTSTART" property is specified as a date with UTC time or a date with local time and time zone reference, then the UNTIL rule part MUST be specified as a date with UTC time.' ); } break; } $value = new \DateTime($value); } elseif ($key === 'DTSTART') { if (isset($parts['DTSTART'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('DTSTART cannot be part of RRULE and has already been defined'); } // this is an invalid rule, however we'll support it since the JS lib is broken // see https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule/issues/25 trigger_error("This string is not compliant with the RFC (DTSTART cannot be part of RRULE). It is accepted as is for compability reasons only.", E_USER_NOTICE); } $parts[$key] = $value; } break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Failed to parse RFC string, unsupported property: '.$property['name']); } } return $parts; } /** * Parse RDATE and return an array of DateTime */ static public function parseRDate($line) { $property = self::parseLine($line); if ($property['name'] !== 'RDATE') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Failed to parse RDATE line, this is a {$property['name']} property"); } $period = false; $tz = null; foreach ($property['params'] as $name => $value) { switch (strtoupper($name)) { case 'TZID': $tz = new \DateTimeZone($value); break; case 'VALUE': switch ($value) { case 'DATE': case 'DATE-TIME': break; case 'PERIOD': $period = true; break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown VALUE value for RDATE: $value, must be one of DATE-TIME, DATE or PERIOD"); } break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown property parameter: $name"); } } $dates = array(); foreach (explode(',',$property['value']) as $value) { if ($period) { if (strpos($value,'/') === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid period in RDATE'); } // period is unsupported! trigger_error('VALUE=PERIOD is not supported and ignored', E_USER_NOTICE); } else { if (strpos($value, 'Z')) { if ($tz !== null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid RDATE property: TZID must not be applied when time is specified in UTC'); } $dates[] = new \DateTime($value); } else { $dates[] = new \DateTime($value, $tz); } // TODO should check that only dates are provided with VALUE=DATE, and so on. } } return $dates; } /** * Parse EXDATE and return an array of DateTime */ static public function parseExDate($line) { $property = self::parseLine($line); if ($property['name'] !== 'EXDATE') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Failed to parse EXDATE line, this is a {$property['name']} property"); } $tz = null; foreach ($property['params'] as $name => $value) { switch (strtoupper($name)) { case 'VALUE': // Ignore optional words break; case 'TZID': $tz = new \DateTimeZone($value); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown property parameter: $name"); } } $dates = array(); foreach (explode(',',$property['value']) as $value) { if (strpos($value, 'Z')) { if ($tz !== null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid EXDATE property: TZID must not be applied when time is specified in UTC'); } $dates[] = new \DateTime($value); } else { $dates[] = new \DateTime($value, $tz); } } return $dates; } /** * Create a new DateTimeZone object, converting non-standard timezone. * * @see https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule/issues/69 */ static public function parseTimeZone($tzid) { if (self::$tzdata === null) { self::$tzdata = require __DIR__.'/tzdata/windows.php'; } if (isset(self::$tzdata[$tzid])) { return new \DateTimeZone(self::$tzdata[$tzid]); } return new \DateTimeZone($tzid); } }