Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/ReservationItem.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ReservationItem Class **/ class ReservationItem extends CommonDBChild { /// From CommonDBChild public static $itemtype = 'itemtype'; public static $items_id = 'items_id'; public static $checkParentRights = self::HAVE_VIEW_RIGHT_ON_ITEM; public static $rightname = 'reservation'; const RESERVEANITEM = 1024; public $get_item_to_display_tab = false; public $showdebug = false; public $taborientation = 'horizontal'; /** * @since 0.85 **/ public static function canView() { return Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [READ, self::RESERVEANITEM]); } public static function getTypeName($nb = 0) { return _n('Reservable item', 'Reservable items', $nb); } /** * @see CommonGLPI::getMenuName() * * @since 0.85 **/ public static function getMenuName() { return Reservation::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()); } /** * @see CommonGLPI::getForbiddenActionsForMenu() * * @since 0.85 **/ public static function getForbiddenActionsForMenu() { return ['add']; } /** * @see CommonGLPI::getAdditionalMenuLinks() * * @since 0.85 **/ public static function getAdditionalMenuLinks() { if (static::canView()) { return ['showall' => Reservation::getSearchURL(false)]; } return false; } public static function getMenuContent() { $menu = parent::getMenuContent(); if (isset($menu['links']['lists'])) { unset($menu['links']['lists']); } return $menu; } // From CommonDBTM /** * Retrieve an item from the database for a specific item * * @param $itemtype type of the item * @param $ID ID of the item * * @return boolean true if succeed else false **/ public function getFromDBbyItem($itemtype, $ID) { return $this->getFromDBByCrit([ $this->getTable() . '.itemtype' => $itemtype, $this->getTable() . '.items_id' => $ID ]); } public function cleanDBonPurge() { $this->deleteChildrenAndRelationsFromDb( [ Reservation::class, ] ); // Alert does not extends CommonDBConnexity $alert = new Alert(); $alert->cleanDBonItemDelete($this->getType(), $this->fields['id']); } public function rawSearchOptions() { $tab = []; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '4', 'table' => $this->getTable(), 'field' => 'comment', 'name' => __('Comments'), 'datatype' => 'text' ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable(), 'field' => 'is_active', 'name' => __('Active'), 'datatype' => 'bool' ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => 'common', 'name' => __('Characteristics') ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '1', 'table' => 'reservation_types', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, 'addobjectparams' => [ 'forcetab' => 'Reservation$1' ] ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '2', 'table' => 'reservation_types', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('ID'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'number' ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable(), 'field' => '_virtual', 'name' => __('Planning'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['is_active'] ]; $loc = Location::rawSearchOptionsToAdd(); // Force massive actions to false foreach ($loc as &$val) { $val['massiveaction'] = false; } $tab = array_merge($tab, $loc); $tab[] = [ 'id' => '6', 'table' => 'reservation_types', 'field' => 'otherserial', 'name' => __('Inventory number'), 'datatype' => 'string' ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '16', 'table' => 'reservation_types', 'field' => 'comment', 'name' => __('Comments'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '70', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => User::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'all', 'massiveaction' => false ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '71', 'table' => 'glpi_groups', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '19', 'table' => 'reservation_types', 'field' => 'date_mod', 'name' => __('Last update'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '23', 'table' => 'glpi_manufacturers', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Manufacturer::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '24', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'users_id_tech', 'name' => __('Technician in charge'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'interface', 'massiveaction' => false ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '80', 'table' => 'glpi_entities', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown' ]; return $tab; } /** * @param $item CommonDBTM object **/ public static function showActivationFormForItem(CommonDBTM $item) { if (!self::canUpdate()) { return false; } if ($item->getID()) { // Recursive type case => need entity right if ($item->isRecursive()) { if (!Session::haveAccessToEntity($item->fields["entities_id"])) { return false; } } } else { return false; } $ri = new self(); echo "<div>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . __('Reserve an item') . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; if ($ri->getFromDBbyItem($item->getType(), $item->getID())) { echo "<td class='center'>"; //Switch reservation state if ($ri->fields["is_active"]) { Html::showSimpleForm( static::getFormURL(), 'update', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> " . __('Make unavailable'), [ 'id' => $ri->fields['id'], 'is_active' => 0 ] ); } else { Html::showSimpleForm( static::getFormURL(), 'update', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i> " . __('Make available'), [ 'id' => $ri->fields['id'], 'is_active' => 1 ] ); } echo '</td><td>'; Html::showSimpleForm( static::getFormURL(), 'purge', "<i class='fas fa-ban'></i> " . __('Prohibit reservations'), ['id' => $ri->fields['id']], '', '', [__('Are you sure you want to return this non-reservable item?'), __('That will remove all the reservations in progress.') ] ); echo "</td>"; } else { echo "<td class='center'>"; Html::showSimpleForm( static::getFormURL(), 'add', "<i class='fas fa-check'></i> " . __('Authorize reservations'), ['items_id' => $item->getID(), 'itemtype' => $item->getType(), 'entities_id' => $item->getEntityID(), 'is_recursive' => $item->isRecursive(), ] ); echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr></table>"; echo "</div>"; } public function showForm($ID, array $options = []) { if (!self::canView()) { return false; } $r = new self(); if ($r->getFromDB($ID)) { $type = $r->fields["itemtype"]; $name = NOT_AVAILABLE; if ($item = getItemForItemtype($r->fields["itemtype"])) { $type = $item->getTypeName(); if ($item->getFromDB($r->fields["items_id"])) { $name = $item->getName(); } } echo "<div class='center'><form method='post' name=form action='" . $this->getFormURL() . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$ID'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre'>"; echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . __s('Modify the comment') . "</th></tr>"; // Ajouter le nom du materiel echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>" . _n('Item', 'Items', 1) . "</td>"; echo "<td class='b'>" . sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $type, $name) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>" . __('Comments') . "</td>"; echo "<td><textarea name='comment' cols='30' rows='10' >" . $r->fields["comment"]; echo "</textarea></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td colspan='2' class='top center'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='update' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Save') . "\" class='btn btn-primary'>"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>"; Html::closeForm(); echo "</div>"; return true; } return false; } public static function showListSimple() { /** * @var array $CFG_GLPI * @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; if (!Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [READ, self::RESERVEANITEM])) { return false; } $ok = false; $showentity = Session::isMultiEntitiesMode(); $values = []; if (isset($_SESSION['glpi_saved']['ReservationItem'])) { $_POST = $_SESSION['glpi_saved']['ReservationItem']; } if (isset($_POST['reserve'])) { echo "<div id='viewresasearch' class='center'>"; Toolbox::manageBeginAndEndPlanDates($_POST['reserve']); echo "<div id='nosearch' class='center firstbloc'>" . "<a href=\"" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/reservationitem.php\">"; echo __('See all reservable items') . "</a></div>\n"; } else { echo "<div id='makesearch' class='center firstbloc'>" . "<a class='btn btn-secondary' href='reservation.php?reservationitems_id=0'> <i class='far fa-calendar'></i> " . __("View calendar for all items") . " </a> <a class='btn btn-secondary mw-100 d-inline-block text-truncate' onClick=\"javascript:showHideDiv('viewresasearch','','','');" . "showHideDiv('makesearch','','','')\"> <i class='fas fa-search'></i> "; echo __('Find a free item in a specific period') . "</a></div>"; echo "<div id='viewresasearch' style=\"display:none;\" class='center'>"; $begin_time = time(); $begin_time -= ($begin_time % HOUR_TIMESTAMP); $_POST['reserve']["begin"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $begin_time); $_POST['reserve']["end"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $begin_time + HOUR_TIMESTAMP); $_POST['reservation_types'] = ''; } echo "<form method='post' name='form' action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeSearchURL(__CLASS__) . "'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; echo "<th colspan='3'>" . __('Find a free item in a specific period') . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . __('Start date') . "</td><td class='d-flex'>"; Html::showDateTimeField("reserve[begin]", ['value' => $_POST['reserve']["begin"], 'maybeempty' => false ]); echo "</td><td rowspan='3'>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary' name='submit' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Search') . "\">"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . __('Duration') . "</td><td>"; $default_delay = floor((strtotime($_POST['reserve']["end"]) - strtotime($_POST['reserve']["begin"])) / $CFG_GLPI['time_step'] / MINUTE_TIMESTAMP) * $CFG_GLPI['time_step'] * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP; $rand = Dropdown::showTimeStamp("reserve[_duration]", [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 48 * HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'value' => $default_delay, 'emptylabel' => __('Specify an end date') ]); echo "<br><div id='date_end$rand'></div>"; $params = ['duration' => '__VALUE__', 'end' => $_POST['reserve']["end"], 'name' => "reserve[end]" ]; Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent( "dropdown_reserve[_duration]$rand", "date_end$rand", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/planningend.php", $params ); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . __('Item type') . "</td><td>"; $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => 'itemtype', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_reservationitems', 'WHERE' => [ 'is_active' => 1 ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_reservationitems', 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], true) ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { if (is_a($data['itemtype'], CommonDBTM::class, true)) { $values[$data['itemtype']] = $data['itemtype']::getTypeName(); } } $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => [ 'glpi_peripheraltypes.name', 'glpi_peripheraltypes.id' ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_peripheraltypes', 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_peripherals' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_peripheraltypes' => 'id', 'glpi_peripherals' => 'peripheraltypes_id' ] ], 'glpi_reservationitems' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems' => 'items_id', 'glpi_peripherals' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ 'itemtype' => 'Peripheral', 'is_active' => 1, 'peripheraltypes_id' => ['>', 0] ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_reservationitems', 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], true), 'ORDERBY' => 'glpi_peripheraltypes.name' ]); foreach ($iterator as $ptype) { $id = $ptype['id']; $values["Peripheral#$id"] = $ptype['name']; } Dropdown::showFromArray("reservation_types", $values, [ 'class' => "form-select", 'value' => $_POST['reservation_types'], 'display_emptychoice' => true, ]); echo "</td></tr>"; // Location dropdown $locrand = mt_rand(); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td><label for='dropdown_locations_id$locrand'>" . __('Item location') . "</label></td><td>"; Location::dropdown([ // Fill with submitted data if any, otherwise use user's location 'value' => (int)($_POST['locations_id'] ?? User::getById(Session::getLoginUserID())->fields['locations_id'] ?? 0), 'rand' => $locrand, 'entity' => $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], ]); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; Html::closeForm(); echo "</div>"; // GET method passed to form creation echo "<div id='nosearch' class='card'>"; echo "<form name='form' method='GET' action='" . Reservation::getFormURL() . "'>"; echo "<div class='table-responsive'>"; echo "<table class='card-table table table-hover'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th style='width: 30px;'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('nosearch') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . Location::getTypeName(1) . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . _n('Comment', 'Comments', 1) . "</th>"; if ($showentity) { echo "<th>" . Entity::getTypeName(1) . "</th>"; } echo "<th style='width: 50px;'>" . __("Booking calendar") . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; foreach ($CFG_GLPI["reservation_types"] as $itemtype) { if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) { continue; } $itemtable = getTableForItemType($itemtype); $itemname = $item->getNameField(); $otherserial = new \QueryExpression($DB->quote('') . ' AS ' . $DB->quoteName('otherserial')); if ($item->isField('otherserial')) { $otherserial = "$itemtable.otherserial AS otherserial"; } $criteria = [ 'SELECT' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems.id', 'glpi_reservationitems.comment', "$itemtable.$itemname AS name", "$itemtable.entities_id AS entities_id", $otherserial, 'glpi_locations.id AS location', 'glpi_reservationitems.items_id AS items_id' ], 'FROM' => self::getTable(), 'INNER JOIN' => [ $itemtable => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems' => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id', [ 'AND' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems.itemtype' => $itemtype ] ] ] ] ], 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_locations' => [ 'ON' => [ $itemtable => 'locations_id', 'glpi_locations' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems.is_active' => 1, "$itemtable.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], $item->maybeRecursive()), 'ORDERBY' => [ "$itemtable.entities_id", "$itemtable.$itemname" ] ]; $begin = $_POST['reserve']["begin"]; $end = $_POST['reserve']["end"]; if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($begin) && isset($end)) { $criteria['LEFT JOIN']['glpi_reservations'] = [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems' => 'id', 'glpi_reservations' => 'reservationitems_id', [ 'AND' => [ 'glpi_reservations.end' => ['>', $begin], 'glpi_reservations.begin' => ['<', $end] ] ] ] ]; $criteria['WHERE'][] = ['glpi_reservations.id' => null]; } if (isset($_POST["reservation_types"]) && !empty($_POST["reservation_types"])) { $tmp = explode('#', $_POST["reservation_types"]); $criteria['WHERE'][] = ['glpi_reservationitems.itemtype' => $tmp[0]]; if ( isset($tmp[1]) && ($tmp[0] == 'Peripheral') && ($itemtype == 'Peripheral') ) { $criteria['LEFT JOIN']['glpi_peripheraltypes'] = [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_peripherals' => 'peripheraltypes_id', 'glpi_peripheraltypes' => 'id' ] ]; $criteria['WHERE'][] = ["$itemtable.peripheraltypes_id" => $tmp[1]]; } } // Filter locations if location was provided/submitted if ((int)($_POST['locations_id'] ?? 0) > 0) { $criteria['WHERE'][] = [ 'glpi_locations.id' => getSonsOf('glpi_locations', (int) $_POST['locations_id']), ]; } $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $row) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo Html::getCheckbox([ 'name' => "item[" . $row["id"] . "]", 'value' => $row["id"], 'zero_on_empty' => false, ]); echo "</td>"; $typename = $item->getTypeName(); if ($itemtype == 'Peripheral') { $item->getFromDB($row['items_id']); if ( isset($item->fields["peripheraltypes_id"]) && ($item->fields["peripheraltypes_id"] != 0) ) { $typename = Dropdown::getDropdownName( "glpi_peripheraltypes", $item->fields["peripheraltypes_id"] ); } } $item_link = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $typename, $row["name"]); if ($itemtype::canView()) { $item_link = "<a href='" . $itemtype::getFormURLWithId($row['items_id']) . "&forcetab=Reservation$1'>" . $item_link . "</a>"; } echo "<td>$item_link</td>"; echo "<td>" . Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_locations", $row["location"]) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . nl2br(($row["comment"] ?? "")) . "</td>"; if ($showentity) { echo "<td>" . Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $row["entities_id"]) . "</td>"; } echo "<td class='center'><a href='reservation.php?reservationitems_id=" . $row['id'] . "'> <i class='far fa-calendar-plus fa-2x pointer' title=\"" . __s("Reserve this item") . "\"></i> </a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; $ok = true; } } if ($ok && Session::haveRight("reservation", self::RESERVEANITEM)) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<th><i class='fas fa-level-up-alt fa-flip-horizontal fa-lg mx-2'></i></th>"; echo "<th colspan='" . ($showentity ? "5" : "4") . "'>"; if (isset($_POST['reserve'])) { echo Html::hidden('begin', ['value' => $_POST['reserve']["begin"]]); echo Html::hidden('end', ['value' => $_POST['reserve']["end"]]); } echo Html::submit("<i class='fas fa-lg fa-calendar-plus'></i> " . _sx('button', 'Book')); echo "</th></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value=''>"; echo "</form>";// No CSRF token needed echo "</div>"; } /** * @param $name * * @return array **/ public static function cronInfo($name) { return ['description' => __('Alerts on reservations')]; } /** * Cron action on reservation : alert on end of reservations * * @param $task to log, if NULL use display (default NULL) * * @return 0 : nothing to do 1 : done with success **/ public static function cronReservation($task = null) { /** * @var array $CFG_GLPI * @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; if (!$CFG_GLPI["use_notifications"]) { return 0; } $message = []; $cron_status = 0; $items_infos = []; $items_messages = []; foreach (Entity::getEntitiesToNotify('use_reservations_alert') as $entity => $value) { $secs = $value * HOUR_TIMESTAMP; // Reservation already begin and reservation ended in $value hours $criteria = [ 'SELECT' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems.*', 'glpi_reservations.end AS end', 'glpi_reservations.id AS resaid' ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_reservations', 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_alerts' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_reservations' => 'id', 'glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', [ 'AND' => [ 'glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'Reservation', 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::END ] ] ] ], 'glpi_reservationitems' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_reservations' => 'reservationitems_id', 'glpi_reservationitems' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ 'glpi_reservationitems.entities_id' => $entity, new QueryExpression('(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_reservations.end') . ') - ' . $secs . ') < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'), 'glpi_reservations.begin' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')], 'glpi_alerts.date' => null ] ]; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { if ($item_resa = getItemForItemtype($data['itemtype'])) { if ($item_resa->getFromDB($data["items_id"])) { $data['item_name'] = $item_resa->getName(); $data['entity'] = $entity; $items_infos[$entity][$data['resaid']] = $data; if (!isset($items_messages[$entity])) { $items_messages[$entity] = __('Device reservations expiring today') . "<br>"; } $items_messages[$entity] .= sprintf( __('%1$s - %2$s'), $item_resa->getTypeName(), $item_resa->getName() ) . "<br>"; } } } } foreach ($items_infos as $entity => $items) { $resitem = new self(); if ( NotificationEvent::raiseEvent( "alert", new Reservation(), ['entities_id' => $entity, 'items' => $items ] ) ) { $message = $items_messages[$entity]; $cron_status = 1; if ($task) { $task->addVolume(1); $task->log(sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s') . "\n", Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity), $message )); } else { //TRANS: %1$s is a name, %2$s is text of message Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Dropdown::getDropdownName( "glpi_entities", $entity ), $message )); } $alert = new Alert(); $input["itemtype"] = 'Reservation'; $input["type"] = Alert::END; foreach ($items as $resaid => $item) { $input["items_id"] = $resaid; $alert->add($input); unset($alert->fields['id']); } } else { $entityname = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $entity); //TRANS: %s is entity name $msg = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $entityname, __('Send reservation alert failed')); if ($task) { $task->log($msg); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect($msg, false, ERROR); } } } return $cron_status; } /** * Display debug information for reservation of current object **/ public function showDebugResa() { $resa = new Reservation(); $resa->fields['id'] = '1'; $resa->fields['reservationitems_id'] = $this->getField('id'); $resa->fields['begin'] = $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime']; $resa->fields['end'] = $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime']; $resa->fields['users_id'] = Session::getLoginUserID(); $resa->fields['comment'] = ''; NotificationEvent::debugEvent($resa); } /** * @since 0.85 * * @see commonDBTM::getRights() **/ public function getRights($interface = 'central') { if ($interface == 'central') { $values = parent::getRights(); } else { $values = [READ => __('Read')]; } $values[self::RESERVEANITEM] = __('Make a reservation'); return $values; } /** * @see CommonGLPI::defineTabs() * * @since 0.85 **/ public function defineTabs($options = []) { $ong = []; $this->addStandardTab(__CLASS__, $ong, $options); $ong['no_all_tab'] = true; return $ong; } /** * @see CommonGLPI::getTabNameForItem() * * @since 0.85 **/ public function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getType() == __CLASS__) { $tabs = []; if (Session::haveRightsOr("reservation", [READ, ReservationItem::RESERVEANITEM])) { $tabs[1] = Reservation::getTypeName(1); } if ( (Session::getCurrentInterface() == "central") && Session::haveRight("reservation", READ) ) { $tabs[2] = __('Administration'); } return $tabs; } return ''; } /** * @param $item CommonGLPI object * @param $tabnum (default1) * @param $withtemplate (default0) **/ public static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getType() == __CLASS__) { switch ($tabnum) { case 1: $item->showListSimple(); break; case 2: Search::show('ReservationItem'); break; } } return true; } /** * @see CommonDBTM::isNewItem() * * @since 0.85 **/ public function isNewItem() { return false; } public static function getIcon() { return Reservation::getIcon(); } /** * Display a dropdown with only reservable items * * @param array $post with these options * - idtable: itemtype of items to show * - name: input name * * @return void */ public static function ajaxDropdown(array $post) { if ($post['idtable'] && class_exists($post['idtable'])) { $result = self::getAvailableItems($post['idtable']); if ($result->count() == 0) { echo __('No reservable item!'); } else { $items = []; foreach ($result as $row) { $name = $row['name']; if (empty($name)) { $name = $row['id']; } $items[$row['id']] = $name; } Dropdown::showFromArray($post['name'], $items); } } } /** * Get available items for a given itemtype * * @param string $itemtype * * @return DBmysqlIterator */ public static function getAvailableItems(string $itemtype): DBmysqlIterator { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $reservation_table = ReservationItem::getTable(); $item_table = $itemtype::getTable(); $criteria = self::getAvailableItemsCriteria($itemtype); $criteria['SELECT'] = [ "$reservation_table.id", "$item_table.name" ]; return $DB->request($criteria); } /** * Get available items for a given itemtype * * @param string $itemtype * * @return int */ public static function countAvailableItems(string $itemtype): int { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $criteria = self::getAvailableItemsCriteria($itemtype); $criteria['COUNT'] = 'total'; $results = $DB->request($criteria); return $results->current()['total']; } /** * Get common criteria for getAvailableItems and countAvailableItems functions * * @param string $itemtype * * @return array */ private static function getAvailableItemsCriteria(string $itemtype): array { $reservation_table = ReservationItem::getTable(); /** @var CommonDBTM $item */ $item = new $itemtype(); $item_table = $itemtype::getTable(); $criteria = [ 'FROM' => $item_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [ $reservation_table => [ 'ON' => [ $reservation_table => 'items_id', $item_table => 'id', ['AND' => ["$reservation_table.itemtype" => $itemtype]], ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ "$reservation_table.is_active" => 1, "$item_table.is_deleted" => 0, ] ]; if ($item->isEntityAssign()) { $criteria['WHERE'] += getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item_table, '', '', $item->maybeRecursive()); } if ($item->maybeTemplate()) { $criteria['WHERE']["$item_table.is_template"] = 0; } return $criteria; } }