Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * NotificationTargetTicket Class **/ class NotificationTargetTicket extends NotificationTargetCommonITILObject { const HEADERTAG = '=-=-=-='; const FOOTERTAG = '=_=_=_='; public function validateSendTo($event, array $infos, $notify_me = false, $emitter = null) { // Always send notification for satisfaction : if send on ticket closure // Always send notification for new ticket if (in_array($event, ['satisfaction', 'new'])) { return true; } return parent::validateSendTo($event, $infos, $notify_me, $emitter); } public function getSubjectPrefix($event = '') { if ($event != 'alertnotclosed') { $perso_tag = trim(Entity::getUsedConfig( 'notification_subject_tag', $this->getEntity(), '', '' )); if (empty($perso_tag)) { $perso_tag = 'GLPI'; } return sprintf("[$perso_tag #%07d] ", $this->obj->getField('id')); } return parent::getSubjectPrefix(); } /** * Get header to add to content **/ public function getContentHeader() { if ( $this->getMode() == \Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_MAIL && MailCollector::countActiveCollectors() && $this->allowResponse() ) { return self::HEADERTAG . ' ' . __('To answer by email, write above this line') . ' ' . self::HEADERTAG; } return ''; } /** * Get footer to add to content **/ public function getContentFooter() { if ( $this->getMode() == \Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_MAIL && MailCollector::countActiveCollectors() && $this->allowResponse() ) { return self::FOOTERTAG . ' ' . __('To answer by email, write under this line') . ' ' . self::FOOTERTAG; } return ''; } public function getObjectItem($event = '') { if ($this->obj && isset($this->obj->fields['id']) && !empty($this->obj->fields['id'])) { $item_ticket = new Item_Ticket(); $data = $item_ticket->find(['tickets_id' => $this->obj->fields['id']]); foreach ($data as $val) { if ( ($val['itemtype'] != NOT_AVAILABLE) && ($val['itemtype'] != '') && ($item = getItemForItemtype($val['itemtype'])) ) { $item->getFromDB($val['items_id']); $this->target_object[] = $item; } } } } /** *Get events related to tickets **/ public function getEvents() { $events = ['new' => __('New ticket'), 'update' => __('Update of a ticket'), 'solved' => __('Ticket solved'), 'rejectsolution' => __('Solution rejected'), 'validation' => __('Validation request'), 'validation_answer' => __('Validation request answer'), 'closed' => __('Closing of the ticket'), 'delete' => __('Deletion of a ticket'), 'alertnotclosed' => __('Not solved tickets'), 'recall' => __('Automatic reminders of SLAs'), 'recall_ola' => __('Automatic reminders of OLAs'), 'satisfaction' => __('Satisfaction survey'), 'replysatisfaction' => __('Satisfaction survey answer') ]; $events = array_merge($events, parent::getEvents()); asort($events); return $events; } public function getDataForObject(CommonDBTM $item, array $options, $simple = false) { // Common ITIL data $data = parent::getDataForObject($item, $options, $simple); $data['##ticket.content##'] = $data['##ticket.description##']; // Specific data $data['##ticket.urlvalidation##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "ticket_" . $item->getField("id") . '_Ticket$main' ); $data['##ticket.globalvalidation##'] = TicketValidation::getStatus($item->getField('global_validation')); $data['##ticket.type##'] = Ticket::getTicketTypeName($item->getField('type')); $data['##ticket.requesttype##'] = ''; if ($requesttype_id = $item->getField('requesttypes_id')) { $data['##ticket.requesttype##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_requesttypes', $requesttype_id); } $autoclose_value = Entity::getUsedConfig( 'autoclose_delay', $this->getEntity(), '', Entity::CONFIG_NEVER ); $data['##ticket.autoclose##'] = __('Never'); $data['##lang.ticket.autoclosewarning##'] = ""; if ($autoclose_value > 0) { $data['##ticket.autoclose##'] = $autoclose_value; $data['##lang.ticket.autoclosewarning##'] //TRANS: %s is the number of days before auto closing = sprintf( _n( 'Without a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s day', 'Without a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s days', $autoclose_value ), $autoclose_value ); } $data['##ticket.sla_tto##'] = ''; if ($item->getField('slas_id_tto')) { $data['##ticket.sla_tto##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_slas', $item->getField('slas_id_tto') ); } $data['##ticket.sla_ttr##'] = ''; if ($item->getField('slas_id_ttr')) { $data['##ticket.sla_ttr##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_slas', $item->getField('slas_id_ttr') ); } $data['##ticket.sla##'] = $data['##ticket.sla_ttr##']; $data['##ticket.ola_tto##'] = ''; if ($item->getField('olas_id_tto')) { $data['##ticket.ola_tto##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_olas', $item->getField('olas_id_tto') ); } $data['##ticket.ola_ttr##'] = ''; if ($item->getField('olas_id_ttr')) { $data['##ticket.ola_ttr##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_olas', $item->getField('olas_id_ttr') ); } $data['##ticket.location##'] = ''; if ($item->getField('locations_id')) { $data['##ticket.location##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_locations', $item->getField('locations_id') ); $locations = new Location(); $locations->getFromDB($item->getField('locations_id')); if ($locations->getField('comment')) { $data['##ticket.location.comment##'] = $locations->getField('comment'); } if ($locations->getField('room')) { $data['##ticket.location.room##'] = $locations->getField('room'); } if ($locations->getField('building')) { $data['##ticket.location.building##'] = $locations->getField('building'); } if ($locations->getField('latitude')) { $data['##ticket.location.latitude##'] = $locations->getField('latitude'); } if ($locations->getField('longitude')) { $data['##ticket.location.longitude##'] = $locations->getField('longitude'); } if ($locations->getField('altitude')) { $data['##ticket.location.altitude##'] = $locations->getField('altitude'); } if ($locations->getField('address')) { $data['##ticket.location.address##'] = $locations->getField('address'); } if ($locations->getField('postcode')) { $data['##ticket.location.postcode##'] = $locations->getField('postcode'); } if ($locations->getField('town')) { $data['##ticket.location.town##'] = $locations->getField('town'); } if ($locations->getField('state')) { $data['##ticket.location.state##'] = $locations->getField('state'); } if ($locations->getField('country')) { $data['##ticket.location.country##'] = $locations->getField('country'); } } // is ticket deleted $data['##ticket.isdeleted##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo($item->getField('is_deleted')); //Tags associated with the object linked to the ticket $data['##ticket.itemtype##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.name##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.serial##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.otherserial##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.location##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationcomment##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationroom##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationbuilding##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationlatitude##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationlongitude##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationaltitude##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationaddress##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationpostcode##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationtown##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationstate##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.locationcountry##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.contact##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.contactnumber##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.user##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.group##'] = ''; $data['##ticket.item.model##'] = ''; $item_ticket = new Item_Ticket(); $items = $item_ticket->find(['tickets_id' => $item->getField('id')]); $data['items'] = []; if (count($items)) { foreach ($items as $val) { if ( isset($val['itemtype']) && ($hardware = getItemForItemtype($val['itemtype'])) && isset($val["items_id"]) && $hardware->getFromDB($val["items_id"]) ) { $tmp = []; //Object type $tmp['##ticket.itemtype##'] = $hardware->getTypeName(); //Object name $tmp['##ticket.item.name##'] = $hardware->getField('name'); //Object serial if ($hardware->isField('serial')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.serial##'] = $hardware->getField('serial'); } //Object contact if ($hardware->isField('contact')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.contact##'] = $hardware->getField('contact'); } //Object contact num if ($hardware->isField('contact_num')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.contactnumber##'] = $hardware->getField('contact_num'); } //Object otherserial if ($hardware->isField('otherserial')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.otherserial##'] = $hardware->getField('otherserial'); } //Object location if ($hardware->isField('locations_id')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.location##'] = ''; if ($h_locations_id = $hardware->getField('locations_id')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.location##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_locations', $h_locations_id); } $locations = new Location(); $locations->getFromDB($h_locations_id); if ($hardware->getField('comment')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationcomment##'] = $locations->getField('comment'); } if ($hardware->getField('room')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationroom##'] = $locations->getField('room'); } if ($hardware->getField('building')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationbuilding##'] = $locations->getField('building'); } if ($hardware->getField('latitude')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationlatitude##'] = $locations->getField('latitude'); } if ($hardware->getField('longitude')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationlongitude##'] = $locations->getField('longitude'); } if ($hardware->getField('altitude')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationaltitude##'] = $locations->getField('altitude'); } if ($hardware->getField('address')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationaddress##'] = $locations->getField('address'); } if ($hardware->getField('postcode')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationpostcode##'] = $locations->getField('postcode'); } if ($hardware->getField('town')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationtown##'] = $locations->getField('town'); } if ($hardware->getField('state')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationstate##'] = $locations->getField('state'); } if ($hardware->getField('country')) { $data['##ticket.item.locationcountry##'] = $locations->getField('country'); } } //Object user if ($hardware->isField('users_id')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.user##'] = ''; $user_tmp = new User(); if ($user_tmp->getFromDB($hardware->getField('users_id'))) { $tmp['##ticket.item.user##'] = $user_tmp->getName(); } } //Object group if ($hardware->isField('groups_id')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.group##'] = ''; if ($h_group_id = $hardware->getField('groups_id')) { $tmp['##ticket.item.group##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_groups', $h_group_id); } } $modeltable = getSingular($hardware->getTable()) . "models"; $modelfield = getForeignKeyFieldForTable($modeltable); if ($hardware->isField($modelfield)) { $tmp['##ticket.item.model##'] = ''; if ($h_model_id = $hardware->getField($modelfield)) { $tmp['##ticket.item.model##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName($modeltable, $h_model_id); } } $data['items'][] = $tmp; } } } $data['##ticket.numberofitems##'] = count($data['items']); // Get followups, log, validation, satisfaction, linked tickets if (!$simple) { // Linked tickets $linked_tickets = Ticket_Ticket::getLinkedTicketsTo($item->getField('id')); $data['linkedtickets'] = []; if (count($linked_tickets)) { $linkedticket = new Ticket(); foreach ($linked_tickets as $row) { if ($linkedticket->getFromDB($row['tickets_id'])) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##linkedticket.id##'] = $row['tickets_id']; $tmp['##linkedticket.link##'] = Ticket_Ticket::getLinkName($row['link']); $tmp['##linkedticket.url##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "ticket_" . $row['tickets_id'] ); $tmp['##linkedticket.title##'] = $linkedticket->getField('name'); $tmp['##linkedticket.content##'] = $linkedticket->getField('content'); $data['linkedtickets'][] = $tmp; } } } $data['##ticket.numberoflinkedtickets##'] = count($data['linkedtickets']); $restrict = ['tickets_id' => $item->getField('id')]; $problems = getAllDataFromTable('glpi_problems_tickets', $restrict); $data['problems'] = []; if (count($problems)) { $problem = new Problem(); foreach ($problems as $row) { if ($problem->getFromDB($row['problems_id'])) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##problem.id##'] = $row['problems_id']; $tmp['##problem.date##'] = $problem->getField('date'); $tmp['##problem.title##'] = $problem->getField('name'); $tmp['##problem.url##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "problem_" . $row['problems_id'] ); $tmp['##problem.content##'] = $problem->getField('content'); $data['problems'][] = $tmp; } } } $data['##ticket.numberofproblems##'] = count($data['problems']); $changes = getAllDataFromTable('glpi_changes_tickets', $restrict); $data['changes'] = []; if (count($changes)) { $change = new Change(); foreach ($changes as $row) { if ($change->getFromDB($row['changes_id'])) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##change.id##'] = $row['changes_id']; $tmp['##change.date##'] = $change->getField('date'); $tmp['##change.title##'] = $change->getField('name'); $tmp['##change.url##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "change_" . $row['changes_id'] ); $tmp['##change.content##'] = $change->getField('content'); $data['changes'][] = $tmp; } } } $data['##ticket.numberofchanges##'] = count($data['changes']); // Approbation of solution $solution_restrict = [ 'itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'items_id' => $item->getField('id') ]; $replysolved = getAllDataFromTable( 'glpi_itilfollowups', [ 'WHERE' => $solution_restrict, 'ORDER' => ['date_mod DESC', 'id ASC'] ] ); $current = current($replysolved); $data['##ticket.solution.approval.description##'] = $current ? $current['content'] : ''; $data['##ticket.solution.approval.date##'] = $current ? Html::convDateTime($current['date']) : ''; $data['##ticket.solution.approval.author##'] = $current ? getUserName($current['users_id']) : ''; //Validation infos $restrict = ['tickets_id' => $item->getField('id')]; if (isset($options['validation_id']) && $options['validation_id']) { $restrict['glpi_ticketvalidations.id'] = $options['validation_id']; } $validations = getAllDataFromTable( 'glpi_ticketvalidations', [ 'WHERE' => $restrict, 'ORDER' => ['submission_date DESC', 'id ASC'] ] ); $data['validations'] = []; foreach ($validations as $validation) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##validation.submission.title##'] //TRANS: %s is the user name = sprintf( __('An approval request has been submitted by %s'), getUserName($validation['users_id']) ); $tmp['##validation.answer.title##'] //TRANS: %s is the user name = sprintf( __('An answer to an approval request was produced by %s'), getUserName($validation['users_id_validate']) ); $tmp['##validation.author##'] = getUserName($validation['users_id']); $tmp['##validation.status##'] = TicketValidation::getStatus($validation['status']); $tmp['##validation.storestatus##'] = $validation['status']; $tmp['##validation.submissiondate##'] = Html::convDateTime($validation['submission_date']); $tmp['##validation.commentsubmission##'] = $validation['comment_submission']; $tmp['##validation.validationdate##'] = Html::convDateTime($validation['validation_date']); $tmp['##validation.validator##'] = getUserName($validation['users_id_validate']); $tmp['##validation.commentvalidation##'] = $validation['comment_validation']; $data['validations'][] = $tmp; } // Ticket Satisfaction $inquest = new TicketSatisfaction(); $data['##satisfaction.type##'] = ''; $data['##satisfaction.datebegin##'] = ''; $data['##satisfaction.dateanswered##'] = ''; $data['##satisfaction.satisfaction##'] = ''; $data['##satisfaction.description##'] = ''; if ($inquest->getFromDB($item->getField('id'))) { // internal inquest if ($inquest->fields['type'] == 1) { $data['##ticket.urlsatisfaction##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "ticket_" . $item->getField("id") . '_Ticket$3' ); } else if ($inquest->fields['type'] == 2) { // external inquest $data['##ticket.urlsatisfaction##'] = Entity::generateLinkSatisfaction($item); } $data['##satisfaction.type##'] = $inquest->getTypeInquestName($inquest->getfield('type')); $data['##satisfaction.datebegin##'] = Html::convDateTime($inquest->fields['date_begin']); $data['##satisfaction.dateanswered##'] = Html::convDateTime($inquest->fields['date_answered']); $data['##satisfaction.satisfaction##'] = $inquest->fields['satisfaction']; $data['##satisfaction.description##'] = $inquest->fields['comment']; } } return $data; } public function getTags() { parent::getTags(); //Locales $tags = ['ticket.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'ticket.sla' => __('SLA'), 'ticket.sla_tto' => sprintf( __('%1$s / %2$s'), __('SLA'), __('Time to own') ), 'ticket.sla_ttr' => sprintf( __('%1$s / %2$s'), __('SLA'), __('Time to resolve') ), 'ticket.ola_tto' => sprintf( __('%1$s / %2$s'), __('OLA'), __('Internal time to own') ), 'ticket.ola_ttr' => sprintf( __('%1$s / %2$s'), __('OLA'), __('Internal time to resolve') ), 'ticket.requesttype' => RequestType::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.itemtype' => __('Item type'), 'ticket.item.name' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), 'ticket.item.serial' => __('Serial number'), 'ticket.item.otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'ticket.item.location' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Location name') ), 'ticket.item.locationcomment' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Location comments') ), 'ticket.item.locationroom' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Room number') ), 'ticket.item.locationbuilding' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Building number') ), 'ticket.item.locationlatitude' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Latitude') ), 'ticket.item.locationlongitude' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Longitude') ), 'ticket.item.locationaltitude' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Altitude') ), 'ticket.item.locationaddress' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Address') ), 'ticket.item.locationpostcode' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Postal code') ), 'ticket.item.locationtown' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Town') ), 'ticket.item.locationstate' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), _x('location', 'State') ), 'ticket.item.locationcountry' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), __('Country') ), 'ticket.item.model' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'ticket.item.contact' => __('Alternate username'), 'ticket.item.contactnumber' => __('Alternate username number'), 'ticket.item.user' => User::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.item.group' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.isdeleted' => __('Deleted'), 'ticket.numberoflinkedtickets' => _x('quantity', 'Number of linked tickets'), 'ticket.numberofproblems' => _x('quantity', 'Number of problems'), 'ticket.numberofchanges' => _x('quantity', 'Number of changes'), 'ticket.numberofitems' => _x('quantity', 'Number of items'), 'ticket.autoclose' => __('Automatic closing of solved tickets after'), 'ticket.location' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.location.comment' => __('Location comments'), 'ticket.location.room' => __('Room number'), 'ticket.location.building' => __('Building number'), 'ticket.location.latitude' => __('Latitude'), 'ticket.location.longitude' => __('Longitude'), 'ticket.location.altitude' => __('Altitude'), 'ticket.location.address' => __('Address'), 'ticket.location.postcode' => __('Postal code'), 'ticket.location.town' => __('Town'), 'ticket.location.state' => _x('location', 'State'), 'ticket.location.country' => __('Country'), 'ticket.globalvalidation' => __('Global approval status'), 'ticket.solution.approval.description' => __('Solution rejection comment'), 'ticket.solution.approval.date' => __('Solution rejection date'), 'ticket.solution.approval.author' => __('Approver') ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'events' => NotificationTarget::TAG_FOR_ALL_EVENTS ]); } //Events specific for validation $tags = ['validation.author' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'validation.status' => __('Status of the approval request'), 'validation.submissiondate' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1) ), 'validation.commentsubmission' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request'), __('Comments') ), 'validation.validationdate' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Validation', 'Validations', 1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1) ), 'validation.validator' => __('Decision-maker'), 'validation.commentvalidation' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Validation', 'Validations', 1), __('Comments') ) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'events' => ['validation', 'validation_answer'] ]); } //Tags without lang for validation $tags = ['validation.submission.title' => __('A validation request has been submitted'), 'validation.answer.title' => __('An answer to a validation request was produced') ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'lang' => false, 'events' => ['validation', 'validation_answer'] ]); } // Events for ticket satisfaction $tags = ['satisfaction.datebegin' => __('Creation date of the satisfaction survey'), 'satisfaction.dateanswered' => __('Response date to the satisfaction survey'), 'satisfaction.satisfaction' => __('Satisfaction'), 'satisfaction.description' => __('Comments to the satisfaction survey') ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'events' => ['satisfaction'] ]); } $tags = ['satisfaction.type' => __('Survey type'),]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'lang' => false, 'events' => ['satisfaction'] ]); } $tags = ['satisfaction.text' => __('Invitation to fill out the survey')]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => false, 'lang' => true, 'events' => ['satisfaction'] ]); } //Foreach global tags $tags = ['validations' => _n('Validation', 'Validations', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'linkedtickets' => _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), 'changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'items' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'documents' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => false, 'foreach' => true ]); } //Tags with just lang $tags = ['ticket.linkedtickets' => _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'ticket.problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), 'ticket.changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'ticket.autoclosewarning' => sprintf( _n( 'Without a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s day', 'Without a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s days', 2 ), '?' ) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => false, 'lang' => true ]); } //Foreach tag for alertnotclosed $this->addTagToList(['tag' => 'tickets', 'label' => __('Not solved tickets'), 'value' => false, 'foreach' => true, 'events' => ['alertnotclosed'] ]); //Tags without lang $tags = ['ticket.urlvalidation' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Validation request'), __('URL') ), 'ticket.urlsatisfaction' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Satisfaction'), __('URL') ), 'linkedticket.id' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('ID') ), 'linkedticket.link' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), Link::getTypeName(1) ), 'linkedticket.url' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('URL') ), 'linkedticket.title' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('Title') ), 'linkedticket.content' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('Description') ), 'problem.id' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), 'problem.date' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'problem.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'problem.title' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Title') ), 'problem.content' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Description') ), 'change.id' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), 'change.date' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'change.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'change.title' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Title') ), 'change.content' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Description') ) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'lang' => false ]); } //Tickets with a fixed set of values $allowed_validation = []; $status = TicketValidation::getAllStatusArray(false, true); foreach ($status as $key => $value) { $allowed_validation[] = $key; } $tags = ['validation.validationstatus' => ['text' => __('Status value in database'), 'allowed_values' => $allowed_validation ] ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label['text'], 'value' => true, 'lang' => false, 'allowed_values' => $label['allowed_values'] ]); } asort($this->tag_descriptions); } }