Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ abstract class NotificationTargetCommonITILObject extends NotificationTarget { public $private_profiles = []; /** * Keep track of profiles who have acces to the "central" interface * Will only be loaded if the source item's entity is using anonymisation */ public $central_profiles = []; /** * @param $entity (default '') * @param $event (default '') * @param $object (default null) * @param $options array **/ public function __construct($entity = '', $event = '', $object = null, $options = []) { parent::__construct($entity, $event, $object, $options); if (isset($options['followup_id'])) { $this->options['sendprivate'] = $options['is_private']; } if (isset($options['task_id'])) { $this->options['sendprivate'] = $options['is_private']; } if (isset($options['users_id'])) { $this->options['users_id'] = $options['users_id']; } } public function validateSendTo($event, array $infos, $notify_me = false, $emitter = null) { // Check global ones for notification to myself if (!parent::validateSendTo($event, $infos, $notify_me, $emitter)) { return false; } // Private object and no right to see private items : do not send if ( $this->isPrivate() && (!isset($infos['additionnaloption']['show_private']) || !$infos['additionnaloption']['show_private']) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get notification subject prefix * * @param $event Event name (default '') * * @return string **/ public function getSubjectPrefix($event = '') { $perso_tag = trim(Entity::getUsedConfig( 'notification_subject_tag', $this->getEntity(), '', '' )); if (empty($perso_tag)) { $perso_tag = 'GLPI'; } return sprintf("[$perso_tag #%07d] ", $this->obj->getField('id')); } /** * Get events related to Itil Object * * @since 9.2 * * @return array of events (event key => event label) **/ public function getEvents() { $events = [ 'requester_user' => __('New user in requesters'), 'requester_group' => __('New group in requesters'), 'observer_user' => __('New user in observers'), 'observer_group' => __('New group in observers'), 'assign_user' => __('New user in assignees'), 'assign_group' => __('New group in assignees'), 'assign_supplier' => __('New supplier in assignees'), 'add_task' => __('New task'), 'update_task' => __('Update of a task'), 'delete_task' => __('Deletion of a task'), 'add_followup' => __("New followup"), 'update_followup' => __('Update of a followup'), 'delete_followup' => __('Deletion of a followup'), 'user_mention' => __('User mentioned'), ]; asort($events); return $events; } /** * Add linked users to the notified users list * * @param integer $type type of linked users * * @return void */ public function addLinkedUserByType($type) { /** * @var array $CFG_GLPI * @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $userlinktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->userlinkclass); $fkfield = $this->obj->getForeignKeyField(); //Look for the user by his id $criteria = ['LEFT JOIN' => [ User::getTable() => [ 'ON' => [ $userlinktable => 'users_id', User::getTable() => 'id' ] ] ] ] + $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria(); $criteria['FROM'] = $userlinktable; $criteria['FIELDS'] = array_merge( $criteria['FIELDS'], [ "$userlinktable.use_notification AS notif", "$userlinktable.alternative_email AS altemail" ] ); $criteria['WHERE']["$userlinktable.$fkfield"] = $this->obj->fields['id']; $criteria['WHERE']["$userlinktable.type"] = $type; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { //Add the user email and language in the notified users list if ($data['notif']) { $author_email = UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($data['users_id']); $author_lang = $data["language"]; $author_id = $data['users_id']; if ( !empty($data['altemail']) && ($data['altemail'] != $author_email) && NotificationMailing::isUserAddressValid($data['altemail']) ) { $author_email = $data['altemail']; } if (empty($author_lang)) { $author_lang = $CFG_GLPI["language"]; } if (empty($author_id)) { $author_id = -1; } $user = [ 'language' => $author_lang, 'users_id' => $author_id ]; if ($this->isMailMode()) { $user['email'] = $author_email; } $this->addToRecipientsList($user); } } // Anonymous user $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => 'alternative_email', 'FROM' => $userlinktable, 'WHERE' => [ $fkfield => $this->obj->fields['id'], 'users_id' => 0, 'use_notification' => 1, 'type' => $type ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { if ($this->isMailMode()) { if (NotificationMailing::isUserAddressValid($data['alternative_email'])) { $this->addToRecipientsList([ 'email' => $data['alternative_email'], 'language' => $CFG_GLPI["language"], 'users_id' => -1 ]); } } } } /** * Add linked group to the notified user list * * @param integer $type type of linked groups * * @return void */ public function addLinkedGroupByType($type) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $grouplinktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->grouplinkclass); $fkfield = $this->obj->getForeignKeyField(); //Look for the user by his id $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => 'groups_id', 'FROM' => $grouplinktable, 'WHERE' => [ $fkfield => $this->obj->fields['id'], 'type' => $type ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { //Add the group in the notified users list $this->addForGroup(0, $data['groups_id']); } } /** * Add linked group without supervisor to the notified user list * * @since 0.84.1 * * @param integer $type type of linked groups * * @return void */ public function addLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType($type) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $grouplinktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->grouplinkclass); $fkfield = $this->obj->getForeignKeyField(); $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => 'groups_id', 'FROM' => $grouplinktable, 'WHERE' => [ $fkfield => $this->obj->fields['id'], 'type' => $type ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { //Add the group in the notified users list $this->addForGroup(2, $data['groups_id']); } } /** * Add linked group supervisor to the notified user list * * @param integer $type type of linked groups * * @return void */ public function addLinkedGroupSupervisorByType($type) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $grouplinktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->grouplinkclass); $fkfield = $this->obj->getForeignKeyField(); $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => 'groups_id', 'FROM' => $grouplinktable, 'WHERE' => [ $fkfield => $this->obj->fields['id'], 'type' => $type ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { //Add the group in the notified users list $this->addForGroup(1, $data['groups_id']); } } /** * Get the email of the item's user : Overloaded manual address used **/ public function addItemAuthor() { $this->addLinkedUserByType(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER); } /** * Add previous technician in charge (before reassign) * * @return void */ public function addOldAssignTechnician() { /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */ global $CFG_GLPI; if ( isset($this->options['_old_user']) && ($this->options['_old_user']['type'] == CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) && $this->options['_old_user']['use_notification'] ) { $user = new User(); $user->getFromDB($this->options['_old_user']['users_id']); $author_email = UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($user->fields['id']); $author_lang = $user->fields["language"]; $author_id = $user->fields['id']; if ( !empty($this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email']) && ($this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email'] != $author_email) && NotificationMailing::isUserAddressValid($this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email']) ) { $author_email = $this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email']; } if (empty($author_lang)) { $author_lang = $CFG_GLPI["language"]; } if (empty($author_id)) { $author_id = -1; } $user = [ 'language' => $author_lang, 'users_id' => $author_id ]; if ($this->isMailMode()) { $user['email'] = $author_email; } $this->addToRecipientsList($user); } } /** * Add recipient * * @return void */ public function addRecipientAddress() { $this->addUserByField("users_id_recipient"); } /** * Get supplier related to the ITIL object * * @param boolean $sendprivate (false by default) * * @return void */ public function addSupplier($sendprivate = false) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; if ( !$sendprivate && $this->obj->countSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) && $this->isMailMode() ) { $supplierlinktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->supplierlinkclass); $fkfield = $this->obj->getForeignKeyField(); $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => [ 'glpi_suppliers.email AS email', 'glpi_suppliers.name AS name' ], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $supplierlinktable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_suppliers' => [ 'ON' => [ $supplierlinktable => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ "$supplierlinktable.$fkfield" => $this->obj->getID() ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } } /** * Add approver related to the ITIL object validation * * @param $options array * * @return void */ public function addValidationApprover($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; if (isset($options['validation_id'])) { $validationtable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->getType() . 'Validation'); $criteria = ['LEFT JOIN' => [ User::getTable() => [ 'ON' => [ $validationtable => 'users_id_validate', User::getTable() => 'id' ] ] ] ] + $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria(); $criteria['FROM'] = $validationtable; $criteria['WHERE']["$validationtable.id"] = $options['validation_id']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } } /** * Add requester related to the ITIL object validation * * @param array $options Options * * @return void **/ public function addValidationRequester($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; if (isset($options['validation_id'])) { $validationtable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->getType() . 'Validation'); $criteria = ['LEFT JOIN' => [ User::getTable() => [ 'ON' => [ $validationtable => 'users_id', User::getTable() => 'id' ] ] ] ] + $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria(); $criteria['FROM'] = $validationtable; $criteria['WHERE']["$validationtable.id"] = $options['validation_id']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } } /** * Add author related to the followup * * @param array $options Options * * @return void */ public function addFollowupAuthor($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; if (isset($options['followup_id'])) { $followuptable = ITILFollowup::getTable(); $criteria = array_merge_recursive( ['INNER JOIN' => [ User::getTable() => [ 'ON' => [ $followuptable => 'users_id', User::getTable() => 'id' ] ] ] ], $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria() ); $criteria['FROM'] = $followuptable; $criteria['WHERE']["$followuptable.id"] = $options['followup_id']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } } /** * Add task author * * @param array $options Options * * @return void */ public function addTaskAuthor($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; // In case of delete task pass user id if (isset($options['task_users_id'])) { $criteria = $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria(); $criteria['FROM'] = User::getTable(); $criteria['WHERE'][User::getTable() . '.id'] = $options['task_users_id']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } else if (isset($options['task_id'])) { $tasktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->getType() . 'Task'); $criteria = array_merge_recursive( ['INNER JOIN' => [ User::getTable() => [ 'ON' => [ $tasktable => 'users_id', User::getTable() => 'id' ] ] ] ], $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria() ); $criteria['FROM'] = $tasktable; $criteria['WHERE']["$tasktable.id"] = $options['task_id']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } } /** * Add user assigned to task * * @param array $options Options * * @return void */ public function addTaskAssignUser($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; // In case of delete task pass user id if (isset($options['task_users_id_tech'])) { $criteria = $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria(); $criteria['FROM'] = User::getTable(); $criteria['WHERE'][User::getTable() . '.id'] = $options['task_users_id_tech']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } else if (isset($options['task_id'])) { $tasktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->getType() . 'Task'); $criteria = array_merge_recursive( ['INNER JOIN' => [ User::getTable() => [ 'ON' => [ $tasktable => 'users_id_tech', User::getTable() => 'id' ] ] ] ], $this->getDistinctUserCriteria() + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria() ); $criteria['FROM'] = $tasktable; $criteria['WHERE']["$tasktable.id"] = $options['task_id']; $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addToRecipientsList($data); } } } /** * Add group assigned to the task * * @since 9.1 * * @param array $options Options * * @return void */ public function addTaskAssignGroup($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; // In case of delete task pass user id if (isset($options['task_groups_id_tech'])) { $this->addForGroup(0, $options['task_groups_id_tech']); } else if (isset($options['task_id'])) { $tasktable = getTableForItemType($this->obj->getType() . 'Task'); $iterator = $DB->request([ 'FROM' => $tasktable, 'INNER JOIN' => [ 'glpi_groups' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_groups' => 'id', $tasktable => 'groups_id_tech' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => ["$tasktable.id" => $options['task_id']] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->addForGroup(0, $data['groups_id_tech']); } } } public function addAdditionnalInfosForTarget() { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => ['profiles_id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'WHERE' => [ 'name' => 'followup', 'rights' => ['&', ITILFollowup::SEEPRIVATE] ] ]); foreach ($iterator as $data) { $this->private_profiles[$data['profiles_id']] = $data['profiles_id']; } $profiles_iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => Profile::getTable(), 'WHERE' => [ 'interface' => 'central', ] ]); foreach ($profiles_iterator as $profiles_data) { $this->central_profiles[$profiles_data['id']] = $profiles_data['id']; } } public function addAdditionnalUserInfo(array $data) { return [ 'show_private' => $this->getShowPrivateInfo($data), 'is_self_service' => $this->getIsSelfServiceInfo($data), ]; } protected function getShowPrivateInfo(array $data) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; if (!isset($data['users_id']) || count($this->private_profiles) === 0) { return false; } $result = $DB->request([ 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles_users', 'WHERE' => [ 'users_id' => $data['users_id'], 'profiles_id' => $this->private_profiles ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_profiles_users', 'entities_id', $this->getEntity(), true) ])->current(); if ($result['cpt']) { return true; } return false; } protected function getIsSelfServiceInfo(array $data) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; if (!isset($data['users_id']) || count($this->central_profiles) === 0) { return true; } $result = $DB->request([ 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => Profile_User::getTable(), 'WHERE' => [ 'users_id' => $data['users_id'], 'profiles_id' => $this->central_profiles ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Profile_User::getTable(), 'entities_id', $this->getEntity(), true) ])->current(); if ($result['cpt']) { return false; } return true; } public function getProfileJoinCriteria() { $criteria = parent::getProfileJoinCriteria(); if ($this->isPrivate()) { $criteria['INNER JOIN'][Profile::getTable()] = [ 'ON' => [ Profile::getTable() => 'id', Profile_User::getTable() => 'profiles_id' ] ]; $criteria['INNER JOIN'][ProfileRight::getTable()] = [ 'ON' => [ ProfileRight::getTable() => 'profiles_id', Profile::getTable() => 'id' ] ]; $criteria['WHERE'][ProfileRight::getTable() . '.name'] = 'followup'; $criteria['WHERE'][ProfileRight::getTable() . '.rights'] = ['&', ITILFollowup::SEEPRIVATE]; $criteria['WHERE'][Profile::getTable() . '.interface'] = 'central'; } return $criteria; } public function isPrivate() { if (isset($this->options['sendprivate']) && ($this->options['sendprivate'] == 1)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Add additionnals targets for ITIL objects * * @param string $event specif event to get additional targets (default '') * * @return void **/ public function addAdditionalTargets($event = '') { if ($event === 'user_mention') { $this->addTarget(Notification::MENTIONNED_USER, __('Mentioned user')); return; // Do not propose more targets } if ($event == 'update') { $this->addTarget( Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE, __('Former technician in charge of the ticket') ); } if ($event == 'satisfaction') { $this->addTarget(Notification::AUTHOR, _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1)); $this->addTarget(Notification::RECIPIENT, __('Writer')); } else if ($event != 'alertnotclosed') { $this->addTarget(Notification::RECIPIENT, __('Writer')); $this->addTarget(Notification::SUPPLIER, Supplier::getTypeName(1)); $this->addTarget( Notification::SUPERVISOR_ASSIGN_GROUP, __('Manager of the group in charge of the ticket') ); $this->addTarget( Notification::ASSIGN_GROUP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR, __("Group in charge of the ticket except manager users") ); $this->addTarget(Notification::SUPERVISOR_REQUESTER_GROUP, __('Requester group manager')); $this->addTarget( Notification::REQUESTER_GROUP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR, __("Requester group except manager users") ); $this->addTarget(Notification::ASSIGN_TECH, __('Technician in charge of the ticket')); $this->addTarget(Notification::REQUESTER_GROUP, _n('Requester group', 'Requester groups', 1)); $this->addTarget(Notification::AUTHOR, _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1)); $this->addTarget(Notification::ASSIGN_GROUP, __('Group in charge of the ticket')); $this->addTarget(Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP, _n('Watcher group', 'Watcher groups', 1)); $this->addTarget(Notification::OBSERVER, _n('Watcher', 'Watchers', 1)); $this->addTarget(Notification::SUPERVISOR_OBSERVER_GROUP, __('Watcher group manager')); $this->addTarget( Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR, __("Watcher group except manager users") ); } if (($event == 'validation') || ($event == 'validation_answer')) { $this->addTarget(Notification::VALIDATION_REQUESTER, __('Approval requester')); $this->addTarget(Notification::VALIDATION_APPROVER, __('Approver')); } if (($event == 'update_task') || ($event == 'add_task') || ($event == 'delete_task')) { $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_TECH, __('Technician in charge of the task')); $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_GROUP, __('Group in charge of the task')); $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_AUTHOR, __('Task author')); } if ( ($event == 'update_followup') || ($event == 'add_followup') || ($event == 'delete_followup') ) { $this->addTarget(Notification::FOLLOWUP_AUTHOR, __('Followup author')); } } /** * Get specifics targets for ITIL objects * * @param array $data Data * @param array $options Options * * @return void **/ public function addSpecificTargets($data, $options) { //Look for all targets whose type is Notification::ITEM_USER switch ($data['type']) { case Notification::USER_TYPE: switch ($data['items_id']) { case Notification::ASSIGN_TECH: $this->addLinkedUserByType(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN); break; //Send to the supervisor of group in charge of the ITIL object case Notification::SUPERVISOR_ASSIGN_GROUP: $this->addLinkedGroupSupervisorByType(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN); break; //Notification to the group in charge of the ITIL object without supervisor case Notification::ASSIGN_GROUP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR: $this->addLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN); break; //Send to the user who's got the issue case Notification::RECIPIENT: $this->addRecipientAddress(); break; //Send to the supervisor of the requester's group case Notification::SUPERVISOR_REQUESTER_GROUP: $this->addLinkedGroupSupervisorByType(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER); break; //Send to the technician previously in charge of the ITIL object (before reassignation) case Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE: $this->addOldAssignTechnician(); break; //Assign to a supplier case Notification::SUPPLIER: $this->addSupplier($this->isPrivate()); break; case Notification::REQUESTER_GROUP: $this->addLinkedGroupByType(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER); break; //Notification to the requester group without supervisor case Notification::REQUESTER_GROUP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR: $this->addLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER); break; case Notification::ASSIGN_GROUP: $this->addLinkedGroupByType(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN); break; //Send to the ITIL object validation approver case Notification::VALIDATION_APPROVER: $this->addValidationApprover($options); break; //Send to the ITIL object validation requester case Notification::VALIDATION_REQUESTER: $this->addValidationRequester($options); break; //Send to the ITIL object followup author case Notification::FOLLOWUP_AUTHOR: $this->addFollowupAuthor($options); break; //Send to the ITIL object followup author case Notification::TASK_AUTHOR: $this->addTaskAuthor($options); break; //Send to the ITIL object followup author case Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_TECH: $this->addTaskAssignUser($options); break; //Send to the ITIL object task group assigned case Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_GROUP: $this->addTaskAssignGroup($options); break; //Notification to the ITIL object's observer group case Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP: $this->addLinkedGroupByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER); break; //Notification to the ITIL object's observer user case Notification::OBSERVER: $this->addLinkedUserByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER); break; //Notification to the supervisor of the ITIL object's observer group case Notification::SUPERVISOR_OBSERVER_GROUP: $this->addLinkedGroupSupervisorByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER); break; //Notification to the observer group without supervisor case Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR: $this->addLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER); break; case Notification::MENTIONNED_USER: $this->addMentionnedUser($options); break; } } } /** * Add mentionned user to recipients. * * @param array $options * * @return void */ protected function addMentionnedUser(array $options): void { $user = new User(); if (array_key_exists('users_id', $options) && $user->getFromDB($options['users_id'])) { $this->addToRecipientsList( [ 'language' => $user->fields['language'], 'users_id' => $user->fields['id'], ] ); } } public function addDataForTemplate($event, $options = []) { $events = $this->getAllEvents(); $objettype = strtolower($this->obj->getType()); // Get data from ITIL objects if ($event != 'alertnotclosed') { $this->data = $this->getDataForObject($this->obj, $options); } else { if ( isset($options['entities_id']) && isset($options['items']) ) { $entity = new Entity(); if ($entity->getFromDB($options['entities_id'])) { $this->data["##$objettype.entity##"] = $entity->getField('completename'); $this->data["##$objettype.shortentity##"] = $entity->getField('name'); } if ($item = getItemForItemtype($objettype)) { $objettypes = Toolbox::strtolower(getPlural($objettype)); $items = []; foreach ($options['items'] as $object) { $item->getFromDB($object['id']); $tmp = $this->getDataForObject($item, $options, true); $this->data[$objettypes][] = $tmp; } } } } if ( ($event == 'validation') && isset($options['validation_status']) ) { $this->data["##$objettype.action##"] //TRANS: %s id of the approval's state = sprintf( __('%1$s - %2$s'), CommonITILValidation::getTypeName(1), TicketValidation::getStatus($options['validation_status']) ); } else { $this->data["##$objettype.action##"] = $events[$event]; } $this->getTags(); foreach ($this->tag_descriptions[parent::TAG_LANGUAGE] as $tag => $values) { if (!isset($this->data[$tag])) { $this->data[$tag] = $values['label']; } } } /** * Get data from an item * * @param CommonDBTM $item Object instance * @param array $options Options * @param boolean $simple (false by default) * * @return array **/ public function getDataForObject(CommonDBTM $item, array $options, $simple = false) { /** * @var array $CFG_GLPI * @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $is_self_service = $options['additionnaloption']['is_self_service'] ?? true; $are_names_anonymized = $is_self_service && Entity::getAnonymizeConfig($item->fields['entities_id']) !== Entity::ANONYMIZE_DISABLED; $objettype = strtolower($item->getType()); $data["##$objettype.title##"] = $item->getField('name'); $data["##$objettype.content##"] = $item->getField('content'); $data["##$objettype.description##"] = $item->getField('content'); $data["##$objettype.id##"] = sprintf("%07d", $item->getField("id")); $data["##$objettype.url##"] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], $objettype . "_" . $item->getField("id") ); $tab = '$1'; $data["##$objettype.urlapprove##"] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], $objettype . "_" . $item->getField("id") . "_" . $item->getType() . $tab ); $entity = new Entity(); if ($entity->getFromDB($this->getEntity())) { $data["##$objettype.entity##"] = $entity->getField('completename'); $data["##$objettype.shortentity##"] = $entity->getField('name'); $data["##$objettype.entity.phone##"] = $entity->getField('phonenumber'); $data["##$objettype.entity.fax##"] = $entity->getField('fax'); $data["##$objettype.entity.website##"] = $entity->getField('website'); $data["##$objettype.entity.email##"] = $entity->getField('email'); $data["##$objettype.entity.address##"] = $entity->getField('address'); $data["##$objettype.entity.postcode##"] = $entity->getField('postcode'); $data["##$objettype.entity.town##"] = $entity->getField('town'); $data["##$objettype.entity.state##"] = $entity->getField('state'); $data["##$objettype.entity.country##"] = $entity->getField('country'); $data["##$objettype.entity.registration_number##"] = $entity->getField('registration_number'); } $data["##$objettype.storestatus##"] = $item->getField('status'); $data["##$objettype.status##"] = $item->getStatus($item->getField('status')); $data["##$objettype.urgency##"] = $item->getUrgencyName($item->getField('urgency')); $data["##$objettype.impact##"] = $item->getImpactName($item->getField('impact')); $data["##$objettype.priority##"] = $item->getPriorityName($item->getField('priority')); $data["##$objettype.time##"] = $item->getActionTime($item->getField('actiontime')); $data["##$objettype.creationdate##"] = Html::convDateTime($item->getField('date')); $data["##$objettype.closedate##"] = Html::convDateTime($item->getField('closedate')); $data["##$objettype.solvedate##"] = Html::convDateTime($item->getField('solvedate')); $data["##$objettype.duedate##"] = Html::convDateTime($item->getField('time_to_resolve')); $data["##$objettype.category##"] = ''; if ($item->getField('itilcategories_id')) { $data["##$objettype.category##"] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_itilcategories', $item->getField('itilcategories_id') ); } $data['actors'] = []; $data["##$objettype.authors##"] = ''; $data['authors'] = []; if ($item->countUsers(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER)) { $users = []; foreach ($item->getUsers(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER) as $tmpusr) { $uid = (int)$tmpusr['users_id']; $user_tmp = new User(); if ($uid > 0 && $user_tmp->getFromDB($uid)) { $users[] = $user_tmp->getName(); // Legacy authors data $actor_data = self::getActorData($user_tmp, CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, 'author'); $actor_data['##author.title##'] = $actor_data['##author.usertitle##']; $actor_data['##author.category##'] = $actor_data['##author.usercategory##']; $data['authors'][] = $actor_data; $data['actors'][] = self::getActorData($user_tmp, CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, 'actor'); } elseif ($uid === 0) { // Anonymous users only in xxx.authors, not in authors $users[] = $tmpusr['alternative_email']; // Anonymous user in actors $user_tmp->getEmpty(); $actor_data = self::getActorData($user_tmp, CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, 'actor'); $actor_data['##actor.name##'] = $tmpusr['alternative_email']; } } $data["##$objettype.authors##"] = implode(', ', $users); } $data["##$objettype.suppliers##"] = ''; $data["##$objettype.assigntosupplier##"] = ''; $data['suppliers'] = []; if ($item->countSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN)) { $suppliers = []; foreach ($item->getSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) as $supplier_data) { $sid = $supplier_data['suppliers_id']; $supplier = new Supplier(); if ($sid > 0 && $supplier->getFromDB($sid)) { $suppliers[] = $supplier->getName(); // Legacy suppliers data $actor_data = self::getActorData($supplier, CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, 'supplier'); $actor_data['##supplier.type##'] = $actor_data['##supplier.suppliertype##']; $data['suppliers'][] = $actor_data; $data['actors'][] = self::getActorData($supplier, CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, 'actor'); } } $data["##$objettype.suppliers##"] = implode(', ', $suppliers); $data["##$objettype.assigntosupplier##"] = implode(', ', $suppliers); } $data["##$objettype.openbyuser##"] = ''; if ($item->getField('users_id_recipient')) { $user_tmp = new User(); $user_tmp->getFromDB($item->getField('users_id_recipient')); $data["##$objettype.openbyuser##"] = $user_tmp->getName(); } $data["##$objettype.lastupdater##"] = ''; if ($item->getField('users_id_lastupdater')) { $user_tmp = new User(); $user_tmp->getFromDB($item->getField('users_id_lastupdater')); $data["##$objettype.lastupdater##"] = $user_tmp->getName(); } $data["##$objettype.assigntousers##"] = ''; if ($item->countUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN)) { $users = []; foreach ($item->getUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) as $tmp) { $uid = $tmp['users_id']; $user_tmp = new User(); if ($user_tmp->getFromDB($uid)) { // Check if the user need to be anonymized if ($are_names_anonymized) { $users[$uid] = User::getAnonymizedNameForUser($uid, $item->fields['entities_id']); } else { $users[$uid] = $user_tmp->getName(); } $actor_data = self::getActorData($user_tmp, CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, 'actor'); $actor_data['##actor.name##'] = $users[$uid]; // Use anonymized name $data['actors'][] = $actor_data; } } $data["##$objettype.assigntousers##"] = implode(', ', $users); } $data["##$objettype.groups##"] = ''; if ($item->countGroups(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER)) { $groups = []; foreach ($item->getGroups(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER) as $group_data) { $gid = $group_data['groups_id']; $group = new Group(); if ($gid > 0 && $group->getFromDB($gid)) { $groups[$gid] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_groups', $gid); $data['actors'][] = self::getActorData($group, CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, 'actor'); } } $data["##$objettype.groups##"] = implode(', ', $groups); } $data["##$objettype.observergroups##"] = ''; if ($item->countGroups(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER)) { $groups = []; foreach ($item->getGroups(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER) as $group_data) { $gid = $group_data['groups_id']; $group = new Group(); if ($gid > 0 && $group->getFromDB($gid)) { $groups[$gid] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_groups', $gid); $data['actors'][] = self::getActorData($group, CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, 'actor'); } } $data["##$objettype.observergroups##"] = implode(', ', $groups); } $data["##$objettype.observerusers##"] = ''; if ($item->countUsers(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER)) { $users = []; foreach ($item->getUsers(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER) as $tmp) { $uid = $tmp['users_id']; $user_tmp = new User(); if ( $uid && $user_tmp->getFromDB($uid) ) { $users[] = $user_tmp->getName(); $data['actors'][] = self::getActorData($user_tmp, CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, 'actor'); } else { $users[] = $tmp['alternative_email']; } } $data["##$objettype.observerusers##"] = implode(', ', $users); } $data["##$objettype.assigntogroups##"] = ''; if ($item->countGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN)) { $groups = []; foreach ($item->getGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) as $group_data) { $gid = $group_data['groups_id']; $group = new Group(); if ($gid > 0 && $group->getFromDB($gid)) { $groups[$gid] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_groups', $gid); $data['actors'][] = self::getActorData($group, CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, 'actor'); } } $data["##$objettype.assigntogroups##"] = implode(', ', $groups); } $data["##$objettype.solution.type##"] = ''; $data["##$objettype.solution.description##"] = ''; $data["##$objettype.solution.author##"] = ''; $itilsolution = new ITILSolution(); $solution = $itilsolution->getFromDBByRequest([ 'WHERE' => [ 'itemtype' => $objettype, 'items_id' => $item->fields['id'] ], 'ORDER' => 'date_creation DESC', 'LIMIT' => 1 ]); if ($solution) { $data["##$objettype.solution.type##"] = ''; if ($itilsolution->getField('solutiontypes_id')) { $data["##$objettype.solution.type##"] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_solutiontypes', $itilsolution->getField('solutiontypes_id') ); } $data["##$objettype.solution.author##"] = getUserName($itilsolution->getField('users_id')); $data["##$objettype.solution.description##"] = $itilsolution->getField('content'); } // Complex mode if (!$simple) { $show_private = $options['additionnaloption']['show_private'] ?? false; $followup_restrict = []; $followup_restrict['items_id'] = $item->getField('id'); if (!$show_private) { $followup_restrict['is_private'] = 0; } $followup_restrict['itemtype'] = $objettype; //Followup infos $followups = getAllDataFromTable( 'glpi_itilfollowups', [ 'WHERE' => $followup_restrict, 'ORDER' => ['date_mod DESC', 'id ASC'] ] ); $data['followups'] = []; foreach ($followups as $followup) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##followup.isprivate##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo($followup['is_private']); // Check if the author need to be anonymized if ($are_names_anonymized && ITILFollowup::getById($followup['id'])->isFromSupportAgent()) { $tmp['##followup.author##'] = User::getAnonymizedNameForUser( $followup['users_id'], $item->fields['entities_id'] ); } else { $tmp['##followup.author##'] = getUserName($followup['users_id']); } $user_tmp = new User(); if ($user_tmp->getFromDB($followup['users_id'])) { $tmp = array_merge($tmp, self::getActorData($user_tmp, 0, 'followup.author')); } $tmp['##followup.requesttype##'] = ''; if ($followup['requesttypes_id']) { $tmp['##followup.requesttype##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_requesttypes', $followup['requesttypes_id'] ); } $tmp['##followup.date##'] = Html::convDateTime($followup['date']); $tmp['##followup.description##'] = $followup['content']; $data['followups'][] = $tmp; } $data["##$objettype.numberoffollowups##"] = count($data['followups']); $data['log'] = []; // Use list_limit_max or load the full history ? foreach (Log::getHistoryData($item, 0, $CFG_GLPI['list_limit_max']) as $log) { $tmp = []; $tmp["##$objettype.log.date##"] = $log['date_mod']; $tmp["##$objettype.log.user##"] = $log['user_name']; $tmp["##$objettype.log.field##"] = $log['field']; $tmp["##$objettype.log.content##"] = $log['change']; $data['log'][] = $tmp; } $data["##$objettype.numberoflogs##"] = count($data['log']); // Get unresolved items $restrict = [ 'NOT' => [ $item->getTable() . '.status' => array_merge( $item->getSolvedStatusArray(), $item->getClosedStatusArray() ) ] ]; if ($item->maybeDeleted()) { $restrict[$item->getTable() . '.is_deleted'] = 0; } $data["##$objettype.numberofunresolved##"] = countElementsInTableForEntity($item->getTable(), $this->getEntity(), $restrict, false); // Document $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => 'glpi_documents.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents', 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_documents_items' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ $item->getAssociatedDocumentsCriteria(true), 'timeline_position' => ['>', CommonITILObject::NO_TIMELINE], // skip inlined images ] ]); $data["documents"] = []; $addtodownloadurl = ''; if ($item->getType() == 'Ticket') { $addtodownloadurl = "&tickets_id=" . $item->fields['id']; } foreach ($iterator as $row) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##document.id##'] = $row['id']; $tmp['##document.name##'] = $row['name']; $tmp['##document.weblink##'] = $row['link']; $tmp['##document.url##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "document_" . $row['id'] ); $downloadurl = "/front/document.send.php?docid=" . $row['id']; $tmp['##document.downloadurl##'] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], $downloadurl . $addtodownloadurl ); $tmp['##document.heading##'] = ''; if ($row['documentcategories_id']) { $tmp['##document.heading##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_documentcategories', $row['documentcategories_id'] ); } $tmp['##document.filename##'] = $row['filename']; $data['documents'][] = $tmp; } $data["##$objettype.urldocument##"] = $this->formatURL( $options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], $objettype . "_" . $item->getField("id") . '_Document_Item$1' ); $data["##$objettype.numberofdocuments##"] = count($data['documents']); //costs infos $costtype = $item->getType() . 'Cost'; $costs = $costtype::getCostsSummary($costtype, $item->getField("id")); $data["##$objettype.costfixed##"] = $costs['costfixed']; $data["##$objettype.costmaterial##"] = $costs['costmaterial']; $data["##$objettype.costtime##"] = $costs['costtime']; $data["##$objettype.totalcost##"] = $costs['totalcost']; $costs = getAllDataFromTable( getTableForItemType($costtype), [ 'WHERE' => [$item->getForeignKeyField() => $item->getField('id')], 'ORDER' => ['begin_date DESC', 'id ASC'] ] ); $data['costs'] = []; foreach ($costs as $cost) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##cost.name##'] = $cost['name']; $tmp['##cost.comment##'] = $cost['comment']; $tmp['##cost.datebegin##'] = Html::convDate($cost['begin_date']); $tmp['##cost.dateend##'] = Html::convDate($cost['end_date']); $tmp['##cost.time##'] = $item->getActionTime($cost['actiontime']); $tmp['##cost.costtime##'] = Html::formatNumber($cost['cost_time']); $tmp['##cost.costfixed##'] = Html::formatNumber($cost['cost_fixed']); $tmp['##cost.costmaterial##'] = Html::formatNumber($cost['cost_material']); $tmp['##cost.totalcost##'] = CommonITILCost::computeTotalCost( $cost['actiontime'], $cost['cost_time'], $cost['cost_fixed'], $cost['cost_material'] ); $tmp['##cost.budget##'] = ''; if ($cost['budgets_id']) { $tmp['##cost.budget##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_budgets', $cost['budgets_id']); } $data['costs'][] = $tmp; } $data["##$objettype.numberofcosts##"] = count($data['costs']); //Task infos $tasktype = $item->getType() . 'Task'; $taskobj = new $tasktype(); $restrict = [$item->getForeignKeyField() => $item->getField('id')]; if ( $taskobj->maybePrivate() && (!isset($options['additionnaloption']['show_private']) || !$options['additionnaloption']['show_private']) ) { $restrict['is_private'] = 0; } $tasks = getAllDataFromTable( $taskobj->getTable(), [ 'WHERE' => $restrict, 'ORDER' => ['date_mod DESC', 'id ASC'] ] ); $data['tasks'] = []; foreach ($tasks as $task) { $tmp = []; $tmp['##task.id##'] = $task['id']; if ($taskobj->maybePrivate()) { $tmp['##task.isprivate##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo($task['is_private']); } $tmp['##task.author##'] = getUserName($task['users_id']); $tmp_taskcatinfo = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_taskcategories', $task['taskcategories_id'], true, true, false, '' ); $tmp['##task.categoryid##'] = $task['taskcategories_id']; $tmp['##task.category##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['name']; $tmp['##task.categorycomment##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment']; $tmp['##task.date##'] = Html::convDateTime($task['date']); $tmp['##task.description##'] = $task['content']; $tmp['##task.time##'] = Ticket::getActionTime($task['actiontime']); $tmp['##task.status##'] = Planning::getState($task['state']); $tmp['##task.user##'] = getUserName($task['users_id_tech']); $tmp['##task.group##'] = ''; if ($task['groups_id_tech']) { $tmp['##task.group##'] = Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_groups", $task['groups_id_tech']); } $tmp['##task.begin##'] = ""; $tmp['##task.end##'] = ""; if (!is_null($task['begin'])) { $tmp['##task.begin##'] = Html::convDateTime($task['begin']); $tmp['##task.end##'] = Html::convDateTime($task['end']); } $data['tasks'][] = $tmp; } $data["##$objettype.numberoftasks##"] = count($data['tasks']); $data['timelineitems'] = []; $options = [ 'with_documents' => false, 'with_logs' => false, 'with_validations' => false, 'sort_by_date_desc' => true, 'check_view_rights' => false, 'hide_private_items' => $is_self_service || !$show_private, ]; $timeline = $item->getTimelineItems($options); foreach ($timeline as $timeline_data) { $tmptimelineitem = []; $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.type##'] = $timeline_data['type']::getType(); $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.typename##'] = $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.type##']::getTypeName(0); $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.date##'] = Html::convDateTime($timeline_data['item']['date']); $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.description##'] = $timeline_data['item']['content']; $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.position##'] = $this->getUserPositionFromTimelineItemPosition($timeline_data['item']['timeline_position']); $item_users_id = (int)$timeline_data['item']['users_id']; // Check if the author need to be anonymized if ( $item_users_id > 0 && $timeline_data['type'] == ITILFollowup::getType() && $are_names_anonymized && ITILFollowup::getById($timeline_data['item']['id'])->isFromSupportAgent() ) { $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.author##'] = User::getAnonymizedNameForUser( $item_users_id, $item->fields['entities_id'] ); } elseif ($item_users_id > 0) { $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.author##'] = getUserName($item_users_id); } else { $tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.author##'] = ''; } $data['timelineitems'][] = $tmptimelineitem; } } return $data; } protected function getActorData(CommonDBTM $actor, int $actortype, string $key_prefix): array { $data = [ sprintf('##%s.itemtype##', $key_prefix) => get_class($actor), sprintf('##%s.actortype##', $key_prefix) => $actortype, sprintf('##%s.id##', $key_prefix) => $actor->getID(), sprintf('##%s.name##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.comments##', $key_prefix) => $actor->getField('comment'), sprintf('##%s.location##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.usertitle##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.usercategory##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.email##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.mobile##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.phone##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.phone2##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.fax##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.website##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.address##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.postcode##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.town##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.state##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.country##', $key_prefix) => '', sprintf('##%s.suppliertype##', $key_prefix) => '', ]; switch (get_class($actor)) { case User::class: $data[sprintf('##%s.name##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getName(); $location = new Location(); if ($actor->fields['locations_id'] > 0 && $location->getFromDB($actor->fields['locations_id'])) { $data[sprintf('##%s.location##', $key_prefix)] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_locations', $actor->fields['locations_id'] ); $data[sprintf('##%s.address##', $key_prefix)] = $location->getField('address'); $data[sprintf('##%s.postcode##', $key_prefix)] = $location->getField('postcode'); $data[sprintf('##%s.town##', $key_prefix)] = $location->getField('town'); } if ($actor->fields['usertitles_id'] > 0) { $data[sprintf('##%s.usertitle##', $key_prefix)] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_usertitles', $actor->fields['usertitles_id'] ); } if ($actor->fields['usercategories_id'] > 0) { $data[sprintf('##%s.usercategory##', $key_prefix)] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_usercategories', $actor->fields['usercategories_id'] ); } $data[sprintf('##%s.email##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getDefaultEmail(); $data[sprintf('##%s.mobile##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('mobile'); $data[sprintf('##%s.phone##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('phone'); $data[sprintf('##%s.phone2##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('phone2'); break; case Group::class: $data[sprintf('##%s.name##', $key_prefix)] = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_groups', $actor->getID()); break; case Supplier::class: $data[sprintf('##%s.name##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getName(); $data[sprintf('##%s.email##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('email'); $data[sprintf('##%s.phone##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('phonenumber'); $data[sprintf('##%s.fax##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('fax'); $data[sprintf('##%s.website##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('website'); $data[sprintf('##%s.address##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('address'); $data[sprintf('##%s.postcode##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('postcode'); $data[sprintf('##%s.town##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('town'); $data[sprintf('##%s.state##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('state'); $data[sprintf('##%s.country##', $key_prefix)] = $actor->getField('country'); if ($actor->getField('suppliertypes_id')) { $data[sprintf('##%s.type##', $key_prefix)] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_suppliertypes', $actor->getField('suppliertypes_id') ); $data[sprintf('##%s.suppliertype##', $key_prefix)] = Dropdown::getDropdownName( 'glpi_suppliertypes', $actor->getField('suppliertypes_id') ); } break; } return $data; } public function getTags() { $itemtype = $this->obj->getType(); $objettype = strtolower($itemtype); //Locales $tags = [$objettype . '.id' => __('ID'), $objettype . '.title' => __('Title'), $objettype . '.url' => __('URL'), $objettype . '.category' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), $objettype . '.content' => __('Description'), $objettype . '.description' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), $this->obj->getTypeName(1), __('Description') ), $objettype . '.status' => __('Status'), $objettype . '.urgency' => __('Urgency'), $objettype . '.impact' => __('Impact'), $objettype . '.priority' => __('Priority'), $objettype . '.time' => __('Total duration'), $objettype . '.creationdate' => __('Opening date'), $objettype . '.closedate' => __('Closing date'), $objettype . '.solvedate' => __('Date of solving'), $objettype . '.duedate' => __('Time to resolve'), $objettype . '.authors' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'author.id' => __('Requester ID'), 'author.name' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'author.location' => __('Requester location'), 'author.mobile' => __('Mobile phone'), 'author.phone' => Phone::getTypeName(1), 'author.phone2' => __('Phone 2'), 'author.email' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'author.title' => _x('person', 'Title'), 'author.category' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), $objettype . '.suppliers' => _n('Supplier', 'Suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'supplier.id' => __('Supplier ID'), 'supplier.name' => Supplier::getTypeName(1), 'supplier.phone' => Phone::getTypeName(1), 'supplier.fax' => __('Fax'), 'supplier.website' => __('Website'), 'supplier.email' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'supplier.address' => __('Address'), 'supplier.postcode' => __('Postal code'), 'supplier.town' => __('City'), 'supplier.state' => _x('location', 'State'), 'supplier.country' => __('Country'), 'supplier.comments' => _n('Comment', 'Comments', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'supplier.type' => SupplierType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.openbyuser' => __('Writer'), $objettype . '.lastupdater' => __('Last updater'), $objettype . '.assigntousers' => __('Assigned to technicians'), 'actor.itemtype' => __('Internal type'), 'actor.actortype' => __('Actor type'), 'actor.id' => __('ID'), 'actor.name' => __('Name'), 'actor.location' => __('User location'), 'actor.usertitle' => _x('person', 'Title'), 'actor.usercategory' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'actor.email' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'actor.mobile' => __('Mobile phone'), 'actor.phone' => Phone::getTypeName(1), 'actor.phone2' => __('Phone 2'), 'actor.fax' => __('Fax'), 'actor.website' => __('Website'), 'actor.address' => __('Address'), 'actor.postcode' => __('Postal code'), 'actor.town' => __('City'), 'actor.state' => _x('location', 'State'), 'actor.country' => __('Country'), 'actor.comments' => _n('Comment', 'Comments', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'actor.suppliertype' => SupplierType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.assigntosupplier' => __('Assigned to a supplier'), $objettype . '.groups' => _n( 'Requester group', 'Requester groups', Session::getPluralNumber() ), $objettype . '.observergroups' => _n('Watcher group', 'Watcher groups', Session::getPluralNumber()), $objettype . '.assigntogroups' => __('Assigned to groups'), $objettype . '.solution.type' => SolutionType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.solution.description' => ITILSolution::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.solution.author' => __('Writer'), $objettype . '.observerusers' => _n('Watcher', 'Watchers', Session::getPluralNumber()), $objettype . '.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), 'followup.date' => __('Opening date'), 'followup.isprivate' => __('Private'), 'followup.author' => __('Writer'), 'followup.author.itemtype' => __('Internal type'), 'followup.author.actortype' => __('Actor type'), 'followup.author.id' => __('ID'), 'followup.author.name' => __('Name'), 'followup.author.location' => __('User location'), 'followup.author.usertitle' => _x('person', 'Title'), 'followup.author.usercategory' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'followup.author.email' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'followup.author.mobile' => __('Mobile phone'), 'followup.author.phone' => Phone::getTypeName(1), 'followup.author.phone2' => __('Phone 2'), 'followup.author.fax' => __('Fax'), 'followup.author.website' => __('Website'), 'followup.author.address' => __('Address'), 'followup.author.postcode' => __('Postal code'), 'followup.author.town' => __('City'), 'followup.author.state' => _x('location', 'State'), 'followup.author.country' => __('Country'), 'followup.author.comments' => _n('Comment', 'Comments', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'followup.author.suppliertype' => SupplierType::getTypeName(1), 'followup.description' => __('Description'), 'followup.requesttype' => RequestType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.numberoffollowups' => _x('quantity', 'Number of followups'), $objettype . '.numberofunresolved' => __('Number of unresolved items'), $objettype . '.numberofdocuments' => _x('quantity', 'Number of documents'), $objettype . '.costtime' => __('Time cost'), $objettype . '.costfixed' => __('Fixed cost'), $objettype . '.costmaterial' => __('Material cost'), $objettype . '.totalcost' => __('Total cost'), $objettype . '.numberofcosts' => __('Number of costs'), 'cost.name' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Name') ), 'cost.comment' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Comments') ), 'cost.datebegin' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Begin date') ), 'cost.dateend' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('End date') ), 'cost.time' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Duration') ), 'cost.costtime' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Time cost') ), 'cost.costfixed' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Fixed cost') ), 'cost.costmaterial' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Material cost') ), 'cost.totalcost' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Total cost') ), 'cost.budget' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), Budget::getTypeName(1) ), 'task.author' => __('Writer'), 'task.isprivate' => __('Private'), 'task.date' => __('Opening date'), 'task.description' => __('Description'), 'task.categoryid' => __('Category id'), 'task.category' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'task.categorycomment' => __('Category comment'), 'task.time' => __('Total duration'), 'task.user' => __('User assigned to task'), 'task.group' => __('Group assigned to task'), 'task.begin' => __('Start date'), 'task.end' => __('End date'), 'task.status' => __('Status'), $objettype . '.numberoftasks' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tasks'), $objettype . '.entity.phone' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), Phone::getTypeName(1) ), $objettype . '.entity.fax' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Fax') ), $objettype . '.entity.website' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Website') ), $objettype . '.entity.email' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1) ), $objettype . '.entity.address' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Address') ), $objettype . '.entity.postcode' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Postal code') ), $objettype . '.entity.town' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('City') ), $objettype . '.entity.state' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), _x('location', 'State') ), $objettype . '.entity.country' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Country') ), $objettype . '.entity.registration_number' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Administrative Number') ), 'timelineitems.author' => __('Writer'), 'timelineitems.date' => __('Opening date'), 'timelineitems.type' => __('Internal type'), 'timelineitems.typename' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'timelineitems.description' => __('Description'), 'timelineitems.position' => __('Position'), ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'events' => parent::TAG_FOR_ALL_EVENTS ]); } //Foreach global tags $tags = ['log' => __('Historical'), 'followups' => _n('Followup', 'Followups', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'costs' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'authors' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'suppliers' => _n('Supplier', 'Suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'actors' => __('Actors'), 'timelineitems' => sprintf(__('Processing %1$s'), strtolower($objettype)) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => false, 'foreach' => true ]); } //Tags with just lang $tags = [$objettype . '.days' => _n('Day', 'Days', Session::getPluralNumber()), $objettype . '.attribution' => __('Assigned to'), $objettype . '.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.nocategoryassigned' => __('No defined category'), $objettype . '.log' => __('Historical'), $objettype . '.tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber()), $objettype . '.costs' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber()), $objettype . '.timelineitems' => sprintf(__('Processing %1$s'), strtolower($objettype)) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => false, 'lang' => true ]); } //Tags without lang $tags = [$objettype . '.urlapprove' => __('Web link to approval the solution'), $objettype . '.entity' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Complete name') ), $objettype . '.shortentity' => sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Name') ), $objettype . '.numberoflogs' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('quantity', 'Number of items') ), $objettype . '.log.date' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1) ), $objettype . '.log.user' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), User::getTypeName(1) ), $objettype . '.log.field' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Field', 'Fields', 1) ), $objettype . '.log.content' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('name', 'Update') ), 'document.url' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('URL') ), 'document.downloadurl' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Download URL') ), 'document.heading' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Heading') ), 'document.id' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('ID') ), 'document.filename' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('File') ), 'document.weblink' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Web link') ), 'document.name' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Name') ), $objettype . '.urldocument' => sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), __('URL') ) ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label, 'value' => true, 'lang' => false ]); } //Tickets with a fixed set of values $status = $this->obj->getAllStatusArray(false); $allowed_ticket = []; foreach ($status as $key => $value) { $allowed_ticket[] = $key; } $tags = [$objettype . '.storestatus' => ['text' => __('Status value in database'), 'allowed_values' => $allowed_ticket ] ]; foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) { $this->addTagToList(['tag' => $tag, 'label' => $label['text'], 'value' => true, 'lang' => false, 'allowed_values' => $label['allowed_values'] ]); } } private function getUserPositionFromTimelineItemPosition($position) { switch ($position) { case CommonITILObject::TIMELINE_LEFT: $user_position = 'left'; break; case CommonITILObject::TIMELINE_MIDLEFT: $user_position = 'left middle'; break; case CommonITILObject::TIMELINE_MIDRIGHT: $user_position = 'right middle'; break; case CommonITILObject::TIMELINE_RIGHT: $user_position = 'right'; break; default: $user_position = 'left'; break; } return $user_position; } }