Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/Marketplace/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/Marketplace/View.php


 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
 * http://glpi-project.org
 * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors.
 * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team.
 * @licence   https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This file is part of GLPI.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace Glpi\Marketplace;

use CommonGLPI;
use Config;
use Glpi\Application\View\TemplateRenderer;
use Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins as PluginsApi;
use GLPINetwork;
use Html;
use Plugin;
use Toolbox;

class View extends CommonGLPI
    public static $rightname = 'config';
    public static $api       = null;

    public $get_item_to_display_tab = true;

    public const COL_PAGE = 12;

     * singleton return the current api instance
     * @return PluginsApi
    public static function getAPI(): PluginsApi
        return self::$api ?? (self::$api = new PluginsApi());

    public static function getTypeName($nb = 0)
        return __('Marketplace');

    public static function canCreate()
        return self::canUpdate();

    public static function getIcon()
        return "ti ti-building-store";

    public static function getSearchURL($full = true)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $dir = ($full ? $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] : '');
        return "$dir/front/marketplace.php";

    public function defineTabs($options = [])
        $tabs = [
            'no_all_tab' => true
        $this->addStandardTab(__CLASS__, $tabs, $options);

        return $tabs;

    public function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0)
        if ($item->getType() == __CLASS__) {
            return [
        return '';

    public static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0)
        if ($item->getType() == __CLASS__) {
            switch ($tabnum) {
                case 0:
                case 1:

        return true;

     * Check current registration status and display warning messages
     * @return bool
    public static function checkRegistrationStatus()
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $messages   = [];
        $valid = false;

        if (!GLPINetwork::isServicesAvailable()) {
                sprintf(__('%1$s services website seems not available from your network or offline'), 'GLPI Network'),
                "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/config.form.php?forcetab=Config$5'>"
                    . __("Maybe you could setup a proxy")
                    . "</a> "
                    . __("or please check later")
        } else {
            $registration_info = GLPINetwork::getRegistrationInformations();
            if (!$registration_info['is_valid']) {
                $valid = false;

                $config_url = $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/config.form.php?forcetab=" .

                    sprintf(__('Your %1$s registration is not valid.'), 'GLPI Network'),
                    __('A registration, at least a free one, is required to use marketplace!'),
                    "<a href='" . GLPI_NETWORK_SERVICES . "'>" . sprintf(__('Register on %1$s'), 'GLPI Network') . "</a> "
                        . __('and') . " "
                        . "<a href='$config_url'>" . __("fill your registration key in setup.") . "</a>"
            } else if (!$registration_info['subscription']['is_running']) {
                $valid = false;

                    sprintf(__('Your %1$s subscription has been terminated.'), 'GLPI Network'),
                    "<a href='" . GLPI_NETWORK_SERVICES . "'>" . sprintf(__('Renew it on %1$s.'), 'GLPI Network') . "</a> "
            } else {
                $valid = true;

        if (count($messages)) {
            echo "<div class='alert alert-important alert-warning d-flex'>";
            echo "<i class='fa-3x ti ti-alert-triangle'></i>";
            echo "<ul><li>" . implode('</li><li>', $messages) . "</li></ul>";
            echo "</div>";

        return $valid;

     * Display installed tab (only currently installed plugins)
     * @param bool   $force_refresh do not rely on cache to get plugins list
     * @param bool   $only_lis display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries)
     * @param string $tag_filter filter the plugin list by given tag
     * @param string $string_filter filter the plugin by given string
     * @return void display things
    public static function installed(
        bool $force_refresh = false,
        bool $only_lis = false,
        string $string_filter = ""
    ) {

        $plugin_inst = new Plugin();
        $plugin_inst->init(true); // reload plugins
        $installed   = $plugin_inst->getList();

        $apiplugins  = [];
        if (self::checkRegistrationStatus()) {
            $api         = self::getAPI();
            $apiplugins  = $api->getAllPlugins($force_refresh);

        $plugins = [];
        foreach ($installed as $plugin) {
            $key     = $plugin['directory'];
            $apidata = $apiplugins[$key] ?? [];

            if (
                && strpos(strtolower(json_encode($plugin)), strtolower($string_filter)) === false
            ) {

            $clean_plugin = [
                'key'          => $key,
                'name'         => $plugin['name'],
                'logo_url'     => $apidata['logo_url'] ?? "",
                'description'  => $apidata['descriptions'][0]['short_description'] ?? "",
                'authors'      => $apidata['authors'] ?? [['id' => 'all', 'name' => $plugin['author'] ?? ""]],
                'license'      => $apidata['license'] ?? $plugin['license'] ?? "",
                'note'         => $apidata['note'] ?? -1,
                'homepage_url' => $apidata['homepage_url'] ?? "",
                'issues_url'   => $apidata['issues_url'] ?? "",
                'readme_url'   => $apidata['readme_url'] ?? "",
                'version'      => $plugin['version'] ?? "",

            $plugins[] = $clean_plugin;

        self::displayList($plugins, "installed", $only_lis);

     * Display discover tab (all availble plugins)
     * @param bool   $force_refresh do not rely on cache to get plugins list
     * @param bool   $only_lis display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries)
     * @param string $tag_filter filter the plugin list by given tag
     * @param string $string_filter filter the plugin by given string
     * @param int    $page What's sub page of plugin we want to display
     * @param string $sort sort-alpha-asc|sort-alpha-desc|sort-dl|sort-update|sort-added|sort-note
     * @return void display things
    public static function discover(
        bool $force = false,
        bool $only_lis = false,
        string $tag_filter = "",
        string $string_filter = "",
        int $page = 1,
        string $sort = 'sort-alpha-asc'
    ) {
        if (!self::checkRegistrationStatus()) {

        $nb_plugins = 0;

        $api     = self::getAPI();
        $plugins = $api->getPaginatedPlugins(

        header("X-GLPI-Marketplace-Total: $nb_plugins");
        self::displayList($plugins, "discover", $only_lis, $nb_plugins, $sort, $api->isListTruncated());

     * Return HTML part for tags list
     * @return string tags list
    public static function getTagsHtml()
        $api  = self::getAPI();
        $tags = $api->getTopTags();

        $tags_li = "<li class='tag active' data-tag=''>" . __("All") . "</li>";
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            $tags_li .= "<li class='tag' data-tag='{$tag['key']}'>" . ucfirst($tag['tag']) . "</li>";

        return "<ul class='plugins-tags'>{$tags_li}</ul>";

     * Display a list of plugins
     * @param array $plugins list of plugins returned by
     * - \Plugin::getList
     * - \Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getPaginatedPlugins
     * @param string $tab current display tab (discover or installed)
     * @param bool $only_lis display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries)
     * @param int $nb_plugins total of plugins ($plugins contains only the current page)
     * @param string $sort sort-alpha-asc|sort-alpha-desc|sort-dl|sort-update|sort-added|sort-note
     * @return false|void displays things
    public static function displayList(
        array $plugins = [],
        string $tab = "",
        bool $only_lis = false,
        int $nb_plugins = 0,
        string $sort = 'sort-alpha-asc',
        bool $is_list_truncated = false
    ) {
        if (!self::canView()) {
            return false;

        $messages = '';
        if ($is_list_truncated) {
            $msg = count($plugins) === 0
                ? sprintf(__('Unable to fetch plugin list due to %s services website unavailability. Please try again later.'), 'GLPI Network')
                : sprintf(__('Plugin list may be truncated due to %s services website unavailability. Please try again later.'), 'GLPI Network');
            $messages = '<li class="warning"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-3x"></i>' . $msg . '</li>';

        $plugins_li = "";
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            $plugin['description'] = self::getLocalizedDescription($plugin);
            $plugins_li .= self::getPluginCard($plugin, $tab);

        if (!$only_lis) {
           // check writable state
            if (!Controller::hasWriteAccess()) {
                echo "<div class='alert alert-warning'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-5x'></i>"
                      . sprintf(__("We can't write on the markeplace directory (%s)."), GLPI_MARKETPLACE_DIR)
                      . "<br>"
                      . __("If you want to ease the plugins download, please check permissions and ownership of this directory.")
                      . "<br>"
                      . __("Otherwise, you will need to download and unzip the plugins archives manually.")
                      . "<br>"
                      . "<br>"
                      . "</div>";

            $tags_list    = $tab != "installed"
                ? "<div class='left-panel'>" . self::getTagsHtml() . "</div>"
                : "";
            $pagination   = $tab != "installed"
                ? self::getPaginationHtml(1, $nb_plugins)
                : "";
            $sort_controls = "";
            if ($tab === "discover") {
                $sort_controls = "
                    <select class='sort-control form-select form-select-sm'>
                        <option value='sort-alpha-asc'
                                " . ($sort == "sort-alpha-asc" ? "selected" : "") . "
                                data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-sort-ascending-letters'>
                            " . __("Alpha ASC") . "
                        <option value='sort-alpha-desc'
                                " . ($sort == "sort-alpha-desc" ? "selected" : "") . "
                                data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-sort-descending-letters'>
                            " . __("Alpha DESC") . "
                        <option value='sort-dl'
                                " . ($sort == "sort-dl'" ? "selected" : "") . "
                                data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-cloud-download'>
                            " . __("Most popular") . "
                        <option value='sort-update'
                                " . ($sort == "sort-update'" ? "selected" : "") . "
                                data-icon='fa-fw fas fa-lg fa-history'>
                            " . __("Last updated") . "
                        <option value='sort-added'
                                " . ($sort == "sort-added'" ? "selected" : "") . "
                                data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-calendar-time'>
                            " . __("Most recent") . "
                        <option value='sort-note'
                                " . ($sort == "sort-note'" ? "selected" : "") . "
                                data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-star'>
                            " . __("Best notes") . "

            $yourplugin   = __("Your plugin here ? Contact us.");
            $networkmail  = GLPI_NETWORK_MAIL;
            $refresh_lbl  = __("Refresh plugin list");
            $search_label = __("Filter plugin list");

            $marketplace  = <<<HTML
                <div class='marketplace $tab' data-tab='{$tab}'>
                    <div class='right-panel'>
                        <div class='top-panel'>
                            <input type='search' class='filter-list form-control' placeholder='{$search_label}'>
                            <div class='controls'>
                                <i class='ti ti-refresh refresh-plugin-list' title='{$refresh_lbl}'></i>
                        <ul class='plugins'>
                        <a href="mailto:{$networkmail}" class="network-mail" target="_blank">
                            $yourplugin&nbsp;<i class="far fa-envelope"></i>
                    var marketplace_total_plugin = {$nb_plugins};
            echo $marketplace;
        } else {
            echo $messages . $plugins_li;

        $js = <<<JS
            $(document).ready(function() {
                // load button tooltips

                var displaySortIcon = function(option) {
                    if (!option.element) {
                        return option.element;
                    var element = option.element;
                    var icon = $(element).data('icon');

                    return $("<span><i class='"+icon+"'></i>&nbsp;"+option.text+"</span>");

                    templateResult: displaySortIcon,
                    templateSelection: displaySortIcon,
                    width: 135,
        echo Html::scriptBlock($js);

     * Return HTML part for plugin card
     * @param array $plugin information (title, description, etc) of the plugins
     * @param string $tab current displayed tab (installed or discover)
     * @return string the plugin card
    public static function getPluginCard(array $plugin = [], string $tab = "discover"): string
        $plugin_key   = $plugin['key'];
        $plugin_inst  = new Plugin();
        $plugin_state = Plugin::getStateKey($plugin_inst->fields['state'] ?? -1);
        $buttons      = self::getButtons($plugin_key);

        $name = Toolbox::stripTags($plugin['name']);
        $description = Toolbox::stripTags($plugin['description']);

        $authors = Toolbox::stripTags(implode(', ', array_column($plugin['authors'] ?? [], 'name', 'id')));
        $authors_title = Html::entities_deep($authors);
        $authors = strlen($authors)
            ? "<i class='fa-fw ti ti-users'></i>{$authors}"
            : "";

        $licence = Toolbox::stripTags($plugin['license'] ?? '');
        $licence = strlen($licence)
            ? "<i class='fa-fw ti ti-license'></i>{$licence}"
            : "";

        $version = Toolbox::stripTags($plugin['version'] ?? '');
        $version = strlen($version)
            ? "<i class='fa-fw ti ti-git-branch'></i>{$version}"
            : "";

        $stars = ($plugin['note'] ?? -1) > 0
            ? self::getStarsHtml($plugin['note'])
            : "";

        $home_url = Html::entities_deep($plugin['homepage_url'] ?? "");
        $home_url = strlen($home_url)
            ? "<a href='{$home_url}' target='_blank' >
               <i class='ti ti-home-2 add_tooltip' title='" . __s("Homepage") . "'></i>
            : "";

        $issues_url = Html::entities_deep($plugin['issues_url'] ?? "");
        $issues_url = strlen($issues_url)
            ? "<a href='{$issues_url}' target='_blank' >
               <i class='ti ti-bug add_tooltip' title='" . __s("Get help") . "'></i>
            : "";

        $readme_url = Html::entities_deep($plugin['readme_url'] ?? "");
        $readme_url = strlen($readme_url)
            ? "<a href='{$readme_url}' target='_blank' >
               <i class='ti ti-book add_tooltip' title='" . __s("Readme") . "'></i>
            : "";

        $changelog_url = Html::entities_deep($plugin['changelog_url'] ?? "");
        $changelog_url = strlen($changelog_url)
            ? "<a href='{$changelog_url}' target='_blank' >
               <i class='ti ti-news add_tooltip' title='" . __s("Changelog") . "'></i>
             : "";
        $icon    = self::getPluginIcon($plugin);
        $network = self::getNetworkInformations($plugin);

        if ($tab === "discover") {
            $card = <<<HTML
                <li class="plugin {$plugin_state}" data-key="{$plugin_key}">
                    <div class="main">
                        <span class="icon">{$icon}</span>
                        <span class="details">
                            <h3 class="title">{$name}</h3>
                            <p class="description">{$description}</p>
                        <span class="buttons">
                    <div class="footer">
                        <span class="misc-left">
                            <div class="note">{$stars}</div>
                            <div class="links">
                        <span class='misc-right'>
                            <div class="license">{$licence}</div>
                            <div class="authors" title="{$authors_title}">{$authors}</div>
                            <div class="version">{$version}</div>
        } else {
            $card = <<<HTML
                <li class="plugin {$plugin_state}" data-key="{$plugin_key}">
                    <div class="main">
                        <span class="icon">{$icon}</span>
                        <span class="details">
                            <h3 class="title">{$name}</h3>
                            <span class='misc-right'>
                                <div class="license">{$licence}</div>
                                <div class="authors" title="{$authors_title}">{$authors}</div>
                                <div class="version">{$version}</div>
                        <span class="buttons">
                    <div class="footer">
                        <span class="misc-left">
                            <div class="links">

        return $card;

     * Return HTML part for plugin stars
     * @param float|int $value current stars note on 5
     * @return string plugins stars html
    public static function getStarsHtml(float $value = 0): string
        $value = min(floor($value * 2) / 2, 5);

        $stars = "";
        for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) {
            if ($value >= $i) {
                $stars .= "<i class='fas fa-star'></i>";
            } else if ($value + 0.5 == $i) {
                $stars .= "<i class='fas fa-star-half-alt'></i>";
            } else {
                $stars .= "<i class='far fa-star'></i>";

        return $stars;

     * Return HTML part for plugin buttons
     * @param string $plugin_key system name for the plugin
     * @return string the buttons html
    public static function getButtons(string $plugin_key = ""): string
         * @var array $CFG_GLPI
         * @var array $PLUGIN_HOOKS
        global $CFG_GLPI, $PLUGIN_HOOKS;

        $plugin_inst        = new Plugin();
        $exists             = $plugin_inst->getFromDBbyDir($plugin_key);
        $is_installed       = $plugin_inst->isInstalled($plugin_key);
        $is_actived         = $plugin_inst->isActivated($plugin_key);
        $mk_controller      = new Controller($plugin_key);
        $web_update_version = $mk_controller->checkUpdate($plugin_inst);
        $has_web_update     = $web_update_version !== false;
        $is_available       = $mk_controller->isAvailable();
        $can_be_overwritten = $mk_controller->canBeOverwritten();
        $can_be_downloaded  = $mk_controller->canBeDownloaded();
        $required_offers    = $mk_controller->getRequiredOffers();
        $can_be_updated     = $has_web_update && $can_be_overwritten;
        $config_page        = $PLUGIN_HOOKS['config_page'][$plugin_key] ?? "";
        $must_be_cleaned   = $exists && !$plugin_inst->isLoadable($plugin_key);
        $has_local_install = $exists && !$must_be_cleaned && !$is_installed;
        $has_local_update  = $exists && !$must_be_cleaned && $plugin_inst->isUpdatable($plugin_key);

        $error = "";
        if ($exists && !$must_be_cleaned) {
            $do_activate = $plugin_inst->checkVersions($plugin_key);
            if (!$do_activate) {
                $error .= "<span class='error'>" . ob_get_contents() . "</span>";

            $function = 'plugin_' . $plugin_key . '_check_prerequisites';
            if ($do_activate && function_exists($function)) {
                if (!$function()) {
                    $error .= '<span class="error">' . ob_get_contents() . '</span>';
        $can_run_local_install = ($has_local_install || $has_local_update) && !strlen($error);

        $buttons = "";

        if (strlen($error)) {
            $rand = mt_rand();
            $buttons .= "<i class='ti ti-alert-triangle plugin-error' id='plugin-error-$rand'></i>";
            Html::showToolTip($error, [
                'applyto' => "plugin-error-$rand",

        if ($must_be_cleaned) {
            $buttons .= "
                <button class='modify_plugin'
                        title='" . __s("Clean") . "'>
                        <i class='fas fa-broom'></i>
            if ($can_be_downloaded) {
                $buttons .= "
                    <button class='modify_plugin'
                            title='" . __s("Download again") . "'>
                        <i class='ti ti-cloud-download'></i>
        } else if (!$is_available) {
            if (!$can_run_local_install) {
                $rand = mt_rand();
                $buttons .= "<i class='ti ti-alert-triangle plugin-unavailable' id='plugin-tooltip-$rand'></i>";
                    __('This plugin is not available for your GLPI version.'),
                        'applyto' => "plugin-tooltip-$rand",
        } else if (
            (!$exists && !$mk_controller->hasWriteAccess())
            || ($has_web_update && !$can_be_overwritten && GLPI_MARKETPLACE_MANUAL_DOWNLOADS)
        ) {
            $plugin_data = $mk_controller->getAPI()->getPlugin($plugin_key);
            if (array_key_exists('installation_url', $plugin_data) && $can_be_downloaded) {
                $warning = "";

                if (!Controller::hasVcsDirectory($plugin_key)) {
                    if ($has_web_update) {
                        $warning = __s("The plugin has an available update but its directory is not writable.") . "<br>";

                    $warning .= sprintf(
                        __s("Download archive manually, you must uncompress it in plugins directory (%s)"),
                        GLPI_ROOT . '/plugins'

                    // Use "marketplace.download.php" proxy if archive is downloadable from GLPI marketplace plugins API
                    // as this API will refuse to serve the archive if registration key is not set in headers.
                    $download_url = parse_url($plugin_data['installation_url'], PHP_URL_HOST) === parse_url(GLPI_MARKETPLACE_PLUGINS_API_URI, PHP_URL_HOST)
                        ? $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/front/marketplace.download.php?key=' . $plugin_key
                        : $plugin_data['installation_url'];

                    $buttons .= "<a href='{$download_url}' target='_blank'>
                            <button title='$warning' class='add_tooltip download_manually'><i class='fas fa-archive'></i></button>
                } else {
                    $warning = __s("The plugin has an available update but its local directory contains source versioning.") . "<br>";
                    $warning .= __s("To avoid overwriting a potential branch under development, downloading is disabled.");

                    $buttons .= "<button title='$warning' class='add_tooltip download_manually'>
                        <i class='fas fa-ban'></i>
        } else if ($can_be_downloaded) {
            if (!$exists) {
                $buttons .= "<button class='modify_plugin'
                                     title='" . __s("Download") . "'>
                        <i class='ti ti-cloud-download'></i>
            } else if ($can_be_updated) {
                $update_title = sprintf(
                    __s("A new version (%s) is available, update?", 'marketplace'),
                $buttons .= "<button class='modify_plugin'
                        <i class='ti ti-cloud-download'></i>

        if ($mk_controller->requiresHigherOffer()) {
            $warning = sprintf(
                __s("You need a superior GLPI-Network offer to access to this plugin (%s)"),
                implode(', ', $required_offers)

             $buttons .= "<a href='" . GLPI_NETWORK_SERVICES . "' target='_blank'>
                    <button class='add_tooltip need_offers' title='$warning'>
                        <i class='fas fa-exclamation-triangle'></i>

        if ($can_run_local_install) {
            $title = __s("Install");
            $icon  = "ti ti-folder-plus";
            if ($has_local_update) {
                $title = __s("Update");
                $icon  =  "far fa-caret-square-up";
            $buttons .= "<button class='modify_plugin'
                    <i class='$icon'></i>

        if ($is_installed) {
            if (!strlen($error)) {
                if ($is_actived) {
                    $buttons .= "<button class='modify_plugin'
                                         title='" . __s("Disable") . "'>
                            <i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i>
                } else {
                    $buttons .= "<button class='modify_plugin'
                                         title='" . __s("Enable") . "'>
                            <i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i>

            $buttons .= TemplateRenderer::getInstance()->render('components/plugin_uninstall_modal.html.twig', [
                'plugin_name' => $plugin_inst->getField('name'),
                'modal_id' => 'uninstallModal' . $plugin_inst->getField('directory'),
                'open_btn' => '<button data-bs-toggle="modal"
                                       data-bs-target="#uninstallModal' . $plugin_inst->getField('directory') . '"
                                       title="' . __s('Uninstall') . '">
                                   <i class="ti ti-folder-x"></i>
                'uninstall_btn' => '<a href="#" class="btn btn-danger w-100 modify_plugin"
                                       ' . _x("button", "Uninstall") . '

            if (!strlen($error) && $is_actived && $config_page) {
                $plugin_dir = Plugin::getWebDir($plugin_key, true);
                $config_url = "$plugin_dir/$config_page";
                $buttons .= "<a href='$config_url'>
                        <button class='add_tooltip' title='" . __s("Configure") . "'>
                            <i class='ti ti-tool'></i>

        return $buttons;

     * Return HTML part for plugin logo/icon
     * @param array $plugin data of the plugin.
     *                      If it contains a key logo_url, the current will be inserted in a img tag
     *                      else, it will use initials from plugin friendly name to construct
     *                      a short and colored logo
     * @return string the jtml for plugin logo
    public static function getPluginIcon(array $plugin = [])
        $icon = "";

        $logo_url = Html::entities_deep($plugin['logo_url'] ?? "");
        if (strlen($logo_url)) {
            $icon = "<img src='{$logo_url}'>";
        } else {
            $words = explode(" ", Toolbox::stripTags($plugin['name']));
            $initials = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
                if (isset($words[$i])) {
                    $initials .= mb_substr($words[$i], 0, 1);
            $bg_color = Toolbox::getColorForString($initials);
            $fg_color = Toolbox::getFgColor($bg_color);
            $icon = "<span style='background-color: $bg_color; color: $fg_color'

        return $icon;

     * Return HTML part for Glpi Network information for a given plugin
     * @param array $plugin data of the plugin.
     *                      if check agains plugin key if we need some subscription to use it
     * @return string the subscription information html
    public static function getNetworkInformations(array $plugin = []): string
        $mk_controller  = new Controller($plugin['key']);
        $require_offers = $mk_controller->getRequiredOffers();

        $html = "";
        if (count($require_offers)) {
            $fst_offer  = array_splice($require_offers, 0, 1);
            $offerkey   = key($fst_offer);
            $offerlabel = current($fst_offer);

            $html = "<div class='offers'>
                    <a href='" . GLPI_NETWORK_SERVICES . "' target='_blank'
                       class='badge glpi-network'
                       title='" . sprintf(__s("You must have a %s subscription to get this plugin"), 'GLPI Network') . "'>
                        <i class='fas fa-star'></i>GLPI Network
                    <a href='" . GLPI_NETWORK_SERVICES . "' target='_blank'
                       class='badge bg-azure $offerkey'
                       title='" . sprintf(__s("You need at least the %s subscription level to get this plugin"), $offerlabel) . "'>

        return $html;

     * Retrieve localized description for a given plugin and matching the session lang
     * @param array $plugin data of the plugin.
     *                      in the `description` key, we must found an array of localized descirption
     *                      indexed by lang key, return the good one
     * @param string $version short_description or long_description
     * @return string the localized description
    public static function getLocalizedDescription(array $plugin = [], string $version = 'short_description'): string
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $userlang = $CFG_GLPI['languages'][$_SESSION['glpilanguage']][3] ?? "en";

        if (!isset($plugin['descriptions'])) {
            return "";

        $description = "";
        $fallback = "";
        foreach ($plugin['descriptions'] as $current) {
            if ($current['lang'] == $userlang) {
                $description = $current[$version];

            if ($current['lang'] == "en") {
                $fallback = $current[$version];

        if (strlen($description) === 0) {
            $description = $fallback;

        return $description;

     * Return HTML part for plugins pagination
     * @param int $current_page
     * @param int $total
     * @param bool $only_li display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries)
     * @return string the pagination html
    public static function getPaginationHtml(int $current_page = 1, int $total = 1, bool $only_li = false): string
        if ($total <= self::COL_PAGE) {
            return "";

        $nb_pages = ceil($total / self::COL_PAGE);

        $prev = max($current_page - 1, 1);
        $next = min($current_page + 1, $nb_pages);

        $p_cls = $current_page === 1
            ? "class='nav-disabled'"
            : "";
        $n_cls = $current_page == $nb_pages
            ? "class='nav-disabled'"
            : "";

        $html = "";
        if (!$only_li) {
            $html .= "<ul class='pagination'>";
        $html .= "<li data-page='$prev' $p_cls><i class='fas fa-angle-left'></i></li>";
        $dots = false;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_pages; $i++) {
            if (
                $i >= 3
                && ($i < $current_page - 1
                 || $i > $current_page + 1)
                && $i < $nb_pages - 1
            ) {
                if (!$dots) {
                    $html .= "<li class='nav-disabled dots'>...</li>";
                $dots = true;
            $dots = false;

            $current = ($current_page === $i)
                ? "class='current'"
                : "";
            $html .= "<li data-page='$i' $current>$i</li>";
        $html .= "<li data-page='$next' $n_cls><i class='fas fa-angle-right'></i></li>";
        $html .= "<li class='nb_plugin'>" . sprintf(_n("%s plugin", "%s plugins", $total), $total) . "</li>";
        if (!$only_li) {
            $html .= "</ul>";

        return $html;

     * Display a dialog inviting the user to switch from former plugin list to marketplace new view.
     * @return void display things
    public static function showFeatureSwitchDialog()
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        if (isset($_POST['marketplace_replace'])) {
            $mp_value = isset($_POST['marketplace_replace_plugins_yes'])
            ? Controller::MP_REPLACE_YES
            : (isset($_POST['marketplace_replace_plugins_never'])
               ? Controller::MP_REPLACE_NEVER
               : Controller::MP_REPLACE_ASK);
            Config::setConfigurationValues('core', [
                'marketplace_replace_plugins' => $mp_value

            // is user agree, redirect him to marketplace
            if ($mp_value === Controller::MP_REPLACE_YES) {
                 Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/marketplace.php");

            // avoid annoying user for the current session
            $_SESSION['skip_marketplace_invitation'] = true;

        // show modal for asking user preference
        if (
            Controller::getPluginPageConfig() == Controller::MP_REPLACE_ASK
            && !isset($_SESSION['skip_marketplace_invitation'])
            && GLPI_INSTALL_MODE !== 'CLOUD'
        ) {
            echo "<div class='card mb-4'>";
            echo "<div class='card-header card-title'>" . __("Switch to marketplace") . "</div>";
            echo "<div class='card-body'>";
            echo "<form id='marketplace_dialog' method='POST'>";
            echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/pics/screenshots/marketplace.png", [
                'style' => 'width: 600px',
            echo "<br><br>";
            echo __("GLPI provides a new marketplace to download and install plugins.");
            echo "<br><br>";
            echo "<b>" . __("Do you want to replace the plugins setup page by the new marketplace?") . "</b>";
            echo "</div>";
            echo "<div class='card-footer'>";
            echo Html::submit("<i class='fa fa-check'></i>&nbsp;" . __('Yes'), [
                'name' => 'marketplace_replace_plugins_yes',
                'class' => 'btn btn-primary'
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo Html::submit("<i class='fa fa-times'></i>&nbsp;" . __('No'), [
                'name' => 'marketplace_replace_plugins_never',
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo Html::submit("<i class='fa fa-clock'></i>&nbsp;" . __('Later'), [
                'name'  => 'marketplace_replace_plugins_later',
            echo "</div>";
            echo Html::hidden('marketplace_replace');

            echo "</div>";

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0