Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/KnowbaseItem_Comment.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /// Class KnowbaseItem_Comment /// since version 9.2 class KnowbaseItem_Comment extends CommonDBTM { public static function getTypeName($nb = 0) { return _n('Comment', 'Comments', $nb); } public function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if (!($item instanceof KnowbaseItem) || !$item->canComment()) { return ''; } $nb = 0; if ($_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs']) { $where = []; if ($item->getType() == KnowbaseItem::getType()) { $where = [ 'knowbaseitems_id' => $item->getID(), 'language' => null ]; } else { $where = [ 'knowbaseitems_id' => $item->fields['knowbaseitems_id'], 'language' => $item->fields['language'] ]; } $nb = countElementsInTable( 'glpi_knowbaseitems_comments', $where ); } return self::createTabEntry(self::getTypeName($nb), $nb); } public static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { self::showForItem($item, $withtemplate); return true; } /** * Show linked items of a knowbase item * * @param $item CommonDBTM object * @param $withtemplate integer withtemplate param (default 0) **/ public static function showForItem(CommonDBTM $item, $withtemplate = 0) { /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */ global $CFG_GLPI; // Total Number of comments if ($item->getType() == KnowbaseItem::getType()) { $where = [ 'knowbaseitems_id' => $item->getID(), 'language' => null ]; } else { $where = [ 'knowbaseitems_id' => $item->fields['knowbaseitems_id'], 'language' => $item->fields['language'] ]; } $kbitem_id = $where['knowbaseitems_id']; $kbitem = new KnowbaseItem(); $kbitem->getFromDB($kbitem_id); $number = countElementsInTable( 'glpi_knowbaseitems_comments', $where ); $cancomment = $kbitem->canComment(); if ($cancomment) { echo "<div class='firstbloc'>"; $lang = null; if ($item->getType() == KnowbaseItemTranslation::getType()) { $lang = $item->fields['language']; } echo self::getCommentForm($kbitem_id, $lang); echo "</div>"; } // No comments in database if ($number < 1) { $no_txt = __('No comments'); echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr><th>$no_txt</th></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; return; } // Output events echo "<div class='forcomments timeline_history'>"; echo "<ul class='comments left'>"; $comments = self::getCommentsForKbItem($where['knowbaseitems_id'], $where['language']); $html = self::displayComments($comments, $cancomment); echo $html; echo "</ul>"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'> $(function() { var _bindForm = function(form) { form.find('input[type=reset]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); form.remove(); $('.displayed_content').show(); }); }; $('.add_answer').on('click', function() { var _this = $(this); var _data = { 'kbitem_id': _this.data('kbitem_id'), 'answer' : _this.data('id') }; if (_this.data('language') != undefined) { _data.language = _this.data('language'); } if (_this.parents('.comment').find('#newcomment' + _this.data('id')).length > 0) { return; } $.ajax({ url: '{$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]}/ajax/getKbComment.php', method: 'post', cache: false, data: _data, success: function(data) { var _form = $('<div class=\"newcomment ms-3\" id=\"newcomment'+_this.data('id')+'\">' + data + '</div>'); _bindForm(_form); _this.parents('.h_item').after(_form); }, error: function() { " . Html::jsAlertCallback(__('Contact your GLPI admin!'), __('Unable to load revision!')) . " } }); }); $('.edit_item').on('click', function() { var _this = $(this); var _data = { 'kbitem_id': _this.data('kbitem_id'), 'edit' : _this.data('id') }; if (_this.data('language') != undefined) { _data.language = _this.data('language'); } if (_this.parents('.comment').find('#editcomment' + _this.data('id')).length > 0) { return; } $.ajax({ url: '{$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]}/ajax/getKbComment.php', method: 'post', cache: false, data: _data, success: function(data) { var _form = $('<div class=\"editcomment\" id=\"editcomment'+_this.data('id')+'\">' + data + '</div>'); _bindForm(_form); _this .parents('.displayed_content').hide() .parent() .append(_form); }, error: function() { " . Html::jsAlertCallback(__('Contact your GLPI admin!'), __('Unable to load revision!')) . " } }); }); }); </script>"; echo "</div>"; } /** * Gat all comments for specified KB entry * * @param integer $kbitem_id KB entry ID * @param string $lang Requested language * @param integer $parent Parent ID (defaults to 0) * * @return array */ public static function getCommentsForKbItem($kbitem_id, $lang, $parent = null) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; $where = [ 'knowbaseitems_id' => $kbitem_id, 'language' => $lang, 'parent_comment_id' => $parent ]; $db_comments = $DB->request( 'glpi_knowbaseitems_comments', $where + ['ORDER' => 'id ASC'] ); $comments = []; foreach ($db_comments as $db_comment) { $db_comment['answers'] = self::getCommentsForKbItem($kbitem_id, $lang, $db_comment['id']); $comments[] = $db_comment; } return $comments; } /** * Display comments * * @param array $comments Comments * @param boolean $cancomment Whether user can comment or not * @param integer $level Current level, defaults to 0 * * @return string */ public static function displayComments($comments, $cancomment, $level = 0) { $html = ''; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $user = new User(); $user->getFromDB($comment['users_id']); $html .= "<li class='comment" . ($level > 0 ? ' subcomment' : '') . "' id='kbcomment{$comment['id']}'>"; $html .= "<div class='h_item left d-flex'>"; if ($level === 0) { $html .= '<hr/>'; } $html .= "<div class='h_info'>"; $html .= "<div class='h_date'>" . Html::convDateTime($comment['date_creation']) . "</div>"; $html .= "<div class='h_user'>"; $thumbnail_url = User::getThumbnailURLForPicture($user->fields['picture']); $style = !empty($thumbnail_url) ? "background-image: url(\"$thumbnail_url\"); background-color: inherit;" : ("background-color: " . $user->getUserInitialsBgColor()); $html .= '<a href="' . $user->getLinkURL() . '">'; $html .= "<span class='avatar avatar-md rounded' style='{$style}'>"; if (empty($thumbnail_url)) { $html .= $user->getUserInitials(); } $html .= '</span></a>'; $html .= "</div>"; // h_user $html .= "</div>"; //h_info $html .= "<div class='h_content KnowbaseItemComment'>"; $html .= "<div class='displayed_content ms-2'>"; if ($cancomment) { if (Session::getLoginUserID() == $comment['users_id']) { $html .= "<span class='ti ti-edit edit_item pointer' data-kbitem_id='{$comment['knowbaseitems_id']}' data-lang='{$comment['language']}' data-id='{$comment['id']}'></span>"; } } $html .= "<div class='item_content'>"; $html .= "<p>{$comment['comment']}</p>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; // displayed_content if ($cancomment) { $html .= "<span class='add_answer' title='" . __('Add an answer') . "' data-kbitem_id='{$comment['knowbaseitems_id']}' data-lang='{$comment['language']}' data-id='{$comment['id']}'></span>"; } $html .= "</div>"; //end h_content $html .= "</div>"; if (isset($comment['answers']) && count($comment['answers']) > 0) { $html .= "<input type='checkbox' id='toggle_{$comment['id']}' class='toggle_comments' checked='checked'>"; $html .= "<label for='toggle_{$comment['id']}' class='toggle_label'> </label>"; $html .= "<ul>"; $html .= self::displayComments($comment['answers'], $cancomment, $level + 1); $html .= "</ul>"; } $html .= "</li>"; } return $html; } /** * Get comment form * * @param integer $kbitem_id Knowbase item ID * @param string $lang Related item language * @param false|integer $edit Comment id to edit, or false * @param false|integer $answer Comment id to answer to, or false * @return string */ public static function getCommentForm($kbitem_id, $lang = null, $edit = false, $answer = false) { $rand = mt_rand(); $content = ''; if ($edit !== false) { $comment = new KnowbaseItem_Comment(); $comment->getFromDB($edit); $content = $comment->fields['comment']; } $html = ''; $html .= "<form name='kbcomment_form$rand' id='kbcomment_form$rand' class='comment_form' method='post' action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>"; $html .= "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; $form_title = ($edit === false ? __('New comment') : __('Edit comment')); $html .= "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='3'>$form_title</th></tr>"; $html .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td><label for='comment'>" . _n('Comment', 'Comments', 1) . "</label> <span class='red'>*</span></td><td>"; $html .= "<textarea name='comment' id='comment' required='required'>{$content}</textarea>"; $html .= "</td><td class='center'>"; $btn_text = _sx('button', 'Add'); $btn_name = 'add'; if ($edit !== false) { $btn_text = _sx('button', 'Edit'); $btn_name = 'edit'; } $html .= "<input type='submit' name='$btn_name' value='{$btn_text}' class='btn btn-primary'>"; if ($edit !== false || $answer !== false) { $html .= "<input type='reset' name='cancel' value='" . __('Cancel') . "' class='btn btn-primary'>"; } $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='knowbaseitems_id' value='$kbitem_id'>"; if ($lang !== null) { $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='language' value='$lang'>"; } if ($answer !== false) { $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='parent_comment_id' value='{$answer}'/>"; } if ($edit !== false) { $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$edit}'/>"; } $html .= "</td></tr>"; $html .= "</table>"; $html .= Html::closeForm(false); return $html; } public function prepareInputForAdd($input) { if (!isset($input["users_id"])) { $input["users_id"] = 0; if ($uid = Session::getLoginUserID()) { $input["users_id"] = $uid; } } return $input; } }