Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/Item_Ticket.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ use Glpi\Application\View\TemplateRenderer; /** * Item_Ticket Class * * Relation between Tickets and Items **/ class Item_Ticket extends CommonItilObject_Item { // From CommonDBRelation public static $itemtype_1 = 'Ticket'; public static $items_id_1 = 'tickets_id'; public static $itemtype_2 = 'itemtype'; public static $items_id_2 = 'items_id'; public static $checkItem_2_Rights = self::HAVE_VIEW_RIGHT_ON_ITEM; public static function getTypeName($nb = 0) { return _n('Ticket item', 'Ticket items', $nb); } /** * @since 0.84 **/ public function getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction() { $forbidden = parent::getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction(); $forbidden[] = 'update'; return $forbidden; } /** * @since 0.85.5 * @see CommonDBRelation::canCreateItem() **/ public function canCreateItem() { $ticket = new Ticket(); // Not item linked for closed tickets if ( $ticket->getFromDB($this->fields['tickets_id']) && in_array($ticket->fields['status'], $ticket->getClosedStatusArray()) ) { return false; } if ($ticket->canUpdateItem()) { return true; } return parent::canCreateItem(); } public function post_addItem() { $ticket = new Ticket(); $input = ['id' => $this->fields['tickets_id'], 'date_mod' => $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"], ]; if (!isset($this->input['_do_notif']) || $this->input['_do_notif']) { $input['_forcenotif'] = true; } if (isset($this->input['_disablenotif']) && $this->input['_disablenotif']) { $input['_disablenotif'] = true; } $ticket->update($input); parent::post_addItem(); } public function post_purgeItem() { $ticket = new Ticket(); $input = ['id' => $this->fields['tickets_id'], 'date_mod' => $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"], ]; if (!isset($this->input['_do_notif']) || $this->input['_do_notif']) { $input['_forcenotif'] = true; } $ticket->update($input); parent::post_purgeItem(); } public function prepareInputForAdd($input) { // Avoid duplicate entry if ( countElementsInTable($this->getTable(), ['tickets_id' => $input['tickets_id'], 'itemtype' => $input['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $input['items_id'] ]) > 0 ) { return false; } $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->getFromDB($input['tickets_id']); // Get item location if location is not already set in ticket if (empty($ticket->fields['locations_id'])) { if (($input["items_id"] > 0) && !empty($input["itemtype"])) { if ($item = getItemForItemtype($input["itemtype"])) { if ($item->getFromDB($input["items_id"])) { if ($item->isField('locations_id')) { $ticket->fields['_locations_id_of_item'] = $item->fields['locations_id']; // Process Business Rules $rules = new RuleTicketCollection($ticket->fields['entities_id']); $ticket->fields = $rules->processAllRules( $ticket->fields, $ticket->fields, ['recursive' => true] ); unset($ticket->fields['_locations_id_of_item']); $ticket->updateInDB(['locations_id']); } } } } } return parent::prepareInputForAdd($input); } /** * Print the HTML ajax associated item add * * @param $ticket Ticket object * @param $options array of possible options: * - id : ID of the ticket * - _users_id_requester : ID of the requester user * - items_id : array of elements (itemtype => array(id1, id2, id3, ...)) * * @return void **/ public static function itemAddForm(Ticket $ticket, $options = []) { /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */ global $CFG_GLPI; $params = [ 'id' => (isset($ticket->fields['id']) && $ticket->fields['id'] != '') ? $ticket->fields['id'] : 0, 'entities_id' => (isset($ticket->fields['entities_id']) && is_numeric($ticket->fields['entities_id']) ? $ticket->fields['entities_id'] : Session::getActiveEntity()), '_users_id_requester' => 0, 'items_id' => [], 'itemtype' => '', '_canupdate' => false ]; $opt = []; foreach ($options as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $params[$key] = $val; } } if (!$ticket->can($params['id'], READ)) { return false; } $ticket_is_closed = in_array($ticket->fields['status'], $ticket->getClosedStatusArray()); $can_add_items = $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_hardware"] & pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_MY_HARDWARE) || $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_hardware"] & pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_ALL_HARDWARE); $canedit = ($can_add_items && $ticket->can($params['id'], UPDATE) && $params['_canupdate'] && !$ticket_is_closed); // Ticket update case $usedcount = 0; if ($params['id'] > 0) { // Get requester $class = new $ticket->userlinkclass(); $tickets_user = $class->getActors($params['id']); if ( isset($tickets_user[CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]) && (count($tickets_user[CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]) == 1) ) { foreach ($tickets_user[CommonITILActor::REQUESTER] as $user_id_single) { $params['_users_id_requester'] = $user_id_single['users_id']; } } // Get associated elements for ticket $used = self::getUsedItems($params['id']); foreach ($used as $itemtype => $items) { foreach ($items as $items_id) { if ( !isset($params['items_id'][$itemtype]) || !in_array($items_id, $params['items_id'][$itemtype]) ) { $params['items_id'][$itemtype][] = $items_id; } ++$usedcount; } } } $rand = mt_rand(); $count = 0; $twig_params = [ 'rand' => $rand, 'can_edit' => $canedit, 'my_items_dropdown' => '', 'all_items_dropdown' => '', 'items_to_add' => [], 'params' => $params, 'opt' => [] ]; // Get ticket template $tt = new TicketTemplate(); if (isset($options['_tickettemplate'])) { $tt = $options['_tickettemplate']; if (isset($tt->fields['id'])) { $twig_params['opt']['templates_id'] = $tt->fields['id']; } } else if (isset($options['templates_id'])) { $tt->getFromDBWithData($options['templates_id']); if (isset($tt->fields['id'])) { $twig_params['opt']['templates_id'] = $tt->fields['id']; } } // Show associated item dropdowns if ($canedit) { $p = ['used' => $params['items_id'], 'rand' => $rand, 'tickets_id' => $params['id'] ]; // My items if ($params['_users_id_requester'] > 0) { ob_start(); self::dropdownMyDevices($params['_users_id_requester'], $params['entities_id'], $params['itemtype'], 0, $p); $twig_params['my_items_dropdown'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Global search ob_start(); self::dropdownAllDevices("itemtype", $params['itemtype'], 0, 1, $params['_users_id_requester'], $params['entities_id'], $p); $twig_params['all_items_dropdown'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Display list if (!empty($params['items_id'])) { // No delete if mandatory and only one item or if ticket is closed $delete = $ticket->canAddItem(__CLASS__) && !$ticket_is_closed; $cpt = 0; foreach ($params['items_id'] as $itemtype => $items) { $cpt += count($items); } if ($cpt == 1 && isset($tt->mandatory['items_id'])) { $delete = false; } foreach ($params['items_id'] as $itemtype => $items) { foreach ($items as $items_id) { $count++; $twig_params['items_to_add'][] = self::showItemToAdd( $params['id'], $itemtype, $items_id, [ 'rand' => $rand, 'delete' => $delete, 'visible' => ($count <= 5) ] ); } } } $twig_params['count'] = $count; $twig_params['usedcount'] = $usedcount; foreach (['id', '_users_id_requester', 'items_id', 'itemtype', '_canupdate', 'entities_id'] as $key) { $twig_params['opt'][$key] = $params[$key]; } TemplateRenderer::getInstance()->display('components/itilobject/add_items.html.twig', $twig_params); } public static function showItemToAdd($tickets_id, $itemtype, $items_id, $options) { $params = [ 'rand' => mt_rand(), 'delete' => true, 'visible' => true, 'kblink' => true ]; foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $params[$key] = $val; } $result = ""; if ($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype)) { if ($params['visible']) { $item->getFromDB($items_id); $result = "<div id='{$itemtype}_$items_id'>"; $result .= $item->getTypeName(1) . " : " . $item->getLink(['comments' => true]); $result .= Html::hidden("items_id[$itemtype][$items_id]", ['value' => $items_id]); if ($params['delete']) { $result .= " <i class='fas fa-times-circle pointer' onclick=\"itemAction" . $params['rand'] . "('delete', '$itemtype', '$items_id');\"></i>"; } if ($params['kblink']) { $result .= ' ' . $item->getKBLinks(); } $result .= "</div>"; } else { $result .= Html::hidden("items_id[$itemtype][$items_id]", ['value' => $items_id]); } } return $result; } /** * Print the HTML array for Items linked to a ticket * * @param $ticket Ticket object * * @return void **/ public static function showForTicket(Ticket $ticket) { $instID = $ticket->fields['id']; if (!$ticket->can($instID, READ)) { return false; } $canedit = $ticket->canAddItem($instID); $rand = mt_rand(); $types_iterator = self::getDistinctTypes($instID); $number = count($types_iterator); $ticket_closed = in_array($ticket->fields['status'], array_merge( $ticket->getClosedStatusArray(), $ticket->getSolvedStatusArray() )); if ( $canedit && !$ticket_closed ) { echo "<div class='firstbloc'>"; echo "<form name='ticketitem_form$rand' id='ticketitem_form$rand' method='post' action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='2'>" . __('Add an item') . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>"; // Select hardware on creation or if have update right $class = new $ticket->userlinkclass(); $tickets_user = $class->getActors($instID); $dev_user_id = 0; if ( isset($tickets_user[CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]) && (count($tickets_user[CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]) == 1) ) { foreach ($tickets_user[CommonITILActor::REQUESTER] as $user_id_single) { $dev_user_id = $user_id_single['users_id']; } } if ($dev_user_id > 0) { self::dropdownMyDevices($dev_user_id, $ticket->fields["entities_id"], null, 0, ['tickets_id' => $instID]); } $used = self::getUsedItems($instID); self::dropdownAllDevices("itemtype", null, 0, 1, $dev_user_id, $ticket->fields["entities_id"], ['tickets_id' => $instID, 'used' => $used, 'rand' => $rand]); echo "<span id='item_ticket_selection_information$rand'></span>"; echo "</td><td class='center' width='30%'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='btn btn-primary'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='tickets_id' value='$instID'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; Html::closeForm(); echo "</div>"; } echo "<div class='spaced'>"; if ($canedit && $number && !$ticket_closed) { Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand); $massiveactionparams = ['container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand]; Html::showMassiveActions($massiveactionparams); } echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>"; $header_begin = "<tr>"; $header_top = ''; $header_bottom = ''; $header_end = ''; if ($canedit && $number && !$ticket_closed) { $header_top .= "<th width='10'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand); $header_top .= "</th>"; $header_bottom .= "<th width='10'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand); $header_bottom .= "</th>"; } $header_end .= "<th>" . _n('Type', 'Types', 1) . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . Entity::getTypeName(1) . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Serial number') . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Inventory number') . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Knowledge base entries') . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . State::getTypeName(1) . "</th>"; $header_end .= "<th>" . Location::getTypeName(1) . "</th>"; echo "<tr>"; echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end; $totalnb = 0; foreach ($types_iterator as $row) { $itemtype = $row['itemtype']; if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) { continue; } if (in_array($itemtype, $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_item_type"])) { $iterator = self::getTypeItems($instID, $itemtype); $nb = count($iterator); $prem = true; foreach ($iterator as $data) { $name = $data["name"] ?? ''; if ( $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] || empty($data["name"]) ) { $name = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $name, $data["id"]); } if ((Session::getCurrentInterface() != 'helpdesk') && $item::canView()) { $link = $itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data['id']); $namelink = "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $name . "</a>"; } else { $namelink = $name; } echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; if ($canedit && !$ticket_closed) { echo "<td width='10'>"; Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["linkid"]); echo "</td>"; } if ($prem) { $typename = $item->getTypeName($nb); echo "<td class='center top' rowspan='$nb'>" . (($nb > 1) ? sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $typename, $nb) : $typename) . "</td>"; $prem = false; } echo "<td class='center'>"; echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $data['entity']) . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center" . (isset($data['is_deleted']) && $data['is_deleted'] ? " tab_bg_2_2'" : "'"); echo ">" . $namelink . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center'>" . (isset($data["serial"]) ? "" . $data["serial"] . "" : "-") . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center'>" . (isset($data["otherserial"]) ? "" . $data["otherserial"] . "" : "-") . "</td>"; $item->getFromDB($data["id"]); echo "<td class='center'>" . $item->getKBLinks() . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center'>"; echo (isset($data["states_id"]) ? Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_states", $data['states_id']) : '') . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center'>"; echo (isset($data['locations_id']) ? Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_locations", $data['locations_id']) : '') . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } $totalnb += $nb; } } if ($number) { echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end; } echo "</table>"; if ($canedit && $number && !$ticket_closed) { $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false; Html::showMassiveActions($massiveactionparams); Html::closeForm(); } echo "</div>"; } public function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if (!$withtemplate) { $nb = 0; switch ($item->getType()) { case 'Ticket': if ( ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_hardware"] != 0) && (count($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_item_type"]) > 0) ) { if ($_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs']) { //$nb = self::countForMainItem($item); $nb = countElementsInTable( 'glpi_items_tickets', ['tickets_id' => $item->getID(), 'itemtype' => $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_item_type"] ] ); } return self::createTabEntry(_n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber()), $nb); } } } return ''; } public static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { switch ($item->getType()) { case 'Ticket': self::showForTicket($item); break; } return true; } /** * Make a select box for Ticket my devices * * @param integer $userID User ID for my device section (default 0) * @param integer $entity_restrict restrict to a specific entity (default -1) * @param string $itemtype of selected item (default 0) * @param integer $items_id of selected item (default 0) * @param array $options array of possible options: * - used : ID of the requester user * - multiple : allow multiple choice * * @return void **/ public static function dropdownMyDevices($userID = 0, $entity_restrict = -1, $itemtype = 0, $items_id = 0, $options = []) { /** * @var array $CFG_GLPI * @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $params = ['tickets_id' => 0, 'used' => [], 'multiple' => false, 'rand' => mt_rand() ]; foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $params[$key] = $val; } if ($userID == 0) { $userID = Session::getLoginUserID(); } $entity_restrict = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($entity_restrict); $rand = $params['rand']; $already_add = $params['used']; if ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_hardware"] & pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_MY_HARDWARE)) { $my_devices = ['' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE]; $devices = []; // My items foreach ($CFG_GLPI["linkuser_types"] as $itemtype) { if ( ($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype)) && Ticket::isPossibleToAssignType($itemtype) ) { $itemtable = getTableForItemType($itemtype); $criteria = [ 'FROM' => $itemtable, 'WHERE' => [ 'users_id' => $userID ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $entity_restrict, $item->maybeRecursive()), 'ORDER' => $item->getNameField() ]; if ($item->maybeDeleted()) { $criteria['WHERE']['is_deleted'] = 0; } if ($item->maybeTemplate()) { $criteria['WHERE']['is_template'] = 0; } if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["helpdesk_visible_types"])) { $criteria['WHERE']['is_helpdesk_visible'] = 1; } $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); $nb = count($iterator); if ($nb > 0) { $type_name = $item->getTypeName($nb); foreach ($iterator as $data) { if (!isset($already_add[$itemtype]) || !in_array($data["id"], $already_add[$itemtype])) { $output = $data[$item->getNameField()]; if (empty($output) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"]) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, $data['id']); } $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $type_name, $output); if ($itemtype != 'Software') { if (!empty($data['serial'])) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['serial']); } if (!empty($data['otherserial'])) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['otherserial']); } } $devices[$itemtype . "_" . $data["id"]] = $output; $already_add[$itemtype][] = $data["id"]; } } } } } if (count($devices)) { $my_devices[__('My devices')] = $devices; } // My group items if (Session::haveRight("show_group_hardware", "1")) { $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => [ 'glpi_groups_users.groups_id', 'glpi_groups.name' ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_groups' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_groups_users' => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ 'glpi_groups_users.users_id' => $userID ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_groups', '', $entity_restrict, true) ]); $devices = []; $groups = []; if (count($iterator)) { foreach ($iterator as $data) { $a_groups = getAncestorsOf("glpi_groups", $data["groups_id"]); $a_groups[$data["groups_id"]] = $data["groups_id"]; $groups = array_merge($groups, $a_groups); } foreach ($CFG_GLPI["linkgroup_types"] as $itemtype) { if ( ($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype)) && Ticket::isPossibleToAssignType($itemtype) ) { $itemtable = getTableForItemType($itemtype); $criteria = [ 'FROM' => $itemtable, 'WHERE' => [ 'groups_id' => $groups ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $entity_restrict, $item->maybeRecursive()), 'ORDER' => $item->getNameField() ]; if ($item->maybeDeleted()) { $criteria['WHERE']['is_deleted'] = 0; } if ($item->maybeTemplate()) { $criteria['WHERE']['is_template'] = 0; } $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); if (count($iterator)) { $type_name = $item->getTypeName(); if (!isset($already_add[$itemtype])) { $already_add[$itemtype] = []; } foreach ($iterator as $data) { if (!in_array($data["id"], $already_add[$itemtype])) { $output = ''; if (isset($data["name"])) { $output = $data["name"]; } if (empty($output) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"]) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, $data['id']); } $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $type_name, $output); if (isset($data['serial'])) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['serial']); } if (isset($data['otherserial'])) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['otherserial']); } $devices[$itemtype . "_" . $data["id"]] = $output; $already_add[$itemtype][] = $data["id"]; } } } } } if (count($devices)) { $my_devices[__('Devices own by my groups')] = $devices; } } } // Get software linked to all owned items if (in_array('Software', $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_item_type"])) { $software_helpdesk_types = array_intersect($CFG_GLPI['software_types'], $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_item_type"]); foreach ($software_helpdesk_types as $itemtype) { if (isset($already_add[$itemtype]) && count($already_add[$itemtype])) { $iterator = $DB->request([ 'SELECT' => [ 'glpi_softwareversions.name AS version', 'glpi_softwares.name AS name', 'glpi_softwares.id' ], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => [ 'glpi_softwareversions' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id' ] ], 'glpi_softwares' => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ 'glpi_items_softwareversions.items_id' => $already_add[$itemtype], 'glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_softwares.is_helpdesk_visible' => 1 ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwares', '', $entity_restrict), 'ORDERBY' => 'glpi_softwares.name' ]); $devices = []; if (count($iterator)) { $item = new Software(); $type_name = $item->getTypeName(); if (!isset($already_add['Software'])) { $already_add['Software'] = []; } foreach ($iterator as $data) { if (!in_array($data["id"], $already_add['Software'])) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $type_name, $data["name"]); $output = sprintf( __('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('version'), $data["version"] ) ); if ($_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"]) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, $data["id"]); } $devices["Software_" . $data["id"]] = $output; $already_add['Software'][] = $data["id"]; } } if (count($devices)) { $my_devices[__('Installed software')] = $devices; } } } } } // Get linked items to computers if (isset($already_add['Computer']) && count($already_add['Computer'])) { $devices = []; // Direct Connection $types = ['Monitor', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer']; foreach ($types as $itemtype) { if ( in_array($itemtype, $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_item_type"]) && ($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype)) ) { $itemtable = getTableForItemType($itemtype); if (!isset($already_add[$itemtype])) { $already_add[$itemtype] = []; } $criteria = [ 'SELECT' => "$itemtable.*", 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => [ $itemtable => [ 'ON' => [ 'glpi_computers_items' => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id' ] ] ], 'WHERE' => [ 'glpi_computers_items.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_computers_items.computers_id' => $already_add['Computer'] ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $entity_restrict), 'ORDERBY' => "$itemtable.name" ]; if ($item->maybeDeleted()) { $criteria['WHERE']["$itemtable.is_deleted"] = 0; } if ($item->maybeTemplate()) { $criteria['WHERE']["$itemtable.is_template"] = 0; } $iterator = $DB->request($criteria); if (count($iterator)) { $type_name = $item->getTypeName(); foreach ($iterator as $data) { if (!in_array($data["id"], $already_add[$itemtype])) { $output = $data["name"]; if (empty($output) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"]) { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, $data['id']); } $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $type_name, $output); if ($itemtype != 'Software') { $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['otherserial']); } $devices[$itemtype . "_" . $data["id"]] = $output; $already_add[$itemtype][] = $data["id"]; } } } } } if (count($devices)) { $my_devices[__('Connected devices')] = $devices; } } echo "<div id='tracking_my_devices' class='input-group mb-1'>"; echo "<span class='input-group-text'>" . __('My devices') . "</span>"; Dropdown::showFromArray('my_items', $my_devices, ['rand' => $rand]); echo "<span id='item_ticket_selection_information$rand' class='ms-1'></span>"; echo "</div>"; // Auto update summary of active or just solved tickets $params = ['my_items' => '__VALUE__']; Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent( "dropdown_my_items$rand", "item_ticket_selection_information$rand", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/ticketiteminformation.php", $params ); } } /** * Make a select box with all glpi items * * @param $options array of possible options: * - name : string / name of the select (default is users_id) * - value * - comments : boolean / is the comments displayed near the dropdown (default true) * - entity : integer or array / restrict to a defined entity or array of entities * (default -1 : no restriction) * - entity_sons : boolean / if entity restrict specified auto select its sons * only available if entity is a single value not an array(default false) * - rand : integer / already computed rand value * - toupdate : array / Update a specific item on select change on dropdown * (need value_fieldname, to_update, url * (see Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent for information) * and may have moreparams) * - used : array / Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown (default empty) * - on_change : string / value to transmit to "onChange" * - display : boolean / display or get string (default true) * - width : specific width needed * - hide_if_no_elements : boolean / hide dropdown if there is no elements (default false) * **/ public static function dropdown($options = []) { /** @var \DBmysql $DB */ global $DB; // Default values $p['name'] = 'items'; $p['value'] = ''; $p['all'] = 0; $p['on_change'] = ''; $p['comments'] = 1; $p['width'] = ''; $p['entity'] = -1; $p['entity_sons'] = false; $p['used'] = []; $p['toupdate'] = ''; $p['rand'] = mt_rand(); $p['display'] = true; $p['hide_if_no_elements'] = false; if (is_array($options) && count($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $p[$key] = $val; } } $itemtypes = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer']; $union = new \QueryUnion(); foreach ($itemtypes as $type) { $table = getTableForItemType($type); $union->addQuery([ 'SELECT' => [ 'id', new \QueryExpression("$type AS " . $DB->quoteName('itemtype')), "name" ], 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => [ 'NOT' => ['id' => null], 'is_deleted' => 0, 'is_template' => 0 ] ]); } $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $union]); if ($p['hide_if_no_elements'] && $iterator->count() === 0) { return; } $output = []; foreach ($iterator as $data) { $item = getItemForItemtype($data['itemtype']); $output[$data['itemtype'] . "_" . $data['id']] = $item->getTypeName() . " - " . $data['name']; } return Dropdown::showFromArray($p['name'], $output, $p); } /** * Return used items for a ticket * * @param integer type $tickets_id * * @return array */ public static function getUsedItems($tickets_id) { $data = getAllDataFromTable('glpi_items_tickets', ['tickets_id' => $tickets_id]); $used = []; if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $val) { $used[$val['itemtype']][] = $val['items_id']; } } return $used; } /** * Form for Followup on Massive action **/ public static function showFormMassiveAction($ma) { /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */ global $CFG_GLPI; switch ($ma->getAction()) { case 'add_item': Dropdown::showSelectItemFromItemtypes(['items_id_name' => 'items_id', 'itemtype_name' => 'item_itemtype', 'itemtypes' => $CFG_GLPI['ticket_types'], 'checkright' => true, 'entity_restrict' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] ]); echo "<br><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='btn btn-primary'>"; break; case 'delete_item': Dropdown::showSelectItemFromItemtypes(['items_id_name' => 'items_id', 'itemtype_name' => 'item_itemtype', 'itemtypes' => $CFG_GLPI['ticket_types'], 'checkright' => true, 'entity_restrict' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] ]); echo "<br><input type='submit' name='delete' value=\"" . __('Delete permanently') . "\" class='btn btn-primary'>"; break; } } /** * @since 0.85 * * @see CommonDBTM::showMassiveActionsSubForm() **/ public static function showMassiveActionsSubForm(MassiveAction $ma) { switch ($ma->getAction()) { case 'add_item': static::showFormMassiveAction($ma); return true; case 'delete_item': static::showFormMassiveAction($ma); return true; } return parent::showMassiveActionsSubForm($ma); } public static function processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype( MassiveAction $ma, CommonDBTM $item, array $ids ) { switch ($ma->getAction()) { case 'add_item': $input = $ma->getInput(); $item_ticket = new static(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($item->getFromDB($id) && !empty($input['items_id'])) { $input['tickets_id'] = $id; $input['itemtype'] = $input['item_itemtype']; if ($item_ticket->can(-1, CREATE, $input)) { $ok = true; if (!$item_ticket->add($input)) { $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK); } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_ON_ACTION)); } } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_RIGHT)); } } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)); } } return; case 'delete_item': $input = $ma->getInput(); $item_ticket = new static(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($item->getFromDB($id) && !empty($input['items_id'])) { $item_found = $item_ticket->find([ 'tickets_id' => $id, 'itemtype' => $input['item_itemtype'], 'items_id' => $input['items_id'] ]); if (!empty($item_found)) { $item_founds_id = array_keys($item_found); $input['id'] = $item_founds_id[0]; if ($item_ticket->can($input['id'], DELETE, $input)) { $ok = true; if (!$item_ticket->delete($input)) { $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK); } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_ON_ACTION)); } } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_RIGHT)); } } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)); } } else { $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO); $ma->addMessage($item->getErrorMessage(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)); } } return; } parent::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype($ma, $item, $ids); } public function rawSearchOptions() { $tab = []; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '3', 'table' => $this->getTable(), 'field' => 'tickets_id', 'name' => Ticket::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable(), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'] ]; $tab[] = [ 'id' => '131', 'table' => $this->getTable(), 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber()), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'ticket_types', 'nosort' => true ]; return $tab; } /** * Add a message on add action **/ public function addMessageOnAddAction() { $addMessAfterRedirect = false; if (isset($this->input['_add'])) { $addMessAfterRedirect = true; } if ( isset($this->input['_no_message']) || !$this->auto_message_on_action ) { $addMessAfterRedirect = false; } if ($addMessAfterRedirect) { $item = getItemForItemtype($this->fields['itemtype']); $item->getFromDB($this->fields['items_id']); if (($name = $item->getName()) == NOT_AVAILABLE) { //TRANS: %1$s is the itemtype, %2$d is the id of the item $item->fields['name'] = sprintf( __('%1$s - ID %2$d'), $item->getTypeName(1), $item->fields['id'] ); } $display = (isset($this->input['_no_message_link']) ? $item->getNameID() : $item->getLink()); // Do not display quotes //TRANS : %s is the description of the added item Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(sprintf( __('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Item successfully added'), stripslashes($display) )); } } /** * Add a message on delete action **/ public function addMessageOnPurgeAction() { if (!$this->maybeDeleted()) { return; } $addMessAfterRedirect = false; if (isset($this->input['_delete'])) { $addMessAfterRedirect = true; } if ( isset($this->input['_no_message']) || !$this->auto_message_on_action ) { $addMessAfterRedirect = false; } if ($addMessAfterRedirect) { $item = getItemForItemtype($this->fields['itemtype']); $item->getFromDB($this->fields['items_id']); if (isset($this->input['_no_message_link'])) { $display = $item->getNameID(); } else { $display = $item->getLink(); } //TRANS : %s is the description of the updated item Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Item successfully deleted'), $display)); } } }