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 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
 * http://glpi-project.org
 * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors.
 * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team.
 * @licence   https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This file is part of GLPI.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

use Glpi\Application\View\TemplateRenderer;
use Glpi\Plugin\Hooks;
use Glpi\SocketModel;
use Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer;

class Dropdown
   //Empty value displayed in a dropdown
    const EMPTY_VALUE = '-----';

     * Print out an HTML "<select>" for a dropdown with preselected value
     * @param string $itemtype  itemtype used for create dropdown
     * @param array  $options   array of possible options:
     *    - name                 : string / name of the select (default is depending itemtype)
     *    - value                : integer / preselected value (default -1)
     *    - comments             : boolean / is the comments displayed near the dropdown (default true)
     *    - toadd                : array / array of specific values to add at the begining
     *    - entity               : integer or array / restrict to a defined entity or array of entities
     *                                                (default -1 : no restriction)
     *    - entity_sons          : boolean / if entity restrict specified auto select its sons
     *                                       only available if entity is a single value not an array
     *                                       (default false)
     *    - toupdate             : array / Update a specific item on select change on dropdown
     *                                     (need value_fieldname, to_update,
     *                                      url (see Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent for information)
     *                                      and may have moreparams)
     *    - used                 : array / Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown
     *                                    (default empty)
     *    - on_change            : string / value to transmit to "onChange"
     *    - rand                 : integer / already computed rand value
     *    - condition            : array / aditional SQL condition to limit display
     *    - displaywith          : array / array of field to display with request
     *    - emptylabel           : Empty choice's label (default self::EMPTY_VALUE)
     *    - display_emptychoice  : Display emptychoice ? (default true)
     *    - display              : boolean / display or get string (default true)
     *    - width                : specific width needed (default auto adaptive)
     *    - permit_select_parent : boolean / for tree dropdown permit to see parent items
     *                                       not available by default (default false)
     *    - specific_tags        : array of HTML5 tags to add the the field
     *    - class                : class to pass to html select
     *    - url                  : url of the ajax php code which should return the json data to show in
     *                                       the dropdown
     *    - diplay_dc_position   :  Display datacenter position  ? (default false)
     *    - hide_if_no_elements  : boolean / hide dropdown if there is no elements (default false)
     *    - readonly             : boolean / return self::getDropdownValue if true (default false)
     *    - parent_id_field      : field used to compute parent id (to filter available values inside the dropdown tree)
     * @return string|false|integer
     * @since 9.5.0 Usage of string in condition option is removed
    public static function show($itemtype, $options = [])
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) {
            return false;

        $table = $item->getTable();

        $params['name']                 = $item->getForeignKeyField();
        $params['value']                = (($itemtype == 'Entity') ? $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] : '');
        $params['comments']             = true;
        $params['entity']               = -1;
        $params['entity_sons']          = false;
        $params['toupdate']             = '';
        $params['width']                = '';
        $params['used']                 = [];
        $params['toadd']                = [];
        $params['on_change']            = '';
        $params['condition']            = [];
        $params['rand']                 = mt_rand();
        $params['displaywith']          = [];
       //Parameters about choice 0
       //Empty choice's label
        $params['emptylabel']           = self::EMPTY_VALUE;
       //Display emptychoice ?
        $params['display_emptychoice']  = ($itemtype != 'Entity');
        $params['placeholder']          = '';
        $params['display']              = true;
        $params['permit_select_parent'] = false;
        $params['addicon']              = true;
        $params['specific_tags']        = [];
        $params['class']                = "form-select";
        $params['url']                  = $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/getDropdownValue.php";
        $params['display_dc_position']  = false;
        $params['hide_if_no_elements']  = false;
        $params['readonly']             = false;
        $params['parent_id_field']      = null;
        $params['multiple']             = false;

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $params[$key] = $val;
        $output       = '';
        $name         = $params['emptylabel'];
        $comment      = "";

        if ($params['multiple']) {
            $params['display_emptychoice'] = false;
            $params['values'] = $params['value'] ?? [];
            $params['comments'] = false;

       // Check default value for dropdown : need to be a numeric (or null)
        if (
            && ((strlen($params['value']) == 0) || !is_numeric($params['value']) && $params['value'] != 'mygroups')
        ) {
            $params['value'] = 0;

        // Remove selected value from used to prevent current selected value from being hidden from available values
        if ($params['multiple']) {
            $params['used'] = array_diff($params['used'], $params['values']);
        } else {
            $params['used'] = array_diff($params['used'], [$params['value']]);

        $names = [];
        if (!$params['multiple'] && isset($params['toadd'][$params['value']])) {
            $name = $params['toadd'][$params['value']];
        } else if (
            && ($params['value'] > 0 || ($itemtype == "Entity" && $params['value'] >= 0))
        ) {
            $tmpname = self::getDropdownName($table, $params['value'], 1);

            if ($tmpname["name"] != "&nbsp;") {
                $name    = $tmpname["name"];
                $comment = $tmpname["comment"];
        } else if ($params['multiple']) {
            foreach ($params['values'] as $value) {
                if (isset($params['toadd'][$value])) {
                    // Specific case, value added by the "toadd" param
                    $names[] = $params['toadd'][$value];
                } else {
                    $names[] = self::getDropdownName($table, $value);

        if ($params['readonly']) {
            return '<span class="form-control" readonly'
                . ($params['width'] ? ' style="width: ' . $params["width"] . '"' : '') . '>'
                . ($params['multiple'] ? implode(', ', $names) : $name)
                . '</span>';

       // Manage entity_sons
        if (
            !($params['entity'] < 0)
            && $params['entity_sons']
        ) {
            if (is_array($params['entity'])) {
               // translation not needed - only for debug
                $output .= "entity_sons options is not available with entity option as array";
            } else {
                $params['entity'] = getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $params['entity']);
        if ($params['entity'] !== null) {
            $params['entity'] = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($params['entity']);

        $field_id = Html::cleanId("dropdown_" . $params['name'] . $params['rand']);

       // Manage condition
        if (!empty($params['condition'])) {
           // Put condition in session and replace it by its key
           // This is made to prevent passing to many parameters when calling the ajax script
            $params['condition'] = static::addNewCondition($params['condition']);

        if ($params['multiple']) {
            $names = Sanitizer::unsanitize($names);
        } else {
            $name = Sanitizer::unsanitize($name);

        $p = [
            'width'                => $params['width'],
            'itemtype'             => $itemtype,
            'display_emptychoice'  => $params['display_emptychoice'],
            'placeholder'          => $params['placeholder'],
            'displaywith'          => $params['displaywith'],
            'emptylabel'           => $params['emptylabel'],
            'condition'            => $params['condition'],
            'used'                 => $params['used'],
            'toadd'                => $params['toadd'],
            'entity_restrict'      => ($entity_restrict = (is_array($params['entity']) ? json_encode(array_values($params['entity'])) : $params['entity'])),
            'on_change'            => $params['on_change'],
            'permit_select_parent' => $params['permit_select_parent'],
            'specific_tags'        => $params['specific_tags'],
            'class'                => $params['class'],
            '_idor_token'          => Session::getNewIDORToken(
                    'entity_restrict' => $entity_restrict,
                    'displaywith'     => $params['displaywith'],
                    'condition'       => $params['condition'],
            'order'                => $params['order'] ?? null,
            'parent_id_field'      => $params['parent_id_field'],
            'multiple'             => $params['multiple'] ?? false,

        if ($params['multiple']) {
            $p['values'] = $params['values'];
            $p['valuesnames'] = $names;
        } else {
            $p['value'] = $params['value'];
            $p['valuename'] = $name;

        if ($params['hide_if_no_elements']) {
            $result = self::getDropdownValue(
                ['display_emptychoice' => false, 'page' => 1, 'page_limit' => 1] + $p,
            if ($result['count'] === 0) {

        // Add icon
        $add_item_icon = "";
        if (
            ($item instanceof CommonDropdown)
            && $item->canCreate()
            && !isset($_REQUEST['_in_modal'])
            && $params['addicon']
        ) {
            $add_item_icon .= '<div class="btn btn-outline-secondary"
                           title="' . __s('Add') . '" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#add_' . $field_id . '">';
            $add_item_icon .= Ajax::createIframeModalWindow('add_' . $field_id, $item->getFormURL(), ['display' => false]);
            $add_item_icon .= "<span data-bs-toggle='tooltip'>
              <i class='fa-fw ti ti-plus'></i>
              <span class='sr-only'>" . __s('Add') . "</span>
            $add_item_icon .= '</div>';

       // Display comment
        $icon_array = [];
        if ($params['comments']) {
            $comment_id      = Html::cleanId("comment_" . $params['name'] . $params['rand']);
            $link_id         = Html::cleanId("comment_link_" . $params['name'] . $params['rand']);
            $kblink_id       = Html::cleanId("kb_link_" . $params['name'] . $params['rand']);
            $breadcrumb_id   = Html::cleanId("dc_breadcrumb_" . $params['name'] . $params['rand']);
            $options_tooltip = ['contentid' => $comment_id,
                'linkid'    => $link_id,
                'display'   => false

            if ($item->canView()) {
                if (
                    && $item->getFromDB($params['value'])
                    && $item->canViewItem()
                ) {
                    $options_tooltip['link']       = $item->getLinkURL();
                } else {
                    $options_tooltip['link']       = $item->getSearchURL();
            } else {
                $options_tooltip['awesome-class'] = 'btn btn-outline-secondary fa-info';

            if (empty($comment)) {
                $comment = Toolbox::ucfirst(
                        __('Show %1$s'),

            $paramscomment = [];
            if ($item->canView()) {
                $paramscomment['withlink'] = $link_id;

            // Comment icon
            $comment_icon = Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent(
                $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/comments.php",
            $options_tooltip['link_class'] = 'btn btn-outline-secondary';
            $comment_icon .= Html::showToolTip($comment, $options_tooltip);
            $icon_array[] = $comment_icon;

            // Add icon
            if (
                ($item instanceof CommonDropdown)
                && $item->canCreate()
                && !isset($_REQUEST['_in_modal'])
                && $params['addicon']
            ) {
                  $icon_array[] = $add_item_icon;

           // Supplier Links
            if ($itemtype == "Supplier") {
                if ($item->getFromDB($params['value'])) {
                    $link_icon = '<div>';
                    $link_icon .= $item->getLinks();
                    $link_icon .= '</div>';
                    $icon_array[] = $link_icon;

           // Location icon
            if ($itemtype == 'Location') {
                $location_icon = '<div class="btn btn-outline-secondary">';
                $location_icon .= "<span title='" . __s('Display on map') . "' data-bs-toggle='tooltip' onclick='showMapForLocation(this)' data-fid='$field_id'>
               <i class='fa-fw ti ti-map'></i>
                $location_icon .= '</div>';
                $icon_array[] = $location_icon;

            if ($params['display_dc_position']) {
                if ($rack = $item->isRackPart($itemtype, $params['value'], true)) {
                    $dc_icon = "<span id='" . $breadcrumb_id . "' title='" . __s('Display on datacenter') . "'>";
                    $dc_icon .= "&nbsp;<a class='fas fa-crosshairs' href='" . $rack->getLinkURL() . "'></a>";
                    $dc_icon .= "</span>";
                    $paramscomment['with_dc_position'] = $breadcrumb_id;
                    $icon_array[] = $dc_icon;

           // KB links
            if (
                $item->isField('knowbaseitemcategories_id') && Session::haveRightsOr('knowbase', [READ, KnowbaseItem::READFAQ])
                && method_exists($item, 'getLinks')
            ) {
                // With the self-service profile, $item (whose itemtype = ITILCategory) is empty,
                //  as the profile does not have rights to ITILCategory to initialise it before.
                if ($item->isNewItem()) {
                if ($itemlinks = $item->getLinks()) {
                    $paramskblinks = [
                        'value'       => '__VALUE__',
                        'itemtype'    => $itemtype,
                        '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken($itemtype),
                        'withlink'    => $kblink_id,
                    $kb_link_icon = '<div class="btn btn-outline-secondary">';
                    $kb_link_icon .= Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent(
                        $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/kblink.php",
                    $kb_link_icon .= "<span id='$kblink_id'>";
                    $kb_link_icon .= $itemlinks;
                    $kb_link_icon .= "</span>";
                    $kb_link_icon .= '</div>';
                    $icon_array[] = $kb_link_icon;

        // Trick to get the "+" button to work with dropdowns that support multiple values
        if (count($icon_array) === 0 && $add_item_icon !== '') {
            $icon_array[] = $add_item_icon;

        if (count($icon_array) > 0) {
            $icon_count = count($icon_array);
            $original_width = $params['width'];
            if ($original_width === '100%') {
                $calc_width = "calc(100% - (({$icon_count} * 0.9em) + (18px * {$icon_count})))";
                $p['width'] = $calc_width;
            $output .= Html::jsAjaxDropdown(
            $icons = implode('', $icon_array);
            $output = "<div class='btn-group btn-group-sm' role='group'
                style='width: {$original_width}'>{$output} {$icons}</div>";
        } else {
            $output .= Html::jsAjaxDropdown(

        $output .= Ajax::commonDropdownUpdateItem($params, false);
        if ($params['display']) {
            echo $output;
            return $params['rand'];
        return $output;

     * Add new condition
     * @todo should not use session to pass query parameters...
     * @param array $condition Condition to add
     * @return string
    public static function addNewCondition(array $condition)
        $sha1 = sha1(serialize($condition));
        $_SESSION['glpicondition'][$sha1] = $condition;
        return $sha1;

     * Get the value of a dropdown
     * Returns the value of the dropdown from $table with ID $id.
     * @param string  $table        the dropdown table from witch we want values on the select
     * @param integer $id           id of the element to get
     * @param boolean $withcomment  give array with name and comment (default 0)
     * @param boolean $translate    (true by default)
     * @param boolean $tooltip      (true by default) returns a tooltip, else returns only 'comment'
     * @param string  $default      default value returned when item not exists
     * @return string the value of the dropdown
    public static function getDropdownName($table, $id, $withcomment = 0, $translate = true, $tooltip = true, string $default = '&nbsp;')
        /** @var \DBmysql $DB */
        global $DB;

        $item = getItemForItemtype(getItemTypeForTable($table));

        if (!is_object($item)) {
            return $default;

        if ($item instanceof CommonTreeDropdown) {
            return getTreeValueCompleteName($table, $id, $withcomment, $translate, $tooltip, $default);

        $name    = "";
        $comment = "";

        if ($id) {
            $SELECTNAME    = new \QueryExpression("'' AS " . $DB->quoteName('transname'));
            $SELECTCOMMENT = new \QueryExpression("'' AS " . $DB->quoteName('transcomment'));
            $JOIN          = [];
            $JOINS         = [];
            if ($translate) {
                if (Session::haveTranslations(getItemTypeForTable($table), 'name')) {
                    $SELECTNAME = 'namet.value AS transname';
                    $JOINS['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS namet'] = [
                        'ON' => [
                            'namet'  => 'items_id',
                            $table   => 'id', [
                                'AND' => [
                                    'namet.itemtype'  => getItemTypeForTable($table),
                                    'namet.language'  => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                    'namet.field'     => 'name'
                if (Session::haveTranslations(getItemTypeForTable($table), 'comment')) {
                    $SELECTCOMMENT = 'namec.value AS transcomment';
                    $JOINS['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS namec'] = [
                        'ON' => [
                            'namec'  => 'items_id',
                            $table   => 'id', [
                                'AND' => [
                                    'namec.itemtype'  => getItemTypeForTable($table),
                                    'namec.language'  => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                    'namec.field'     => 'comment'

                if (count($JOINS)) {
                    $JOIN = ['LEFT JOIN' => $JOINS];

            $criteria = [
                'SELECT' => [
                'FROM'   => $table,
                'WHERE'  => ["$table.id" => $id]
            ] + $JOIN;
            $iterator = $DB->request($criteria);

           /// TODO review comment management...
           /// TODO getDropdownName need to return only name
           /// When needed to use comment use class instead : getComments function
           /// GetName of class already give Name !!
           /// TODO CommonDBTM : review getComments to be recursive and add information from class hierarchy
           /// getUserName have the same system : clean it too
           /// Need to study the problem
            if (count($iterator)) {
                $data = $iterator->current();
                if ($translate && !empty($data['transname'])) {
                    $name = $data['transname'];
                } else {
                    $name = $data[$item->getNameField()];
                if (isset($data["comment"])) {
                    if ($translate && !empty($data['transcomment'])) {
                        $comment = $data['transcomment'];
                    } else {
                        $comment = $data["comment"];

                switch ($table) {
                    case "glpi_computers":
                        if (empty($name)) {
                             $name = "($id)";

                    case "glpi_contacts":
                       //TRANS: %1$s is the name, %2$s is the firstname
                        $name = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $name, $data["firstname"]);
                        if ($tooltip) {
                            if (!empty($data["phone"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . Phone::getTypeName(1),
                                    "</span>" . $data['phone']
                            if (!empty($data["phone2"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . __('Phone 2'),
                                    "</span>" . $data['phone2']
                            if (!empty($data["mobile"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . __('Mobile phone'),
                                    "</span>" . $data['mobile']
                            if (!empty($data["fax"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . __('Fax'),
                                    "</span>" . $data['fax']
                            if (!empty($data["email"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . _n('Email', 'Emails', 1),
                                    "</span>" . $data['email']

                    case "glpi_suppliers":
                        if ($tooltip) {
                            if (!empty($data["phonenumber"])) {
                                 $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                     __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                     "<span class='b'>" . Phone::getTypeName(1),
                                     "</span>" . $data['phonenumber']
                            if (!empty($data["fax"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . __('Fax'),
                                    "</span>" . $data['fax']
                            if (!empty($data["email"])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . _n('Email', 'Emails', 1),
                                    "</span>" . $data['email']

                    case "glpi_sockets":
                        $name = sprintf(
                            __('%1$s (%2$s)'),

                    case "glpi_budgets":
                        if ($tooltip) {
                            if (!empty($data['locations_id'])) {
                                 $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                     __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                     "<span class='b'>" . Location::getTypeName(1) . "</span>",
                            if (!empty($data['budgettypes_id'])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . _n('Type', 'Types', 1) . "</span>",
                            if (!empty($data['begin_date'])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . __('Start date') . "</span>",
                            if (!empty($data['end_date'])) {
                                $comment .= "<br>" . sprintf(
                                    __('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    "<span class='b'>" . __('End date') . "</span>",

        if (empty($name)) {
            $name = $default;

        if ($withcomment) {
            return [
                'name'      => $name,
                'comment'   => $comment

        return $name;

     * Get values of a dropdown for a list of item
     * @param string    $table  the dropdown table from witch we want values on the select
     * @param integer[] $ids    array containing the ids to get
     * @return array containing the value of the dropdown or &nbsp; if not exists
    public static function getDropdownArrayNames($table, $ids)
        /** @var \DBmysql $DB */
        global $DB;

        $tabs = [];

        if (count($ids)) {
            $itemtype = getItemTypeForTable($table);
            if ($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype)) {
                $field    = 'name';
                if ($item instanceof CommonTreeDropdown) {
                    $field = 'completename';

                $iterator = $DB->request([
                    'SELECT' => ['id', $field],
                    'FROM'   => $table,
                    'WHERE'  => ['id' => $ids]

                foreach ($iterator as $data) {
                     $tabs[$data['id']] = $data[$field];
        return $tabs;

     * Make a select box for device type
     * @param string   $name     name of the select box
     * @param string[] $types    array of types to display
     * @param array    $options  Parameters which could be used in options array :
     *    - value               : integer / preselected value (default '')
     *    - used                : array / Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown (default empty)
     *    - emptylabel          : Empty choice's label (default self::EMPTY_VALUE)
     *    - display             : boolean if false get string
     *    - width               : specific width needed (default not set)
     *    - emptylabel          : empty label if empty displayed (default self::EMPTY_VALUE)
     *    - display_emptychoice : display empty choice (default false)
     * @return integer|string
     *    integer if option display=true (random part of elements id)
     *    string if option display=false (HTML code)
    public static function showItemTypes($name, $types = [], $options = [])
        $params['value']               = '';
        $params['used']                = [];
        $params['emptylabel']          = self::EMPTY_VALUE;
        $params['display']             = true;
        $params['width']               = '';
        $params['display_emptychoice'] = true;
        $params['rand']         = mt_rand();

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $params[$key] = $val;

        $values = [];
        if (count($types)) {
            foreach ($types as $type) {
                if ($item = getItemForItemtype($type)) {
                    $values[$type] = $item->getTypeName(1);
        return self::showFromArray(

     * Make a select box for device type
     * @param string $name          name of the select box
     * @param string $itemtype_ref  itemtype reference where to search in itemtype field
     * @param array  $options       array of possible options:
     *        - may be value (default value) / field (used field to search itemtype)
     * @return integer|string
     *    integer if option display=true (random part of elements id)
     *    string if option display=false (HTML code)
    public static function dropdownUsedItemTypes($name, $itemtype_ref, $options = [])
        /** @var \DBmysql $DB */
        global $DB;

        $p['value'] = 0;
        $p['field'] = 'itemtype';

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $p[$key] = $val;

        $iterator = $DB->request([
            'SELECT'          => $p['field'],
            'DISTINCT'        => true,
            'FROM'            => getTableForItemType($itemtype_ref)

        $tabs = [];
        foreach ($iterator as $data) {
            $tabs[$data[$p['field']]] = $data[$p['field']];
        return self::showItemTypes($name, $tabs, ['value' => $p['value']]);

     * Make a select box for icons
     * @param string  $myname      the name of the HTML select
     * @param mixed   $value       the preselected value we want
     * @param string  $store_path  path where icons are stored
     * @param boolean $display     display of get string ? (true by default)
     * @return void|string
     *    void if param display=true
     *    string if param display=false (HTML code)
    public static function dropdownIcons($myname, $value, $store_path, $display = true, $options = [])

        if (is_dir($store_path)) {
            if ($dh = opendir($store_path)) {
                $files = [];

                while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                    $files[] = $file;


                $values = [];
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    if (preg_match("/\.png$/i", $file)) {
                        $values[$file] = $file;
                $rand = mt_rand();
                            'value'                 => $value,
                            'display_emptychoice'   => true,
                            'display'               => $display,
                            'noselect2'             => true, // we will instanciate it later
                            'rand'                  => $rand,

                /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
                global $CFG_GLPI;

                // templates for select2 dropdown
                $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT
                $(function() {
                    const formatFormIcon = function(icon) {
                        if (!icon.id || icon.id == '0') {
                            return icon.text;
                        var img = '<span><img alt="" src="{$CFG_GLPI['typedoc_icon_dir']}/'+icon.id+'" />';
                        var label = '<span>'+icon.text+'</span>';
                        return $(img+'&nbsp;'+label);
                        width: '60%',
                        templateSelection: formatFormIcon,
                        templateResult: formatFormIcon
                echo Html::scriptBlock($js);
            } else {
               //TRANS: %s is the store path
                printf(__('Error reading directory %s'), $store_path);
        } else {
           //TRANS: %s is the store path
            printf(__('Error: %s is not a directory'), $store_path);

     * Dropdown for GMT selection
     * @param string $name   select name
     * @param mixed  $value  default value (default '')
    public static function showGMT($name, $value = '')

        $elements = [-12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3.5, -3, -2, -1, 0,
            '+1', '+2', '+3', '+3.5', '+4', '+4.5', '+5', '+5.5', '+6', '+6.5', '+7',
            '+8', '+9', '+9.5', '+10', '+11', '+12', '+13'

        $values = [];
        foreach ($elements as $element) {
            if ($element != 0) {
                $values[$element * HOUR_TIMESTAMP] = sprintf(
                    __('%1$s %2$s'),
                        _n('%s hour', '%s hours', $element),
            } else {
                $display_value                   = __('GMT');
                $values[$element * HOUR_TIMESTAMP] = __('GMT');
        Dropdown::showFromArray($name, $values, ['value' => $value]);

     * Make a select box for a boolean choice (Yes/No) or display a checkbox. Add a
     * 'use_checkbox' = true to the $params array to display a checkbox instead a select box
     * @param string  $name         select name
     * @param mixed   $value        preselected value. (default 0)
     * @param integer $restrict_to  allows to display only yes or no in the dropdown (default -1)
     * @param array   $params       Array of optional options (passed to showFromArray)
     * @return integer|string
     *    integer if option display=true (random part of elements id)
     *    string if option display=false (HTML code)
    public static function showYesNo($name, $value = 0, $restrict_to = -1, $params = [])
        $options = [];

        if (!array_key_exists('use_checkbox', $params)) {
           // TODO: switch to true when Html::showCheckbox() is validated
            $params['use_checkbox'] = false;
        if ($params['use_checkbox']) {
            if (!empty($params['rand'])) {
                $rand = $params['rand'];
            } else {
                $rand = mt_rand();

            $options = ['name' => $name,
                'id'   => Html::cleanId("dropdown_" . $name . $rand)

            switch ($restrict_to) {
                case 0:
                    $options['checked']  = false;
                    $options['readonly'] = true;

                case 1:
                    $options['checked']  = true;
                    $options['readonly'] = true;

                    $options['checked']  = ($value ? 1 : 0);
                    $options['readonly'] = false;

            $output = Html::getCheckbox($options);
            if (!isset($params['display']) || $params['display'] == 'true') {
                echo $output;
                return $rand;
            } else {
                return $output;

        if ($restrict_to != 0) {
            $options[0] = __('No');

        if ($restrict_to != 1) {
            $options[1] = __('Yes');

        $params['value'] = $value;
        $params['width'] = "65px";
        return self::showFromArray($name, $options, $params);

     * Get Yes No string
     * @param mixed $value Yes No value
     * @return string
    public static function getYesNo($value)

        if ($value) {
            return __('Yes');
        return __('No');

     * Get the Device list name the user is allowed to edit
     * @return array (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name)
    public static function getDeviceItemTypes()
        static $optgroup = null;

        if (!Session::haveRight('device', READ)) {
            return [];

        if (is_null($optgroup)) {
            $devices = [];
            foreach (CommonDevice::getDeviceTypes() as $device_type) {
                $devices[$device_type] = $device_type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber());
            $optgroup = [_n('Component', 'Components', Session::getPluralNumber()) => $devices];
        return $optgroup;

     * Get the dropdown list name the user is allowed to edit
     * @return array (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name)
    public static function getStandardDropdownItemTypes()
        static $optgroup = null;

        if (is_null($optgroup)) {
            $optgroup = [
                __('Common') => [
                    'Location' => null,
                    'State' => null,
                    'Manufacturer' => null,
                    'Blacklist' => null,
                    'BlacklistedMailContent' => null

                __('Assistance') => [
                    'ITILCategory' => null,
                    'TaskCategory' => null,
                    'TaskTemplate' => null,
                    'SolutionType' => null,
                    'SolutionTemplate' => null,
                    'RequestType' => null,
                    'ITILFollowupTemplate' => null,
                    'ProjectState' => null,
                    'ProjectType' => null,
                    'ProjectTaskType' => null,
                    'ProjectTaskTemplate' => null,
                    'PlanningExternalEventTemplate' => null,
                    'PlanningEventCategory' => null,
                    'PendingReason' => null,

                _n('Type', 'Types', Session::getPluralNumber()) => [
                    'ComputerType' => null,
                    'NetworkEquipmentType' => null,
                    'PrinterType' => null,
                    'MonitorType' => null,
                    'PeripheralType' => null,
                    'PhoneType' => null,
                    'SoftwareLicenseType' => null,
                    'CartridgeItemType' => null,
                    'ConsumableItemType' => null,
                    'ContractType' => null,
                    'ContactType' => null,
                    'DeviceGenericType' => null,
                    'DeviceSensorType' => null,
                    'DeviceMemoryType' => null,
                    'SupplierType' => null,
                    'InterfaceType' => null,
                    'DeviceCaseType' => null,
                    'PhonePowerSupply' => null,
                    'Filesystem' => null,
                    'CertificateType' => null,
                    'BudgetType' => null,
                    'DeviceSimcardType' => null,
                    'LineType' => null,
                    'RackType' => null,
                    'PDUType' => null,
                    'PassiveDCEquipmentType' => null,
                    'ClusterType' => null,
                    'DatabaseInstanceType' => null

                _n('Model', 'Models', Session::getPluralNumber()) => [
                    'ComputerModel' => null,
                    'NetworkEquipmentModel' => null,
                    'PrinterModel' => null,
                    'MonitorModel' => null,
                    'PeripheralModel' => null,
                    'PhoneModel' => null,

                  // Devices models :
                    'DeviceCameraModel' => null,
                    'DeviceCaseModel' => null,
                    'DeviceControlModel' => null,
                    'DeviceDriveModel' => null,
                    'DeviceGenericModel' => null,
                    'DeviceGraphicCardModel' => null,
                    'DeviceHardDriveModel' => null,
                    'DeviceMemoryModel' => null,
                    'DeviceMotherboardModel' => null,
                    'DeviceNetworkCardModel' => null,
                    'DevicePciModel' => null,
                    'DevicePowerSupplyModel' => null,
                    'DeviceProcessorModel' => null,
                    'DeviceSoundCardModel' => null,
                    'DeviceSensorModel' => null,
                    'RackModel' => null,
                    'EnclosureModel' => null,
                    'PDUModel' => null,
                    'PassiveDCEquipmentModel' => null,

                _n('Virtual machine', 'Virtual machines', Session::getPluralNumber()) => [
                    'VirtualMachineType' => null,
                    'VirtualMachineSystem' => null,
                    'VirtualMachineState' => null

                __('Management') => [
                    'DocumentCategory' => null,
                    'DocumentType' => null,
                    'BusinessCriticity' => null,
                    'DatabaseInstanceCategory' => null,

                __('Tools') => [
                    'KnowbaseItemCategory' => null

                _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', 1) => [
                    'Calendar' => null,
                    'Holiday' => null

                OperatingSystem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) => [
                    'OperatingSystem' => null,
                    'OperatingSystemVersion' => null,
                    'OperatingSystemServicePack' => null,
                    'OperatingSystemArchitecture' => null,
                    'OperatingSystemEdition' => null,
                    'OperatingSystemKernel' => null,
                    'OperatingSystemKernelVersion' => null,
                    'AutoUpdateSystem' => null

                __('Networking') => [
                    'NetworkInterface' => null,
                    'Network' => null,
                    'NetworkPortType' => null,
                    'Vlan' => null,
                    'LineOperator' => null,
                    'DomainType' => null,
                    'DomainRelation' => null,
                    'DomainRecordType' => null,
                    'NetworkPortFiberchannelType' => null,


                __('Cable management') => [
                    'CableType' => null,
                    'CableStrand' => null,
                    SocketModel::class => null,

                __('Internet') => [
                    'IPNetwork' => null,
                    'FQDN' => null,
                    'WifiNetwork' => null,
                    'NetworkName' => null

                _n('Software', 'Software', 1) => [
                    'SoftwareCategory' => null

                User::getTypeName(1) => [
                    'UserTitle' => null,
                    'UserCategory' => null

                __('Authorizations assignment rules') => [
                    'RuleRightParameter' => null

                __('Fields unicity') => [
                    'Fieldblacklist' => null

                __('External authentications') => [
                    'SsoVariable' => null
                __('Power management') => [
                    'Plug' => null
                __('Appliances') => [
                    'ApplianceType' => null,
                    'ApplianceEnvironment' => null,
                DeviceCamera::getTypeName(1) => [
                    'Resolution'     => null,
                    'ImageFormat'  => null
                __('Others') => [
                    'USBVendor' => null,
                    'PCIVendor' => null

            ]; //end $opt

            $plugdrop = Plugin::getDropdowns();

            if (count($plugdrop)) {
                $optgroup = array_merge($optgroup, $plugdrop);

            foreach ($optgroup as $label => &$dp) {
                foreach ($dp as $key => &$val) {
                    if ($tmp = getItemForItemtype($key)) {
                        if (!$tmp->canView()) {
                        } else if ($val === null) {
                            $val = $key::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber());
                    } else {

                if (count($optgroup[$label]) == 0) {
        return $optgroup;

     * Display a menu to select an itemtype which open the search form (by default)
     * @param string     $title     title to display
     * @param array      $optgroup  (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name)
     * @param string     $value     URL of selected current value (default '')
     * @param array      $options
     * @return void
    public static function showItemTypeMenu(string $title, array $optgroup, string $value = '', array $options = []): void
        $params = [
            'on_change'             => "var _value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; if (_value != 0) {window.location.href=_value;}",
            'width'                 => '300px',
            'display_emptychoice'   => true,
        $params = array_replace($params, $options);

        echo "<div class='container-fluid text-start'>";
        echo "<div class='mb-3 row'>";
        echo "<label class='col-sm-1 col-form-label'>$title</label>";
        $selected = '';

        $values = [];
        foreach ($optgroup as $label => $dp) {
            foreach ($dp as $key => $val) {
                $search = $key::getSearchURL();

                if (basename($search) == basename($value)) {
                    $selected = $search;
                $values[$label][$search] = $val;
        echo "<div class='col-sm-11'>";
        Dropdown::showFromArray('dpmenu', $values, [
            'on_change'           => $params['on_change'],
            'value'               => $selected,
            'display_emptychoice' => $params['display_emptychoice'],
            'width'               => $params['width'],
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</div>";

     * Display a list to select a itemtype with link to search form
     * @param $optgroup array (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name)
    public static function showItemTypeList($optgroup)
        echo TemplateRenderer::getInstance()->render(
                'optgroup' => $optgroup,

     * Dropdown available languages
     * @param string $myname   select name
     * @param array  $options  array of additionnal options:
     *    - display_emptychoice : allow selection of no language
     *    - emptylabel          : specific string to empty label if display_emptychoice is true
    public static function showLanguages($myname, $options = [])
        $values = [];
        if (isset($options['display_emptychoice']) && ($options['display_emptychoice'])) {
            if (isset($options['emptylabel'])) {
                $values[''] = $options['emptylabel'];
            } else {
                $values[''] = self::EMPTY_VALUE;

        $values = array_merge($values, self::getLanguages());
        return self::showFromArray($myname, $values, $options);

     * Get available languages
     * @since 9.5.0
     * @return array
    public static function getLanguages()
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $languages = [];
        foreach ($CFG_GLPI["languages"] as $key => $val) {
            if (isset($val[1]) && is_file(GLPI_ROOT . "/locales/" . $val[1])) {
                $languages[$key] = $val[0];

        return $languages;

     * @since 0.84
     * @param $value
    public static function getLanguageName($value)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        if (isset($CFG_GLPI["languages"][$value][0])) {
            return $CFG_GLPI["languages"][$value][0];
        return $value;

     * Print a select with hours
     * Print a select named $name with hours options and selected value $value
     *@param $name             string   HTML select name
     *@param $options array of options :
     *     - value              default value (default '')
     *     - limit_planning     limit planning to the configuration range (default false)
     *     - display   boolean  if false get string
     *     - width              specific width needed (default auto adaptive)
     *     - step               step time (defaut config GLPI)
     * @since 0.85 update prototype
     * @return integer|string
     *    integer if option display=true (random part of elements id)
     *    string if option display=false (HTML code)
    public static function showHours($name, $options = [])
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $p['value']          = '';
        $p['limit_planning'] = false;
        $p['display']        = true;
        $p['width']          = '';
        $p['step']           = $CFG_GLPI["time_step"];

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $p[$key] = $val;

        $begin = 0;
        $end   = 24;
       // Check if the $step is Ok for the $value field
        $split = explode(":", $p['value']);

       // Valid value XX:YY ou XX:YY:ZZ
        if ((count($split) == 2) || (count($split) == 3)) {
            $min = $split[1];

           // Problem
            if (($min % $p['step']) != 0) {
               // set minimum step
                $p['step'] = 5;

        if ($p['limit_planning']) {
            $plan_begin = explode(":", $CFG_GLPI["planning_begin"]);
            $plan_end   = explode(":", $CFG_GLPI["planning_end"]);
            $begin      = (int) $plan_begin[0];
            $end        = (int) $plan_end[0];

        $values   = [];
        $selected = '';

        for ($i = $begin; $i < $end; $i++) {
            if ($i < 10) {
                $tmp = "0" . $i;
            } else {
                $tmp = $i;

            for ($j = 0; $j < 60; $j += $p['step']) {
                if ($j < 10) {
                    $val = $tmp . ":0$j";
                } else {
                    $val = $tmp . ":$j";
                $values[$val] = $val;
                if (($p['value'] == $val . ":00") || ($p['value'] == $val)) {
                    $selected = $val;
       // Last item
        $val = $end . ":00";
        $values[$val] = $val;
        if (($p['value'] == $val . ":00") || ($p['value'] == $val)) {
            $selected = $val;
        $p['value'] = $selected;
        return Dropdown::showFromArray($name, $values, $p);

     * show a dropdown to selec a type
     * @since 0.83
     * @param array|string $types    Types used (default "state_types") (default '')
     * @param array        $options  Array of optional options
     *        name, value, rand, emptylabel, display_emptychoice, on_change, plural, checkright
     *       - toupdate            : array / Update a specific item on select change on dropdown
     *                                    (need value_fieldname, to_update,
     *                                     url (see Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent for information)
     *                                     and may have moreparams)
     * @return integer rand for select id
    public static function showItemType($types = '', $options = [])
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $params['name']                = 'itemtype';
        $params['value']               = '';
        $params['rand']                = mt_rand();
        $params['on_change']           = '';
        $params['plural']              = false;
       //Parameters about choice 0
       //Empty choice's label
        $params['emptylabel']          = self::EMPTY_VALUE;
       //Display emptychoice ?
        $params['display_emptychoice'] = true;
        $params['checkright']          = false;
        $params['toupdate']            = '';
        $params['display']             = true;
        $params['track_changes']       = true;

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $params[$key] = $val;

        if (!is_array($types)) {
            $types = $CFG_GLPI["state_types"];
        $options = [];

        foreach ($types as $type) {
            if ($item = getItemForItemtype($type)) {
                if ($params['checkright'] && !$item->canView()) {
                $options[$type] = $item->getTypeName($params['plural'] ? 2 : 1);

        if (count($options)) {
            return Dropdown::showFromArray($params['name'], $options, [
                'value'               => $params['value'],
                'on_change'           => $params['on_change'],
                'toupdate'            => $params['toupdate'],
                'display_emptychoice' => $params['display_emptychoice'],
                'emptylabel'          => $params['emptylabel'],
                'display'             => $params['display'],
                'rand'                => $params['rand'],
                'track_changes'       => $params['track_changes'],
        return 0;

     * Make a select box for all items
     * @since 0.85
     * @param $options array:
     *   - itemtype_name        : the name of the field containing the itemtype (default 'itemtype')
     *   - items_id_name        : the name of the field containing the id of the selected item
     *                            (default 'items_id')
     *   - itemtypes            : all possible types to search for (default: $CFG_GLPI["state_types"])
     *   - default_itemtype     : the default itemtype to select (don't define if you don't
     *                            need a default) (defaut 0)
     *    - entity_restrict     : restrict entity in searching items (default -1)
     *    - onlyglobal          : don't match item that don't have `is_global` == 1 (false by default)
     *    - checkright          : check to see if we can "view" the itemtype (false by default)
     *    - showItemSpecificity : given an item, the AJAX file to open if there is special
     *                            treatment. For instance, select a Item_Device* for CommonDevice
     *    - emptylabel          : Empty choice's label (default self::EMPTY_VALUE)
     *    - used                : array / Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown (default empty)
     *    - display             : true : display directly, false return the html
     * @return integer randomized value used to generate HTML IDs
    public static function showSelectItemFromItemtypes(array $options = [])
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $params = [];
        $params['itemtype_name']          = 'itemtype';
        $params['items_id_name']          = 'items_id';
        $params['itemtypes']              = '';
        $params['default_itemtype']       = 0;
        $params['entity_restrict']        = -1;
        $params['onlyglobal']             = false;
        $params['checkright']             = false;
        $params['showItemSpecificity']    = '';
        $params['emptylabel']             = self::EMPTY_VALUE;
        $params['used']                   = [];
        $params['ajax_page']              = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/dropdownAllItems.php";
        $params['display']                = true;
        $params['rand']                   = mt_rand();
        $params['itemtype_track_changes'] = false;

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $params[$key] = $val;

        $select = self::showItemType($params['itemtypes'], [
            'checkright'    => $params['checkright'],
            'name'          => $params['itemtype_name'],
            'emptylabel'    => $params['emptylabel'],
            'display'       => $params['display'],
            'rand'          => $params['rand'],
            'track_changes' => $params['itemtype_track_changes'],

        $p_ajax = [
            'idtable'             => '__VALUE__',
            'name'                => $params['items_id_name'],
            'entity_restrict'     => $params['entity_restrict'],
            'showItemSpecificity' => $params['showItemSpecificity'],
            'rand'                => $params['rand']

       // manage condition
        if ($params['onlyglobal']) {
            $p_ajax['condition'] = static::addNewCondition(['is_global' => 1]);
        if ($params['used']) {
            $p_ajax['used'] = $params['used'];

        $field_id = Html::cleanId("dropdown_" . $params['itemtype_name'] . $params['rand']);
        $show_id  = Html::cleanId("show_" . $params['items_id_name'] . $params['rand']);

        $ajax = Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent(

        $out = "";
        if (!$params['display']) {
            $out .= $select . $ajax;

        $out .= "<br><span id='$show_id'>&nbsp;</span>\n";

       // We check $options as the caller will set $options['default_itemtype'] only if it needs a
       // default itemtype and the default value can be '' thus empty won't be valid !
        if (array_key_exists('default_itemtype', $options)) {
            $out .= "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
            $out .= "$(function() {";
            $out .= Html::jsSetDropdownValue($field_id, $params['default_itemtype']);
            $out .= "});</script>\n";

            $p_ajax["idtable"] = $params['default_itemtype'];
            $ajax2 = Ajax::updateItem(

            if (!$params['display']) {
                $out .= $ajax2;

        if ($params['display']) {
            echo $out;
            return $params['rand'];

        return $out;

     * Dropdown numbers
     * @since 0.84
     * @param string $myname   select name
     * @param array  $options  array of additionnal options :
     *     - value              default value (default 0)
     *     - rand               random value
     *     - min                min value (default 0)
     *     - max                max value (default 100)
     *     - step               step used (default 1)
     *     - toadd     array    of values to add at the beginning
     *     - unit      string   unit to used
     *     - display   boolean  if false get string
     *     - width              specific width needed
     *     - on_change string / value to transmit to "onChange"
     *     - used      array / Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown (default empty)
     *     - class : class to pass to html select
    public static function showNumber($myname, $options = [])
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $p = [
            'value'           => 0,
            'rand'            => mt_rand(),
            'min'             => 0,
            'max'             => 100,
            'step'            => 1,
            'toadd'           => [],
            'unit'            => '',
            'display'         => true,
            'width'           => '',
            'on_change'       => '',
            'used'            => [],
            'specific_tags'   => [],
            'class'           => "form-select",

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $p[$key] = $val;
        if (($p['value'] < $p['min']) && !isset($p['toadd'][$p['value']])) {
            $min = $p['min'];

            while (isset($p['used'][$min])) {
            $p['value'] = $min;

        $field_id = Html::cleanId("dropdown_" . $myname . $p['rand']);
        $valuekey = Toolbox::isFloat($p['value']) ? (string)$p['value'] : $p['value'];
        if (!isset($p['toadd'][$valuekey])) {
            $decimals = Toolbox::isFloat($p['value']) ? Toolbox::getDecimalNumbers($p['step']) : 0;
            $valuename = self::getValueWithUnit($p['value'], $p['unit'], $decimals);
        } else {
            $valuename = $p['toadd'][$valuekey];
        $param = ['value'               => $p['value'],
            'valuename'           => $valuename,
            'width'               => $p['width'],
            'on_change'           => $p['on_change'],
            'used'                => $p['used'],
            'unit'                => $p['unit'],
            'min'                 => $p['min'],
            'max'                 => $p['max'],
            'step'                => $p['step'],
            'toadd'               => $p['toadd'],
            'specific_tags'       => $p['specific_tags'],
            'class'               => $p['class']

        $out   = Html::jsAjaxDropdown(
            $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/getDropdownNumber.php",

        if ($p['display']) {
            echo $out;
            return $p['rand'];
        return $out;

     * Get value with unit / Automatic management of standar unit (year, month, %, ...)
     * @since 0.84
     * @param integer $value    numeric value
     * @param string  $unit     unit (maybe year, month, day, hour, % for standard management)
     * @param integer $decimals number of decimal
    public static function getValueWithUnit($value, $unit, $decimals = 0)

        $formatted_number = is_numeric($value)
         ? Html::formatNumber($value, false, $decimals)
         : $value;

        if (strlen($unit) == 0) {
            return $formatted_number;

        switch ($unit) {
            case 'year':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of years
                return sprintf(_n('%s year', '%s years', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'month':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of months
                return sprintf(_n('%s month', '%s months', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'day':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of days
                return sprintf(_n('%s day', '%s days', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'hour':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of hours
                return sprintf(_n('%s hour', '%s hours', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'minute':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of minutes
                return sprintf(_n('%s minute', '%s minutes', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'second':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of seconds
                return sprintf(_n('%s second', '%s seconds', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'millisecond':
               //TRANS: %s is a number of milliseconds
                return sprintf(_n('%s millisecond', '%s milliseconds', $value), $formatted_number);

            case 'rack_unit':
                return sprintf(_n('%d unit', '%d units', $value), $value);

            case 'auto':
                return Toolbox::getSize($value * 1024 * 1024);

            case '%':
                return sprintf(__('%s%%'), $formatted_number);

                return sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $formatted_number, $unit);

     * Dropdown integers
     * @since 0.83
     * @param string $myname   select name
     * @param array  $options  array of options
     *    - value           : default value
     *    - min             : min value : default 0
     *    - max             : max value : default DAY_TIMESTAMP
     *    - value           : default value
     *    - addfirstminutes : add first minutes before first step (default false)
     *    - toadd           : array of values to add
     *    - inhours         : only show timestamp in hours not in days
     *    - display         : boolean / display or return string
     *    - width           : string / display width of the item
     *    - allow_max_change: boolean / allow to change max value according to max($params['value'], $params['max']) (default true).
     *                        If false and the value is greater than the max, the value will be adjusted based on the step and then added to the dropdown as an extra option.
    public static function showTimeStamp($myname, $options = [])
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $params['value']               = 0;
        $params['rand']                = mt_rand();
        $params['min']                 = 0;
        $params['max']                 = DAY_TIMESTAMP;
        $params['step']                = $CFG_GLPI["time_step"] * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP;
        $params['emptylabel']          = self::EMPTY_VALUE;
        $params['addfirstminutes']     = false;
        $params['toadd']               = [];
        $params['inhours']             = false;
        $params['display']             = true;
        $params['display_emptychoice'] = true;
        $params['width']               = '';
        $params['class']               = 'form-select';
        $params['allow_max_change']    = true;
        $params['disabled']            = false;

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $params[$key] = $val;

       // Manage min :
        $params['min'] = floor($params['min'] / $params['step']) * $params['step'];

        if ($params['min'] == 0) {
            $params['min'] = $params['step'];

        if ($params['allow_max_change']) {
            $params['max'] = max($params['value'], $params['max']);

       // Floor with MINUTE_TIMESTAMP for rounded purpose
        if (empty($params['value'])) {
            $params['value'] = 0;
        if (
            ($params['value'] < max($params['min'], 10 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP))
            && $params['addfirstminutes']
        ) {
            $params['value'] = floor(($params['value']) / MINUTE_TIMESTAMP) * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP;
        } else if (!in_array($params['value'], $params['toadd'])) {
           // Round to a valid step except if value is already valid (defined in values to add)
            $params['value'] = floor(($params['value']) / $params['step']) * $params['step'];

        if (!$params['allow_max_change'] && $params['value'] > $params['max']) {
            $params['toadd'][] = $params['value'];

        // Generate array keys
        $values = [];

        if ($params['value']) {
            $values[$params['value']] = '';

        if ($params['addfirstminutes']) {
            $max = max($params['min'], 10 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP);
            for ($i = MINUTE_TIMESTAMP; $i < $max; $i += MINUTE_TIMESTAMP) {
                $values[$i] = '';

        for ($i = $params['min']; $i <= $params['max']; $i += $params['step']) {
            $values[$i] = '';

        if (count($params['toadd'])) {
            foreach ($params['toadd'] as $key) {
                $values[$key] = '';

        // Generate array values
        foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
            if ($params['inhours']) {
                $day  = 0;
                $hour = floor($i / HOUR_TIMESTAMP);
            } else {
                $day  = floor($i / DAY_TIMESTAMP);
                $hour = floor(($i % DAY_TIMESTAMP) / HOUR_TIMESTAMP);
            $minute     = floor(($i % HOUR_TIMESTAMP) / MINUTE_TIMESTAMP);
            if ($minute === '0') {
                $minute = '00';
            if ($day > 0) {
                if (($hour > 0) || ($minute > 0)) {
                    if ($minute < 10) {
                         $minute = '0' . $minute;

                   //TRANS: %1$d is the number of days, %2$d the number of hours,
                   //       %3$s the number of minutes : display 1 day 3h15
                    $values[$i] = sprintf(
                        _n('%1$d day %2$dh%3$s', '%1$d days %2$dh%3$s', $day),
                } else {
                    $values[$i] = sprintf(_n('%d day', '%d days', $day), $day);
            } else if ($hour > 0 || $minute > 0) {
                if ($minute < 10) {
                    $minute = '0' . $minute;

               //TRANS: %1$d the number of hours, %2$s the number of minutes : display 3h15
                $values[$i] = sprintf(__('%1$dh%2$s'), $hour, $minute);

        return Dropdown::showFromArray($myname, $values, [
            'value'               => $params['value'],
            'display'             => $params['display'],
            'width'               => $params['width'],
            'display_emptychoice' => $params['display_emptychoice'],
            'rand'                => $params['rand'],
            'emptylabel'          => $params['emptylabel'],
            'class'               => $params['class'],
            'disabled'            => $params['disabled'],

     * Toggle view in LDAP user import/synchro between no restriction and date restriction
     * @param $enabled (default 0)
    public static function showAdvanceDateRestrictionSwitch($enabled = 0)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $rand = mt_rand();
        $url  = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/ldapdaterestriction.php";
        echo "<script type='text/javascript' >";
        echo "function activateRestriction() {";
         $params = ['enabled' => 1];
         Ajax::updateItemJsCode('date_restriction', $url, $params);
        echo "};";

        echo "function deactivateRestriction() {";
         $params = ['enabled' => 0];
         Ajax::updateItemJsCode('date_restriction', $url, $params);
        echo "};";
        echo "</script>";

        echo "</table>";
        echo "<span id='date_restriction'>";
        $_POST['enabled'] = $enabled;
        include(GLPI_ROOT . "/ajax/ldapdaterestriction.php");
        echo "</span>";
        return $rand;

     * Dropdown of values in an array
     * @param string $name      select name
     * @param array  $elements  array of elements to display
     * @param array  $options   array of possible options:
     *    - value               : integer / preselected value (default 0)
     *    - used                : array / Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown (default empty)
     *    - readonly            : boolean / used as a readonly item (default false)
     *    - on_change           : string / value to transmit to "onChange"
     *    - multiple            : boolean / can select several values (default false)
     *    - size                : integer / number of rows for the select (default = 1)
     *    - display             : boolean / display or return string
     *    - other               : boolean or string if not false, then we can use an "other" value
     *                            if it is a string, then the default value will be this string
     *    - rand                : specific rand if needed (default is generated one)
     *    - width               : specific width needed (default not set)
     *    - emptylabel          : empty label if empty displayed (default self::EMPTY_VALUE)
     *    - display_emptychoice : display empty choice, cannot be used when "multiple" option set to true (default false)
     *    - class               : class attributes to add
     *    - tooltip             : string / message to add as tooltip on the dropdown (default '')
     *    - option_tooltips     : array / message to add as tooltip on the dropdown options. Use the same keys as for the $elements parameter, but none is mandotary. Missing keys will just be ignored and no tooltip will be added. To add a tooltip on an option group, is the '__optgroup_label' key inside the array describing option tooltips : 'optgroupname1' => array('__optgroup_label' => 'tooltip for option group') (default empty)
     *    - noselect2           : if true, don't use select2 lib
     *    - templateResult      : if not empty, call this as template results of select2
     *    - templateSelection   : if not empty, call this as template selection of select2
     * Permit to use optgroup defining items in arrays
     * array('optgroupname'  => array('key1' => 'val1',
     *                                'key2' => 'val2'),
     *       'optgroupname2' => array('key3' => 'val3',
     *                                'key4' => 'val4'))
     * @return integer|string
     *    integer if option display=true (random part of elements id)
     *    string if option display=false (HTML code)
    public static function showFromArray($name, array $elements, $options = [])

        $param['value']               = '';
        $param['values']              = [''];
        $param['class']               = 'form-select';
        $param['tooltip']             = '';
        $param['option_tooltips']     = [];
        $param['used']                = [];
        $param['readonly']            = false;
        $param['on_change']           = '';
        $param['width']               = '';
        $param['multiple']            = false;
        $param['size']                = 1;
        $param['display']             = true;
        $param['other']               = false;
        $param['rand']                = mt_rand();
        $param['emptylabel']          = self::EMPTY_VALUE;
        $param['display_emptychoice'] = false;
        $param['disabled']            = false;
        $param['required']            = false;
        $param['noselect2']           = false;
        $param['templateResult']      = "templateResult";
        $param['templateSelection']   = "templateSelection";
        $param['track_changes']       = "true";

        if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
            if (isset($options['value']) && strlen($options['value'])) {
                $options['values'] = [$options['value']];
            foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                $param[$key] = $val;

        $other_select_option = $name . '_other_value';
        if ($param['other'] !== false) {
            $param['on_change'] .= "displayOtherSelectOptions(this, \"$other_select_option\");";

           // If $param['other'] is a string, then we must highlight "other" option
            if (is_string($param['other'])) {
                if (!$param["multiple"]) {
                    $param['values'] = [$other_select_option];
                } else {
                    $param['values'][] = $other_select_option;

        $param['option_tooltips'] = Html::entities_deep($param['option_tooltips']);

        if ($param["display_emptychoice"] && !$param["multiple"]) {
            $elements = [ 0 => $param['emptylabel'] ] + $elements;

        if ($param["multiple"]) {
            $field_name = $name . "[]";
        } else {
            $field_name = $name;

        $output = '';
       // readonly mode
        $field_id = Html::cleanId("dropdown_" . $name . $param['rand']);
        if ($param['readonly']) {
            $to_display = [];
            foreach ($param['values'] as $value) {
                $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='$field_name' value='$value'>";
                if (isset($elements[$value])) {
                    $to_display[] = $elements[$value];
            $output .= '<span class="form-control" readonly style="width: ' . $param["width"] . '">' . implode(', ', $to_display) . '</span>';
        } else {
            $output  .= "<select name='$field_name' id='$field_id'";

            if ($param['tooltip']) {
                $output .= ' title="' . Html::entities_deep($param['tooltip']) . '"';

            if ($param['class']) {
                $output .= ' class="' . Html::entities_deep($param['class']) . '"';

            if (!empty($param["on_change"])) {
                $output .= " onChange='" . $param["on_change"] . "'";

            if ((is_int($param["size"])) && ($param["size"] > 0)) {
                $output .= " size='" . $param["size"] . "'";

            if ($param["multiple"]) {
                $output .= " multiple";

            if ($param["disabled"]) {
                $output .= " disabled='disabled'";

            if ($param["required"]) {
                $output .= " required='required'";

            if (!$param['track_changes']) {
                $output .= " data-track-changes=''";

            $output .= '>';
            $max_option_size = 0;
            foreach ($elements as $key => $val) {
               // optgroup management
                if (is_array($val)) {
                    $opt_goup = Html::entities_deep($key);
                    if ($max_option_size < strlen($opt_goup)) {
                        $max_option_size = strlen($opt_goup);

                    $output .= "<optgroup label=\"$opt_goup\"";
                    $optgroup_tooltips = false;
                    if (isset($param['option_tooltips'][$key])) {
                        if (is_array($param['option_tooltips'][$key])) {
                            if (isset($param['option_tooltips'][$key]['__optgroup_label'])) {
                                $output .= ' title="' . $param['option_tooltips'][$key]['__optgroup_label'] . '"';
                            $optgroup_tooltips = $param['option_tooltips'][$key];
                        } else {
                            $output .= ' title="' . $param['option_tooltips'][$key] . '"';
                    $output .= ">";

                    foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
                        if (!isset($param['used'][$key2])) {
                            $output .= "<option value='" . $key2 . "'";
                           // Do not use in_array : trouble with 0 and empty value
                            foreach ($param['values'] as $value) {
                                if (strcmp($key2, $value) === 0) {
                                    $output .= " selected";
                            if ($optgroup_tooltips && isset($optgroup_tooltips[$key2])) {
                                $output .= ' title="' . $optgroup_tooltips[$key2] . '"';
                            $output .= ">" .  Html::entities_deep($val2) . "</option>";
                            if ($max_option_size < strlen($val2)) {
                                $max_option_size = strlen($val2);
                    $output .= "</optgroup>";
                } else {
                    if (!isset($param['used'][$key])) {
                        $output .= "<option value='" . Html::entities_deep($key) . "'";
                       // Do not use in_array : trouble with 0 and empty value
                        foreach ($param['values'] as $value) {
                            if (strcmp($key, $value) === 0) {
                                $output .= " selected";
                        if (isset($param['option_tooltips'][$key])) {
                            $output .= ' title="' . $param['option_tooltips'][$key] . '"';
                        $output .= ">" . Html::entities_deep($val) . "</option>";
                        if (!is_null($val) && ($max_option_size < strlen($val))) {
                            $max_option_size = strlen($val);

            if ($param['other'] !== false) {
                $output .= "<option value='$other_select_option'";
                if (is_string($param['other'])) {
                    $output .= " selected";
                $output .= ">" . __('Other...') . "</option>";

            $output .= "</select>";
            if ($param['other'] !== false) {
                $output .= "<input name='$other_select_option' id='$other_select_option' type='text'";
                if (is_string($param['other'])) {
                    $output .= " value=\"" . $param['other'] . "\"";
                } else {
                    $output .= " style=\"display: none\"";
                $output .= ">";

        if (!$param['noselect2']) {
           // Width set on select
            $adapt_params = [
                'width'             => $param["width"],
                'templateResult'    => $param["templateResult"],
                'templateSelection' => $param["templateSelection"],
            $output .= Html::jsAdaptDropdown($field_id, $adapt_params);

        if ($param["multiple"]) {
           // Hack for All / None because select2 does not provide it
            $select   = __('All');
            $deselect = __('None');
            $output  .= "<div class='invisible' id='selectallbuttons_$field_id'>";
            $output  .= "<div class='d-flex justify-content-around p-1'>";
            $output  .= "<a class='btn btn-sm' " .
                      "onclick=\"selectAll('$field_id');$('#$field_id').select2('close');\">$select" .
                     "</a> ";
            $output  .= "<a class='btn btn-sm' onclick=\"deselectAll('$field_id');\">$deselect" .
            $output  .= "</div></div>";

            $js = "
         var multichecksappend$field_id = false;
         $('#$field_id').on('select2:open', function(e) {
            if (!multichecksappend$field_id) {
               multichecksappend$field_id = true;
            $output .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
        $output .= Ajax::commonDropdownUpdateItem($param, false);

        if ($param['display']) {
            echo $output;
            return $param['rand'];
        return $output;

     * Dropdown for frequency (interval between 2 actions)
     * @param string  $name   select name
     * @param integer $value  default value (default 0)
     * @return void
    public static function showFrequency($name, $value = 0)

        $tab = [];

        $tab[MINUTE_TIMESTAMP] = sprintf(_n('%d minute', '%d minutes', 1), 1);

       // Minutes
        for ($i = 5; $i < 60; $i += 5) {
            $tab[$i * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP] = sprintf(_n('%d minute', '%d minutes', $i), $i);

       // Heures
        for ($i = 1; $i < 24; $i++) {
            $tab[$i * HOUR_TIMESTAMP] = sprintf(_n('%d hour', '%d hours', $i), $i);

       // Jours
        $tab[DAY_TIMESTAMP] = __('Each day');
        for ($i = 2; $i < 7; $i++) {
            $tab[$i * DAY_TIMESTAMP] = sprintf(_n('%d day', '%d days', $i), $i);

        $tab[WEEK_TIMESTAMP]  = __('Each week');
        $tab[MONTH_TIMESTAMP] = __('Each month');

        Dropdown::showFromArray($name, $tab, ['value' => $value]);

     * Dropdown for global item management
     * @param integer $ID           item ID
     * @param array   attrs   array which contains the extra paramters
     * Parameters can be :
     * - target target for actions
     * - withtemplate template or basic computer
     * - value value of global state
     * - class : class to pass to html select
     * - management_restrict global management restrict mode
     * - width specific width needed (default not set)
    public static function showGlobalSwitch($ID, $attrs = [])
        $params['management_restrict'] = 0;
        $params['value']               = 0;
        $params['name']                = 'is_global';
        $params['target']              = '';
        $params['class']               = "form-select";
        $params['width']               = "";

        foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
            if ($value != '') {
                $params[$key] = $value;

        if (
            && empty($params['withtemplate'])
        ) {
            echo __('Global management');

            if ($params['management_restrict'] == 2) {
                echo "&nbsp;";
                    __('Use unitary management'),
                    ['id' => $ID],
                    [__('Do you really want to use unitary management for this item?'),
                        __('Duplicate the element as many times as there are connections')
                echo "&nbsp;";

                echo "<span class='fa fa-info pointer'" .
                 " title=\"" . __s('Duplicate the element as many times as there are connections') .
                 "\"><span class='sr-only'>" . __s('Duplicate the element as many times as there are connections') . "</span></span>";
        } else {
            if ($params['management_restrict'] == 2) {
                $rand = mt_rand();
                $values = [MANAGEMENT_UNITARY => __('Unit management'),
                    MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL  => __('Global management')
                Dropdown::showFromArray($params['name'], $values, [
                    'value' => $params['value'],
                    'class' => $params['class'],
                    'width' => $params['width'],
            } else {
               // Templates edition
                if (!empty($params['withtemplate'])) {
                    echo "<input type='hidden' name='is_global' value='" .
                      $params['management_restrict'] . "'>";
                    echo (!$params['management_restrict'] ? __('Unit management') : __('Global management'));
                } else {
                    echo (!$params['value'] ? __('Unit management') : __('Global management'));

     * Import a dropdown - check if already exists
     * @param string $itemtype  name of the class
     * @param array  $input     of value to import
     * @return boolean|integer ID of the new item or false on error
    public static function import($itemtype, $input)

        if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) {
            return false;
        return $item->import($input);

     * Import a value in a dropdown table.
     * This import a new dropdown if it doesn't exist - Play dictionary if needed
     * @param string  $itemtype         name of the class
     * @param string  $value            Value of the new dropdown.
     * @param integer $entities_id       entity in case of specific dropdown
     * @param array   $external_params
     * @param string  $comment
     * @param boolean $add              if true, add it if not found. if false, just check if exists
     * @return false|integer : dropdown id.
    public static function importExternal(
        $entities_id = -1,
        $external_params = [],
        $comment = '',
        $add = true
    ) {

        if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) {
            return false;
        return $item->importExternal($value, $entities_id, $external_params, $comment, $add);

     * Get the label associated with a management type
     * @param integer value the type of management (default 0)
     * @return string the label corresponding to it, or ""
    public static function getGlobalSwitch($value = 0)

        switch ($value) {
            case 0:
                return __('Unit management');

            case 1:
                return __('Global management');

                return "";

     * show dropdown for output format
     * @since 0.83
    public static function showOutputFormat($itemtype = null)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $values[Search::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE]     = __('Current page in landscape PDF');
        $values[Search::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT]      = __('Current page in portrait PDF');
        $values[Search::SYLK_OUTPUT]              = __('Current page in SLK');
        $values[Search::CSV_OUTPUT]               = __('Current page in CSV');
        $values['-' . Search::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE] = __('All pages in landscape PDF');
        $values['-' . Search::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT]  = __('All pages in portrait PDF');
        $values['-' . Search::SYLK_OUTPUT]          = __('All pages in SLK');
        $values['-' . Search::CSV_OUTPUT]           = __('All pages in CSV');

        if ($itemtype != "Stat") {
           // Do not show this option for stat page
            $values['-' . Search::NAMES_OUTPUT] = __('Copy names to clipboard');

        $rand = mt_rand();
        Dropdown::showFromArray('display_type', $values, ['rand' => $rand]);
        echo "<button type='submit' name='export' class='btn' " .
             " title=\"" . _sx('button', 'Export') . "\">" .
             "<i class='far fa-save'></i><span class='sr-only'>" . _sx('button', 'Export') . "<span>";

     * show dropdown to select list limit
     * @since 0.83
     * @param string $onchange  Optional, for ajax (default '')
    public static function showListLimit($onchange = '', $display = true)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        if (isset($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'])) {
            $list_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
        } else {
            $list_limit = $CFG_GLPI['list_limit'];

        $values = [];

        for ($i = 5; $i < 20; $i += 5) {
            $values[$i] = $i;
        for ($i = 20; $i < 50; $i += 10) {
            $values[$i] = $i;
        for ($i = 50; $i < 250; $i += 50) {
            $values[$i] = $i;
        for ($i = 250; $i < 1000; $i += 250) {
            $values[$i] = $i;
        for ($i = 1000; $i < 5000; $i += 1000) {
            $values[$i] = $i;
        for ($i = 5000; $i <= 10000; $i += 5000) {
            $values[$i] = $i;
        $values[9999999] = 9999999;
       // Propose max input vars -10
        $max             = Toolbox::get_max_input_vars();
        if ($max > 10) {
            $values[$max - 10] = $max - 10;
        return self::showFromArray(
            ['on_change' => $onchange,
                'value'     => $list_limit,
                'display'   => $display

     * Get dropdown value
     * @param array   $post Posted values
     * @param boolean $json Encode to JSON, default to true
     * @return string|array
    public static function getDropdownValue($post, $json = true)
         * @var array $CFG_GLPI
         * @var \DBmysql $DB
        global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;

       // check if asked itemtype is the one originaly requested by the form
        if (!Session::validateIDOR($post)) {

        if (isset($post['entity_restrict']) && 'default' === $post['entity_restrict']) {
            $post['entity_restrict'] = $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'];
        } elseif (
            && !is_array($post["entity_restrict"])
            && (substr($post["entity_restrict"], 0, 1) === '[')
            && (substr($post["entity_restrict"], -1) === ']')
        ) {
            $decoded = Toolbox::jsonDecode($post['entity_restrict']);
            $entities = [];
            if (is_array($decoded)) {
                foreach ($decoded as $value) {
                    $entities[] = (int)$value;
            $post["entity_restrict"] = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($entities);

       // Security
        if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($post['itemtype']))) {

        $table = $item->getTable();
        $datas = [];

        $displaywith = false;
        if (isset($post['displaywith'])) {
            if (is_array($post['displaywith']) && count($post['displaywith'])) {
                $post['displaywith'] = self::filterDisplayWith($item, $post['displaywith']);

                if (count($post['displaywith'])) {
                    $displaywith = true;

        if (!isset($post['permit_select_parent'])) {
            $post['permit_select_parent'] = false;

        if (isset($post['condition']) && !empty($post['condition']) && !is_array($post['condition'])) {
           // Retreive conditions from SESSION using its key
            $key = $post['condition'];
            if (isset($_SESSION['glpicondition']) && isset($_SESSION['glpicondition'][$key])) {
                $post['condition'] = $_SESSION['glpicondition'][$key];
            } else {
                $post['condition'] = [];

        if (!isset($post['emptylabel']) || ($post['emptylabel'] == '')) {
            $post['emptylabel'] = Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE;

        $where = [];

        if ($item->maybeDeleted()) {
            $where["$table.is_deleted"] = 0;
        if ($item->maybeTemplate()) {
            $where["$table.is_template"] = 0;

        if (!isset($post['page'])) {
            $post['page']       = 1;
            $post['page_limit'] = $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'];

        $start = intval(($post['page'] - 1) * $post['page_limit']);
        $limit = intval($post['page_limit']);

        if (isset($post['used'])) {
            $used = $post['used'];

            if (count($used)) {
                $where['NOT'] = ["$table.id" => $used];

        if (isset($post['toadd'])) {
            $toadd = $post['toadd'];
        } else {
            $toadd = [];

        $ljoin = [];

        if (isset($post['condition']) && !empty($post['condition'])) {
            if (isset($post['condition']['LEFT JOIN'])) {
                $ljoin = $post['condition']['LEFT JOIN'];
                unset($post['condition']['LEFT JOIN']);
            if (isset($post['condition']['WHERE'])) {
                $where = array_merge($where, $post['condition']['WHERE']);
            } else {
                $where = array_merge($where, $post['condition']);

        $one_item = -1;
        if (isset($post['_one_id'])) {
            $one_item = $post['_one_id'];

       // Count real items returned
        $count = 0;
        if ($item instanceof CommonTreeDropdown) {
            if (isset($post['parent_id']) && $post['parent_id'] != '') {
                $sons = getSonsOf($table, $post['parent_id']);
                $where[] = [
                    ["$table.id" => $sons],
                    ["NOT" => ["$table.id" => $post['parent_id']]],
            if ($one_item >= 0) {
                $where["$table.id"] = $one_item;
            } else {
                if (!empty($post['searchText'])) {
                    $raw_search     = Search::makeTextSearchValue($post['searchText']);
                    $encoded_search = Sanitizer::encodeHtmlSpecialChars($raw_search);

                    $swhere = [
                        ["$table.completename" => ['LIKE', $raw_search]],
                        ["$table.completename" => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]],
                    if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], 'completename')) {
                        $swhere[] = ["namet.value" => ['LIKE', $raw_search]];
                        $swhere[] = ["namet.value" => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]];

                    if (
                        && is_numeric($post['searchText']) && (int)$post['searchText'] == $post['searchText']
                    ) {
                        $swhere[$table . '.' . $item->getIndexName()] = ['LIKE', "%{$post['searchText']}%"];

                   // search also in displaywith columns
                    if ($displaywith && count($post['displaywith'])) {
                        foreach ($post['displaywith'] as $with) {
                            $swhere[] = ["$table.$with" => ['LIKE', $raw_search]];
                            $swhere[] = ["$table.$with" => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]];

                    $where[] = ['OR' => $swhere];

            $multi = false;

           // Manage multiple Entities dropdowns
            $order = ["$table.completename"];

           // No multi if get one item
            if ($item->isEntityAssign()) {
                $recur = $item->maybeRecursive();

               // Entities are not really recursive : do not display parents
                if ($post['itemtype'] == 'Entity') {
                    $recur = false;

                if (isset($post["entity_restrict"]) && !($post["entity_restrict"] < 0)) {
                    $where = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(

                    if (is_array($post["entity_restrict"]) && (count($post["entity_restrict"]) > 1)) {
                          $multi = true;
                } else {
                   // If private item do not use entity
                    if (!$item->maybePrivate()) {
                        $where = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, '', '', $recur);

                        if (count($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']) > 1) {
                             $multi = true;
                    } else {
                        $multi = false;

               // Force recursive items to multi entity view
                if ($recur) {
                    $multi = true;

               // no multi view for entitites
                if ($post['itemtype'] == "Entity") {
                    $multi = false;

                if ($multi) {
                    array_unshift($order, "$table.entities_id");

            $addselect = [];
            if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], 'completename')) {
                $addselect[] = "namet.value AS transcompletename";
                $ljoin['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS namet'] = [
                    'ON' => [
                        'namet'  => 'items_id',
                        $table   => 'id', [
                            'AND' => [
                                'namet.itemtype'  => $post['itemtype'],
                                'namet.language'  => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                'namet.field'     => 'completename'
            if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], 'name')) {
                $addselect[] = "namet2.value AS transname";
                $ljoin['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS namet2'] = [
                    'ON' => [
                        'namet2' => 'items_id',
                        $table   => 'id', [
                            'AND' => [
                                'namet2.itemtype' => $post['itemtype'],
                                'namet2.language' => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                'namet2.field'    => 'name'
            if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], 'comment')) {
                $addselect[] = "commentt.value AS transcomment";
                $ljoin['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS commentt'] = [
                    'ON' => [
                        'commentt'  => 'items_id',
                        $table      => 'id', [
                            'AND' => [
                                'commentt.itemtype'  => $post['itemtype'],
                                'commentt.language'  => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                'commentt.field'     => 'comment'

            if ($start > 0 && $multi) {
               //we want to load last entry of previous page
               //(and therefore one more result) to check if
               //entity name must be displayed again

            $criteria = [
                'SELECT'   => array_merge(["$table.*"], $addselect),
                'DISTINCT' => true,
                'FROM'     => $table,
                'WHERE'    => $where,
                'ORDER'    => $order,
                'START'    => $start,
                'LIMIT'    => $limit
            if (count($ljoin)) {
                $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = $ljoin;
            $iterator = $DB->request($criteria);

           // Empty search text : display first
            if ($post['page'] == 1 && empty($post['searchText'])) {
                if ($post['display_emptychoice']) {
                    $datas[] = [
                        'id' => 0,
                        'text' => $post['emptylabel']

            if ($post['page'] == 1) {
                if (count($toadd)) {
                    foreach ($toadd as $key => $val) {
                        $datas[] = [
                            'id' => $key,
                            'text' => stripslashes($val)
            $last_level_displayed = [];
            $datastoadd           = [];

           // Ignore first item for all pages except first page
            $firstitem = (($post['page'] > 1));
            $firstitem_entity = -1;
            $prev             = -1;
            if (count($iterator)) {
                foreach ($iterator as $data) {
                    $ID    = $data['id'];
                    $level = $data['level'];

                    if (isset($data['transname']) && !empty($data['transname'])) {
                        $outputval = $data['transname'];
                    } else {
                        $outputval = $data['name'];

                    if (
                        && ($data["entities_id"] != $prev)
                    ) {
                       // Do not do it for first item for next page load
                        if (!$firstitem) {
                            if ($prev >= 0) {
                                if (count($datastoadd)) {
                                    $datas[] = [
                                        'text'     => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev),
                                        'children' => $datastoadd,
                                        'itemtype' => "Entity",
                        $prev = $data["entities_id"];
                        if ($firstitem) {
                            $firstitem_entity = $prev;
                       // Reset last level displayed :
                        $datastoadd = [];

                    if ($_SESSION['glpiuse_flat_dropdowntree']) {
                        if (isset($data['transcompletename']) && !empty($data['transcompletename'])) {
                            $outputval = $data['transcompletename'];
                        } else {
                            $outputval = $data['completename'];

                        $outputval = CommonTreeDropdown::sanitizeSeparatorInCompletename($outputval);

                        $level = 0;
                    } else { // Need to check if parent is the good one
                        // Do not do if only get one item
                        if (($level > 1)) {
                           // Last parent is not the good one need to display arbo
                            if (
                                !isset($last_level_displayed[$level - 1])
                                || ($last_level_displayed[$level - 1] != $data[$item->getForeignKeyField()])
                            ) {
                                $work_level    = $level - 1;
                                $work_parentID = $data[$item->getForeignKeyField()];
                                $parent_datas  = [];
                                do {
                               // Get parent
                                    if ($item->getFromDB($work_parentID)) {
                                        // Do not do for first item for next page load
                                        if (!$firstitem) {
                                            $title = $item->fields['completename'];

                                            $title = CommonTreeDropdown::sanitizeSeparatorInCompletename($title);

                                            $selection_text = $title;

                                            if (isset($item->fields["comment"])) {
                                                 = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue(
                                                 $title = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $title, $addcomment);
                                            $output2 = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue(

                                            $temp = ['id'       => $work_parentID,
                                                'text'     => $output2,
                                                'level'    => (int)$work_level,
                                                'disabled' => true
                                            if ($post['permit_select_parent']) {
                                                $temp['title'] = $title;
                                                $temp['selection_text'] = $selection_text;
                                            array_unshift($parent_datas, $temp);
                                        $last_level_displayed[$work_level] = $item->fields['id'];
                                        $work_parentID = $item->fields[$item->getForeignKeyField()];
                                    } else { // Error getting item : stop
                                        $work_level = -1;
                                } while (
                                    ($work_level >= 1)
                                      && (!isset($last_level_displayed[$work_level])
                                      || ($last_level_displayed[$work_level] != $work_parentID))
                              // Add parents
                                foreach ($parent_datas as $val) {
                                    $datastoadd[] = $val;
                        $last_level_displayed[$level] = $data['id'];

                   // Do not do for first item for next page load
                    if (!$firstitem) {
                        if (
                            || (Toolbox::strlen($outputval) == 0)
                        ) {
                            $outputval = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $outputval, $ID);

                        if (isset($data['transcompletename']) && !empty($data['transcompletename'])) {
                            $title = $data['transcompletename'];
                        } else {
                            $title = $data['completename'];

                        $title = CommonTreeDropdown::sanitizeSeparatorInCompletename($title);

                        $selection_text = $title;

                        if (isset($data["comment"])) {
                            if (isset($data['transcomment']) && !empty($data['transcomment'])) {
                                $addcomment = $data['transcomment'];
                            } else {
                                $addcomment = $data['comment'];
                            $title = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $title, $addcomment);
                        $datastoadd[] = [
                            'id' => $ID,
                            'text' => $outputval,
                            'level' => (int)$level,
                            'title' => $title,
                            'selection_text' => $selection_text
                    $firstitem = false;

            if ($multi) {
                if (count($datastoadd)) {
                   // On paging mode do not add entity information each time
                    if ($prev == $firstitem_entity) {
                        $datas = array_merge($datas, $datastoadd);
                    } else {
                        $datas[] = [
                            'text' => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev),
                            'children' => $datastoadd,
                            'itemtype' => "Entity",
            } else {
                if (count($datastoadd)) {
                    $datas = array_merge($datas, $datastoadd);
        } else { // Not a dropdowntree
            $multi = false;
           // No multi if get one item
            if ($item->isEntityAssign()) {
                $multi = $item->maybeRecursive();

                if (isset($post["entity_restrict"]) && !($post["entity_restrict"] < 0)) {
                    $where = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(

                    if (is_array($post["entity_restrict"]) && (count($post["entity_restrict"]) > 1)) {
                        $multi = true;
                } else {
                   // Do not use entity if may be private
                    if (!$item->maybePrivate()) {
                        $where = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, '', '', $multi);

                        if (count($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']) > 1) {
                            $multi = true;
                    } else {
                        $multi = false;

            $field = "name";
            if ($item instanceof CommonDevice) {
                $field = "designation";
            } else if ($item instanceof Item_Devices) {
                $field = "itemtype";

            if (!empty($post['searchText'])) {
                $raw_search     = Search::makeTextSearchValue($post['searchText']);
                $encoded_search = Sanitizer::encodeHtmlSpecialChars($raw_search);

                $orwhere = [
                    ["$table.$field" => ['LIKE', $raw_search]],
                    ["$table.$field" => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]],

                if (
                    && is_numeric($post['searchText']) && (int)$post['searchText'] == $post['searchText']
                ) {
                    $orwhere[$table . '.' . $item->getIndexName()] = ['LIKE', "%{$post['searchText']}%"];

                if ($item instanceof CommonDCModelDropdown) {
                    $orwhere[] = [$table . '.product_number' => ['LIKE', $raw_search]];
                    $orwhere[] = [$table . '.product_number' => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]];

                if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], $field)) {
                    $orwhere[] = ['namet.value' => ['LIKE', $raw_search]];
                    $orwhere[] = ['namet.value' => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]];
                if ($post['itemtype'] == "SoftwareLicense") {
                    $orwhere[] = ['glpi_softwares.name' => ['LIKE', $raw_search]];
                    $orwhere[] = ['glpi_softwares.name' => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]];

               // search also in displaywith columns
                if ($displaywith && count($post['displaywith'])) {
                    foreach ($post['displaywith'] as $with) {
                        $orwhere[] = ["$table.$with" => ['LIKE', $raw_search]];
                        $orwhere[] = ["$table.$with" => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]];

                $where[] = ['OR' => $orwhere];
            $addselect = [];

            if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], $field)) {
                $addselect[] = "namet.value AS transname";
                $ljoin['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS namet'] = [
                    'ON' => [
                        'namet'  => 'items_id',
                        $table   => 'id', [
                            'AND' => [
                                'namet.itemtype'  => $post['itemtype'],
                                'namet.language'  => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                'namet.field'     => $field
            if (Session::haveTranslations($post['itemtype'], 'comment')) {
                $addselect[] = "commentt.value AS transcomment";
                $ljoin['glpi_dropdowntranslations AS commentt'] = [
                    'ON' => [
                        'commentt'  => 'items_id',
                        $table      => 'id', [
                            'AND' => [
                                'commentt.itemtype'  => $post['itemtype'],
                                'commentt.language'  => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'],
                                'commentt.field'     => 'comment'

            $criteria = [];
            switch ($post['itemtype']) {
                case "Contact":
                    $criteria = [
                        'SELECT' => [
                            new \QueryExpression(
                                "CONCAT(IFNULL(" . $DB->quoteName('name') . ",''),' ',IFNULL(" .
                                $DB->quoteName('firstname') . ",'')) AS " . $DB->quoteName($field)
                        'FROM'   => $table

                case "SoftwareLicense":
                    $criteria = [
                        'SELECT' => [
                            new \QueryExpression("CONCAT(glpi_softwares.name,' - ',glpi_softwarelicenses.name) AS $field")
                        'FROM'   => $table,
                        'LEFT JOIN' => [
                            'glpi_softwares'  => [
                                'ON' => [
                                    'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwares_id',
                                    'glpi_softwares'        => 'id'

                case "Profile":
                    $criteria = [
                        'SELECT'          => "$table.*",
                        'DISTINCT'        => true,
                        'FROM'            => $table,
                        'LEFT JOIN'       => [
                            'glpi_profilerights' => [
                                'ON' => [
                                    'glpi_profilerights' => 'profiles_id',
                                    $table               => 'id'

                case KnowbaseItem::getType():
                    $criteria = [
                        'SELECT' => array_merge(["$table.*"], $addselect),
                        'DISTINCT'        => true,
                        'FROM'            => $table
                    if (count($ljoin)) {
                        $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = $ljoin;

                    $visibility = KnowbaseItem::getVisibilityCriteria();
                    if (count($visibility['LEFT JOIN'])) {
                        $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = array_merge(
                            (isset($criteria['LEFT JOIN']) ? $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] : []),
                            $visibility['LEFT JOIN']
                       //Do not use where??
                       /*if (isset($visibility['WHERE'])) {
                         $where = $visibility['WHERE'];

                case Ticket::class:
                    $criteria = [
                        'SELECT' => array_merge(["$table.*"], $addselect),
                        'FROM'   => $table,
                    if (count($ljoin)) {
                        $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = $ljoin;
                    if (!Session::haveRight(Ticket::$rightname, Ticket::READALL)) {
                        $unused_ref = [];
                        $joins_str = Search::addDefaultJoin(Ticket::class, Ticket::getTable(), $unused_ref);
                        if (!empty($joins_str)) {
                            $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = [new QueryExpression($joins_str)];
                        $where[] = new QueryExpression(Search::addDefaultWhere(Ticket::class));

                case Project::getType():
                    $visibility = Project::getVisibilityCriteria();
                    if (count($visibility['LEFT JOIN'])) {
                        $ljoin = array_merge($ljoin, $visibility['LEFT JOIN']);
                        if (isset($visibility['WHERE'])) {
                             $where[] = $visibility['WHERE'];
                   //no break to reach default case.

                    $criteria = [
                        'SELECT' => array_merge(["$table.*"], $addselect),
                        'FROM'   => $table
                    if (count($ljoin)) {
                        $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = $ljoin;

            $criteria = array_merge(
                    'DISTINCT' => true,
                    'WHERE'    => $where,
                    'START'    => $start,
                    'LIMIT'    => $limit

            $order_field = "$table.$field";
            if (isset($post['order']) && !empty($post['order'])) {
                $order_field = $post['order'];
            if ($multi) {
                $criteria['ORDERBY'] = ["$table.entities_id", $order_field];
            } else {
                $criteria['ORDERBY'] = [$order_field];

            $iterator = $DB->request($criteria);

           // Display first if no search
            if ($post['page'] == 1 && empty($post['searchText'])) {
                if (!isset($post['display_emptychoice']) || $post['display_emptychoice']) {
                    $datas[] = [
                        'id' => 0,
                        'text' => $post["emptylabel"]
            if ($post['page'] == 1) {
                if (count($toadd)) {
                    foreach ($toadd as $key => $val) {
                        $datas[] = [
                            'id' => $key,
                            'text' => stripslashes($val)

            $datastoadd = [];

            if (count($iterator)) {
                $prev = -1;

                foreach ($iterator as $data) {
                    if (
                        && ($data["entities_id"] != $prev)
                    ) {
                        if ($prev >= 0) {
                            if (count($datastoadd)) {
                                $datas[] = [
                                    'text'     => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev),
                                    'children' => $datastoadd,
                                    'itemtype' => "Entity",
                        $prev       = $data["entities_id"];
                        $datastoadd = [];

                    if (isset($data['transname']) && !empty($data['transname'])) {
                        $outputval = $data['transname'];
                    } else if ($field == 'itemtype' && class_exists($data['itemtype'])) {
                        $tmpitem = new $data[$field]();
                        if ($tmpitem->getFromDB($data['items_id'])) {
                            $outputval = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $tmpitem->getTypeName(), $tmpitem->getName());
                        } else {
                            $outputval = $tmpitem->getTypeName();
                    } else if ($item instanceof CommonDCModelDropdown) {
                        $outputval = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $data[$field], $data['product_number']);
                    } else {
                        $outputval = $data[$field] ?? "";

                    $ID         = $data['id'];
                    $addcomment = "";
                    $title      = $outputval;
                    if (isset($data["comment"])) {
                        if (isset($data['transcomment']) && !empty($data['transcomment'])) {
                            $addcomment .= $data['transcomment'];
                        } else {
                            $addcomment .= $data["comment"];

                        $title = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $title, $addcomment);
                    if (
                        || (strlen($outputval) == 0)
                    ) {
                       //TRANS: %1$s is the name, %2$s the ID
                        $outputval = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $outputval, $ID);
                    if ($displaywith) {
                        foreach ($post['displaywith'] as $key) {
                            if (isset($data[$key])) {
                                $withoutput = $data[$key];
                                if (isForeignKeyField($key)) {
                                    $withoutput = Dropdown::getDropdownName(
                                if ((strlen($withoutput) > 0) && ($withoutput != '&nbsp;')) {
                                    $outputval = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $outputval, $withoutput);
                    $datastoadd[] = [
                        'id' => $ID,
                        'text' => $outputval,
                        'title' => $title
                if ($multi) {
                    if (count($datastoadd)) {
                        $datas[] = [
                            'text'     => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev),
                            'children' => $datastoadd,
                            'itemtype' => "Entity",
                } else {
                    if (count($datastoadd)) {
                        $datas = array_merge($datas, $datastoadd);

        $ret['results'] = Sanitizer::unsanitize($datas);
        $ret['count']   = $count;

        return ($json === true) ? json_encode($ret) : $ret;

    private static function filterDisplayWith(CommonDBTM $item, array $fields): array
        /** @var \DBmysql $DB */
        global $DB;

        // Filter invalid fields
        $table = $item->getTable();
        foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
            if (!$DB->fieldExists($table, $value)) {

        // Filter sensitive fields in `displaywith`
        // `CommonDBTM::unsetUndisclosedFields()` expects a `$field => $value` format.
        $key_value_fields = array_fill_keys($fields, 0);
        $fields = array_keys($key_value_fields);

        return $fields;

     * Get dropdown connect
     * @param array   $post Posted values
     * @param boolean $json Encode to JSON, default to true
     * @return string|array
    public static function getDropdownConnect($post, $json = true)
         * @var array $CFG_GLPI
         * @var \DBmysql $DB
        global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;

       // check if asked itemtype is the one originaly requested by the form
        if (!Session::validateIDOR($post)) {

        if (!isset($post['fromtype']) || !($fromitem = getItemForItemtype($post['fromtype']))) {

        if (isset($post['entity_restrict'])) {
            $post['entity_restrict'] = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($post['entity_restrict']);

        $used = [];
        if (isset($post["used"])) {
            $used = $post["used"];

            if (isset($used[$post['itemtype']])) {
                $used = $used[$post['itemtype']];
            } else {
                $used = [];

       // Make a select box
        $table = getTableForItemType($post["itemtype"]);
        if (!$item = getItemForItemtype($post['itemtype'])) {

        $where = [];

        if ($item->maybeDeleted()) {
            $where["$table.is_deleted"] = 0;
        if ($item->maybeTemplate()) {
            $where["$table.is_template"] = 0;

        if (isset($post['searchText']) && (strlen($post['searchText']) > 0)) {
            $raw_search     = Search::makeTextSearchValue($post['searchText']);
            $encoded_search = Sanitizer::encodeHtmlSpecialChars($raw_search);
            $where['OR'] = [
                ["$table.name"        => ['LIKE', $raw_search]],
                ["$table.name"        => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]],
                ["$table.otherserial" => ['LIKE', $raw_search]],
                ["$table.otherserial" => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]],
                ["$table.serial"      => ['LIKE', $raw_search]],
                ["$table.serial"      => ['LIKE', $encoded_search]],

        $multi = $item->maybeRecursive();

        if (isset($post["entity_restrict"]) && !($post["entity_restrict"] < 0)) {
            $where = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, '', $post["entity_restrict"], $multi);
            if (is_array($post["entity_restrict"]) && (count($post["entity_restrict"]) > 1)) {
                $multi = true;
        } else {
            $where = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, '', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], $multi);
            if (count($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']) > 1) {
                $multi = true;

        if (!isset($post['page'])) {
            $post['page']       = 1;
            $post['page_limit'] = $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'];

        $start = intval(($post['page'] - 1) * $post['page_limit']);
        $limit = intval($post['page_limit']);

        if (!isset($post['onlyglobal'])) {
            $post['onlyglobal'] = false;

        if (
            && ($post["itemtype"] != 'Computer')
        ) {
            $where["$table.is_global"] = 1;
        } else {
            $where_used = [];
            if (!empty($used)) {
                $where_used[] = ['NOT' => ["$table.id" => $used]];

            if ($post["itemtype"] == 'Computer') {
                $where = $where + $where_used;
            } else {
                $where[] = [
                    'OR' => [
                            'glpi_computers_items.id'  => null
                        ] + $where_used,
                        "$table.is_global"            => 1

        $criteria = [
            'SELECT'          => [
                "$table.name AS name",
                "$table.serial AS serial",
                "$table.otherserial AS otherserial",
                "$table.entities_id AS entities_id"
            'DISTINCT'        => true,
            'FROM'            => $table,
            'WHERE'           => $where,
            'ORDERBY'         => ['entities_id', 'name ASC'],
            'LIMIT'           => $limit,
            'START'           => $start

        if (($post["itemtype"] != 'Computer') && !$post["onlyglobal"]) {
            $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = [
                'glpi_computers_items'  => [
                    'ON' => [
                        $table                  => 'id',
                        'glpi_computers_items'  => 'items_id', [
                            'AND' => [
                                'glpi_computers_items.itemtype'  => $post['itemtype']

        $iterator = $DB->request($criteria);

        $results = [];
       // Display first if no search
        if (empty($post['searchText'])) {
            $results[] = [
                'id' => 0,
                'text' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE
        if (count($iterator)) {
            $prev       = -1;
            $datatoadd = [];

            foreach ($iterator as $data) {
                if ($multi && ($data["entities_id"] != $prev)) {
                    if (count($datatoadd)) {
                        $results[] = [
                            'text' => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev),
                            'children' => $datatoadd
                    $prev = $data["entities_id"];
                    // Reset last level displayed :
                    $datatoadd = [];
                $output = $data['name'];
                $ID     = $data['id'];

                if (
                    || empty($output)
                ) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, $ID);
                if (!empty($data['serial'])) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data["serial"]);
                if (!empty($data['otherserial'])) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data["otherserial"]);
                $datatoadd[] = [
                    'id' => $ID,
                    'text' => $output

            if ($multi) {
                if (count($datatoadd)) {
                    $results[] = [
                        'text' => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev),
                        'children' => $datatoadd
            } else {
                if (count($datatoadd)) {
                    $results = array_merge($results, $datatoadd);

        $ret['results'] = $results;
        return ($json === true) ? json_encode($ret) : $ret;

     * Get dropdown find num
     * @param array   $post Posted values
     * @param boolean $json Encode to JSON, default to true
     * @return string|array
    public static function getDropdownFindNum($post, $json = true)
         * @var array $CFG_GLPI
         * @var \DBmysql $DB
        global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;

       // Security
        if (!$DB->tableExists($post['table'])) {

        $itemtypeisplugin = isPluginItemType($post['itemtype']);

       // check if asked itemtype is the one originaly requested by the form
        if (!Session::validateIDOR($post)) {

        if (!$item = getItemForItemtype($post['itemtype'])) {

        $where = [];
        if (isset($post['used']) && !empty($post['used'])) {
            $where['NOT'] = ['id' => $post['used']];

        if ($item->maybeDeleted()) {
            $where['is_deleted'] = 0;

        if ($item->maybeTemplate()) {
            $where['is_template'] = 0;

        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && (strlen($post['searchText']) > 0)) {
            $search = ['LIKE', Search::makeTextSearchValue($post['searchText'])];
            $orwhere = $item->isField('name') ? [
                'name'   => $search
            ] : [];
            if (is_int($post['searchText']) || (is_string($post['searchText'] && ctype_digit($post['searchText'])))) {
                $orwhere[] = ['id' => $post['searchText']];

            if ($DB->fieldExists($post['table'], "contact")) {
                $orwhere['contact'] = $search;
            if ($DB->fieldExists($post['table'], "serial")) {
                $orwhere['serial'] = $search;
            if ($DB->fieldExists($post['table'], "otherserial")) {
                $orwhere['otherserial'] = $search;
            $where[] = ['OR' => $orwhere];

       // If software or plugins : filter to display only the objects that are allowed to be visible in Helpdesk
        $filterHelpdesk = in_array($post['itemtype'], $CFG_GLPI["helpdesk_visible_types"]);

        if (
            && $post['context'] == "impact"
            && Impact::isEnabled($post['itemtype'])
        ) {
            $filterHelpdesk = false;

        if ($filterHelpdesk) {
            $where['is_helpdesk_visible'] = 1;

        if ($item->isEntityAssign()) {
            if (isset($post["entity_restrict"]) && ($post["entity_restrict"] >= 0)) {
                $entity = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($post['entity_restrict']);
            } else {
                $entity = '';

           // allow opening ticket on recursive object (printer, software, ...)
            $recursive = $item->maybeRecursive();
            $where     = $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($post['table'], '', $entity, $recursive);

        if (!isset($post['page'])) {
            $post['page']       = 1;
            $post['page_limit'] = $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'];

        $start = intval(($post['page'] - 1) * $post['page_limit']);
        $limit = intval($post['page_limit']);

        $iterator = $DB->request([
            'FROM'   => $post['table'],
            'WHERE'  => $where,
            'ORDER'  => $item->getNameField(),
            'LIMIT'  => $limit,
            'START'  => $start

        $results = [];

       // Display first if no search
        if ($post['page'] == 1 && empty($post['searchText'])) {
            $results[] = [
                'id' => 0,
                'text' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE
        $count = 0;
        if (count($iterator)) {
            foreach ($iterator as $data) {
                $output = $data[$item->getNameField()];

                if (isset($data['contact']) && !empty($data['contact'])) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['contact']);
                if (isset($data['serial']) && !empty($data['serial'])) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['serial']);
                if (isset($data['otherserial']) && !empty($data['otherserial'])) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $data['otherserial']);

                if (
                    || $_SESSION['glpiis_ids_visible']
                ) {
                    $output = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $output, $data['id']);

                $results[] = [
                    'id' => $data['id'],
                    'text' => $output

        $ret['count']   = $count;
        $ret['results'] = $results;

        return ($json === true) ? json_encode($ret) : $ret;

     * Get dropdown number
     * @param array   $post Posted values
     * @param boolean $json Encode to JSON, default to true
     * @return string|array
    public static function getDropdownNumber($post, $json = true)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        $used = [];

        if (isset($post['used'])) {
            $used = $post['used'];

        if (!isset($post['value'])) {
            $post['value'] = 0;

        if (!isset($post['page'])) {
            $post['page']       = 1;
            $post['page_limit'] = $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'];

        if (isset($post['toadd'])) {
            $toadd = $post['toadd'];
        } else {
            $toadd = [];

        $data = [];
       // Count real items returned
        $count = 0;

        if ($post['page'] == 1) {
            if (count($toadd)) {
                foreach ($toadd as $key => $val) {
                    $data[] = ['id' => $key,
                        'text' => (string)stripslashes($val)

        $values = [];

        if (!isset($post['min'])) {
            $post['min'] = 1;

        if (!isset($post['step'])) {
            $post['step'] = 1;

        if (!isset($post['max'])) {
           //limit max entries to avoid loop issues
            $post['max'] = $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'] * $post['step'];

        for ($i = $post['min']; $i <= $post['max']; $i += $post['step']) {
            if (!empty($post['searchText']) && strstr($i, $post['searchText']) || empty($post['searchText'])) {
                if (!in_array($i, $used)) {
                    $values["$i"] = $i;

        if (count($values)) {
            $start  = ($post['page'] - 1) * $post['page_limit'];
            $tosend = array_splice($values, $start, $post['page_limit']);
            foreach ($tosend as $i) {
                $txt = $i;
                if (isset($post['unit'])) {
                    $decimals = Toolbox::isFloat($i) ? Toolbox::getDecimalNumbers($post['step']) : 0;
                    $txt = Dropdown::getValueWithUnit($i, $post['unit'], $decimals);
                $data[] = ['id' => $i,
                    'text' => (string)$txt
        } else {
            if (!isset($toadd[-1])) {
                $value = -1;
                if (isset($post['min']) && $value < $post['min']) {
                    $value = $post['min'];
                } else if (isset($post['max']) && $value > $post['max']) {
                    $value = $post['max'];

                $txt = $value;
                if (isset($post['unit'])) {
                    $decimals = Toolbox::isFloat($value) ? Toolbox::getDecimalNumbers($post['step']) : 0;
                    $txt = Dropdown::getValueWithUnit($value, $post['unit'], $decimals);
                $data[] = [
                    'id' => $value,
                    'text' => (string)stripslashes($txt)

        $ret['results'] = $data;
        $ret['count']   = $count;

        return ($json === true) ? json_encode($ret) : $ret;

     * Get dropdown users
     * @param array   $post Posted values
     * @param boolean $json Encode to JSON, default to true
     * @return string|array
    public static function getDropdownUsers($post, $json = true)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

       // check if asked itemtype is the one originaly requested by the form
        if (!Session::validateIDOR($post + ['itemtype' => 'User', 'right' => ($post['right'] ?? "")])) {

        if (!isset($post['right'])) {
            $post['right'] = "all";

       // Default view : Nobody
        if (!isset($post['all'])) {
            $post['all'] = 0;

        if (!isset($post['display_emptychoice'])) {
            $post['display_emptychoice'] = 1;

        $used = [];

        if (isset($post['used'])) {
            $used = $post['used'];

        if (!isset($post['value'])) {
            $post['value'] = 0;

        if (!isset($post['page'])) {
            $post['page']       = 1;
            $post['page_limit'] = $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'];

        if (isset($post['_one_id']) && $post['_one_id'] > 0) {
            $user = new User();
            $result = [$user->fields];
        } else {
            $entity_restrict = -1;
            if (isset($post['entity_restrict'])) {
                $entity_restrict = Toolbox::jsonDecode($post['entity_restrict']);
                $entity_restrict = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($entity_restrict);

            $start  = intval(($post['page'] - 1) * $post['page_limit']);
            $searchText = (isset($post['searchText']) ? $post['searchText'] : null);
            $inactive_deleted = isset($post['inactive_deleted']) ? $post['inactive_deleted'] : 0;
            $with_no_right = isset($post['with_no_right']) ? $post['with_no_right'] : 0;
            $result = User::getSqlSearchResult(

        $users = [];

       // Count real items returned
        $count = 0;
        $logins = [];
        if (count($result)) {
            foreach ($result as $data) {
                $users[$data["id"]] = formatUserName(
                $logins[$data["id"]] = $data["name"];

        $results = [];

       // Display first if empty search
        if ($post['page'] == 1 && empty($post['searchText'])) {
            if ($post['all'] == 0 && $post['display_emptychoice']) {
                $results[] = [
                    'id' => 0,
                    'text' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE
            } else if ($post['all'] == 1) {
                $results[] = [
                    'id' => 0,
                    'text' => __('All')

        foreach ($post['toadd'] ?? [] as $toadd) {
            $results[] = $toadd;

        if (count($users)) {
            foreach ($users as $ID => $output) {
                $title = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $output, $logins[$ID]);

                $results[] = [
                    'id' => $ID,
                    'text' => $output,
                    'title' => $title

        $ret['results'] = $results;
        $ret['count']   = $count;

        return ($json === true) ? json_encode($ret) : $ret;

    public static function getDropdownActors($post, $json = true)
        /** @var array $CFG_GLPI */
        global $CFG_GLPI;

        if (!Session::validateIDOR($post)) {

        $defaults = [
            'actortype'          => 'requester',
            'users_right'        => 'all',
            'used'               => [],
            'value'              => 0,
            'page'               => 1,
            'inactive_deleted'   => 0,
            'searchText'         => null,
            'itiltemplate_class' => 'TicketTemplate',
            'itiltemplates_id'   => 0,
            'returned_itemtypes' => ['User', 'Group', 'Supplier'],
            'page_limit'         => $CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'],
        $post = array_merge($defaults, $post);

        $entity_restrict = -1;
        if (isset($post['entity_restrict'])) {
            $entity_restrict = Toolbox::jsonDecode($post['entity_restrict']);
            $entity_restrict = Session::getMatchingActiveEntities($entity_restrict);

       // prevent instanciation of bad classes
        if (!is_subclass_of($post['itiltemplate_class'], 'ITILTemplate')) {
            return false;
        $template = new $post['itiltemplate_class']();
        $template->getFromDBWithData((int) $post['itiltemplates_id']);

        $results = [];

        if (
            && in_array('User', $post['returned_itemtypes'])
        ) {
            $users_iterator = User::getSqlSearchResult(
            foreach ($users_iterator as $ID => $user) {
                $text = formatUserName($user["id"], $user["name"], $user["realname"], $user["firstname"]);

                $results[] = [
                    'id'                => "User_$ID",
                    'text'              => $text,
                    'title'             => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $text, $user['name']),
                    'itemtype'          => "User",
                    'items_id'          => $ID,
                    'use_notification'  => strlen($user['default_email'] ?? "") > 0 ? 1 : 0,
                    'default_email'     => $user['default_email'],
                    'alternative_email' => '',

        if (
            && in_array('Group', $post['returned_itemtypes'])
        ) {
            $cond = ['is_requester' => 1];
            if ($post["actortype"] == 'assign') {
                $cond = ['is_assign' => 1];
            if ($post["actortype"] == 'observer') {
                $cond = ['is_watcher' => 1];
            $post['condition'] = static::addNewCondition($cond);

            // Bypass checks, idor token validation has already been made earlier in method
            $group_idor = Session::getNewIDORToken('Group', ['entity_restrict' => $entity_restrict, 'condition' => $post['condition']]);

            $groups = Dropdown::getDropdownValue([
                'itemtype'            => 'Group',
                '_idor_token'         => $group_idor,
                'display_emptychoice' => false,
                'searchText'          => $post['searchText'],
                'entity_restrict'     => $entity_restrict,
                'condition'           => $post['condition'],
            ], false);
            foreach ($groups['results'] as $group) {
                if (isset($group['children'])) {
                    foreach ($group['children'] as &$children) {
                        $children['items_id'] = $children['id'];
                        $children['id']       = "Group_" . $children['id'];
                        $children['itemtype'] = "Group";

                $results[] = $group;

       // extract entities from groups (present in special `text` key)
        $possible_entities = array_column($results, "text");

        if (
            $post["actortype"] == 'assign'
            && !$template->isHiddenField("_suppliers_id_{$post['actortype']}")
            && in_array('Supplier', $post['returned_itemtypes'])
        ) {
            // Bypass checks, idor token validation has already been made earlier in method
            $supplier_idor = Session::getNewIDORToken('Supplier', ['entity_restrict' => $entity_restrict]);

            $suppliers    = Dropdown::getDropdownValue([
                'itemtype'            => 'Supplier',
                '_idor_token'         => $supplier_idor,
                'display_emptychoice' => false,
                'searchText'          => $post['searchText'],
                'entity_restrict'     => $entity_restrict,
            ], false);
            foreach ($suppliers['results'] as $supplier) {
                if (isset($supplier['children'])) {
                    foreach ($supplier['children'] as &$children) {
                        $supplier_obj = new Supplier();

                        $children['items_id']          = $children['id'];
                        $children['id']                = "Supplier_" . $children['id'];
                        $children['itemtype']          = "Supplier";
                        $children['use_notification']  = strlen($supplier_obj->fields['email']) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                        $children['default_email']     = $supplier_obj->fields['email'];
                        $children['alternative_email'] = '';

                // if the entity is already present in groups result, append data to its children
                $entity = $supplier['text'];
                if ($entity_index = array_search($entity, $possible_entities)) {
                    if ($results[$entity_index]['itemtype'] == "Entity") {
                        $results[$entity_index]['children'] = array_merge($results[$entity_index]['children'], $supplier['children']);
                } else {
                 // otherwise create a new entry
                    $results[] = $supplier;

        // permits hooks to alter actors list
        $hook_results = Plugin::doHookFunction(Hooks::FILTER_ACTORS, [
            'actors' => $results,
            'params' => $post,

        $results = $hook_results['actors'] ?? [];
        $total_results = count($results);

        $start = ($post['page'] - 1) * $post['page_limit'];
        $results = array_slice($results, $start, $post['page_limit']);

        $return = [
            'results' => $results,
            'count'   => count($results),
        if (count($results) >= $post['page_limit']) {
            $return['pagination'] = [
                'more' => true,

        return ($json === true)
         ? json_encode($return)
         : $return;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0