Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/Application/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/src/Application/ErrorHandler.php |
<?php /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique * * http://glpi-project.org * * @copyright 2015-2024 Teclib' and contributors. * @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. * @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LICENSE * * This file is part of GLPI. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace Glpi\Application; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Twig\Error\Error; /** * @since 9.5.0 */ class ErrorHandler { /** * Map between error codes and log levels. * * @var array */ const ERROR_LEVEL_MAP = [ E_ERROR => LogLevel::CRITICAL, E_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_PARSE => LogLevel::ALERT, E_NOTICE => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_CORE_ERROR => LogLevel::CRITICAL, E_CORE_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR => LogLevel::ALERT, E_COMPILE_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_USER_ERROR => LogLevel::ERROR, E_USER_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_STRICT => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => LogLevel::ERROR, E_DEPRECATED => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_USER_DEPRECATED => LogLevel::NOTICE, ]; /** * Fatal errors list. * * @var array */ const FATAL_ERRORS = [ E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, ]; /** * Exit code to use on shutdown. * * @var int|null */ private $exit_code = null; /** * Flag to indicate if error should be forwarded to PHP internal error handler. * * @var boolean */ private $forward_to_internal_handler = true; /** * Logger instance. * * @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; /** * Last fatal error trace. * * @var string */ private $last_fatal_trace; /** * Indicates wether output is disabled. * * @var bool */ private $output_disabled = false; /** * Indicates wether output is suspended (temporarly disabled). * * @var bool */ private $output_suspended = false; /** * Output handler to use. If not set, output will be directly echoed on a format depending on * execution context (Web VS CLI). * * @var OutputInterface|null */ private $output_handler; /** * Reserved memory that will be used in case of an "out of memory" error. * * @var string */ private $reserved_memory; /** * @param LoggerInterface|null $logger */ public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger = null) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Return singleton instance of self. * * @return ErrorHandler */ public static function getInstance(): ErrorHandler { static $instance = null; if ($instance === null) { /** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $PHPLOGGER */ global $PHPLOGGER; $instance = new self($PHPLOGGER); } return $instance; } /** * Enable output. * * @return void */ public function enableOutput(): void { $this->output_disabled = false; } /** * Disable output. * * @return void */ public function disableOutput(): void { $this->output_disabled = true; } /** * Suspend output. * * @return void */ public function suspendOutput(): void { $this->output_suspended = true; } /** * Take away output suspension. * * @return void */ public function unsuspendOutput(): void { $this->output_suspended = false; } /** * Defines output handler. * * @param OutputInterface $output_handler * * @return void */ public function setOutputHandler(OutputInterface $output_handler): void { $this->output_handler = $output_handler; } /** * Register error handler callbacks. * * @return void */ public function register(): void { set_error_handler([$this, 'handleError']); set_exception_handler([$this, 'handleException']); register_shutdown_function([$this, 'handleFatalError']); $this->reserved_memory = str_repeat('x', 50 * 1024); // reserve 50 kB of memory space } /** * Error handler. * * @param integer $error_code * @param string $error_message * @param string $filename * @param integer $line_number * * @return boolean */ public function handleError(int $error_code, string $error_message, string $filename, int $line_number) { // Have to false to forward to PHP internal error handler. $return = !$this->forward_to_internal_handler; $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); array_shift($trace); // Remove current method from trace $error_trace = $this->getTraceAsString($trace); if (in_array($error_code, self::FATAL_ERRORS)) { // Fatal errors are handled by shutdown function // (as some are not recoverable and cannot be handled here). // Store backtrace to be able to use it there. $this->last_fatal_trace = $error_trace; return $return; } if (!(error_reporting() & $error_code)) { // Do not handle error if '@' operator is used on errored expression // see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php return $return; } $error_type = sprintf( 'PHP %s (%s)', $this->codeToString($error_code), $error_code ); $error_description = sprintf( '%s in %s at line %s', $error_message, $filename, $line_number ); $log_level = self::ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[$error_code]; $this->logErrorMessage($error_type, $error_description, $error_trace, $log_level); $this->outputDebugMessage($error_type, $error_description, $log_level); return $return; } /** * Twig error handler. * * This handler is manually called by application when an error occurred during Twig template rendering. * * @param \Twig\Error\Error $error * * @return void */ public function handleTwigError(Error $error): void { $context = $error->getSourceContext(); $error_type = sprintf( 'Twig Error (%s)', get_class($error) ); $error_description = sprintf( '"%s" in %s at line %s', $error->getRawMessage(), $context !== null ? sprintf('template "%s"', $context->getPath()) : 'unknown template', $error->getTemplateLine() ); $error_trace = $this->getTraceAsString($error->getTrace()); $log_level = self::ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[E_ERROR]; $this->logErrorMessage($error_type, $error_description, $error_trace, $log_level); $this->outputDebugMessage($error_type, $error_description, $log_level, isCommandLine()); } /** * SQL error handler. * * This handler is manually called by application when a SQL error occurred. * * @param integer $error_code * @param string $error_message * @param string $query * * @return void */ public function handleSqlError(int $error_code, string $error_message, string $query) { $this->outputDebugMessage( sprintf('SQL Error "%s"', $error_code), sprintf('%s in query "%s"', $error_message, preg_replace('/\\n/', ' ', $query)), self::ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[E_USER_ERROR], isCommandLine() ); } /** * SQL warnings handler. * * This handler is manually called by application when warnings are triggered by a SQL query. * * @param string[] $warnings * @param string $query * * @return void */ public function handleSqlWarnings(array $warnings, string $query) { $message = "\n" . implode( "\n", array_map( function ($warning) { return sprintf('%s: %s', $warning['Code'], $warning['Message']); }, $warnings ) ) . "\n" . sprintf('in query "%s"', $query); $this->outputDebugMessage('SQL Warnings', $message, self::ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[E_USER_WARNING]); } /** * Exception handler. * * This handler is called by PHP prior to exiting, when an Exception is not catched, * or manually called by the application to log exception details. * * @param \Throwable $exception * @param bool $quiet * * @return void */ public function handleException(\Throwable $exception, bool $quiet = false): void { $this->exit_code = 255; $error_type = sprintf( 'Uncaught Exception %s', get_class($exception) ); $error_description = sprintf( '%s in %s at line %s', $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine() ); $error_trace = $this->getTraceAsString($exception->getTrace()); $log_level = self::ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[E_ERROR]; $this->logErrorMessage($error_type, $error_description, $error_trace, $log_level); if (!$quiet) { $this->outputDebugMessage($error_type, $error_description, $log_level, isCommandLine()); } } /** * Handle fatal errors. * * @retun void */ public function handleFatalError(): void { // Free reserved memory to be able to handle "out of memory" errors $this->reserved_memory = null; $error = error_get_last(); if ($error && in_array($error['type'], self::FATAL_ERRORS)) { $this->exit_code = 255; $error_type = sprintf( 'PHP %s (%s)', $this->codeToString($error['type']), $error['type'] ); $error_description = sprintf( '%s in %s at line %s', $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line'] ); // debug_backtrace is not available in shutdown function // so get stored trace if any exists $error_trace = $this->last_fatal_trace ?? ''; $log_level = self::ERROR_LEVEL_MAP[$error['type']]; $this->logErrorMessage($error_type, $error_description, $error_trace, $log_level); $this->outputDebugMessage($error_type, $error_description, $log_level); } if ($this->exit_code !== null) { // If an exit code is defined, register a shutdown function that will be called after // thoose that are already defined, in order to exit the script with the correct code. $exit_code = $this->exit_code; register_shutdown_function( 'register_shutdown_function', static function () use ($exit_code) { exit($exit_code); } ); } } /** * Defines if errors should be forward to PHP internal error handler. * * @param bool $forward_to_internal_handler * * @return void */ public function setForwardToInternalHandler(bool $forward_to_internal_handler): void { $this->forward_to_internal_handler = $forward_to_internal_handler; } /** * Log message related to error. * * @param string $type * @param string $description * @param string $trace * @param string $log_level * * @return void */ private function logErrorMessage(string $type, string $description, string $trace, string $log_level): void { if (!($this->logger instanceof LoggerInterface)) { return; } try { $this->logger->log( $log_level, ' *** ' . $type . ': ' . $description . (!empty($trace) ? "\n" . $trace : '') ); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->outputDebugMessage( 'Error', 'An error has occurred, but the trace of this error could not recorded because of a problem accessing the log file.', LogLevel::CRITICAL, true ); } } /** * Output debug message related to error. * * @param string $error_type * @param string $message * @param string $log_level * @param boolean $force * * @return void */ private function outputDebugMessage(string $error_type, string $message, string $log_level, bool $force = false): void { if ($this->output_disabled || $this->output_suspended) { return; } $is_debug_mode = isset($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode']) && $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == \Session::DEBUG_MODE; $is_console_context = $this->output_handler instanceof OutputInterface; if ((!$force && !$is_debug_mode && !$is_console_context) || isAPI()) { return; } if ($this->output_handler instanceof OutputInterface) { $format = 'comment'; switch ($log_level) { case LogLevel::EMERGENCY: case LogLevel::ALERT: case LogLevel::CRITICAL: case LogLevel::ERROR: $format = 'error'; $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET; break; case LogLevel::WARNING: $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL; break; case LogLevel::NOTICE: case LogLevel::INFO: default: $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE; break; case LogLevel::DEBUG: $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE; break; } $message = $error_type . ': ' . $message; if (null !== $format) { $message = sprintf('<%1$s>%2$s</%1$s>', $format, $message); } $this->output_handler->writeln($message, $verbosity); } else if (!isCommandLine()) { echo '<div class="alert alert-important alert-danger glpi-debug-alert" style="z-index:10000">' . '<span class="b">' . $error_type . ': </span>' . $message . '</div>'; } else { echo $error_type . ': ' . $message . "\n"; } } /** * Get error type as string from error code. * * @param int $error_code * * @return string */ private function codeToString(int $error_code): string { $map = [ E_ERROR => 'Error', E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_PARSE => 'Parsing Error', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error', E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning', E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice', E_STRICT => 'Runtime Notice', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Catchable Fatal Error', E_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated function', E_USER_DEPRECATED => 'User deprecated function', ]; return $map[$error_code] ?? 'Unknown error'; } /** * Get trace as string. * * @param array $trace * * @return string */ private function getTraceAsString(array $trace): string { if (empty($trace)) { return ''; } $message = " Backtrace :\n"; foreach ($trace as $item) { $script = ($item['file'] ?? '') . ':' . ($item['line'] ?? ''); if (strpos($script, GLPI_ROOT) === 0) { $script = substr($script, strlen(GLPI_ROOT) + 1); } if (strlen($script) > 50) { $script = '...' . substr($script, -47); } else { $script = str_pad($script, 50); } $call = ($item['class'] ?? '') . ($item['type'] ?? '') . ($item['function'] ?? ''); if (!empty($call)) { $call .= '()'; } $message .= " $script $call\n"; } return $message; } }