Direktori : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/plugins/dashboard/front/inc/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/plugins/dashboard/front/inc/notifica.php |
<?php $sql = " SELECT COUNT(gt.id) AS total FROM glpi_tickets_users gtu, glpi_tickets gt WHERE gtu.users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." AND gtu.type = 2 AND gt.is_deleted = 0 AND gt.id = gtu.tickets_id" ; $resulta = $DB->query($sql); $abertos = $DB->result($resulta,0,'total'); //$abertos = $data; $init = $abertos - 1; $query_u = " INSERT IGNORE INTO glpi_plugin_dashboard_notify (users_id, quant, type) VALUES ('". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ."', '" . $init ."', '0' ) "; $result_u = $DB->query($query_u); $query = "SELECT users_id, quant, type FROM glpi_plugin_dashboard_notify WHERE users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." AND type = 0 " ; $result = $DB->query($query); $user = $DB->result($result,0,'users_id'); $atual = $DB->result($result,0,'quant'); $type = $DB->result($result,0,'type'); $dif = $abertos - $atual; /* if(isset($_REQUEST['tic']) && $_REQUEST['tic'] == 1 ) { $passo = $abertos - ($dif - 1); //update tickets count //function apaga() { $query_up = "UPDATE glpi_plugin_dashboard_notify SET quant=". $passo ." WHERE users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." "; $result_up = $DB->query($query_up); //} } */ if($abertos > $atual) { if($dif >= 5) { $dif = 5; } $queryc = "SELECT gt.id AS id, gt.name AS name FROM glpi_tickets_users gtu, glpi_tickets gt WHERE gtu.users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." AND gtu.type = 2 AND gt.is_deleted = 0 AND gt.id = gtu.tickets_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ".$dif." "; $res = $DB->query($queryc); $conta_ticket1 = array(); while($row = $DB->fetchAssoc($res)) { $conta_ticket1[] = $row['id']; } $conta_ticket = count($conta_ticket1); } /* //followup notification $query_n = "SELECT refresh_ticket_list AS refresh FROM glpi_configs"; $result_n = $DB->query($query_n); $refresh = $DB->result($result_n,0,'refresh') * 5; //$refresh = 5; $queryf = "SELECT DISTINCT gtf.tickets_id AS id, gtu.users_id, gtf.content AS name, date_format(gtf.date,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%i') AS data FROM glpi_itilfollowups gtf, glpi_tickets_users gtu WHERE date BETWEEN DATE_ADD( NOW() , INTERVAL -".$refresh." MINUTE ) AND NOW() AND gtf.tickets_id = gtu.tickets_id AND gtu.users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." "; $resultf = $DB->query($queryf); while($row = $DB->fetchAssoc($resultf)) { $conta_follow1[] = $row['id']; } */ //followups $queryn = "SELECT COUNT(gtf.id) AS total FROM glpi_itilfollowups gtf, glpi_tickets_users gtu WHERE gtf.tickets_id = gtu.tickets_id AND gtu.type = 2 AND gtu.users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." "; $resultf = $DB->query($queryn); //$resultan = $DB->query($queryn); $abertosn = $DB->result($resultf,0,'total'); //$abertos = $data; $initn = $abertosn - 1; $query_un = " INSERT IGNORE INTO glpi_plugin_dashboard_notify (users_id, quant, type) VALUES ('". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ."', '" . $initn ."', '1' ) "; $result_un = $DB->query($query_un); $queryn1 = "SELECT users_id, quant, type FROM glpi_plugin_dashboard_notify WHERE users_id = ". $_SESSION['glpiID'] ." AND type = 1 " ; $resultn1 = $DB->query($queryn1); $usern = $DB->result($resultn1,0,'users_id'); $atualn = $DB->result($resultn1,0,'quant'); $typen = $DB->result($resultn1,0,'type'); $difn = $abertosn - $atualn; if($abertosn > $atualn) { if($difn >= 5) { $difn = 5; } $queryc = "SELECT DISTINCT gt.id AS id, gt.name AS name, gtf.content AS content FROM glpi_tickets_users gtu, glpi_tickets gt, glpi_itilfollowups gtf WHERE gtu.users_id = ".$_SESSION['glpiID']." AND gtf.tickets_id = gtu.tickets_id AND gtu.type = 2 AND gt.is_deleted = 0 AND gt.id = gtu.tickets_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ".$difn." "; $resn = $DB->query($queryc); $conta_follow1 = array(); while($row = $DB->fetchAssoc($resn)) { $conta_follow1[] = $row['id']; } $conta_follow = count($conta_follow1); } //$conta_follow = count($conta_follow1); $total_notif = $conta_ticket + $conta_follow; echo " <div class='collapse navbar-collapse' id='bs-example-navbar-collapse-1'> <ul class='nav navbar-nav navbar-right navbar-top-links'> <ul class='nav navbar-top-links ' > <li class='dropdown'> <a href='#' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' href='#'><i class='fa fa-bell fa-fw faa-ring animated-hover' style='color:#fff;'></i> <span class='caret' style='color:#fff;'></span></a> "; if($total_notif != 0) { echo "<span class='badge badge-info'>". $total_notif ."</span>"; } echo " <ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu'> <li style='background:#f2f2f2;'><a href='#'><b>" . _n('Notification','Notifications',2). "</b></a></li> <li class='divider'></li> "; if($abertos > $atual) { $DB->dataSeek($res, 0); while($row = $DB->fetchAssoc($res)) { $titulo = "<b>". __('New ticket')."</b>"; $text = "<b>".$row['id']."</b> - ".$row['name']; //echo '<li><a href="http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'/glpi/front/ticket.form.php?id='.$row['id'].'" target="_blank" onclick="location.href=\'./inc/update.php?usr='.$user.'&ab='.$abertos.'&dif='.$dif.'&type='.$type.'\' "><i style="color:green" class="fa fa-ticket" ></i> ' .$titulo."<br>".$text. '</a></li><li class="divider"></li>'; echo '<li><span class="delete"><a href="./inc/del.php?usr='.$user.'&ab='.$abertos.'&dif='.$dif.'&type='.$type.' "><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a></span> <div id="del"> <a href="http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'/glpi/front/ticket.form.php?id='.$row['id'].'" target="_blank" onclick="location.href=\'./inc/update.php?usr='.$user.'&ab='.$abertos.'&dif='.$dif.'&type='.$type.'\' "><i style="color:green" class="fa fa-ticket"></i> ' .$titulo."<br> ".$text. '</a> </div></li><li class="divider"></li>'; } } //follow if($conta_follow != 0 ) { $DB->dataSeek($resn, 0); while($row = $DB->fetchAssoc($resn)) { $titulo = "<b>" .__('New followup') . "</b>"; $text = "<b>".$row['id']."</b> - ". substr($row['content'],0,50); //echo '<li><a href="http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'/glpi/front/ticket.form.php?id='.$row['id'].'" target="_blank"><i style="color:orange" class="fa fa-envelope"></i> ' .$titulo."<br>".$text. '</a></li><li class="divider"></li>'; echo '<li><span class="delete"><a href="./inc/del.php?usr='.$usern.'&ab='.$abertosn.'&dif='.$difn.'&type='.$typen.' "><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a></span> <div id="del"> <a href="http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'/glpi/front/ticket.form.php?id='.$row['id'].'" target="_blank" onclick="location.href=\'./inc/update.php?usr='.$usern.'&ab='.$abertosn.'&dif='.$difn.'&type='.$typen.'\' "><i style="color:orange" class="fa fa-envelope"></i> ' .$titulo."<br> ".$text. '</a> </div></li><li class="divider"></li>'; } } echo " </ul> </li> </ul> </ul> </div> "; ?>