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Current File : /var/www/projetos/suporte.iigd.com.br/CHANGELOG.md |
# GLPI changes The present file will list all changes made to the project; according to the [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) project. ## [10.0.16] unreleased ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.15] 2024-04-24 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.14] 2024-03-14 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.13] 2024-03-13 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes - `condition` and `displaywith` parameters must now be added in IDOR token creation data when they are not empty. #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.12] 2024-02-01 ### Added ### Changed - Permissions for historical data and system logs (Administration > Logs) are now managed by "Historical (READ)" and "System Logs (READ)" respectively. ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated - `Entity::cleanEntitySelectorCache()` no longer has any effect as the entity selector is no longer cached as a unique entry #### Removed ## [10.0.11] 2023-12-13 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated - Usage of the `DBmysql::query()` method is deprecated, for security reasons, as it is most of the time used in an insecure way. To execute DB queries, either `DBmysql::request()` can be used to craft query using the GLPI query builder, either `DBmysql::doQuery()` can be used for safe queries to execute DB query using a self-crafted SQL string. This deprecation will not trigger any error, unless the `GLPI_STRICT_DEPRECATED` constant is set to `true`, to avoid cluttering error logs. #### Removed ## [10.0.10] 2023-09-25 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.9] 2023-07-11 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.8] 2023-07-05 ### Added - Unified Debug bar feature has been added to display debug information in the browser as a replacement and expansion on the previous, individual debug panels. ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed - Debug panels and the toggle button to show/hide the primary debug panel that was next to the current user's name in the top right corner of the screen have been removed. - `debug_tabs` plugin hook ### API changes #### Added - `CommonDBTM::getMessageReferenceEvent()` method that can be overridden to tweak notifications grouping in mail clients. #### Changes #### Deprecated - `Html::displayDebugInfo()` method no longer has any effect. The functionality was replaced by the new Debug Bar feature. - `Hooks::DEBUG_TABS` - `$TIMER_DEBUG` global variable. - `$DEBUG_SQL` global variable. - `$SQL_TOTAL_REQUEST` global variable. - `$DEBUG_SQL` global variable. - `$CFG_GLPI['debug_sql']` configuration option. - `$CFG_GLPI['debug_vars']` configuration option. - Usage of parameter `$clean` in `AuthLDAP::getObjectByDn()` and `AuthLDAP::getUserByDn()`. #### Removed ## [10.0.7] 2023-04-05 ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes - Itemtype that can be linked to a disk are now declared in `$CFG_GLPI['disk_types']`. #### Deprecated - `Glpi\Inventory\Conf::importFile()` - `RSSFeed::showDiscoveredFeeds()` - `Toolbox::checkValidReferer()` #### Removed ## [10.0.6] 2023-01-24 ### Added ### Changed - `glpi:` command prefix has been removed from console commands canonical name. ### Deprecated ### Removed ### API changes #### Added #### Changes #### Deprecated #### Removed ## [10.0.5] 2022-11-04 ## [10.0.4] 2022-11-03 ## [10.0.3] 2022-09-14 ### API changes #### Added - `CommonDBTM::pre_addToDB()` added. #### Removed ## [10.0.2] 2022-06-28 ## [10.0.1] 2022-06-02 ### Changed - PDF export library has been changed back from `mPDF` to `TCPDF`. ### Removed - Gantt feature has been moved into the `gantt` plugin. ### API changes #### Added - `plugin_xxx_activate()` and `plugin_xxx_deactivate` hooks support. #### Changes - `Glpi\Api\Api::initEndpoint()` visibility changed to `protected`. #### Removed - `GlpiGantt` javascript helper and `dhtmlx-gantt` library. - `Glpi\Gantt` namespace and all corresponding classes. - `Project::getDataToDisplayOnGantt()` - `Project::showGantt()` - `ProjectTask::getDataToDisplayOnGantt()` - `ProjectTask::getDataToDisplayOnGanttForProject()` ## [10.0.0] 2022-04-20 ### Added - Added UUID to all other itemtypes that are related to Operating Systems (Phones, Printers, etc) - Added a button to the General > System configuration tab to copy the system information ### Changed - APCu and WinCache are not anymore use by GLPI, use `php bin/console cache:configure` command to configure cache system. - PDF export library has been changed from `TCPDF` to `mPDF`. - The search engine and search results page now support sorting by multiple fields. - The search result lists now refresh/update without triggering a full page reload. - Replaced user-facing cases of master/slave usage replaced with main/replica. ### Deprecated - Usage of XML-RPC API is deprecated. - The database "slaves" property in the status checker (/status.php and glpi:system:status) is deprecated. Use "replicas" instead, - The database "master" property in the status checker (/status.php and glpi:system:status) is deprecated. Use "main" instead, ### Removed - Autocomplete feature on text fields. - Usage of alternative DB connection encoding (`DB::$dbenc` property). - Deprecated `scripts/ldap_mass_sync.php` has been removed in favor of `glpi:ldap:synchronize_users` command available using `bin/console` - Deprecated `scripts/compute_dictionary.php` has been removed in favor of `glpi:rules:replay_dictionnary_rules` command available using `bin/console` - Deprecated `scripts/softcat_mass_compute.php` has been removed in favor of `glpi:rules:process_software_category_rules` command available using `bin/console` ### API changes #### Added - Added `DBMysql::setSavepoint()` to create savepoints within a transaction. - Added `CommonDBTM::showForm()` to have a generic showForm for asset (based on a twig template). #### Changes - MySQL warnings are now logged in SQL errors log. - `Guzzle` library has been upgraded to version 7.4. - `Symfony\Console` library has been upgraded to version 5.4. - `CommonGLPI` constructor signature has been declared in an interface (`CommonGLPIInterface`). - `DBmysqlIterator` class compliancy with `Iterator` has been fixed (i.e. `DBmysqlIterator::next()` does not return current row anymore). - `Domain` class inheritance changed from `CommonDropdown` to `CommonDBTM`. - `showForm()` method of all classes inheriting `CommonDBTM` have been changed to match `CommonDBTM::showForm()` signature. - Format of `Message-Id` header sent in Tickets notifications changed to match format used by other items. - Added `DB::truncate()` to replace raw SQL queries - Impact context `positions` field type changed from `TEXT` to `MEDIUMTEXT` - Field `date` of KnowbaseItem has been renamed to `date_creation`. - Field `date_creation` of KnowbaseItem_Revision has been renamed to `date`. - Field `date_creation` of NetworkPortConnectionLog has been renamed to `date`. - Field `date` of Notepad has been renamed to `date_creation`. - Field `date_mod` of ObjectLock has been renamed to `date`. - Field `date` of ProjectTask has been renamed to `date_creation`. - Table `glpi_netpoints` has been renamed to `glpi_sockets`. - `GLPI_FORCE_EMPTY_SQL_MODE` constant has been removed in favor of `GLPI_DISABLE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY_SQL_MODE` usage. - `CommonDBTM::clone()`, `CommonDBTM::prepareInputForClone()` and `CommonDBTM::post_clone()` has been removed. Clonable objects must now use `Glpi\Features\Clonable` trait. - `CommonDBTM::notificationqueueonaction` property has been removed in favor of `CommonDBTM::deduplicate_queued_notifications` property. - `CommonDropdown::displaySpecificTypeField()` has a new `$options` parameter. - `DBMysql::rollBack` supports a `name` parameter for rolling back to a savepoint. - `Knowbase::getJstreeCategoryList()` as been replaced by `Knowbase::getTreeCategoryList()`. - `NetworkPortInstantiation::showNetpointField()` has been renamed to `NetworkPortInstantiation::showSocketField()`. - `NotificationSettingConfig::showForm()` renamed to `NotificationSettingConfig::showConfigForm()`. - `RuleMatchedLog::showForm()` renamed to `RuleMatchedLog::showItemForm()`. - `Search::addOrderBy()` signature changed. - `TicketSatisfaction::showForm()` renamed to `TicketSatisfaction::showSatisfactionForm()`. - `Transfer::transferDropdownNetpoint()` has been renamed to `Transfer::transferDropdownSocket()`. #### Deprecated - Usage of `MyISAM` engine in database, in favor of `InnoDB` engine. - Usage of `utf8mb3` charset/collation in database in favor of `utf8mb4` charset/collation. - Usage of `datetime` field type in database, in favor of `timestamp` field type. - Handling of encoded/escaped value in `autoName()` - `Netpoint` has been deprecated and replaced by `Socket` - `CommonDropdown::displayHeader()`, use `CommonDropdown::displayCentralHeader()` instead and make sure to override properly `first_level_menu`, `second_level_menu` and `third_level_menu`. - `GLPI::getLogLevel()` - `Html::clean()` - `MailCollector::listEncodings()` - `RuleImportComputer` class - `RuleImportComputerCollection` class - `SLM::setTicketCalendar()` - `Toolbox::clean_cross_side_scripting_deep()` - `Toolbox::endsWith()` - `Toolbox::filesizeDirectory()` - `Toolbox::getHtmlToDisplay()` - `Toolbox::logError()` - `Toolbox::logNotice()` - `Toolbox::logWarning()` - `Toolbox::sodiumDecrypt()` - `Toolbox::sodiumEncrypt()` - `Toolbox::startsWith()` - `Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep()` #### Removed - `jQueryUI` has been removed in favor of `twbs/bootstrap`. This implies removal of following widgets: `$.accordion`, `$.autocomplete`, `$.button`, `$.dialog`, `$.draggable`, `$.droppable`, `$.progressbar`, `$.resizable`, `$.selectable`, `$.sortable`, `$.tabs`, `$.tooltip`. - Usage of `$order` parameter in `getAllDataFromTable()` (`DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable()`) - Usage of `table` parameter in requests made to `ajax/comments.php` - Usage of `GLPI_FORCE_EMPTY_SQL_MODE` constant - Usage of `GLPI_PREVER` constant - Support of `doc_types`, `helpdesk_types` and `netport_types` keys in `Plugin::registerClass()` - `$CFG_GLPI['layout_excluded_pages']` entry - `$CFG_GLPI['transfers_id_auto']` entry - `$CFG_GLPI['use_ajax_autocompletion']` entry - `$DEBUG_AUTOLOAD` global variable - `$LOADED_PLUGINS` global variable - `$PHP_LOG_HANDLER` global variable - `$SQL_LOG_HANDLER` global variable - `CommonDBTM::notificationqueueonaction` property - `NotificationTarget::html_tags` property - `getAllDatasFromTable()` - `getRealQueryForTreeItem()` - `Ajax::createFixedModalWindow()` - `Ajax::createSlidePanel()` - `Calendar_Holiday::cloneCalendar()` - `Calendar::duplicate()` - `CalendarSegment::cloneCalendar()` - `Change::getCommonLeftJoin()` - `Change::getCommonSelect()` - `Change::showAnalysisForm()` - `Change::showPlanForm()` - `CommonDBTM::clone()` - `CommonDBTM::getRawName()` - `CommonDBTM::prepareInputForClone()` - `CommonDBTM::post_clone()` - `CommonDBTM::showDates()` - `CommonGLPI::isLayoutExcludedPage()` - `CommonGLPI::isLayoutWithMain()` - `CommonGLPI::showPrimaryForm()` - `CommonITILObject::displayHiddenItemsIdInput()` - `CommonITILObject::filterTimeline()` - `CommonITILObject::getActorIcon()` - `CommonITILObject::getSplittedSubmitButtonHtml()` - `CommonITILObject::showActorsPartForm()` - `CommonITILObject::showFormHeader()` - `CommonITILObject::showGroupsAssociated()` - `CommonITILObject::showSupplierAddFormOnCreate()` - `CommonITILObject::showSuppliersAssociated()` - `CommonITILObject::showTimeline()` - `CommonITILObject::showTimelineForm()` - `CommonITILObject::showTimelineHeader()` - `CommonITILObject::showUsersAssociated()` - `Computer_Item::cloneComputer()` - `Computer_Item::cloneItem()` - `Computer_SoftwareLicense` class - `Computer_SoftwareVersion` class - `ComputerAntivirus::cloneComputer()` - `Contract::cloneItem()` - `Contract_Item::cloneItem()` - `ContractCost::cloneContract()` - `Config::agreeDevMessage()` - `Config::checkWriteAccessToDirs()` - `Config::displayCheckExtensions()` - `Config::getCache()` - `DBMysql::affected_rows()` - `DBMysql::areTimezonesAvailable()` - `DBMysql::data_seek()` - `DBMysql::fetch_array()` - `DBMysql::fetch_assoc()` - `DBMysql::fetch_object()` - `DBMysql::fetch_row()` - `DBMysql::field_name()` - `DBMysql::free_result()` - `DBmysql::getTableSchema()` - `DBMysql::insert_id()` - `DBMysql::isMySQLStrictMode()` - `DBMysql::list_fields()` - `DBMysql::notTzMigrated()` - `DBMysql::num_fields()` - `DbUtils::getRealQueryForTreeItem()` - `Dropdown::getDropdownNetpoint()` - `DCBreadcrumb::showDcBreadcrumb()` - `Document_Item::cloneItem()` - `Entity::showSelector()` - `Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getNewPlugins()` - `Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getPopularPlugins()` - `Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getTopPlugins()` - `Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getTrendingPlugins()` - `Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getUpdatedPlugins()` - `Html::autocompletionTextField()` - `Html::displayImpersonateBanner()` - `Html::displayMainMenu()` - `Html::displayMenuAll()` - `Html::displayTopMenu()` - `Html::fileForRichText()` - `Html::generateImageName()` - `Html::imageGallery()` - `Html::jsDisable()` - `Html::jsEnable()` - `Html::nl2br_deep()` - `Html::replaceImagesByGallery()` - `Html::resume_name()` - `Html::setSimpleTextContent()` - `Html::setRichTextContent()` - `Html::showProfileSelecter()` - `Html::weblink_extract()` - `Infocom::cloneItem()` - `Itil_Project::cloneItilProject()` - `ITILFollowup::showApprobationForm()` - `ITILTemplate::getBeginHiddenFieldText()` - `ITILTemplate::getBeginHiddenFieldValue()` - `ITILTemplate::getEndHiddenFieldText()` - `ITILTemplate::getEndHiddenFieldValue()` - `Item_Devices::cloneItem()` - `Item_Disk::cloneItem()` - `Item_OperatingSystem::cloneItem()` - `Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneComputer()` - `Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneItem()` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneComputer()` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneItem()` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::showForComputer()` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::updateDatasForComputer()` - `KnowbaseItem_Item::cloneItem()` - `LevelAgreement::showForTicket()` - `NetworkPort::cloneItem()` - `Notepad::cloneItem()` - `NotificationTargetTicket::isAuthorMailingActivatedForHelpdesk()` - `Plugin::getGlpiPrever()` - `Plugin::isGlpiPrever()` - `Plugin::setLoaded()` - `Plugin::setUnloaded()` - `Plugin::setUnloadedByName()` - `Problem::getCommonLeftJoin()` - `Problem::getCommonSelect()` - `Problem::showAnalysisForm()` - `ProjectCost::cloneProject()` - `ProjectTeam::cloneProjectTask()` - `ProjectTask::cloneProjectTeam()` - `Reservation::displayReservationDay()` - `Reservation::displayReservationsForAnItem()` - `Search::isDeletedSwitch()` - `Ticket::getCommonLeftJoin()` - `Ticket::getCommonSelect()` - `Ticket::getTicketTemplateToUse()` - `Ticket::showDocumentAddButton()` - `Ticket_Ticket::displayLinkedTicketsTo()` - `TicketTemplate::getFromDBWithDatas()` - `Toolbox::canUseImapPop()` - `Toolbox::checkSELinux()` - `Toolbox::commonCheckForUseGLPI()` - `Toolbox::convertImageToTag()` - `Toolbox::decrypt()` - `Toolbox::doubleEncodeEmails()` - `Toolbox::encrypt()` - `Toolbox::getGlpiSecKey()` - `Toolbox::removeHtmlSpecialChars()` - `Toolbox::sanitize()` - `Toolbox::throwError()` - `Toolbox::unclean_html_cross_side_scripting_deep()` - `Toolbox::useCache()` - `Toolbox::userErrorHandlerDebug()` - `Toolbox::userErrorHandlerNormal()` - `Transfer::transferComputerSoftwares()` - `Update::declareOldItems()` - `User::showPersonalInformation()` ## [9.5.7] 2022-01-27 ## [9.5.6] 2021-09-15 ### Changed - `X-Forwarded-For` header value is no longer used during API access controls, API requests passing through proxies may be refused for security reasons. ### API changes #### Changed - All POST request made to `/ajax/` scripts are now requiring a valid CSRF token in their `X-Glpi-Csrf-Token` header. Requests done using jQuery are automatically including this header, from the moment that the page header is built using `Html::includeHeader()` method and the `js/common.js` script is loaded. #### Deprecated - Usage of "followups" option in `CommonITILObject::showShort()` - `CommonITILTask::showInObjectSumnary()` - `ITILFollowup::showShortForITILObject()` ## [9.5.5] 2021-04-13 ### API changes #### Changed - Remove deprecation of `Search::getMetaReferenceItemtype()` ## [9.5.4] 2021-03-02 ### Changed - `iframe` elements are not anymore allowed in rich text unless `GLPI_ALLOW_IFRAME_IN_RICH_TEXT` constant is defined to `true` ### API changes #### Deprecated - `Search::getMetaReferenceItemtype()` ## [9.5.3] 2020-11-25 ### Deprecated - Usage of alternative DB connection encoding (`DB::$dbenc` property). ## [9.5.2] 2020-10-07 ### API changes #### Removed - Ability to use SQL expressions as string in criterion values in SQL iterator (replaced by usage of `QueryExpression`). - Ability to delete a plugin image using `/front/pluginimage.send.php` script. ## [9.5.1] 2020-07-16 ## [9.5.0] 2020-07-07 ### Added - Encrypted file systems support. - Mails collected from suppliers can be marked as private on an entity basis. - Ability to add custom CSS in entity configuration. - CLI commands to enable and disable maintenance mode. - Operating system links on Monitors, Peripherals, Phones and Printers. - Add datacenter items to global search - Project task search options for Projects - Automatic action to purge closed tickets - Ability to automatically calculate project's percent done - Software link on Phones. - Add and answer approvals from timeline - Add lightbox with PhotoSwipe to timeline images - Ability to copy tasks while merging tickets - the API gives the ID of the user who logs in with initSession - Kanban view for projects - Network ports on Monitors - Add warning when there are unsaved changes in forms - Add ability to get information from the status endpoint in JSON format using Accept header - Add `glpi:system:status` CLI command for getting the GLPI status ### Changed - PHP error_reporting and display_errors configuration directives are no longer overrided by GLPI, unless in debug mode (which forces reporting and display of all errors). - `scripts/migrations/racks_plugin.php` has been replaced by `glpi:migration:racks_plugin_to_core` command available using `bin/console` - Encryption alogithm improved using libsodium ### API changes #### Added - Add translation functions `__()`, `_n()`, `_x()` and `_nx()` in javascript in browser context. - `Migration::renameItemtype()` method to update of database schema/values when an itemtype class is renamed - Menu returned by `CommonGLPI::getMenuContent()` method override may now define an icon for each menu entry. - `CommonDBConnexity::getItemsAssociatedTo()` method to get the items associated to the given one - `CommonDBConnexity::getItemsAssociationRequest()` method to get the DB request to use to get the items associated to the given one - `CommonDBTM::clone()` method to clone the current item - `CommonDBTM::prepareInputForClone()` method to modify the input data that will be used for the cloning - `CommonDBTM::post_clone()` method to perform other steps after an item has been cloned (like clone the elements it is associated to) #### Changes - jQuery library has been upgraded from 2.2.x to 3.4.x. jQuery Migrate is used to ensure backward compatibility in most cases. - `DBmysqlIterator::handleOrderClause()` supports QueryExpressions - Use Laminas instead of deprecated ZendFramework - Database datetime fields have been replaced by timestamp fields to handle timezones support. - Database integer/float fields values are now returned as number instead of strings from DB read operations. - Field `domains_id` of Computer, NetworkEquipment and Printer has been dropped and data has been transfered into `glpi_domains_items` table. - Plugin status hook can now be used to provide an array with more information about the plugin's status the status of any child services. - Returned array should contain a 'status' value at least (See status values in Glpi\System\Status\StatusChecker) - Old style returns are still supported #### Deprecated - `DBMysql::fetch_array()` - `DBMysql::fetch_row()` - `DBMysql::fetch_assoc()` - `DBMysql::fetch_object()` - `DBMysql::data_seek()` - `DBMysql::insert_id()` - `DBMysql::num_fields()` - `DBMysql::field_name()` - `DBMysql::list_fields()` - `DBMysql::affected_rows()` - `DBMysql::free_result()` - `DBMysql::isMySQLStrictMode()` - `getAllDatasFromTable` renamed to `getAllDataFromTable()` - Usage of `$order` parameter in `getAllDataFromTable()` (`DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable()`) - `Ticket::getTicketTemplateToUse()` renamed to `Ticket::getITILTemplateToUse()` - `TicketTemplate::getFromDBWithDatas()` renamed to `TicketTemplate::getFromDBWithData()` (inherited from `ITILTemplate`) - `Computer_SoftwareLicense` replaced by `Item_SoftwareLicense` and table `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses` renamed to `glpi_items_softwarelicenses` - `Computer_SoftwareVersion` replaced by `Item_SoftwareVersion` and table `glpi_computers_softwareversions` renamed to `glpi_items_softwareversions` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::updateDatasForComputer` renamed to `Item_SoftwareVersion::updateDatasForItem` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::showForComputer` renamed to `Item_SoftwareVersion::showForItem` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::softsByCategory` renamed to `Item_SoftwareVersion::softwareByCategory` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::displaySoftsByLicense` renamed to `Item_SoftwareVersion::displaySoftwareByLicense` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneComputer` renamed to `Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneItem` - `Transfer::transferComputerSoftwares` renamed to `Transfer::transferItemSoftwares` - 'getRealQueryForTreeItem()' - ``getCommonSelect`` and ``getCommonLeftJoin()`` from ``Ticket``, ``Change`` and ``Problem`` are replaced with ``getCommonCriteria()`` compliant with db iterator - `Config::checkWriteAccessToDirs()` - `Config::displayCheckExtensions()` - `Toolbox::checkSELinux()` - `Toolbox::userErrorHandlerDebug()` - `Toolbox::userErrorHandlerNormal()` - `Html::jsDisable()` - `Html::jsEnable()` - `Plugin::setLoaded()` - `Plugin::setUnloaded()` - `Plugin::setUnloadedByName()` - Usage of `$LOADED_PLUGINS` global variable - `CommonDBTM::getRawName()` replaced by `CommonDBTM::getFriendlyName()` - `Calendar_Holiday::cloneCalendar()` - `CalendarSegment::cloneCalendar()` - `Computer_Item::cloneComputer()` - `Computer_Item::cloneItem()` - `ComputerAntivirus::cloneComputer()` - `Contract::cloneItem()` - `Contract_Item::cloneItem()` - `ContractCost::cloneContract()` - `Document_Item::cloneItem()` - `Infocom::cloneItem()` - `Item_Devices::cloneItem()` - `Item_Disk::cloneItem()` - `Item_OperatingSystem::cloneItem()` - `Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneComputer()` - `Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneItem()` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneComputer()` - `Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneItem()` - `Itil_Project::cloneItilProject()` - `KnowbaseItem_Item::cloneItem()` - `NetworkPort::cloneItem()` - `Notepad::cloneItem()` - `ProjectCost::cloneProject()` - `ProjectTeam::cloneProjectTask()` - `ProjectTask::cloneProjectTeam()` - Usage of `GLPIKEY` constant - `Toolbox::encrypt()` and `Toolbox::decrypt()` because they use the old encryption algorithm #### Removed - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `CommonDBTM::find()` - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `Dropdown::addNewCondition()` - Usage of string in `$option['condition']` parameter in `Dropdown::show()` - `KnowbaseItemCategory::showFirstLevel()` - `Ticket::getTicketActors()` - `NotificationTarget::getProfileJoinSql()` - `NotificationTarget::getDistinctUserSql()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getProfileJoinSql()` - `RuleCollection::getRuleListQuery()` - `getNextItem()` - `getPreviousItem()` - `CommonDBChild::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()` - `CommonDBConnexity::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()` - `CommonDBRelation::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()` - `Project::addVisibility()` - `Project::addVisibilityJoins()` - `Plugin::hasBeenInit()` - 'SELECT DISTINCT' and 'DISTINCT FIELDS' criteria in `DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()` - `CommonDBTM::getTablesOf()` - `CommonDBTM::getForeignKeyFieldsOf()` - `TicketFollowup` - `getDateRequest` and `DbUtils::getDateRequest()` - `Html::convertTagFromRichTextToImageTag()` - `Transfer::createSearchConditionUsingArray()` - Unused constants GLPI_FONT_FREESANS and GLPI_SCRIPT_DIR ## [9.4.6] 2020-05-05 ## [9.4.5] 2019-12-18 ## [9.4.4] 2019-09-24 ### API changes #### Changes - For security reasons, autocompletion feature requires now to be authorized by a `'autocomplete' => true` flag in corresponding field search option. ## [9.4.3] 2019-06-20 ### API changes #### Deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `Html::convertTagFromRichTextToImageTag()` ## [9.4.2] 2019-04-11 ### API changes #### Deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `CommonDBTM::getTablesOf()` - `CommonDBTM::getForeignKeyFieldsOf()` ## [9.4.1] 2019-03-15 ### API changes #### Added - new display hook `timeline_actions` to add new buttons to timeline forms - Ability to copy document links while merging tickets #### Deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `Plugin::hasBeenInit()` - Deprecate 'SELECT DISTINCT' and 'DISTINCT FIELDS' criteria in `DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()` #### Removed - Drop `CommonITILObject::showSolutions()`. ## [9.4.0] 2019-02-11 ### Added - Ability to link project with problems and tickets. - Ability to specify creation and modification dates during CommonDBTM object add method - Add followups to Changes and Problems. - Add timeline to Changes and Problems. - CLI console to centralize CLI commands. - Search on devices from Printers and Network equipments. - Ability to merge and split tickets. - Search on devices from Printers and Network equipments. - Ability to specify creation and modification dates during CommonDBTM object add method. ### Changed - `license_id` field in `glpi_items_operatingsystems` table has been renamed to `licenseid` - `olas_tto_id` field in `glpi_tickets` table has been renamed to `olas_id_tto` - `olas_ttr_id` field in `glpi_tickets` table has been renamed to `olas_id_ttr` - `ttr_olalevels_id` field in `glpi_tickets` table has been renamed to `olalevels_id_ttr` - `slas_tto_id` field in `glpi_tickets` table has been renamed to `slas_id_tto` - `slas_ttr_id` field in `glpi_tickets` table has been renamed to `slas_id_ttr` - `ttr_slalevels_id` field in `glpi_tickets` table has been renamed to `slalevels_id_ttr` - `scripts/add_creation_date.php` has been replaced by `glpi:migration:build_missing_timestamps` command available using `bin/console` - `scripts/checkdb.php` has been replaced by `glpi:database:check` command available using `bin/console` - `scripts/cliinstall.php` has been replaced by `glpi:database:install` command available using `bin/console` - `scripts/cliupdate.php` has been replaced by `glpi:database:update` command available using `bin/console` - `scripts/ldap_mass_sync.php` has been replaced by `glpi:ldap:synchronize_users` command available using `bin/console` - `scripts/innodb_migration.php` has been replaced by `glpi:migration:myisam_to_innodb` command available using `bin/console` - `scripts/unlock_tasks.php` has been replaced by `glpi:task:unlock` command available using `bin/console` ### API changes #### Changes - Plugins are now loaded in ajax files. - `TicketFollowup` has been replaced by `ITILFollowup` - `$num` parameter has been removed from several `Search` class methods: - `addSelect()`, - `addOrderBy()`, - `addHaving()`, - `giveItem()` - `NotificationTarget::getMode()` visibility is now `public`. - Added `add_recipient_to_target` hook, triggered when a recipient is added to a notification. #### Deprecated - Remove `$CFG_GLPI['use_rich_text']` parameter. Will now be `true` per default. - Remove `$CFG_GLPI['ticket_timeline']` parameter. Will now be `true` per default. - Remove `$CFG_GLPI['ticket_timeline_keep_replaced_tabs']` parameter. Will now be `false` per default. - Usage of `TicketFollowup` class has been deprecated. - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `CommonDBTM::find()` has been deprecated. - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `Dropdown::addNewCondition()` has been deprecated. - Usage of string in `$option['condition']` parameter in `Dropdown::show()` has been deprecated. The following methods have been deprecated: - `KnowbaseItemCategory::showFirstLevel()` - `Ticket::getTicketActors()` - `Ticket::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype()` - `Ticket::showFormMassiveAction()` - `Ticket::showMassiveActionsSubForm()` - `NotificationTarget::getProfileJoinSql()` - `NotificationTarget::getDistinctUserSql()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getProfileJoinSql()` - `RuleCollection::getRuleListQuery()` - `getNextItem()` - `getPreviousItem()` - `CommonDBChild::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()` - `CommonDBConnexity::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()` - `CommonDBRelation::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()` - `Project::addVisibility()` - `Project::addVisibilityJoins()` #### Removed - Drop ability to use `JOIN` in `DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()` - Drop `NotificationTarget::datas` property - Drop support of string `$filter` parameter in `Profileuser::getUserProfiles()` - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `User::getFromDBbyEmail()` - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `Group_User::getUserGroups()` - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `Group_User::getGroupUsers()` - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `countElementsInTable` (`DbUtils::countElementsInTable()`) - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `countDistinctElementsInTable` (`DbUtils::countDistinctElementsInTable()`) - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `countElementsInTableForMyEntities` (`DbUtils::countElementsInTableForMyEntities()`) - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `countElementsInTableForEntity` (`DbUtils::countElementsInTableForEntity()`) - Drop support of string `$condition` parameter in `getAllDatasFromTable` (`DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable()`) - Drop ITIL Tasks, Followups and Solutions `showSummary()` and massive actions related methods that are replaced with timeline - Drop class alias `Event` for `Glpi\Event` - Drop `Zend\Loader\SplAutoloader` interface - Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.2 - `_e()` - `_ex()` - `FieldExists()` - `formatOutputWebLink()` - `TableExists()` - `CommonTreeDropodwn::recursiveCleanSonsAboveID()` - `DBMysql::optimize_tables()` - `NotificationTarget::addToAddressesList()` - `NotificationTarget::getAdditionalTargets()` - `NotificationTarget::getAddressesByGroup()` - `NotificationTarget::getAddressesByTarget()` - `NotificationTarget::getAdminAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getEntityAdminAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemAuthorAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupSupervisorAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupTechInChargeAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupWithoutSupervisorAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemOwnerAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemTechnicianInChargeAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getNotificationTargets()` - `NotificationTarget::getSpecificTargets()` - `NotificationTarget::getUserByField()` - `NotificationTarget::getUsersAddressesByProfile()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getDatasForObject()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getFollowupAuthor()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupSupervisorByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedUserByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getOldAssignTechnicianAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getRecipientAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getSupplierAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignGroup()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignUser()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAuthor()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationApproverAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationRequesterAddress()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamContacts()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamGroups()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamSuppliers()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamUsers()` - `QueuedNotification::sendMailById()` - `Ticket::convertContentForNotification()` - `User::getPersonalToken()` - `User::getUniquePersonalToken()` - Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.0 - `CommonDBTM::getFromDBByQuery()` - `CommonDBTM::getSearchOptions()` - `CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsNew()` - `CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsToAddNew()` - `CommonITILObject::getStatusIconURL()` - `DBMysql::list_tables()` - `Dropdown::showPrivatePublicSwitch()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamContacts()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamGroups()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamSuppliers()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamUsers()` - `Search::constructDatas()` - `Search::displayDatas()` - `Transfer::transferComputerDisks()` - Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.1 - `ComputerVirtualMachine::getUUIDRestrictRequest()` - `Config::getSQLMode()` - `DBMysql::checkForCrashedTables()` - `Html::checkAllAsCheckbox()` - `Html::scriptEnd()` - `Html::scriptStart()` - `Plugin::isAllPluginsCSRFCompliant()` - `Profile::getUnderActiveProfileRestrictRequest()` - `Toolbox::is_a()` - Drop all constants that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.1 - `CommonDBTM::ERROR_FIELDSIZE_EXCEEDED` - `CommonDBTM::HAS_DUPLICATE` - `CommonDBTM::NOTHING_TO_DO` - `CommonDBTM::SUCCESS` - `CommonDBTM::TYPE_MISMATCH` - Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.2 - `ITILSolution::removeForItem()` - `Session::isViewAllEntities()` ## [9.3.3] 2018-11-27 ### Changed - Fix some cache issues - Fix reservation tab of an item - Fix actors notifications massive action - Improve racks plugins migration script ### API changes No API changes. ## [9.3.2] 2018-10-26 ### API changes #### Changed - `Rule::executePluginsActions()` signature has changed - Javascript function `formatResult()` has been renamed to `templateResult()` #### Deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `CommonITILTask::displayTabContentForItem()` - `CommonITILTask::showFormMassiveAction()` - `CommonITILTask::showSummary()` - `ITILSolution::displayTabContentForItem()` - `ITILSolution::removeForItem()` - `ITILSolution::showSummary()` - `Session::isViewAllEntities()` - `TicketFollowup::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype()` - `TicketFollowup::showFormMassiveAction()` - `TicketFollowup::showMassiveActionsSubForm()` - `TicketFollowup::showSummary()` - `Plugin::removeFromSession()` ## [9.3.1] 2018-09-12 ### Added - List receivers folders to choose imported/refused folders ### API changes #### Deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `Group_User::getUserGroups()` has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `Group_User::getGroupUsers()` has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `countElementsInTable` (`DbUtils::countElementsInTable()`) has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `countDistinctElementsInTable` (`DbUtils::countDistinctElementsInTable()`) has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `countElementsInTableForMyEntities` (`DbUtils::countElementsInTableForMyEntities()`) has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `countElementsInTableForEntity` (`DbUtils::countElementsInTableForEntity()`) has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `getAllDatasFromTable` (`DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable()`) has been deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `Config::getSQLMode()` - `DBMysql::checkForCrashedTables()` - `Html::checkAllAsCheckbox()` - `Html::scriptEnd()` - `Html::scriptStart()` - `Toolbox::is_a()` - `ComputerVirtualMachine::getUUIDRestrictRequest()` - `Plugin::isAllPluginsCSRFCompliant()` - `Profile::getUnderActiveProfileRestrictRequest()` The following constants have been deprecated: - `CommonDBTM::ERROR_FIELDSIZE_EXCEEDED` - `CommonDBTM::HAS_DUPLICATE` - `CommonDBTM::NOTHING_TO_DO` - `CommonDBTM::SUCCESS` - `CommonDBTM::TYPE_MISMATCH` ## [9.3.0] 2018-06-28 ### Added - Add DCIM management - Add OSM view to set locations and on Search - Add login source selection - Add logs purge - Filter in items logs ### Changed - Switch MySQL engine from MyIsam to Innodb - Rework solutions for Tickets, Problems and Changes to support history - Disks can be attached to network equipments and printers ### API changes #### Changes - Added `DB::insert()`, `DB::update()` and `DB::delete()` to replace raw SQL queries - `CommonITILObject::showMassiveSolutionForm()` now takes a `CommonITILObject` as argument - `Profileuser::getUserProfiles()` `$filter` parameter is now an array - `User::getFromDBbyEmail()` `$condition` parameter is now an array - Select2 javascript component has been upgraded to 4.0 version, see [Migrating from Select2 3.5](https://select2.org/upgrading/migrating-from-35) - `CommonDevice::getItem_DeviceType()` has a new optional `$devicetype` parameter #### Deprecated - Usage of string `$filter` parameter in `Profileuser::getUserProfiles()` has been deprecated - Usage of string `$condition` parameter in `User::getFromDBbyEmail()` has been deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `CommonDBTM::getFromDBByQuery()` - `CommonDBTM::getSearchOptions()` - `CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsNew()` - `CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsToAddNew()` - `CommonITILObject::getStatusIconURL()` - `DBMysql::list_tables()` - `Dropdown::showPrivatePublicSwitch()` - `NotificationTargetProject::getTeamContacts()` - `NotificationTargetProject::getTeamGroups()` - `NotificationTargetProject::getTeamSuppliers()` - `NotificationTargetProject::getTeamUsers()` - `Search::constructDatas()` - `Search::displayDatas()` - `Transfer::transferComputerDisks()` #### Removed - `CommonITILValidation::isAllValidationsHaveSameStatusForTicket` - `CommonITILValidation::getNumberValidationForTicket` - PHPCas library is no longer provided (for licensing issues) ## [9.2.4] 2018-06-21 ## [9.2.3] 2018-04-27 ## [9.2.2] 2018-03-01 ### Deprecated - `CommonITILValidation::isAllValidationsHaveSameStatusForTicket` - `CommonITILValidation::getNumberValidationForTicket` - `DBMysql::optimize_tables()` ## [9.2.1] 2017-11-16 ### Added - Search engine, added ``itemtype_item_revert`` jointype ### Deprecated - `Ticket::convertContentForNotification()` ## [9.2] 2017-09-25 ### Added - Link knowledge base entries with assets or tickets - Revisions on knowledge base entries and their translations, with diff view - Add recursive comments on knowledge base entries - Direct links to KB article's title for a direct access - Load minified CSS and JS files (core and plugins) that are generated on release - Link beetween software licenses - Alerts on saved searches - Add ajax browsers notifications in addition to emails - Plugins can now add new notifications types (xmpp, sms, telegram, ...) to be used along with standard notifications - Simcard component - Synchronization field for LDAP - Improved performances on large entities databases - Remember me on login - Fuzzy search - Paste images in rich text editor - Add tasks in tickets templates - Composite tickets (link on sons/parents) - Telemetry - Certificates component - Firmwares components (BIOSes, firwmwares, ...) - Add OLA management ### Changed - Many bugs have been fixed - Display knowledge base category items in tickets using a popup instead of a new whole window - Reviewed all richtext editor (tinymce) and their upload parts, now more simpler and intuitive - Don't ask user to select a template if there is no configured template - personal_token is not used anymore for api authentication, a new api_token field has been added (empty by default, you should regenerate it) - Operating systems management has been improved - Direct language change from any page - Better icons harmonization ### API changes #### Changes - `CommonDBTM::getTable()` signature has changed - `User::getFromDBbyToken()` signature has changed - `Bookmark` has been renamed to `SavedSearch` - Update to latest jsTree plugin - `RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection::versionExists()` signature has changed - `NotificationTemplate::getDataToSend()` signature has changed - `QueuedMail` has been renamed to `QueuedNotification` - `CommonDBTM::mailqueueonaction` has been renamed to `CommonDBTM::notificationqueueonaction` - `NotificationTarget::getSender()` no longer takes any parameters (was not used) - `TableExists()` has been moved to `DBMysql::tableExists()` - `FieldExists()` has been moved to `DBMysql::fieldExists()` - `Profile_User::getUserEntitiesForRight()` signature has changed - `NotificationTarget` property `datas` has been renamed to `data` #### Deprecated - Ability to use `JOIN` in `DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()` has been deprecated - Usage of `NotificationTarget::datas` property has been deprecated - Usage of `Zend\Loader\SplAutoloader` interface has been deprecated The following methods have been deprecated: - `_e()` - `_ex()` - `Bookmark::mark_default()` - `Bookmark::unmark_default()` - `CommonTreeDropodwn::recursiveCleanSonsAboveID()` - `NotificationTarget::addToAddressesList()` - `NotificationTarget::getAdditionalTargets()` - `NotificationTarget::getAddressesByGroup()` - `NotificationTarget::getAddressesByTarget()` - `NotificationTarget::getAdminAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getEntityAdminAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemAuthorAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupSupervisorAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupTechInChargeAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemGroupWithoutSupervisorAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemOwnerAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getItemTechnicianInChargeAddress()` - `NotificationTarget::getNotificationTargets()` - `NotificationTarget::getSpecificTargets()` - `NotificationTarget::getUserByField()` - `NotificationTarget::getUsersAddressesByProfile()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getDatasForObject()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getFollowupAuthor()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupSupervisorByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedUserByType()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getOldAssignTechnicianAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getRecipientAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getSupplierAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignGroup()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignUser()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAuthor()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationApproverAddress()` - `NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationRequesterAddress()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamContacts()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamGroups()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamSuppliers()` - `NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamUsers()` - `QueuedNotification::sendMailById()` - `User::getPersonalToken()` - `User::getUniquePersonalToken()` - `formatOutputWebLink()` #### Removals The following methods have been dropped: - `Ajax::displaySearchTextForDropdown()` - `Ajax::getSearchTextForDropdown()` - `Bookmark::changeBookmarkOrder()` - `Bookmark::moveBookmark()` - `CommonGLPI::addDivForTabs()` - `CommonGLPI::showTabs()` - `CommonGLPI::showNavigationHeaderOld()` - `CommonGLPI::show()` - `Dropdown::showInteger()` - `DBMysql::field_flags()` - `Html::showDateFormItem()` - `Html::showDateTimeFormItem()` - `Profile::dropdownNoneReadWrite()` - `Toolbox::get_magic_quotes_runtime()` - `Toolbox::get_magic_quotes_gpc()` - `Dropdown::showAllItems()` For older entries, please check [GLPI website](http://glpi-project.org).