Direktori : /var/www/projetos/spanish.ongrace.com/wp-content/themes/flash/inc/kirki/core/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/spanish.ongrace.com/wp-content/themes/flash/inc/kirki/core/class-kirki-helper.php |
<?php /** * Helper methods * * @package Kirki * @category Core * @author Ari Stathopoulos (@aristath) * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, David Vongries * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * @since 1.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * A simple object containing static methods. */ class Kirki_Helper { /** * Recursive replace in arrays. * * @static * @access public * @param array $array The first array. * @param array $array1 The second array. * @return mixed */ public static function array_replace_recursive( $array, $array1 ) { if ( function_exists( 'array_replace_recursive' ) ) { return array_replace_recursive( $array, $array1 ); } /** * Handle the arguments, merge one by one. * * In PHP 7 func_get_args() changed the way it behaves but this doesn't mean anything in this case * sinc ethis method is only used when the array_replace_recursive() function doesn't exist * and that was introduced in PHP v5.3. * * Once WordPress-Core raises its minimum requirements we''' be able to remove this fallback completely. */ $args = func_get_args(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.ArgumentFunctionsReportCurrentValue $array = $args[0]; if ( ! is_array( $array ) ) { return $array; } $count = count( $args ); for ( $i = 1; $i < $count; $i++ ) { if ( is_array( $args[ $i ] ) ) { $array = self::recurse( $array, $args[ $i ] ); } } return $array; } /** * Helper method to be used from the array_replace_recursive method. * * @static * @access public * @param array $array The first array. * @param array $array1 The second array. * @return array */ public static function recurse( $array, $array1 ) { foreach ( $array1 as $key => $value ) { // Create new key in $array, if it is empty or not an array. if ( ! isset( $array[ $key ] ) || ( isset( $array[ $key ] ) && ! is_array( $array[ $key ] ) ) ) { $array[ $key ] = array(); } // Overwrite the value in the base array. if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = self::recurse( $array[ $key ], $value ); } $array[ $key ] = $value; } return $array; } /** * Initialize the WP_Filesystem * * @static * @access public * @return object WP_Filesystem */ public static function init_filesystem() { $credentials = array(); if ( ! defined( 'FS_METHOD' ) ) { define( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct' ); } $method = defined( 'FS_METHOD' ) ? FS_METHOD : false; if ( 'ftpext' === $method ) { // If defined, set it to that, Else, set to NULL. $credentials['hostname'] = defined( 'FTP_HOST' ) ? preg_replace( '|\w+://|', '', FTP_HOST ) : null; $credentials['username'] = defined( 'FTP_USER' ) ? FTP_USER : null; $credentials['password'] = defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ? FTP_PASS : null; // Set FTP port. if ( strpos( $credentials['hostname'], ':' ) && null !== $credentials['hostname'] ) { list( $credentials['hostname'], $credentials['port'] ) = explode( ':', $credentials['hostname'], 2 ); if ( ! is_numeric( $credentials['port'] ) ) { unset( $credentials['port'] ); } } else { unset( $credentials['port'] ); } // Set connection type. if ( ( defined( 'FTP_SSL' ) && FTP_SSL ) && 'ftpext' === $method ) { $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftps'; } elseif ( ! array_filter( $credentials ) ) { $credentials['connection_type'] = null; } else { $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftp'; } } // The WordPress filesystem. global $wp_filesystem; if ( empty( $wp_filesystem ) ) { require_once wp_normalize_path( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude WP_Filesystem( $credentials ); } return $wp_filesystem; } /** * Returns the attachment object * * @static * @access public * @see https://pippinsplugins.com/retrieve-attachment-id-from-image-url/ * @param string $url URL to the image. * @return int|string Numeric ID of the attachement. */ public static function get_image_id( $url ) { global $wpdb; if ( empty( $url ) ) { return 0; } $attachment = wp_cache_get( 'kirki_image_id_' . md5( $url ), null ); if ( false === $attachment ) { $attachment = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE guid = %s;", $url ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery wp_cache_add( 'kirki_image_id_' . md5( $url ), $attachment, null ); } if ( ! empty( $attachment ) ) { return $attachment[0]; } return 0; } /** * Returns an array of the attachment's properties. * * @param string $url URL to the image. * @return array */ public static function get_image_from_url( $url ) { $image_id = self::get_image_id( $url ); $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'full' ); return array( 'url' => $image[0], 'width' => $image[1], 'height' => $image[2], 'thumbnail' => $image[3], ); } /** * Get an array of posts. * * @static * @access public * @param array $args Define arguments for the get_posts function. * @return array */ public static function get_posts( $args ) { if ( is_string( $args ) ) { $args = add_query_arg( array( 'suppress_filters' => false, ) ); } elseif ( is_array( $args ) && ! isset( $args['suppress_filters'] ) ) { $args['suppress_filters'] = false; } // Get the posts. // TODO: WordPress.VIP.RestrictedFunctions.get_posts_get_posts. $posts = get_posts( $args ); // Properly format the array. $items = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $items[ $post->ID ] = $post->post_title; } wp_reset_postdata(); return $items; } /** * Get an array of publicly-querable taxonomies. * * @static * @access public * @return array */ public static function get_taxonomies() { $items = array(); // Get the taxonomies. $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => true, ) ); // Build the array. foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $id = $taxonomy; $taxonomy = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); $items[ $id ] = $taxonomy->labels->name; } return $items; } /** * Get an array of publicly-querable post-types. * * @static * @access public * @return array */ public static function get_post_types() { $items = array(); // Get the post types. $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, ), 'objects' ); // Build the array. foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $items[ $post_type->name ] = $post_type->labels->name; } return $items; } /** * Get an array of terms from a taxonomy * * @static * @access public * @param string|array $taxonomies See https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_terms/ for details. * @return array */ public static function get_terms( $taxonomies ) { $items = array(); // Get the post types. $terms = get_terms( $taxonomies ); // Build the array. foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $items[ $term->term_id ] = $term->name; } return $items; } /** * Gets an array of material-design colors. * * @static * @access public * @param string $context Allows us to get subsets of the palette. * @return array */ public static function get_material_design_colors( $context = 'primary' ) { $colors = array( 'primary' => array( '#FFFFFF', '#000000', '#F44336', '#E91E63', '#9C27B0', '#673AB7', '#3F51B5', '#2196F3', '#03A9F4', '#00BCD4', '#009688', '#4CAF50', '#8BC34A', '#CDDC39', '#FFEB3B', '#FFC107', '#FF9800', '#FF5722', '#795548', '#9E9E9E', '#607D8B' ), 'red' => array( '#FFEBEE', '#FFCDD2', '#EF9A9A', '#E57373', '#EF5350', '#F44336', '#E53935', '#D32F2F', '#C62828', '#B71C1C', '#FF8A80', '#FF5252', '#FF1744', '#D50000' ), 'pink' => array( '#FCE4EC', '#F8BBD0', '#F48FB1', '#F06292', '#EC407A', '#E91E63', '#D81B60', '#C2185B', '#AD1457', '#880E4F', '#FF80AB', '#FF4081', '#F50057', '#C51162' ), 'purple' => array( '#F3E5F5', '#E1BEE7', '#CE93D8', '#BA68C8', '#AB47BC', '#9C27B0', '#8E24AA', '#7B1FA2', '#6A1B9A', '#4A148C', '#EA80FC', '#E040FB', '#D500F9', '#AA00FF' ), 'deep-purple' => array( '#EDE7F6', '#D1C4E9', '#B39DDB', '#9575CD', '#7E57C2', '#673AB7', '#5E35B1', '#512DA8', '#4527A0', '#311B92', '#B388FF', '#7C4DFF', '#651FFF', '#6200EA' ), 'indigo' => array( '#E8EAF6', '#C5CAE9', '#9FA8DA', '#7986CB', '#5C6BC0', '#3F51B5', '#3949AB', '#303F9F', '#283593', '#1A237E', '#8C9EFF', '#536DFE', '#3D5AFE', '#304FFE' ), 'blue' => array( '#E3F2FD', '#BBDEFB', '#90CAF9', '#64B5F6', '#42A5F5', '#2196F3', '#1E88E5', '#1976D2', '#1565C0', '#0D47A1', '#82B1FF', '#448AFF', '#2979FF', '#2962FF' ), 'light-blue' => array( '#E1F5FE', '#B3E5FC', '#81D4fA', '#4fC3F7', '#29B6FC', '#03A9F4', '#039BE5', '#0288D1', '#0277BD', '#01579B', '#80D8FF', '#40C4FF', '#00B0FF', '#0091EA' ), 'cyan' => array( '#E0F7FA', '#B2EBF2', '#80DEEA', '#4DD0E1', '#26C6DA', '#00BCD4', '#00ACC1', '#0097A7', '#00838F', '#006064', '#84FFFF', '#18FFFF', '#00E5FF', '#00B8D4' ), 'teal' => array( '#E0F2F1', '#B2DFDB', '#80CBC4', '#4DB6AC', '#26A69A', '#009688', '#00897B', '#00796B', '#00695C', '#004D40', '#A7FFEB', '#64FFDA', '#1DE9B6', '#00BFA5' ), 'green' => array( '#E8F5E9', '#C8E6C9', '#A5D6A7', '#81C784', '#66BB6A', '#4CAF50', '#43A047', '#388E3C', '#2E7D32', '#1B5E20', '#B9F6CA', '#69F0AE', '#00E676', '#00C853' ), 'light-green' => array( '#F1F8E9', '#DCEDC8', '#C5E1A5', '#AED581', '#9CCC65', '#8BC34A', '#7CB342', '#689F38', '#558B2F', '#33691E', '#CCFF90', '#B2FF59', '#76FF03', '#64DD17' ), 'lime' => array( '#F9FBE7', '#F0F4C3', '#E6EE9C', '#DCE775', '#D4E157', '#CDDC39', '#C0CA33', '#A4B42B', '#9E9D24', '#827717', '#F4FF81', '#EEFF41', '#C6FF00', '#AEEA00' ), 'yellow' => array( '#FFFDE7', '#FFF9C4', '#FFF590', '#FFF176', '#FFEE58', '#FFEB3B', '#FDD835', '#FBC02D', '#F9A825', '#F57F17', '#FFFF82', '#FFFF00', '#FFEA00', '#FFD600' ), 'amber' => array( '#FFF8E1', '#FFECB3', '#FFE082', '#FFD54F', '#FFCA28', '#FFC107', '#FFB300', '#FFA000', '#FF8F00', '#FF6F00', '#FFE57F', '#FFD740', '#FFC400', '#FFAB00' ), 'orange' => array( '#FFF3E0', '#FFE0B2', '#FFCC80', '#FFB74D', '#FFA726', '#FF9800', '#FB8C00', '#F57C00', '#EF6C00', '#E65100', '#FFD180', '#FFAB40', '#FF9100', '#FF6D00' ), 'deep-orange' => array( '#FBE9A7', '#FFCCBC', '#FFAB91', '#FF8A65', '#FF7043', '#FF5722', '#F4511E', '#E64A19', '#D84315', '#BF360C', '#FF9E80', '#FF6E40', '#FF3D00', '#DD2600' ), 'brown' => array( '#EFEBE9', '#D7CCC8', '#BCAAA4', '#A1887F', '#8D6E63', '#795548', '#6D4C41', '#5D4037', '#4E342E', '#3E2723' ), 'grey' => array( '#FAFAFA', '#F5F5F5', '#EEEEEE', '#E0E0E0', '#BDBDBD', '#9E9E9E', '#757575', '#616161', '#424242', '#212121', '#000000', '#ffffff' ), 'blue-grey' => array( '#ECEFF1', '#CFD8DC', '#B0BBC5', '#90A4AE', '#78909C', '#607D8B', '#546E7A', '#455A64', '#37474F', '#263238' ), ); switch ( $context ) { case '50': case '100': case '200': case '300': case '400': case '500': case '600': case '700': case '800': case '900': case 'A100': case 'A200': case 'A400': case 'A700': $key = absint( $context ) / 100; if ( 'A100' === $context ) { $key = 10; unset( $colors['grey'] ); } elseif ( 'A200' === $context ) { $key = 11; unset( $colors['grey'] ); } elseif ( 'A400' === $context ) { $key = 12; unset( $colors['grey'] ); } elseif ( 'A700' === $context ) { $key = 13; unset( $colors['grey'] ); } unset( $colors['primary'] ); $position_colors = array(); foreach ( $colors as $color_family ) { if ( isset( $color_family[ $key ] ) ) { $position_colors[] = $color_family[ $key ]; } } return $position_colors; case 'all': unset( $colors['primary'] ); $all_colors = array(); foreach ( $colors as $color_family ) { foreach ( $color_family as $color ) { $all_colors[] = $color; } } return $all_colors; case 'primary': return $colors['primary']; default: if ( isset( $colors[ $context ] ) ) { return $colors[ $context ]; } return $colors['primary']; } } /** * Get an array of all available dashicons. * * @static * @access public * @return array */ public static function get_dashicons() { return array( 'admin-menu' => array( 'menu', 'admin-site', 'dashboard', 'admin-post', 'admin-media', 'admin-links', 'admin-page', 'admin-comments', 'admin-appearance', 'admin-plugins', 'admin-users', 'admin-tools', 'admin-settings', 'admin-network', 'admin-home', 'admin-generic', 'admin-collapse', 'filter', 'admin-customizer', 'admin-multisite' ), 'welcome-screen' => array( 'welcome-write-blog', 'welcome-add-page', 'welcome-view-site', 'welcome-widgets-menus', 'welcome-comments', 'welcome-learn-more' ), 'post-formats' => array( 'format-aside', 'format-image', 'format-gallery', 'format-video', 'format-status', 'format-quote', 'format-chat', 'format-audio', 'camera', 'images-alt', 'images-alt2', 'video-alt', 'video-alt2', 'video-alt3' ), 'media' => array( 'media-archive', 'media-audio', 'media-code', 'media-default', 'media-document', 'media-interactive', 'media-spreadsheet', 'media-text', 'media-video', 'playlist-audio', 'playlist-video', 'controls-play', 'controls-pause', 'controls-forward', 'controls-skipforward', 'controls-back', 'controls-skipback', 'controls-repeat', 'controls-volumeon', 'controls-volumeoff' ), 'image-editing' => array( 'image-crop', 'image-rotate', 'image-rotate-left', 'image-rotate-right', 'image-flip-vertical', 'image-flip-horizontal', 'image-filter', 'undo', 'redo' ), 'tinymce' => array( 'editor-bold', 'editor-italic', 'editor-ul', 'editor-ol', 'editor-quote', 'editor-alignleft', 'editor-aligncenter', 'editor-alignright', 'editor-insertmore', 'editor-spellcheck', 'editor-expand', 'editor-contract', 'editor-kitchensink', 'editor-underline', 'editor-justify', 'editor-textcolor', 'editor-paste-word', 'editor-paste-text', 'editor-removeformatting', 'editor-video', 'editor-customchar', 'editor-outdent', 'editor-indent', 'editor-help', 'editor-strikethrough', 'editor-unlink', 'editor-rtl', 'editor-break', 'editor-code', 'editor-paragraph', 'editor-table' ), 'posts' => array( 'align-left', 'align-right', 'align-center', 'align-none', 'lock', 'unlock', 'calendar', 'calendar-alt', 'visibility', 'hidden', 'post-status', 'edit', 'trash', 'sticky' ), 'sorting' => array( 'external', 'arrow-up', 'arrow-down', 'arrow-right', 'arrow-left', 'arrow-up-alt', 'arrow-down-alt', 'arrow-right-alt', 'arrow-left-alt', 'arrow-up-alt2', 'arrow-down-alt2', 'arrow-right-alt2', 'arrow-left-alt2', 'sort', 'leftright', 'randomize', 'list-view', 'exerpt-view', 'grid-view' ), 'social' => array( 'share', 'share-alt', 'share-alt2', 'twitter', 'rss', 'email', 'email-alt', 'facebook', 'facebook-alt', 'googleplus', 'networking' ), 'wordpress_org' => array( 'hammer', 'art', 'migrate', 'performance', 'universal-access', 'universal-access-alt', 'tickets', 'nametag', 'clipboard', 'heart', 'megaphone', 'schedule' ), 'products' => array( 'wordpress', 'wordpress-alt', 'pressthis', 'update', 'screenoptions', 'info', 'cart', 'feedback', 'cloud', 'translation' ), 'taxonomies' => array( 'tag', 'category' ), 'widgets' => array( 'archive', 'tagcloud', 'text' ), 'notifications' => array( 'yes', 'no', 'no-alt', 'plus', 'plus-alt', 'minus', 'dismiss', 'marker', 'star-filled', 'star-half', 'star-empty', 'flag', 'warning' ), 'misc' => array( 'location', 'location-alt', 'vault', 'shield', 'shield-alt', 'sos', 'search', 'slides', 'analytics', 'chart-pie', 'chart-bar', 'chart-line', 'chart-area', 'groups', 'businessman', 'id', 'id-alt', 'products', 'awards', 'forms', 'testimonial', 'portfolio', 'book', 'book-alt', 'download', 'upload', 'backup', 'clock', 'lightbulb', 'microphone', 'desktop', 'tablet', 'smartphone', 'phone', 'index-card', 'carrot', 'building', 'store', 'album', 'palmtree', 'tickets-alt', 'money', 'smiley', 'thumbs-up', 'thumbs-down', 'layout' ), ); } /** * Compares the 2 values given the condition * * @param mixed $value1 The 1st value in the comparison. * @param mixed $value2 The 2nd value in the comparison. * @param string $operator The operator we'll use for the comparison. * @return boolean whether The comparison has succeded (true) or failed (false). */ public static function compare_values( $value1, $value2, $operator ) { if ( '===' === $operator ) { return $value1 === $value2; } if ( '!==' === $operator ) { return $value1 !== $value2; } if ( ( '!=' === $operator || 'not equal' === $operator ) ) { return $value1 != $value2; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons } if ( ( '>=' === $operator || 'greater or equal' === $operator || 'equal or greater' === $operator ) ) { return $value2 >= $value1; } if ( ( '<=' === $operator || 'smaller or equal' === $operator || 'equal or smaller' === $operator ) ) { return $value2 <= $value1; } if ( ( '>' === $operator || 'greater' === $operator ) ) { return $value2 > $value1; } if ( ( '<' === $operator || 'smaller' === $operator ) ) { return $value2 < $value1; } if ( 'contains' === $operator || 'in' === $operator ) { if ( is_array( $value1 ) && is_array( $value2 ) ) { foreach ( $value2 as $val ) { if ( in_array( $val, $value1 ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictInArray return true; } } return false; } if ( is_array( $value1 ) && ! is_array( $value2 ) ) { return in_array( $value2, $value1 ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictInArray } if ( is_array( $value2 ) && ! is_array( $value1 ) ) { return in_array( $value1, $value2 ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictInArray } return ( false !== strrpos( $value1, $value2 ) || false !== strpos( $value2, $value1 ) ); } return $value1 == $value2; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons } }