Direktori : /var/www/projetos/spanish.ongrace.com/wp-content/plugins/child-theme-configurator/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/spanish.ongrace.com/wp-content/plugins/child-theme-configurator/js/ctcgrad.js |
/*! * CTC Gradient Functions * Adapted from Iris * Copyright (c) 2012–2014 Automattic. * Licensed under the GPLv2 license. */ (function( $, undef ){ var _html, nonGradientIE, gradientType, vendorPrefixes, _css, Iris, UA, isIE, IEVersion; UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); isIE = navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'; IEVersion = isIE ? parseFloat( UA.match( /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/ )[1] ) : 0; nonGradientIE = ( isIE && IEVersion < 10 ); // we don't bother with an unprefixed version, as it has a different syntax vendorPrefixes = ['-moz-', '-webkit-', '-o-', '-ms-' ]; testGradientType(); // Bail for IE <= 7 if ( nonGradientIE && IEVersion <= 7 ) { $.fn.ctcgrad = $.noop; $.support.ctcgrad = false; return; } $.support.ctcgrad = true; function testGradientType() { var el, base; if ( nonGradientIE ) { gradientType = 'filter'; } else { el = $('<div id="ctcgrad-gradtest" />'); base = "linear-gradient(top,#fff,#000)"; $.each( vendorPrefixes, function( i, val ){ el.css( 'backgroundImage', val + base ); if ( el.css( 'backgroundImage').match('gradient') ) { gradientType = i; return false; } }); // check for legacy webkit gradient syntax if ( gradientType === false ) { el.css( 'background', '-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,0% 100%,from(#fff),to(#000))' ); if ( el.css( 'backgroundImage').match('gradient') ) gradientType = 'webkit'; } el.remove(); } } /** * Only for CSS3 gradients. oldIE will use a separate function. * * Accepts as many color stops as necessary from 2nd arg on, or 2nd * arg can be an array of color stops * * @param {string} origin Gradient origin - top bottom left right (n)deg * @return {string} Appropriate CSS3 gradient string for use in */ function createGradient( origin, stops ) { origin = ( origin.match(/(\d+deg|top|left|bottom|right)( (top|left|bottom|right))?/) ? origin : 'top'); stops = $.isArray( stops ) ? stops : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); if ( gradientType === 'webkit' ) return legacyWebkitGradient( origin, stops ); else return vendorPrefixes[gradientType] + 'linear-gradient(' + origin + ', ' + stops.join(', ') + ')'; } /** * Stupid gradients for a stupid browser. */ function stupidIEGradient( origin, stops ) { var type, self, lastIndex, filter, startPosProp, endPosProp, dimensionProp, template, html, filterVal; origin = ( origin === 'left' ) ? 'left' : 'top'; stops = $.isArray( stops ) ? stops : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); // 8 hex: AARRGGBB // GradientType: 0 vertical, 1 horizontal type = ( origin === 'top' ) ? 0 : 1; self = $( this ); lastIndex = stops.length - 1; filter = 'filter'; startPosProp = ( type === 1 ) ? 'left' : 'top'; endPosProp = ( type === 1 ) ? 'right' : 'bottom'; dimensionProp = ( type === 1 ) ? 'height' : 'width'; // need a positioning context if ( self.css('position') === 'static' ) self.css( {position: 'relative' } ); stops = fillColorStops( stops ); $.each(stops, function( i, startColor ) { var endColor, endStop; // we want two at a time. if we're on the last pair, bail. if ( i === lastIndex ) return false; endColor = stops[ i + 1 ]; //if our pairs are at the same color stop, moving along. if ( startColor.stop === endColor.stop ) return; endStop = 100 - parseFloat( endColor.stop ) + '%'; startColor.octoHex = new Color( startColor.color ).toIEOctoHex(); endColor.octoHex = new Color( endColor.color ).toIEOctoHex(); filterVal = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=" + type + ", StartColorStr='" + startColor.octoHex + "', EndColorStr='" + endColor.octoHex + "')"; }); return filterVal; } function legacyWebkitGradient( origin, colorList ) { var stops = []; origin = ( origin === 'top' ) ? '0% 0%,0% 100%,' : '0% 100%,100% 100%,'; colorList = fillColorStops( colorList ); $.each( colorList, function( i, val ){ stops.push( 'color-stop(' + ( parseFloat( val.stop ) / 100 ) + ', ' + val.color + ')' ); }); return '-webkit-gradient(linear,' + origin + stops.join(',') + ')'; } function fillColorStops( colorList ) { var colors = [], percs = [], newColorList = [], lastIndex = colorList.length - 1; $.each( colorList, function( index, val ) { var color = val, perc = false, match = val.match(/1?[0-9]{1,2}%$/); if ( match ) { color = val.replace(/\s?1?[0-9]{1,2}%$/, ''); perc = match.shift(); } colors.push( color ); percs.push( perc ); }); // back fill first and last if ( percs[0] === false ) percs[0] = '0%'; if ( percs[lastIndex] === false ) percs[lastIndex] = '100%'; percs = backFillColorStops( percs ); $.each( percs, function( i ){ newColorList[i] = { color: colors[i], stop: percs[i] }; }); return newColorList; } function backFillColorStops( stops ) { var first = 0, last = stops.length - 1, i = 0, foundFirst = false, incr, steps, step, firstVal; if ( stops.length <= 2 || $.inArray( false, stops ) < 0 ) { return stops; } while ( i < stops.length - 1 ) { if ( ! foundFirst && stops[i] === false ) { first = i - 1; foundFirst = true; } else if ( foundFirst && stops[i] !== false ) { last = i; i = stops.length; } i++; } steps = last - first; firstVal = parseInt( stops[first].replace('%'), 10 ); incr = ( parseFloat( stops[last].replace('%') ) - firstVal ) / steps; i = first + 1; step = 1; while ( i < last ) { stops[i] = ( firstVal + ( step * incr ) ) + '%'; step++; i++; } return backFillColorStops( stops ); } $.fn.ctcgrad = function( origin ) { var args = arguments; // this'll be oldishIE if ( nonGradientIE ) $(this).css('filter', stupidIEGradient.apply( this, args )); else // new hotness $( this ).css( 'backgroundImage', createGradient.apply( this, args ) ); }; }( jQuery ));