Direktori : /var/www/projetos/rrsos.com.br/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/rrsos.com.br/js/jquery.sparkbox-select.js |
(function($) { var selectboxCounter = 0; $.fn.sbCustomSelect = function(options) { var iOS = (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)), android = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)), UP = 38, DOWN = 40, SPACE = 32, RETURN = 13, TAB = 9, matchString = '', settings = $.extend({ appendTo: false }, options); // Sync custom display with original select box and set selected class and the correct <li> var updateSelect = function() { var $this = $(this), $dropdown = $('.sb-dropdown[data-id=' + $this.parent().data('id') + ']'), $sbSelect = $this.siblings('.sb-select'); if (this.selectedIndex != -1) { $sbSelect.val(this[this.selectedIndex].innerHTML); $dropdown.children().removeClass('selected') .filter(':contains(' + this[this.selectedIndex].innerHTML + ')').addClass('selected'); } }; // Update original select box, hide <ul>, and fire change event to keep everything in sync var dropdownSelection = function(e) { var $target = $(e.target), id = $target.closest('ul').attr('data-id'), $option = $('.sb-custom[data-id=' + id + ']').find('option').filter('[value="' + $target.parent().data('value') + '"]'); e.preventDefault(); $option[0].selected = true; $target.closest('ul').fadeOut('fast'); $option.parent().trigger('change'); }; // Create the <ul> that will be used to change the selection on a non iOS/Android browser var createDropdown = function($select, i) { var $options = $select.children(), $dropdown = $('<ul data-id="' + i + '" class="sb-dropdown"/>'); $options.each(function() { $this = $(this); $dropdown.append('<li data-value="' + $this.val() + '"><a href=".">' + $this.text() + '</a></li>'); }); $dropdown.bind('click', dropdownSelection); return $dropdown; }; // Clear keystroke matching string and show dropdown var viewList = function(e) { var $this = $(this), id = $this.data('id'); clearKeyStrokes(); $('.sb-dropdown').filter('[data-id!=' + id + ']').fadeOut('fast'); $('.sb-dropdown').filter('[data-id=' + id + ']').fadeIn('fast'); e.preventDefault(); }; // Hide the custom dropdown var hideDropdown = function(e) { if (!$(e.target).closest('.sb-custom').length) { $('.sb-dropdown').fadeOut('fast'); } }; // Manage keypress to replicate browser functionality var selectKeypress = function(e) { var $this = $(this), $current = $('.sb-dropdown[data-id=' + $this.data('id') + ']').find('.selected'); // if ($('.sb-dropdown[data-id=' + $this.data('id') + ']').find('.selected') || $('.sb-dropdown[data-id=' + $this.data('id') + ']'); // $this.siblings('ul').find('.selected'); if ((e.keyCode == UP || e.keyCode == DOWN || e.keyCode == SPACE) && $current.is(':hidden')) { $current.focus(); return; } if (e.keyCode == UP && $current.prev().length) { e.preventDefault(); $current.removeClass('selected'); $current.prev().addClass('selected'); } else if (e.keyCode == DOWN && $current.next().length) { e.preventDefault(); $current.removeClass('selected'); $current.next().addClass('selected'); } if (e.keyCode == RETURN || e.keyCode == SPACE) { $current.trigger('click'); return; } if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 90) { matchString += String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); checkforMatch(e); } if (e.keyCode == TAB && $current.is(':visible')) { e.preventDefault(); $current.trigger('click'); hideDropdown(e); } }; // Check keys pressed to see if there is a text match with one of the options var checkforMatch = function(e) { var re = '/' + matchString + '.*/'; $(e.target).siblings('ul').find('a').each(function() { if (this.innerHTML.toUpperCase().indexOf(matchString) === 0) { $(this).trigger('click'); return; } }); }; // Clear the string used for matching keystrokes to select options var clearKeyStrokes = function() { matchString = ''; }; /* jQuery Plugin Loop * * Take the select box out of the tab order. * * Add the field that will show the currently selected item and attach the change event to update the .sb-select input. * * If this is iOS or Android then we want to use the browsers standard UI controls. Set the opacity of the select to 0 * and lay it over our custom display of the current value. * Otherwise, we're going to create a custom <ul> for the dropdown * * After all of the setup is complete, trigger the change event on the original select box to update the .sb-select input */ this.each(function() { var $self = $(this); $self.attr('tabindex', -1) .wrap('<div data-id="' + selectboxCounter + '" class="sb-custom"/>') .after('<input data-id="' + selectboxCounter + '" type="text" class="sb-select" readonly="readonly" />') .bind('change', updateSelect); if (iOS || android) { $self.show().css({ 'display': 'block', 'height': $self.next().innerHeight(), 'opacity': 0, 'position': 'absolute', 'width': '100%', 'z-index': 1000 }); } else { $self.next().bind('click', viewList); if (!settings.appendTo) { $self.after(createDropdown($self, selectboxCounter)); } else { var offset = $self.parent().offset(); $(settings.appendTo).append(createDropdown($self, selectboxCounter).css({ 'top': offset.top, 'left': offset.left, 'width': $self.parent().width() * 0.8 })); } } $self.trigger('change'); selectboxCounter++; }); // Hide dropdown when click is outside of the input or dropdown $(document).bind('click', hideDropdown); $('.sb-custom').find('.sb-select').live('keydown', selectKeypress); $('.sb-custom').bind('blur', clearKeyStrokes); $(document).delegate('.sb-dropdown', 'focus', viewList); return this; }; })(jQuery);