Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /var/www/projetos/romanian.ongrace.com/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/views/settings/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /var/www/projetos/romanian.ongrace.com/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/views/settings/packages.php

defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit;

global $wp_version;
global $wpdb;

$action_updated     = null;
$action_response    = __("Package Settings Saved", 'duplicator');
$mysqldump_exe_file = '';

if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'save') {

    //Nonce Check
    $nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['dup_settings_save_nonce_field']);
    if (!isset($_POST['dup_settings_save_nonce_field']) || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'dup_settings_save')) {
        die('Invalid token permissions to perform this request.');

    $mysqldump_enabled = isset($_POST['package_dbmode']) && $_POST['package_dbmode'] == 'mysql' ? "1" : "0";
    if (isset($_POST['package_mysqldump_path'])) {
        $mysqldump_exe_file = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::sanitize_non_stamp_chars_newline_and_trim($_POST['package_mysqldump_path']);
        $mysqldump_exe_file = preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]\:)?[\/\\\\]/', $mysqldump_exe_file) ? $mysqldump_exe_file : '';
        $mysqldump_exe_file = preg_replace('/[\'";]/m', '', $mysqldump_exe_file);
        $mysqldump_exe_file = DUP_Util::safePath($mysqldump_exe_file);
        $mysqldump_exe_file = DUP_DB::escSQL(strip_tags($mysqldump_exe_file), true);

    DUP_Settings::Set('last_updated', date('Y-m-d-H-i-s'));
    DUP_Settings::Set('package_zip_flush', isset($_POST['package_zip_flush']) ? "1" : "0");
    DUP_Settings::Set('archive_build_mode', sanitize_text_field($_POST['archive_build_mode']));
    DUP_Settings::Set('package_mysqldump', $mysqldump_enabled ? "1" : "0");
    DUP_Settings::Set('package_phpdump_qrylimit', isset($_POST['package_phpdump_qrylimit']) ? $_POST['package_phpdump_qrylimit'] : "100");
    DUP_Settings::Set('package_mysqldump_path', $mysqldump_exe_file);
    DUP_Settings::Set('package_ui_created', sanitize_text_field($_POST['package_ui_created']));

    switch (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'installer_name_mode', FILTER_DEFAULT)) {
            DUP_Settings::Set('installer_name_mode', DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_WITH_HASH);
        case DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_SIMPLE:
            DUP_Settings::Set('installer_name_mode', DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_SIMPLE);

    $action_updated = DUP_Settings::Save();

$is_shellexec_on        = DUP_Util::hasShellExec();
$package_zip_flush      = DUP_Settings::Get('package_zip_flush');
$phpdump_chunkopts      = array("20", "100", "500", "1000", "2000");
$phpdump_qrylimit       = DUP_Settings::Get('package_phpdump_qrylimit');
$package_mysqldump      = DUP_Settings::Get('package_mysqldump');
$package_mysqldump_path = trim(DUP_Settings::Get('package_mysqldump_path'));
$package_ui_created     = is_numeric(DUP_Settings::Get('package_ui_created')) ? DUP_Settings::Get('package_ui_created') : 1;
$mysqlDumpPath          = DUP_DB::getMySqlDumpPath();
$mysqlDumpFound         = ($mysqlDumpPath) ? true : false;
$archive_build_mode     = DUP_Settings::Get('archive_build_mode');
$installerNameMode      = DUP_Settings::Get('installer_name_mode');

    form#dup-settings-form input[type=text] {width:500px; }
    #dup-settings-form tr td { line-height: 1.6; }
    div.dup-feature-found {padding:10px 0 5px 0; color:green;}
    div.dup-feature-notfound {color:maroon; width:600px; line-height: 18px}
    select#package_ui_created {font-family: monospace}
    div.engine-radio {float: left; min-width: 100px}
    div.engine-sub-opts {padding:5px 0 10px 15px; display:none }
    i.lock-info {display:inline-block; width: 25px;}

<form id="dup-settings-form" action="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=duplicator-settings&tab=package'); ?>" method="post">
    <?php wp_nonce_field('dup_settings_save', 'dup_settings_save_nonce_field', false); ?>
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save">
    <input type="hidden" name="page"   value="duplicator-settings">

    <?php if ($action_updated) : ?>
        <div id="message" class="notice notice-success is-dismissible dup-wpnotice-box"><p><?php echo esc_html($action_response); ?></p></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <h3 class="title"><?php esc_html_e("Database", 'duplicator') ?> </h3>
    <hr size="1" />
    <table class="form-table">
            <th scope="row"><label><?php esc_html_e("SQL Mode", 'duplicator'); ?></label></th>
                <div class="engine-radio <?php echo ($is_shellexec_on) ? '' : 'engine-radio-disabled'; ?>">
                    <input type="radio" name="package_dbmode" value="mysql" id="package_mysqldump" <?php echo ($package_mysqldump) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
                    <label for="package_mysqldump"><?php esc_html_e("Mysqldump", 'duplicator'); ?></label>

                <div class="engine-radio" >
                    <!-- PHP MODE -->
                    <?php if (!$mysqlDumpFound) : ?>
                        <input type="radio" name="package_dbmode" id="package_phpdump" value="php" checked="checked" />
                    <?php else : ?>
                        <input type="radio" name="package_dbmode" id="package_phpdump" value="php" <?php echo (!$package_mysqldump) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
                    <?php endif; ?>
                    <label for="package_phpdump"><?php esc_html_e("PHP Code", 'duplicator'); ?></label>

                <br style="clear:both"/><br/>

                <!-- SHELL EXEC  -->
                <div class="engine-sub-opts" id="dbengine-details-1" style="display:none">
                    <?php if (!$is_shellexec_on) : ?>
                        <p class="description" style="width:550px; margin:5px 0 0 20px">
                            _e("This server does not support the PHP shell_exec or exec function which is required for mysqldump to run. ", 'duplicator');
                            _e("Please contact the host or server administrator to enable this feature.", 'duplicator');
                                <i style="cursor: pointer"
                                   data-tooltip-title="<?php esc_html_e("Host Recommendation:", 'duplicator'); ?>"
                                   data-tooltip="<?php esc_html_e('Duplicator recommends going with the high performance pro plan or better from our recommended list', 'duplicator'); ?>">
                                    <i class="far fa-lightbulb" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                    printf("%s <a target='_blank' href='//snapcreek.com/wordpress-hosting/'>%s</a> %s",
                                        __("Please visit our recommended", 'duplicator'),
                                        __("host list", 'duplicator'),
                                        __("for reliable access to mysqldump", 'duplicator'));
                    <?php else : ?>
                        <div style="margin:0 0 0 15px">
                            <?php if ($mysqlDumpFound) : ?>
                                <div class="dup-feature-found">
                                    <i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>
                                    <?php esc_html_e("Successfully Found:", 'duplicator'); ?> &nbsp;
                                    <i><?php echo esc_html($mysqlDumpPath); ?></i>
                            <?php else : ?>
                                <div class="dup-feature-notfound">
                                    <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-sm"></i>
                                    _e('Mysqldump was not found at its default location or the location provided.  Please enter a custom path to a valid location where mysqldump can run.  '
                                        .'If the problem persist contact your host or server administrator.  ', 'duplicator');

                                    printf("%s <a target='_blank' href='//snapcreek.com/wordpress-hosting/'>%s</a> %s",
                                        __("See the", 'duplicator'),
                                        __("host list", 'duplicator'),
                                        __("for reliable access to mysqldump.", 'duplicator'));
                            <?php endif; ?>

                            <label><?php esc_html_e("Custom Path", 'duplicator'); ?></label>
                            <i class="fas fa-question-circle fa-sm"
                               data-tooltip-title="<?php esc_attr_e("mysqldump path:", 'duplicator'); ?>"
                               esc_attr_e('Add a custom path if the path to mysqldump is not properly detected.   For all paths use a forward slash as the '
                                   .'path seperator.  On Linux systems use mysqldump for Windows systems use mysqldump.exe.  If the path tried does not work please contact your hosting '
                                   .'provider for details on the correct path.', 'duplicator');
                            <input type="text" name="package_mysqldump_path" id="package_mysqldump_path" value="<?php echo esc_attr($package_mysqldump_path); ?>" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e("/usr/bin/mypath/mysqldump", 'duplicator'); ?>" />
                            <div class="dup-feature-notfound">
                                if (!$mysqlDumpFound && strlen($mysqldump_exe_file)) {
                                    _e('<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-sm"></i> The custom path provided is not recognized as a valid mysqldump file:<br/>', 'duplicator');
                                    $mysqldump_path = esc_html($package_mysqldump_path);
                                    echo "'".esc_html($mysqldump_path)."'";

                    <?php endif; ?>

                <!-- PHP OPTION -->
                <div class="engine-sub-opts" id="dbengine-details-2" style="display:none; line-height: 35px; margin:0 0 0 15px">
                    <!-- PRO ONLY -->
                    <label><?php esc_html_e("Mode", 'duplicator'); ?>:</label>
                    <select name="">
                        <option selected="selected" value="1">
                            <?php esc_html_e("Single-Threaded", 'duplicator'); ?>
                        <option  disabled="disabled"  value="0">
                            <?php esc_html_e("Multi-Threaded", 'duplicator'); ?>
                    <i style="margin-right:7px;" class="fas fa-question-circle fa-sm"
                       data-tooltip-title="<?php esc_attr_e("PHP Code Mode:", 'duplicator'); ?>"
                       esc_attr_e('Single-Threaded mode attempts to create the entire database script in one request.  Multi-Threaded mode allows the database script '
                           .'to be chunked over multiple requests.  Multi-Threaded mode is typically slower but much more reliable especially for larger databases.', 'duplicator');
                       esc_attr_e('<br><br><i>Multi-Threaded mode is only available in Duplicator Pro.</i>', 'duplicator');
                        <label for="package_phpdump_qrylimit"><?php esc_html_e("Query Limit Size", 'duplicator'); ?>:</label> &nbsp;
                        <select name="package_phpdump_qrylimit" id="package_phpdump_qrylimit">
                            foreach ($phpdump_chunkopts as $value) {
                                $selected = ( $phpdump_qrylimit == $value ? "selected='selected'" : '' );
                                echo "<option {$selected} value='".esc_attr($value)."'>".number_format($value).'</option>';
                        <i class="fas fa-question-circle fa-sm"
                           data-tooltip-title="<?php esc_attr_e("PHP Query Limit Size", 'duplicator'); ?>"
                           data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('A higher limit size will speed up the database build time, however it will use more memory.  If your host has memory caps start off low.', 'duplicator'); ?>"></i>


    <h3 class="title"><?php esc_html_e("Archive", 'duplicator') ?> </h3>
    <hr size="1" />
    <table class="form-table">
            <th scope="row"><label><?php esc_html_e('Archive Engine', 'duplicator'); ?></label></th>
                <div class="engine-radio">
                    <input type="radio" name="archive_build_mode" id="archive_build_mode1" onclick="Duplicator.Pack.ToggleArchiveEngine()"
                           value="<?php echo esc_attr(DUP_Archive_Build_Mode::ZipArchive); ?>" <?php echo ($archive_build_mode == DUP_Archive_Build_Mode::ZipArchive) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
                    <label for="archive_build_mode1"><?php esc_html_e('ZipArchive', 'duplicator'); ?></label>

                <div class="engine-radio">
                    <input type="radio" name="archive_build_mode" id="archive_build_mode2"  onclick="Duplicator.Pack.ToggleArchiveEngine()"
                           value="<?php echo esc_attr(DUP_Archive_Build_Mode::DupArchive); ?>" <?php echo ($archive_build_mode == DUP_Archive_Build_Mode::DupArchive) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
                    <label for="archive_build_mode2"><?php esc_html_e('DupArchive'); ?></label> &nbsp; &nbsp;

                <br style="clear:both"/>

                <!-- ZIPARCHIVE -->
                <div class="engine-sub-opts" id="engine-details-1" style="display:none">
                    <p class="description">
                        esc_html_e('Creates a archive format (archive.zip).', 'duplicator');
                        echo '<br/>';
                        esc_html_e('This option uses the internal PHP ZipArchive classes to create a Zip file.', 'duplicator');

                <!-- DUPARCHIVE -->
                <div class="engine-sub-opts" id="engine-details-2" style="display:none">
                    <p class="description">
                        esc_html_e('Creates a custom archive format (archive.daf).', 'duplicator');
                        echo '<br/>';
                        esc_html_e('This option is recommended for large sites or sites on constrained servers.', 'duplicator');
            <th scope="row"><label><?php esc_html_e("Archive Flush", 'duplicator'); ?></label></th>
                <input type="checkbox" name="package_zip_flush" id="package_zip_flush" <?php echo ($package_zip_flush) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
                <label for="package_zip_flush"><?php esc_html_e("Attempt Network Keep Alive", 'duplicator'); ?></label>
                <i style="font-size:12px">(<?php esc_html_e("enable only for large archives", 'duplicator'); ?>)</i>
                <p class="description">
                    esc_html_e("This will attempt to keep a network connection established for large archives.", 'duplicator');
                    echo '<br/>';
                    esc_html_e(" Valid only when Archive Engine for ZipArchive is enabled.");

    <h3 class="title" id="duplicator-installer-settings"><?php esc_html_e("Installer", 'duplicator') ?> </h3>
    <hr size="1" />
    <table class="form-table">
            <th scope="row"><label><?php esc_html_e("Name", 'duplicator'); ?></label></th>
            <td id="installer-name-mode-option" >
                <b><?php esc_html_e("Default 'Save as' name:", 'duplicator'); ?></b> <br/>
                    <i class='fas fa-lock lock-info'></i>
                    <input type="radio" name="installer_name_mode"
                        value="<?php echo DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_WITH_HASH; ?>"
                        <?php checked($installerNameMode === DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_WITH_HASH); ?> />
                    [name]_[hash]_[date]_installer.php <i>(<?php esc_html_e("recommended", 'duplicator'); ?>)</i>
                    <i class='fas fa-lock-open lock-info'></i>
                    <input type="radio" name="installer_name_mode"
                        value="<?php echo DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_SIMPLE; ?>"
                        <?php checked($installerNameMode === DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_SIMPLE); ?> 
                    <?php echo DUP_Installer::DEFAULT_INSTALLER_FILE_NAME_WITHOUT_HASH . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION; ?>
                <p class="description">
                    <?php esc_html_e("To understand the importance and usage of the installer name, please", 'duplicator') ?>
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jQuery('#dup-lite-inst-mode-details').toggle()"><?php esc_html_e("read this section", 'duplicator') ?> </a>.
                <div id="dup-lite-inst-mode-details">
                        <i><?php esc_html_e('Using the full hashed format provides a higher level of security by helping to prevent the discovery of the installer file.', 'duplicator'); ?></i> <br/>
                        <b><?php esc_html_e('Hashed example', 'duplicator'); ?>:</b>  my-name_64fc6df76c17f2023225_19990101010101_installer.php
                        esc_html_e('The Installer \'Name\' setting specifies the name of the installer used at download-time. It\'s recommended you choose the hashed name to better protect the installer file.  '
                            .'Independent of the value of this setting, you can always change the name in the \'Save as\' file dialog at download-time. If you choose to use a custom name, use a filename that is '
                            .'known only to you. Installer filenames	must end in \'.php\'.', 'duplicator');
                        esc_html_e('It\'s important not to leave the installer files on the destination server longer than necessary.  '
                            .'After installing the migrated or restored site, just logon as a WordPress administrator and follow the prompts to have the plugin remove the files.  '
                            .'Alternatively, you can remove them manually.', 'duplicator');
                        <i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>
                        esc_html_e('Tip: Each row on the packages screen includes a copy button that copies the installer name to the clipboard.  After clicking this button, paste the installer '
                            .'name into the URL you\'re using to install the destination site. This feature is handy when using the hashed installer name.', 'duplicator');

    <h3 class="title"><?php esc_html_e("Visuals", 'duplicator') ?> </h3>
    <hr size="1" />
    <table class="form-table">
            <th scope="row"><label><?php esc_html_e("Created Format", 'duplicator'); ?></label></th>
                <select name="package_ui_created" id="package_ui_created">
                    <!-- YEAR -->
                    <optgroup label="<?php esc_html_e("By Year", 'duplicator'); ?>">
                        <option value="1">Y-m-d H:i &nbsp;	[2000-01-05 12:00]</option>
                        <option value="2">Y-m-d H:i:s		[2000-01-05 12:00:01]</option>
                        <option value="3">y-m-d H:i &nbsp;	[00-01-05   12:00]</option>
                        <option value="4">y-m-d H:i:s		[00-01-05   12:00:01]</option>
                    <!-- MONTH -->
                    <optgroup label="<?php esc_html_e("By Month", 'duplicator'); ?>">
                        <option value="5">m-d-Y H:i  &nbsp; [01-05-2000 12:00]</option>
                        <option value="6">m-d-Y H:i:s		[01-05-2000 12:00:01]</option>
                        <option value="7">m-d-y H:i  &nbsp; [01-05-00   12:00]</option>
                        <option value="8">m-d-y H:i:s		[01-05-00   12:00:01]</option>
                    <!-- DAY -->
                    <optgroup label="<?php esc_html_e("By Day", 'duplicator'); ?>">
                        <option value="9"> d-m-Y H:i &nbsp;	[05-01-2000 12:00]</option>
                        <option value="10">d-m-Y H:i:s		[05-01-2000 12:00:01]</option>
                        <option value="11">d-m-y H:i &nbsp;	[05-01-00	12:00]</option>
                        <option value="12">d-m-y H:i:s		[05-01-00	12:00:01]</option>
                <p class="description">
                    <?php esc_html_e("The UTC date format shown in the 'Created' column on the Packages screen.", 'duplicator'); ?> <br/>
                    <small><?php esc_html_e("To use WordPress timezone formats consider an upgrade to Duplicator Pro.", 'duplicator'); ?></small>

    <p class="submit" style="margin: 20px 0px 0xp 5px;">
        <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e("Save Package Settings", 'duplicator') ?>" style="display: inline-block;" />

    jQuery(document).ready(function ($)
        Duplicator.Pack.SetDBEngineMode = function ()
            var isMysqlDump = $('#package_mysqldump').is(':checked');
            var isPHPMode = $('#package_phpdump').is(':checked');
            var isPHPChunkMode = $('#package_phpchunkingdump').is(':checked');

            $('#dbengine-details-1, #dbengine-details-2').hide();
            switch (true) {
                case isMysqlDump :
                case isPHPMode	 :
                case isPHPChunkMode :

        Duplicator.Pack.ToggleArchiveEngine = function ()
            $('#engine-details-1, #engine-details-2').hide();
            if ($('#archive_build_mode1').is(':checked')) {
            } else {
                $('#package_zip_flush').attr('disabled', true);

        $('#package_mysqldump , #package_phpdump').change(function () {

        $('#package_ui_created').val(<?php echo esc_js($package_ui_created); ?>);


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0