Direktori : /var/www/projetos/prod.jornalshowdafe.com.br/wp-content/themes/betheme/muffin-options/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/prod.jornalshowdafe.com.br/wp-content/themes/betheme/muffin-options/js/options.js |
(function($) { /* globals jQuery, ajaxurl, wp */ "use strict"; var MfnOptions = (function($) { var $options = $('#mfn-options'), $menu = $('.mfn-menu', $options), $content = $('.mfn-wrapper', $options), $subheader = $('.mfn-subheader', $options), $modal = $('.mfn-modal', $options), $currentModal = false, $title = $('.topbar-title .page-title', $options), $subtitle = $('.topbar-title .subpage-title', $options), $tabs = $('.subheader-tabs', $options), $last_tab = $('#last_tab', $options); var loading = true, // prevent some functions until window load scrollLock = false; // prevent active on scroll after click /** * Main menu */ var menu = { init: function() { var last_tab = $last_tab.val(); if( window.location.hash.replace('#','') ){ return false; } if( ! last_tab ){ last_tab = 'general'; } this.click( $('li[data-id="'+ last_tab +'"] a', $menu) ); }, click: function($el) { var $li = $el.closest('li'), tab = $li.data('id'), title, subtitle; if( $li.hasClass('active') ){ return false; } $menu.find('li').removeClass('active'); $li.addClass('active'); if( $li.is('[data-id]') ){ // second level $li.parents('li').addClass('active'); title = $li.parent().closest('li').children('a').text(); subtitle = $li.children('a').text(); } else { // first level $li.find('li:first').addClass('active'); tab = $li.find('li:first').data('id'); title = $li.children('a').text(); subtitle = $li.find('li:first a').text(); } $('.mfn-card-group', $options).removeClass('active'); $('.mfn-card-group[data-tab="'+ tab +'"]', $options).addClass('active'); $last_tab.val( tab ); $title.text( title ); $subtitle.text( subtitle ); subheader.init(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 300); }, hash: function( link ){ var tab, card; link = ( typeof link !== 'undefined' ) ? link : window.location.hash; link = link.replace('#',''); if( ! link ){ return false; } tab = link.split('&')[0]; card = link.split('&')[1]; this.click( $('li[data-id="'+ tab +'"] a', $menu) ); if( card ){ subheader.click( $('li[data-card-id="'+ card +'"] a', $subheader) ); } } }; /** * Subheader */ var subheader = { startY: 0, topY: 0, bodyY: 0, width: 0, headerH: 0, dashboardMenuH: 0, $placeholder: $('.mfn-subheader-placeholder', $content), init: function(){ var $tab = $('.mfn-card-group.active', $options); var link = $tab.data('tab'); if( ! link ){ return false; } $tabs.empty(); $('.mfn-card', $tab).each(function( index ){ var title = $(this).find('.card-title').text(), id = $(this).data('card'), attr = $(this).data('attr'), cssClass = ''; if( ! index ){ cssClass = 'active'; } if( attr ){ attr = ' data-attr="'+ attr +'"' ; } else { attr = ''; } $tabs.append( '<li class="'+ cssClass +'" data-card-id="'+ id +'"'+ attr +'><a href="#'+ link +'&'+ id +'">'+ title +'</a></li>' ); }); window.location.hash = '#'+ link; this.set(); }, click: function($el){ var $li = $el.closest('li'); var id = $li.data('card-id'), adminH = $('#wpadminbar').height(); $li.addClass('active').siblings('li').removeClass('active'); this.setScrollLock(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('.mfn-card-group.active .mfn-card[data-card="'+ id +'"]').offset().top - ( adminH + this.headerH + 20 ) }, 300); }, set: function(){ this.topY = $content.offset().top; this.dashboardMenuH = $('.mfn-dashboard-menu').height() || 0; this.bodyY = $('#wpbody').offset().top + this.dashboardMenuH; this.width = $content.innerWidth(); this.headerH = $subheader.height(); this.startY = this.topY + $('.mfn-topbar', $content).height(); // add dashboard sticky menu height if window height > 800 if( window.innerHeight > 800 ){ this.startY -= this.dashboardMenuH } this.$placeholder.height( $subheader.height() ); }, setScrollLock: function(){ scrollLock = true; setTimeout(function(){ scrollLock = false; }, 300); }, sticky: function(){ var windowY = $(window).scrollTop(); if( windowY >= this.startY ){ this.$placeholder.show(0); $subheader.addClass('sticky').css({ position: 'fixed', top: this.bodyY, width: this.width }); } else { this.$placeholder.hide(0); $subheader.removeClass('sticky').css({ position: 'static', top: 0, width: 'unset' }); } }, scrollActive: function(){ if( scrollLock ){ return false; } var $tab = $('.mfn-card-group.active', $options); var first = false; $('.mfn-card:visible', $tab).each(function() { var windowY = $(window).scrollTop(); var cardY = $(this).offset().top + $(this).height(); cardY = cardY - subheader.bodyY - subheader.headerH; if( first ){ return false; } if ( cardY > windowY ) { first = $(this).data('card'); } }); if ( first ) { $tabs.find('li[data-card-id="'+ first +'"]').addClass('active') .siblings('li').removeClass('active'); } } }; /** * Mobile */ var mobile = { // mobile.menu() menu: function(){ var $overlay = $('.mfn-overlay', $options); if( $menu.hasClass('show') ){ $overlay.fadeOut(300); } else { $overlay.fadeIn(300); $menu.scrollTop(0); } $menu.toggleClass('show'); $('body').toggleClass('mfn-modal-open'); } }; /** * Responsive */ var responsive = { // responsive.switch() switch: function( $el ){ var device = $el.data('device'); $content.attr('data-device', device); }, // responsive.enableFonts() enableFonts: function( $el ){ var val = $el.val(); console.log(val); if( val == 1 ){ $content.addClass('auto-font-size'); } else { $content.removeClass('auto-font-size'); } }, // responsive.checkFonts() checkFonts: function(){ var val = $('#font-size-responsive').find('input:checked').val(); if( val == 1 ){ $content.addClass('auto-font-size'); } else { $content.removeClass('auto-font-size'); } } }; /** * Backup & Reset */ var backup = { export: function(){ $( '.backup-export-textarea', $content ).toggle(); $( '.backup-export-input', $content ).hide(); }, exportLink: function(){ $( '.backup-export-input', $content ).toggle(); $( '.backup-export-textarea', $content ).hide(); }, import: function(){ $( '.backup-import-textarea', $content ).toggle() .find('textarea').val(''); $( '.backup-import-input', $content ).hide(); }, importLink: function(){ $( '.backup-import-input', $content ).toggle() .find('.mfn-form-input').val(''); $( '.backup-import-textarea', $content ).hide(); }, resetPre: function(){ $( '.backup-reset-step.step-1', $content ).hide().next().show(); }, reset: function( $el ){ if ( $( '.backup-reset-security-code', $content ).val() != 'r3s3t' ) { alert( 'Please insert correct security code: r3s3t' ); return false; } if ( confirm( "Are you sure?\n\nAll custom values across your entire Theme Options panel will be reset" ) ) { $el.val( 'Resetting...' ); return true; } else { return false; } } }; /** * Modal, icon select etc */ var modal = { // modal.open() open: function( $senderModal ){ $currentModal = $senderModal; $currentModal.addClass('show'); $('body').addClass('mfn-modal-open'); }, // modal.close() close: function(){ if( ! $currentModal ){ return false; } $currentModal.removeClass('show'); $('body').removeClass('mfn-modal-open'); $currentModal = false; } }; /** * Custom icons */ var icons = { // icons.add() add: function(){ var number = $('.mfn-card-group[data-tab="social"] .mfn-card[data-card^="custom"]').length + 1; // count $('#custom-icon-count input').val( number - 1 ); // card var $card = $('.mfn-card-group[data-tab="social"] .mfn-card[data-card="custom"]:first'), $clone = $card.clone(); icons.number.card($clone, number); $('.mfn-card[data-card="new-icon"]').before($clone); // sorter var $sortClone = $('#social-link li[data-key="custom"]').clone(); icons.number.sorter($sortClone, number); $('#social-link .social-wrapper').append($sortClone); $('#social-link .social-order').val(function(i,val){ return val + ',custom-' + number; }); }, // icons.number number: { // icons.number.card() card: function( $el, number ){ $el.attr('data-card', function(i,val){ return val + '-' + number; }); $el.find('.card-title').html(function(i,val){ return val + ' ' + number; }); $el.find('input').each(function(){ $(this).attr('name', function(i,val){ return val.replace( ']', '-'+ number +']' ); }).val(''); }); }, // icons.number.sorter() sorter: function( $el, number ){ $el.attr('data-key',function(i,val){ return val + '-' + number; }); $el.find('.label').html(function(i,val){ return val + ' ' + number; }); $el.find('.label i').attr('class','fas fa-question'); }, }, }; /** * Cards hash navigation */ var goToCard = function( el, e ){ var locationURL = location.href.replace(/\/#.*|#.*/, ''), thisURL = el.href.replace(/\/#.*|#.*/, ''), hash = el.hash; if ( locationURL == thisURL ) { e.preventDefault(); } else { return false; } menu.hash( hash ); }; /** * Shop | Custom Attributes * WooCommerce: Product > Attributes */ var mfnattributes = { // mfnattributes.run() run: function() { if($('.mfn_tax_field_color').length){ $('.mfn_tax_field_color').wpColorPicker(); } if($('.mfn-attr-image').length){ var frame, metaBox = $('.mfn-attr-image'), addImgLink = metaBox.find('.upload-custom-img'), delImgLink = metaBox.find( '.delete-custom-img'), imgContainer = metaBox.find( '.mfn-custom-img-container'), imgIdInput = metaBox.find( '#mfn_tax_field' ), placeholder = metaBox.find( '.mfn-custom-img-container img').attr('data-src'); addImgLink.on( 'click', function( event ){ event.preventDefault(); if ( frame ) { frame.open(); return; } frame = wp.media({ title: 'Select or Upload Media Of Your Chosen Persuasion', button: { text: 'Use this media' }, multiple: false }); frame.on( 'select', function() { var attachment = frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); imgContainer.find('img').attr('src', attachment.url); imgIdInput.val( attachment.id ); //addImgLink.addClass( 'hidden' ); delImgLink.removeClass( 'hidden' ); }); frame.open(); }); delImgLink.on( 'click', function( event ){ event.preventDefault(); imgContainer.find('img').attr('src', placeholder); //addImgLink.removeClass( 'hidden' ); delImgLink.addClass( 'hidden' ); imgIdInput.val( '' ); }); } } }; /** * Survey * WordPress dashboard and Betheme dashboard */ var survey = function(){ $('.mfn-survey').on( 'click', '.close', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $el = $(this); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'mfn_survey', }, success: function(response){ // console.log(response); }, complete: function(){ $el.closest('.mfn-survey').hide(); } }); }); }; /** * Bind */ var bind = function() { // click // main menu $menu.on( 'click', 'a', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); menu.click( $(this) ); }); // subheader tabs $tabs.on( 'click', 'a', function(e){ subheader.click( $(this) ); }); // link in description to another tab $( '.mfn-card-group', $options ).on( 'click', 'a', function(e){ goToCard( this, e ); }); // mobile menu $( '.responsive-menu, .mfn-overlay', $options ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); mobile.menu(); }); // responsive $( '.responsive-switcher li', $options ).on( 'click', function(e){ responsive.switch($(this)); }); $( '#font-size-responsive input', $options ).on( 'change', function(){ responsive.enableFonts($(this)); }); // backup $( '.backup-export-show-textarea', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); backup.export(); }); $( '.backup-export-show-input', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); backup.exportLink(); }); $( '.backup-import-show-textarea', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); backup.import(); }); $( '.backup-import-show-input', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); backup.importLink(); }); $( '.backup-reset-pre-confirm', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); backup.resetPre(); }); $( '.backup-reset-confirm', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ return backup.reset( $(this) ); }); // custom icons $( '.custom-icon-add', $content ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); icons.add( $(this) ); }); // modal close $modal.on( 'click', '.btn-modal-close', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); modal.close(); }); $modal.on( 'click', function(e) { if ( $(e.target).hasClass('mfn-modal') ) { modal.close(); } }); $( 'body' ).on( 'keydown', function(event) { if ( 27 == event.keyCode ) { modal.close(); } }); // external modal $(document).on('mfn:modal:open', function( $this, el ){ modal.open( $(el) ); }); $(document).on('mfn:modal:close', function(){ modal.close(); }); // window.scroll $(window).on('scroll', function() { subheader.sticky(); subheader.scrollActive(); }); // window resize $(window).on('debouncedresize', function() { subheader.set(); subheader.sticky(); }); }; /** * Conditions * mfnoptsinputs() */ var mfnoptsinputs = { start: function() { $('#mfn-options .activeif').each(function() { if( !$('#mfn-options form #'+$(this).attr('data-id')+'.watchChanges').length ){ $('#mfn-options form #'+$(this).attr('data-id')).addClass('watchChanges'); } $(this).hide(); }); mfnoptsinputs.startValues(); mfnoptsinputs.watchChanges(); }, startValues: function() { $('#mfn-options form .watchChanges').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var val; if( $(this).find('.segmented-options, .visual-options').length ){ val = $(this).find('input:checked').val(); }else{ val = $(this).find('input, select, textarea').val(); } mfnoptsinputs.getField(id, val); }); }, watchChanges: function() { $('#mfn-options form .watchChanges').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); if( $(this).find('.segmented-options').length ){ $(this).on('click', '.segmented-options li', function() { var val = $(this).find('input').val(); mfnoptsinputs.getField(id, val); }); }else{ $(this).on('change', 'input, select, textarea', function() { var val = $(this).val(); mfnoptsinputs.getField(id, val); }); } }); }, getField: function(id, val){ $('#mfn-options form .activeif-'+id).each(function() { var $formrow = $(this); var opt = $formrow.attr('data-opt'); var optval = $formrow.attr('data-val'); mfnoptsinputs.showhidefields($formrow, opt, optval, val); }); }, showhidefields: function($formrow, opt, optval, val){ if( opt == 'is' && ( val == optval ) ){ $formrow.show(); if( $formrow.hasClass('mfn-card') ){ mfnoptsinputs.showhidetab( $formrow.attr('data-card'), 'list-item' ); } }else if( opt == 'isnt' && (val != optval ) ){ $formrow.show(); if( $formrow.hasClass('mfn-card') ){ mfnoptsinputs.showhidetab( $formrow.attr('data-card'), 'list-item' ); } }else{ $formrow.hide(); if( $formrow.hasClass('mfn-card') ){ mfnoptsinputs.showhidetab( $formrow.attr('data-card'), 'none' ); } } }, showhidetab: function( tab, style ){ // if( $('#mfn-options .subheader-tabs li[data-card-id="'+tab+'"]').length ){ var styleid = tab+'-style'; if( $('style#'+styleid).length ){ $('style#'+styleid).remove(); } $('body').append('<style id="'+styleid+'">#mfn-options .subheader-tabs li[data-card-id="'+tab+'"] { display: '+style+' }</style>'); // } } }; /** * Inlimited custom fonts * mfnNewFont() */ var mfnNewFont = { el: $('.mfn_new_font a'), hiddenInput: $('#font-custom-fields input'), getCardsAmount: () => $('.mfn-card-group[data-tab="font-custom"]').children().length - 1, getDOMContent: () => $('.mfn-card[data-card="font-1"]').clone(), getTabContent: () => $('.subheader-tabs li[data-card-id="font-1"]').clone(), assignProperNumber: function(clonedEl, skip = 0) { //change number in new card + in hidden input let newCardNumber = this.getCardsAmount() - skip ; //HIDDEN INPUT this.hiddenInput.attr('value', newCardNumber - 2); //it must be always - 2, we have two first basic custom fonts fields //CARD let htmlToPrepare = clonedEl[0].outerHTML; htmlToPrepare = htmlToPrepare.replaceAll('font-1', `font-${newCardNumber}`); htmlToPrepare = htmlToPrepare.replaceAll('Font 1', `Font ${newCardNumber}`); htmlToPrepare = htmlToPrepare.replaceAll('font-custom', `font-custom${newCardNumber}`); return htmlToPrepare; }, cleanInputs: function(clonedEl) { let inputs = $(clonedEl).find('input'); inputs.each(function(){ $(this).attr('value', ''); }) return clonedEl; }, appendTab: function(){ const preparedElement = this.assignProperNumber( this.getTabContent() , 1); $('.subheader-tabs li[data-card-id="create-font"]').before( preparedElement ); }, appendCard: function() { const preparedElement = this.assignProperNumber( this.cleanInputs( this.getDOMContent() ), 0 ); $('.mfn_new_font').before( preparedElement ); }, watcher: function() { $(this.el).on('click', () => { this.appendCard(); this.appendTab(); }) }, init: function() { this.watcher(); } } /** * Ready * document.ready */ var ready = function() { survey(); mfnattributes.run(); if( ! $('#mfn-options').length ){ return false; } menu.init(); mfnNewFont.init(); responsive.checkFonts(); bind(); }; /** * Load * window.load */ var load = function() { if( ! $('#mfn-options').length ){ return false; } loading = false; $options.removeClass('loading'); menu.hash(); mfnoptsinputs.start(); $(window).trigger('resize'); }; /** * Return */ return { ready: ready, load: load }; })(jQuery); /** * $(document).ready */ $(function() { MfnOptions.ready(); /* visual builder */ /** * Template choose on create * templateCreate() */ var templateCreate = { init: function() { $('.mfn-modal.modal-template-type .input-template-type-name').focus(); $('.mfn-modal.modal-template-type .btn-save-template-type').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $btn = $(this), $tmpl = $('.mfn-modal.modal-template-type .select-template-type'), $name = $('.mfn-modal.modal-template-type .input-template-type-name'), id = $('input#post_ID').val(); $tmpl.removeClass('error'); $name.removeClass('error'); if(!$btn.hasClass('loading') && $tmpl.val().length && $name.val().length ){ $btn.addClass('loading'); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { 'mfn-builder-nonce': $('input[name="mfn-builder-nonce"]').val(), action: 'mfncreatetemplate', tmpl: $tmpl.val(), name: $name.val(), id: id, }, type: 'POST', success: function(response){ window.history.pushState("data", "Templates", 'edit.php?post_type=template'); window.location.href = 'post.php?post='+id+'&action=mfn-live-builder'; } }); }else{ if( !$tmpl.val().length ) $tmpl.addClass('error'); if( !$name.val().length ) $name.addClass('error'); } }); } } if( $('.mfn-modal.modal-template-type .btn-save-template-type').length ) templateCreate.init(); if( $('body').hasClass('post-new-php') ){ $('.mfn-switch-live-editor').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $btn = $(this); var tmpl_type = ''; if( $('.mfn-ui .mfn-form .mfn_template_type .mfn-field-value').length ){ tmpl_type = $('.mfn-ui .mfn-form .mfn_template_type .mfn-field-value').val(); } if(!$btn.hasClass('loading')){ $btn.addClass('loading'); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { 'mfn-builder-nonce': $('input[name="mfn-builder-nonce"]').val(), action: 'mfnvbsavedraft', posttype: $('input#post_type').val(), id: $('input#post_ID').val(), tmpl: tmpl_type }, type: 'POST', success: function(response){ window.history.pushState("data", "Edit Page", 'post.php?post='+$('input#post_ID').val()+'&action=edit'); window.location.href = $btn.attr('href'); } }); } }); } /* END visual builder */ }); /** * $(window).load */ $(window).on('load', function(){ MfnOptions.load(); }); })(jQuery);