Direktori : /var/www/projetos/prod.jornalshowdafe.com.br/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/assets/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/prod.jornalshowdafe.com.br/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/assets/js/admin.js |
window.jQuery(function ($) { const APP = window.metaslider.app ? window.metaslider.app.MetaSlider : null /** * Event listening to media library edits */ var media_library_events = { loaded: false, /** * Attaches listenTo event to the library collection * * @param modal object wp.media modal */ attach_event: function (modal) { var library = modal.state().get('library') modal.listenTo(library, 'change', function (model) { media_library_events.update_slide_metadata({ id: model.get('id'), caption: model.get('caption'), description: model.get('description'), title: model.get('title'), alt: model.get('alt') }) }) }, /** * Updates slide caption and other metadata when a media is edited in a modal * * @param object metadata */ update_slide_metadata: function (metadata) { var $slides = $('.slide').filter(function (i) { return $(this).data('attachment-id') === metadata.id }) var slideIds = $slides.map(function () { return this.id.replace('slide-', '') }) // To be picked up by vue components $(document).trigger('metaslider/image-meta-updated', [slideIds.toArray(), metadata]) metadata.title ? $('.title .default', $slides).html(metadata.title) : $('.title .default', $slides).html(' ') metadata.alt ? $('.alt .default', $slides).html(metadata.alt) : $('.alt .default', $slides).html(' ') } } /** * UI for adding a slide. Managed through the WP media upload UI * Event managed here. */ var create_slides = window.create_slides = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ multiple: 'add', frame: 'post', library: {type: 'image'}, }); // Remove unwanted image views var whiteList = ['insert', 'iframe']; var unwanted_media_menu_items = create_slides.states.models.filter(function (view) { var title = view.id; // Filter through the list and determine which elements to remove return !whiteList.filter(function (term) { return title.includes(term) }).length; }) create_slides.states.remove(unwanted_media_menu_items); create_slides.on('insert', function () { var slide_ids = []; create_slides.state().get('selection').map(function (media) { slide_ids.push(media.toJSON().id); }); if (APP) { const message = slide_ids.length == 1 ? APP.__('Preparing 1 slide...', 'ml-slider') : APP.__('Preparing %s slides...') APP.notifyInfo( 'metaslider/creating-slides', APP.sprintf(message, slide_ids.length), true ) } // Remove the events for image APIs remove_image_apis(); if(window.location.href.indexOf('metaslider-start') > -1) { var slideshow_id = ""; } else { var slideshow_id = window.parent.metaslider_slider_id; } var data = { action: 'create_image_slide', slider_id: slideshow_id, selection: slide_ids, _wpnonce: metaslider.create_slide_nonce }; // TODO: Create micro feedback to the user. // TODO: Adding lots of slides locks up the page due to 'resizeSlides' event $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (xhr, status, error) { var err = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); APP && APP.notifyError('metaslider/slide-create-failed', err.data.messages[1]['errors']['create_failed'][0], true) }, success: function (response) { if(window.location.href.indexOf('metaslider-start') > -1) { window.location.href = 'admin.php?page=metaslider&id=' + response.data; } else { // Mount and render each new slide response.data.forEach(function (slide) { // TODO: Eventually move the creation to the slideshow or slide vue component // TODO: Be careful about the handling of filters (ex. scheduling) var res = window.metaslider.app.Vue.compile(slide['html']) // Mount the slide to the beginning or end of the list const cont_ = (new window.metaslider.app.Vue({ render: res.render, staticRenderFns: res.staticRenderFns }).$mount()).$el; if (metaslider.newSlideOrder === 'last') { $('#metaslider-slides-list > tbody').append(cont_); } else { $('#metaslider-slides-list > tbody').prepend(cont_); } // Display image (is hidden by default) var thumb = $("#slide-"+slide.slide_id).find('.update-image .thumb img'); fit_one_thumb(thumb); }) /* Get the last added slide to avoid multiple scrollTo calls * when adding more than one slide in bulk */ var last_item = response.data[response.data.length - 1].slide_id; $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ scrollTop: metaslider.newSlideOrder === 'last' ? $("#slide-"+last_item).offset().top : 0 }, 2000); // Add timeouts to give some breating room to the notice animations setTimeout(function () { if (APP) { const message = slide_ids.length == 1 ? APP.__('1 slide added successfully', 'ml-slider') : APP.__('%s slides added successfully') APP.notifySuccess( 'metaslider/slides-created', APP.sprintf(message, slide_ids.length), true ) } setTimeout(function () { APP && APP.triggerEvent('metaslider/save') }, 1000); }, 1000); } } }) }) /** * Starts to watch the media library for changes */ create_slides.on('attach', function () { if (!media_library_events.loaded) { media_library_events.attach_event(create_slides) } }) create_slides.on('content:activate', function () { // Remove filters to don't allow to insert other media type different to images $('#media-attachment-filters').remove(); }) /** * Fire events when the modal is opened * Available events: create_slides.on('all', function (e) { console.log(e) }) */ // This is also a little "hack-ish" but necessary since we are accessing the UI indirectly create_slides.on('open activate uploader:ready', function () { // TODO: when converted to vue component make this work for other languages $('.media-menu a:contains("Media Library")').remove() add_image_apis() // Remove unwanted side menu items unwanted_media_menu_items.forEach(function (item) { $('#menu-item-' + item.id).remove(); }) // Remove filters to don't allow to insert other media type different to images $('#media-attachment-filters').remove(); }) APP && create_slides.on('open', function () { APP.notifyInfo('metaslider/add-slide-opening-ui', APP.__('Opening add slide UI...', 'ml-slider')) }) APP && create_slides.on('deactivate close', function () { APP.notifyInfo('metaslider/add-slide-closing-ui', APP.__('Closing add slide UI...', 'ml-slider')) remove_image_apis() }) /** * Handles changing alt and title on SEO tab * TODO: refactor to remove this */ $('.metaslider').on('change', '.js-inherit-from-image', function (e) { var $this = $(this) var $parent = $this.parents('.can-inherit') var input = $parent.children('textarea,input[type=text]') var default_item = $parent.children('.default') if ($this.is(':checked')) { $parent.addClass('inherit-from-image') } else { $parent.removeClass('inherit-from-image') input.focus() if ('' === input.val()) { if (0 === default_item.find('.no-content').length) { input.val(default_item.html()) } } } }) /** * For changing slide image. Managed through the WP media upload UI * Initialized dynamically due to multiple slides. */ var update_slide_frame; /** * Handles changing an image when edited by the user. */ $('.metaslider').on('click', '.update-image', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var current_id = $this.data('attachment-id'); /** * Opens up a media window showing images */ update_slide_frame = window.update_slide_frame = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: MetaSlider_Helpers.capitalize(metaslider.update_image), library: {type: 'image'}, button: { text: MetaSlider_Helpers.capitalize($this.attr('data-button-text')) } }); /** * Selects current image */ update_slide_frame.on('open', function () { if (current_id) { var selection = update_slide_frame.state().get('selection'); selection.reset([wp.media.attachment(current_id)]); // Add various image APIs add_image_apis($this.data('slideType'), $this.data('slideId')) } }); /** * Starts to watch the media library for changes */ update_slide_frame.on('attach', function () { if (!media_library_events.loaded) { media_library_events.attach_event(update_slide_frame); } }); /** * Open media modal */ update_slide_frame.open(); /** * Handles changing an image in DB and UI */ update_slide_frame.on('select', function () { var selection = update_slide_frame.state().get('selection'); selection.map(function (attachment) { attachment = attachment.toJSON(); new_image_id = attachment.id; selected_item = attachment; }); APP && APP.notifyInfo('metaslider/updating-slide', APP.__('Updating slide...', 'ml-slider'), true) // Remove the events for image APIs remove_image_apis() /** * Updates the meta information on the slide */ var data = { action: 'update_slide_image', _wpnonce: metaslider.update_slide_image_nonce, slide_id: $this.data('slideId'), slider_id: window.parent.metaslider_slider_id, image_id: new_image_id }; $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (error) { var err = JSON.parse(error.responseText); APP && APP.notifyError('metaslider/slide-update-failed', err.data.message, true) }, success: function (response) { /** * Updates the image on success */ var new_image = $('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId') + ' .thumb').find('img'); new_image.attr( 'srcset', `${response.data.thumbnail_url_large} 1024w, ${response.data.thumbnail_url_medium} 768w, ${response.data.thumbnail_url_small} 240w` ); new_image.attr('src', response.data.thumbnail_url_small); // set new attachment ID var $edited_slide_elms = $('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId') + ', #slide-' + $this.data('slideId') + ' .update-image'); $edited_slide_elms.data('attachment-id', selected_item.id); if (response.data.thumbnail_url_small) { $('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')).trigger('metaslider/attachment/updated', response.data); } // Update metadata to new image media_library_events.update_slide_metadata({ id: selected_item.id, caption: selected_item.caption, description: selected_item.description, title: selected_item.title, alt: selected_item.alt }) APP && APP.notifySuccess('metaslider/slide-updated', APP.__('Slide updated successfully', 'ml-slider'), true) // TODO: run a function in SlideViewer.vue to replace this $(".metaslider table#metaslider-slides-list").trigger('resizeSlides'); } }); }); update_slide_frame.on('close', function () { remove_image_apis() }) create_slides.on('close', function () { remove_image_apis() }) /** * Add back "Update Slide Image" button text and button-primary class * after saving image changes or going back from image-edit * https://github.com/MetaSlider/metaslider/issues/448 */ update_slide_frame.on('all', function () { // Only in library screen if(update_slide_frame.state().id === 'library') { // Hide left menu (Actions) update_slide_frame.$el.addClass('hide-menu'); // Add back text and class to the button update_slide_frame.$el.find('.media-button-select') .text(update_slide_frame.options.button.text) .addClass('button-primary'); } }); }); /** * Handles duplicating slides */ $('.metaslider').on('click', '.duplicate-slide-image', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var data = { action: 'duplicate_slide', _wpnonce: metaslider.duplicate_slide_nonce, slide_id: $this.data('slide-id'), slider_id: window.parent.metaslider_slider_id }; $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (error) { APP && APP.notifyError('metaslider/slide-duplicate-failed', error, true) }, success: function (response) { var res = window.metaslider.app.Vue.compile(response.data.html) // Mount the slide to the beginning or end of the list const cont_ = (new window.metaslider.app.Vue({ render: res.render, staticRenderFns: res.staticRenderFns }).$mount()).$el; if (metaslider.newSlideOrder === 'last') { $('#metaslider-slides-list > tbody').append(cont_); } else { $('#metaslider-slides-list > tbody').prepend(cont_); } // Display image (is hidden by default) var thumb = $("#slide-" + response.data.slide_id).find('.update-image .thumb img'); fit_one_thumb(thumb); //Icon for mobile settings show_mobile_icon('slide-' + response.data.slide_id); //scroll to new slide $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ scrollTop: metaslider.newSlideOrder === 'last' ? $("#slide-"+response.data.slide_id).offset().top : 0 }, 2000); // Add timeouts to give some breating room to the notice animations setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(function () { APP && APP.triggerEvent('metaslider/save') }, 1000); }, 1000); } }); }); /** * Add all the image APIs. Add events everytime the modal is open * TODO: refactor out hard-coded unsplash (can wait until we add a second service) * TODO: right now this replaces the content pane. It might take some time but look for more native integration * TODO: It gets a little bit buggy when someone triggers a download and clicks around. Maybe not important. */ var unsplash_api_events = function (event) { event.preventDefault() // Some things shouldn't happen when we're about to reload if (window.metaslider.about_to_reload) { return } // Set this tab as active $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active') // If the image api container exists we don't want to create it again if ($('#image-api-container').length) { return } // Move the content and trigger vue to fetch the data // Add a container to house the content $(this).parents('.media-frame-router').siblings('.media-frame-content').append('<div id="image-api-container"></div>') // Add content to the container $('#image-api-container').append('<metaslider-external source="unsplash" :slideshow-id="' + window.parent.metaslider_slider_id + '" :slide-id="' + window.metaslider.slide_id + '" slide-type="' + (window.metaslider.slide_type || 'image') + '"></metaslider-external>') // Tell our app to render a new component $(window).trigger('metaslider/initialize_external_api', { 'selector': '#image-api-container' }) // Discard these delete window.metaslider.slide_id delete window.metaslider.slide_type } var add_image_apis = window.metaslider.add_image_apis = function (slide_type, slide_id) { // This is the pro layer screen (not currently used) if ($('.media-menu-item.active:contains("Layer")').length) { // If this is the layer slide screen and pro isnt installed, exit if (!window.metaslider.pro_supports_imports) { return } } window.metaslider.slide_type = 'layer' // If slide type is set then override the above because we're just updating an image if (slide_type) { window.metaslider.slide_type = slide_type } window.metaslider.slide_id = slide_id // Unsplash - First remove potentially leftover tabs in case the WP close event doesn't fire $('.unsplash-tab').remove() $('.media-frame-router .media-router').append('<a href="#" id="unsplash-tab" class="text-black hover:text-blue-dark unsplash-tab media-menu-item">Unsplash Library</a>') $('.toplevel_page_metaslider').on('click', '.unsplash-tab', unsplash_api_events) // Each API will fake the container, so if we click on a native WP container, we should delete the API container $('.media-frame-router .media-router .media-menu-item').on('click', function () { // Destroy the component (does clean up) $(window).trigger('metaslider/destroy_external_api') // Additionally set the active tab $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active') }) } /** * Remove tab and events for api type images. Add this when a modal closes to avoid duplicate events */ var remove_image_apis = window.metaslider.remove_image_apis = function () { // Some things shouldn't happen when we're about to reload if (window.metaslider.about_to_reload) { return } // Tell tell components they are about to be removed $(window).trigger('metaslider/destroy_external_api') $('.toplevel_page_metaslider').off('click', '.unsplash-tab', unsplash_api_events) $('.unsplash-tab').remove() // Since we will destroy the container each time we should add the active class to whatever is first $('.media-frame-router .media-router > a').first().trigger('click') } /** * delete a slide using ajax (avoid losing changes) */ $(".metaslider").on('click', '.delete-slide', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var data = { action: 'delete_slide', _wpnonce: metaslider.delete_slide_nonce, slide_id: $this.data('slideId'), slider_id: window.parent.metaslider_slider_id }; // Set the slider state to deleting $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .removeClass('ms-restored') .addClass('ms-deleting') .append('<div class="ms-delete-overlay"><i style="height:24px;width:24px"><svg class="ms-spin" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-loader"><line x1="12" y1="2" x2="12" y2="6"/><line x1="12" y1="18" x2="12" y2="22"/><line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="7.76" y2="7.76"/><line x1="16.24" y1="16.24" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"/><line x1="2" y1="12" x2="6" y2="12"/><line x1="18" y1="12" x2="22" y2="12"/><line x1="4.93" y1="19.07" x2="7.76" y2="16.24"/><line x1="16.24" y1="7.76" x2="19.07" y2="4.93"/></svg></i></div>'); $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .find('.ms-delete-status') .remove(); $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (response) { // Delete failed. Remove delete state UI alert(response.responseJSON.data.message); $slide = $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')); $slide.removeClass('ms-deleting'); $slide.find('.ms-delete-overlay').remove(); }, success: function (response) { var count = 10; // Remove deleting state and add a deleted state with restore option setTimeout(function () { $slide = $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')); $slide.addClass('ms-deleted') .removeClass('ms-deleting') .find('.metaslider-ui-controls').append( '<button class="undo-delete-slide" title="' + metaslider.restore_language + '" data-slide-id="' + $this.data('slideId') + '">' + metaslider.restore_language + '</button>' ); // Grab the image from the slide var img = $slide.find('.thumb').css('background-image') .replace(/^url\(["']?/, '') .replace(/["']?\)$/, ''); // If the image is the same as the URL then it's empty (external slide type) img = (window.location.href === img) ? '' : img; // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart // Will be refactored in the the next branch // Send a notice to the user // var notice = new MS_Notification(metaslider.deleted_language, metaslider.click_to_undo_language, img); // Fire the notice and set callback to undo // notice.fire(10000, function() { // jQuery('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) // .addClass('hide-status') // .find('.undo-delete-slide').trigger('click'); // }); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd // If the trash link isn't there, add it in (without counter) if ('none' == $('.trashed-slides-cont').css('display')) { $('.trashed-slides-cont').css('display', ''); } }, 1000); } }); }); /** * undelete a slide using ajax (avoid losing changes) */ $(".metaslider").on('click', '.undo-delete-slide, .trash-view-restore', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var data = { action: 'undelete_slide', _wpnonce: metaslider.undelete_slide_nonce, slide_id: $this.data('slideId'), slider_id: window.parent.metaslider_slider_id }; // Remove undo button $('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')).find('.undo-delete-slide').html(''); // Set the slider state to deleting $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .removeClass('ms-deleted') .addClass('ms-deleting') .css('padding-top', '31px') .append('<div class="ms-delete-overlay"><i style="height:24px;width:24px"><svg class="ms-spin" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-loader"><line x1="12" y1="2" x2="12" y2="6"/><line x1="12" y1="18" x2="12" y2="22"/><line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="7.76" y2="7.76"/><line x1="16.24" y1="16.24" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"/><line x1="2" y1="12" x2="6" y2="12"/><line x1="18" y1="12" x2="22" y2="12"/><line x1="4.93" y1="19.07" x2="7.76" y2="16.24"/><line x1="16.24" y1="7.76" x2="19.07" y2="4.93"/></svg></i></div>'); $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .find('.ms-delete-status') .remove(); $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .find('.delete-slide') .focus(); $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (response) { // Undelete failed. Remove delete state UI $slide = $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')); $slide.removeClass('ms-restoring').addClass('ms-deleted'); $slide.find('.ms-delete-overlay').remove(); // If there was a WP error, this should be populated: if (response.responseJSON) { alert(response.responseJSON.data.message); } else { alert('There was an error with the server and the action could not be completed.'); } }, success: function (response) { // Restore to original state $slide = $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')); $slide.addClass('ms-restored') $slide.removeClass('ms-deleting') .find('.undo-delete-slide, .trash-view-restore').remove(); $slide.find('.ms-delete-overlay').remove(); $('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId') + ' h4').after('<span class="ms-delete-status is-success">' + metaslider.restored_language + '</span>'); // We can try to remove the buton actions too (trashed view) $('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')).find('.row-actions.trash-btns').html(''); // Grab the image from the slide var img = $slide.find('.thumb').css('background-image') .replace(/^url\(["']?/, '') .replace(/["']?\)$/, ''); // If the image is the same as the URL then it's empty (external slide type) img = (window.location.href === img) ? '' : img; // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart // Will be refactored in the the next branch // Send a success notification // TODO: fire notification // var notice = new MS_Notification(metaslider.restored_language, '', img, 'is-success'); // Fire the notice // notice.fire(5000); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } }); }); /** * delete a slide permanently using ajax (avoid losing changes) */ $(".metaslider").on('click', '.trash-view-permanent', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var data = { action: 'permanent_delete_slide', _wpnonce: metaslider.permanent_delete_slide_nonce, slide_id: $this.data('slideId') }; // Set the slider state to deleting $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .removeClass('ms-restored') .addClass('ms-deleting') .append('<div class="ms-delete-overlay"><i style="height:24px;width:24px"><svg class="ms-spin" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-loader"><line x1="12" y1="2" x2="12" y2="6"/><line x1="12" y1="18" x2="12" y2="22"/><line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="7.76" y2="7.76"/><line x1="16.24" y1="16.24" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"/><line x1="2" y1="12" x2="6" y2="12"/><line x1="18" y1="12" x2="22" y2="12"/><line x1="4.93" y1="19.07" x2="7.76" y2="16.24"/><line x1="16.24" y1="7.76" x2="19.07" y2="4.93"/></svg></i></div>'); $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')) .find('.ms-delete-status') .remove(); $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (response) { // Delete failed. Remove delete state UI alert(response.responseJSON.data.message); $slide = $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')); $slide.removeClass('ms-deleting'); $slide.find('.ms-delete-overlay').remove(); }, success: function (response) { var count = 10; // Remove deleting state and add a deleted state with restore option setTimeout(function () { $slide = $this.parents('#slide-' + $this.data('slideId')); $slide.addClass('ms-deleted') .removeClass('ms-deleting') .find('.metaslider-ui-controls').append( '<button class="undo-delete-slide" title="' + metaslider.restore_language + '" data-slide-id="' + $this.data('slideId') + '">' + metaslider.restore_language + '</button>' ); // Grab the image from the slide var img = $slide.find('.thumb').css('background-image') .replace(/^url\(["']?/, '') .replace(/["']?\)$/, ''); // If the image is the same as the URL then it's empty (external slide type) img = (window.location.href === img) ? '' : img; // If the trash link isn't there, add it in (without counter) if ('none' == $('.restore-slide-link').css('display')) { $('.restore-slide-link').css('display', 'inline'); } }, 1000); } }); }); // bind an event to the slides table to update the menu order of each slide // TODO: Remove this soon $(".metaslider").on('resizeSlides', 'table#metaslider-slides-list', function (event) { var slideshow_width = $("input.width").val(); var slideshow_height = $("input.height").val(); $("tr.slide input[name='resize_slide_id']", this).each(function () { $this = $(this); var thumb_width = $this.attr("data-width"); var thumb_height = $this.attr("data-height"); var slide_row = $(this).closest('tr'); var crop_changed = slide_row.data('crop_changed'); if (thumb_width != slideshow_width || thumb_height != slideshow_height || crop_changed) { $this.attr("data-width", slideshow_width); $this.attr("data-height", slideshow_height); var data = { action: "resize_image_slide", slider_id: window.parent.metaslider_slider_id, slide_id: $this.attr("data-slide_id"), _wpnonce: metaslider.resize_nonce }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: data, async: false, cache: false, url: metaslider.ajaxurl, success: function (response) { if (crop_changed) { slide_row.data('crop_changed', false); } if (response.data.thumbnail_url_small) { $this.closest('tr.slide').trigger('metaslider/attachment/updated', response.data); } } }); } }); }); // helptext tooltips var addTooltips = function () { $('.tipsy-tooltip').tipsy({className: 'msTipsy', live: false, delayIn: 500, html: true, gravity: 'e'}); $('.tipsy-tooltip-top').tipsy({live: false, delayIn: 500, html: true, gravity: 's'}); $('.tipsy-tooltip-bottom').tipsy({live: false, delayIn: 500, html: true, gravity: 'n'}); $('.tipsy-tooltip-bottom-toolbar').tipsy({live: false, delayIn: 500, html: true, gravity: 'n', offset: 2}); } addTooltips(); // Add tooltips when a new slide (<tr>) is added (to <table>) const slidesTable = $('#metaslider-slides-list'); if (slidesTable.length) { const observer = new MutationObserver( function (mutationsList, observer) { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { addTooltips(); } } } ); const observerConfig = { childList: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(slidesTable[0], observerConfig); } // welcome screen dropdown $('#sampleslider-btn').on('click', function () { window.location.href = $('#sampleslider-options').val(); }); if (window.location.href.indexOf("withcaption") > -1) { $("input[value='override']").attr('checked', true).trigger('click'); } $("#quickstart-browse-button").click(function(){ window.create_slides.open(); }); //dashboard search query on pagination if($("#slideshows-list").length) { if($("#search_slideshow-search-input").length) { var search_string = $("#search_slideshow-search-input").val(); if(search_string != "") { $("#slideshows-list .pagination-links a").each(function() { this.href = this.href + "&s=" + search_string; }); } } } /** * Hide smooth height setting when image crop is disabled * **/ if ($('select[name="settings[smartCrop]"]').val() == 'disabled') { $('input[name="settings[smoothHeight]"]').closest('tr').show(); } else { $('input[name="settings[smoothHeight]"]').closest('tr').hide(); } $('select[name="settings[smartCrop]"]').change(function(){ if ($(this).val() == 'disabled') { $('input[name="settings[smoothHeight]"]').closest('tr').show(); } else { $('input[name="settings[smoothHeight]"]').closest('tr').hide(); $('input[name="settings[smoothHeight]"]').prop( "checked", false ); } }); /* Dismiss legacy setting notices */ $(document).on( 'click', '.ml-legacy-notice .notice-dismiss', function() { var data = { action: 'legacy_notification', notif_status: 'hide', _wpnonce: metaslider.legacy_notification_nonce }; $.ajax({ url: metaslider.ajaxurl, data: data, type: 'POST', error: function (error) { console.log('Something went wrong:' + error); }, success: function (response) { console.log(response); } }); }); /* Copy to clipboard on Dashboard Page*/ $('.copy-shortcode').click(function() { var textToCopy = $(this).text(); if (window.isSecureContext) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy); } else { var $tempElement = $("<input>"); $("body").append($tempElement); $tempElement.val(textToCopy).select(); document.execCommand("Copy"); $tempElement.remove(); } $(this).next('.copy-message').fadeIn().delay(1000).fadeOut(); }); var fitThumbsTimer; /** * Resize all slide thumbnails to fill its container * * @return void */ var fit_all_thumbs = function() { $('.update-image .thumb img').each(function() { fit_one_thumb($(this)); fit_one_thumb_on_change($(this)); }); } /** * Resize a single slide thumbnails to fill its container * * @param {object} img <img> element * * @return void */ var fit_one_thumb = window.metaslider.fit_one_thumb = function (img) { var wrapper = img.parent(); if(typeof img === 'undefined' || typeof wrapper === 'undefined') { console.error('MetaSlider: Image and wrapper thumbnails are not defined!'); return; } // Image Aspect Ratio is bigger than its container? var imgBiggerAR = img[0].naturalWidth / img[0].naturalHeight > wrapper.width() / wrapper.height(); if(imgBiggerAR && (!img[0].style.width.length || img[0].style.width === '100%')) { img.fadeOut(300, function() { img.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }).fadeIn(300); }); } else if(!imgBiggerAR && (!img[0].style.width.length || img[0].style.width === 'auto')) { img.fadeOut(300, function() { img.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }).fadeIn(300); }); } else { // Default to be sure thumbnail is at least visible if (imgBiggerAR) { img.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }); } else { img.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }); } img.show(); } } /** * Detect when src attribute for a thumbnail changes * and adapt to its parent if needed through fit_one_thumb() * * @param {object} img <img> element * * @retun void */ var fit_one_thumb_on_change = function (img) { var currentSrc = img.attr('src'); setInterval( function() { if (img.attr('src') !== currentSrc) { img.trigger('change'); currentSrc = img.attr('src'); window.metaslider.fit_one_thumb(img); } }, 300); } /** * Make sure fit_all_thumbs() is not triggered multiple times at once * * @return void */ var debounce_fit_all_thumbs = function () { clearTimeout(fitThumbsTimer); fitThumbsTimer = setTimeout(function() { fit_all_thumbs(); }, 100); } /* Resize thumbnails on load */ fit_all_thumbs(); /* Resize thumbnails on screen resize */ $(window).resize( function() { debounce_fit_all_thumbs(); }); /** * Fallback after adding a new slide * * @since 3.60 * * @param {object} data The added slide data * * @return void */ var after_adding_slide_success = window.metaslider.after_adding_slide_success = function ( data ) { // Mount the slide to the beginning or end of the list var table = $(".metaslider table#metaslider-slides-list"); if (window.metaslider.newSlideOrder === 'last') { table.append(data.html); } else { table.prepend(data.html); } // Display image (is hidden by default) var thumb = $("#slide-"+data.slide_id).find('.update-image .thumb img'); if (thumb.length) { window.metaslider.fit_one_thumb(thumb); } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: window.metaslider.newSlideOrder === 'last' ? $($('#slide-'+data.slide_id)).offset().top : 0 }, 2000); var APP = window.metaslider.app.MetaSlider; $(".media-modal-close").click(); // Add timeouts to give some breating room to the notice animations setTimeout(function () { if (APP) { APP.notifySuccess( 'metaslider/slides-created', APP.__('1 slide added successfully', 'ml-slider'), true ) } setTimeout(function () { APP && APP.triggerEvent('metaslider/save') }, 1000); }, 1000); } /* Add mobile icon for slides with existing mobile setting */ var show_mobile_icon = function (slide_id) { var mobile_checkboxes = $('#metaslider-slides-list #'+ slide_id +' .mobile-checkbox:checked'); var icon = '<span class="mobile_setting_enabled float-left"><span class="inline-block mr-1"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-smartphone"><rect x="5" y="2" width="14" height="20" rx="2" ry="2"></rect><line x1="12" y1="18" x2="12.01" y2="18"></line></svg></span></span>'; var mobile_enabled = $('#metaslider-slides-list #'+ slide_id +' .slide-details .mobile_setting_enabled'); if (mobile_checkboxes.length > 0) { if(mobile_enabled.length == 0) { $('#metaslider-slides-list #'+ slide_id +' .slide-details').append(icon); } } else { mobile_enabled.remove(); } }; $('#metaslider-slides-list > tbody > tr').each(function() { var tr_id = $(this).attr('id'); show_mobile_icon(tr_id); }); $('.mobile-checkbox').click(function(){ var slider_id = $(this).attr('name').replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); show_mobile_icon('slide-'+slider_id); }); }); /** * Various helper functions to use throughout */ var MetaSlider_Helpers = { /** * Various helper functions to use throughout * * @param string string A string to capitalise * @return string Returns capitalised string */ capitalize: function (string) { return string.replace(/\b\w/g, function (l) { return l.toUpperCase(); }); } };