Direktori : /var/www/projetos/prod.jornalshowdafe.com.br/wp-content/plugins/_dflip/assets/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/prod.jornalshowdafe.com.br/wp-content/plugins/_dflip/assets/js/metaboxes.js |
/**! * wp-color-picker-alpha * * Overwrite Automattic Iris for enabled Alpha Channel in wpColorPicker * Only run in input and is defined data alpha in true * * Version: 3.0.2 * https://github.com/kallookoo/wp-color-picker-alpha * Licensed under the GPLv2 license or later. */ (function (o, a) { var t = {version: 302}; if ("wpColorPickerAlpha" in window && "version" in window.wpColorPickerAlpha) { var r = parseInt(window.wpColorPickerAlpha.version, 10); if (!isNaN(r) && r >= t.version) return } if (!Color.fn.hasOwnProperty("to_s")) { Color.fn.to_s = function (o) { o = o || "hex", "hex" === o && this._alpha < 1 && (o = "rgba"); var a = ""; return "hex" === o ? a = this.toString() : this.error || (a = this.toCSS(o).replace(/\(\s+/, "(").replace(/\s+\)/, ")")), a }, window.wpColorPickerAlpha = t; var i = ""; o.widget("a8c.iris", o.a8c.iris, { alphaOptions: {alphaEnabled: !1}, _getColor: function (o) { return o === a && (o = this._color), this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ? (o = o.to_s(this.alphaOptions.alphaColorType), this.alphaOptions.alphaColorWithSpace || (o = o.replace(/\s+/g, "")), o) : o.toString() }, _create: function () { try {this.alphaOptions = this.element.wpColorPicker("instance").alphaOptions} catch (o) {} o.extend({}, this.alphaOptions, { alphaEnabled: !1, alphaCustomWidth: 130, alphaReset: !1, alphaColorType: "hex", alphaColorWithSpace: !1 }), this._super() }, _addInputListeners: function (o) { var a = this, t = 100, r = function (t) { var r = o.val(), i = new Color(r), l = (r = r.replace(/^(#|(rgb|hsl)a?)/, ""), a.alphaOptions.alphaColorType); o.removeClass("iris-error"), i.error ? "" !== r && o.addClass("iris-error") : "hex" === l && "keyup" === t.type && r.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$/) || i.toIEOctoHex() !== a._color.toIEOctoHex() && a._setOption("color", a._getColor(i)) }; o.on("change", r).on("keyup", a._debounce(r, t)), a.options.hide && o.one("focus", function () {a.show()}) }, _initControls: function () { if (this._super(), this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled) { var a = this, t = a.controls.strip.clone(!1, !1), r = t.find(".iris-slider-offset"), i = {stripAlpha: t, stripAlphaSlider: r}; t.addClass("iris-strip-alpha"), r.addClass("iris-slider-offset-alpha"), t.appendTo(a.picker.find(".iris-picker-inner")), o.each(i, function (o, t) {a.controls[o] = t}), a.controls.stripAlphaSlider.slider({ orientation: "vertical", min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, value: parseInt(100 * a._color._alpha), slide: function (o, t) {a.active = "strip", a._color._alpha = parseFloat(t.value / 100), a._change.apply(a, arguments)} }) } }, _dimensions: function (o) { if (this._super(o), this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled) { var a, t, r, i, l, e = this, s = e.options, n = e.controls, p = n.square, h = e.picker.find(".iris-strip"); for (a = Math.round(e.picker.outerWidth(!0) - (s.border ? 22 : 0)), t = Math.round(p.outerWidth()), r = Math.round((a - t) / 2), i = Math.round(r / 2), l = Math.round(t + 2 * r + 2 * i); l > a;) r = Math.round(r - 2), i = Math.round(i - 1), l = Math.round(t + 2 * r + 2 * i); p.css("margin", "0"), h.width(r).css("margin-left", i + "px") } }, _change: function () { var a = this, t = a.active; if (a._super(), a.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled) { var r = a.controls, l = parseInt(100 * a._color._alpha), e = a._color.toRgb(), s = ["rgb(" + e.r + "," + e.g + "," + e.b + ") 0%", "rgba(" + e.r + "," + e.g + "," + e.b + ", 0) 100%"]; a.picker.closest(".wp-picker-container").find(".wp-color-result"); a.options.color = a._getColor(), r.stripAlpha.css({background: "linear-gradient(to bottom, " + s.join(", ") + "), url(" + i + ")"}), t && r.stripAlphaSlider.slider("value", l), a._color.error || a.element.removeClass("iris-error").val(a.options.color), a.picker.find(".iris-palette-container").on("click.palette", ".iris-palette", function () { var t = o(this).data("color"); a.alphaOptions.alphaReset && (a._color._alpha = 1, t = a._getColor()), a._setOption("color", t) }) } }, _paintDimension: function (o, a) { var t = this, r = !1; t.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled && "strip" === a && (r = t._color, t._color = new Color(r.toString()), t.hue = t._color.h()), t._super(o, a), r && (t._color = r) }, _setOption: function (o, a) { var t = this; if ("color" !== o || !t.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled) return t._super(o, a); a = "" + a, newColor = new Color(a).setHSpace(t.options.mode), newColor.error || t._getColor(newColor) === t._getColor() || (t._color = newColor, t.options.color = t._getColor(), t.active = "external", t._change()) }, color: function (o) { return !0 === o ? this._color.clone() : o === a ? this._getColor() : void this.option("color", o) } }), o.widget("wp.wpColorPicker", o.wp.wpColorPicker, { alphaOptions: {alphaEnabled: !1}, _getAlphaOptions: function () { var a = this.element, t = a.data("type") || this.options.type, r = a.data("defaultColor") || a.val(), i = { alphaEnabled: a.data("alphaEnabled") || !1, alphaCustomWidth: 130, alphaReset: !1, alphaColorType: "rgb", alphaColorWithSpace: !1 }; return i.alphaEnabled && (i.alphaEnabled = a.is("input") && "full" === t), i.alphaEnabled ? (i.alphaColorWithSpace = r && r.match(/\s/), o.each(i, function (o, t) { var l = a.data(o) || t; switch (o) { case"alphaCustomWidth": l = l ? parseInt(l, 10) : 0, l = isNaN(l) ? t : l; break; case"alphaColorType": l.match(/^(hex|(rgb|hsl)a?)$/) || (l = r && r.match(/^#/) ? "hex" : r && r.match(/^hsla?/) ? "hsl" : t); break; default: l = !!l } i[o] = l }), i) : i }, _create: function () {o.support.iris && (this.alphaOptions = this._getAlphaOptions(), this._super())}, _addListeners: function () { if (!this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled) return this._super(); var a = this, t = a.element, r = a.toggler.is("a"); this.alphaOptions.defaultWidth = t.width(), this.alphaOptions.alphaCustomWidth && t.width(parseInt(this.alphaOptions.defaultWidth + this.alphaOptions.alphaCustomWidth, 10)), a.toggler.css({ position: "relative", "background-image": "url(" + i + ")" }), r ? a.toggler.html('<span class="color-alpha" />') : a.toggler.append('<span class="color-alpha" />'), a.colorAlpha = a.toggler.find("span.color-alpha").css({ width: "30px", height: "100%", position: "absolute", top: 0, "background-color": t.val() }), "ltr" === a.colorAlpha.css("direction") ? a.colorAlpha.css({ "border-bottom-left-radius": "2px", "border-top-left-radius": "2px", left: 0 }) : a.colorAlpha.css({ "border-bottom-right-radius": "2px", "border-top-right-radius": "2px", right: 0 }), t.iris({change: function (o, t) {a.colorAlpha.css({"background-color": t.color.to_s(a.alphaOptions.alphaColorType)}), "function" == typeof a.options.change && a.options.change.call(this, o, t)}}), a.wrap.on("click.wpcolorpicker", function (o) {o.stopPropagation()}), a.toggler.on("click", function () { a.toggler.hasClass("wp-picker-open") ? a.close() : a.open() }), t.on("change", function (i) { var l = o(this).val(); (t.hasClass("iris-error") || "" === l || l.match(/^(#|(rgb|hsl)a?)$/)) && (r && a.toggler.removeAttr("style"), a.colorAlpha.css("background-color", ""), "function" == typeof a.options.clear && a.options.clear.call(this, i)) }), a.button.on("click", function (i) { o(this).hasClass("wp-picker-default") ? t.val(a.options.defaultColor).change() : o(this).hasClass("wp-picker-clear") && (t.val(""), r && a.toggler.removeAttr("style"), a.colorAlpha.css("background-color", ""), "function" == typeof a.options.clear && a.options.clear.call(this, i), t.trigger("change")) }) } }) } })(jQuery); /** * Created by Deepak on 5/9/2016. */ (function ($) { function initTabs(tabs) { $(document).on("click", "." + tabs.tabsListId + " a", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var parent = $(this).parent(); if (parent.hasClass(tabs.activeClass)) return; var target_id = $(this).attr("href").replace("!", ""); var target = $(this).closest("." + tabs.tabsId).find(target_id); var tab = (parent[0].nodeName == "LI") ? parent : $(this); var tabActiveClass = tabs.activeClass; if (tab.hasClass("nav-tab")) tabActiveClass += " nav-tab-active"; tab.siblings().removeClass(tabActiveClass); tab.addClass(tabActiveClass); target.siblings().removeClass(tabActiveClass); target.addClass(tabActiveClass); if (parent.hasClass(tabs.hashUpdateClass)) { var hash = this.hash.split('#').join('#!'); // window.location.hash = hash; history.replaceState(undefined, undefined, hash) updatePostHash(hash); } }); function updatePostHash(value) { var post_link = $('#post').attr('action'); if (post_link) { post_link = post_link.split('#')[0]; $('#post').attr('action', post_link + value); } } if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.indexOf('!') >= 0) { $('.' + tabs.tabsListId).find('a[href="' + window.location.hash.replace('!', '') + '"]').trigger("click"); updatePostHash(window.location.hash); } } function match_condition(condition) { var match; var regex = /(.+?):(is|not|contains|notcontains|less_than|less_than_or_equal_to|greater_than|greater_than_or_equal_to)\((.*?)\),?/g; var conditions = []; while (match = regex.exec(condition)) { conditions.push({ 'check': match[1], 'rule': match[2], 'value': match[3] || '' }); } return conditions; } function parse_condition() { $('[data-condition]').each(function () { var passed; var conditions = match_condition($(this).data('condition')); if (conditions.length > 0) { var operator = ($(this).data('operator') || 'and').toLowerCase(); $.each(conditions, function (index, condition) { //var target = $( '#setting_' + condition.check ); var targetEl = $("#" + condition.check);// !! target.length && target.find( OT_UI.condition_objects() ).first(); //if ( ! target.length || ( ! targetEl.length && condition.value.toString() != '' ) ) { // return; //} if (!targetEl.length) { return; } var v1 = targetEl.length ? 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'add' : false; var uploader = wp.media({ multiple: multiple, title: title, button: { text: text }, library: { type: options.type } }) .on('select', function () { var files = uploader.state().get('selection'); if (multiple == false) { var fileUrl = files.models[0].attributes.url; urlInput.val(fileUrl); if (options.callback) options.callback(fileUrl); } else { if (options.callback) options.callback(files); } }) .open(); } //upload doc $(document).on('click', '#dflip_upload_pdf_source', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); uploadMedia({ target: $(this).parent().find("input"), type: 'application/pdf', callback: function (url) { if (thumbAutoButton) thumbAutoButton.trigger("click"); parse_condition(); checkGlobal($("#dflip_upload_pdf_source")); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '#dflip_upload_pdf_thumb', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); uploadMedia({ type: 'image', target: $(this).parent().find("input"), callback: function (src) { updateThumb(src); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '#dflip_upload_bg_image,#dflip_upload_popupThumbPlaceholder,#dflip_upload_shelfImage', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); 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showPageModal(page); }); $(document).on("click", ".dflip-outline-remove-action", function () { var check = confirm("Delete outline and its children!"); if (check == true) { if ($(this).closest(".outline-node").siblings(".outline-node").length == 0) { $(this).closest(".outline-node").closest(".outline-node").removeClass("outline-haschild"); } $(this).closest(".outline-node").remove(); } }); $(document).on("click", ".dflip-outline-add-action", function (event) { var node = $(this).closest(".outline-node"); var container = node.find(">.outline-nodes"); var prefix = node.data("prefix") + '[items]' + '[' + container.find(".outline-node").length + ']'; addNode(container, prefix, {title: "", dest: ""}); node.addClass("outline-haschild"); event.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on("click", ".outline-wrapper", function () { var current = $(".outline-active"); var title = current.find(">.outline-wrapper > input[dtype='title']").val(); var dest = current.find(">.outline-wrapper > input[dtype='dest']").val(); var label = current.find(">.outline-wrapper > label").html(title + " : (" + dest + ")"); current.removeClass("outline-active"); $(this).closest(".outline-node").addClass("outline-active"); }); $(document).on("click", ".outline-collapse", function () { $(this).closest(".outline-node").toggleClass("outline-collapsed"); }); $(document).on("click", ".dflip-page-image-action", function () { var pageItem = $(this).closest("." + pageItemClass); uploadMedia({ target: pageItem.find("input"), type: 'image', callback: function (url) { pageItem.find("." + pageThumbClass).attr("src", url); } }); }); initConditionals(); createPageOptions($("." + pageItemClass)); //create Outline if (window.dflip_flipbook_post_outline) { var data = window.dflip_flipbook_post_outline; data = revalidateArray(data, 'items'); if (data.length == void 0 || data.length == 0) data = []; maxIndex = data.length; var addNodeBtn = $('<div class="add-outline-btn button button-primary">Add New Outline</div>').appendTo(outlineBox).on("click", function () { addNode(outlineBox, "_dflip[outline]" + '[' + maxIndex + ']', {title: "", dest: ""}); maxIndex++; }); nodeTree(outlineBox, data, "_dflip[outline]"); dragEnable(outlineBox, ".outline-wrapper"); } }); function revalidateArray(array, scan) { if (array == void 0) return array; var data = array; //convert to array if (array.length == void 0) { data = []; for (var prop in array) { data.push(array[prop]); } } //convert scan element to array for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i] !== void 0 && data[i][scan] !== void 0) data[i][scan] = revalidateArray(data[i][scan], scan) } return data; } function addNode(container, prefix, option) { var node = $('<div class="outline-node">').data("prefix", prefix), wrapper = $('<div class="outline-wrapper">'), label = $('<label></label>').text(option.title + " : (" + option.dest + ")"), title = $('<input name=' + prefix + '[title]" dtype="title" placeholder="Name of outline"/>').val(option.title), dest = $('<input name=' + prefix + '[dest]" dtype="dest" placeholder="pagenumber or url"/>').val(option.dest), nodes = $('<div class="outline-nodes">'), collapse = $('<div class="outline-collapse dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt2">'), actions = $('<ul class="dflip-outline-actions">'), add = $('<li class="dflip-outline-add-action dashicons dashicons-plus" title="Add Outline">'), remove = $('<li class="dflip-outline-remove-action dashicons dashicons-trash" title="Remove Outline">'); wrapper.append(label); wrapper.append(title); wrapper.append(dest); wrapper.appendTo(node); node.append(wrapper); node.append(nodes); node.append(collapse); node.appendTo(container); actions.append(add); actions.append(remove); actions.appendTo(wrapper); if (option.items !== void 0) { node.addClass("outline-haschild"); nodeTree(nodes, option.items, prefix + "[items]"); } return node; } function nodeTree(container, options, prefix) { //var container = $(this); if (options !== void 0 && options.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { var option = options[i]; var node = addNode(container, prefix + '[' + i + ']', option) } } return this; } var maxIndex = 0; function dragEnable(container, selector) { //var container = $(this); var helper = $('<div class="drag-helper">').appendTo(container).hide(); var x, y, dx, dy, initX, initY, state, node, drag_type = '', startNode, mousedown = false, dragging = false; function update(e) { if (node == void 0) return; var _y = e.pageY - node.offset().top; 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"after" : "over"; if (_drag_type !== drag_type) { drag_type = _drag_type; node.removeClass("has-drag-over has-drag-before has-drag-after").addClass("has-drag-" + drag_type); } helper.html("Insert " + drag_type + " " + node.find("label").html()); } function checkChilds(node) { if (node.find(".outline-node").length > 0) { node.addClass("outline-haschild"); } else { node.removeClass("outline-haschild"); } } function revalidate(node, prefix) { var target; if (prefix == void 0) { //first find the parent. target = node.parents(".outline-node").first(); if (target.length == 0) { //node was dropped to top level //increase index by 1 maxIndex++; target = node; prefix = "_dflip[outline][" + maxIndex + "]"; target.data("prefix", prefix); //update its node and continue to child } else { prefix = target.data("prefix"); //continue as normal } } else { target = node; target.data("prefix", prefix); } target.find(" >.outline-wrapper >input").each(function () { var input = $(this); var name = input.attr("name"); var type = input.attr("dtype"); input.attr("name", prefix + "[" + type + "]") }); var index = 0; target.find(" >.outline-nodes > .outline-node").each(function () { revalidate($(this), prefix + "[items][" + index + "]"); index++; }); } function drop() { if (startNode !== void 0 && node !== void 0 && drag_type !== '') { var _source = startNode.closest(".outline-node"); var _target = node.closest(".outline-node"); var oldParent = _source.parents(".outline-node"); if (_source.has(_target).length > 0 || _source.is(_target)) { alert("Can't drop into child"); return; } if (drag_type == "before") { _source.insertBefore(_target); } else if (drag_type == "over") { node.siblings(".outline-nodes").append(_source); } else if (drag_type == "after") { _source.insertAfter(_target); } checkChilds(oldParent); checkChilds(_source); checkChilds(_target); revalidate(_source); } } container .on("mousedown", function (e) { if (e.target.nodeName == "INPUT") return; startNode = $(e.target).closest(selector); if (e.button !== 0) return; if (startNode.length == 0) return; initX = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left; initY = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top; mousedown = true; }) .on("mousemove", function (e) { if (!dragging && mousedown == true) { dx = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left - initX; dy = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top - initY; if (Math.abs(dx) > 5 || Math.abs(dy) > 5) { dragging = true; helper.show(); container.addClass("has-dragging"); startNode.addClass("is-drag-source"); } } if (dragging) { x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left; y = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top; helper.css({ left: x - 20, top: y + 15 }); update(e); } }); $(window) .on("mouseup", function (e) { container.removeClass("has-dragging"); if (startNode) startNode.removeClass("is-drag-source"); if (node && dragging == true) { node.removeClass("has-drag-over has-drag-before has-drag-after"); drop(); } dragging = false; mousedown = false; helper.hide(); node = null; startNode = null; }); container .on("mouseover", selector, function (e) { if (mousedown == true) { if (node) node.removeClass("has-drag-over has-drag-before has-drag-after"); node = $(this); } if (dragging == true && node) { update(e); node.addClass("has-drag-over"); } }) } var pageModal; var activePage; var activeSpot; function showPageModal(page) { function createSpots(index) { var spot = $('<input class="dflip-hotspot-input" name="_dflip[pages][' + activePage.attr('index') + '][hotspots][' + index + ']" />'); spot.val("[30,30,30,30,]"); return spot; } if (pageModal == void 0) { pageModal = $('<div class="dflip-page-modal media-modal">'); var modalContent = $('<div class="media-modal-content edit-attachment-frame ">'), frameContent = $('<div class="media-frame-content">'), header = $('<div class="edit-media-header">'), next = $('<div class="page-modal-next right dashicons">'), prev = $('<div class="page-modal-prev left dashicons">'), close = $('<div class="page-modal-close media-modal-close"><span class="media-modal-icon"></span></div>'), subHeader = $('<div class="dflip-hotspot-header">'), addHotspot = $('<div class="dflip-add-hotspot button button-primary">Add Hot-Spot</div>'), del = $('<div class="dflip-remove-hotspot button button-secondary">Remove Hot-Spot</div>'), dest = $('<input class="dflip-hotspot-dest" placeholder="Enter page number or url with http:\\\\"></div>'), divImage = $('<div class="page-modal-image-wrapper">'), image = $('<img class="page-modal-image">'), content = $('<input class="page-modal-html" >'); pageModal.divImage = divImage; pageModal.image = image; pageModal.content = content; pageModal.dest = dest; next.on("click", function () { var next = activePage.next(); if (next.length > 0 && next.hasClass("dflip-page-item")) { showPageModal(next); } }); prev.on("click", function () { var prev = activePage.prev(); if (prev.length > 0 && prev.hasClass("dflip-page-item")) { showPageModal(prev); } }); close.on("click", function () { pageModal.hide(); }); dest.on("change", function () { if (spotHelper._hotspot !== void 0) { spotHelper._hotspot.dest = $(this).val(); spotHelper._hotspot.update(); } }); del.on("click", function () { var _del = confirm("Delete hotspot?"); if (_del == true) { spotHelper._hotspot.dispose(true); spotHelper.detach(); } dest.val(""); }); addHotspot.on("click", function () { var spots = activePage.find(".dflip-hotspot-input"); var spotindex = activePage.attr('hotspots'); if (spotindex == void 0) { spotindex = activePage.find(".dflip-hotspot-input").length; } var _hotspotInput = createSpots(spotindex); spotindex++; activePage.attr('hotspots', spotindex); activePage.find(".dflip-page-options").append(_hotspotInput); var _hotspot = new HotSpot([40, 40, 20, 20, ''], pageModal.divImage); _hotspot.activate(spotHelper); _hotspot.target = _hotspotInput; }); divImage.append(image); subHeader.append(addHotspot); subHeader.append(dest); subHeader.append(del); frameContent.append(subHeader); frameContent.append(divImage); header.append(prev); header.append(next); modalContent.append(header); modalContent.append(frameContent); pageModal.append(close); pageModal.append(modalContent); pageModal.appendTo($("#dflip_pages_box")); } pageModal.show(); pageModal.dest.val(""); var src = page.find(".dflip-page-thumb").attr("src"); pageModal.image.attr("src", src); //clear old hotspots if (activePage != void 0 && activePage.hotspots != void 0) { for (var h = 0; h < activePage.hotspots.length; h++) { activePage.hotspots[h].dispose(); } } activePage = page; if (page.hotspots == void 0) page.hotspots = []; //fallback clearance if (spotHelper !== void 0) spotHelper._el.hide(); pageModal.find(".dflip-hotspot").remove(); var hotspots = []; page.find(".dflip-hotspot-input").each(function (index) { hotspots[index] = $(this).val().substr(1).slice(0, -1).split(","); var spot = new HotSpot(hotspots[index], pageModal.divImage); spot.target = $(this); page.hotspots[index] = spot; }); } //[160, 105, 250, 30, 2] var HotSpot = function (option, parent) { var _this = this; _this.left = option[0], _this.top = option[1], _this.width = option[2], _this.height = option[3], _this.dest = option[4], _this.ref = parent.find("img.page-modal-image"); _this._el = $('<div class="dflip-hotspot">'); parent.append(_this._el); _this.update(); _this._el .on("click", function () { _this.activate(spotHelper); }); }; HotSpot.prototype.activate = function (helper) { helper.attach(this); pageModal.dest.val(this.dest); }; HotSpot.prototype.deactivate = function (helper) { }; HotSpot.prototype.dispose = function (removeTarget) { this._el.off(); this._el.remove(); if (removeTarget == true && this.target !== void 0) { this.target.remove(); } }; HotSpot.prototype.updateSize = function (size) { this.width = Math.round(10000 * size.width / this.ref.width()) / 100; this.height = Math.round(10000 * size.height / this.ref.height()) / 100; }; HotSpot.prototype.updatePosition = function (position) { this.left = Math.round(10000 * position.left / this.ref.width()) / 100; this.top = Math.round(10000 * position.top / this.ref.height()) / 100; this.update(); }; HotSpot.prototype.update = function () { this._el.css({ left: this.left + "%", top: this.top + "%", width: this.width + "%", height: this.height + "%" }); if (this.target !== void 0) { this.target.val('[' + this.left + ',' + this.top + ',' + this.width + ',' + this.height + ',' + this.dest + ']'); } }; var SpotHelper = function () { var _this = this; _this.initialized = false; _this._hotspot = void 0; if ($.fn.draggable) { _this._el = $('<div class="dflip-hotspot-helper">') .draggable({ containment: "parent", drag: function (event, ui) { _this._hotspot.updatePosition(ui.position); } }); } else { _this._el = void 0; //console.log("Could not load jQuery draggable") } }; SpotHelper.prototype.attach = function (hotspot) { var _this = this; if (_this._hotspot !== void 0) _this._hotspot.deactivate(); _this._hotspot = hotspot; _this.container = hotspot._el.parent(); _this.container.append(_this._el); if (_this.initialized != true) { _this._el.resizable({ handles: 'ne, se, sw, nw', resize: function (event, ui) { _this._hotspot.updateSize(ui.size); _this._hotspot.updatePosition(ui.position); } }); _this.initialized = true; } _this._el.css({ left: hotspot._el[0].style.left, top: hotspot._el[0].style.top, width: hotspot._el[0].style.width, height: hotspot._el[0].style.height, display: "block" }); //_this._hotspot.activate(this); }; SpotHelper.prototype.detach = function (hotspot) { if (this._hotspot !== void 0) this._hotspot.deactivate(); this._el.hide(); }; var spotHelper = new SpotHelper(); /*({ backgroundImage:"url(" + src+")" });*/ })(jQuery);