Direktori : /var/www/projetos/korean.ongrace.com/wp-content/themes/neve/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/korean.ongrace.com/wp-content/themes/neve/functions.php |
<?php /** * Neve functions.php file * * Author: Andrei Baicus <andrei@themeisle.com> * Created on: 17/08/2018 * * @package Neve */ define( 'NEVE_VERSION', '3.0.10' ); define( 'NEVE_INC_DIR', trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'inc/' ); define( 'NEVE_ASSETS_URL', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'assets/' ); define( 'NEVE_MAIN_DIR', get_template_directory() . '/' ); if ( ! defined( 'NEVE_DEBUG' ) ) { define( 'NEVE_DEBUG', false ); } define( 'NEVE_NEW_DYNAMIC_STYLE', true ); /** * Buffer which holds errors during theme inititalization. * * @var WP_Error $_neve_bootstrap_errors */ global $_neve_bootstrap_errors; $_neve_bootstrap_errors = new WP_Error(); if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.0' ) < 0 ) { $_neve_bootstrap_errors->add( 'minimum_php_version', sprintf( /* translators: %s message to upgrade PHP to the latest version */ __( "Hey, we've noticed that you're running an outdated version of PHP which is no longer supported. Make sure your site is fast and secure, by %1\$s. Neve's minimal requirement is PHP%2\$s.", 'neve' ), sprintf( /* translators: %s message to upgrade PHP to the latest version */ '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/upgrade-php/">%s</a>', __( 'upgrading PHP to the latest version', 'neve' ) ), '7.0' ) ); } /** * A list of files to check for existance before bootstraping. * * @var array Files to check for existance. */ $_files_to_check = defined( 'NEVE_IGNORE_SOURCE_CHECK' ) ? [] : [ NEVE_MAIN_DIR . 'vendor/autoload.php', NEVE_MAIN_DIR . 'style-main-new.css', NEVE_MAIN_DIR . 'assets/js/build/modern/frontend.js', NEVE_MAIN_DIR . 'assets/apps/dashboard/build/dashboard.js', NEVE_MAIN_DIR . 'assets/apps/customizer-controls/build/controls.js', ]; foreach ( $_files_to_check as $_file_to_check ) { if ( ! is_file( $_file_to_check ) ) { $_neve_bootstrap_errors->add( 'build_missing', sprintf( /* translators: %s: commands to run the theme */ __( 'You appear to be running the Neve theme from source code. Please finish installation by running %s.', 'neve' ), // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput '<code>composer install --no-dev && yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn run build</code>' ) ); break; } } /** * Adds notice bootstraping errors. * * @internal * @global WP_Error $_neve_bootstrap_errors */ function _neve_bootstrap_errors() { global $_neve_bootstrap_errors; printf( '<div class="notice notice-error"><p>%1$s</p></div>', $_neve_bootstrap_errors->get_error_message() ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } if ( $_neve_bootstrap_errors->has_errors() ) { /** * Add notice for PHP upgrade. */ add_filter( 'template_include', '__return_null', 99 ); switch_theme( WP_DEFAULT_THEME ); unset( $_GET['activated'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended add_action( 'admin_notices', '_neve_bootstrap_errors' ); return; } /** * Themeisle SDK filter. * * @param array $products products array. * * @return array */ function neve_filter_sdk( $products ) { $products[] = get_template_directory() . '/style.css'; return $products; } add_filter( 'themeisle_sdk_products', 'neve_filter_sdk' ); require_once 'globals/migrations.php'; require_once 'globals/utilities.php'; require_once 'globals/hooks.php'; require_once 'globals/sanitize-functions.php'; require_once get_template_directory() . '/start.php'; /** * If the new widget editor is available, * we re-assign the widgets to hfg_footer */ if ( neve_is_new_widget_editor() ) { /** * Re-assign the widgets to hfg_footer * * @param array $section_args The section arguments. * @param string $section_id The section ID. * @param string $sidebar_id The sidebar ID. * * @return mixed */ function neve_customizer_custom_widget_areas( $section_args, $section_id, $sidebar_id ) { if ( strpos( $section_id, 'widgets-footer' ) ) { $section_args['panel'] = 'hfg_footer'; } return $section_args; } add_filter( 'customizer_widgets_section_args', 'neve_customizer_custom_widget_areas', 10, 3 ); } require_once get_template_directory() . '/header-footer-grid/loader.php';