Direktori : /var/www/projetos/hindi.ongrace.com/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/inc/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/hindi.ongrace.com/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/inc/admin.php |
<?php /** * Class SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin * * Handles all the admin and database interactions. */ class SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin { /** * @var bool Store that we're in the save post action, to prevent infinite loops */ private $in_save_post; function __construct() { add_action( 'plugin_action_links_siteorigin-panels/siteorigin-panels.php', array( $this, 'plugin_action_links' ) ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'admin_init_widget_count' ) ); add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_meta_boxes' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'save_home_page' ) ); add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'save_post' ) ); add_action( 'after_switch_theme', array( $this, 'update_home_on_theme_change' ) ); // Enqueuing admin scripts add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-post-new.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-post.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-appearance_page_so_panels_home_page', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-widgets.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-edit.php', array( $this, 'footer_column_css' ) ); // Enqueue the admin styles add_action( 'admin_print_styles-post-new.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_styles' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_styles-post.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_styles' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_styles-appearance_page_so_panels_home_page', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_styles' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_styles-widgets.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_styles' ) ); // The help tab add_action( 'load-page.php', array( $this, 'add_help_tab' ), 12 ); add_action( 'load-post-new.php', array( $this, 'add_help_tab' ), 12 ); add_action( 'load-appearance_page_so_panels_home_page', array( $this, 'add_help_tab' ), 12 ); add_action( 'customize_controls_print_scripts', array( $this, 'js_templates' ) ); // Register all the admin actions add_action( 'wp_ajax_so_panels_builder_content', array( $this, 'action_builder_content' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_so_panels_builder_content_json', array( $this, 'action_builder_content_json' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_so_panels_widget_form', array( $this, 'action_widget_form' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_so_panels_live_editor_preview', array( $this, 'action_live_editor_preview' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_so_panels_layout_block_sanitize', array( $this, 'layout_block_sanitize' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_so_panels_layout_block_preview', array( $this, 'layout_block_preview' ) ); // Initialize the additional admin classes. SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin_Widget_Dialog::single(); SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin_Widgets_Bundle::single(); SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin_Layouts::single(); // Check to make sure we have all the correct markup SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin_Dashboard::single(); $this->in_save_post = false; // Enqueue Yoast compatibility add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-post-new.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_seo_compat' ), 100 ); add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-post.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_seo_compat' ), 100 ); if ( class_exists( 'ACF' ) && version_compare( get_option( 'acf_version' ), '5.7.10', '>=' ) ) { SiteOrigin_Panels_Compat_ACF_Widgets::single(); } // Block editor specific actions if ( function_exists( 'register_block_type' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) ); add_filter( 'gutenberg_can_edit_post_type', array( $this, 'show_classic_editor_for_panels' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_post_type', array( $this, 'show_classic_editor_for_panels' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-edit.php', array( $this, 'add_panels_add_new_button' ) ); if( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'admin-post-state' ) ) { add_filter( 'display_post_states', array( $this, 'add_panels_post_state' ), 10, 2 ); } } } /** * @return SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin */ public static function single() { static $single; return empty( $single ) ? $single = new self() : $single; } /** * Do some general admin initialization */ public function admin_init_widget_count(){ if( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'admin-widget-count' ) ) { // Add the custom columns $post_types = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ); if( ! empty( $post_types ) ) { foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) { add_filter( 'manage_' . $post_type . 's_columns' , array( $this, 'add_custom_column' ) ); add_action( 'manage_' . $post_type . 's_custom_column' , array( $this, 'display_custom_column' ), 10, 2 ); } } } } /** * Check if this is an admin page. * * @return mixed|void */ static function is_admin() { $screen = get_current_screen(); $is_panels_page = ( $screen->base == 'post' && in_array( $screen->id, siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ) ) ) || in_array( $screen->base, array( 'appearance_page_so_panels_home_page', 'widgets', 'customize' ) ) || self::is_block_editor(); return apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_is_admin_page', $is_panels_page ); } /** * Check if the current page is Gutenberg or the Block Ediotr * * @return bool */ static function is_block_editor() { // This is for the Gutenberg plugin. $is_gutenberg_page = function_exists( 'is_gutenberg_page' ) && is_gutenberg_page(); // This is for WP 5 with the integrated block editor. $is_block_editor = false; if ( function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) { $current_screen = get_current_screen(); if ( $current_screen && method_exists( $current_screen, 'is_block_editor' ) ) { $is_block_editor = $current_screen->is_block_editor(); } } return $is_gutenberg_page || $is_block_editor; } /** * Add action links to the plugin list for Page Builder. * * @param $links * * @return array */ function plugin_action_links( $links ) { if( ! is_array( $links ) ) { return $links; } unset( $links['edit'] ); $links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=siteorigin_panels' ) . '">' . __( 'Settings', 'siteorigin-panels' ) . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="http://siteorigin.com/threads/plugin-page-builder/">' . __( 'Support', 'siteorigin-panels' ) . '</a>'; if( SiteOrigin_Panels::display_premium_teaser() ) { $links[] = '<a href="' . esc_url( SiteOrigin_Panels::premium_url() ) . '" style="color: #3db634" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . __('Addons', 'siteorigin-panels') . '</a>'; } return $links; } /** * Callback to register the Page Builder Metaboxes */ function add_meta_boxes() { foreach ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ) as $type ) { add_meta_box( 'so-panels-panels', __( 'Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels' ), array( $this, 'render_meta_boxes' ), ( string ) $type, 'advanced', 'high', array( // Ideally when we have panels data for a page we would set this to false and it would cause the // editor to fall back to classic editor, but that's not the case so we just declare it as a `__back_compat_meta_box`. '__back_compat_meta_box' => true, '__block_editor_compatible_meta_box' => false, ) ); } } /** * Render a panel metabox. * * @param $post */ function render_meta_boxes( $post ) { $panels_data = $this->get_current_admin_panels_data(); $preview_url = SiteOrigin_Panels::preview_url(); $preview_content = $this->generate_panels_preview( $post->ID, $panels_data ); $builder_id = uniqid(); $builder_type = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_post_builder_type', 'editor_attached', $post, $panels_data ); $builder_supports = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_builder_supports', array(), $post, $panels_data ); include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '../tpl/metabox-panels.php'; } /** * Save the panels data * * @param $post_id * * @action save_post */ function save_post( $post_id ) { // Check that everything is valid with this save. if( $this->in_save_post || ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) || empty( $_POST['_sopanels_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_sopanels_nonce'], 'save' ) || ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) || ! isset( $_POST['panels_data'] ) ) { return; } $this->in_save_post = true; // Get post from db as it might have been changed and saved by other plugins. $post = get_post( $post_id ); $old_panels_data = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'panels_data', true ); $panels_data = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_POST['panels_data'] ), true ); $panels_data['widgets'] = $this->process_raw_widgets( $panels_data['widgets'], ! empty( $old_panels_data['widgets'] ) ? $old_panels_data['widgets'] : false, false ); if ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'sidebars-emulator' ) ) { $sidebars_emulator = SiteOrigin_Panels_Sidebars_Emulator::single(); $panels_data['widgets'] = $sidebars_emulator->generate_sidebar_widget_ids( $panels_data['widgets'], $post_id ); } $panels_data = SiteOrigin_Panels_Styles_Admin::single()->sanitize_all( $panels_data ); $panels_data = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_data_pre_save', $panels_data, $post, $post_id ); if ( ! empty( $panels_data['widgets'] ) || ! empty( $panels_data['grids'] ) ) { // Use `update_metadata` instead of `update_post_meta` to prevent saving to parent post when it's a revision, e.g. preview. update_metadata( 'post', $post_id, 'panels_data', map_deep( $panels_data, array( 'SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin', 'double_slash_string' ) ) ); if( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'copy-content' ) ) { // Store a version of the HTML in post_content $post_parent_id = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ); $layout_id = ( ! empty( $post_parent_id ) ) ? $post_parent_id : $post_id; SiteOrigin_Panels_Post_Content_Filters::add_filters(); $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_POST_CONTENT_RENDER' ] = true; $post_content = SiteOrigin_Panels::renderer()->render( $layout_id, false, $panels_data ); $post_css = SiteOrigin_Panels::renderer()->generate_css( $layout_id, $panels_data ); SiteOrigin_Panels_Post_Content_Filters::remove_filters(); unset( $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_POST_CONTENT_RENDER' ] ); // Update the post_content $post->post_content = $post_content; if( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'copy-styles' ) ) { $post->post_content .= "\n\n"; $post->post_content .= '<style type="text/css" class="panels-style" data-panels-style-for-post="' . (int) $layout_id . '">'; $post->post_content .= '@import url(' . SiteOrigin_Panels::front_css_url() . '); '; $post->post_content .= $post_css; $post->post_content .= '</style>'; } wp_update_post( $post ); } } else { // There are no widgets or rows, so delete the panels data delete_post_meta( $post_id, 'panels_data' ); } // If this is a Live Editor Quick Edit, setup redirection. if ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'live-editor-quick-link-close-after' ) && strpos( $_POST['_wp_http_referer'], 'so_live_editor' ) !== false ) { add_filter( 'redirect_post_location', array( $this, 'live_editor_redirect_after' ), 10, 2 ); } $this->in_save_post = false; } /* * Handles Live Editor Quick Link redirection after editing. */ public function live_editor_redirect_after( $location, $post_id ) { return get_permalink( $post_id ); } /** * Enqueue the panels admin scripts * * @param string $prefix * @param bool $force Should we force the enqueues * * @action admin_print_scripts-post-new.php * @action admin_print_scripts-post.php * @action admin_print_scripts-appearance_page_so_panels_home_page */ function enqueue_admin_scripts( $prefix = '', $force = false ) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( $force || self::is_admin() ) { // Media is required for row styles wp_enqueue_media(); wp_enqueue_script( 'so-panels-admin', siteorigin_panels_url( 'js/siteorigin-panels' . SITEORIGIN_PANELS_JS_SUFFIX . '.js' ), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-resizable', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'wp-color-picker', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'plupload', 'plupload-all' ), SITEORIGIN_PANELS_VERSION, true ); add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'js_templates' ) ); $widgets = $this->get_widgets(); $directory_enabled = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'so_panels_directory_enabled', true ); // This is the widget we'll use for default text if( ! empty( $widgets[ 'SiteOrigin_Widget_Editor_Widget' ] ) ) $text_widget = 'SiteOrigin_Widget_Editor_Widget'; else if( ! empty( $widgets[ 'WP_Widget_Text' ] ) ) $text_widget = 'WP_Widget_Text'; else $text_widget = false; $text_widget = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_text_widget_class', $text_widget ); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $load_on_attach = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'load-on-attach' ) || isset( $_GET['siteorigin-page-builder'] ); wp_localize_script( 'so-panels-admin', 'panelsOptions', array( 'user' => ! empty( $user ) ? $user->ID : 0, 'ajaxurl' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'panels_action', '_panelsnonce' ), 'widgets' => $widgets, 'text_widget' => $text_widget, 'widget_dialog_tabs' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_dialog_tabs', array( 0 => array( 'title' => __( 'All Widgets', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'filter' => array( 'installed' => true, 'groups' => '' ) ) ) ), 'row_layouts' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_row_layouts', array() ), 'directory_enabled' => ! empty( $directory_enabled ), 'copy_content' => siteorigin_panels_setting( 'copy-content' ), 'cache' => array(), 'instant_open' => siteorigin_panels_setting( 'instant-open-widgets' ), 'default_columns' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_default_row_columns', array( array( 'weight' => 0.5, ), array( 'weight' => 0.5, ), ) ), // Settings for the contextual menu 'contextual' => array( // Developers can change which widgets are displayed by default using this filter 'default_widgets' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_contextual_default_widgets', array( 'SiteOrigin_Widget_Editor_Widget', 'SiteOrigin_Widget_Button_Widget', 'SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget', 'SiteOrigin_Panels_Widgets_Layout', ) ) ), // General localization messages 'loc' => array( 'missing_widget' => array( 'title' => __( 'Missing Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'description' => __( "Page Builder doesn't know about this widget.", 'siteorigin-panels' ), ), 'time' => array( // TRANSLATORS: Number of seconds since 'seconds' => __( '%d seconds', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Number of minutes since 'minutes' => __( '%d minutes', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Number of hours since 'hours' => __( '%d hours', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: A single second since 'second' => __( '%d second', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: A single minute since 'minute' => __( '%d minute', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: A single hour since 'hour' => __( '%d hour', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Time ago - eg. "1 minute before". 'ago' => __( '%s before', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'now' => __( 'Now', 'siteorigin-panels' ), ), 'history' => array( // History messages 'current' => __( 'Current', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'revert' => __( 'Original', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'restore' => __( 'Version restored', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'back_to_editor' => __( 'Converted to editor', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // Widgets // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a widget is deleted 'widget_deleted' => __( 'Widget deleted', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a widget is added 'widget_added' => __( 'Widget added', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a widget is edited 'widget_edited' => __( 'Widget edited', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a widget is duplicated 'widget_duplicated' => __( 'Widget duplicated', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a widget position is changed 'widget_moved' => __( 'Widget moved', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // Rows // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a row is deleted 'row_deleted' => __( 'Row deleted', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a row is added 'row_added' => __( 'Row added', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a row is edited 'row_edited' => __( 'Row edited', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a row position is changed 'row_moved' => __( 'Row moved', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a row is duplicated 'row_duplicated' => __( 'Row duplicated', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: Message displayed in the history when a row is pasted 'row_pasted' => __( 'Row pasted', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // Cells 'cell_resized' => __( 'Cell resized', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // Prebuilt 'prebuilt_loaded' => __( 'Prebuilt layout loaded', 'siteorigin-panels' ), ), // general localization 'prebuilt_loading' => __( 'Loading prebuilt layout', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'confirm_use_builder' => __( "Would you like to copy this editor's existing content to Page Builder?", 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'confirm_stop_builder' => __( "Would you like to clear your Page Builder content and revert to using the standard visual editor?", 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: This is the title for a widget called "Layout Builder" 'layout_widget' => __( 'Layout Builder Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: A standard confirmation message 'dropdown_confirm' => __( 'Are you sure?', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // TRANSLATORS: When a layout file is ready to be inserted. %s is the filename. 'ready_to_insert' => __( '%s is ready to insert.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), // Everything for the contextual menu 'contextual' => array( 'add_widget_below' => __( 'Add Widget Below', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'add_widget_cell' => __( 'Add Widget to Cell', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'search_widgets' => __( 'Search Widgets', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'add_row' => __( 'Add Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'column' => __( 'Column', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'cell_actions' => __( 'Cell Actions', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'cell_paste_widget' => __( 'Paste Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'widget_actions' => __( 'Widget Actions', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'widget_edit' => __( 'Edit Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'widget_duplicate' => __( 'Duplicate Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'widget_delete' => __( 'Delete Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'widget_copy' => __( 'Copy Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'widget_paste' => __( 'Paste Widget Below', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row_actions' => __( 'Row Actions', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row_edit' => __( 'Edit Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row_duplicate' => __( 'Duplicate Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row_delete' => __( 'Delete Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row_copy' => __( 'Copy Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row_paste' => __( 'Paste Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), ), 'draft' => __( 'Draft', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'untitled' => __( 'Untitled', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'row' => array( 'add' => __( 'New Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'edit' => __( 'Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ), ), 'welcomeMessage' => array( 'addingDisabled' => __( 'Hmmm... Adding layout elements is not enabled. Please check if Page Builder has been configured to allow adding elements.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'oneEnabled' => __( 'Add a {{%= items[0] %}} to get started.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'twoEnabled' => __( 'Add a {{%= items[0] %}} or {{%= items[1] %}} to get started.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'threeEnabled' => __( 'Add a {{%= items[0] %}}, {{%= items[1] %}} or {{%= items[2] %}} to get started.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'addWidgetButton' => "<a href='#' class='so-tool-button so-widget-add'>" . __( 'Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ) . "</a>", 'addRowButton' => "<a href='#' class='so-tool-button so-row-add'>" . __( 'Row', 'siteorigin-panels' ) . "</a>", 'addPrebuiltButton' => "<a href='#' class='so-tool-button so-prebuilt-add'>" . __( 'Prebuilt Layout', 'siteorigin-panels' ) . "</a>", 'docsMessage' => sprintf( __( 'Read our %s if you need help.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), "<a href='https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/documentation/' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>" . __( 'documentation', 'siteorigin-panels' ) . "</a>" ), ), ), 'plupload' => array( 'max_file_size' => wp_max_upload_size() . 'b', 'url' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'panels_action', '_panelsnonce' ), 'flash_swf_url' => includes_url( 'js/plupload/plupload.flash.swf' ), 'silverlight_xap_url' => includes_url( 'js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap' ), 'filter_title' => __( 'Page Builder layouts', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'error_message' => __( 'Error uploading or importing file.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), ), 'wpColorPickerOptions' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_wpcolorpicker_options', array() ), 'prebuiltDefaultScreenshot' => siteorigin_panels_url( 'css/images/prebuilt-default.png' ), 'loadOnAttach' => $load_on_attach , 'siteoriginWidgetRegex' => str_replace( '*+', '*', get_shortcode_regex( array( 'siteorigin_widget' ) ) ), 'forms' => array( 'loadingFailed' => __( 'Unknown error. Failed to load the form. Please check your internet connection, contact your web site administrator, or try again later.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), ) ) ); $js_widgets = array(); if ( $screen->base != 'widgets' ) { // Render all the widget forms. A lot of widgets use this as a chance to enqueue their scripts $original_post = isset( $GLOBALS['post'] ) ? $GLOBALS['post'] : null; // Make sure widgets don't change the global post. global $wp_widget_factory; foreach ( $wp_widget_factory->widgets as $widget_obj ) { ob_start(); $return = $widget_obj->form( array() ); // These are the new widgets in WP 4.8 which are largely JS based. They only enqueue their own // scripts on the 'widgets' screen. if ( $this->is_core_js_widget( $widget_obj ) && method_exists( $widget_obj, 'enqueue_admin_scripts' ) ) { $widget_obj->enqueue_admin_scripts(); } do_action_ref_array( 'in_widget_form', array( &$widget_obj, &$return, array() ) ); ob_end_clean(); // Need to render templates for new WP 4.8 widgets when not on the 'widgets' screen or in the customizer. if ( $this->is_core_js_widget( $widget_obj ) ) { $js_widgets[] = $widget_obj; } } $GLOBALS['post'] = $original_post; } // This gives panels a chance to enqueue scripts too, without having to check the screen ID. if ( $screen->base != 'widgets' && $screen->base != 'customize' ) { foreach ( $js_widgets as $js_widget ) { $js_widget->render_control_template_scripts(); } do_action( 'siteorigin_panel_enqueue_admin_scripts' ); do_action( 'sidebar_admin_setup' ); } } } public function enqueue_seo_compat(){ if ( self::is_admin() ) { if ( defined( 'WPSEO_FILE' ) && ( wp_script_is( 'yoast-seo-admin-global-script' ) || // => 14.6 wp_script_is( 'yoast-seo-metabox' ) // <= 14.5 ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'so-panels-seo-compat', siteorigin_panels_url( 'js/seo-compat' . SITEORIGIN_PANELS_JS_SUFFIX . '.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), SITEORIGIN_PANELS_VERSION, true ); } elseif ( defined( 'RANK_MATH_VERSION' ) && wp_script_is( 'rank-math-analyzer' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'so-panels-seo-compat', siteorigin_panels_url( 'js/seo-compat' . SITEORIGIN_PANELS_JS_SUFFIX . '.js' ), array('jquery', 'rank-math-analyzer' ), SITEORIGIN_PANELS_VERSION, true ); } } } /** * Enqueue the admin panel styles * * @param string $prefix * @param bool $force Should we force the enqueue * * @action admin_print_styles-post-new.php * @action admin_print_styles-post.php */ function enqueue_admin_styles( $prefix = '', $force = false ) { if ( $force || self::is_admin() ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'so-panels-admin', siteorigin_panels_url( 'css/admin' . SITEORIGIN_PANELS_CSS_SUFFIX . '.css' ), array( 'wp-color-picker' ), SITEORIGIN_PANELS_VERSION ); do_action( 'siteorigin_panel_enqueue_admin_styles' ); } } /** * Add a help tab to pages that include a Page Builder interface. * * @param $prefix */ function add_help_tab( $prefix ) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( ( $screen->base == 'post' && ( in_array( $screen->id, siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ) ) || $screen->id == '' ) ) || ( $screen->id == 'appearance_page_so_panels_home_page' ) ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'panels-help-tab', //unique id for the tab 'title' => __( 'Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels' ), //unique visible title for the tab 'callback' => array( $this, 'help_tab_content' ) ) ); } } /** * Display the content for the help tab. */ function help_tab_content() { include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '../tpl/help.php'; } /** * Get the Page Builder data for the current admin page. * * @return array */ function get_current_admin_panels_data() { $screen = get_current_screen(); // Localize the panels with the panels data if ( $screen->base == 'appearance_page_so_panels_home_page' ) { $home_page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); if ( empty( $home_page_id ) ) { $home_page_id = get_option( 'siteorigin_panels_home_page_id' ); } $panels_data = ! empty( $home_page_id ) ? get_post_meta( $home_page_id, 'panels_data', true ) : null; if ( is_null( $panels_data ) ) { // Load the default layout $layouts = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_prebuilt_layouts', array() ); $home_name = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'home-page-default' ) ? siteorigin_panels_setting( 'home-page-default' ) : 'home'; $panels_data = ! empty( $layouts[ $home_name ] ) ? $layouts[ $home_name ] : current( $layouts ); } elseif ( empty( $panels_data ) ) { // The current page_on_front isn't using page builder return false; } $panels_data = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_data', $panels_data, 'home' ); } else { global $post; if ( ! empty( $post ) ) { $panels_data = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'panels_data', true ); $panels_data = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_data', $panels_data, $post->ID ); } } if ( empty( $panels_data ) ) { $panels_data = array(); } return $panels_data; } /** * Save home page */ function save_home_page() { if ( ! isset( $_POST['_sopanels_home_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_sopanels_home_nonce'], 'save' ) ) { return; } if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $_POST['panels_data'] ) ) { return; } // Check that the home page ID is set and the home page exists $page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); if ( empty( $page_id ) ) { $page_id = get_option( 'siteorigin_panels_home_page_id' ); } $post_content = wp_unslash( $_POST['post_content'] ); if ( ! $page_id || get_post_meta( $page_id, 'panels_data', true ) == '' ) { // Lets create a new page $page_id = wp_insert_post( array( // TRANSLATORS: This is the default name given to a user's home page 'post_title' => __( 'Home Page', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'post_status' => ! empty( $_POST['siteorigin_panels_home_enabled'] ) ? 'publish' : 'draft', 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_content' => $post_content, 'comment_status' => 'closed', ) ); update_option( 'page_on_front', $page_id ); update_option( 'siteorigin_panels_home_page_id', $page_id ); // Action triggered when creating a new home page through the custom home page interface do_action( 'siteorigin_panels_create_home_page', $page_id ); } else { // `wp_insert_post` does it's own sanitization, but it seems `wp_update_post` doesn't. $post_content = sanitize_post_field( 'post_content', $post_content, $page_id, 'db' ); // Update the post with changed content to save revision if necessary. wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $page_id, 'post_content' => $post_content ) ); } $page = get_post( $page_id ); // Save the updated page data $old_panels_data = get_post_meta( $page_id, 'panels_data', true ); $panels_data = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_POST['panels_data'] ), true ); $panels_data['widgets'] = $this->process_raw_widgets( $panels_data['widgets'], ! empty( $old_panels_data['widgets'] ) ? $old_panels_data['widgets'] : false, false ); if ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'sidebars-emulator' ) ) { $sidebars_emulator = SiteOrigin_Panels_Sidebars_Emulator::single(); $panels_data['widgets'] = $sidebars_emulator->generate_sidebar_widget_ids( $panels_data['widgets'], $page_id ); } $panels_data = SiteOrigin_Panels_Styles_Admin::single()->sanitize_all( $panels_data ); $panels_data = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_data_pre_save', $panels_data, $page, $page_id ); update_post_meta( $page_id, 'panels_data', map_deep( $panels_data, array( 'SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin', 'double_slash_string' ) ) ); $template = get_post_meta( $page_id, '_wp_page_template', true ); $home_template = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'home-template' ); if ( ( $template == '' || $template == 'default' ) && ! empty( $home_template ) ) { // Set the home page template update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wp_page_template', $home_template ); } if ( ! empty( $_POST['siteorigin_panels_home_enabled'] ) ) { update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' ); update_option( 'page_on_front', $page_id ); update_option( 'siteorigin_panels_home_page_id', $page_id ); wp_publish_post( $page_id ); } else { // We're disabling this home page update_option( 'show_on_front', 'posts' ); // Change the post status to draft $post = get_post( $page_id ); if ( $post->post_status != 'draft' ) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_status' => 'draft' ), array( 'ID' => $post->ID ) ); clean_post_cache( $post->ID ); $old_status = $post->post_status; $post->post_status = 'draft'; wp_transition_post_status( 'draft', $old_status, $post ); do_action( 'edit_post', $post->ID, $post ); do_action( "save_post_{$post->post_type}", $post->ID, $post, true ); do_action( 'save_post', $post->ID, $post, true ); do_action( 'wp_insert_post', $post->ID, $post, true ); } } } /** * After the theme is switched, change the template on the home page if the theme supports home page functionality. */ function update_home_on_theme_change() { $page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); if ( empty( $page_id ) ) { $page_id = get_option( 'siteorigin_panels_home_page_id' ); } if ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'home-page' ) && siteorigin_panels_setting( 'home-template' ) && $page_id && get_post_meta( $page_id, 'panels_data', true ) !== '' ) { // Lets update the home page to use the home template that this theme supports update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wp_page_template', siteorigin_panels_setting( 'home-template' ) ); } } /** * @return array|mixed|void */ function get_widgets() { global $wp_widget_factory; $widgets = array(); foreach ( $wp_widget_factory->widgets as $class => $widget_obj ) { $class = preg_match( '/[0-9a-f]{32}/', $class ) ? get_class( $widget_obj ) : $class; $widgets[ $class ] = array( 'class' => $class, 'title' => ! empty( $widget_obj->name ) ? $widget_obj->name : __( 'Untitled Widget', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 'description' => ! empty( $widget_obj->widget_options['description'] ) ? $widget_obj->widget_options['description'] : '', 'installed' => true, 'groups' => array(), ); // Get Page Builder specific widget options if ( isset( $widget_obj->widget_options['panels_title'] ) ) { $widgets[ $class ]['panels_title'] = $widget_obj->widget_options['panels_title']; } if ( isset( $widget_obj->widget_options['panels_groups'] ) ) { $widgets[ $class ]['groups'] = $widget_obj->widget_options['panels_groups']; } if ( isset( $widget_obj->widget_options['panels_icon'] ) ) { $widgets[ $class ]['icon'] = $widget_obj->widget_options['panels_icon']; } } // Other plugins can manipulate the list of widgets. Possibly to add recommended widgets $widgets = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_widgets', $widgets ); // Exclude these temporarily, as they won't work until we have a reliable way to enqueue their admin form scripts. $to_exclude = array( 'Jetpack_Gallery_Widget', 'WPCOM_Widget_GooglePlus_Badge', 'Jetpack_Widget_Social_Icons', 'Jetpack_Twitter_Timeline_Widget' ); foreach ( $to_exclude as $widget_class ) { if ( in_array( $widget_class, $widgets ) ) { unset( $widgets[ $widget_class ] ); } } // Sort the widgets alphabetically uasort( $widgets, array( $this, 'widgets_sorter' ) ); return $widgets; } /** * Sorts widgets for get_widgets function by title * * @param $a * @param $b * * @return int */ function widgets_sorter( $a, $b ) { if ( empty( $a['title'] ) ) { return - 1; } if ( empty( $b['title'] ) ) { return 1; } return $a['title'] > $b['title'] ? 1 : - 1; } /** * Process raw widgets that have come from the Page Builder front end. * * @param array $widgets An array of widgets from panels_data. * @param array $old_widgets * @param bool $escape_classes Should the class names be escaped. * @param bool $force * * @return array */ function process_raw_widgets( $widgets, $old_widgets = array(), $escape_classes = false, $force = false ) { if ( empty( $widgets ) || ! is_array( $widgets ) ) { return array(); } $old_widgets_by_id = array(); if( ! empty( $old_widgets ) ) { foreach( $old_widgets as $widget ) { if( ! empty( $widget[ 'panels_info' ][ 'widget_id' ] ) ) { $old_widgets_by_id[ $widget[ 'panels_info' ][ 'widget_id' ] ] = $widget; unset( $old_widgets_by_id[ $widget[ 'panels_info' ][ 'widget_id' ] ][ 'panels_info' ] ); } } } foreach( $widgets as $i => & $widget ) { if ( ! is_array( $widget ) ) { continue; } if ( is_array( $widget ) ) { $info = (array) ( is_array( $widget['panels_info'] ) ? $widget['panels_info'] : $widget['info'] ); } else { $info = array(); } unset( $widget['info'] ); $info[ 'class' ] = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_class', $info[ 'class' ] ); if ( ! empty( $info['raw'] ) || $force ) { $the_widget = SiteOrigin_Panels::get_widget_instance( $info['class'] ); if ( ! empty( $the_widget ) && method_exists( $the_widget, 'update' ) ) { if( ! empty( $old_widgets_by_id ) && ! empty( $widget[ 'panels_info' ][ 'widget_id' ] ) && ! empty( $old_widgets_by_id[ $widget[ 'panels_info' ][ 'widget_id' ] ] ) ){ $old_widget = $old_widgets_by_id[ $widget[ 'panels_info' ][ 'widget_id' ] ]; } else { $old_widget = $widget; } /** @var WP_Widget $the_widget */ $the_widget = SiteOrigin_Panels::get_widget_instance( $info['class'] ); $instance = $the_widget->update( $widget, $old_widget ); $instance = apply_filters( 'widget_update_callback', $instance, $widget, $old_widget, $the_widget ); $widget = $instance; unset( $info['raw'] ); } } if( $escape_classes ) { // Escaping for namespaced widgets $info[ 'class' ] = preg_replace( '/\\\\+/', '\\\\\\\\', $info['class'] ); } $widget['panels_info'] = $info; } return $widgets; } /** * Add all the footer JS templates. */ function js_templates() { include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '../tpl/js-templates.php'; } /** * Render a widget form with all the Page Builder specific fields * * @param string $widget_class The class of the widget * @param array $instance Widget values * @param bool $raw * @param string $widget_number * * @return mixed|string The form */ function render_form( $widget_class, $instance = array(), $raw = false, $widget_number = '{$id}' ) { $the_widget = SiteOrigin_Panels::get_widget_instance( $widget_class ); // This is a chance for plugins to replace missing widgets $the_widget = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_object', $the_widget, $widget_class ); if ( empty( $the_widget ) || ! is_a( $the_widget, 'WP_Widget' ) ) { $widgets = $this->get_widgets(); if ( ! empty( $widgets[ $widget_class ] ) && ! empty( $widgets[ $widget_class ]['plugin'] ) ) { // We know about this widget, show a form about installing it. $install_url = siteorigin_panels_plugin_activation_install_url( $widgets[ $widget_class ]['plugin']['slug'], $widgets[ $widget_class ]['plugin']['name'] ); $form = '<div class="panels-missing-widget-form">' . '<p>' . preg_replace( array( '/1\{ *(.*?) *\}/', '/2\{ *(.*?) *\}/', ), array( '<a href="' . $install_url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>', '<strong>$1</strong>' ), sprintf( __( 'You need to install 1{%1$s} to use the widget 2{%2$s}.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), $widgets[ $widget_class ]['plugin']['name'], $widget_class ) ) . '</p>' . '<p>' . __( "Save and reload this page to start using the widget after you've installed it.", 'siteorigin-panels' ) . '</p>' . '</div>'; } else { // This widget is missing, so show a missing widgets form. $form = '<div class="panels-missing-widget-form"><p>' . preg_replace( array( '/1\{ *(.*?) *\}/', '/2\{ *(.*?) *\}/', ), array( '<strong>$1</strong>', '<a href="https://siteorigin.com/thread/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>' ), sprintf( __( 'The widget 1{%1$s} is not available. Please try locate and install the missing plugin. Post on the 2{support forums} if you need help.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), esc_html( $widget_class ) ) ) . '</p></div>'; } // Allow other themes and plugins to change the missing widget form return apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_missing_widget_form', $form, $widget_class, $instance ); } if ( $raw ) { $instance = $the_widget->update( $instance, $instance ); } $the_widget->id = 'temp'; $the_widget->number = $widget_number; do_action( 'siteorigin_panels_before_widget_form', $the_widget, $instance ); ob_start(); if ( $this->is_core_js_widget( $the_widget ) ) { ?><div class="widget-content"><?php } $return = $the_widget->form( $instance ); do_action_ref_array( 'in_widget_form', array( &$the_widget, &$return, $instance ) ); if ( $this->is_core_js_widget( $the_widget ) ) { ?> </div> <input type="hidden" name="id_base" class="id_base" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $the_widget->id_base ); ?>" /> <?php } $form = ob_get_clean(); // Convert the widget field naming into ones that Page Builder uses $exp = preg_quote( $the_widget->get_field_name( '____' ) ); $exp = str_replace( '____', '(.*?)', $exp ); $form = preg_replace( '/' . $exp . '/', 'widgets[' . preg_replace( '/\$(\d)/', '\\\$$1', $widget_number ) . '][$1]', $form ); $form = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_form', $form, $widget_class, $instance ); // Add all the information fields return $form; } /** * Checks whether a widget is considered to be a JS widget. I.e. it needs to have scripts and/or styles enqueued for * it's admin form to work. * * Can remove the whitelist of core widgets when all widgets are following a similar pattern. * * @param $widget The widget to be tested. * * @return bool Whether or not the widget is considered a JS widget. */ function is_core_js_widget( $widget ) { $js_widgets = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_core_js_widgets', array( 'WP_Widget_Custom_HTML', 'WP_Widget_Media_Audio', 'WP_Widget_Media_Gallery', 'WP_Widget_Media_Image', 'WP_Widget_Media_Video', 'WP_Widget_Text', ) ); $is_js_widget = in_array( get_class( $widget ), $js_widgets ) && // Need to check this for `WP_Widget_Text` which was not a JS widget before 4.8 method_exists( $widget, 'render_control_template_scripts' ); return $is_js_widget; } function generate_panels_preview( $post_id, $panels_data ) { $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_PREVIEW_RENDER' ] = true; $return = SiteOrigin_Panels::renderer()->render( (int) $post_id, false, $panels_data ); if ( function_exists( 'wp_targeted_link_rel' ) ) { $return = wp_targeted_link_rel( $return ); } unset( $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_PREVIEW_RENDER' ] ); return $return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADMIN AJAX ACTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get builder content based on the submitted panels_data. */ function action_builder_content() { header( 'content-type: text/html' ); if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_panelsnonce'], 'panels_action' ) ) { wp_die(); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $_POST['post_id'] ) ) { wp_die(); } if ( empty( $_POST['post_id'] ) || empty( $_POST['panels_data'] ) ) { echo ''; wp_die(); } // echo the content $old_panels_data = get_post_meta( $_POST['post_id'], 'panels_data', true ); $panels_data = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_POST['panels_data'] ), true ); $panels_data['widgets'] = $this->process_raw_widgets( $panels_data['widgets'], ! empty( $old_panels_data['widgets'] ) ? $old_panels_data['widgets'] : false, false ); $panels_data = SiteOrigin_Panels_Styles_Admin::single()->sanitize_all( $panels_data ); // Create a version of the builder data for post content SiteOrigin_Panels_Post_Content_Filters::add_filters(); $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_POST_CONTENT_RENDER' ] = true; echo SiteOrigin_Panels::renderer()->render( (int) $_POST['post_id'], false, $panels_data ); SiteOrigin_Panels_Post_Content_Filters::remove_filters(); unset( $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_POST_CONTENT_RENDER' ] ); wp_die(); } /** * Get builder content based on the submitted panels_data. */ function action_builder_content_json() { header( 'content-type: application/json' ); $return = array('post_content' => '', 'preview' => '', 'sanitized_panels_data' => ''); if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_panelsnonce'], 'panels_action' ) ) { wp_die(); } if ( ! empty( $_POST['post_id'] ) ) { // This is a post so ensure the user is able to edit it. if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $_POST['post_id'] ) ) { wp_die(); } $old_panels_data = get_post_meta( $_POST['post_id'], 'panels_data', true ); } else { // This isn't a post, add default data to skip post speciifc checks. $old_panels_data = array(); $_POST['post_id'] = 0; } if ( empty( $_POST['panels_data'] ) ) { echo json_encode($return); wp_die(); } // echo the content $panels_data = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_POST['panels_data'] ), true ); $panels_data['widgets'] = $this->process_raw_widgets( $panels_data['widgets'], ! empty( $old_panels_data['widgets'] ) ? $old_panels_data['widgets'] : false, false ); $panels_data = SiteOrigin_Panels_Styles_Admin::single()->sanitize_all( $panels_data ); $return['sanitized_panels_data'] = $panels_data; // Create a version of the builder data for post content SiteOrigin_Panels_Post_Content_Filters::add_filters(); $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_POST_CONTENT_RENDER' ] = true; $return['post_content'] = SiteOrigin_Panels::renderer()->render( (int) $_POST['post_id'], false, $panels_data ); SiteOrigin_Panels_Post_Content_Filters::remove_filters(); unset( $GLOBALS[ 'SITEORIGIN_PANELS_POST_CONTENT_RENDER' ] ); $return['preview'] = $this->generate_panels_preview( (int) $_POST['post_id'], $panels_data ); echo json_encode( $return ); wp_die(); } /** * Display a widget form with the provided data */ function action_widget_form() { if ( empty( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'], 'panels_action' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'The supplied nonce is invalid.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), __( 'Invalid nonce.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 403 ); } if ( empty( $_REQUEST['widget'] ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Please specify the type of widget form to be rendered.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), __( 'Missing widget type.', 'siteorigin-panels' ), 400 ); } $request = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_REQUEST ); $widget_class = $request['widget']; $widget_class = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_class', $widget_class ); $instance = ! empty( $request['instance'] ) ? json_decode( $request['instance'], true ) : array(); $form = $this->render_form( $widget_class, $instance, $_REQUEST['raw'] == 'true' ); $form = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_ajax_widget_form', $form, $widget_class, $instance ); echo $form; wp_die(); } /** * Preview in the live editor when there is no public view of the item */ function action_live_editor_preview() { if ( empty( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'], 'live-editor-preview' ) ) { wp_die(); } include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '../tpl/live-editor-preview.php'; exit(); } /** * Preview in the block editor. */ public function layout_block_preview() { if ( empty( $_POST['panelsData'] ) || empty( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'], 'layout-block-preview' ) ) { wp_die(); } $panels_data = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_POST['panelsData'] ), true ); $builder_id = 'gbp' . uniqid(); $panels_data['widgets'] = SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin::single()->process_raw_widgets( $panels_data['widgets'], false, true, true ); $panels_data = SiteOrigin_Panels_Styles_Admin::single()->sanitize_all( $panels_data ); $sowb_active = class_exists( 'SiteOrigin_Widgets_Bundle' ); if ( $sowb_active ) { // We need this to get our widgets bundle to add it's styles inline for previews. add_filter( 'siteorigin_widgets_is_preview', '__return_true' ); } $rendered_layout = SiteOrigin_Panels::renderer()->render( $builder_id, true, $panels_data, $layout_data, true ); // Need to explicitly call `siteorigin_widget_print_styles` because Gutenberg previews don't render a full version of the front end, // so neither the `wp_head` nor the `wp_footer` actions are called, which usually trigger `siteorigin_widget_print_styles`. if ( $sowb_active ) { ob_start(); siteorigin_widget_print_styles(); $rendered_layout .= ob_get_clean(); } echo $rendered_layout; wp_die(); } public function layout_block_sanitize() { if ( empty( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_panelsnonce'], 'layout-block-sanitize' ) ) { wp_die(); } $panels_data = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_POST['panelsData'] ), true ); $panels_data['widgets'] = SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin::single()->process_raw_widgets( $panels_data['widgets'], false, true, true ); $panels_data = SiteOrigin_Panels_Styles_Admin::single()->sanitize_all( $panels_data ); wp_send_json( $panels_data ); } /** * Add a column that indicates if a column is powered by Page Builder * * @param $columns * * @return array */ function add_custom_column( $columns ){ $index = array_search( 'comments', array_keys( $columns ) ); if( empty( $index ) ) { $columns = array_merge( $columns, array( 'panels' => __( 'Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels' ) ) ); } else { $columns = array_slice( $columns, 0, $index, true ) + array( 'panels' => __( 'Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels' ) ) + array_slice( $columns, $index, count( $columns ) - 1, true ); } return $columns; } function display_custom_column( $column, $post_id ){ if( $column != 'panels' ) return; $panels_data = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'panels_data', true ); if( ! empty( $panels_data['widgets'] ) ) { $widgets_count = count( $panels_data['widgets'] ); printf( _n( '%s Widget', '%s Widgets', $widgets_count, 'siteorigin-panels' ), $widgets_count ); } else { echo '—'; } } public function footer_column_css(){ if( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'admin-widget-count' ) ) { $screen = get_current_screen(); $post_types = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ); if( $screen->base == 'edit' && is_array( $post_types ) && in_array( $screen->post_type, $post_types ) ){ ?><style type="text/css">.column-panels{ width: 10% }</style><?php } } } /** * Add double slashes to strings * * @param $value * * @return string */ public static function double_slash_string( $value ){ return is_string( $value ) ? addcslashes( $value, '\\' ) : $value; } public function get_layout_directories(){ } /** * Display links for various SiteOrigin addons */ public static function display_footer_premium_link(){ $links = array( array( 'text' => __('Get a lightbox addon for SiteOrigin widgets', 'siteorigin-panels'), 'url' => SiteOrigin_Panels::premium_url('plugin/lightbox') ), array( 'text' => __('Get the row, cell and widget animations addon', 'siteorigin-panels'), 'url' => SiteOrigin_Panels::premium_url('plugin/lightbox') ), array( 'text' => __('Get premium email support for SiteOrigin Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels'), 'url' => SiteOrigin_Panels::premium_url() ), ); $link = $links[array_rand($links)]; ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $link['url'] ) ?>" target="_blank" rel='noopener noreferrer'> <?php echo esc_html( $link['text'] ) ?>. </a> <?php } public function admin_notices() { global $typenow, $pagenow; $is_new = $pagenow == 'post-new.php'; $post_types = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ); $is_panels_type = in_array( $typenow, $post_types ); $use_classic = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'use-classic' ); $show_classic_admin_notice = $is_new && $is_panels_type && $use_classic; $show_classic_admin_notice = apply_filters( 'so_panels_show_classic_admin_notice', $show_classic_admin_notice ); if ( $show_classic_admin_notice ) { $settings_url = self_admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=siteorigin_panels' ); $notice = sprintf( __( 'This post type is set to use the Classic Editor by default for new posts. If you’d like to change this to the block editor, please go to <a href="%s" class="components-notice__action is-link">Page Builder Settings</a> and uncheck <strong>Use Classic Editor for new posts</strong>' ), $settings_url ); ?> <div id="siteorigin-panels-use-classic-notice" class="notice notice-info"><p id="use-classic-notice"><?php echo $notice ?></p></div> <?php } } /** * Show Classic Editor for existing PB posts. * * @param $use_block_editor * @param $post_type * * @return bool */ public function show_classic_editor_for_panels( $use_block_editor, $post_type ) { // For new pages. if ( isset( $_GET['block-editor'] ) ) { return $use_block_editor; } else if ( isset( $_GET['siteorigin-page-builder'] ) ) { return false; } $post_types = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ); global $pagenow; // If the `$post_type` is set to be used by Page Builder for new posts. $is_new_panels_type = $pagenow == 'post-new.php' && in_array( $post_type, $post_types ); $use_classic = siteorigin_panels_setting( 'use-classic' ); // For existing posts. global $post; if ( function_exists( 'has_blocks' ) && ! empty( $post ) ) { // If the post has blocks just allow `$use_block_editor` to decide. if ( ! has_blocks( $post ) ) { $panels_data = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'panels_data', true ); if ( ! empty( $panels_data ) || ( $use_classic && $is_new_panels_type ) ) { $use_block_editor = false; } } } else if ( $is_new_panels_type ) { $use_block_editor = false; } return $use_block_editor; } /** * This was copied from Gutenberg and slightly modified as a quick way to allow users to create new Page Builder pages * in the classic editor without requiring the classic editor plugin be installed. */ function add_panels_add_new_button() { global $typenow; if ( 'wp_block' === $typenow ) { ?> <style type="text/css"> .page-title-action { display: none; } </style> <?php } if ( ! $this->show_add_new_dropdown_for_type( $typenow ) ) { return; } ?> <style type="text/css"> .split-page-title-action { display: inline-block; } .split-page-title-action a, .split-page-title-action a:active, .split-page-title-action .expander:after { padding: 6px 10px; position: relative; top: -3px; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px; background: #f7f7f7; text-shadow: none; font-weight: 600; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; /* IE8-IE11 need this for buttons */ color: #0073aa; /* some of these controls are button elements and don't inherit from links */ cursor: pointer; outline: 0; } .split-page-title-action a:hover, .split-page-title-action .expander:hover:after { border-color: #008EC2; background: #00a0d2; color: #fff; } .split-page-title-action a:focus, .split-page-title-action .expander:focus:after { border-color: #5b9dd9; box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba( 30, 140, 190, 0.8 ); } .split-page-title-action .expander:after { content: "\f140"; font: 400 20px/.5 dashicons; speak: none; top: 0px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; text-decoration: none !important; padding: 4px 5px 4px 4px; border-radius: 0px 2px 2px 0px; <?php echo is_rtl() ? 'right: -1px;' : 'left: -1px;' ?> } .split-page-title-action .dropdown { display: none; } .split-page-title-action .dropdown.visible { display: block; position: absolute; margin-top: 3px; z-index: 1; } .split-page-title-action .dropdown.visible a { display: block; top: 0; margin: -1px 0; <?php echo is_rtl() ? 'padding-left: 9px;' : 'padding-right: 9px;' ?> } .split-page-title-action .expander { outline: none; float: right; margin-top: 1px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName( 'page-title-action' ), button = buttons.item( 0 ); if ( ! button ) { return; } var url = button.href; var urlHasParams = ( -1 !== url.indexOf( '?' ) ); var panelsUrl = url + ( urlHasParams ? '&' : '?' ) + 'siteorigin-page-builder'; var blockEditorUrl = url + ( urlHasParams ? '&' : '?' ) + 'block-editor'; var newbutton = '<span id="split-page-title-action" class="split-page-title-action">'; newbutton += '<a href="' + url + '">' + button.innerText + '</a>'; newbutton += '<span class="expander" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Toggle editor selection menu', 'siteorigin-panels' ) ); ?>"></span>'; newbutton += '<span class="dropdown"><a href="' + panelsUrl + '"><?php echo esc_html( __( 'SiteOrigin Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels' ) ); ?></a>'; newbutton += '<a href="' + blockEditorUrl + '"><?php echo esc_html( __( 'Block Editor', 'siteorigin-panels' ) ); ?></a></span></span><span class="page-title-action" style="display:none;"></span>'; button.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterend', newbutton ); button.parentNode.removeChild( button ); var expander = document.getElementById( 'split-page-title-action' ).getElementsByClassName( 'expander' ).item( 0 ); var dropdown = expander.parentNode.querySelector( '.dropdown' ); function toggleDropdown() { dropdown.classList.toggle( 'visible' ); } expander.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); toggleDropdown(); } ); expander.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( e ) { if ( 13 === e.which || 32 === e.which ) { e.preventDefault(); toggleDropdown(); } } ); } ); </script> <?php } private function show_add_new_dropdown_for_type( $post_type ) { $show = in_array( $post_type, siteorigin_panels_setting( 'post-types' ) ); // WooCommerce product type doesn't support block editor... $show = $show && ! ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && $post_type == 'product' ); if ( class_exists( 'SiteOrigin_Premium_Plugin_Cpt_Builder' ) ) { $show = $show && $post_type != SiteOrigin_Premium_Plugin_Cpt_Builder::POST_TYPE; $cpt_builder = SiteOrigin_Premium_Plugin_Cpt_Builder::single(); $so_custom_types = $cpt_builder->get_post_types(); $show = $show && ! isset( $so_custom_types[ $post_type ] ); } return apply_filters( 'so_panels_show_add_new_dropdown_for_type', $show, $post_type ); } public function add_panels_post_state( $post_states, $post ) { $panels_data = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'panels_data', true ); if ( ! empty( $panels_data ) ) { $post_states[] = __( 'SiteOrigin Page Builder', 'siteorigin-panels' ); } return $post_states; } }