Direktori : /var/www/projetos/fungraca.org.br/wp-content/plugins/styler-for-wpforms/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/fungraca.org.br/wp-content/plugins/styler-for-wpforms/styler-for-wpforms.php |
<?php /* Plugin Name: Styler for WPForms Plugin URI: http://wpmonks.com/styler-wpforms Description: Create beautiful styles for your WPForms Version: 2.0.4 Author: Sushil Kumar Author URI: http://wpmonks.com/ License: GPL2License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ // don't load directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } define( 'SFWF_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ); define( 'SFWF_URL', plugins_url() . '/' . basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ); define( 'SFWF_STORE_URL', 'https://wpmonks.com' ); if ( ! class_exists( 'EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater' ) ) { include_once SFWF_DIR . '/admin-menu/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php'; } include_once 'helpers/utils/class-sfwf-review.php'; require_once SFWF_DIR . '/admin-menu/licenses.php'; require_once SFWF_DIR . '/admin-menu/welcome-page.php'; require_once SFWF_DIR . '/admin-menu/addons.php'; require_once 'helpers/utils/responsive.php'; class Sk_Sfwf_Main_Class { const VERSION = '2.0.4'; const SLUG = 'styler-wpforms'; const NAME = 'Styler for WPForms'; const AUTHOR = 'Sushil Kumar'; const PREFIX = 'sk_sfwf'; /** * Instance of class. * * @var instance * @since 1.0 */ private static $instance; private $trigger; private $sfwf_form_id; /** * Plugin Directory * * @since 1.0 * @var string $dir */ public static $dir = ''; /** * Plugin URL * * @since 1.0 * @var string $url */ public static $url = ''; /** * Main Plugin Instance * * Insures that only one instance of a plugin class exists in memory at any one * time. Also prevents needing to define globals all over the place. * * @since 1.0 * @static * @static var array $instance * @return sk_sfwf_main_class instance */ public static function instance() { if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof sk_sfwf_main_class ) ) { self::$dir = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ); self::$url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ); self::$instance = new sk_sfwf_main_class(); } return self::$instance; } public function __construct() { add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'sfwf_customize_register' ) ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'sfwf_autosave_form' ) ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'wp_enqueue_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', array( $this, 'sfwf_live_preview' ) ); add_action( 'customize_save_after', array( $this, 'customize_save_after' ) ); add_action( 'wpforms_frontend_output_before', array( $this, 'swfw_display_styles_frontend' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'welcome_page_css') ); // Primary panel button. if ( function_exists( 'wpforms' ) || class_exists( 'wpforms' ) ) { add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'sfwf_preview_template' ) ); $this->trigger = 'sfwf-customizer'; // only load controls for this plugin. if ( isset( $_GET[ $this->trigger ] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $_GET['sfwf_form_id'] ) ) { $this->sfwf_form_id = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['sfwf_form_id'] ) ); } add_filter( 'query_vars', array( $this, 'add_query_vars' ) ); } } // Admin footer text. add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', array( $this, 'admin_footer' ), 2, 2 ); } /** * If the right query var is present load the WPForms Forms preview template * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function sfwf_preview_template( $wp_query ) { // load this conditionally based on the query var. if ( get_query_var( $this->trigger ) ) { wp_head(); ob_start(); $form_id = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['sfwf_form_id'] ) ); include self::$dir . '/helpers/utils/html-template-preview.php'; $message = ob_get_clean(); wp_footer(); echo $message; exit; } return $wp_query; } /** * Add custom variables to the available query vars * * @since 1.0.0 * @param mixed $vars * @return mixed */ public function add_query_vars( $vars ) { $vars[] = $this->trigger; return $vars; } /** * Primary panel button in the left panel navigation. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param mixed $form * @param string $view */ public function button( $form, $view ) { $form_id = $form->ID; $url = $this->_set_customizer_url( $form_id ); // $active = $view == $this->slug ? 'active' : ''; printf( '<button class="wpforms-panel-styler-button">' ); printf( '<i class="fa fa-paint-brush" ></i>' ); printf( '<span>Styler</span>' ); echo '</button>'; } /** * Set the customizer url * * @since 1.0.0 */ private function _set_customizer_url( $form_id ) { $url = admin_url( 'customize.php' ); $url = add_query_arg( 'sfwf-customizer', 'true', $url ); $url = add_query_arg( 'sfwf_form_id', $form_id, $url ); $url = add_query_arg( 'autofocus[panel]', 'sfwf_panel', $url ); $url = add_query_arg( 'url', wp_nonce_url( urlencode( add_query_arg( array( 'sfwf_form_id' => $form_id, 'sfwf-customizer' => 'true', 'autofocus[panel]' => 'sfwf_panel', ), site_url() ) ), 'preview-popup' ), $url ); $url = add_query_arg( 'return', urlencode( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'wpforms-builder', 'form_id' => $form_id, ), admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ) ), $url ); $this->customizer_url = esc_url_raw( $url ); return $this->customizer_url; } public function wp_enqueue_scripts() { if ( is_customize_preview() ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'sfwf_live_preview_styles', self::$url . '/css/live-preview.css' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sfwf_frontend_preview_wp', self::$url . '/js/frontend.js', array( 'jquery', 'customize-preview' ), '', true ); } } /** * Function to display styles in frontend * * @param [array] $form_data [description]. * @param [object] $form [description]. * @return [none] [no return] */ public function swfw_display_styles_frontend( $form_data, $form ) { $style_current_form = get_option( 'sfwf_form_id_' . $form_data['id'] ); if ( ! empty( $style_current_form ) ) { $css_form_id = $form_data['id']; $main_class_object = self::instance(); include 'display/class-styles.php'; } do_action( 'sfwf_after_post_style_display' ); } /** * Enqueue js file that autosaves the form selection in database. * * @author Sushil Kumar * @since v1.0 */ public function sfwf_autosave_form() { wp_enqueue_script( 'sfwf_customizer_controls', self::$url . '/js/customizer-controls/customizer-controls.js', array( 'jquery' ), '', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sfwf_auto_save_form', self::$url . '/js/auto-save-form.js', array( 'jquery' ), '', true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'sfwf_customizer_css', self::$url . '/css/customizer/sfwf-customizer-controls.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'sfwf_admin_css', self::$url . '/css/customizer-controls.css' ); } public function welcome_page_css(){ wp_enqueue_style('sfwf_welcome_page_css', self::$url . '/css/admin.css'); } /** * Shows live preview of css changes. * * @author Sushil Kumar * @since v1.0 */ public function sfwf_live_preview() { $current_form_id = get_option( 'sfwf_select_form_id' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sfwf_show_live_changes', self::$url . 'js/live-preview/live-preview-changes.js', array( 'jquery', 'customize-preview' ), '', true ); $current_form_id = get_option( 'sfwf_select_form_id' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sfwf_customizer_shortcut_icons', self::$url . 'js/live-preview/edit-shortcuts.js', array( 'jquery', 'customize-preview', 'wpforms' ), '', true ); wp_localize_script( 'sfwf_show_live_changes', 'sfwf_localize_current_form', array( 'formId' => $current_form_id ) ); wp_localize_script( 'sfwf_customizer_shortcut_icons', 'sfwf_localize_edit_shortcuts', array( 'formId' => $current_form_id ) ); } public function customize_save_after() { // get name of style to be deleted $style_to_be_deleted = get_option( 'sfwf_general_settings' ); if ( $style_to_be_deleted['reset-styles'] != -1 || ! empty( $style_to_be_deleted['reset-styles'] ) ) { delete_option( 'sfwf_form_id_' . $style_to_be_deleted['reset-styles'] ); $style_to_be_deleted['reset-styles'] = -1; update_option( 'sfwf_general_settings', $style_to_be_deleted ); } } public function sfwf_customize_register( $wp_customize ) { $current_form_id = get_option( 'sfwf_select_form_id' ); $border_types = array( 'inherit' => 'Inherit', 'solid' => 'Solid', 'dotted' => 'Dotted', 'dashed' => 'Dashed', 'double' => 'Double', 'groove' => 'Groove', 'ridge' => 'Ridge', 'inset' => 'Inset', 'outset' => 'Outset', ); $align_pos = array( 'left' => 'Left', 'center' => 'Center', 'justify' => 'Justify', 'right' => 'Right', ); include 'helpers/utils/fonts.php'; $wp_customize->add_panel( 'sfwf_panel', array( 'title' => __( 'Styler for WPForms' ), 'description' => '<p> Craft your Forms</p>', // Include html tags such as <p>. 'priority' => 160, // Mixed with top-level-section hierarchy. ) ); // hidden field to get form id in jquery. if ( ! array_key_exists( 'autofocus', $_GET ) || ( array_key_exists( 'autofocus', $_GET ) && 'sfwf_panel' !== $_GET['autofocus']['panel'] ) ) { $wp_customize->add_setting( 'sfwf_hidden_field_for_form_id', array( 'default' => $current_form_id, 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'type' => 'option', ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( 'sfwf_hidden_field_for_form_id', array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'priority' => 10, // Within the section. 'section' => 'sfwf_select_form_section', // Required, core or custom. 'input_attrs' => array( 'value' => $current_form_id, 'id' => 'sfwf_hidden_field_for_form_id', ), ) ); } $border_types = array( // 'inherit' => 'Inherit', 'solid' => 'Solid', 'dotted' => 'Dotted', 'dashed' => 'Dashed', 'double' => 'Double', 'groove' => 'Groove', 'ridge' => 'Ridge', 'inset' => 'Inset', 'outset' => 'Outset', ); $align_pos = array( 'left' => 'Left', 'center' => 'Center', 'right' => 'Right', 'justify' => 'Justify', ); $font_style_choices = array( 'bold' => 'Bold', 'italic' => 'Italic', 'uppercase' => 'Uppercase', 'underline' => 'underline', ); include 'helpers/customizer-controls/desktop-text-input.php'; include 'helpers/customizer-controls/tab-text-input.php'; include 'helpers/customizer-controls/mobile-text-input.php'; include 'helpers/customizer-controls/text-alignment.php'; include 'helpers/customizer-controls/font-style.php'; include 'helpers/customizer-controls/range-slider.php'; include 'helpers/customizer-controls/label.php'; include 'includes/form-select.php'; include 'includes/customizer-addons.php'; include 'includes/general-settings.php'; do_action( 'sfwf_add_addons_section', $wp_customize, $current_form_id ); include 'includes/form-wrapper.php'; include 'includes/form-header.php'; include 'includes/form-title.php'; include 'includes/form-description.php'; include 'includes/field-labels.php'; include 'includes/field-descriptions.php'; include 'includes/text-fields.php'; include 'includes/dropdown-fields.php'; include 'includes/radio-inputs.php'; include 'includes/checkbox-inputs.php'; include 'includes/paragraph-textarea.php'; include 'includes/submit-button.php'; include 'includes/confirmation-message.php'; include 'includes/error-message.php'; } // main customizer function ends here. /** * Convert saved database values to CSS propetise * * @param [int] $form_id [form id to get the saved values for it]. * @param [string] $category [settings section for which details must be used]. * @return [string] [CSS code] */ public function swfw_get_saved_styles( $form_id, $category, $important = '' ) { $settings = get_option( 'sfwf_form_id_' . $form_id ); if ( is_customize_preview() ) { $important = ''; } if ( empty( $settings ) ) { return; } $input_styles = ''; if ( ! empty( $settings[ $category ]['font-style'] ) ) { $font_styles = explode( '|', $settings[ $category ]['font-style'] ); foreach ( $font_styles as $value ) { foreach ( $font_styles as $value ) { switch ( $value ) { case 'bold': $input_styles .= 'font-weight: bold;'; break; case 'italic': $input_styles .= 'font-style: italic;'; break; case 'uppercase': $input_styles .= 'text-transform: uppercase;'; break; case 'underline': $input_styles .= 'text-decoration: underline;'; break; default: break; } } } } if ( isset( $settings[ $category ]['use-outer-shadows'] ) ) { $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['horizontal-offset'] ) ? 'box-shadow: 0px ' : 'box-shadow:' . $settings[ $category ]['outer-horizontal-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-vertical-offset'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-vertical-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-blur-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-blur-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-spread-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-spread-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-shadow-color'] ) ? ';' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-shadow-color'] . ' '; if ( isset( $settings[ $category ]['use-inner-shadows'] ) ) { $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-horizontal-offset'] ) ? ', 0px ' : ', ' . $settings[ $category ]['inner-horizontal-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-vertical-offset'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-vertical-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-blur-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-blur-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-spread-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-spread-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-shadow-color'] ) ? ';' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-shadow-color'] . ' inset; '; } else { $input_styles .= ';'; } } if ( isset( $settings[ $category ]['use-outer-shadows'] ) ) { $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-horizontal-offset'] ) ? '-moz-box-shadow: 0px ' : '-moz-box-shadow:' . $settings[ $category ]['outer-horizontal-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-vertical-offset'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-vertical-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-blur-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-blur-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-spread-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-spread-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-shadow-color'] ) ? ';' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-shadow-color'] . ' '; if ( isset( $settings[ $category ]['use-inner-shadows'] ) ) { $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-horizontal-offset'] ) ? ', 0px ' : ', ' . $settings[ $category ]['inner-horizontal-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-vertical-offset'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-vertical-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-blur-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-blur-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-spread-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-spread-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-shadow-color'] ) ? ';' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-shadow-color'] . ' inset; '; } else { $input_styles .= ';'; } } if ( isset( $settings[ $category ]['use-outer-shadows'] ) ) { $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-horizontal-offset'] ) ? '-webkit-box-shadow: 0px ' : '-webkit-box-shadow:' . $settings[ $category ]['outer-horizontal-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-vertical-offset'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-vertical-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-blur-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-blur-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-spread-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-spread-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['outer-shadow-color'] ) ? ';' : $settings[ $category ]['outer-shadow-color'] . ' '; if ( isset( $settings[ $category ]['use-inner-shadows'] ) ) { $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-horizontal-offset'] ) ? ', 0px ' : ', ' . $settings[ $category ]['inner-horizontal-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-vertical-offset'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-vertical-offset'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-blur-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-blur-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-spread-radius'] ) ? '0px ' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-spread-radius'] . ' '; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['inner-shadow-color'] ) ? ';' : $settings[ $category ]['inner-shadow-color'] . ' inset; '; } else { $input_styles .= ';'; } } $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['color'] ) ? '' : 'color:' . $settings[ $category ]['color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['background-color'] ) ? '' : 'background-color:' . $settings[ $category ]['background-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['background-color1'] ) ? '' : 'background:-webkit-linear-gradient(to left,' . $settings[ $category ]['background-color'] . ',' . $settings[ $category ]['background-color1'] . ') ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['background-color1'] ) ? '' : 'background:linear-gradient(to left,' . $settings[ $category ]['background-color'] . ',' . $settings[ $category ]['background-color1'] . ') ' . $important. ';'; // $input_styles.= empty( $settings[$category]['padding'] )?'':'padding:'. $settings[$category]['padding'].';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['width'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['width'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['width'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['height'] ) ? '' : 'height:' . $settings[ $category ]['height'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['height'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['title-position'] ) ? '' : 'text-align:' . $settings[ $category ]['title-position'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['text-align'] ) ? '' : 'text-align:' . $settings[ $category ]['text-align'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['error-position'] ) ? '' : 'text-align:' . $settings[ $category ]['error-position'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['description-position'] ) ? '' : 'text-align:' . $settings[ $category ]['description-position'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['title-color'] ) ? '' : 'color:' . $settings[ $category ]['title-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['font-color'] ) ? '' : 'color:' . $settings[ $category ]['font-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['description-color'] ) ? '' : 'color:' . $settings[ $category ]['description-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['button-color'] ) ? '' : 'background-color:' . $settings[ $category ]['button-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['description-color'] ) ? '' : 'color:' . $settings[ $category ]['description-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['line-height'] ) ? '' : 'line-height:' . $settings[ $category ]['line-height'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['font-family'] ) ? '' : 'font-family:' . $settings[ $category ]['font-family'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['font-size'] ) ? '' : 'font-size:' . $settings[ $category ]['font-size'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['font-size'] ) . ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['max-width'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['max-width'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['max-width'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['margin'] ) ? '' : 'margin:' . $settings[ $category ]['margin'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['padding'] ) ? '' : 'padding:' . $settings[ $category ]['padding'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-size'] ) ? '' : 'border-width:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-size'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['border-size'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-color'] ) ? '' : 'border-color:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-type'] ) ? '' : 'border-style:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-type'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom'] ) ? '' : 'border-bottom-style:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-size'] ) ? '' : 'border-bottom-width:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-size'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-size'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-color'] ) ? '' : 'border-bottom-color:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['background-image-url'] ) ? '' : 'background: url(' . $settings[ $category ]['background-image-url'] . ') no-repeat' . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-color'] ) ? '' : 'border-bottom-color:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-bottom-color'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; if ( ! empty( $settings[ $category ]['display'] ) && $settings[ $category ]['display'] === true) { $input_styles .= 'display:none' . ' ' . $important. ';'; } if ( ! empty( $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] ) ) { $input_styles .= 'border-radius:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= '-web-border-radius:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= '-moz-border-radius:' . $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['border-radius'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; } $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['custom-css'] ) ? '' : $settings[ $category ]['custom-css'] . ';'; return $input_styles; } public function swfw_get_saved_styles_tab( $form_id, $category, $important ) { $settings = get_option( 'sfwf_form_id_' . $form_id ); if ( empty( $settings ) ) { return; } $input_styles = ''; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['width-tab'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['width-tab'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['width-tab'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['max-width-tab'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['max-width-tab'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['max-width-tab'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width-tab'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width-tab'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width-tab'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['height-tab'] ) ? '' : 'height:' . $settings[ $category ]['height-tab'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['height-tab'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['font-size-tab'] ) ? '' : 'font-size:' . $settings[ $category ]['font-size-tab'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['font-size-tab'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['line-height-tab'] ) ? '' : 'line-height:' . $settings[ $category ]['line-height-tab'] . $this->$settings[ $category ]['line-height-tab'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; return $input_styles; } public function swfw_get_saved_styles_phone( $form_id, $category, $important ) { $settings = get_option( 'sfwf_form_id_' . $form_id ); if ( empty( $settings ) ) { return; } $input_styles = ''; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['width-phone'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['width-phone'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['width-phone'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['max-width-phone'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['max-width-phone'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['max-width-phone'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width-phone'] ) ? '' : 'width:' . $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width-phone'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['maximum-width-phone'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['height-phone'] ) ? '' : 'height:' . $settings[ $category ]['height-phone'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['height-phone'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['font-size-phone'] ) ? '' : 'font-size:' . $settings[ $category ]['font-size-phone'] . $this->sfwf_add_px_to_value( $settings[ $category ]['font-size-phone'] ) . ' ' . $important. ';'; $input_styles .= empty( $settings[ $category ]['line-height-phone'] ) ? '' : 'line-height:' . $settings[ $category ]['line-height-phone'] . $this->$settings[ $category ]['line-height-phone'] . ' ' . $important. ';'; return $input_styles; } public function sfwf_add_px_to_value( $value ) { if ( ctype_digit( $value ) ) { $value = 'px'; } else { $value = ''; } return $value; } /** * When user is on a Styler for WPForms related admin page, display footer text * that graciously asks them to rate us. * * @since 1.3.2 * * @param string $text * * @return string */ public function admin_footer( $text ) { global $current_screen; if ( ! empty( $current_screen->id ) && strpos( $current_screen->id, 'styler-wpforms' ) !== false ) { $url = 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/styler-for-wpforms/reviews/?filter=5#new-post'; $text = sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: $1$s - WPForms plugin name; $2$s - WP.org review link; $3$s - WP.org review link. */ __( 'Please rate %1$s <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">★★★★★</a> on <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WordPress.org</a> to help us spread the word. Thank you from the Styler for WPForms team!', 'sk_sfwf' ), array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), 'target' => array(), 'rel' => array(), ), ) ), '<strong>Styler for WPForms</strong>', $url, $url ); } return $text; } } // Class ends here. add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'sk_sfwf_main_class' ); /** * The main function responsible for returning The Highlander Plugin * Instance to functions everywhere. * * Use this function like you would a global variable, except without needing * to declare the global. * * @since 3.0 * @return {class} Highlander Instance */ function sk_sfwf_main_class() { return Sk_Sfwf_Main_Class::instance(); }