Direktori : /var/www/projetos/deutsch.ongrace.com/wp-content/themes/flash/ |
Current File : /var/www/projetos/deutsch.ongrace.com/wp-content/themes/flash/gulpfile.js |
/** * Gulp workflow for WordPress * * @author Sanjeev Shrestha * @version 1.0.0 */ /** * Load Plugins * * Load gulp and it's plugin. */ var gulp = require( 'gulp' ); // CSS Plugins var autoprefixer = require( 'gulp-autoprefixer' ); // Prefixes CSS. var uglifycss = require( 'gulp-uglifycss' ); // Minifies CSS. var rtlcss = require( 'gulp-rtlcss' ); // Generates RTL CSS. var lec = require( 'gulp-line-ending-corrector' ); // var sass = require( 'gulp-sass' ); // Compiles sass into CSS. // JS Plugins var uglify = require( 'gulp-uglify' ); // Minify JS. // Utility Plugins var browserSync = require( 'browser-sync' ).create(); // Reloads browser. var imagemin = require( 'gulp-imagemin' ); // Minifies Images. var rename = require( 'gulp-rename' ); // Renames files. var wpPot = require( 'gulp-wp-pot' ); // Generates translation file. var zip = require( 'gulp-zip' ); // Compresses into zip file. var notify = require( 'gulp-notify' ); // Sends notification. // Linter Plugins var stylelint = require( 'gulp-stylelint' ); // Checks for the CSS errors. var eslint = require( 'gulp-eslint' ); // Checks for the JS errors. var phpcs = require( 'gulp-phpcs' ); //Checks for the php errors and WordPress standards. /** * Project information. */ var info = { name: 'Flash', slug: 'flash', url: 'https://themegrill.com/themes/flash/', author: 'ThemeGrill', authorUrl: 'https://themegrill.com/', authorEmail: 'themegrill@gmail.com', teamEmail: '', localUrl: 'flash.local' }; /** * Defines paths */ var paths = { scss: { src: './assets/sass/**/*.scss', dest: './' }, adminscss: { src : './inc/admin/sass/admin.scss', dest: './inc/admin/css/' }, css: { src: [ './assets/css/*.css', '!./assets/css/*.min.css' ], dest: './assets/css' }, rtlcss: { src: [ './style.css' ], dest: './' }, prefixStyles: { src: './*.css', dest: './' }, lintFiles: { php: [ './*.php', './inc/**/*.php', '!./inc/kirki/**', '!./inc/tgm-plugin-activation/**', './inc/widgets/*.php', './template-parts/**/*.php' ], styles: [ './assets/sass/**/*.scss' ], js: [ './assets/js/*-custom.js', '!./assets/js/*.min.js' ] }, js: { src: [ './assets/js/*.js', '!./assets/js/*.min.js' ], dest: './assets/js/' }, php: { src: [ './*.php', './inc/*.php', './inc/customizer/**/*.php', './template-parts/**/*.php' ] }, img: { src: [ './assets/img/**' ], dest: './assets/img' }, zip: { src: [ '**', '!vendor', '!vendor/**', '!node_modules', '!node_modules/**', '!assets/sass', '!assets/sass/**', '!dest.xml', '!dist', '!dist/**', '!*.json', '!*.md', '!gulpfile.js', '!composer.lock', '!phpcs.xml' ], dest: './dist' } }; /** * Gulp Series Tasks * * Run task on series. */ // Style tasks var styles = gulp.series( compileSass, prefixStyles, generateRTLCSS, browserSyncStream ); // Start a front-end development server. var server = gulp.series( browserSyncStart, watch ); // Test code var test = gulp.series( lintPHP, lintJS, lintStyle ); // Build var build = gulp.series( test, minifyCSS, minifyJs, minifyImg, generatePotFile, compressZip ); // Start browserSync function browserSyncStart( cb ) { browserSync.init( { proxy: info.localUrl }, cb ); } // Reloads the browser function browserSyncReload( cb ) { browserSync.reload(); cb(); } // Streams the browser. function browserSyncStream( cb ) { browserSync.stream(); cb(); } // Compiles SCSS into CSS. function compileSass() { return gulp .src( paths.scss.src ) .pipe( sass( { indentType: 'tab', indentWidth: 1, outputStyle: 'expanded', linefeed: 'crlf' } ) ) .pipe( lec( { verbose : true, eolc : 'LF', encoding : 'utf8' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.scss.dest ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } function compileAdminSass() { return gulp.src( paths.adminscss.src ) .pipe( sass({ indentType: 'tab', indentWidth: 1, outputStyle: 'expanded', linefeed: 'crlf' } ) .on( 'error', sass.logError) ) .pipe( lec( { verbose : true, eolc : 'LF', encoding : 'utf8' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.adminscss.dest ) ) .pipe( browserSync.stream() ); } // Prefixes CSS. function prefixStyles() { return gulp .src( paths.prefixStyles.src ) .pipe( autoprefixer( { browsers: [ 'last 2 versions' ], cascade: false } ) ) .pipe( lec( { verbose : true, eolc : 'LF', encoding : 'utf8' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.prefixStyles.dest ) ) .pipe( browserSync.stream() ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Generates RTL CSS file. function generateRTLCSS() { return gulp .src( paths.rtlcss.src ) .pipe( rtlcss() ) .pipe( rename( { suffix: '-rtl' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.rtlcss.dest ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Minify css file function minifyCSS() { return gulp .src( paths.css.src ) .pipe( uglifycss() ) .pipe( rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) ) .pipe( lec( { verbose : true, eolc : 'LF', encoding : 'utf8' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.css.dest ) ); } // Runs all the task of style. function styles() { return gulp.series( compileSass, prefixStyles, generateRTLCSS ); } // Lint php through phpcs and PHPCompatibility function lintPHP() { return gulp .src( paths.lintFiles.php ) .pipe( phpcs( { bin: 'vendor/bin/phpcs', standard: 'phpcs.xml', warningSeverity: 0 } ) ) .pipe( phpcs.reporter( 'log' ) ) .pipe( phpcs.reporter( 'fail', { failOnFirst: false } ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Lint scss,css file through stylelint function lintStyle() { return gulp .src( paths.lintFiles.styles ) .pipe( stylelint( { failAfterError: true, reporters: [ { formatter: 'string', console: true } ] } ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Lint js files through eslint function lintJS() { return gulp .src( paths.lintFiles.js ) .pipe( eslint() ) .pipe( eslint.format() ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Minfies image files. function minifyImg() { return gulp .src( paths.img.src ) .pipe( imagemin() ) .pipe( lec( { verbose : true, eolc : 'LF', encoding : 'utf8' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.img.dest ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Minifies the js files. function minifyJs() { return gulp .src( paths.js.src ) .pipe( uglify() ) .pipe( rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) ) .pipe( lec( { verbose : true, eolc : 'LF', encoding : 'utf8' } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.js.dest ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Generates translation file. function generatePotFile() { return gulp .src( paths.php.src ) .pipe( wpPot( { domain: info.slug, package: info.name, bugReport: info.authorEmail, team: info.teamEmail } ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( 'languages/' + info.slug + '.pot' ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ); } // Compress theme into a zip file. function compressZip() { return gulp .src( paths.zip.src ) .pipe( zip( info.slug + '.zip' ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest( paths.zip.dest ) ) .on( 'error', notify.onError() ) .pipe( notify( { message: 'Great! Package is ready', title: 'Build successful' } ) ); } // Watch for file changes function watch() { gulp.watch( paths.scss.src, styles ); gulp.watch(paths.php.src, browserSyncReload ); gulp.watch(paths.js.src, browserSyncReload); } // Builds the package. function build() { return gulp.series( lintPHP, lintJS, lintStyle, compileSass, prefixStyles, generateRTLCSS, minifyCSS, minifyImg, minifyJs, generatePotFile, compressZip ); } // define tasks exports.browserSyncStart = browserSyncStart; exports.browserSyncReload = browserSyncReload; exports.browserSyncStream = browserSyncStream; exports.compileSass = compileSass; exports.compileAdminSass = compileAdminSass; exports.prefixStyles = prefixStyles; exports.generateRTLCSS = generateRTLCSS; exports.minifyCSS = minifyCSS; exports.minifyImg = minifyImg; exports.minifyJs = minifyJs; exports.generatePotFile = generatePotFile; exports.lintPHP = lintPHP; exports.lintStyle = lintStyle; exports.lintJS = lintJS; exports.compressZip = compressZip; exports.watch = watch; exports.styles = styles; exports.test = test; exports.server = server; exports.test = test; exports.build = build;