Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /var/www/projetos/beta2.gracafilmes.com.br/wp-content/languages/plugins/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /var/www/projetos/beta2.gracafilmes.com.br/wp-content/languages/plugins/elementor-pt_BR-f98be19bec7bc848ce3ed383c60037c1.json

{"translation-revision-date":"2023-07-06 10:14:58+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-alpha.4","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"pt_BR"},"Deactivate":["Desativar"],"Are you sure?":["Tem certeza?"],"Do not show this message again":["N\u00e3o mostrar novamente"],"Importing...":["Importando..."],"Activate":["Ativar"],"In order to use %1$s, first you need to activate %2$s.":["Para usar %1$s, primeiro voc\u00ea precisa Ativar %2$s."],"First, activate another experiment.":["Primeiro, Ative outro Experimento."],"If you do not enable uploading unfiltered files, any SVG or JSON (including lottie) files used in the uploaded template will not be imported.":["Se voc\u00ea n\u00e3o Habilitar o Carregamento de Arquivos Sem Filtro, quaisquer Arquivos SVG ou JSON (incluindo Lottie) usados no Modelo Enviado n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o Importados."],"Enable and Import":["Habilitar e Importar"],"Import Without Enabling":["Importar Sem Habilitar"],"Migrate to v3.0":["Migrar para v3.0"],"Please note that this process will revert all changes made to Global Colors and Fonts since upgrading to v3.x.":["Observe que este processo reverter\u00e1 todas as altera\u00e7\u00f5es feitas em cores e fontes globais desde a atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o para v3.x."],"Enable Unfiltered File Uploads":["Permitir envio de arquivos sem filtrar"],"Font Awesome 5 Migration":["Migra\u00e7\u00e3o para Font Awesome 5"],"I acknowledge that some changes may affect my website and that this action cannot be undone.":["Entendo que algumas altera\u00e7\u00f5es podem afetar meu site e que essa a\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o pode ser desfeita."],"I understand that by upgrading to Font Awesome 5,":["Eu entendo que ao atualizar para Font Awesome 5,"],"Before you enable unfiltered files upload, note that such files include a security risk. Elementor does run a process to remove possible malicious code, but there is still risk involved when using such files.":["Antes de permitir o carregamento de arquivos n\u00e3o filtrados, observe que tais arquivos incluem um risco de seguran\u00e7a. A Elementor executa um processo para remover poss\u00edveis c\u00f3digos maliciosos, mas ainda h\u00e1 risco envolvido ao usar tais arquivos."],"Continue":["Continuar"],"Please note that you are switching to WordPress default editor. Your current layout, design and content might break.":["Note que voc\u00ea esta alterando para o editor padr\u00e3o do WordPress. O seu layout, design e conte\u00fado atuais podem sofrer problemas."],"Back to WordPress Editor":["Voltar ao Editor do WordPress"],"Dismiss":["Dispensar"],"Are you sure you want to reinstall previous version?":["Tem certeza de que deseja reinstalar a vers\u00e3o anterior?"],"Rollback to Previous Version":["Retroceder para a vers\u00e3o anterior"],"Enable":["Ativar"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/js\/admin.js"}}

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0