Direktori : /usr/share/speech-dispatcher/locale/sq/ |
Current File : //usr/share/speech-dispatcher/locale/sq/symbols.dic |
# This file was automatically generated by make import-symbols # DO NOT MODIFY IT! # See locale/README.md to know how to import dictionaries #locale/al/symbols.dic #A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) #Copyright (c) 2011 NV Access Inc #This file is covered by the GNU General Public License. complexSymbols: # identifier regexp # Sentence endings. . sentence ending (?<=[^\s.])\.(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$) ! sentence ending (?<=[^\s!])\!(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$) ? sentence ending (?<=[^\s?])\?(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$) # Phrase endings. ; phrase ending (?<=[^\s;]);(?=\s|$) : phrase ending (?<=[^\s:]):(?=\s|$) # Others decimal point (?<=\d)\.(?=\d) in-word ' (?<=[^\W_])['’] symbols: # identifier replacement[[ level][ preserve]][ # display name] # Complex symbols . sentence ending pikë all always ! sentence ending pikë çuditëse all always ? sentence ending pikëpyetje all always ; phrase ending pikëpresje most always : phrase ending dy pika most always decimal point none always in-word ' apostrofë all norep negative number minus none norep # Whitespace \0 bosh char \t tab \n rresht i ri char \f fundi i faqes none \r rreshti tjetër char hapsirë char hapsirë char # no-break space # Standard punctuation/symbols ! pikë çuditëse all " thonjëz most \# thurje some $ dollar all norep £ pound some € euro all norep % përqind some & and some ' apostrofë all ( hap kllapë most ) mbyll kllapë most * yll most + plus most , presje all always - vizë ndarëse most . pikë some / slash some : dy pika most norep ; pikëpresje most < më e vogël most > më e madhe most = baraz most ? pikëpyetje all @ at some [ hap kllapë katrore most ] mbyll kllapë katrore most \\ backslash most ^ caret most _ nënvizim most ` theks most { hap kllapë gjarpërore most } mbyll kllapë gjarpërore most | bar most ~ tilda most # Other characters • bullet some … pika pika all always bullet some “ thonjëz e majtë most ” thonjëz e djathtë most ‘ apostrofë e majtë most ’ apostrofë e djathtë most – vizë most — vizë most ● circle most ¨ diaeresis most shënues nga e majta në të djathtë char shënues nga e djathta në të majtë char