Direktori : /usr/share/speech-dispatcher/locale/my/ |
Current File : //usr/share/speech-dispatcher/locale/my/symbols.dic |
# This file was automatically generated by make import-symbols # DO NOT MODIFY IT! # See locale/README.md to know how to import dictionaries #locale/en/symbols.dic #A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) #Copyright (c) 2011-2012 NVDA Contributors #This file is covered by the GNU General Public License. complexSymbols: # identifier regexp # Sentence endings. . sentence ending (?<=[^\s.])\.(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$) ! sentence ending (?<=[^\s!])\!(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$) ? sentence ending (?<=[^\s?])\?(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$) # Phrase endings. ; phrase ending (?<=[^\s;]);(?=\s|$) : phrase ending (?<=[^\s:]):(?=\s|$) # Others decimal point (?<![^\d -])\.(?=\d) in-word ' (?<=[^\W_])['’] negative number (?<!\w)-(?=[$£€¥.]?\d) symbols: # identifier replacement[[ level][ preserve]][ # display name] # Complex symbols . sentence ending dot all always ! sentence ending bang all always ? sentence ending question all always ; phrase ending semi most always : phrase ending colon most always decimal point none always in-word ' tick all norep negative number minus none norep # Whitespace \0 blank char # null \t tab \n line feed char \f page break none \r carriage return char space char space char # no-break space # Standard punctuation/symbols ! bang all " quote most \# number some $ dollar all norep £ pound all norep € euro all norep ¢ Cents all norep ¥ Yen all norep ₹ Rupee some norep % percent some & and some ' tick all ( left paren most always ) right paren most always * star some + plus some , comma all always - dash most . dot some / slash some : colon most norep ; semi most < less some > greater some = equals some ? question all @ at some [ left bracket most ] right bracket most \\ backslash most ^ caret most _ line most ` graav most { left brace most } right brace most | bar most ~ tilda most # Other characters • bullet some … dot dot dot all always ... dot dot dot all always bullet some “ left quote most ” right quote most ‘ left tick most ’ right tick most – en dash most always — em dash most ● circle most ¨ diaeresis most left to right mark char right to left mark char ■ black square some ▪ black square some ◾ black square some ◦ white bullet some ➔ right arrow some § section all ° degrees some « double left pointing angle bracket » double right pointing angle bracket µ micro some ¹ superscript 1 some ² superscript 2 some ³ superscript 3 some ® registered some ™ Trademark some © Copyright some ± Plus or Minus some × times some ÷ divide by some ← left arrow some → right arrow some ✓ check some ✔ check some #Mathematical Operators U+2200 to U+220F ∀ For All none ∁ Complement none ∂ Partial Derivative none ∃ There exists none ∄ There Does Not Exist none ∅ EMPTY SET none ∆ INCREMENT none ∇ NABLA none ∈ ELEMENT OF none ∉ NOT AN ELEMENT OF none ∊ SMALL ELEMENT OF none ∋ CONTAINS AS MEMBER none ∌ DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER none ∍ SMALL CONTAINS AS MEMBER none ∎ END OF PROOF none ∏ N-ARY PRODUCT none # Miscellaneous Mathematical Operators ∑ N-ARY SUMMATION none √ SQUARE ROOT none ∛ CUBE ROOT none ∜ FOURTH ROOT none ∝ PROPORTIONAL TO none ∞ INFINITY none ∟ RIGHT ANGLE none ∠ ANGLE none ∥ PARALLEL TO none ∦ NOT PARALLEL TO none ∧ LOGICAL AND none ∨ LOGICAL OR none ∩ INTERSECTION none ∪ UNION none ∫ INTEGRAL none ∴ THEREFORE none ∵ BECAUSE none ∶ RATIO none ∷ PROPORTION none ≤ LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO none ≥ GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO none ⊂ SUBSET OF none ⊃ SUPERSET OF none ⊆ SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO none ⊇ SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO none