Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/share/locale/gd/LC_MESSAGES/
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Current File : //usr/share/locale/gd/LC_MESSAGES/language-selector.mo

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4(%/#:"%(INSTALL)d to install%(INSTALL)d to install%(REMOVE)d to remove%(REMOVE)d to remove%s, %s<b>Example</b><big><b>Checking available language support</b></big>

The availability of translations or writing aids can differ between languages.<small><b>Drag languages to arrange them in order of preference.</b>
Changes take effect next time you log in.</small><small>Changes take effect next time you log in.</small><small>Use the same format choice for startup and the login screen.</small><small>Use the same language choices for startup and the login screen.</small>Apply System-WideChinese (simplified)Chinese (traditional)Configure multiple and native language support on your systemCould not install the full language supportCould not install the selected language supportCurrency:Date:DetailsDisplay numbers, dates and currency amounts in the usual format for:Failed to apply the '%s' format
choice. The examples may show up if you
close and re-open Language Support.Failed to authorize to install packages.If you need to type in languages, which require more complex input methods than just a simple key to letter mapping, you may want to enable this function.
For example, you will need this function for typing Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese.
The recommended value for Ubuntu is "IBus".
If you want to use alternative input method systems, install the corresponding packages first and then choose the desired system here.Incomplete Language SupportInstall / Remove Languages...InstalledInstalled LanguagesIt is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.Keyboard input method system:LanguageLanguage SupportLanguage for menus and windows:No language information availableNumber:Regional FormatsSession Restart RequiredSet system default languageSoftware database is brokenSome translations or writing aids available for your chosen languages are not installed yet. Do you want to install them now?System policy prevented setting default languageThe language support files for your selected language seem to be incomplete. You can install the missing components by clicking on "Run this action now" and follow the instructions. An active internet connection is required. If you would like to do this at a later time, please use Language Support instead (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Language Support").The language support is not installed completelyThe new language settings will take effect once you have logged out.The system does not have information about the available languages yet. Do you want to perform a network update to get them now? This is perhaps a bug of this application. Please file a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+filebugThis setting only affects the language your desktop and applications are displayed in. It does not set the system environment, like currency or date format settings. For that, use the settings in the Regional Formats tab.
The order of the values displayed here decides which translations to use for your desktop. If translations for the first language are not available, the next one in this list will be tried. The last entry of this list is always "English".
Every entry below "English" will be ignored.This will set the system environment like shown below and will also affect the preferred paper format and other region specific settings.
If you want to display the desktop in a different language than this, please select it in the "Language" tab.
Hence you should set this to a sensible value for the region in which you are located.Usually this is related to an error in your software archive or software manager. Check your preferences in Software Sources (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Software Sources").When a language is installed, individual users can choose it in their Language settings._Install_Remind Me Later_Updatealternative datadircheck for the given package(s) only -- separate packagenames by commadon't verify installed language supportnoneoutput all available language support packages for all languagesshow installed packages as well as missing onestarget language codeProject-Id-Version: language-selector
PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-04 06:30+0000
Last-Translator: Launchpad Translations Administrators <Unknown>
Language-Team: Gaelic; Scottish <gd@li.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;
X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2024-04-19 01:20+0000
X-Generator: Launchpad (build 67d34a19aaa1df7be4dd8bf498cbc5bbd785067b)
%(INSTALL)d ri stàladh%(INSTALL)d ri stàladh%(INSTALL)d ri stàladh%(INSTALL)d ri stàladh%(REMOVE)d ri thoirt air falbh%(REMOVE)d ri thoirt air falbh%(REMOVE)d ri thoirt air falbh%(REMOVE)d ri thoirt air falbh%s, %s<b>Ball-eisimpleir</b><big><b>A' sgrùdadh na taic cànain a tha ri làimh</b></big>

Dh'fhaodadh nach bi an dearbh ìre de dh'eadar-theangachadh no innealan-taice sgrìobhaidh ri fhaighinn airson gach cànan.<small><b>Slaod cànain gus an cur air dòigh a-rèir do thoil fhèin.</b>
Bidh na h-atharraichean an sàs an ath-thuras a chlàraicheas tu a-steach.</small><small>Bidh na h-atharraichean an sàs an ath-thuras a chlàraicheas tu a-steach.</small><small>Cleachd an aon roghainn cànain airson tòiseachadh an t-siostaim agus na sgrìn air an clàraichear a-steach.</small><small>Cleachd na h-aon roghainnean cànain airson tòiseachadh an t-siostaim agus na sgrìn far an clàraichear a-steach.</small>Cuir an sàs air feadh an t-siostaimSìnis (Shimplichte)Sìnis (Thradaiseanta)Cuir air dòigh iomadh cànan air an t-siostam agadCha b' urrainn dhuinn an cànan a stàladh gu turCha b' urrainn dhuinn an cànan a thagh thu a stàladhAirgeadra:Ceann-là:Mion-fhiosrachadhSeall àireamhan, cinn-là agus suimean airgid sam fhòrmat àbhaisteach airson:Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am fòrmat
"%s" a chur an sàs. Dh'fhaoidte gun
nochd na h-eisimpleirean ma dhùineas
is ma dh'fhosglas tu taic nan cànan a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn cead fhaighinn na pacaidean a stàladh.Ma dh'fheumas tu sgrìobhadh ann an cànain a tha feumach air dòighean ion-chuir nas toinnte seach iuchraichean a bheir dhut litir, 's dòcha gum b' fheairrde dhut am foincsean seo an comas.
Mar eisimpleir, feumaidh tu am foincsean seo airson sgrìobhadh ann an Sìnis, Seapanais, Coirèanais agus Bhiet-Namais.
'S e "Ibus" an luach thathar a' moladh airson Ubuntu.
Ma tha thu ag iarraidh siostaman ion-chuir eile a chleachdadh, stàlaich na pacaidean iomchaidh an toiseach 's an uairsin tagh an siostam a tha thu ag iarraidh an-seo.Taic cànain nach eil iomlanStàlaich/Thoir air falbh cànain...StàlaichteCànain stàlaichteCha ghabh bathar-bog a stàladh no a thoirt air falbh. Cleachd manaidsear nam pacaidean "Synaptic" no ruith "sudo apt-get install -f" ann an tèirmineal gus an duilgheadas a chàradh an toiseach.Siostam ion-chur meur-chlàir:CànanTaic cànainCànan airson nan clàr-taice agus uinneagan:Chan eil mion-fhiosrachadh air a' chànan ri làimhÀireamh:Fòrmatan ionadailFeumaidh tu an seisean a thòiseachadh as ùrSuidhich cànan bunaiteach an t-siostaimTha stòr-dàta a' bhathar-bhog bristeTha goireasan a chum eadar-theangachadh no dearbhadh-cànain ann nach deach an stàladh fhathast. A bheil thu airson an stàladh an-dràsta?Cha b' urrainn dhut an cànan bunaiteach a thaghadh ri linn poileasaidh an t-siostaimTha coltas nach eil gach faidhle cànain agad airson a' chànain a thagh thu. 'S urrainn dhut na pìosan a tha a dhìth a stàladh ma bhriogas tu air "Ruith an gnìomh an-dràsta" agus ma leanas tu ris an stiùireadh. Bidh feum air ceangal ris an eadar-lìon. Ma tha thu airson seo a dhèanamh uaireigin eile, cleachd "Taic chànan" 'na àite (briog air an ìomhaigheag air taobh deas a' bhàir gu h-àrd agus tagh "Roghainnean an t-siostaim... -> Taic cànain").Cha deach an cànan seo a stàladh buileachBidh na roghainnean cànain ùra an sàs as dèidh dhut clàradh a-mach.Chan eil fiosrachadh aig an t-siostam mu na cànain a tha ri làimh fhathast. A bheil thu airson ùrachadh lìonraidh a dhèanamh gus greim fhaighinn orra an-dràsta? 'S mathaid gu bheil buga san aplacaid seo. Nach dèan thu aithris air an-seo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+filebugCha bi buaidh aig an roghainn seo ach air cànan an deasg is nan aplacaidean agad. Chan atharraich e àrainneachd an t-siostaim, can an t-airgeadra no fòrmatan a' chinn-là. Gus sin atharrachadh, cuir air dòigh na roghainnean air an taba "Fòrmatan ionadail".
Tha buaidh aig òrdugh nan luachan an-seo air na h-eadar-theangachaidhean a chì thu air an deasg. Mur eil eadar-theangachadh fhaighinn ri fhaighinn sa chiad chànan, cleachdaidh sinn an ath-fhear san liosta. 'S e "Beurla" an cànan mu dheireadh sa liosta an-còmhnaidh.
Thèid rud sam bith a tha fo "Bheurla" a leigeil seachad.Suidhichidh seo àrainneachd an t-siostaim mar a chithear gu h-ìosal agus bidh buaidh aige cuideachd air fòrmatan a' phàipeir agus roghainnean eile a tha sònraichte dhan sgeama ionadail.
Ma tha thu airson an deasg a shealltainn ann an cànan eile seach an tè seo, tagh e air an taba "Cànan".
Leis a sin, bu chòir dhut luach a thaghadh a tha freagarrach dhan àite far a bheil thu.Mar is trice, tachraidh seo ma tha mearachd ann an tasglann no manaidsear a' bhathar-bhog agad. Thoir sùil air na roghainnean agad ann an "Tùsan a' bhathar-bhog" (briog air an ìomhaigheag air taobh deas a' bhàr aig a' bharr agus tagh "Roghainnean an t-siostaim... -> Tùsan a' bhathar-bhog").Ma chaidh cànan a stàladh, is urrainn do chleachdaichean a thaghadh ann an roghainnean a' chànain aca._Stàlaich_Cuir 'nam chuimhne a-rithist_Ùrachadhdatadir eilena sgrùd ach na pacaidean seo -- cuir cromag eadar ainmean nam pacaideanna dearbh an taic cànain a tha stàlaichtechan eil gincuir gach pacaid taic cànain a tha ri fhaighinn airson gach cànanseall na pacaidean stàlaichte agus an fheadhainn a tha a dhìthcòd a' chànain-thargaide

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0