Direktori : /usr/share/liblouis/tables/ |
Current File : //usr/share/liblouis/tables/sw-ke-g2.ctb |
# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) Grade 2 # # This file is part of liblouis. # # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with liblouis. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #-index-name: Swahili, contracted, grade 2 #-display-name: Swahili grade 2 contracted braille # #-author: Jake Kyle #-author: Dipendra Manocha #-author: Martin Kieti #-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org> #-updated: 2022 # #+language:sw #+region:sw-KE #+type:literary #+grade:2 #+contraction: full # #-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org> #-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/> #-license: LGPLv2.1 # # Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org> # Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/> # # With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft. # # This table was created using information contained in a document entitled # "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.io/braille-specs/swahili/>) # which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili # Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”. # # The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is # in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum # Designs for Kiswahili Braille. # # The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held # at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022. # include sw-ke-g1-5.ctb # Word Contractions # These contractions are created when the word is standing alone. The word can be # preceeded or followed by a punctuation. If the word contraction consists of # characters that can be contracted, the character contraction also applies. word afadhali 1-124-2346 afdh word ahadi 1-125-145 ahd word alama 1-123-134 alm word amani 1-134 am word anwani 1-1345-2456 anw word asante 1-234 as word asubuhi 1-234-12 asb word baadaye 12-145-13456 bdy word badala 12-145-123 bdl word bahati 12-125-2345 bht word barabara 12-1235-12 brb word barua 12-1235 br word barua-pepe 12-1235-1234 brp word basi 12-234 bs word bila 12-123 bl word bonyeza 12-12456-1356 bnyz word bwana 12-2456 bw word chakula 16-13-123 chkl word cheti 16-2345 cht word chini 16-1345 chn word chora 16-1235 chr word chumba 16-1346 chmb word daftari 145-124-2345 dft word daima 145-134 dm word dakika 145-13 dk word daktari 145-13-2345 dkt word darasa 145-1235-234 drs word dawati 145-2456-2345 dwt word desturi 145-234-2345 dst word dijitali 145-245-2345 djt word dirisha 145-1235-146 drsh word dogo 145-1245 dg word dondoo 145-1246 dnd word ekari 15-13-1235 ekr word elektroniki 15-123-13-2345 elkt word elimu 15-123 el word eneo 15-1345 en word eropleni 15-1235-1234 erp word fafanua 124-124-1345 ffn word fahamu 124-125-134 fhm word faida 124-145 fd word fedha 124-2346 fdh word fimbo 124-1346 fmb word fulani 124-123-1345 fln word furaha 124-1235-125 frh word gani 1245-1345 gn word gari 1245-1235 gr word gazeti 1245-1356-2345 gzt word ghasia 126-234 ghs word ghafla 126-124-123 ghfl word gharama 126-1235-134 ghrm word hasa 125-234 hs word habari 125-12-1235 hbr word hadithi 125-145-1456 hdth word haja 125-245 hj word hakuna 125-13-1345 hkn word halafu 125-123-124 hlf word haraka 125-1235-13 hrk word harakati 125-1235-13-2345 hrkt word haramu 125-1235-134 hrm word hasara 125-234-1235 hsr word hatari 125-2345-1235 htr word hekima 125-13-134 hkm word hesabu 125-234-12 hsb word heshima 125-146-134 hshm word himiza 125-134-1356 hmz word hisabati 125-234-12-2345 hsbt word hospitali 125-234-1234-2345 hspt word hoteli 125-2345-123 htl word huru 125-1235 hr word ibuka 24-12-13 ibk word imara 24-134-1235 imr word ishara 24-146-1235 ishr word ingawa 24-346-2456 ingw word isipokuwa 24-234-1234-13 ispk word itifaki 24-2345-124-13 itfk word itikadi 24-2345-13-145 itkd word jumla 245-134-123 jml word jamhuri 245-134-125-1235 jmhr word jawabu 245-2456-12 jwb word jemedari 245-134-145-1235 jmdr word jeshi 245-146 jsh word jimbo 245-1346 jmb word jinsia 245-1345-234 jns word juhudi 245-125-145 jhd word jukumu 245-13-134 jkm word jumlisha 245-134-123-146 jmlsh word jumuia 245-134 jm word kazi 13-1356 kz word kabati 13-12-2345 kbt word kabisa 13-12-234 kbs word kama 13-134 km word kamati 13-134-2345 kmt word kanisa 13-1345-234 kns word karatasi 13-1235-2345-234 krts word karibu 13-1235-12 krb word kaskazini 13-234-13-1356 kskz word kati 13-2345 kt word katika 13-2345-13 ktk word kidato 13-145-2345 kdt word kijana 13-245-1345 kjn word kila 13-123 kl word kipakatalishi 13-1234-13-2345-146 kpktsh word kitabu 13-2345-12 ktb word kuliko 13-123-13 klk word kusini 13-234-1345 ksn word kwa\smfano 12345-134-124 qmf word kwamfano 12345-134-124 qmf - in case without space word labda 123-12-145 lbd word lahaja 123-125-245 lhj word lakini 123-13-1345 lkn word lawama 123-2456-134 lwm word lazima 123-1356-134 lzm word lingana 123-346-1345 lngn word linganisha 123-346-1345-146 lngnsh word lugha 123-126 lgh word mbali 1346-123 mbl word madhumuni 134-2346-134-1345 mdhmn word magharibi 134-126-12 mghb word mahali 134-125-123 mhl word maisha 134-146 msh word mara 134-1235 mr word mashariki 134-146-13 mshk word mbalimbali 1346-123-1346 mblmb word mfano 134-124 mf word mjadala 134-245-145-123 mjdl word moja 134-245 mj word mpira 134-1234-1235 mpr word msichana 134-234-16 msch word msikiti 134-234-13-2345 mskt word mtandao 134-2345-1246 mtnd word muhimu 134-125-134 mhm word nafasi 1345-124-234 nfs word namna 1345-134-1345 nmn word nini 1345-1345 nn word nukta 1345-13-2345 nkt word omba 135-1346 omb word okoa 135-13 ok word ogopa 135-1245-1234 ogp word ofisi 135-124-234 ofs word omboleza 135-1346-123-1356 omblz word pamoja 1234-134-245 pmj word pasipo 1234-234-1234 psp word peleleza 1234-123-1356 plz word pole 1234-123 pl word polepole 1234-123-1234 plp word refu 1235-124 rf word rafiki 1235-124-13 rfk word raha 1235-125 rh word ramani 1235-134-1345 rmn word raslimali 1235-234-123 rsl word ratiba 1235-2345-12 rtb word runinga 1235-1345-346 rnng word rununu 1235-1345-1345 rnn word sana 234-1345 sn word sababu 234-12-12 sbb word salamu 234-123-134 slm word samahani 234-134-125-1345 smhn word sambaza 234-134-12-1356 smbz word sasa 234-234 ss word sawa 234-2456 sw word sawasawa 234-2456-234 sws word sehemu 146-134 shm word serikali 234-1235-13-123 srkl word shabaha 146-12-125 shbh word shughuli 146-126-123 shghl word shukkrani 146-13-1235-1345 shkrn word siku 234-13 sk word simu 234-134 sm word taratibu 2345-1235-2345 trt word tafadhali 2345-124-2346 tfdh word tarakilishi 2345-1235-13-146 trksh word tarehe 2345-1235-125 trh word tayari 2345-13456-1235 tyr word teknolojia 2345-13-1345-245 tknj word tena 2345-1345 tn word thamani 1456-134-1345 thmn word tofauti 2345-124-2345 tft word tovuti 2345-1236-2345 tvt word ukurasa 136-13-1235 ukr word ujamaa 136-245-134 ujm word umoja 136-134-245 umj word upesi 136-1234-234 ups word utandawazi 136-2345-1345-145-1356 utndz word uhuru 136-125-1235 uhr word vijana 1236-245-1345 vjn word vema 1236-134 vm word vile 1236-123 vl word vilevile 1236-123-1236 vlv word virusi 1236-1235-234 vrs word vitabu 1236-2345-12 vtb word vizuri 1236-1356-1235 vzr word vuguvugu 1236-1245-1236 vgv word wasiwasi 2456-234-2456 wsw word wakati 2456-13-2345 wkt word wakili 2456-13-123 wkl word wala 2456-123 wl word walakini 2456-123-13-1345 wlkn word wimbo 2456-1346 wmb word yaliyomo 13456-123-134 ylm word yaani 13456-1345 yn word yamkini 13456-134-13 ymk word yule 13456-123 yl word yuleyule 13456-123-13456 yly word zima 1356-134 zm word zaidi 1356-145 zd word zamani 1356-134-1345 zmn word zawadi 1356-2456-145 zwd # Abbreviations that could be confused with word contractions. contraction yn # for name 'Yohani' # -- end of table --