Direktori : /usr/share/liblouis/tables/ |
Current File : //usr/share/liblouis/tables/nl-comp8.utb |
# # Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2023 by the Dutch Braille Authority <http://braille-autoriteit.org> # Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 by Dedicon <http://www.dedicon.nl> # Copyright (C) 2019 by Babbage B.V. <http://www.babbage.com> # Copyright (C) 2020, 2023 by Leonard de Ruijter <alderuijter@gmail.com> # # This file is part of liblouis. # # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with liblouis. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Dutch Computer Braille as used in Belgium and the Netherlands # Version 2020.1, October 28th, 2020 # See «Achtpunts braillestandaard voor het Nederlandse taalgebied, versie 2020» # by Braille Autoriteit <http://liblouis.io/braille-specs/dutch/> # #-index-name: Dutch, computer #-display-name: Dutch computer braille #+language:nl #+type:computer #+dots:8 #+direction:both #+version:2020.1 include spaces.uti punctuation ! 235 exclamation mark punctuation " 2356 quotation mark punctuation # 3456 number sign sign $ 1458 dollar sign punctuation % 123456 percent sign punctuation & 12346 ampersand punctuation ' 3 apostrophe punctuation ( 236 left parenthesis punctuation ) 356 right parenthesis punctuation * 35 asterisk math + 2358 plus sign punctuation , 2 comma punctuation - 36 hyphen-minus punctuation . 256 full stop punctuation / 34 solidus include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti punctuation : 25 colon punctuation ; 23 semicolon math < 358 less-than sign math = 23568 equals sign math > 267 greater-than sign punctuation ? 26 question mark punctuation @ 345 commercial at include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti punctuation [ 12356 left square bracket punctuation \\ 167 reverse solidus punctuation ] 23456 right square bracket sign ^ 3467 circumflex accent punctuation _ 456 low line sign ` 6 grave accent punctuation { 23678 left curly bracket math | 4568 vertical line punctuation } 35678 right curly bracket math ~ 268 tilde punctuation ¡ 12478 inverted exclamation mark sign £ 12348 pound sign sign ¤ 13468 currency sign sign ¥ 134568 yen sign sign ¦ 458 broken bar punctuation § 578 section sign sign ¨ 4 diaeresis sign © 148 copyright sign noback punctuation « 2378 left-pointing double angle quotation mark math ¬ 25678 not sign replace soft hyphen sign ® 12358 registered sign sign ° 12458 degree sign math ± 23578 plus-minus sign sign ² 237 superscript two sign ³ 257 superscript three sign ´ 8 acute accent lowercase µ 1348 micro sign punctuation ¶ 7 pilcrow sign punctuation · 5 middle dot sign ¸ 28 cedilla sign ¹ 27 superscript one noback punctuation » 5678 right-pointing double angle quotation mark sign ¼ 12567 vulgar fraction one quarter sign ½ 1238 vulgar fraction one half sign ¾ 124567 vulgar fraction three quarters punctuation ¿ 1578 inverted question mark uppercase À 1235678 latin capital letter a with grave uppercase Á 178 latin capital letter a with acute uppercase  1678 latin capital letter a with circumflex noback uppercase à 178 latin capital letter a with tilde uppercase Ä 34578 latin capital letter a with diaeresis noback uppercase Å 178 latin capital letter a with ring above uppercase Æ 1378 latin capital letter ae uppercase Ç 1234678 latin capital letter c with cedilla uppercase È 234678 latin capital letter e with grave uppercase É 12345678 latin capital letter e with acute uppercase Ê 12678 latin capital letter e with circumflex uppercase Ë 124678 latin capital letter e with diaeresis uppercase Ì 2478 latin capital letter i with grave uppercase Í 3478 latin capital letter i with acute uppercase Î 14678 latin capital letter i with circumflex uppercase Ï 1245678 latin capital letter i with diaeresis uppercase Ñ 134578 latin capital letter n with tilde uppercase Ò 13578 latin capital letter o with grave uppercase Ó 34678 latin capital letter o with acute uppercase Ô 145678 latin capital letter o with circumflex noback uppercase Õ 13578 latin capital letter o with tilde uppercase Ö 24678 latin capital letter o with diaeresis math × 2368 multiplication sign noback uppercase Ø 13578 latin capital letter o with stroke uppercase Ù 2345678 latin capital letter u with grave uppercase Ú 13678 latin capital letter u with acute uppercase Û 15678 latin capital letter u with circumflex uppercase Ü 125678 latin capital letter u with diaeresis uppercase Ý 1345678 latin capital letter y with acute lowercase ß 34568 latin small letter sharp s lowercase à 123568 latin small letter a with grave lowercase á 18 latin small letter a with acute lowercase â 168 latin small letter a with circumflex noback lowercase ã 18 latin small letter a with tilde lowercase ä 3458 latin small letter a with diaeresis noback lowercase å 18 latin small letter a with ring above lowercase æ 138 latin small letter ae lowercase ç 123468 latin small letter c with cedilla lowercase è 23468 latin small letter e with grave lowercase é 1234568 latin small letter e with acute lowercase ê 1268 latin small letter e with circumflex lowercase ë 12468 latin small letter e with diaeresis lowercase ì 248 latin small letter i with grave lowercase í 348 latin small letter i with acute lowercase î 1468 latin small letter i with circumflex lowercase ï 124568 latin small letter i with diaeresis lowercase ñ 13458 latin small letter n with tilde lowercase ò 1358 latin small letter o with grave lowercase ó 3468 latin small letter o with acute lowercase ô 14568 latin small letter o with circumflex noback lowercase õ 1358 latin small letter o with tilde lowercase ö 2468 latin small letter o with diaeresis math ÷ 2568 division sign noback lowercase ø 1358 latin small letter o with stroke lowercase ù 234568 latin small letter u with grave lowercase ú 1368 latin small letter u with acute lowercase û 1568 latin small letter u with circumflex lowercase ü 12568 latin small letter u with diaeresis noback lowercase ý 134568 latin small letter y with acute noback lowercase ÿ 134568 latin small letter y with diaeresis noback uppercase Ā 178 latin capital letter a with macron noback lowercase ā 18 latin small letter a with macron noback uppercase Ă 178 latin capital letter a with breve noback lowercase ă 18 latin small letter a with breve noback uppercase Ą 178 latin capital letter a with ogonek noback lowercase ą 18 latin small letter a with ogonek uppercase Ć 1478 latin capital letter c with acute noback lowercase ć 148 latin small letter c with acute noback uppercase Ĉ 1478 latin capital letter c with circumflex noback lowercase ĉ 148 latin small letter c with circumflex noback uppercase Ċ 1478 latin capital letter c with dot above noback lowercase ċ 148 latin small letter c with dot above noback uppercase Č 1478 latin capital letter c with caron noback lowercase č 148 latin small letter c with caron uppercase Ď 14578 latin capital letter d with caron noback lowercase ď 1458 latin small letter d with caron noback uppercase Đ 14578 latin capital letter d with stroke noback lowercase đ 1458 latin small letter d with stroke noback uppercase Ē 1578 latin capital letter e with macron noback lowercase ē 158 latin small letter e with macron noback uppercase Ĕ 1578 latin capital letter e with breve noback lowercase ĕ 158 latin small letter e with breve noback uppercase Ė 1578 latin capital letter e with dot above noback lowercase ė 158 latin small letter e with dot above noback uppercase Ę 1578 latin capital letter e with ogonek noback lowercase ę 158 latin small letter e with ogonek noback uppercase Ě 1578 latin capital letter e with caron noback lowercase ě 158 latin small letter e with caron noback uppercase Ĝ 124578 latin capital letter g with circumflex noback lowercase ĝ 12458 latin small letter g with circumflex noback uppercase Ğ 124578 latin capital letter g with breve noback lowercase ğ 12458 latin small letter g with breve noback uppercase Ġ 124578 latin capital letter g with dot above noback lowercase ġ 12458 latin small letter g with dot above noback uppercase Ģ 124578 latin capital letter g with cedilla noback lowercase ģ 12458 latin small letter g with cedilla uppercase Ĥ 12578 latin capital letter h with circumflex lowercase ĥ 1258 latin small letter h with circumflex noback uppercase Ħ 12578 latin capital letter h with stroke noback lowercase ħ 1258 latin small letter h with stroke noback uppercase Ĩ 2478 latin capital letter i with tilde noback lowercase ĩ 248 latin small letter i with tilde noback uppercase Ī 2478 latin capital letter i with macron noback lowercase ī 248 latin small letter i with macron noback uppercase Ĭ 2478 latin capital letter i with breve noback lowercase ĭ 248 latin small letter i with breve noback uppercase Į 2478 latin capital letter i with ogonek noback lowercase į 248 latin small letter i with ogonek noback uppercase İ 2478 latin capital letter i with dot above noback lowercase ı 248 latin small letter dotless i uppercase Ĵ 24578 latin capital letter j with circumflex lowercase ĵ 2458 latin small letter j with circumflex noback uppercase Ķ 1378 latin capital letter k with cedilla noback lowercase ķ 138 latin small letter k with cedilla uppercase Ĺ 12378 latin capital letter l with acute noback lowercase ĺ 1238 latin small letter l with acute noback uppercase Ļ 12378 latin capital letter l with cedilla noback lowercase ļ 1238 latin small letter l with cedilla noback uppercase Ľ 12378 latin capital letter l with caron noback lowercase ľ 1238 latin small letter l with caron noback uppercase Ŀ 12378 latin capital letter l with middle dot noback lowercase ŀ 1238 latin small letter l with middle dot noback uppercase Ł 12378 latin capital letter l with stroke noback lowercase ł 1238 latin small letter l with stroke noback uppercase Ń 134578 latin capital letter n with acute noback lowercase ń 13458 latin small letter n with acute noback uppercase Ņ 134578 latin capital letter n with cedilla noback lowercase ņ 13458 latin small letter n with cedilla noback uppercase Ň 134578 latin capital letter n with caron noback lowercase ň 13458 latin small letter n with caron noback lowercase ʼn 13458 latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe noback uppercase Ō 13578 latin capital letter o with macron noback lowercase ō 1358 latin small letter o with macron noback uppercase Ŏ 13578 latin capital letter o with breve noback lowercase ŏ 1358 latin small letter o with breve noback uppercase Ő 13578 latin capital letter o with double acute noback lowercase ő 1358 latin small letter o with double acute uppercase Œ 245678 latin capital ligature oe lowercase œ 24568 latin small ligature oe uppercase Ŕ 123578 latin capital letter r with acute noback lowercase ŕ 12358 latin small letter r with acute noback uppercase Ŗ 123578 latin capital letter r with cedilla noback lowercase ŗ 12358 latin small letter r with cedilla noback uppercase Ř 123578 latin capital letter r with caron noback lowercase ř 12358 latin small letter r with caron uppercase Ś 23478 latin capital letter s with acute noback lowercase ś 2348 latin small letter s with acute noback uppercase Ŝ 23478 latin capital letter s with circumflex noback lowercase ŝ 2348 latin small letter s with circumflex noback uppercase Ş 23478 latin capital letter s with cedilla noback lowercase ş 2348 latin small letter s with cedilla noback uppercase Š 23478 latin capital letter s with caron noback lowercase š 2348 latin small letter s with caron uppercase Ţ 234578 latin capital letter t with cedilla lowercase ţ 23458 latin small letter t with cedilla noback uppercase Ť 234578 latin capital letter t with caron noback lowercase ť 23458 latin small letter t with caron noback uppercase Ŧ 234578 latin capital letter t with stroke noback lowercase ŧ 23458 latin small letter t with stroke noback uppercase Ũ 13678 latin capital letter u with tilde noback lowercase ũ 1368 latin small letter u with tilde noback uppercase Ū 13678 latin capital letter u with macron noback lowercase ū 1368 latin small letter u with macron noback uppercase Ŭ 13678 latin capital letter u with breve noback lowercase ŭ 1368 latin small letter u with breve noback uppercase Ů 13678 latin capital letter u with ring above noback lowercase ů 1368 latin small letter u with ring above noback uppercase Ű 13678 latin capital letter u with double acute noback lowercase ű 1368 latin small letter u with double acute noback uppercase Ų 13678 latin capital letter u with ogonek noback lowercase ų 1368 latin small letter u with ogonek noback uppercase Ŵ 245678 latin capital letter w with circumflex noback lowercase ŵ 24568 latin small letter w with circumflex noback uppercase Ŷ 1345678 latin capital letter y with circumflex noback lowercase ŷ 134568 latin small letter y with circumflex noback uppercase Ÿ 1345678 latin capital letter y with diaeresis uppercase Ź 135678 latin capital letter z with acute lowercase ź 13568 latin small letter z with acute noback uppercase Ż 135678 latin capital letter z with dot above noback lowercase ż 13568 latin small letter z with dot above noback uppercase Ž 135678 latin capital letter z with caron noback lowercase ž 13568 latin small letter z with caron noback lowercase ſ 2348 latin small letter long s noback uppercase Α 178 greek capital letter alpha uppercase Β 1278 greek capital letter beta noback uppercase Γ 124578 greek capital letter gamma noback uppercase Δ 14578 greek capital letter delta noback uppercase Ε 1578 greek capital letter epsilon noback uppercase Ζ 135678 greek capital letter zeta noback uppercase Η 15678 greek capital letter eta noback uppercase Θ 145678 greek capital letter theta noback uppercase Ι 2478 greek capital letter iota noback uppercase Κ 1378 greek capital letter kappa noback uppercase Λ 12378 greek capital letter lamda uppercase Μ 13478 greek capital letter mu noback uppercase Ν 134578 greek capital letter nu noback uppercase Ξ 134678 greek capital letter xi noback uppercase Ο 13578 greek capital letter omicron uppercase Π 123478 greek capital letter pi noback uppercase Ρ 123578 greek capital letter rho noback uppercase Σ 23478 greek capital letter sigma noback uppercase Τ 234578 greek capital letter tau noback uppercase Υ 13678 greek capital letter upsilon noback uppercase Φ 12478 greek capital letter phi noback uppercase Χ 1234678 greek capital letter chi noback uppercase Ψ 1345678 greek capital letter psi noback uppercase Ω 245678 greek capital letter omega noback lowercase α 18 greek small letter alpha lowercase β 128 greek small letter beta noback lowercase γ 12458 greek small letter gamma noback lowercase δ 1458 greek small letter delta noback lowercase ε 158 greek small letter epsilon noback lowercase ζ 13568 greek small letter zeta noback lowercase η 1568 greek small letter eta noback lowercase θ 14568 greek small letter theta noback lowercase ι 248 greek small letter iota noback lowercase κ 138 greek small letter kappa noback lowercase λ 1238 greek small letter lamda noback lowercase μ 1348 greek small letter mu noback lowercase ν 13458 greek small letter nu noback lowercase ξ 13468 greek small letter xi noback lowercase ο 1358 greek small letter omicron noback lowercase π 12348 greek small letter pi noback lowercase ρ 12358 greek small letter rho noback lowercase σ 2348 greek small letter sigma noback lowercase τ 23458 greek small letter tau noback lowercase υ 1368 greek small letter upsilon lowercase φ 1248 greek small letter phi noback lowercase χ 123468 greek small letter chi noback lowercase ψ 134568 greek small letter psi noback lowercase ω 24568 greek small letter omega punctuation – 367 en dash punctuation — 78 em dash punctuation ‘ 378 left single quotation mark punctuation ’ 678 right single quotation mark punctuation ‚ 37 single low-9 quotation mark punctuation “ 2378 left double quotation mark punctuation ” 5678 right double quotation mark punctuation „ 23567 double low-9 quotation mark punctuation † 2357 dagger punctuation • 3678 bullet punctuation … 2567 horizontal ellipsis punctuation ‰ 1234567 per mille sign punctuation ′ 38 prime noback punctuation ‹ 378 single left-pointing angle quotation mark noback punctuation ⁃ 3678 hyphen bullet noback punctuation › 678 single right-pointing angle quotation mark sign € 158 euro sign noback sign ™ 23458 trade mark sign math ← 2348 leftwards arrow math ↑ 134678 upwards arrow math → 1567 rightwards arrow math ↓ 124578 downwards arrow noback sign ⇐ 2348 leftwards double arrow noback sign ⇑ 134678 upwards double arrow noback math ⇒ 1567 rightwards double arrow noback sign ⇓ 124578 downwards double arrow noback sign ⇦ 2348 leftwards white arrow noback sign ⇧ 134678 upwards white arrow noback sign ⇨ 1567 rightwards white arrow noback sign ⇩ 124578 downwards white arrow math − 368 minus sign math √ 1467 square root math ∛ 12467 cube root math ∜ 123467 fourth root noback math ∞ 1478 infinity math ∫ 234567 integral math ≈ 235678 almost equal to math ≠ 1234578 not equal to math ≤ 345678 less-than or equal to math ≥ 123678 greater-than or equal to noback sign ■ 3678 black square noback sign ▪ 3678 black small square noback sign ▲ 134678 black up-pointing triangle noback sign △ 134678 white up-pointing triangle noback sign ▴ 134678 black up-pointing small triangle noback sign ▵ 134678 white up-pointing small triangle noback sign ▶ 1567 black right-pointing triangle noback math ▷ 1567 white right-pointing triangle noback sign ▸ 1567 black right-pointing small triangle noback sign ▹ 1567 white right-pointing small triangle noback sign ► 1567 black right-pointing pointer noback sign ▻ 1567 white right-pointing pointer noback sign ▼ 124578 black down-pointing triangle noback sign ▽ 124578 white down-pointing triangle noback sign ▾ 124578 black down-pointing small triangle noback sign ▿ 124578 white down-pointing small triangle noback sign ◀ 2348 black left-pointing triangle noback math ◁ 2348 white left-pointing triangle noback sign ◂ 2348 black left-pointing small triangle noback sign ◃ 2348 white left-pointing small triangle noback sign ◄ 2348 black left-pointing pointer noback sign ◅ 2348 white left-pointing pointer noback sign ◘ 3678 inverse bullet noback sign ◦ 3678 white bullet noback math ◼ 3678 black medium square noback math ◾ 3678 black medium small square noback sign ♣ 3678 black club suit noback sign ♦ 3678 black diamond suit noback sign ✓ 3678 check mark noback sign ✔ 3678 heavy check mark noback sign ❖ 3678 black diamond minus white x noback sign ➢ 3678 three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead include braille-patterns.cti