Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/share/hplip/installer/
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Current File : //usr/share/hplip/installer/core_install.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2003-2015 HP Development Company, L.P.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
# Author: Don Welch

# Std Lib
import sys
import os
import os.path
import re
import time
import grp
import pwd
import tarfile
import stat
import glob

    import hashlib  # new in 2.5

    def get_checksum(s):
        return hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()

except ImportError:
    import sha  # deprecated in 2.6/3.0

    def get_checksum(s):
        return sha.new(s).hexdigest()

# Local
from base.g import *
from base.codes import *
from base import utils, tui, password, services, os_utils
from .dcheck import *


MODE_INSTALLER = 0  # hplip-install/hp-setup
MODE_CHECK = 1  # hp-check
MODE_CREATE_DOCS = 2  # create_docs




# Mapping from patterns to probability contribution of pattern
# Example code from David Mertz' Text Processing in Python.
# Released in the Public Domain.
err_pats = {r'(?is)<TITLE>.*?(404|403).*?ERROR.*?</TITLE>': 0.95,
            r'(?is)<TITLE>.*?ERROR.*?(404|403).*?</TITLE>': 0.95,
            r'(?is)<TITLE>ERROR</TITLE>': 0.30,
            r'(?is)<TITLE>.*?ERROR.*?</TITLE>': 0.10,
            r'(?is)<META .*?(404|403).*?ERROR.*?>': 0.80,
            r'(?is)<META .*?ERROR.*?(404|403).*?>': 0.80,
            r'(?is)<TITLE>.*?File Not Found.*?</TITLE>': 0.80,
            r'(?is)<TITLE>.*?Not Found.*?</TITLE>': 0.40,
            r'(?is)<BODY.*(404|403).*</BODY>': 0.10,
            r'(?is)<H1>.*?(404|403).*?</H1>': 0.15,
            r'(?is)<BODY.*not found.*</BODY>': 0.10,
            r'(?is)<H1>.*?not found.*?</H1>': 0.15,
            r'(?is)<BODY.*the requested URL.*</BODY>': 0.10,
            r'(?is)<BODY.*the page you requested.*</BODY>': 0.10,
            r'(?is)<BODY.*page.{1,50}unavailable.*</BODY>': 0.10,
            r'(?is)<BODY.*request.{1,50}unavailable.*</BODY>': 0.10,
            r'(?i)does not exist': 0.10,
# Note:- If new utility is added, add same utility here to uninstall properly.

BINS_LIST = ['hpijs', 'hp-align', 'hp-colorcal', 'hp-faxsetup', 'hp-linefeedcal', 'hp-pkservice', 'hp-printsettings', 'hp-sendfax', 'hp-timedate', 'hp-check', 'hp-devicesettings', 'hp-firmware', 'hp-makecopies', 'hp-plugin', 'hp-probe', 'hp-setup', 'hp-toolbox', 'hp-check-plugin', 'hp-diagnose_plugin',
             'hp-info', 'hp-makeuri', 'hp-pqdiag', 'hp-query', 'hp-systray', 'hp-unload', 'hp-clean', 'hp-fab', 'hp-levels', 'hp-print', 'hp-scan', 'hp-testpage', 'hp-wificonfig', 'hp-upgrade', 'hplip-info', 'hp-check-upgrade', 'hp-config_usb_printer', 'hp-diagnose_queues', 'hp-devicesetup', 'hp-doctor', 'hp-logcapture']

LIBS_LIST = ['libhpmud.*', 'libhpip.*', 'sane/libsane-hpaio.*', 'cups/backend/hp', 'cups/backend/hpfax', 'cups/filter/hpcac','sane/libsane-hp2000S1*', 'libjpeg*',
             'cups/filter/hpps', 'cups/filter/pstotiff', 'cups/filter/hpcups', 'cups/filter/hpcupsfax', 'cups/filter/hplipjs']

HPLIP_EXT_LIST = ['cupsext.so', 'cupsext.la', 'scanext.so', 'scanext.la',
                  'hpmudext.so', 'hpmudext.la', 'pcardext.so', 'pcardext.la']

FILES_LIST = ['/usr/share/cups/drv/hp/', '/usr/local/share/ppd/HP/', '/usr/local/share/cups/drv/hp/', '/usr/share/applications/hplip.desktop', '/usr/share/applications/hp-uiscan.desktop',
              '/etc/xdg/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop', '/etc/hp/hplip.conf', '/usr/share/doc/hplip-*', '/usr/lib/systemd/system/hplip-printer*.service']

RULES_LIST = ['56-hpmud.rules', '56-hpmud_sysfs.rules', '40-hplip.rules', '56-hpmud_support.rules', '56-hpmud_support_sysfs.rules', '55-hpmud.rules','S99-2000S1.rules',
              '55-hpmud_sysfs.rules', '56-hpmud_add_printer.rules', '56-hpmud_add_printer_sysfs.rules', '86-hpmud-hp_*.rules', '86-hpmud_plugin.rules', '86-hpmud_plugin_sysfs.rules']

HPLIP_LIST = ['*.py', '*.pyc', 'base', 'copier', 'data', 'installer', 'pcard', 'ui4', 'ui', 'fax/*.py', 'fax/*.pyc',
              'fax/pstotiff.convs', 'fax/pstotiff.types', 'fax/pstotiff', 'prnt/*.py', 'prnt/*.pyc', 'scan/*.py', 'scan/*.pyc']

PLUGIN_LIST = ['fax/plugins/', 'prnt/plugins/', 'scan/plugins/']

PLUGIN_STATE = ['/var/lib/hp/hplip.state']

# end

OK_PROCESS_LIST = ['adept-notifier',

CONFIGURE_ERRORS = {1: "General/unknown error",
                    2: "libusb not found",
                    3: "cups-devel not found",
                    4: "libnetsnmp not found",
                    5: "netsnmp-devel not found",
                    6: "python-devel not found",
                    7: "pthread-devel not found",
                    8: "ppdev-devel not found",
                    9: "libcups not found",
                    10: "libm not found",
                    11: "libusb-devel not found",
                    12: "sane-backends-devel not found",
                    13: "libdbus not found",
                    14: "dbus-devel not found",
                    15: "fax requires dbus support",
                    102: "libjpeg not found",
                    103: "jpeg-devel not found",
                    104: "libdi not found",


JPEG_STR = "libjpeg - JPEG library"
LIBTOOL_STR = "libtool - Library building support services"
CUPS_STR = "CUPS - Common Unix Printing System"
CUPS_DEV_STR = "CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files"
CUPS_IMG_STR = "CUPS image - CUPS image development files"
GCC_STR = "gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler"
MAKE_STR = "make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs"
THREAD_STR = "libpthread - POSIX threads library"
GS_STR = "GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer"
USB_STR = "libusb - USB library"
CUPS_DDK_STR = "CUPS DDK - CUPS driver development kit"
SANE_STR = "SANE - Scanning library"
SANE_DEV_STR = "SANE - Scanning library development files"
XSANE_STR = "xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE"
SCANIMAGE_STR = "scanimage - Shell scanning program"
DBUS_STR = "DBus - Message bus system"
POLKIT_STR = "PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework"
SNMP_DEV_STR = "libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files"
CRYPTO_STR = "libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library"
NETWORK_STR = "network -wget"
AVAHI_STR = "avahi-utils"
PYTHON_STR = "Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language"
PYNTF_STR = "Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications"
QT4DBUS_STR = "PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4"
QT4_STR = "PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x)"
QT5DBUS_STR = "PyQt 5 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt5"
QT5_STR = "PyQt 5- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x)"
PYDBUS_STR = "Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus"
PYXML_STR = "Python XML libraries"
PY_DEV_STR = "Python devel - Python development files"
PIL_STR = "PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)"
PIP_STR = "PIP - preferred installer program"
TESS_STR = "Tesseract - Tesseract library for python"
TESSEROCR_STR = "Tesserocr - Optical-character-recognition tesseract library for python"
IMUTILS_STR = "Imutils - A series of basic image processing functions"
OPENCV_STR = "Opencv - opencv library for python"
ZBAR_STR = "ZBAR -zbar library for python"
LEPTO_STR = "leptonica - leptonica library for python"
#SETUPTOOLS_STR = "setuptools - library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects"
PYPDF2_STR = "pypdf2 - pdf library for python"
REPORTLAB_STR = "Reportlab - PDF library for Python"
CUPSEXT_STR = 'CUPS-Extension'
HPMUDEXT_STR = 'IO-Extension'
SCANEXT_STR = 'Scan-SANE-Extension'
QT_STR = "Python-Qt"
EPM_STR = "Build Debian Package"
AUTOMAKE_STR = "Build Driver"

APPARMOR_DIR = "/etc/apparmor.d"
SELINUX_DIR = "/etc/selinux/targeted/policy/policy*"
SEC_DICT = {"AppArmor": (APPARMOR_DIR, ["/etc/apparmor.d/usr.share.hplip", "/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/hplip"]),
            "SELinux": (SELINUX_DIR, ["/etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/hplip.pp"])

    from functools import update_wrapper
except ImportError:  # using Python version < 2.5
    def trace(f):
        def newf(*args, **kw):
            log.debug("TRACE: func=%s(), args=%s, kwargs=%s" %
                      (f.__name__, args, kw))
            return f(*args, **kw)
        newf.__name__ = f.__name__
        newf.__doc__ = f.__doc__
        newf.__module__ = f.__module__
        return newf
else:  # using Python 2.5+
    def trace(f):
        def newf(*args, **kw):
            log.debug("TRACE: func=%s(), args=%s, kwargs=%s" %
                      (f.__name__, args, kw))
            return f(*args, **kw)
        return update_wrapper(newf, f)

class CoreInstall(object):

    def __init__(self, mode=MODE_INSTALLER, ui_mode=INTERACTIVE_MODE,
        self.mode = mode
        self.ui_mode = ui_mode
        self.passwordObj = password.Password(ui_mode)
        self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal = '', '', ''
        self.bitness = 32
        self.endian = utils.LITTLE_ENDIAN
        self.distro, self.distro_name, self.distro_version = DISTRO_UNKNOWN, '', DISTRO_VER_UNKNOWN
        self.distro_version_supported = False
        self.install_location = '/usr'
        self.hplip_present = False
        self.have_dependencies = {}
        self.native_cups = True
        self.ppd_dir = None
        self.drv_dir = None
        self.distros = {}
        self.ui_toolkit = ui_toolkit
        self.enable = None
        self.disable = None
        self.reload_dbus = False
        self.security_package = ""

        self.FIELD_TYPES = {
            'distros': TYPE_LIST,
            'index': TYPE_INT,
            'versions': TYPE_LIST,
            'display_name': TYPE_STRING,
            'alt_names': TYPE_LIST,
            'display': TYPE_BOOL,
            'notes': TYPE_STRING,
            'package_mgrs': TYPE_LIST,
            'package_mgr_cmd': TYPE_STRING,
            'pre_install_cmd': TYPE_LIST,
            'pre_depend_cmd': TYPE_LIST,
            'post_depend_cmd': TYPE_LIST,
            'scanjet_depend_cmd': TYPE_LIST, 
            'scanjet_py3_depend_cmd': TYPE_LIST, 
            'hpoj_remove_cmd': TYPE_STRING,
            'hplip_remove_cmd': TYPE_STRING,
            'su_sudo': TYPE_STRING,
            'ppd_install': TYPE_STRING,
            'udev_mode_fix': TYPE_BOOL,
            'ppd_dir': TYPE_STRING,
            'drv_dir': TYPE_STRING,
            'fix_ppd_symlink': TYPE_BOOL,
            'code_name': TYPE_STRING,
            'supported': TYPE_BOOL,  # Supported by installer
            'release_date': TYPE_STRING,
            'packages': TYPE_LIST,
            'commands': TYPE_LIST,
            'same_as_version': TYPE_STRING,
            'scan_supported': TYPE_BOOL,
            'fax_supported': TYPE_BOOL,
            'pcard_supported': TYPE_BOOL,
            'network_supported': TYPE_BOOL,
            'parallel_supported': TYPE_BOOL,
            'usb_supported': TYPE_BOOL,
            'packaged_version': TYPE_STRING,  # Version of HPLIP pre-packaged in distro
            'cups_path_with_bitness': TYPE_BOOL,
            'ui_toolkit': TYPE_STRING,  # qt3 or qt4 [or gtk] or none
            'policykit': TYPE_BOOL,
            'libusb01': TYPE_BOOL,
            'udev_sysfs_rule': TYPE_BOOL,
            'native_cups': TYPE_BOOL,
            'package_available': TYPE_BOOL,
            'package_arch': TYPE_LIST,
            'open_mdns_port': TYPE_LIST,  # command to use to open mdns multicast port 5353
            'libdir_path': TYPE_STRING,
            'hp_libs_remove_cmd': TYPE_STRING,

        # components
        # 'name': ('description', [<option list>])
        self.components = {
            'hplip': ("HP Linux Imaging and Printing System", ['prnt', 'base', 'network', 'gui_qt4',
                                                               'gui_qt5', 'fax', 'scan', 'docs']),

        self.selected_component = 'hplip'

        # options
        # name: (<required>, "<display_name>", [<dependency list>]), ...
        self.options = {
            # HPLIP
            'prnt':     (True, 'Print Component ', []),
            'base':     (True,  'Required HPLIP base components (including hpcups)', []),
            'network': (False, 'Network/JetDirect I/O', []),
            'gui_qt4': (False, 'Graphical User Interfaces (Qt4)', []),
            'gui_qt5': (False, 'Graphical User Interfaces (Qt5)', []),
            'gui_qt': (False, 'Graphical User Interfaces (Qt)', []),
            'fax':     (False, 'PC Send Fax support', []),
            'scan':     (False, 'Scanning support', []),
            'docs':     (False, 'HPLIP documentation (HTML)', []),
            'policykit': (False, 'Administrative policy framework', []),
            'libusb01': (False, 'libusb-1.0', []),
            'udev_sysfs_rule': (False, 'udev_sysfs_rule', []),

        # holds whether the user has selected (turned on each option)
        # initial values are defaults (for GUI only)
        self.selected_options = {
            'prnt':        False,
            'base':        True,
            'network':     True,
            'gui_qt4':     False,
            'gui_qt5':     False,
            'gui_qt':      False,
            'fax':         True,
            'scan':        True,
            'docs':        True,
            'policykit':   False,
            'libusb01':   False,
            'udev_sysfs_rule': False,
            'native_cups': False,
            'class-driver': False,

        # dependencies
        # 'name': (<required or option>, [<option list>], <display_name>, <check_func>, <runtime/compiletime>), ...
        # Note: any change to the list of dependencies must be reflected in
        # base/distros.py
        self.dependencies = {
            # Required base packages
            'epm':              (False, ['prnt'], EPM_STR, self.check_epm, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            'automake':         (True, ['prnt'], AUTOMAKE_STR, self.check_automake, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            'libjpeg':          (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], JPEG_STR, self.check_libjpeg, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            'libtool':          (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], LIBTOOL_STR, self.check_libtool, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'libtool --version', COMPILEDEP),
            'cups':            (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], CUPS_STR, self.check_cups, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '1.1', 'lpstat -r', EXTERNALDEP),
            'cups-devel':       (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], CUPS_DEV_STR, self.check_cups_devel, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'lpstat -r', GENERALDEP),
            'cups-image':       (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], CUPS_IMG_STR, self.check_cups_image, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'lpstat -r', GENERALDEP),
            'gcc':             (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], GCC_STR, self.check_gcc, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'gcc --version', COMPILEDEP),
            'make':            (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], MAKE_STR, self.check_make, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '3.0', 'make --version', COMPILEDEP),
            'libpthread':      (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], THREAD_STR, self.check_libpthread, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_libpthread_version', GENERALDEP),
            'gs':               (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], GS_STR, self.check_gs, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '7.05', 'gs --version', EXTERNALDEP),
            'libusb':           (True,  ['base'], USB_STR, self.check_libusb, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_libusb_version', GENERALDEP),
            #'pkgconf':             (True,  ['base', 'prnt'], PKG_CONF, self.check_pkgconf, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            # Optional base packages
            # req. for .drv PPD installs
            'cups-ddk':          (False, ['base', 'prnt'], CUPS_DDK_STR, self.check_cupsddk, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),

            # Required scan packages
            'sane':            (True,  ['scan'], SANE_STR, self.check_sane, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'sane-config --version', GENERALDEP),
            'sane-devel':      (True,  ['scan'], SANE_DEV_STR, self.check_sane_devel, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'sane-config --version', GENERALDEP),
            'libavahi-dev':    (True,  ['scan'], LIB_AVAHI, self.check_libavahi_dev, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#check_libavahi_dev', GENERALDEP),
            #'tesseract':       (True, ['scan'], TESS_STR, self.check_tesseract, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'tesseract --version', GENERALDEP),
            #'zbar':            (True, ['scan'], ZBAR_STR, self.check_zbar, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'libleptonica':    (True, ['scan'], LEPTO_STR, self.check_libleptonica, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            # Optional scan packages
            'xsane':            (False, ['scan'], XSANE_STR, self.check_xsane, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '0.9', 'FUNC#get_xsane_version', EXTERNALDEP),
            'scanimage':        (False, ['scan'], SCANIMAGE_STR, self.check_scanimage, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '1.0', 'scanimage --version', EXTERNALDEP),

            # Required fax packages
            'dbus':             (True,  ['fax'], DBUS_STR, self.check_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'dbus-daemon --version', EXTERNALDEP),

            # Required and optional qt4 GUI packages
            # optional for non-sudo behavior of plugins (only optional for Qt4
            # option)
            'policykit':        (False, ['gui_qt4', 'gui_qt5'], POLKIT_STR, self.check_policykit, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'pkexec --version', EXTERNALDEP),

            # Required network I/O packages
            'libnetsnmp-devel': (True,  ['network'], SNMP_DEV_STR, self.check_libnetsnmp, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '5.0.9', 'net-snmp-config --version', GENERALDEP),
            'libcrypto':        (True,  ['network'], CRYPTO_STR, self.check_libcrypto, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'openssl version', GENERALDEP),
            'network':        (False, ['network'], NETWORK_STR, self.check_wget, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'wget --version', EXTERNALDEP),
            'avahi-utils':        (False, ['network'], AVAHI_STR, self.check_avahi_utils, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'avahi-browse --version', EXTERNALDEP),

        python2_dep = {
            'python2X':         (True,  ['base'], PYTHON_STR, self.check_python, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '2.2', 'python --version', GENERALDEP),
            #'setuptools':      (False, ['scan'], SETUPTOOLS_STR, self.check_setuptools, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'pip':          (True, ['scan'], PIP_STR, self.check_pip, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'pypdf2':          (True, ['scan'], PYPDF2_STR, self.check_pypdf2, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'opencv':          (True, ['scan'], OPENCV_STR, self.check_opencv, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'zbar':            (True, ['scan'], ZBAR_STR, self.check_zbar, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            # Optional for libnotify style popups from hp-systray
            'python-notify':   (False, ['gui_qt5', 'gui_qt4'], PYNTF_STR, self.check_pynotify, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'python-notify --version', GENERALDEP),
            'pyqt4-dbus':      (True,  ['gui_qt4'], QT4DBUS_STR, self.check_pyqt4_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '4.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt4_version', GENERALDEP),
            # PyQt 4.x )
            'pyqt4':            (True,  ['gui_qt4'], QT4_STR, self.check_pyqt4, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '4.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt4_version', GENERALDEP),
            'pyqt5-dbus':      (False,  ['gui_qt5'], QT5DBUS_STR, self.check_pyqt5_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '5.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt5_version', GENERALDEP),
            # PyQt 5.x )
            'pyqt5':            (True,  ['gui_qt5'], QT5_STR, self.check_pyqt5, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '5.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt5_version', GENERALDEP),
            'python-dbus':      (True,  ['fax'], PYDBUS_STR, self.check_python_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '0.80.0', 'FUNC#get_python_dbus_ver', GENERALDEP),
            'python-xml':     (True,  ['base'], PYXML_STR, self.check_python_xml, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_python_xml_version', GENERALDEP),
            'python-devel':    (True,  ['base'], PY_DEV_STR, self.check_python_devel, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '2.2', 'python --version', GENERALDEP),
            'pil':              (False, ['scan'], PIL_STR, self.check_pil, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_pil_version', GENERALDEP),
            #'imutils':          (True, ['scan'], IMUTILS_STR, self.check_imutils, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            # Optional fax packages
            'reportlab':        (False, ['fax'], REPORTLAB_STR, self.check_reportlab, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '2.0', 'FUNC#get_reportlab_version', GENERALDEP),
            #'tesserocr':          (True, ['scan'], TESSEROCR_STR, self.check_tesserocr, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),


        python3_dep = {
            'python3X':           (True,  ['base'], PYTHON_STR, self.check_python, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '2.2', 'python3 --version', GENERALDEP),
            # Optional for libnotify style popups from hp-systray
            #'py3_setuptools':      (False, ['scan'], SETUPTOOLS_STR, self.check_setuptools, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'python3-pip':          (True, ['scan'], PIP_STR, self.check_pip3, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'pypdf2':          (True, ['scan'], PYPDF2_STR, self.check_pypdf2, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            #'opencv':          (True, ['scan'], OPENCV_STR, self.check_opencv, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            'python3-notify2':   (False, ['gui_qt5', 'gui_qt4'], PYNTF_STR, self.check_pynotify, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'python-notify --version', GENERALDEP),
            'python3-pyqt4-dbus': (False, ['gui_qt4'], QT4DBUS_STR, self.check_pyqt4_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '4.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt4_version', GENERALDEP),
            # PyQt 4.x )
            'python3-pyqt4':      (True,  ['gui_qt4'], QT4_STR, self.check_pyqt4, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '4.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt4_version', GENERALDEP),
            'python3-pyqt5-dbus': (False, ['gui_qt5'], QT5DBUS_STR, self.check_pyqt5_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '5.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt5_version', GENERALDEP),
            # PyQt 5.x )
            'python3-pyqt5':      (True,  ['gui_qt5'], QT5_STR, self.check_pyqt5, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '5.0', 'FUNC#get_pyQt5_version', GENERALDEP),
            'python3-dbus':       (True,  ['fax'], PYDBUS_STR, self.check_python_dbus, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '0.80.0', 'FUNC#get_python_dbus_ver', GENERALDEP),
            'python3-xml':      (True,  ['base'], PYXML_STR, self.check_python_xml, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_python_xml_version', GENERALDEP),
            'python3-devel':     (True,  ['base'], PY_DEV_STR, self.check_python_devel, DEPENDENCY_COMPILE_TIME, '2.2', 'python3 --version', GENERALDEP),
            'python3-pil':        (False, ['scan'], PIL_STR, self.check_pil, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_pil_version', GENERALDEP),
            #'imutils':          (True, ['scan'], IMUTILS_STR, self.check_imutils, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),
            # Optional fax packages
            'python3-reportlab':  (False, ['fax'], REPORTLAB_STR, self.check_reportlab, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '2.0', 'FUNC#get_reportlab_version', GENERALDEP),
            #'tesserocr':          (True, ['scan'], TESSEROCR_STR, self.check_tesserocr, DEPENDENCY_RUN_TIME, '-', None, GENERALDEP),

        from base.sixext import PY3

        if PY3:

        self.hplip_dependencies = {
            'cupsext':         (True,  ['base'], CUPSEXT_STR, self.check_cupsext, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_HPLIP_version', PYEXT),
            'hpmudext':        (True,  ['base'], HPMUDEXT_STR, self.check_hpmudext, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_HPLIP_version', PYEXT),
            'hpaio':           (True,  ['scan'], HPAIO_STR, self.check_hpaio, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_HPLIP_version', SCANCONF),
            'scanext':           (True,  ['scan'], SCANEXT_STR, self.check_scanext, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '-', 'FUNC#get_HPLIP_version', SCANCONF),
            'pyqt':            (True,  ['gui_qt'], QT_STR, self.check_pyqt, DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, '2.3', 'FUNC#get_pyQt_version', GENERALDEP),

        self.version_func = {
            'FUNC#get_python_dbus_ver': get_python_dbus_ver,
            'FUNC#get_pyQt5_version': get_pyQt5_version,
            'FUNC#get_pyQt4_version': get_pyQt4_version,
            'FUNC#get_pyQt_version': get_pyQt_version,
            'FUNC#get_reportlab_version': get_reportlab_version,
            'FUNC#get_xsane_version': get_xsane_version,
            'FUNC#get_pil_version': get_pil_version,
            'FUNC#get_libpthread_version': get_libpthread_version,
            'FUNC#get_python_xml_version': get_python_xml_version,
            'FUNC#get_HPLIP_version': get_HPLIP_version,
            'FUNC#get_libusb_version': get_libusb_version,

        for opt in self.options:
            for d in self.dependencies:
                if opt in self.dependencies[d][1]:


        self.distros_index = {}
        for d in self.distros:
            self.distros_index[self.distros[d]['index']] = d

    def init(self, callback=None):
        if callback is not None:


        # Package manager names
        self.package_mgrs = []
        for d in self.distros:

            for a in self.distros[d].get('package_mgrs', []):
                if a and a not in self.package_mgrs:

        self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal = self.get_hplip_version()
        log.debug("HPLIP Description=%s Public version=%s Internal version = %s" %
                  (self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal))

        # have_dependencies
        # is each dependency satisfied?
        # start with each one 'No'
        for d in self.dependencies:
            self.have_dependencies[d] = False

        self.distro_name = self.distros_index[self.distro]

        if callback is not None:
            callback("Distro: %s\n" % self.distro)


        for d in self.dependencies:

            log.debug("have %s = %s" % (d, self.have_dependencies[d]))

            if callback is not None:
                callback("Result: %s = %s\n" % (d, self.have_dependencies[d]))

        pid, cmdline = utils.check_pkg_mgr(self.package_mgrs)
        if pid:
            log.debug("Running package manager: %s (%s)" % (cmdline, pid))

        self.bitness = utils.getBitness()
        log.debug("Bitness = %d" % self.bitness)


        self.endian = utils.getEndian()
        log.debug("Endian = %d" % self.endian)


        self.distro_version_supported = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'supported', False)

        log.debug("Distro = %s Distro Name = %s Display Name= %s Version = %s Supported = %s" %
                  (self.distro, self.distro_name, self.distros[self.distro_name]['display_name'],
                   self.distro_version, self.distro_version_supported))


        self.hplip_present = self.check_hplip()
        log.debug("HPLIP (prev install) = %s" % self.hplip_present)

        status, output = utils.run('cups-config --version', self.passwordObj)
        self.cups_ver = output.strip()
        log.debug("CUPS version = %s" % self.cups_ver)

        if self.distro_name == "ubuntu":
            self.reload_dbus = True

        log.debug("DBUS configuration reload possible? %s" % self.reload_dbus)

        status, self.sys_uname_info = utils.run('uname -a', self.passwordObj)
        self.sys_uname_info = self.sys_uname_info.replace('\n', '')

        # Record the installation time/date and version.
        # Also has the effect of making the .hplip.conf file user r/w
        # on the 1st run so that running hp-setup as root doesn't lock
        # the user out of owning the file
        user_conf.set('installation', 'date_time',
                      time.strftime("%x %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
        user_conf.set('installation', 'version', self.version_public)

        if callback is not None:

    def init_for_docs(self, distro_name, version, bitness=32):
        self.distro_name = distro_name
        self.distro_version = version

            self.distro = self.distros[distro_name]['index']
        except KeyError:
            log.error("Invalid distro name: %s" % distro_name)

        self.bitness = bitness

        for d in self.dependencies:
            self.have_dependencies[d] = True

        self.enable_ppds = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'ppd_install', 'ppd') == 'ppd'
        self.ppd_dir = self.get_distro_ver_data('ppd_dir')
        self.drv_dir = self.get_distro_ver_data('drv_dir')

        self.distro_version_supported = True  # for manual installs

    def check_dependencies(self, callback=None):

        for d in self.dependencies:

            log.debug("Checking for dependency '%s'...\n" % d)

            if callback is not None:
                callback("Checking: %s\n" % d)

            self.have_dependencies[d] = self.dependencies[d][3]()
            log.debug("have %s = %s" % (d, self.have_dependencies[d]))


    def password_func(self):
        if self.password:
            return self.password
        elif self.ui_mode == INTERACTIVE_MODE:
            import getpass
            return getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
            return ''

    def get_distro(self):
        log.debug("Determining distro...")
        name, ver = '', '0.0'
        found = False

        import distro
        ld = distro.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=False)
        name = ld[0]
        ver = ld[1]

        found = True

        # Updating the distro name and version.
        if found:
            name = name.lower().strip()
            log.debug("Distro name=%s" % name)
            if name.find("redhatenterprise") > -1 or name.find("redhat") > -1:
                name = "rhel"

            log.debug("Distro version=%s" % ver)
            if name == "rhel" and ver[0] == "5" and ver[1] == ".":
                ver = "5.0"
            elif name == "rhel" and ver[0] == "6" and ver[1] == ".":
                ver = "6.0"
            if 'MX' in name:
                ver = name[3:5]
                name = "mxlinux"
            if 'manjaro' in name.lower():
                version = ver.split('.')
                ver = version[0] +'.'+version[1]
            found_in_list = False
            for d in self.distros:
                if name.find(d) > -1:
                    self.distro = self.distros[d]['index']
                    found_in_list = True
                    for x in self.distros[d].get('alt_names', ''):
                        if x and name.find(x) > -1:
                            self.distro = self.distros[d]['index']
                            found_in_list = True
                if found_in_list:

            self.distro_version = ver
            self.distro_name = name
            log.warn("Failed to get the distro information.")
            self.distro, self.distro_version = DISTRO_UNKNOWN, '0.0'

        log.debug("distro=%d, distro_version=%s" %
                  (self.distro, self.distro_version))

    def distro_changed(self):
        ppd_install = self.get_distro_ver_data('ppd_install', 'ppd')

        if ppd_install not in ('ppd', 'drv'):
            log.warning("Invalid ppd_install value: %s" % ppd_install)

        self.enable_ppds = (ppd_install == 'ppd')

        log.debug("Enable PPD install: %s (False=drv)" % self.enable_ppds)

        self.ppd_dir = self.get_distro_ver_data('ppd_dir')

        self.drv_dir = self.get_distro_ver_data('drv_dir')
        if not self.enable_ppds and not self.drv_dir:
            log.warning("Invalid drv_dir value: %s" % self.drv_dir)

        self.distro_version_supported = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'supported', False)
        self.selected_options['fax'] = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'fax_supported', True)
        self.selected_options['network'] = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'network_supported', True)
        self.selected_options['scan'] = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'scan_supported', True)
        self.selected_options['policykit'] = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'policykit', False)
            'libusb01'] = self.get_distro_ver_data('libusb01', False)
        self.selected_options['udev_sysfs_rule'] = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'udev_sysfs_rule', False)
        self.native_cups = self.get_distro_ver_data('native_cups', False)

        # Adjust required flag based on the distro ver ui_toolkit value
        ui_toolkit = self.get_distro_ver_data('ui_toolkit', 'qt4').lower()

        if ui_toolkit == 'qt4':
            log.debug("Default UI toolkit: Qt4")
            self.ui_toolkit = 'qt4'
            self.selected_options['gui_qt4'] = True
        elif ui_toolkit == 'qt5':
            log.debug("Default UI toolkit: Qt5")
            self.ui_toolkit = 'qt5'
            self.selected_options['gui_qt5'] = True

        # todo: gtk
        # Override with --qt4 command args
        if self.enable is not None:
            if 'qt4' in self.enable:
                log.debug("User selected UI toolkit: Qt4")
                self.ui_toolkit = 'qt4'
                self.selected_options['gui_qt4'] = True
            elif 'qt5' in self.enable:
                log.debug("User selected UI toolkit: Qt5")
                self.ui_toolkit = 'qt5'
                self.selected_options['gui_qt5'] = True

        if self.disable is not None:
            if 'qt4' in self.disable:
                log.debug("User deselected UI toolkit: Qt4")
                self.selected_options['gui_qt4'] = False
            elif 'qt5' in self.disable:
                log.debug("User deselected UI toolkit: Qt5")
                self.selected_options['gui_qt5'] = False

    def __fixup_data(self, key, data):
        field_type = self.FIELD_TYPES.get(key, TYPE_STRING)
        #log.debug("%s (%s) %d" % (key, data, field_type))

        if field_type == TYPE_BOOL:
            return utils.to_bool(data)

        elif field_type == TYPE_STRING:
            if type('') == type(data):
                return data.strip()
                return data

        elif field_type == TYPE_INT:
                return int(data)
            except ValueError:
                return 0

        elif field_type == TYPE_LIST:
            return [x for x in data.split(',') if x]

    def load_distros(self):
        distros_dat_file = '/usr/share/hplip/installer/distros.dat'

        distros_dat = ConfigBase(distros_dat_file)
        distros_list = self.__fixup_data(
            'distros', distros_dat.get('distros', 'distros'))

        for distro in distros_list:
            d = {}

            if not distros_dat.has_section(distro):
                    "Missing distro section in distros.dat: [%s]" % distro)

            for key in distros_dat.keys(distro):
                d[key] = self.__fixup_data(key, distros_dat.get(distro, key))

            self.distros[distro] = d
            versions = self.__fixup_data(
                "versions", distros_dat.get(distro, 'versions'))
            self.distros[distro]['versions'] = {}
            self.distros[distro]['versions_list'] = versions

            for ver in versions:
                same_as_version, supported = False, True
                v = {}
                ver_section = "%s:%s" % (distro, ver)

                if not distros_dat.has_section(ver_section):
                        "Missing version section in distros.dat: [%s:%s]" % (distro, ver))

                if 'same_as_version' in distros_dat.keys(ver_section):
                    same_as_version = True

                supported = self.__fixup_data(
                    'supported', distros_dat.get(ver_section, 'supported'))

                for key in distros_dat.keys(ver_section):
                    v[key] = self.__fixup_data(
                        key, distros_dat.get(ver_section, key))

                self.distros[distro]['versions'][ver] = v
                self.distros[distro]['versions'][ver]['dependency_cmds'] = {}

                if same_as_version:  # or not supported:

                for dep in self.dependencies:
                    dd = {}
                    dep_section = "%s:%s:%s" % (distro, ver, dep)

                    if not distros_dat.has_section(dep_section) and not same_as_version:

                    # if same_as_version:
                    #    continue

                    for key in distros_dat.keys(dep_section):
                        dd[key] = self.__fixup_data(
                            key, distros_dat.get(dep_section, key))

                        ver]['dependency_cmds'][dep] = dd

            versions = self.distros[distro]['versions']
            for ver in versions:
                ver_section = "%s:%s" % (distro, ver)

                if 'same_as_version' in distros_dat.keys(ver_section):
                    v = self.__fixup_data("same_as_version", distros_dat.get(
                        ver_section, 'same_as_version'))

                        import copy
                        vv = copy.deepcopy(self.distros[distro]['versions'][v])
                        #vv = self.distros[distro]['versions'][v].copy()
                        vv['same_as_version'] = v
                        self.distros[distro]['versions'][ver] = vv
                        for key in distros_dat.keys(ver_section):
                            vv[key] = self.__fixup_data(
                                key, distros_dat.get(ver_section, key))
                        dd = {}
                        for dep in self.dependencies:
                            dep_section = "%s:%s:%s" % (distro, ver, dep)
                            if not distros_dat.has_section(dep_section):

                            for key in distros_dat.keys(dep_section):
                                dd[key] = self.__fixup_data(
                                    key, distros_dat.get(dep_section, key))

                                ver]['dependency_cmds'][dep] = dd

                    except KeyError:
                            "Missing 'same_as_version=' version in distros.dat for section [%s:%s]." % (distro, v))

        #import pprint
        # pprint.pprint(self.distros)

    def pre_install(self):

    def pre_depend(self):

    def check_python(self):
        py_ver = sys.version_info
        py_major_ver, py_minor_ver = py_ver[:2]
        log.debug("Python ver=%d.%d" % (py_major_ver, py_minor_ver))
        return py_major_ver >= 2

    def check_gcc(self):
        return check_tool('gcc --version', 0) and check_tool('g++ --version', 0)

    def check_make(self):
        return check_tool('make --version', 3.0)
    #def check_pkgconf(self):
        #return check_tool('pkgconf --version', 0)

    def check_libusb(self):
        Is_libusb01_enabled = self.get_distro_ver_data('libusb01', False)
        if Is_libusb01_enabled == True:
            if not check_lib('libusb'):
                return False
            if self.distro_name != "rhel":
                return len(locate_file_contains("usb.h", '/usr/include', 'usb_init'))
                return True
            if not check_lib('libusb-1.0'):
                return False
            if self.distro_name != "rhel":
                return len(locate_file_contains("libusb.h", '/usr/include/libusb-1.0', 'libusb_init'))
                return True

    def check_epm(self):
        return check_tool('epm --version')

    def check_automake(self):
        return check_tool('automake --version')

    def check_libjpeg(self):
        return check_lib("libjpeg") and check_file("jpeglib.h")

    def check_libcrypto(self):
        return check_lib("libcrypto") and check_file("crypto.h")

    def check_libpthread(self):
        return check_lib("libpthread") and check_file("pthread.h")

    def check_libnetsnmp(self):
        return check_lib("libnetsnmp") and check_file("net-snmp-config.h")

    def check_reportlab(self):
            log.debug("Trying to import 'reportlab'...")
            import reportlab

            ver = str(reportlab.Version)
            log.debug("Version: %.1s" % ver)
            if ver >= "2.0":
                return True
                return False

        except ImportError:
            return False

    def check_python23(self):
        py_ver = sys.version_info
        py_major_ver, py_minor_ver = py_ver[:2]
        log.debug("Python ver=%d.%d" % (py_major_ver, py_minor_ver))
        return py_major_ver >= 2 and py_minor_ver >= 3

    def check_python_xml(self):
            import xml.parsers.expat
        except ImportError:
            return False
            return True

    def check_sane(self):
        return check_lib('libsane')

    def check_sane_devel(self):
        return len(locate_file_contains("sane.h", '/usr/include', 'extern SANE_Status sane_init'))

    def check_xsane(self):
        if os.getenv('DISPLAY'):
            # will fail if X not running...
            return check_version(get_xsane_version(), '0.9')
# return check_tool('xsane --version', 0.9) # will fail if X not
# running...
            # ...so just see if it installed somewhere
            return bool(utils.which("xsane"))

    def check_scanimage(self):
        return check_tool('scanimage --version', 1.0)

    def check_gs(self):
        return check_tool('gs -v', 7.05)

    def check_pyqt4(self):
        if self.ui_toolkit == 'qt4':
                import PyQt4
            except ImportError:
                return False
                return True
            return False

    def check_pyqt5(self):
        if self.ui_toolkit == 'qt5':
                import PyQt5
            except ImportError:
                return False
                return True
            return False

    def check_pyqt4_dbus(self):
        if self.ui_toolkit == 'qt4':
                from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop
            except ImportError:
                return False
                return True
            return False

    def check_pyqt5_dbus(self):
        if self.ui_toolkit == 'qt5':
                from dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 import DBusQtMainLoop
            except ImportError:
                return False
                return True
            return False

    def check_pyqt(self):
        if self.ui_toolkit == 'qt3':
                import qt
            except ImportError:
                return False
                return True

            return False

    def check_python_devel(self):
        dir_list = glob.glob('/usr/include/python%d*' % sys.version_info[0])
        Found = False
        for p in dir_list:
            if check_file('Python.h', dir=p):
                Found = True

        return Found

    def check_pynotify(self):
            import notify2
        except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
                import pynotify
            except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
                return False
        return True

    def check_python_dbus(self):
        log.debug("Checking for python-dbus (>= 0.80)...")
            import dbus
                ver = dbus.version
                log.debug("Version: %s" % '.'.join(
                    [str(x) for x in dbus.version]))
                return ver >= (0, 80, 0)

            except AttributeError:
                    ver = dbus.__version__
                    log.debug("Version: %s" % dbus.__version__)
                    log.debug("HPLIP requires dbus version > 0.80.")
                    return False

                except AttributeError:
                        "Unknown version. HPLIP requires dbus version > 0.80.")
                    return False

        except ImportError:
            return False

    def check_python_ctypes(self):
            import ctypes
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False

    def check_dbus(self):
        log.debug("Checking for dbus running and header files present (dbus-devel)...")
        if (self.distro_name.lower()=='fedora') and (self.distro_version>='30'):
            return True
            return check_ps(['dbus-daemon'])  and \
                                         '/usr/include', 'dbus_message_new_signal'))

    def check_cups_devel(self):
        return check_file('cups.h') and bool(utils.which('lpr'))

    def check_cups(self):
        status, output = utils.run('lpstat -r', self.passwordObj)
        if status > 0 or 'not running' in output:
            log.debug("CUPS is not running. %s" % output)
            return False
            log.debug("CUPS is running. %s " % output)
            return True

    def check_cups_image(self):
        return check_file("raster.h", "/usr/include/cups")

    def check_hplip(self):
        log.debug("Checking for HPLIP...")
        return locate_files('hplip.conf', '/etc/hp')

    def check_libtool(self):
        log.debug("Checking for libtool...")
        return check_tool('libtool --version')
    '''def check_pip(self):
        return check_tool('pip2 --version')

    def check_pip3(self):
        return check_tool('pip3 --version')

    def check_tesseract(self):
        return check_tool('tesseract --version')

    def check_opencv(self):
            import cv2
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False
    def check_tesserocr(self):
            import tesserocr
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False
    def check_imutils(self):
            import imutils
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False               

    def check_zbar(self):
        return check_file("zbar.h", "/usr/include/")

    def check_libleptonica(self):
        return check_file("allheaders.h", "/usr/include/leptonica")

    def check_setuptools(self):
            import setuptools
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False            

    def check_pypdf2(self):
            import PyPDF2
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False             
    def check_pil(self):
        log.debug("Checking for PIL...")
            from PIL import Image
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False

    def check_cupsddk(self):
        log.debug("Checking for cups-ddk...")
        # TODO: Compute these paths some way or another...
        return check_file('media.defs', "/usr/share/cups/ppdc/")

    def check_libavahi_dev(self):
        log.debug("Checking for libavahi-dev")
        # TODO: Compute these paths some way or another...
        return check_file('client.h', "/usr/include/avahi-client")

    def check_policykit(self):
        log.debug("Checking for PolicyKit...")
        if check_file('PolicyKit.conf', "/etc/PolicyKit") and check_file('org.gnome.PolicyKit.AuthorizationManager.service', "/usr/share/dbus-1/services"):
            return True
        elif check_file('50-localauthority.conf', "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d") and check_file('org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.service', "/usr/share/dbus-1/system-services"):
            return True
        elif check_file('org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.conf', '/etc/dbus-1/system.d'):
            return True
        elif check_file('polkitd', "/usr/lib/polkit-1") and check_file('polkit-agent-helper-1', "/usr/lib/polkit-1") and check_file('polkit.conf', "/usr/lib/sysusers.d"):
            return True
            return False

    def check_cupsext(self):
        log.debug("Checking 'cupsext' CUPS extension...")
        except ImportError:
                "NOT FOUND OR FAILED TO LOAD! Please reinstall HPLIP and check for the proper installation of cupsext.")
            return False
            return True

    def check_hpmudext(self):
        log.debug("Checking 'hpmudext' I/O extension...")
        except ImportError:
                "NOT FOUND OR FAILED TO LOAD! Please reinstall HPLIP and check for the proper installation of hpmudext.")
            return False
            return True

    def check_pcardext(self):
        log.debug("Checking 'pcardext' Photocard extension...")
        except ImportError:
                "NOT FOUND OR FAILED TO LOAD! Please reinstall HPLIP and check for the proper installation of pcardext.")
            return False
            return True

    def check_hpaio(self):
        found = False
        for path in ['/etc/sane.d/dll.conf', '/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hpaio', '/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip']:
            log.debug("'Checking for hpaio' in '%s'..." % path)
                f = open(path, 'r')
            except IOError:
                log.info("'%s' not found." % path)
                for line in f:
                    lineNoSpace = re.sub(r'\s', '', line)
                    hpaiomatched = re.match('hpaio', lineNoSpace)
                    if hpaiomatched:
                        found = True
            if found:

        if not found:
            log.error("'hpaio' not found in SANE conf files. Is SANE installed?")

        return found

    def update_hpaio(self):
        found = False
        home_dir = sys_conf.get('dirs', 'home')
        pat = re.compile(r"""(\S.*)share\/hplip""")
        usrbin_dir = None
        if pat.match(home_dir) is not None:
            usrlib_dir = pat.match(home_dir).group(1) + "lib/"
            if os.path.exists(usrlib_dir + 'sane/libsane-hpaio.so.1'):
                log.debug("'Updating hpaio' in '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'...")
                    f = open('/etc/sane.d/dll.conf', 'r')
                except IOError:
                        "'/etc/sane.d/dll.conf' not found. Creating dll.conf file")
                    cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % 'touch /etc/sane.d/dll.conf'
                    log.debug("cmd=%s" % cmd)
                    utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                    for line in f:
                        lineNoSpace = re.sub(r'\s', '', line)
                        hpaiomatched = re.match('hpaio', lineNoSpace)
                        if hpaiomatched:
                            found = True

                if not found:
                    st = os.stat('/etc/sane.d/dll.conf')
                    cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % 'chmod 777 /etc/sane.d/dll.conf'
                    log.debug("cmd=%s" % cmd)
                    utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                        f = open('/etc/sane.d/dll.conf', 'a+')
                    except IOError:
                            "'/etc/sane.d/dll.conf' not found. Creating dll.conf file")
                    actv_permissions = st.st_mode & 0o777
                    cmd = 'chmod %o /etc/sane.d/dll.conf' % actv_permissions
                    cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmd
                    log.debug("cmd=%s" % cmd)
                    utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
        return found

    def check_scanext(self):
        log.debug("Checking 'scanext' SANE scanning extension...")
        found = False
        except ImportError:
                "NOT FOUND OR FAILED TO LOAD! Please reinstall HPLIP and check for the proper installation of scanext.")
            found = True
        return found

    def security_package_status(self):
        found = ["", False]

        for key in SEC_DICT.keys():
            if glob.glob(SEC_DICT[key][0]):
                found[0] = key
                found[1] = all(map(glob.glob, SEC_DICT[key][1]))

                return found

        return found

    def selinux_install(self):
        src_dir = os.getcwd()
        profile_location = src_dir + "/selinux/hplip.pp"
        profile_cmd = "semodule -n -i " + profile_location
        cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % profile_cmd
        log.info("Installing SELinux profile...")
        status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)

    def get_hplip_version(self):
        self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal = '', '', ''

        if self.mode == MODE_INSTALLER:
            ac_init_pat = re.compile(
                r"""AC_INIT\(\[(.*?)\], *\[(.*?)\], *\[(.*?)\], *\[(.*?)\] *\)""", re.IGNORECASE)

                config_in = open('./configure.in', 'r')
            except IOError:
                self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal = \
                    '', sys_conf.get('configure', 'internal-tag',
                                     '0.0.0'), prop.installed_version
                for c in config_in:
                    if c.startswith("AC_INIT"):
                        match_obj = ac_init_pat.search(c)
                        self.version_description = match_obj.group(1)
                        self.version_public = match_obj.group(2)
                        self.version_internal = match_obj.group(3)
                        name = match_obj.group(4)


                if name != 'hplip':
                    log.error("Invalid archive!")

        else:  # MODE_CHECK
                self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal = \
                    '', sys_conf.get('configure', 'internal-tag',
                                     '0.0.0'), prop.installed_version
            except KeyError:
                self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal = '', '', ''

        return self.version_description, self.version_public, self.version_internal

    def configure(self, bClassDriver):
        configure_cmd = './configure'
        configuration = {}
        if PY3:
            dbus_avail = self.have_dependencies[
                'dbus'] and self.have_dependencies['python3-dbus']
            dbus_avail = self.have_dependencies[
                'dbus'] and self.have_dependencies['python-dbus']
        configuration['network-build'] = self.selected_options['network']

        if bClassDriver:
            configuration['scan-build'] = False
            configuration['fax-build'] = False
            configuration['dbus-build'] = False
            configuration['qt4'] = False
            configuration['qt5'] = False
            configuration['class-driver'] = True
            configuration['scan-build'] = self.selected_options['scan']
                'fax-build'] = self.selected_options['fax'] and dbus_avail
            configuration['dbus-build'] = dbus_avail
            configuration['qt4'] = self.selected_options['gui_qt4']
            configuration['qt5'] = self.selected_options['gui_qt5']
            configuration['class-driver'] = self.selected_options[

        configuration['doc-build'] = self.selected_options['docs']
        configuration['policykit'] = self.selected_options['policykit']
        configuration['libusb01_build'] = self.selected_options['libusb01']
        configuration['udev_sysfs_rules'] = self.selected_options[

        # Setup printer driver configure flags based on distro data...
        if self.native_cups:  # hpcups
            configuration['hpcups-install'] = True
            configuration['hpijs-install'] = False
            configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = False
            configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = False

            if self.enable_ppds:
                configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = True
                configuration['cups-drv-install'] = False
                configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = False
                configuration['cups-drv-install'] = True

        else:  # HPIJS/foomatic
            configuration['hpcups-install'] = False
            configuration['hpijs-install'] = True
            configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = False
            configuration['cups-drv-install'] = False

            if self.enable_ppds:
                configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = True
                configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = False
                configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = False
                configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = True

        # ... and then override and adjust for consistency with passed in parameters
        if self.enable is not None:
            for c in self.enable:
                if c == 'hpcups-install':
                    configuration['hpijs-install'] = False
                    configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = False
                    configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = False
                elif c == 'hpijs-install':
                    configuration['hpcups-install'] = False
                    configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = False
                    configuration['cups-drv-install'] = False
                elif c == 'foomatic-ppd-install':
                    configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = False
                elif c == 'foomatic-drv-install':
                    configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = False
                elif c == 'cups-ppd-install':
                    configuration['cups-drv-install'] = False
                elif c == 'cups-drv-install':
                    configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = False

        if self.disable is not None:
            for c in self.disable:
                if c == 'hpcups-install':
                    configuration['hpijs-install'] = True
                    configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = False
                    configuration['cups-drv-install'] = False
                elif c == 'hpijs-install':
                    configuration['hpcups-install'] = True
                    configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = False
                    configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = False
                elif c == 'foomatic-ppd-install':
                    configuration['foomatic-drv-install'] = True
                elif c == 'foomatic-drv-install':
                    configuration['foomatic-ppd-install'] = True
                elif c == 'cups-ppd-install':
                    configuration['cups-drv-install'] = True
                elif c == 'cups-drv-install':
                    configuration['cups-ppd-install'] = True

        if self.ppd_dir is not None:
            configure_cmd += ' --with-hpppddir=%s' % self.ppd_dir

        libdir_path = self.get_distro_ver_data('libdir_path', False)
        if libdir_path and self.bitness == 64:
            configure_cmd += ' --libdir=%s' % (libdir_path)
        elif self.bitness == 64:
            configure_cmd += ' --libdir=/usr/lib64'

        configure_cmd += ' --prefix=%s' % self.install_location

        if self.get_distro_ver_data('cups_path_with_bitness', False) and self.bitness == 64:
            configure_cmd += ' --with-cupsbackenddir=/usr/lib64/cups/backend --with-cupsfilterdir=/usr/lib64/cups/filter'

        if self.enable is not None:
            for c in self.enable:
                configuration[c] = True

        if self.disable is not None:
            for c in self.disable:
                configuration[c] = False

        for c in configuration:
            if configuration[c]:
                configure_cmd += ' --enable-%s' % c
                configure_cmd += ' --disable-%s' % c

        # For AppArmor Profiles
        if self.security_package == "AppArmor":
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-apparmor_build'
        if self.security_package == "SELinux":
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-selinux_build'

        # For Unit/Functional testing changes.
        if ".internal" in prop.version and os.path.exists('testcommon/'):
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-hplip_testing_flag'

        return configure_cmd

    def configure_html(self):
        configure_cmd = './configure'
        configure_cmd += ' --prefix=/usr'
        configure_cmd += ' --with-hpppddir=%s' % self.ppd_dir

        libdir_path = self.get_distro_ver_data('libdir_path', False)
        if libdir_path and self.bitness == 64:
            configure_cmd += ' --libdir=%s' % (libdir_path)
        elif self.bitness == 64:
            configure_cmd += ' --libdir=/usr/lib64'

        self.ui_toolkit = self.get_distro_ver_data('ui_toolkit')
        if self.ui_toolkit is not None and self.ui_toolkit == 'qt3':
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-qt3 --disable-qt4'
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-qt4'

        self.native_cups = self.get_distro_ver_data('native_cups')
        if self.native_cups is not None and self.native_cups == 1:
            if self.enable_ppds:
                configure_cmd += ' --enable-hpcups-install --disable-cups-drv-install --enable-cups-ppd-install --disable-hpijs-install --disable-foomatic-drv-install --disable-foomatic-ppd-install --disable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install'
                configure_cmd += ' --enable-hpcups-install --enable-cups-drv-install --disable-cups-ppd-install --disable-hpijs-install --disable-foomatic-drv-install --disable-foomatic-ppd-install --disable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install'
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-hpcups-install --disable-cups-drv-install --disable-cups-ppd-install --enable-hpijs-install --enable-foomatic-drv-install --enable-foomatic-ppd-install --enable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install'

        self.fax_supported = self.get_distro_ver_data('fax_supported')
        if self.fax_supported is None:
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-fax-build --disable-dbus-build'
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-fax-build --enable-dbus-build'

        self.network_supported = self.get_distro_ver_data('network_supported')
        if self.network_supported is None:
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-network-build'
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-network-build'

        self.scan_supported = self.get_distro_ver_data('scan_supported')
        if self.scan_supported is None:
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-scan-build'
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-scan-build'

        self.policykit = self.get_distro_ver_data('policykit')
        if self.policykit is not None and self.policykit == 1:
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-policykit'
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-policykit'

        self.libusb01 = self.get_distro_ver_data('libusb01')
        if self.libusb01 is not None and self.libusb01 == 1:
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-libusb01_build'
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-libusb01_build'

        self.udev_sysfs_rule = self.get_distro_ver_data('udev_sysfs_rule')
        if self.udev_sysfs_rule is not None and self.udev_sysfs_rule == 1:
            configure_cmd += ' --enable-udev_sysfs_rules'
            configure_cmd += ' --disable-udev_sysfs_rules'

        configure_cmd += ' --enable-doc-build'

        return configure_cmd

    def build_cmds(self, bClassDriver, option):
        if option == 'i':
            cmnd = "make install"
            log.info("cmnd:%s" % cmnd)
            return [self.configure(bClassDriver),
                    'make clean',
                    'make', self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmnd]

        elif option == 't':
            cmnd = "make dist"
            log.info("cmnd:%s" % cmnd)
            return [self.configure(bClassDriver),
                    'make clean',
                    'make', cmnd]

        elif option == 'r':
            cmnd = "make rpm"
            log.info("cmnd:%s" % cmnd)
            return [self.configure(bClassDriver),
                    'make clean',
                    'make', cmnd]

        elif option == 'b':
            cmnd = "make deb"
            log.info("cmnd:%s" % cmnd)
            return [self.configure(bClassDriver),
                    'make clean',
                    'make', self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmnd]

        elif option == 'd':
            return [self.configure(bClassDriver),
                    'make clean',
                    self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % 'make install']
            return [self.configure(bClassDriver),
                    'make clean',
                    self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % 'make install']

    def get_distro_ver_data(self, key, default=None, distro_ver=None):
            if distro_ver:
                return self.distros[self.distro_name]['versions'][distro_ver].get(key, None) or \
                    self.distros[self.distro_name].get(key, None) or default
                return self.distros[self.distro_name]['versions'][self.distro_version].get(key, None) or \
                    self.distros[self.distro_name].get(key, None) or default
        except KeyError:
            return default

        return value

    def get_distro_data(self, key, default=None):
            return self.distros[self.distro_name].get(key, None) or default
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def get_ver_data(self, key, default=None, distro_ver=None):
            if distro_ver:
                return self.distros[self.distro_name]['versions'][distro_ver].get(key, None) or default
                return self.distros[self.distro_name]['versions'][self.distro_version].get(key, None) or default

        except KeyError:
            return default

        return value

    def get_dependency_data(self, dependency, supported_distro_vrs=None):
        dependency_cmds = self.get_ver_data(
            "dependency_cmds", {}, supported_distro_vrs)
        dependency_data = dependency_cmds.get(dependency, {})
        packages = dependency_data.get('packages', [])
        commands = dependency_data.get('commands', [])
        return packages, commands

    def get_dependency_commands(self):
        dd = list(self.dependencies.keys())
        commands_to_run = []
        packages_to_install = []
        overall_commands_to_run = []
        for d in dd:
            include = False
            for opt in self.dependencies[d][1]:
                if self.selected_options[opt]:
                    include = True
            if include:
                pkgs, cmds = self.get_dependency_data(d)

                if pkgs:
                    for p in pkgs:
                        if not p in packages_to_install:

                if cmds:

        package_mgr_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('package_mgr_cmd')


        if package_mgr_cmd:
            packages_to_install = ' '.join(packages_to_install)

        if not overall_commands_to_run:
            log.error("No cmds/pkgs")

        return overall_commands_to_run

    def distro_known(self):
        return self.distro != DISTRO_UNKNOWN and self.distro_version != DISTRO_VER_UNKNOWN

    def distro_supported(self):
        if self.mode == MODE_INSTALLER:
            return self.distro != DISTRO_UNKNOWN and self.distro_version != DISTRO_VER_UNKNOWN and self.get_ver_data('supported', False)
            return True  # For docs (manual install)

    def count_num_required_missing_dependencies(self):
        num_req_missing = 0
        for d, desc, opt in self.missing_required_dependencies():
            num_req_missing += 1
        return num_req_missing

    def count_num_optional_missing_dependencies(self):
        num_opt_missing = 0
        for d, desc, req, opt in self.missing_optional_dependencies():
            num_opt_missing += 1
        return num_opt_missing

    # missing req. deps for selected components
    def missing_required_dependencies(self):
        for comp in self.components[self.selected_component][1]:
            if self.selected_options[comp]:     # if the component was selected
                # dependencies for this component
                for dep in self.options[comp][2]:
                    # Is it required dependency?
                    if self.dependencies[dep][DEPENDENCY_REQUIRED_INDEX]:
                        # Is it not already installed?
                        if not self.have_dependencies[dep]:
                            log.debug("Missing required dependency: %s" % dep)
                            yield dep, self.dependencies[dep][DEPENDENCY_DISPLAY_INDEX], comp

    def missing_optional_dependencies(self):
        for comp in self.components[self.selected_component][1]:
            if self.selected_options[comp]:  # if the component was selected
                # dependencies for this component
                for dep in self.options[comp][2]:
                    # Is it optional dependency?
                    if not self.dependencies[dep][DEPENDENCY_REQUIRED_INDEX]:
                        # Is it not already installed?
                        if not self.have_dependencies[dep]:
                            log.debug("Missing optional dependency: %s" % dep)
                            yield dep, self.dependencies[dep][DEPENDENCY_DISPLAY_INDEX], self.dependencies[dep][0], comp

    def select_options(self, answer_callback):
        num_opt_missing = 0
        # not-required options
        for opt in self.components[self.selected_component][1]:
            if opt.find("gui_") != -1 and opt.find(self.ui_toolkit) == -1:
            if not self.options[opt][0]:  # not required
                default = 'y'

                if not self.selected_options[opt]:
                    default = 'n'

                self.selected_options[opt] = answer_callback(
                    opt, self.options[opt][1], default)

                if self.selected_options[opt]:  # only for options that are ON
                    for d in self.options[opt][2]:  # dependencies
                        if not self.have_dependencies[d]:  # missing dependency
                            log.debug("Missing optional dependency: %s" % d)
                            num_opt_missing += 1

        return num_opt_missing

    def check_wget(self):
        if utils.which("wget"):
            return True
            log.debug("wget is not installed")
            return False

    def check_avahi_utils(self):
        if utils.which("avahi-browse"):
            return True
            log.debug("avahi-browse is not installed")
            return False

    def check_passwd_util(self):
        if utils.which("gksu"):
            return True
        elif utils.which("kdesu"):
            return True
        elif utils.which("kdesudo"):
            return True
            log.debug("GUI password gksu/kdesu/kdesudo utility is not installed")
            return False'''

    def run_pre_install(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        pre_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('pre_install_cmd', None, distro_ver)
        if pre_cmd:
            x = 1
            for cmd in pre_cmd:
                status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)

                if status != 0:
                    log.warn("An error occurred running '%s'" % cmd)

                if callback is not None:
                    callback(cmd, "Pre-install step %d" % x)

                x += 1

            return True

            return False
    def remove_default_hplip_libs(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        hp_lib_rm_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('hp_libs_remove_cmd', None, distro_ver)
        if hp_lib_rm_cmd:
            x = 1
            #for cmd in hp_lib_rm_cmd:
            status, output = utils.run(hp_lib_rm_cmd, self.passwordObj)
            if any(['yum' in hp_lib_rm_cmd,'zypper' in hp_lib_rm_cmd, 'dnf' in hp_lib_rm_cmd, 'pacman' in hp_lib_rm_cmd]):
                if status == 1:
                    log.warn("An error occurred running '%s'" % hp_lib_rm_cmd)
                if status != 0:
                    log.warn("An error occurred running '%s'" % hp_lib_rm_cmd)

            if callback is not None:
                callback(hp_lib_rm_cmd, " hp_libs_remove step %d" % x)

            x += 1

    def run_pre_depend(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        pre_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('pre_depend_cmd', None, distro_ver)
        if pre_cmd:
            x = 1
            for cmd in pre_cmd:
                status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                if any(['yum' in cmd, 'zypper' in cmd, 'dnf' in cmd, 'pacman' in cmd]):
                    if status == 1:
                        log.warn("An error occurred running '%s'" % cmd)
                    if status != 0:
                        log.warn("An error occurred running '%s'" % cmd)

                if callback is not None:
                    callback(cmd, "Pre-depend step %d" % x)

                x += 1

    def run_post_depend(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        post_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data(
            'post_depend_cmd', None, distro_ver)
        if post_cmd:
            x = 1
            for cmd in post_cmd:
                status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)

                if status != 0:
                    log.warn("An error occurred running '%s'" % cmd)

                if callback is not None:
                    callback(cmd, "Post-depend step %d" % x)

                x += 1

    def run_scanjet_depend(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        from base.sixext import PY3
        if PY3:
            scanjet_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('scanjet_py3_depend_cmd', None, distro_ver)
            scanjet_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('scanjet_depend_cmd', None, distro_ver)
        if scanjet_cmd:
            x = 1
            #log.info("x is %d"%x)
            for cmd in scanjet_cmd:
                #log.info("cmd is %s"%cmd)
                if callback is not None:
                    callback(cmd, "Scanjet-depend step %d" % x)
                status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                #log.info("status is %d"%status)
                if status !=0: 
                    log.warn("Failed to install this Scanjet dependency package. Some Scanjet features will not work.")  
                #if callback is not None:
                    #callback(cmd, "Scanjet-depend step %d" % x) 

                x += 1
            '''if status !=0:

    def pre_build(self, distro_ver=None):
        cmds = []
        if self.get_distro_ver_data('fix_ppd_symlink', False, distro_ver):
            cmds.append(self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() %
                        'python ./installer/fix_symlink.py')

        return cmds

    def run_pre_build(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        x = 1
        for cmd in self.pre_build(distro_ver):
            status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
            if callback is not None:
                callback(cmd, "Pre-build step %d" % x)

            x += 1

    def run_post_build(self, callback=None, distro_ver=None):
        x = 1
        for cmd in self.post_build(distro_ver):
            status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
            if callback is not None:
                callback(cmd, "Post-build step %d" % x)

            x += 1

    def post_build(self, distro_ver=None):
        cmds = []
        # Reload DBUS configuration if distro supports it and PolicyKit
        # support installed
        if self.reload_dbus and self.selected_options['policykit']:
            cmds.append(self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() %
                        "sh /etc/init.d/dbus reload")
            log.debug("Will reload DBUS configuration for PolicyKit support")

        # Kill any running hpssd.py instance from a previous install
        pid_list = get_ps_pid(['hp-systray', 'hpssd'])

        kill_cmd = utils.which("kill", True)
        for pid in pid_list:
            log.debug("Found %s for %s process" % (pid, pid_list[pid]))
            kill = kill_cmd + " %s" % pid
            cmds.append(self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % kill)

        return cmds

    def remove_soT(self):
        #log.info("\n Clearing unnecessary sos: ")
        run_cmd = 'rm -rf .libs/libhpipp.so.0.0.1T .libs/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0T .libs/libhpmud.so.0.0.6T .libs/hpmudext.soT .libs/cupsext.soT'
        cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % run_cmd
        #run_cmd.append(self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % "rm -rf .libs/libhpipp.so.0.0.1T .libs/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0T .libs/libhpmud.so.0.0.6T .libs/hpmudext.soT .libs/cupsext.soT")
         #self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % run_cmd
        status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)

    def remove_hplip(self, callback=None):
        failed = True
        hplip_remove_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('hplip_remove_cmd')
        if hplip_remove_cmd:
            if callback is not None:
                callback(hplip_remove_cmd, "Removing old HPLIP version")

            status, output = utils.run(hplip_remove_cmd, self.passwordObj)

            if status == 0:
                self.hplip_present = self.check_hplip()

                if not self.hplip_present:
                    failed = False

        return failed

    def check_password(self):
        if self.passwordObj.getPassword() == "":
            return False
            return True


    def isErrorPage(self, page):
        Example code from David Mertz' Text Processing in Python.
        Released in the Public Domain.
        err_score = 0.0

        for pat, prob in list(err_pats.items()):
            if err_score > 0.9:
            if re.search(pat, page):
                err_score += prob

        log.debug("File error page score: %f" % (err_score))

        return err_score > 0.50

    def validate_disto(self):
        if self.distro != DISTRO_UNKNOWN:
            return True
            return True

    def validate_distro_version(self):
        # It's shipped in Debian. It's supported.
        return True

    def is_auto_installer_support(self, distro_version=DISTRO_VER_UNKNOWN):
        # No auto install ever.
        return False

    # Uninstalls the HPLIP package.
    # Input:
    #       mode --> INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE
    # Output:
    #       result --> returns True on success.
    def uninstall(self, mode=INTERACTIVE_MODE, callback=None):
        checkSudo = False
        if os.getuid() != 0:
            checkSudo = True
#            log.error("To run 'hp-uninstall' utility, you must have root privileges.")
#            return False

        home_dir = sys_conf.get("dirs", "home", "")
        version = sys_conf.get("hplip", "version", "0.0.0")
        if home_dir == "":
            log.error("HPLIP is not installed.")
            return False

        if mode != NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE:
            ok, choice = tui.enter_choice(
                "\nAre you sure to uninstall HPLIP-%s (y=yes, n=no*)?:" % version, ['y', 'n'], 'n')
            if not ok or choice == 'n':
                return False

        hplip_remove_cmd = self.get_distro_data('hplip_remove_cmd')
        log.debug("hplip_remove_cmd =%s " % hplip_remove_cmd)
        # read conf file to enter into installed dir
        log.info("Starting uninstallation...")

        plugin_state = sys_state.get(
            'plugin', 'installed', PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED)

        # check systray is running?
        status, output = utils.Is_Process_Running('hp-systray')
        if status is True:
            if mode != NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE:
                ok, choice = tui.enter_choice(
                    "\nSome HPLIP applications are running. Press 'y' to close and proceed or Press 'n' to quit uninstall (y=yes*, n=no):", ['y', 'n'], 'y')
                if not ok or choice == 'n':
                        "Quiting HPLIP unininstallation. Close application(s) manually and run again.")
                    return False

            # Kill any running hpssd.py instance from a previous install
            pid_list = get_ps_pid(['hp-systray'])
            kill_cmd = utils.which("kill", True)
            for pid in pid_list:
                log.debug("Found %s for %s process" % (pid, pid_list[pid]))
                kill = kill_cmd + " %s" % pid
                sts, out = utils.run(kill)
                log.debug("sts =%s out=%s" % (sts, out))

        toolbox_status, output = utils.Is_Process_Running('hp-toolbox')
        systray_status, output = utils.Is_Process_Running('hp-systray')
        if toolbox_status is True or systray_status is True:
                "Failed to close HP-Toolbox/HP-Systray. Close manually and run hp-uninstall again.")
            return False

        if hplip_remove_cmd:
            User_exit, Is_pkg_mgr_running = self.close_package_managers()
            if User_exit:

        # removing .hplip directory
        cmd = 'find /home -name .hplip'
        if checkSudo:
            cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmd

        status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
        if output is not None:
            for p in output.splitlines():
                if p.find("find:") != -1:

                utils.remove(p, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        # Removing Security profiles/policies
        package_st = self.security_package_status()
        if package_st[1]:
            log.debug("Removing Security Profiles")
            [utils.remove(f, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
             for f in SEC_DICT[package_st[0]][1]]

        # remove the binaries and libraries
        pat = re.compile(r"""(\S.*)share\/hplip""")
        base = pat.match(home_dir)
        usrbin_dir = None
        if base is not None:
            usrbin_dir = base.group(1) + "bin/"
            usrlib_dir = base.group(1) + "lib/"
            cnt = 0
            BINS_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(BINS_LIST, usrbin_dir)
            while cnt < len(BINS_LIST_FULL):
                utils.remove(BINS_LIST_FULL[cnt], self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
                cnt += 1

            cnt = 0
            LIBS_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(LIBS_LIST, usrlib_dir)
            while cnt < len(LIBS_LIST_FULL):
                utils.remove(LIBS_LIST_FULL[cnt], self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
                cnt += 1

        remove_plugins = False
        if mode != NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE and plugin_state != PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED:
            ok, choice = tui.enter_choice(
                "\nDo you want to remove HP proprietary plug-ins (y=yes*, n=no)?:", ['y', 'n'], 'y')
            if ok and choice == 'y':
                remove_plugins = True
            remove_plugins = True

        # removing HPLIP installed directories/files
        if remove_plugins is False:
            HPLIP_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(HPLIP_LIST, home_dir)
            HPLIP_LIST_FULL = []
        cnt = 0
        while cnt < len(HPLIP_LIST_FULL):
            utils.remove(HPLIP_LIST_FULL[cnt], self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
            cnt += 1

        # removing ppd directory
        ppd_dir = sys_conf.get('dirs', 'ppd', '')
        if ppd_dir:
            utils.remove(ppd_dir, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        # removing configuration files
        FILES_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(FILES_LIST)
        cnt = 0
        while cnt < len(FILES_LIST_FULL):
            utils.remove(FILES_LIST_FULL[cnt], self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
            cnt += 1

        # removing Rules files
        RULES_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(RULES_LIST, '/etc/udev/rules.d')
        for fl in RULES_LIST_FULL:
            utils.remove(fl, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        RULES_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(RULES_LIST, '/lib/udev/rules.d')
        for fl in RULES_LIST_FULL:
            utils.remove(fl, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        # removing (unused) hplip folder from other location
        cmd = 'find /usr -type d -name hplip'
        cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmd
        status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
        if status == 0:
            hplip_folders = output.splitlines()
            for hplip_d in hplip_folders:
                if hplip_d != home_dir:
                    utils.remove(hplip_d, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        # removing all hplip extension libraries
        for ext_f in HPLIP_EXT_LIST:
            if ext_f:
                cmd = 'find /usr -type f -name %s -delete' % ext_f
                cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmd
                status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
                if status != 0:
                        "Failed to delete %s library  [%s]" % (ext_f, output))

        # removing Plug-in files
        if remove_plugins == True:
            cnt = 0
            PLUGIN_LIST_FULL = utils.expandList(PLUGIN_LIST, home_dir)
            while cnt < len(PLUGIN_LIST_FULL):
                             self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
                cnt += 1

            cnt = 0
            PLUGIN_STATE_FULL = utils.expandList(PLUGIN_STATE)
            while cnt < len(PLUGIN_STATE_FULL):
                             cnt], self.passwordObj, checkSudo)
                cnt += 1

            utils.remove(home_dir, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        # removing HPLIP uninstall link
        if usrbin_dir is not None:
            hp_uninstall = usrbin_dir + "hp-unistall"
            utils.remove(hp_uninstall, self.passwordObj, checkSudo)

        log.info("HPLIP uninstallation is completed")
        return True

    # close_package_managers() closes the package managers, if running
    # Input:
    #       MODE --> INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE (GUI_MODE is not yet supported).
    # Output:
    #       User_exit (bool) --> returns True, if user quits.
    #                        --> returns False, if user doesn't select quit option.
    #       Is_pkg_mgr_running (bool)  -->returns False, if no packages are running at end of function.
    #                                  -->returns True, if some package(s) is(are) running at end of function.
    def close_package_managers(self, MODE=INTERACTIVE_MODE):
        User_exit = False
        Is_pkg_mgr_running = False
        pid, cmdline = utils.check_pkg_mgr(self.package_mgrs)
        while pid:
            if MODE == INTERACTIVE_MODE:
                ok, user_input = tui.enter_choice(
                    "A package manager '%s' appears to be running. Please quit the package manager and press enter to continue (i=ignore, r=retry*, f=force, q=quit) :" % cmdline, ['i', 'r', 'q', 'f'], 'r')
                if not ok:
                    return True, True  # --> User_exit = True , Is_pkg_mgr_running =True
                if user_input == 'i':
                        "Ignoring running package manager. Some package operations may fail.")
                if user_input == 'f':
                    ok, ans = tui.enter_yes_no(
                        "\nForce quit of package manager '%s'" % cmdline, 'y')
                    if not ok:
                        return True, True  # --> User_exit = True , Is_pkg_mgr_running =True
                    if ans:
                        cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % ("kill %s" % pid)
                        status, output = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                        if status != 0:
                                "Failed to kill process. You may need to manually quit the program.")
                log.error("GUI is not yet supported")
                # TBD
            pid, cmdline = utils.check_pkg_mgr(self.package_mgrs)

        if pid:     # checking for still running package managers
            Is_pkg_mgr_running = True

        return User_exit, Is_pkg_mgr_running

    # add_groups_to_user()
    # Input:
    #      missing_user_groups (string) --> Contains only missing groups, to show to user.
    #      missing_user_groups_cmd (string) --> command as per distro.dat (i.e. add_user_to_group)
    #      mode  --> INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE (GUI_MODE is not yet supported).
    # Output:
    #      ret_val (bool) --> returns True, if succeeded to add groups to user.
    #                     --> returns False, if Failed to add groups to user.
    # Move to utils
    def add_groups_to_user(self, missing_user_groups, missing_user_groups_cmd, mode=INTERACTIVE_MODE):
        ret_val = False
        if mode == INTERACTIVE_MODE:
            if not missing_user_groups or not missing_user_groups_cmd:
                return False

            ok, user_input = tui.enter_choice(
                "Do you want to add missing groups %s to user?(y=yes*, n=no)" % missing_user_groups, ['y', 'n'], 'y')
            if ok and user_input == 'y':
                usermod_path = utils.which('usermod', True)
                if usermod_path:
                    cmd = "%s %s %s" % (
                        usermod_path, missing_user_groups_cmd, prop.username)
                    cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmd
                    log.debug("cmd =  %s" % cmd)
                    sts, out = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                    if sts == 0:
                        ret_val = True
                    log.error("usermod command not found.")
                log.info(log.bold("Please add %s groups to %s user" %
                                  (missing_user_groups, prop.username)))
            log.error("GUI is not yet supported")
            # TBD
        return ret_val

    # disable_SELinux()
    # Input:
    #      MODE  --> INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE (GUI_MODE is not yet supported).
    # Output:
    #      ret_val (bool) --> returns True, if succeeded to disable SELinux.
    #                     --> returns False, if Failed to disable SELinux.

    def disable_SELinux(self, mode=INTERACTIVE_MODE):       # Move to utils
        ret_val = False
        SELinux_file = '/etc/selinux/config'
        if mode == INTERACTIVE_MODE:
            ok, user_input = tui.enter_choice(
                "SELinux is currently enabled in your system. Device may not work properly. Do you want to disable SELinux?(y=yes, n=no*)", ['y', 'n'], 'n')
            if ok and user_input != 'n':
                if not os.path.exists(SELinux_file):
                    log.debug("File %s is not found" % SELinux_file)
                    return False
                cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % (
                    "vi -c %s/enforcing$/disabled -c wq " + SELinux_file)
                log.debug("cmd= %s " % cmd)
                sts, out = utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)
                if sts == 0:
                    ret_val = True
                if os.path.exists('/selinux/enforce'):
                    cmd = "echo 0 >/selinux/enforce"
                    cmd = self.passwordObj.getAuthCmd() % cmd
                    log.debug("cmd= %s " % cmd)
#                    utils.run(cmd, self.passwordObj)

            log.error("GUI is not yet supported")
            # TBD

        return ret_val

    # Move to core_install
    def install_missing_dependencies(self, mode=INTERACTIVE_MODE, required_dependencies=[], optional_dependencies=[], missing_cmd=[]):
        package_mgr_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('package_mgr_cmd')
        pre_depend_cmd = self.get_distro_ver_data('pre_depend_cmd')
        overall_install_cmds = {}

        if len(required_dependencies):
            for packages_to_install in required_dependencies:
                if package_mgr_cmd:
                        packages_to_install] = utils.cat(package_mgr_cmd)
                        packages_to_install] = packages_to_install

        if len(optional_dependencies):
            for packages_to_install in optional_dependencies:
                if package_mgr_cmd:
                        packages_to_install] = utils.cat(package_mgr_cmd)
                        packages_to_install] = packages_to_install

        if len(overall_install_cmds) == 0 and len(missing_cmd) == 0:
            log.info("No missing dependencies")
            return 0

        # Do not allow HPLIP to run APT or anything else, especially not as root.

        return 0

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0