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Current File : //usr/share/hplip/hpssd.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2003-2015 HP Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Don Welch # __version__ = '12.0' __title__ = "Services and Status System Tray dBus Child/Parent Process" __mod__ = 'hpssd' __doc__ = "Provides persistent data and event services to HPLIP client applications. Required to be running for PC send fax, optional in all other cases." # StdLib import sys import struct import os import time import getopt import select import signal import tempfile #import threading #import Queue from pickle import loads, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL # Local from base.g import * from base.codes import * from base import utils, device, status, models, module, services, os_utils from base.sixext import PY3 from base.sixext import to_bytes_utf8 # dBus try: from dbus import lowlevel, SystemBus, SessionBus import dbus.service from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop if PY3: try: from gi._gobject import MainLoop, timeout_add, threads_init, io_add_watch, IO_IN #python3-gi version: 3.4.0 except: from gi.repository.GLib import MainLoop, timeout_add, threads_init, io_add_watch, IO_IN #python3-gi version: 3.8.0 else: from gobject import MainLoop, timeout_add, threads_init, io_add_watch, IO_IN dbus_loaded = True except ImportError: log.error("dbus failed to load (python-dbus ver. 0.80+ required). Exiting...") dbus_loaded = False sys.exit(1) import warnings # Ignore: .../dbus/connection.py:242: DeprecationWarning: object.__init__() takes no parameters # (occurring on Python 2.6/dBus 0.83/Ubuntu 9.04) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) # Globals PIPE_BUF = 4096 dbus_loop, main_loop = None, None system_bus = None session_bus = None w1, w2, r3 = None, None, None devices = {} # { 'device_uri' : DeviceCache, ... } # *********************************************************************************** # # DEVICE CACHE # # *********************************************************************************** class DeviceCache(object): def __init__(self, model=''): self.history = utils.RingBuffer(prop.history_size) # circular buffer of device.Event self.model = models.normalizeModelName(model) self.cache = {} # variable name : value self.faxes = {} # (username, jobid): FaxEvent self.dq = {} # last device query results #self.backoff = False self.backoff_counter = 0 # polling backoff: 0 = none, x = backed off by x intervals self.backoff_countdown = 0 self.polling = False # indicates whether its in the device polling list # dbus interface on session bus class StatusService(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self, name, object_path): dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, name, object_path) @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='s', out_signature='sa(ssisisd)') def GetHistory(self, device_uri): log.debug("GetHistory('%s')" % device_uri) send_systray_blip() try: devices[device_uri] except KeyError: #log.warn("Unknown device URI: %s" % device_uri) return (device_uri, []) else: h = devices[device_uri].history.get() log.debug("%d events in history:" % len(h)) [x.debug() for x in h] return (device_uri, [x.as_tuple() for x in h]) @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='s', out_signature='sa{ss}') def GetStatus(self, device_uri): log.debug("GetStatus('%s')" % device_uri) send_systray_blip() try: devices[device_uri] except KeyError: #log.warn("Unknown device URI: %s" % device_uri) return (device_uri, {}) else: t = {} dq = devices[device_uri].dq [t.setdefault(x, str(dq[x])) for x in list(dq.keys())] log.debug(t) return (device_uri, t) @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='ssi', out_signature='i') def SetCachedIntValue(self, device_uri, key, value): log.debug("SetCachedIntValue('%s', '%s', %d)" % (device_uri, key, value)) if check_device(device_uri) == ERROR_SUCCESS: devices[device_uri].cache[key] = value return value return -1 @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='ss', out_signature='i') def GetCachedIntValue(self, device_uri, key): try: ret = devices[device_uri].cache[key] except KeyError: ret = -1 log.debug("GetCachedIntValue('%s', '%s') --> %d" % (device_uri, key, ret)) return ret @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='sss', out_signature='s') def SetCachedStrValue(self, device_uri, key, value): log.debug("SetCachedStrValue('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (device_uri, key, value)) if check_device(device_uri) == ERROR_SUCCESS: devices[device_uri].cache[key] = value return value return '' @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='ss', out_signature='s') def GetCachedStrValue(self, device_uri, key): try: ret = devices[device_uri].cache[key] except KeyError: ret = '' log.debug("GetCachedStrValue('%s', '%s') --> %s" % (device_uri, key, ret)) return ret # Pass a non-zero job_id to retrieve a specific fax # Pass zero for job_id to retrieve any avail. fax @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='ssi', out_signature='ssisisds') def CheckForWaitingFax(self, device_uri, username, job_id=0): log.debug("CheckForWaitingFax('%s', '%s', %d)" % (device_uri, username, job_id)) send_systray_blip() r = (device_uri, '', 0, username, job_id, '', 0.0, '') check_device(device_uri) show_waiting_faxes(device_uri) if job_id: # check for specific job_id try: devices[device_uri].faxes[(username, job_id)] except KeyError: return r else: return self.check_for_waiting_fax_return(device_uri, username, job_id) else: # return any matching one from cache. call mult. times to get all. for u, j in list(devices[device_uri].faxes.keys()): if u == username: return self.check_for_waiting_fax_return(device_uri, u, j) return r # if CheckForWaitingFax returns a fax job, that job is removed from the cache def check_for_waiting_fax_return(self, d, u, j): log.debug("Fax (username=%s, jobid=%d) removed from faxes and returned to caller." % (u, j)) r = devices[d].faxes[(u, j)].as_tuple() del devices[d].faxes[(u, j)] show_waiting_faxes(d) return r # Alternate way to "send" an event rather than using a signal message @dbus.service.method('com.hplip.StatusService', in_signature='ssisis', out_signature='') def SendEvent(self, device_uri, printer_name, event_code, username, job_id, title): event = device.Event(device_uri, printer_name, event_code, username, job_id, title) handle_event(event) def check_device(device_uri): if not PY3: device_uri = str(device_uri) try: devices[device_uri] except KeyError: log.debug("New device: %s" % device_uri) try: back_end, is_hp, bus, model, serial, dev_file, host, zc, port = \ device.parseDeviceURI(device_uri) except Error: log.debug("Invalid device URI: %s" % device_uri) return ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_URI devices[device_uri] = DeviceCache(model) return ERROR_SUCCESS def create_history(event): history = devices[event.device_uri].history.get() if history and history[-1].event_code == event.event_code: log.debug("Duplicate event. Replacing previous event.") devices[event.device_uri].history.replace(event) return True else: devices[event.device_uri].history.append(event) return False def handle_fax_event(event, pipe_name): if event.event_code == EVENT_FAX_RENDER_COMPLETE and \ event.username == prop.username: fax_file_fd, fax_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="hpfax-") pipe = os.open(pipe_name, os.O_RDONLY) bytes_read = 0 while True: data = os.read(pipe, PIPE_BUF) if not data: break os.write(fax_file_fd, data) bytes_read += len(data) log.debug("Saved %d bytes to file %s" % (bytes_read, fax_file_name)) os.close(pipe) os.close(fax_file_fd) devices[event.device_uri].faxes[(event.username, event.job_id)] = \ device.FaxEvent(fax_file_name, event) show_waiting_faxes(event.device_uri) try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) except OSError: pass # See if hp-sendfax is already running for this queue ok, lock_file = utils.lock_app('hp-sendfax-%s' % event.printer_name, True) if ok: # able to lock, not running... utils.unlock(lock_file) path = utils.which('hp-sendfax') if path: path = os.path.join(path, 'hp-sendfax') else: log.error("Unable to find hp-sendfax on PATH.") return log.debug("Running hp-sendfax: %s --printer=%s" % (path, event.printer_name)) os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, path, 'hp-sendfax', '--printer=%s' % event.printer_name) else: # cannot lock file - hp-sendfax is running # no need to do anything... hp-sendfax is polling log.debug("hp-sendfax is running. Waiting for CheckForWaitingFax() call.") else: log.warn("Not handled!") pass def show_waiting_faxes(d): f = devices[d].faxes if not len(f): log.debug("No faxes waiting for %s" % d) else: if len(f) == 1: log.debug("1 fax waiting for %s:" % d) else: log.debug("%d faxes waiting for %s:" % (len(f), d)) [f[x].debug() for x in f] # Qt4 only def handle_hpdio_event(event, bytes_written): log.debug("Reading %d bytes from hpdio pipe..." % bytes_written) total_read, data = 0, to_bytes_utf8('') while True: r, w, e = select.select([r3], [], [r3], 0.0) if not r: break x = os.read(r3, PIPE_BUF) if not x: break data = to_bytes_utf8('').join([data, x]) total_read += len(x) if total_read == bytes_written: break log.debug("Read %d bytes" % total_read) if total_read == bytes_written: dq = loads(data) if check_device(event.device_uri) == ERROR_SUCCESS: devices[event.device_uri].dq = dq.copy() handle_event(device.Event(event.device_uri, '', dq.get('status-code', STATUS_PRINTER_IDLE), prop.username, 0, '')) send_toolbox_event(event, EVENT_DEVICE_UPDATE_REPLY) def handle_plugin_install(): child_process=os.fork() if child_process== 0: # child process lockObj = utils.Sync_Lock("/tmp/pluginInstall.tmp") lockObj.acquire() child_pid=os.getpid() from installer import pluginhandler pluginObj = pluginhandler.PluginHandle() if pluginObj.getStatus() != PLUGIN_INSTALLED: os_utils.execute('hp-diagnose_plugin') else: log.debug("Device Plug-in was already installed. Not Invoking Plug-in installation wizard") lockObj.release() os.kill(child_pid,signal.SIGKILL) else: #parent process log.debug("Started Plug-in installation wizard") def handle_printer_diagnose(): path = utils.which('hp-diagnose_queues') if path: path = os.path.join(path, 'hp-diagnose_queues') else: log.error("Unable to find hp-diagnose_queues on PATH.") return log.debug("Running hp-diagnose_queues: %s" % (path)) os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, path, 'hp-diagnose_queues','-s') def handle_event(event, more_args=None): #global polling_blocked #global request_queue # checking if any zombie child process exists. then cleaning same. try: os.waitpid(0, os.WNOHANG) except OSError: pass log.debug("Handling event...") if more_args is None: more_args = [] event.debug() if event.event_code == EVENT_AUTO_CONFIGURE: handle_plugin_install() return if event.event_code == EVENT_DIAGNOSE_PRINTQUEUE: handle_printer_diagnose() return if event.device_uri and check_device(event.device_uri) != ERROR_SUCCESS: return # If event-code > 10001, its a PJL error code, so convert it if event.event_code > EVENT_MAX_EVENT: event.event_code = status.MapPJLErrorCode(event.event_code) # regular user/device status event if event.event_code < EVENT_MIN_USER_EVENT: pass elif EVENT_MIN_USER_EVENT <= event.event_code <= EVENT_MAX_USER_EVENT: if event.device_uri: #event.device_uri = event.device_uri.replace('hpfax:', 'hp:') dup_event = create_history(event) if event.event_code in (EVENT_DEVICE_STOP_POLLING, EVENT_START_MAINT_JOB, EVENT_START_COPY_JOB, EVENT_START_FAX_JOB, EVENT_START_PRINT_JOB): pass # stop polling (increment counter) elif event.event_code in (EVENT_DEVICE_START_POLLING, # should this event force counter to 0? EVENT_END_MAINT_JOB, EVENT_END_COPY_JOB, EVENT_END_FAX_JOB, EVENT_END_PRINT_JOB, EVENT_PRINT_FAILED_MISSING_PLUGIN, EVENT_SCANNER_FAIL, EVENT_END_SCAN_JOB, EVENT_SCAN_FAILED_MISSING_PLUGIN, EVENT_FAX_JOB_FAIL, EVENT_FAX_JOB_CANCELED, EVENT_FAX_FAILED_MISSING_PLUGIN, EVENT_COPY_JOB_FAIL, EVENT_COPY_JOB_CANCELED): pass # start polling if counter <= 0 # TODO: Do tools send END event if canceled or failed? Should they? # TODO: What to do if counter doesn't hit 0 after a period? Timeout? # TODO: Also, need to deal with the backoff setting (or it completely sep?) # Send to system tray icon if available if not dup_event: # and event.event_code != STATUS_PRINTER_IDLE: send_event_to_systray_ui(event) # send EVENT_HISTORY_UPDATE signal to hp-toolbox send_toolbox_event(event, EVENT_HISTORY_UPDATE) if event.event_code in (EVENT_PRINT_FAILED_MISSING_PLUGIN, EVENT_SCAN_FAILED_MISSING_PLUGIN,EVENT_FAX_FAILED_MISSING_PLUGIN): handle_plugin_install() # Handle fax signals elif EVENT_FAX_MIN <= event.event_code <= EVENT_FAX_MAX and more_args: log.debug("Fax event") pipe_name = str(more_args[0]) handle_fax_event(event, pipe_name) elif event.event_code == EVENT_USER_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED: # Sent if polling, hiding, etc. configuration has changed # send_event_to_hpdio(event) send_event_to_systray_ui(event) elif event.event_code == EVENT_SYS_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED: # Not implemented #send_event_to_hpdio(event) send_event_to_systray_ui(event) # Qt4 only elif event.event_code in (EVENT_DEVICE_UPDATE_REQUESTED,): #EVENT_DEVICE_START_POLLING, # ? Who handles polling? hpssd? probably... #EVENT_DEVICE_STOP_POLLING): # ? send_event_to_hpdio(event) # Qt4 only elif event.event_code in (EVENT_DEVICE_UPDATE_ACTIVE, EVENT_DEVICE_UPDATE_INACTIVE): send_event_to_systray_ui(event) # Qt4 only elif event.event_code == EVENT_DEVICE_UPDATE_REPLY: bytes_written = int(more_args[1]) handle_hpdio_event(event, bytes_written) # Qt4 only elif event.event_code == EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_ADDED or event.event_code == EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_REMOVED: send_event_to_systray_ui(event) send_toolbox_event(event, EVENT_HISTORY_UPDATE) # Qt4 only elif event.event_code == EVENT_SYSTEMTRAY_EXIT: send_event_to_hpdio(event) send_toolbox_event(event) send_event_to_systray_ui(event) log.debug("Exiting") main_loop.quit() elif event.event_code in (EVENT_DEVICE_START_POLLING, EVENT_DEVICE_STOP_POLLING): pass else: log.error("Unhandled event: %d" % event.event_code) def send_systray_blip(): send_event_to_systray_ui(device.Event('', '', EVENT_DEVICE_UPDATE_BLIP)) def send_event_to_systray_ui(event, event_code=None): e = event.copy() if event_code is not None: e.event_code = event_code e.send_via_pipe(w1, 'systemtray') def send_event_to_hpdio(event): event.send_via_pipe(w2, 'hpdio') def send_toolbox_event(event, event_code=None): global session_bus e = event.copy() if event_code is not None: e.event_code = event_code e.send_via_dbus(session_bus, 'com.hplip.Toolbox') def handle_signal(typ, *args, **kwds): if kwds['interface'] == 'com.hplip.StatusService' and \ kwds['member'] == 'Event': event = device.Event(*args[:6]) return handle_event(event, args[6:]) def handle_system_signal(*args, **kwds): return handle_signal('system', *args, **kwds) def handle_session_signal(*args, **kwds): return handle_signal('session', *args, **kwds) def run(write_pipe1=None, # write pipe to systemtray write_pipe2=None, # write pipe to hpdio read_pipe3=None): # read pipe from hpdio global dbus_loop, main_loop global system_bus, session_bus global w1, w2, r3 log.set_module("hp-systray(hpssd)") log.debug("PID=%d" % os.getpid()) w1, w2, r3 = write_pipe1, write_pipe2, read_pipe3 dbus_loop = DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) main_loop = MainLoop() try: system_bus = SystemBus(mainloop=dbus_loop) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e: log.error("Unable to connect to dbus system bus. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) try: session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e: if os.getuid() != 0: log.error("Unable to connect to dbus session bus. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) else: log.error("Unable to connect to dbus session bus (running as root?)") sys.exit(1) # Receive events from the system bus system_bus.add_signal_receiver(handle_system_signal, sender_keyword='sender', destination_keyword='dest', interface_keyword='interface', member_keyword='member', path_keyword='path') # Receive events from the session bus session_bus.add_signal_receiver(handle_session_signal, sender_keyword='sender', destination_keyword='dest', interface_keyword='interface', member_keyword='member', path_keyword='path') # Export an object on the session bus session_name = dbus.service.BusName("com.hplip.StatusService", session_bus) status_service = StatusService(session_name, "/com/hplip/StatusService") log.debug("Entering main dbus loop...") try: main_loop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: log.debug("Ctrl-C: Exiting...")