Direktori : /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com/ |
Current File : //usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com/promiseUtils.js |
// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Meta from 'gi://GdkPixbuf'; import * as Signals from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/misc/signals.js'; export class CancellablePromise extends Promise { constructor(executor, cancellable) { if (!(executor instanceof Function)) throw TypeError('executor is not a function'); if (cancellable && !(cancellable instanceof Gio.Cancellable)) throw TypeError('cancellable parameter is not a Gio.Cancellable'); let rejector; let resolver; super((resolve, reject) => { resolver = resolve; rejector = reject; }); const {stack: promiseStack} = new Error(); this._promiseStack = promiseStack; this._resolver = (...args) => { resolver(...args); this._resolved = true; this._cleanup(); }; this._rejector = (...args) => { rejector(...args); this._rejected = true; this._cleanup(); }; if (!cancellable) { executor(this._resolver, this._rejector); return; } this._cancellable = cancellable; this._cancelled = cancellable.is_cancelled(); if (this._cancelled) { this._rejector(new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED, 'Promise cancelled')); return; } this._cancellationId = cancellable.connect(() => { const id = this._cancellationId; this._cancellationId = 0; GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, () => cancellable.disconnect(id)); this.cancel(); }); executor(this._resolver, this._rejector); } _cleanup() { if (this._cancellationId) this._cancellable.disconnect(this._cancellationId); } get cancellable() { return this._chainRoot._cancellable || null; } get _chainRoot() { return this._root ? this._root : this; } then(...args) { const ret = super.then(...args); /* Every time we call then() on this promise we'd get a new * CancellablePromise however that won't have the properties that the * root one has set, and then it won't be possible to cancel a promise * chain from the last one. * To allow this we keep track of the root promise, make sure that * the same method on the root object is called during cancellation * or any destruction method if you want this to work. */ if (ret instanceof CancellablePromise) ret._root = this._chainRoot; return ret; } resolved() { return !!this._chainRoot._resolved; } rejected() { return !!this._chainRoot._rejected; } cancelled() { return !!this._chainRoot._cancelled; } pending() { return !this.resolved() && !this.rejected(); } cancel() { if (this._root) { this._root.cancel(); return this; } if (!this.pending()) return this; this._cancelled = true; const error = new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED, 'Promise cancelled'); error.stack += `## Promise created at:\n${this._promiseStack}`; this._rejector(error); return this; } } export class SignalConnectionPromise extends CancellablePromise { constructor(object, signal, cancellable) { if (arguments.length === 1 && object instanceof Function) { super(object); return; } if (!(object.connect instanceof Function)) throw new TypeError('Not a valid object'); if (object instanceof GObject.Object && !GObject.signal_lookup(signal.split(':')[0], object.constructor.$gtype)) throw new TypeError(`Signal ${signal} not found on object ${object}`); let id; let destroyId; super(resolve => { let connectSignal; if (object instanceof GObject.Object) connectSignal = (sig, cb) => GObject.signal_connect(object, sig, cb); else connectSignal = (sig, cb) => object.connect(sig, cb); id = connectSignal(signal, (_obj, ...args) => { if (!args.length) resolve(); else resolve(args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args); }); if (signal !== 'destroy' && (!(object instanceof GObject.Object) || GObject.signal_lookup('destroy', object.constructor.$gtype))) destroyId = connectSignal('destroy', () => this.cancel()); }, cancellable); this._object = object; this._id = id; this._destroyId = destroyId; } _cleanup() { if (this._id) { let disconnectSignal; if (this._object instanceof GObject.Object) disconnectSignal = id => GObject.signal_handler_disconnect(this._object, id); else disconnectSignal = id => this._object.disconnect(id); disconnectSignal(this._id); if (this._destroyId) { disconnectSignal(this._destroyId); this._destroyId = 0; } this._object = null; this._id = 0; } super._cleanup(); } get object() { return this._chainRoot._object; } } export class GSourcePromise extends CancellablePromise { constructor(gsource, priority, cancellable) { if (arguments.length === 1 && gsource instanceof Function) { super(gsource); return; } if (gsource.constructor.$gtype !== GLib.Source.$gtype) throw new TypeError(`gsource ${gsource} is not of type GLib.Source`); if (priority === undefined) priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT; else if (!Number.isInteger(priority)) throw TypeError('Invalid priority'); super(resolve => { gsource.set_priority(priority); gsource.set_callback(() => { resolve(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); gsource.attach(null); }, cancellable); this._gsource = gsource; this._gsource.set_name(`[gnome-shell] ${this.constructor.name} ${ new Error().stack.split('\n').filter(line => !line.match(/misc\/promiseUtils\.js/))[0]}`); if (this.rejected()) this._gsource.destroy(); } get gsource() { return this._chainRoot._gsource; } _cleanup() { if (this._gsource) { this._gsource.destroy(); this._gsource = null; } super._cleanup(); } } export class IdlePromise extends GSourcePromise { constructor(priority, cancellable) { if (arguments.length === 1 && priority instanceof Function) { super(priority); return; } if (priority === undefined) priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE; super(GLib.idle_source_new(), priority, cancellable); } } export class TimeoutPromise extends GSourcePromise { constructor(interval, priority, cancellable) { if (arguments.length === 1 && interval instanceof Function) { super(interval); return; } if (!Number.isInteger(interval) || interval < 0) throw TypeError('Invalid interval'); super(GLib.timeout_source_new(interval), priority, cancellable); } } export class TimeoutSecondsPromise extends GSourcePromise { constructor(interval, priority, cancellable) { if (arguments.length === 1 && interval instanceof Function) { super(interval); return; } if (!Number.isInteger(interval) || interval < 0) throw TypeError('Invalid interval'); super(GLib.timeout_source_new_seconds(interval), priority, cancellable); } } export class MetaLaterPromise extends CancellablePromise { constructor(laterType, cancellable) { if (arguments.length === 1 && laterType instanceof Function) { super(laterType); return; } if (laterType && laterType.constructor.$gtype !== Meta.LaterType.$gtype) throw new TypeError(`laterType ${laterType} is not of type Meta.LaterType`); else if (!laterType) laterType = Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW; let id; super(resolve => { id = Meta.later_add(laterType, () => { this.remove(); resolve(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); }, cancellable); this._id = id; } _cleanup() { if (this._id) { Meta.later_remove(this._id); this._id = 0; } super._cleanup(); } } export function _promisifySignals(proto) { if (proto.connect_once) return; proto.connect_once = function (signal, cancellable) { return new SignalConnectionPromise(this, signal, cancellable); }; } _promisifySignals(GObject.Object.prototype); _promisifySignals(Signals.EventEmitter.prototype);