Direktori : /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com/ |
Current File : //usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com/appIndicator.js |
// This file is part of the AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem GNOME Shell extension // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import GdkPixbuf from 'gi://GdkPixbuf'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import St from 'gi://St'; import * as Params from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/misc/params.js'; import * as Signals from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/misc/signals.js'; import * as IconCache from './iconCache.js'; import * as Util from './util.js'; import * as Interfaces from './interfaces.js'; import * as PixmapsUtils from './pixmapsUtils.js'; import * as PromiseUtils from './promiseUtils.js'; import * as SettingsManager from './settingsManager.js'; import {DBusProxy} from './dbusProxy.js'; Gio._promisify(Gio.File.prototype, 'read_async'); Gio._promisify(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, 'get_file_info_async'); Gio._promisify(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, 'new_from_stream_at_scale_async', 'new_from_stream_finish'); Gio._promisify(St.IconInfo.prototype, 'load_symbolic_async'); Gio._promisify(Gio.DBusConnection.prototype, 'call'); const MAX_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 30; // In ms const FALLBACK_ICON_NAME = 'image-loading-symbolic'; const PIXMAPS_FORMAT = imports.gi.Cogl.PixelFormat.ARGB_8888; export const SNICategory = Object.freeze({ APPLICATION: 'ApplicationStatus', COMMUNICATIONS: 'Communications', SYSTEM: 'SystemServices', HARDWARE: 'Hardware', }); export const SNIStatus = Object.freeze({ PASSIVE: 'Passive', ACTIVE: 'Active', NEEDS_ATTENTION: 'NeedsAttention', }); const SNIconType = Object.freeze({ NORMAL: 0, ATTENTION: 1, OVERLAY: 2, toPropertyName: (iconType, params = {isPixbuf: false}) => { let propertyName = 'Icon'; if (iconType === SNIconType.OVERLAY) propertyName = 'OverlayIcon'; else if (iconType === SNIconType.ATTENTION) propertyName = 'AttentionIcon'; return `${propertyName}${params.isPixbuf ? 'Pixmap' : 'Name'}`; }, }); export const AppIndicatorProxy = GObject.registerClass( class AppIndicatorProxy extends DBusProxy { static get interfaceInfo() { if (!this._interfaceInfo) { this._interfaceInfo = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml( Interfaces.StatusNotifierItem); } return this._interfaceInfo; } static get OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES() { return [ 'XAyatanaLabel', 'XAyatanaLabelGuide', 'XAyatanaOrderingIndex', 'IconAccessibleDesc', 'AttentionAccessibleDesc', ]; } static get TUPLE_TYPE() { if (!this._tupleType) this._tupleType = new GLib.VariantType('()'); return this._tupleType; } static destroy() { delete this._interfaceInfo; delete this._tupleType; } _init(busName, objectPath) { const {interfaceInfo} = AppIndicatorProxy; super._init(busName, objectPath, interfaceInfo, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES); this.set_cached_property('Status', new GLib.Variant('s', SNIStatus.PASSIVE)); this._accumulatedProperties = new Set(); this._cancellables = new Map(); this._changedProperties = Object.create(null); } async initAsync(cancellable) { await super.initAsync(cancellable); this._setupProxyPropertyList(); } destroy() { const cachedProperties = this.get_cached_property_names(); if (cachedProperties) { cachedProperties.forEach(propertyName => this.set_cached_property(propertyName, null)); } super.destroy(); } _onNameOwnerChanged() { this._resetNeededProperties(); if (!this.gNameOwner) this._cancelRefreshProperties(); else this._setupProxyPropertyList(); } _setupProxyPropertyList() { this._propertiesList = (this.get_cached_property_names() || []).filter(p => this.gInterfaceInfo.properties.some(pInfo => pInfo.name === p)); if (this._propertiesList.length) { AppIndicatorProxy.OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES.forEach( p => this._addExtraProperty(p)); } } _addExtraProperty(name) { if (this._propertiesList.includes(name)) return; if (!(name in this)) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: () => { const v = this.get_cached_property(name); return v ? v.deep_unpack() : null; }, }); } this._propertiesList.push(name); } _signalToPropertyName(signal) { if (signal.startsWith('New')) return signal.substr(3); else if (signal.startsWith('XAyatanaNew')) return `XAyatana${signal.substr(11)}`; return null; } // The Author of the spec didn't like the PropertiesChanged signal, so he invented his own async _refreshOwnProperties(prop) { await Promise.all( [prop, `${prop}Name`, `${prop}Pixmap`, `${prop}AccessibleDesc`].filter(p => this._propertiesList.includes(p)).map(async p => { try { await this.refreshProperty(p, { skipEqualityCheck: p.endsWith('Pixmap'), }); } catch (e) { if (!AppIndicatorProxy.OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES.includes(p) || !e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY)) logError(e); } })); } _onSignal(sender, signal, ...args) { this._onSignalAsync(sender, signal, ...args).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e, `Error while processing signal '${signal}'`); }); } async _onSignalAsync(_sender, signal, params) { const property = this._signalToPropertyName(signal); if (!property) return; if (this.status === SNIStatus.PASSIVE && ![...AppIndicator.NEEDED_PROPERTIES, 'Status'].includes(property)) { this._accumulatedProperties.add(property); return; } if (!params.get_type().equal(AppIndicatorProxy.TUPLE_TYPE)) { // If the property includes arguments, we can just queue the signal emission const [value] = params.unpack(); try { await this._queuePropertyUpdate(property, value); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) throw e; } if (!this._accumulatedProperties.size) return; } else { this._accumulatedProperties.add(property); } if (this._signalsAccumulator) return; this._signalsAccumulator = new PromiseUtils.TimeoutPromise( MAX_UPDATE_FREQUENCY, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, this._cancellable); try { await this._signalsAccumulator; const refreshPropertiesPromises = [...this._accumulatedProperties].map(p => this._refreshOwnProperties(p)); this._accumulatedProperties.clear(); await Promise.all(refreshPropertiesPromises); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) throw e; } finally { delete this._signalsAccumulator; } } _resetNeededProperties() { AppIndicator.NEEDED_PROPERTIES.forEach(p => this.set_cached_property(p, null)); } async refreshAllProperties() { const cancellableName = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll'; const cancellable = this._cancelRefreshProperties({ propertyName: cancellableName, addNew: true, }); try { const [valuesVariant] = (await this.getProperties( cancellable)).deep_unpack(); this._cancellables.delete(cancellableName); await Promise.all( Object.entries(valuesVariant).map(([propertyName, valueVariant]) => this._queuePropertyUpdate(propertyName, valueVariant, { skipEqualityCheck: true, cancellable, }))); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { // the property may not even exist, silently ignore it Util.Logger.debug(`While refreshing all properties: ${e}`); this.get_cached_property_names().forEach(propertyName => this.set_cached_property(propertyName, null)); this._cancellables.delete(cancellableName); throw e; } } } async refreshProperty(propertyName, params) { params = Params.parse(params, { skipEqualityCheck: false, }); const cancellable = this._cancelRefreshProperties({ propertyName, addNew: true, }); try { const [valueVariant] = (await this.getProperty( propertyName, cancellable)).deep_unpack(); this._cancellables.delete(propertyName); await this._queuePropertyUpdate(propertyName, valueVariant, Object.assign(params, {cancellable})); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { // the property may not even exist, silently ignore it Util.Logger.debug(`While refreshing property ${propertyName}: ${e}`); this.set_cached_property(propertyName, null); this._cancellables.delete(propertyName); delete this._changedProperties[propertyName]; throw e; } } } async _queuePropertyUpdate(propertyName, value, params) { params = Params.parse(params, { skipEqualityCheck: false, cancellable: null, }); if (!params.skipEqualityCheck) { const cachedProperty = this.get_cached_property(propertyName); if (value && cachedProperty && value.equal(this.get_cached_property(propertyName))) return; } this.set_cached_property(propertyName, value); // synthesize a batched property changed event this._changedProperties[propertyName] = value; if (!this._propertiesEmitTimeout || !this._propertiesEmitTimeout.pending()) { if (!params.cancellable) { params.cancellable = this._cancelRefreshProperties({ propertyName, addNew: true, }); } this._propertiesEmitTimeout = new PromiseUtils.TimeoutPromise( MAX_UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 2, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, params.cancellable); await this._propertiesEmitTimeout; if (Object.keys(this._changedProperties).length) { this.emit('g-properties-changed', GLib.Variant.new('a{sv}', this._changedProperties), []); this._changedProperties = Object.create(null); } } } _cancelRefreshProperties(params) { params = Params.parse(params, { propertyName: undefined, addNew: false, }); if (!this._cancellables.size && !params.addNew) return null; if (params.propertyName !== undefined) { let cancellable = this._cancellables.get(params.propertyName); if (cancellable) { cancellable.cancel(); if (!params.addNew) this._cancellables.delete(params.propertyName); } if (params.addNew) { cancellable = new Util.CancellableChild(this._cancellable); this._cancellables.set(params.propertyName, cancellable); return cancellable; } } else { this._cancellables.forEach(c => c.cancel()); this._cancellables.clear(); this._changedProperties = Object.create(null); } return null; } }); /** * the AppIndicator class serves as a generic container for indicator information and functions common * for every displaying implementation (IndicatorMessageSource and IndicatorStatusIcon) */ export class AppIndicator extends Signals.EventEmitter { static get NEEDED_PROPERTIES() { return ['Id', 'Menu']; } constructor(service, busName, object) { super(); this.isReady = false; this.busName = busName; this._uniqueId = Util.indicatorId(service, busName, object); this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._proxy = new AppIndicatorProxy(busName, object); this._invalidatedPixmapsIcons = new Set(); this._setupProxy().catch(logError); Util.connectSmart(this._proxy, 'g-properties-changed', this, this._onPropertiesChanged); Util.connectSmart(this._proxy, 'notify::g-name-owner', this, this._nameOwnerChanged); if (this.uniqueId === service) { this._nameWatcher = new Util.NameWatcher(service); Util.connectSmart(this._nameWatcher, 'changed', this, this._nameOwnerChanged); } } async _setupProxy() { const cancellable = this._cancellable; try { await this._proxy.initAsync(cancellable); this._checkIfReady(); await this._checkNeededProperties(); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { logError(e, `While initalizing proxy for ${this._uniqueId}`); this.destroy(); } } // We try to lookup the activate method to see if the app supports it try { const introspectionVariant = await this._proxy.gConnection.call( this._proxy.gNameOwner, this._proxy.gObjectPath, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable', 'Introspect', null, null, Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, cancellable); const [introspectionXml] = introspectionVariant.deep_unpack(); const nodeInfo = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(introspectionXml); const interfaceInfo = nodeInfo.lookup_interface(this._proxy.gInterfaceName); this.supportsActivation = !!interfaceInfo.lookup_method('Activate'); this._hasAyatanaSecondaryActivate = !!interfaceInfo.lookup_method('XAyatanaSecondaryActivate'); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { Util.Logger.debug( `${this.uniqueId}, check for Activation support: ${e.message}`); } } try { this._commandLine = await Util.getProcessName(this.busName, cancellable, GLib.PRIORITY_LOW); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { Util.Logger.debug( `${this.uniqueId}, failed getting command line: ${e.message}`); } } } _checkIfReady() { const wasReady = this.isReady; let isReady = false; if (this.hasNameOwner && this.id && this.menuPath) isReady = true; this.isReady = isReady; if (this.isReady && !wasReady) { if (this._delayCheck) { this._delayCheck.cancel(); delete this._delayCheck; } this.emit('ready'); return true; } return false; } async _checkNeededProperties() { if (this.id && this.menuPath) return true; const MAX_RETRIES = 3; const cancellable = this._cancellable; for (let checks = 0; checks < MAX_RETRIES; ++checks) { this._delayCheck = new PromiseUtils.TimeoutSecondsPromise(1, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, cancellable); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this._delayCheck; try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await Promise.all(AppIndicator.NEEDED_PROPERTIES.map(p => this._proxy.refreshProperty(p))); } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) throw e; if (checks < MAX_RETRIES - 1) continue; throw e; } if (this.id && this.menuPath) break; } return this.id && this.menuPath; } async _nameOwnerChanged() { if (!this.hasNameOwner) { this._checkIfReady(); } else { try { await this._checkNeededProperties(); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { Util.Logger.warn(`${this.uniqueId}, Impossible to get basic properties: ${e}`); this.checkAlive(); } } } this.emit('name-owner-changed'); } // public property getters get title() { return this._proxy.Title; } get id() { return this._proxy.Id; } get uniqueId() { return this._uniqueId; } get status() { return this._proxy.Status; } get label() { return this._proxy.XAyatanaLabel || null; } get accessibleName() { const accessibleDesc = this.status === SNIStatus.NEEDS_ATTENTION ? this._proxy.AccessibleDesc : this._proxy.IconAccessibleDesc; return accessibleDesc || this.title; } get menuPath() { if (this._proxy.Menu === '/NO_DBUSMENU') return null; return this._proxy.Menu; } get attentionIcon() { return { theme: this._proxy.IconThemePath, name: this._proxy.AttentionIconName, pixmap: this._getPixmapProperty(SNIconType.ATTENTION), }; } get icon() { return { theme: this._proxy.IconThemePath, name: this._proxy.IconName, pixmap: this._getPixmapProperty(SNIconType.NORMAL), }; } get overlayIcon() { return { theme: this._proxy.IconThemePath, name: this._proxy.OverlayIconName, pixmap: this._getPixmapProperty(SNIconType.OVERLAY), }; } get hasOverlayIcon() { const {name, pixmap} = this.overlayIcon; return name || (pixmap && pixmap.n_children()); } get hasNameOwner() { if (this._nameWatcher && !this._nameWatcher.nameOnBus) return false; return !!this._proxy.g_name_owner; } get cancellable() { return this._cancellable; } async checkAlive() { // Some applications (hey electron!) just remove the indicator object // from bus after hiding it, without closing its bus name, so we are // not able to understand whe they're gone. // Thus we just kill it when an expected well-known method is failing. if (this.status !== SNIStatus.PASSIVE && this._checkIfReady()) { if (this._checkAliveTimeout) { this._checkAliveTimeout.cancel(); delete this._checkAliveTimeout; } return; } if (this._checkAliveTimeout) return; try { const cancellable = this._cancellable; this._checkAliveTimeout = new PromiseUtils.TimeoutSecondsPromise(10, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, cancellable); Util.Logger.debug(`${this.uniqueId}: may not respond, checking...`); await this._checkAliveTimeout; // We should call the Ping method instead but in some containers // such as snaps that's not accessible, so let's just use our own await this._proxy.getProperty('Status', cancellable); } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER) || e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.SERVICE_UNKNOWN) || e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_OBJECT) || e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_INTERFACE) || e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD) || e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY)) { Util.Logger.warn(`${this.uniqueId}: not on bus anymore, removing it`); this.destroy(); return; } if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); } finally { delete this._checkAliveTimeout; } } _onPropertiesChanged(_proxy, changed, _invalidated) { const props = Object.keys(changed.unpack()); const signalsToEmit = new Set(); const checkIfReadyChanged = () => { if (checkIfReadyChanged.value === undefined) checkIfReadyChanged.value = this._checkIfReady(); return checkIfReadyChanged.value; }; props.forEach(property => { // some property changes require updates on our part, // a few need to be passed down to the displaying code if (property === 'Id') checkIfReadyChanged(); // all these can mean that the icon has to be changed if (property.startsWith('Icon') || property.startsWith('AttentionIcon')) signalsToEmit.add('icon'); // same for overlays if (property.startsWith('OverlayIcon')) signalsToEmit.add('overlay-icon'); // this may make all of our icons invalid if (property === 'IconThemePath') { signalsToEmit.add('icon'); signalsToEmit.add('overlay-icon'); } // the label will be handled elsewhere if (property === 'XAyatanaLabel') signalsToEmit.add('label'); if (property === 'Menu') { if (!checkIfReadyChanged() && this.isReady) signalsToEmit.add('menu'); } if (property === 'IconAccessibleDesc' || property === 'AttentionAccessibleDesc' || property === 'Title') signalsToEmit.add('accessible-name'); // status updates may cause the indicator to be hidden if (property === 'Status') { signalsToEmit.add('icon'); signalsToEmit.add('overlay-icon'); signalsToEmit.add('status'); signalsToEmit.add('accessible-name'); } }); signalsToEmit.forEach(s => this.emit(s)); } reset() { this.emit('reset'); } destroy() { this.emit('destroy'); this.disconnectAll(); this._proxy.destroy(); this._cancellable.cancel(); this._invalidatedPixmapsIcons.clear(); if (this._nameWatcher) this._nameWatcher.destroy(); delete this._cancellable; delete this._proxy; delete this._nameWatcher; } _getPixmapProperty(iconType) { const propertyName = SNIconType.toPropertyName(iconType, {isPixbuf: true}); const pixmap = this._proxy.get_cached_property(propertyName); const wasInvalidated = this._invalidatedPixmapsIcons.delete(iconType); if (!pixmap && wasInvalidated) { this._proxy.refreshProperty(propertyName, { skipEqualityCheck: true, }).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); }); } return pixmap; } invalidatePixmapProperty(iconType) { this._invalidatedPixmapsIcons.add(iconType); this._proxy.set_cached_property( SNIconType.toPropertyName(iconType, {isPixbuf: true}), null); } _getActivationToken(timestamp) { const launchContext = global.create_app_launch_context(timestamp, -1); const fakeAppInfo = Gio.AppInfo.create_from_commandline( this._commandLine || 'true', this.id, Gio.AppInfoCreateFlags.SUPPORTS_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION); return [launchContext, launchContext.get_startup_notify_id(fakeAppInfo, [])]; } async provideActivationToken(timestamp) { if (this._hasProvideXdgActivationToken === false) return; const [launchContext, activationToken] = this._getActivationToken(timestamp); try { await this._proxy.ProvideXdgActivationTokenAsync(activationToken, this._cancellable); this._hasProvideXdgActivationToken = true; } catch (e) { launchContext.launch_failed(activationToken); if (e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD)) this._hasProvideXdgActivationToken = false; else Util.Logger.warn(`${this.id}, failed to provide activation token: ${e.message}`); } } async open(x, y, timestamp) { const cancellable = this._cancellable; // we can't use WindowID because we're not able to get the x11 window id from a MetaWindow // nor can we call any X11 functions. Luckily, the Activate method usually works fine. // parameters are "an hint to the item where to show eventual windows" [sic] // ... and don't seem to have any effect. try { await this.provideActivationToken(timestamp); await this._proxy.ActivateAsync(x, y, cancellable); this.supportsActivation = true; } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD)) { this.supportsActivation = false; Util.Logger.warn(`${this.id}, does not support activation: ${e.message}`); return; } if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) Util.Logger.critical(`${this.id}, failed to activate: ${e.message}`); } } async secondaryActivate(timestamp, x, y) { const cancellable = this._cancellable; try { await this.provideActivationToken(timestamp); if (this._hasAyatanaSecondaryActivate !== false) { try { await this._proxy.XAyatanaSecondaryActivateAsync(timestamp, cancellable); this._hasAyatanaSecondaryActivate = true; } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD)) this._hasAyatanaSecondaryActivate = false; else throw e; } } if (!this._hasAyatanaSecondaryActivate) await this._proxy.SecondaryActivateAsync(x, y, cancellable); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) Util.Logger.critical(`${this.id}, failed to secondary activate: ${e.message}`); } } async scroll(dx, dy) { const cancellable = this._cancellable; try { const actions = []; if (dx !== 0) { actions.push(this._proxy.ScrollAsync(Math.floor(dx), 'horizontal', cancellable)); } if (dy !== 0) { actions.push(this._proxy.ScrollAsync(Math.floor(dy), 'vertical', cancellable)); } await Promise.all(actions); } catch (e) { Util.Logger.critical(`${this.id}, failed to scroll: ${e.message}`); } } } const StTextureCacheSkippingFileIcon = GObject.registerClass({ Implements: [Gio.Icon], }, class StTextureCacheSkippingFileIconImpl extends Gio.EmblemedIcon { _init(params) { // FIXME: We can't just inherit from Gio.FileIcon for some reason super._init({gicon: new Gio.FileIcon(params)}); } vfunc_to_tokens() { // Disables the to_tokens() vfunc so that the icon to_string() // method won't work and thus can't be kept forever around by // StTextureCache, see the awesome debugging session in this thread: // https://twitter.com/mild_sunrise/status/1458739604098621443 // upstream bug is at: // https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/4944 return [false, [], 0]; } }); export const IconActor = GObject.registerClass( class AppIndicatorsIconActor extends St.Icon { static get DEFAULT_STYLE() { return 'padding: 0'; } static get USER_WRITABLE_PATHS() { if (!this._userWritablePaths) { this._userWritablePaths = [ GLib.get_user_cache_dir(), GLib.get_user_data_dir(), GLib.get_user_config_dir(), GLib.get_user_runtime_dir(), GLib.get_home_dir(), GLib.get_tmp_dir(), ]; this._userWritablePaths.push(Object.values(GLib.UserDirectory).slice( 0, -1).map(dirId => GLib.get_user_special_dir(dirId))); } return this._userWritablePaths; } _init(indicator, iconSize) { super._init({ reactive: true, style_class: 'system-status-icon', fallbackIconName: FALLBACK_ICON_NAME, }); this.name = this.constructor.name; this.add_style_class_name('appindicator-icon'); this.add_style_class_name('status-notifier-icon'); this.set_style(AppIndicatorsIconActor.DEFAULT_STYLE); const themeContext = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); this.height = iconSize * themeContext.scale_factor; this._indicator = indicator; this._customIcons = new Map(); this._iconSize = iconSize; this._iconCache = new IconCache.IconCache(); this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._loadingIcons = Object.create(null); Object.values(SNIconType).forEach(t => (this._loadingIcons[t] = new Map())); Util.connectSmart(this._indicator, 'icon', this, () => { if (this.is_mapped()) this._updateIcon(); }); Util.connectSmart(this._indicator, 'overlay-icon', this, () => { if (this.is_mapped()) this._updateIcon(); }); Util.connectSmart(this._indicator, 'reset', this, () => this._invalidateIconWhenFullyReady()); const settings = SettingsManager.getDefaultGSettings(); Util.connectSmart(settings, 'changed::icon-size', this, () => this._updateWhenFullyReady()); Util.connectSmart(settings, 'changed::custom-icons', this, () => { this._updateCustomIcons(); this._invalidateIconWhenFullyReady(); }); if (GObject.signal_lookup('resource-scale-changed', this)) this.connect('resource-scale-changed', () => this._invalidateIcon()); else this.connect('notify::resource-scale', () => this._invalidateIcon()); Util.connectSmart(themeContext, 'notify::scale-factor', this, tc => { this._updateIconSize(); this.height = this._iconSize * tc.scale_factor; this.width = -1; this._invalidateIcon(); }); Util.connectSmart(Util.getDefaultTheme(), 'changed', this, () => this._invalidateIconWhenFullyReady()); this.connect('notify::mapped', () => { if (!this.is_mapped()) this._updateWhenFullyReady(); }); this._updateWhenFullyReady(); this.connect('destroy', () => { this._iconCache.destroy(); this._cancellable.cancel(); this._cancellable = null; this._indicator = null; this._loadingIcons = null; this._iconTheme = null; }); } get debugId() { return this._indicator ? this._indicator.id : this.toString(); } async _waitForFullyReady() { const waitConditions = []; if (!this.is_mapped()) { waitConditions.push(new PromiseUtils.SignalConnectionPromise( this, 'notify::mapped', this._cancellable)); } if (!this._indicator.isReady) { waitConditions.push(new PromiseUtils.SignalConnectionPromise( this._indicator, 'ready', this._cancellable)); } if (!waitConditions.length) return true; await Promise.all(waitConditions); return this._waitForFullyReady(); } async _updateWhenFullyReady() { if (this._waitingReady) return; try { this._waitingReady = true; await this._waitForFullyReady(); this._updateIconSize(); this._updateIconClass(); this._updateCustomIcons(); this._invalidateIcon(); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); } finally { delete this._waitingReady; } } _updateIconClass() { if (!this._indicator) return; this.add_style_class_name( `appindicator-icon-${this._indicator.id.toLowerCase().replace(/_|\s/g, '-')}`); } _cancelLoadingByType(iconType) { this._loadingIcons[iconType].forEach(c => c.cancel()); this._loadingIcons[iconType].clear(); } _ensureNoIconIsLoading(iconType, id) { if (this._loadingIcons[iconType].has(id)) { Util.Logger.debug(`${this.debugId}, Icon ${id} Is still loading, ignoring the request`); throw new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.PENDING, 'Already in progress'); } else if (this._loadingIcons[iconType].size > 0) { throw new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.EXISTS, 'Another icon is already loading'); } } _getIconLoadingCancellable(iconType, loadingId) { try { this._ensureNoIconIsLoading(iconType, loadingId); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.EXISTS)) throw e; this._cancelLoadingByType(iconType); } const cancellable = new Util.CancellableChild(this._cancellable); this._loadingIcons[iconType].set(loadingId, cancellable); return cancellable; } _cleanupIconLoadingCancellable(iconType, loadingId) { if (this._loadingIcons) this._loadingIcons[iconType].delete(loadingId); } _getResourceScale() { // Remove this when we remove support for versions earlier than 3.38 const resourceScale = this.get_resource_scale(); if (Array.isArray(resourceScale)) return resourceScale[0] ? resourceScale[1] : 1.0; return resourceScale; } // Will look the icon up in the cache, if it's found // it will return it. Otherwise, it will create it and cache it. async _cacheOrCreateIconByName(iconType, iconSize, iconScaling, iconName, themePath) { const id = `${iconType}:${iconName}@${iconSize * iconScaling}:${themePath || ''}`; let gicon = this._iconCache.get(id); if (gicon) return gicon; const iconData = this._getIconData(iconName, themePath, iconSize, iconScaling); const loadingId = iconData.file ? iconData.file.get_path() : id; const cancellable = await this._getIconLoadingCancellable(iconType, id); try { gicon = await this._createIconByIconData(iconData, iconSize, iconScaling, cancellable); } finally { this._cleanupIconLoadingCancellable(iconType, loadingId); } if (gicon) gicon = this._iconCache.add(id, gicon); return gicon; } _getIconLookupFlags(themeNode) { let lookupFlags = 0; if (!themeNode) return lookupFlags; const lookupFlagsEnum = St.IconLookupFlags; const iconStyle = themeNode.get_icon_style(); if (iconStyle === St.IconStyle.REGULAR) lookupFlags |= lookupFlagsEnum.FORCE_REGULAR; else if (iconStyle === St.IconStyle.SYMBOLIC) lookupFlags |= lookupFlagsEnum.FORCE_SYMBOLIC; if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) lookupFlags |= lookupFlagsEnum.DIR_RTL; else lookupFlags |= lookupFlagsEnum.DIR_LTR; return lookupFlags; } async _createIconByIconData(iconData, iconSize, iconScaling, cancellable) { const {file, name} = iconData; if (!file && !name) { if (this._createIconIdle) { throw new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.PENDING, 'Already in progress'); } try { this._createIconIdle = new PromiseUtils.IdlePromise(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, cancellable); await this._createIconIdle; } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); throw e; } finally { delete this._createIconIdle; } return this.gicon; } else if (this._createIconIdle) { this._createIconIdle.cancel(); delete this._createIconIdle; } if (name) return new Gio.ThemedIcon({name}); if (!file) throw new Error('Neither file or name are set'); if (!this._isFileInWritableArea(file)) return new Gio.FileIcon({file}); try { const [format, width, height] = await GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.get_file_info_async( file.get_path(), cancellable); if (!format) { Util.Logger.critical(`${this.debugId}, Invalid image format: ${file.get_path()}`); return null; } if (width >= height * 1.5) { /* Hello indicator-multiload! */ await this._loadCustomImage(file, width, height, iconSize, iconScaling, cancellable); return null; } else { /* We'll wrap the icon so that it won't be cached forever by the shell */ return new StTextureCacheSkippingFileIcon({file}); } } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { Util.Logger.warn( `${this.debugId}, Impossible to read image info from ` + `path '${file ? file.get_path() : null}' or name '${name}': ${e}`); } throw e; } } async _loadCustomImage(file, width, height, iconSize, iconScaling, cancellable) { const textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default(); const customImage = textureCache.load_file_async(file, -1, height, 1, iconScaling); const setCustomImageActor = imageActor => { const {scaleFactor} = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const {content} = imageActor; imageActor.content = null; imageActor.destroy(); this._setImageContent(content, width * scaleFactor, height * scaleFactor); }; if (customImage.content) { setCustomImageActor(customImage); return; } const imageContentPromise = new PromiseUtils.SignalConnectionPromise( customImage, 'notify::content', cancellable); const waitPromise = new PromiseUtils.TimeoutSecondsPromise( 1, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable); const racingPromises = [imageContentPromise, waitPromise]; try { await Promise.race(racingPromises); if (!waitPromise.resolved()) setCustomImageActor(customImage); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) throw e; } finally { racingPromises.forEach(p => p.cancel()); } } _isFileInWritableArea(file) { // No need to use IO here, we can just do some assumptions // print('Writable paths', IconActor.USER_WRITABLE_PATHS) const path = file.get_path(); return IconActor.USER_WRITABLE_PATHS.some(writablePath => path.startsWith(writablePath)); } _createIconTheme(searchPath = []) { const iconTheme = new St.IconTheme(); iconTheme.set_search_path(searchPath); return iconTheme; } _getIconData(name, themePath, size, scale) { const emptyIconData = {iconInfo: null, file: null, name: null}; if (!name) { delete this._iconTheme; return emptyIconData; } // HACK: icon is a path name. This is not specified by the API, // but at least indicator-sensors uses it. if (name[0] === '/') { delete this._iconTheme; const file = Gio.File.new_for_path(name); return {file, iconInfo: null, name: null}; } if (name.includes('.')) { const splits = name.split('.'); if (['svg', 'png'].includes(splits[splits.length - 1])) name = splits.slice(0, -1).join(''); } if (themePath && Util.getDefaultTheme().get_search_path().includes(themePath)) themePath = null; if (themePath) { // If a theme path is provided, we need to lookup the icon ourself // as St won't be able to do it unless we mess with default theme // that is something we prefer not to do, as it would imply lots of // St.TextureCache cleanups. const newSearchPath = [themePath]; if (!this._iconTheme) { this._iconTheme = this._createIconTheme(newSearchPath); } else { const currentSearchPath = this._iconTheme.get_search_path(); if (!currentSearchPath.includes(newSearchPath)) this._iconTheme.set_search_path(newSearchPath); } // try to look up the icon in the icon theme const iconInfo = this._iconTheme.lookup_icon_for_scale(`${name}`, size, scale, this._getIconLookupFlags(this.get_theme_node()) | St.IconLookupFlags.GENERIC_FALLBACK); if (iconInfo) { return { iconInfo, file: Gio.File.new_for_path(iconInfo.get_filename()), name: null, }; } const logger = this.gicon ? Util.Logger.debug : Util.Logger.warn; logger(`${this.debugId}, Impossible to lookup icon ` + `for '${name}' in ${themePath}`); return emptyIconData; } delete this._iconTheme; return {name, iconInfo: null, file: null}; } _setImageContent(content, width, height) { this.set({ content, width, height, contentGravity: Clutter.ContentGravity.RESIZE_ASPECT, fallbackIconName: null, }); } async _createIconFromPixmap(iconType, iconSize, iconScaling, scaleFactor, pixmapsVariant) { const {pixmapVariant, width, height, rowStride} = PixmapsUtils.getBestPixmap(pixmapsVariant, iconSize * iconScaling); const id = `__PIXMAP_ICON_${width}x${height}`; const imageContent = new St.ImageContent({ preferredWidth: width, preferredHeight: height, }); imageContent.set_bytes(pixmapVariant.get_data_as_bytes(), PIXMAPS_FORMAT, width, height, rowStride); if (iconType !== SNIconType.OVERLAY && !this._indicator.hasOverlayIcon) { const scaledSize = iconSize * scaleFactor; this._setImageContent(imageContent, scaledSize, scaledSize); return null; } const cancellable = this._getIconLoadingCancellable(iconType, id); try { // FIXME: async API results in a gray icon for some reason const [inputStream] = imageContent.load(iconSize, cancellable); return await GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_at_scale_async( inputStream, -1, iconSize * iconScaling, true, cancellable); } catch (e) { // the image data was probably bogus. We don't really know why, but it _does_ happen. if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) Util.Logger.warn(`${this.debugId}, Impossible to create image from data: ${e}`); throw e; } finally { this._cleanupIconLoadingCancellable(iconType, id); } } // The icon cache Active flag will be set to true if the used gicon matches // the cached one (as in some cases it may be equal, but not the same object). // So when it's not need anymore we make sure to check the active state // and set it to false so that it can be picked up by the garbage collector. _setGicon(iconType, gicon) { if (iconType !== SNIconType.OVERLAY) { if (gicon) { if (this.gicon === gicon || (this.gicon && this.gicon.get_icon() === gicon)) return; if (gicon instanceof Gio.EmblemedIcon) this.gicon = gicon; else this.gicon = new Gio.EmblemedIcon({gicon}); this._iconCache.updateActive(SNIconType.NORMAL, gicon, this.gicon.get_icon() === gicon); } else { this.gicon = null; } } else if (gicon) { this._emblem = new Gio.Emblem({icon: gicon}); this._iconCache.updateActive(iconType, gicon, true); } else { this._emblem = null; } if (this.gicon) { if (!this.gicon.get_emblems().some(e => e.equal(this._emblem))) { this.gicon.clear_emblems(); if (this._emblem) this.gicon.add_emblem(this._emblem); } } } async _updateIconByType(iconType, iconSize) { let icon; switch (iconType) { case SNIconType.ATTENTION: icon = this._indicator.attentionIcon; break; case SNIconType.NORMAL: ({icon} = this._indicator); break; case SNIconType.OVERLAY: icon = this._indicator.overlayIcon; break; } const {theme, name, pixmap} = icon; const commonArgs = [theme, iconType, iconSize]; if (this._customIcons.size) { let customIcon = this._customIcons.get(iconType); if (!await this._createAndSetIcon(customIcon, null, ...commonArgs)) { if (iconType !== SNIconType.OVERLAY) { customIcon = this._customIcons.get(SNIconType.NORMAL); await this._createAndSetIcon(customIcon, null, ...commonArgs); } } } else { await this._createAndSetIcon(name, pixmap, ...commonArgs); } } async _createAndSetIcon(name, pixmap, theme, iconType, iconSize) { let gicon = null; try { gicon = await this._createIcon(name, pixmap, theme, iconType, iconSize); } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED) || e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.PENDING)) return null; if (iconType === SNIconType.OVERLAY) { logError(e, `${this.debugId} unable to update icon emblem`); } else { this.fallbackIconName = FALLBACK_ICON_NAME; logError(e, `${this.debugId} unable to update icon`); } } try { this._setGicon(iconType, gicon); if (pixmap && this.gicon) { // The pixmap has been saved, we can free the variants memory this._indicator.invalidatePixmapProperty(iconType); } return gicon; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'Setting GIcon failed'); return null; } } // updates the base icon async _createIcon(name, pixmap, theme, iconType, iconSize) { const {scaleFactor} = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const resourceScale = this._getResourceScale(); const iconScaling = Math.ceil(resourceScale * scaleFactor); // From now on we consider them the same thing, as one replaces the other if (iconType === SNIconType.ATTENTION) iconType = SNIconType.NORMAL; if (name) { const gicon = await this._cacheOrCreateIconByName( iconType, iconSize, iconScaling, name, theme); if (gicon) return gicon; } if (pixmap && pixmap.n_children()) { return this._createIconFromPixmap(iconType, iconSize, iconScaling, scaleFactor, pixmap); } return null; } // updates the base icon async _updateIcon() { if (this._indicator.status === SNIStatus.PASSIVE) return; if (this.gicon instanceof Gio.EmblemedIcon) { const {gicon} = this.gicon; this._iconCache.updateActive(SNIconType.NORMAL, gicon, false); } // we might need to use the AttentionIcon*, which have precedence over the normal icons const iconType = this._indicator.status === SNIStatus.NEEDS_ATTENTION ? SNIconType.ATTENTION : SNIconType.NORMAL; try { await this._updateIconByType(iconType, this._iconSize); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED) && !e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.PENDING)) logError(e, `${this.debugId}: Updating icon type ${iconType} failed`); } } async _updateOverlayIcon() { if (this._indicator.status === SNIStatus.PASSIVE) return; if (this._emblem) { const {icon} = this._emblem; this._iconCache.updateActive(SNIconType.OVERLAY, icon, false); } // KDE hardcodes the overlay icon size to 10px (normal icon size 16px) // we approximate that ratio for other sizes, too. // our algorithms will always pick a smaller one instead of stretching it. const iconSize = Math.floor(this._iconSize / 1.6); try { await this._updateIconByType(SNIconType.OVERLAY, iconSize); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED) && !e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.PENDING)) logError(e, `${this.debugId}: Updating overlay icon failed`); } } async _invalidateIconWhenFullyReady() { if (this._waitingInvalidation) return; try { this._waitingInvalidation = true; await this._waitForFullyReady(); this._invalidateIcon(); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); } finally { delete this._waitingInvalidation; } } // called when the icon theme changes _invalidateIcon() { this._iconCache.clear(); this._cancellable.cancel(); this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); Object.values(SNIconType).forEach(iconType => this._loadingIcons[iconType].clear()); this._updateIcon().catch(e => logError(e)); this._updateOverlayIcon().catch(e => logError(e)); } _updateIconSize() { const settings = SettingsManager.getDefaultGSettings(); const sizeValue = settings.get_int('icon-size'); if (sizeValue > 0) { if (!this._defaultIconSize) this._defaultIconSize = this._iconSize; this._iconSize = sizeValue; } else if (this._defaultIconSize) { this._iconSize = this._defaultIconSize; delete this._defaultIconSize; } const themeIconSize = Math.round( this.get_theme_node().get_length('icon-size')); let iconStyle = AppIndicatorsIconActor.DEFAULT_STYLE; if (themeIconSize > 0) { const {scaleFactor} = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); if (themeIconSize / scaleFactor !== this._iconSize) { iconStyle = `${AppIndicatorsIconActor.DEFAULT_STYLE};` + 'icon-size: 0'; } } this.set_style(iconStyle); this.set_icon_size(this._iconSize); } _updateCustomIcons() { const settings = SettingsManager.getDefaultGSettings(); this._customIcons.clear(); settings.get_value('custom-icons').deep_unpack().forEach(customIcons => { const [indicatorId, normalIcon, attentionIcon] = customIcons; if (this._indicator.id === indicatorId) { this._customIcons.set(SNIconType.NORMAL, normalIcon); this._customIcons.set(SNIconType.ATTENTION, attentionIcon); } }); } });