Direktori : /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ding@rastersoft.com/app/ |
Current File : //usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ding@rastersoft.com/app/fileItem.js |
/* DING: Desktop Icons New Generation for GNOME Shell * * Copyright (C) 2019 Sergio Costas (rastersoft@gmail.com) * Based on code original (C) Carlos Soriano * SwitcherooControl code based on code original from Marsch84 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ 'use strict'; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const DesktopIconsUtil = imports.desktopIconsUtil; const desktopIconItem = imports.desktopIconItem; const ShowErrorPopup = imports.showErrorPopup; const Prefs = imports.preferences; const Enums = imports.enums; const DBusUtils = imports.dbusUtils; const Signals = imports.signals; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('ding'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; var FileItem = class extends desktopIconItem.desktopIconItem { constructor(desktopManager, file, fileInfo, fileExtra, custom) { super(desktopManager, fileExtra); this._fileInfo = fileInfo; this._custom = custom; this._isSpecial = this._fileExtra != Enums.FileType.NONE; this._file = file; this.isStackTop = false; this.stackUnique = false; this._realizeId = 0; this._savedCoordinates = this._readCoordinatesFromAttribute(fileInfo, 'metadata::nautilus-icon-position'); this._dropCoordinates = this._readCoordinatesFromAttribute(fileInfo, 'metadata::nautilus-drop-position'); this._createIconActor(); this._setFileName(this._getVisibleName()); /* Set the metadata and update relevant UI */ this._updateMetadataFromFileInfo(fileInfo); let accessible = this._containerAccessibility.get_accessible(); switch (this._fileExtra) { default: if (this._isDirectory) { /** TRANSLATORS: when using a screen reader, this is the text read when a folder is selected. Example: if a folder named "things" is selected, it will say "Folder things" */ accessible.set_name(_("Folder ${VisibleName}").replace("${VisibleName}", this._getVisibleName())); } else { /** TRANSLATORS: when using a screen reader, this is the text read when a normal file is selected. Example: if a file named "my_picture.jpg" is selected, it will say "File my_picture.jpg" */ accessible.set_name(_("File ${VisibleName}").replace("${VisibleName}", this._getVisibleName())); } break; case Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_HOME: accessible.set_name(_("Home")); break; case Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_TRASH: /** TRANSLATORS: when using a screen reader, this is the text read when the trash folder is selected. */ accessible.set_name(_("Trash")); break; case Enums.FileType.EXTERNAL_DRIVE: /** TRANSLATORS: when using a screen reader, this is the text read when an external drive is selected. Example: if a USB stick named "my_portable" is selected, it will say "Drive my_portable" */ accessible.set_name(_("Drive ${VisibleName}").replace("${VisibleName}", this._getVisibleName())); break; case Enums.FileType.STACK_TOP: /** TRANSLATORS: when using a screen reader, this is the text read when a stack is selected. Example: if a stack named "pictures" is selected, it will say "Stack pictures" */ accessible.set_name(_("Stack ${VisibleName}").replace("${VisibleName}", this._getVisibleName())); break; } this._updateIcon().catch(e => { print(`Exception while updating an icon: ${e.message}\n${e.stack}`); }); if (this._attributeCanExecute && !this._isValidDesktopFile) { this._execLine = this.file.get_path(); } else { this._execLine = null; } if (fileExtra == Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_TRASH) { // if this icon is the trash, monitor the state of the directory to update the icon this._trashChanged = false; this._queryTrashInfoCancellable = null; this._scheduleTrashRefreshId = 0; this._monitorTrashDir = this._file.monitor_directory(Gio.FileMonitorFlags.WATCH_MOVES, null); this._monitorTrashId = this._monitorTrashDir.connect('changed', (obj, file, otherFile, eventType) => { switch (eventType) { case Gio.FileMonitorEvent.DELETED: case Gio.FileMonitorEvent.MOVED_OUT: case Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CREATED: case Gio.FileMonitorEvent.MOVED_IN: if (this._queryTrashInfoCancellable || this._scheduleTrashRefreshId) { if (this._scheduleTrashRefreshId) { GLib.source_remove(this._scheduleTrashRefreshId); } if (this._queryTrashInfoCancellable) { this._queryTrashInfoCancellable.cancel(); this._queryTrashInfoCancellable = null; } this._scheduleTrashRefreshId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 200, () => { this._refreshTrashIcon(); this._scheduleTrashRefreshId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } else { this._refreshTrashIcon(); // after a refresh, don't allow more refreshes until 200ms after, to coalesce extra events this._scheduleTrashRefreshId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 200, () => { this._scheduleTrashRefreshId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } break; } }); } else { this._monitorTrashId = 0; } this._updateName(); if (this._dropCoordinates) { this.setSelected(); } } setRenamePopup(renameWindow) { if (this._realizeId) { this.container.disconnect(this._realizeId); } this._realizeId = this.container.connect_after('realize', () => { renameWindow.updateFileItem(this); this.container.disconnect(this._realizeId); this._realizeId = 0; }); } /** ********************* * Destroyers * ***********************/ _destroy() { /* Trash */ if (this._monitorTrashId) { this._monitorTrashDir.disconnect(this._monitorTrashId); this._monitorTrashDir.cancel(); this._monitorTrashId = 0; } if (this._queryTrashInfoCancellable) { this._queryTrashInfoCancellable.cancel(); } if (this._scheduleTrashRefreshId) { GLib.source_remove(this._scheduleTrashRefreshId); this._scheduleTrashRefreshId = 0; } /* Metadata */ if (this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable) { this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable.cancel(); } if (this._realizeId && this.container) { this.container.disconnect(this._realizeId); this._realizeId = 0; } // call super() after disconnecting everything, because it destroys // the top widget, and that will destroy also all the other widgets. super._destroy(); } /** ********************* * Creators * ***********************/ _getVisibleName(useAttributes) { if (this._fileExtra == Enums.FileType.EXTERNAL_DRIVE) { return this._custom.get_name(); } else { return this._fileInfo.get_display_name(); } } _setFileName(text) { if (this._fileExtra == Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_HOME) { // TRANSLATORS: "Home" is the text that will be shown in the user's personal folder text = _('Home'); } this._setLabelName(text); } _readCoordinatesFromAttribute(fileInfo, attribute) { let savedCoordinates = fileInfo.get_attribute_as_string(attribute); if ((savedCoordinates != null) && (savedCoordinates != '')) { savedCoordinates = savedCoordinates.split(','); if (savedCoordinates.length >= 2) { if (!isNaN(savedCoordinates[0]) && !isNaN(savedCoordinates[1])) { return [Number(savedCoordinates[0]), Number(savedCoordinates[1])]; } } } return null; } _doLabelSizeAllocated() { super._doLabelSizeAllocated(); this._checkForRename(); } _checkForRename() { if (this._desktopManager.newFolderDoRename) { if (this._desktopManager.newFolderDoRename == this.fileName) { this._desktopManager.doRename(this, true); } } } _refreshMetadataAsync(rebuild) { if (this._destroyed) { return; } if (this._queryFileInfoCancellable) { this._queryFileInfoCancellable.cancel(); } this._queryFileInfoCancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._file.query_info_async(Enums.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._queryFileInfoCancellable, (source, result) => { try { this._queryFileInfoCancellable = null; let newFileInfo = source.query_info_finish(result); this._updateMetadataFromFileInfo(newFileInfo); newFileInfo = undefined; if (rebuild) { this._updateIcon().catch(e => { print(`Exception while updating the icon after a metadata update: ${e.message}\n${e.stack}`); }); } this._updateName(); } catch (error) { if (!error.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { print(`Error getting the file info: ${error}`); } } } ); } _updateMetadataFromFileInfo(fileInfo) { this._fileInfo = fileInfo; let oldLabelText = this._currentFileName; this._displayName = this._getVisibleName(); this._attributeCanExecute = fileInfo.get_attribute_boolean('access::can-execute'); this._unixmode = fileInfo.get_attribute_uint32('unix::mode'); this._writableByOthers = (this._unixmode & Enums.S_IWOTH) != 0; this._trusted = fileInfo.get_attribute_as_string('metadata::trusted') == 'true'; this._attributeContentType = fileInfo.get_content_type(); this._isDesktopFile = this._attributeContentType == 'application/x-desktop'; if (this._isDesktopFile && this._writableByOthers) { console.log(`desktop-icons: File ${this._displayName} is writable by others - will not allow launching`); } if (this._isDesktopFile) { try { this._desktopFile = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new_from_filename(this._file.get_path()); if (!this._desktopFile) { console.log(`Couldn’t parse ${this._displayName} as a desktop file, will treat it as a regular file.`); this._isValidDesktopFile = false; } else { this._isValidDesktopFile = true; } } catch (e) { let title = _("Error while reading Desktop file"); let error = `${this.uri}: ${e}`; this._logAndPopupError(title, error, `${title}: ${error}`); } } else { this._isValidDesktopFile = false; } if (this.displayName != oldLabelText) { this._setFileName(this.displayName); } this._fileType = fileInfo.get_file_type(); this._isDirectory = this._fileType == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY; this._isSpecial = this._fileExtra != Enums.FileType.NONE; this._isHidden = fileInfo.get_is_hidden() | fileInfo.get_is_backup(); this._isSymlink = fileInfo.get_is_symlink(); this._modifiedTime = fileInfo.get_attribute_uint64('time::modified'); /* * This is a glib trick to detect broken symlinks. If a file is a symlink, the filetype * points to the final file, unless it is broken; thus if the file type is SYMBOLIC_LINK, * it must be a broken link. * https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GFile.html#g-file-query-info */ this._isBrokenSymlink = this._isSymlink && this._fileType == Gio.FileType.SYMBOLIC_LINK; } _logAndPopupError(title, error, logError) { log(`Error: ${logError}`); this._showerrorpopup(title, error); } _doOpenContext(context, fileList) { if (!fileList) { fileList = []; } if (this._isBrokenSymlink) { let title = _('Broken Link'); let error = _('Can not open this File because it is a Broken Symlink'); let logError = `Error: Can’t open ${this.file.get_uri()} because it is a broken symlink.`; this._logAndPopupError(title, error, logError); return; } if (this._isDesktopFile) { this._launchDesktopFile(context, fileList); return; } if (this._isDirectory && this._desktopManager.useNemo) { try { DesktopIconsUtil.trySpawn(GLib.get_home_dir(), ['nemo', this.file.get_uri()], DesktopIconsUtil.getFilteredEnviron()); return; } catch (err) { console.log(`Couldn't launch Nemo: ${err.message}\n${err}`); } } if (!DBusUtils.GnomeArchiveManager.isAvailable && this._fileType === Gio.FileType.REGULAR && this._desktopManager.autoAr.fileIsCompressed(this.fileName)) { this._desktopManager.autoAr.extractFile(this.fileName); return; } Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri_async(this.file.get_uri(), null, null, (source, result) => { try { Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri_finish(result); } catch (e) { let title = _("Can't open the file"); let error = `${e.message}`; let logError = `while opening file ${this.file.get_uri()}: ${e.message}`; this._logAndPopupError(title, error, logError); } } ); } _showerrorpopup(title, error) { new ShowErrorPopup.ShowErrorPopup( title, error, true ); } _launchDesktopFile(context, fileList) { if (this.trustedDesktopFile) { this._desktopFile.launch_uris_as_manager(fileList, context, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, null); return; } let error; if (!this._isValidDesktopFile) { let title = _('Broken Desktop File'); let error = _('This .desktop file has errors or points to a program without permissions. It can not be executed.\n\n\t<b>Edit the file to set the correct executable Program.</b>'); this._showerrorpopup(title, error); return; } if (this._writableByOthers || !this._attributeCanExecute) { let title = _('Invalid Permissions on Desktop File'); let error = _('This .desktop File has incorrect Permissions. Right Click to edit Properties, then:\n'); if (this._writableByOthers) { error += _('\n<b>Set Permissions, in "Others Access", "Read Only" or "None"</b>'); } if (!this._attributeCanExecute) { error += _('\n<b>Enable option, "Allow Executing File as a Program"</b>'); } this._showerrorpopup(title, error); return; } if (!this.trustedDesktopFile) { let title = 'Untrusted Desktop File'; let error = _('This .desktop file is not trusted, it can not be launched. To enable launching, right-click, then:\n\n<b>Enable "Allow Launching"</b>'); this._showerrorpopup(title, error); } } _updateName() { if (this._isValidDesktopFile && !this._desktopManager.writableByOthers && !this._writableByOthers && this.trustedDesktopFile) { this._setFileName(this._desktopFile.get_locale_string('Name')); } else { this._setFileName(this._getVisibleName()); } } /** ********************* * Button Clicks * ***********************/ _doButtonOnePressed(event, shiftPressed, controlPressed) { super._doButtonOnePressed(event, shiftPressed, controlPressed); if (this.getClickCount() == 2 && !Prefs.CLICK_POLICY_SINGLE) { this.doOpen(); } } _doButtonOneReleased(event) { // primaryButtonPressed is TRUE only if the user has pressed the button // over an icon, and if (s)he has not started a drag&drop operation if (this._primaryButtonPressed) { this._primaryButtonPressed = false; let shiftPressed = !!(event.get_state()[1] & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK); let controlPressed = !!(event.get_state()[1] & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK); if (!shiftPressed && !controlPressed) { this._desktopManager.selected(this, Enums.Selection.RELEASE); if (Prefs.CLICK_POLICY_SINGLE) { this.doOpen(); } } } } /** ********************* * Drag and Drop * ***********************/ _setDropDestination(dropDestination) { dropDestination.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION | Gtk.DestDefaults.DROP, null, Gdk.DragAction.MOVE | Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.DEFAULT); if ((this._fileExtra == Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_TRASH) || (this._fileExtra == Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_HOME) || (this._fileExtra != Enums.FileType.EXTERNAL_DRIVE) || this._isDirectory) { let targets = new Gtk.TargetList(null); targets.add(Gdk.atom_intern('x-special/gnome-icon-list', false), 0, 1); targets.add(Gdk.atom_intern('text/uri-list', false), 0, 2); dropDestination.drag_dest_set_target_list(targets); targets = undefined; this._connectSignal(dropDestination, 'drag-data-received', (widget, context, x, y, selection, info, time) => { const forceCopy = context.get_selected_action() === Gdk.DragAction.COPY; if (info === Enums.DndTargetInfo.GNOME_ICON_LIST || info === Enums.DndTargetInfo.URI_LIST) { let fileList = DesktopIconsUtil.getFilesFromNautilusDnD(selection, info); if (fileList.length != 0) { if (this._hasToRouteDragToGrid()) { this._grid.receiveDrop(context, this._x1 + x, this._y1 + y, selection, info, true, forceCopy); return; } if (this._desktopManager.dragItem && ((this._desktopManager.dragItem.uri == this._file.get_uri()) || !(this._isValidDesktopFile || this.isDirectory))) { // Dragging a file/folder over itself or over another file will do nothing, allow drag to directory or validdesktop file Gtk.drag_finish(context, false, false, time); return; } if (this._isValidDesktopFile) { // open the desktopfile with these dropped files as the arguments this.doOpen(fileList); Gtk.drag_finish(context, true, false, time); return; } if (this._fileExtra != Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_TRASH) { let data = Gio.File.new_for_uri(fileList[0]).query_info('id::filesystem', Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null); let idFS = data.get_attribute_string('id::filesystem'); if ((this._desktopManager.desktopFsId == idFS) && !forceCopy) { DBusUtils.RemoteFileOperations.MoveURIsRemote(fileList, this._file.get_uri()); Gtk.drag_finish(context, true, true, time); } else { DBusUtils.RemoteFileOperations.CopyURIsRemote(fileList, this._file.get_uri()); Gtk.drag_finish(context, true, false, time); } } else { DBusUtils.RemoteFileOperations.TrashURIsRemote(fileList); Gtk.drag_finish(context, true, true, time); } } } else { Gtk.drag_finish(context, false, false, time); } }); } } _hasToRouteDragToGrid() { return this._isSelected && (this._desktopManager.dragItem !== null) && (this._desktopManager.dragItem.uri !== this._file.get_uri()); } /** ********************* * Icon Rendering * ***********************/ _refreshTrashIcon() { if (this._queryTrashInfoCancellable) { this._queryTrashInfoCancellable.cancel(); this._queryTrashInfoCancellable = null; } if (!this._file.query_exists(null)) { return false; } this._queryTrashInfoCancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._file.query_info_async(Enums.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._queryTrashInfoCancellable, (source, result) => { try { this._queryTrashInfoCancellable = null; this._fileInfo = source.query_info_finish(result); this._updateIcon().catch(e => { print(`Exception while updating the trash icon: ${e.message}\n${e.stack}`); }); } catch (error) { if (!error.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { print(`Error getting the number of files in the trash: ${error.message}\n${error.stack}`); } } }); return false; } /** ********************* * Class Methods * ***********************/ onAttributeChanged() { if (this._destroyed) { return; } if (this._isDesktopFile) { this._refreshMetadataAsync(true); } } updatedMetadata() { this._refreshMetadataAsync(true); } onFileRenamed(file) { this._file = file; this._refreshMetadataAsync(false); } eject() { if (this._custom) { this._custom.eject_with_operation(Gio.MountUnmountFlags.NONE, null, null, (obj, res) => { obj.eject_with_operation_finish(res); }); } } unmount() { if (this._custom) { this._custom.unmount_with_operation(Gio.MountUnmountFlags.NONE, null, null, (obj, res) => { obj.unmount_with_operation_finish(res); }); } } doOpen(fileList) { if (!fileList) { fileList = []; } this._doOpenContext(null, fileList); } onAllowDisallowLaunchingClicked() { this.metadataTrusted = !this.trustedDesktopFile; /* * we're marking as trusted, make the file executable too. Note that we * do not ever remove the executable bit, since we don't know who set * it. */ if (this.metadataTrusted && !this._attributeCanExecute) { let info = new Gio.FileInfo(); let newUnixMode = this._unixmode | Enums.S_IXUSR; info.set_attribute_uint32(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE, newUnixMode); this._file.set_attributes_async(info, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, null, (source, result) => { try { source.set_attributes_finish(result); } catch (error) { let title = _('Failed to set execution flag'); let err = error.message; let logError = `${title}: ${err}`; this._logAndPopupError(title, err, logError); } }); } this._updateName(); } doDiscreteGpu() { if (!DBusUtils.discreteGpuAvailable) { let title = _('Could not apply discrete GPU environment'); let error = 'switcheroo-control not available'; this._logAndPopupError(title, error, `${title}: ${error}`); return; } let gpus = DBusUtils.SwitcherooControl.proxy.GPUs; if (!gpus) { let title = _('Could not apply discrete GPU environment'); let error = 'No GPUs in list.'; this._logAndPopupError(title, error, `${title}: ${error}`); return; } for (let gpu in gpus) { if (!gpus[gpu]) { continue; } let default_variant = gpus[gpu]['Default']; if (!default_variant || default_variant.get_boolean()) { continue; } let env = gpus[gpu]['Environment']; if (!env) { continue; } let envS = env.get_strv(); let context = new Gio.AppLaunchContext(); for (let i = 0; i < envS.length; i += 2) { context.setenv(envS[i], envS[i + 1]); } this._doOpenContext(context, null); return; } let title = _('Could not find discrete GPU data'); let error = 'Could not find discrete GPU data in switcheroo-control'; this._logAndPopupError(title, error, error); } _onOpenTerminalClicked() { DesktopIconsUtil.launchTerminal(this.file.get_path(), null); } /** ********************* * Getters and setters * ***********************/ get attributeContentType() { return this._attributeContentType; } get attributeCanExecute() { return this._attributeCanExecute; } get canEject() { if (this._custom) { return this._custom.can_eject(); } else { return false; } } get canRename() { return !this.trustedDesktopFile && (this._fileExtra == Enums.FileType.NONE); } get canUnmount() { if (this._custom) { return this._custom.can_unmount(); } else { return false; } } get displayName() { if (this.trustedDesktopFile) { return this._desktopFile.get_name(); } return this._displayName || null; } get dropCoordinates() { return this._dropCoordinates; } set dropCoordinates(pos) { try { let info = new Gio.FileInfo(); if (pos != null) { this._dropCoordinates = [pos[0], pos[1]]; info.set_attribute_string('metadata::nautilus-drop-position', `${pos[0]},${pos[1]}`); } else { this._dropCoordinates = null; info.set_attribute_string('metadata::nautilus-drop-position', ''); } this.file.set_attributes_from_info(info, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null); } catch (e) { print(`Failed to store the desktop coordinates for ${this.uri}: ${e}`); } } get execLine() { return this._execLine; } get file() { return this._file; } get fileName() { return this._fileInfo.get_name(); } get fileSize() { return this._fileInfo.get_size(); } get isAllSelectable() { return this._fileExtra == Enums.FileType.NONE; } get isDirectory() { return this._isDirectory; } get isHidden() { return this._isHidden; } get isTrash() { return this._fileExtra === Enums.FileType.USER_DIRECTORY_TRASH; } get metadataTrusted() { return this._trusted; } set metadataTrusted(value) { this._trusted = value; if (this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable) { this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable.cancel(); } this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); let info = new Gio.FileInfo(); info.set_attribute_string('metadata::trusted', value ? 'true' : 'false'); this._file.set_attributes_async(info, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable, (source, result) => { try { this._setMetadataTrustedCancellable = null; source.set_attributes_finish(result); this._refreshMetadataAsync(true); } catch (error) { if (!error.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { let title = _('Failed to set metadata::trusted flag'); let err = error.message; let logError = `${title}: ${err}`; this._logAndPopupError(title, err, logError); } } }); } get modifiedTime() { return this._modifiedTime; } get path() { return this._file.get_path(); } get savedCoordinates() { return this._savedCoordinates; } set savedCoordinates(pos) { try { let info = new Gio.FileInfo(); if (pos != null) { this._savedCoordinates = [pos[0], pos[1]]; info.set_attribute_string('metadata::nautilus-icon-position', `${pos[0]},${pos[1]}`); } else { this._savedCoordinates = null; info.set_attribute_string('metadata::nautilus-icon-position', ''); } this.file.set_attributes_from_info(info, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null); } catch (e) { print(`Failed to store the desktop coordinates for ${this.uri}: ${e}`); } } get trustedDesktopFile() { return this._isValidDesktopFile && this._attributeCanExecute && this.metadataTrusted && !this._desktopManager.writableByOthers && !this._writableByOthers; } get uri() { return this._file.get_uri(); } get isValidDesktopFile() { return this._isValidDesktopFile; } get writableByOthers() { return this._writableByOthers; } get isStackMarker() { if (this.isStackTop && !this.stackUnique) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(FileItem.prototype);