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Current File : //usr/share/doc/python3-reportlab/tests/test_pdfbase_fontembed.py

from reportlab.lib.testutils import setOutDir,makeSuiteForClasses, outputfile, printLocation
import os
import unittest
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from tests.test_pdfbase_pdfmetrics import makeWidthTestForAllGlyphs

class EmbeddingTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    "Make documents with embedded fonts"

    def test0(self):
        """Make documents with embedded fonts.

        Just vam Rossum has kindly donated a font which we may use
        for testing purposes.  You need to contact him at just@letterror.com
        if you want to use it for real."""

        #LettError fonts should always be there.  The others are voluntary.

        ok = 1

        c = Canvas(outputfile('test_pdfbase_fontembed.pdf'))
        c.setFont('Helvetica', 12)
        c.drawString(100, 700, 'This is Helvetica.  The text below should be different fonts...')

        if os.path.isfile('GDB_____.AFM') and os.path.isfile('GDB_____.PFB'):
            # a normal text font
            garaFace = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face('GDB_____.AFM','GDB_____.PFB')
            faceName = 'AGaramond-Bold'  # pulled from AFM file

            garaFont = pdfmetrics.Font('MyGaramondBold', faceName, 'WinAnsiEncoding')

            c.setFont('AGaramond-Bold', 12)
            c.drawString(100, 650, 'This should be in AGaramond-Bold')

        if os.path.isfile('CR______.AFM') and os.path.isfile('CR______.PFB'):

            # one with a custom encoding
            cartaFace = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face('CR______.AFM','CR______.PFB')
            faceName = 'Carta'  # pulled from AFM file

            cartaFont = pdfmetrics.Font('Carta', 'Carta', 'CartaEncoding')

            text = 'This should be in Carta, a map symbol font:'
            c.setFont('Helvetica', 12)
            c.drawString(100, 600, text)
            w = c.stringWidth(text, 'Helvetica', 12)

            c.setFont('Carta', 12)
            c.drawString(100+w, 600, ' Hello World')

        # LettError sample - creates on demand, we hope
        y = 550
##        dgmkFace = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face('DarkGardenMK.afm','DarkGardenMK.PFB')
##        faceName = 'DarkGardenMK'  # pulled from AFM file
##        pdfmetrics.registerTypeFace(dgmkFace)
##        dgmkFont = pdfmetrics.Font('DarkGardenMK', faceName, 'WinAnsiEncoding')
##        pdfmetrics.registerFont(dgmk)

        c.setFont('DarkGardenMK', 12)
        c.drawString(100, y, 'This should be in DarkGardenMK')

        def testNamedFont(canv, fontName):
            makeWidthTestForAllGlyphs(canv, fontName, outlining=0)

        testNamedFont(c, 'DarkGardenMK')

        #this tests FontSpecificEncoding
        afmFile = 'callig15.afm'
        pfbFile = 'callig15.pfb'
        face = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(afmFile, pfbFile)
        faceName = 'CALLIG15'
        font = pdfmetrics.Font(faceName, faceName, face.requiredEncoding,
                            substitutionFonts = pdfmetrics.standardT1SubstitutionFonts)

        c.setFont('CALLIG15', 20)
        c.drawString(10, y, 'This should be in CALLIG15')
        c.drawString(10, y-24, b'This should be drawn in')
        c.drawString(10, y-48, u'This should be drawn in')
        c.drawString(10, y-72, 'the font Callig15')

        testNamedFont(c, 'CALLIG15')


def makeSuite():
    return makeSuiteForClasses(EmbeddingTestCase)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0