Direktori : /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/ |
Current File : //usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.freedesktop.ColorHelper.xml |
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "https://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd"> <node name="/" xmlns:doc="https://www.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/doc.dtd"> <interface name='org.freedesktop.ColorHelper'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> The interface used for general calibration queries not related to specific device types, for example displays. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <!--***********************************************************--> <property name='DaemonVersion' type='s' access='read'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> The daemon version. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> </property> </interface> <interface name='org.freedesktop.ColorHelper.Display'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> The interface used for calibrating displays. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <!--***********************************************************--> <property name='Progress' type='u' access='read'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> The percentage complete of the calibration. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> </property> <!--***********************************************************--> <method name='Start'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> Starts the calibration. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <arg type='s' name='device_id' direction='in'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The device ID, e.g. <doc:tt>xrandr-LVDS1</doc:tt>. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='s' name='profile_id' direction='in'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The profile ID, e.g. <doc:tt>sensor-colorhug</doc:tt>. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='a{sv}' name='options' direction='in'> <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In2" value="QVariantMap"/> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> Optional parameters that will influence the calibration. Known keys are: <doc:tt>Quality</doc:tt> : (u) The calibration quality, where 0 is low, 1 is medium and 2 is high. <doc:tt>Whitepoint</doc:tt> : (u) The target whitepoint in Kelvin, or 0 or native. <doc:tt>Title</doc:tt> : (s) The profile title, e.g. <doc:tt>Lenovo T61</doc:tt>. <doc:tt>DeviceKind</doc:tt> : (u) The CdSensorCap for the display. <doc:tt>Brightness</doc:tt> : (u) The display brightness. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> </method> <!--***********************************************************--> <method name='Cancel'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> Cancel the calibration that is in progress. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> </method> <!--***********************************************************--> <method name='Resume'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> Resume the calibration that is in progress. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> </method> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <signal name='Finished'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> The calibration process has been completed. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <arg type='u' name='error_code' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> An error code, or 0 for no error. The error code is specified in CdMainError. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='a{sv}' name='details' direction='out'> <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In1" value="QVariantMap"/> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> Extra data from the calibration that may be useful to client software. Known keys are: <doc:tt>ProfileId</doc:tt> : (s) The ID of the profile. <doc:tt>ProfilePath</doc:tt> : (s) The object path of the profile. <doc:tt>ErrorDetails</doc:tt>: (s) Any untranslated error detail string. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> </signal> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <signal name='UpdateSample'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> Emitted when the controller should update the RGB patch on the screen. The controller has 100ms to update the display. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <arg type='d' name='red' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The red value from 0.0 to 1.0 </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='d' name='green' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The red value from 0.0 to 1.0 </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='d' name='blue' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The red value from 0.0 to 1.0 </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> </signal> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <signal name='UpdateGamma'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> Emitted when the controller should update the gamma ramps for the screen. The controller has 50ms to update the display. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <arg type='a(ddd)' name='gamma' direction='out'> <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="CdGammaList"/> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The red, green and blue ramps, which should be interpolated to match the display gamma size. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> </signal> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <signal name='InteractionRequired'> <doc:doc> <doc:description> <doc:para> Emitted when the user needs to do something. </doc:para> </doc:description> </doc:doc> <arg type='u' name='code' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> The interaction code, where: 0 = attach to screen 1 = move to calibration mode. 2 = move to surface mode. 3 = shut the laptop lid. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='s' name='message' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> Any debugging message for the interaction. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> <arg type='s' name='image' direction='out'> <doc:doc> <doc:summary> <doc:para> An image to show what interaction is required, or '' for no image available. </doc:para> </doc:summary> </doc:doc> </arg> </signal> </interface> </node>