Direktori : /usr/share/apport/ |
Current File : //usr/share/apport/apport-gtk |
#!/usr/bin/python3 """GTK Apport user interface.""" # Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Canonical Ltd. # Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for # the full text of the license. # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: enable=invalid-name import os import re import subprocess import sys from gettext import gettext as _ import apport import apport.ui try: import gi gi.require_version("Gdk", "3.0") # noqa: E402, pylint: disable=C0413 gi.require_version("GdkX11", "3.0") # noqa: E402, pylint: disable=C0413 gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") # noqa: E402, pylint: disable=C0413 gi.require_version("Wnck", "3.0") # noqa: E402, pylint: disable=C0413 from gi.repository import GdkX11, GLib, Gtk, Wnck except (AssertionError, ImportError, RuntimeError) as error: # probably distribution upgrade or session just closing down? sys.stderr.write(f"Cannot start: {str(error)}\n") sys.exit(1) have_display = bool(os.environ.get("DISPLAY") or os.environ.get("WAYLAND_DISPLAY")) def find_xid_for_pid(pid: int) -> int | None: """Return the X11 Window (xid) for the supplied process ID.""" screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default() screen.force_update() for window in screen.get_windows(): if window.get_pid() == pid: return window.get_xid() return None class GTKUserInterface(apport.ui.UserInterface): # TODO: Address following pylint complaints # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-function-docstring """GTK UserInterface.""" def w(self, widget: str) -> Gtk.Widget: """Shortcut for getting a widget.""" widget = self.widgets.get_object(widget) assert widget is not None return widget def __init__(self, argv: list[str]): apport.ui.UserInterface.__init__(self, argv) # load UI Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_name("apport") self.widgets = Gtk.Builder() self.widgets.set_translation_domain(self.gettext_domain) self.widgets.add_from_file( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(argv[0]), "apport-gtk.ui") ) # connect signal handlers assert self.widgets.connect_signals(self) is None # initialize tree model and view self.tree_model = self.w("details_treestore") column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Report", Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) self.w("details_treeview").append_column(column) self.spinner = self.add_spinner_over_treeview(self.w("details_overlay")) self.argv = argv self.md = None self.desktop_info = None self.allowed_to_report = True self.collect_called = False # # ui_* implementation of abstract UserInterface classes # @staticmethod def add_spinner_over_treeview(overlay): """Reparents a treeview in a GtkOverlay, then layers a GtkSpinner centered on top.""" # TODO handle the expose event of the spinner so that we can draw on # the treeview's viewport's window instead. spinner = Gtk.Spinner() spinner.set_size_request(42, 42) align = Gtk.Alignment() align.set_valign(Gtk.Align.CENTER) align.set_halign(Gtk.Align.CENTER) align.add(spinner) overlay.add_overlay(align) overlay.show() align.show() spinner.hide() return spinner def ui_update_view(self, shown_keys: list[str] | None = None) -> None: assert self.report # do nothing if the dialog is already destroyed when the data # collection finishes if not self.w("details_treeview").get_property("visible"): return self.tree_model.clear() for key, value in self.report.sorted_items(shown_keys): keyiter = self.tree_model.insert_before(None, None) self.tree_model.set_value(keyiter, 0, key) valiter = self.tree_model.insert_before(keyiter, None) if isinstance(value, str): v = value if len(v) > 4000: v = v[:4000] + "\n[...]" self.tree_model.set_value(valiter, 0, v) # expand the row if the value has less than 5 lines if len(list(filter(lambda c: c == "\n", value))) < 4: self.w("details_treeview").expand_row( self.tree_model.get_path(keyiter), False ) else: self.tree_model.set_value(valiter, 0, _("(binary data)")) def get_system_application_title(self): """Get dialog title for a non-.desktop application. If the system application was started from the console, assume a developer who would appreciate the application name having a more prominent placement. Otherwise, provide a simple explanation for more novice users. """ assert self.report env = self.report.get("ProcEnviron", "") from_console = "TERM=" in env and "SHELL=" in env if from_console: if "ExecutablePath" in self.report: t = _( "Sorry, the application %s has stopped unexpectedly." ) % os.path.basename(self.report["ExecutablePath"]) else: t = _("Sorry, %s has closed unexpectedly.") % self.cur_package else: if "DistroRelease" not in self.report: self.report.add_os_info() t = ( _("Sorry, %s has experienced an internal error.") % self.report["DistroRelease"] ) return t def setup_bug_report(self): # This is a bug generated through `apport-bug $package`, or # `apport-collect $id`. assert self.report # avoid collecting information again, in this mode we already have it if "DistroRelease" in self.report: self.collect_called = True self.ui_update_view() self.w("title_label").set_label( f"<big><b>{_('Send problem report to the developers?')}</b></big>" ) self.w("title_label").show() self.w("subtitle_label").hide() self.w("ignore_future_problems").hide() self.w("show_details").clicked() self.w("show_details").hide() self.w("dont_send_button").show() self.w("continue_button").set_label(_("Send")) def set_modal_for(self, xid): gdk_window = self.w("dialog_crash_new") gdk_window.realize() gdk_window = gdk_window.get_window() gdk_display = GdkX11.X11Display.get_default() foreign = GdkX11.X11Window.foreign_new_for_display(gdk_display, xid) gdk_window.set_transient_for(foreign) gdk_window.set_modal_hint(True) def ui_present_report_details( self, allowed_to_report: bool = True, modal_for: int | None = None ) -> apport.ui.Action: # TODO: Split into smaller functions/methods # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements assert self.report icon = None self.collect_called = False report_type = self.report.get("ProblemType") self.w("details_scrolledwindow").hide() self.w("show_details").set_label(_("Show Details")) self.tree_model.clear() self.allowed_to_report = allowed_to_report if self.allowed_to_report: self.w("remember_send_report_choice").show() self.w("send_problem_notice_label").set_label( f"<b>{self.w('send_problem_notice_label').get_label()}</b>" ) self.w("send_problem_notice_label").show() self.w("dont_send_button").grab_focus() else: self.w("dont_send_button").hide() self.w("continue_button").set_label(_("Continue")) self.w("continue_button").grab_focus() self.w("examine").set_visible(self.can_examine_locally()) if modal_for is not None and "DISPLAY" in os.environ: xid = find_xid_for_pid(modal_for) if xid: self.set_modal_for(xid) if report_type == "Hang" and self.offer_restart: self.w("ignore_future_problems").set_active(False) self.w("ignore_future_problems").hide() self.w("relaunch_app").set_active(True) self.w("relaunch_app").show() self.w("subtitle_label").show() self.w("subtitle_label").set_label( "You can wait to see if it wakes up, or close or relaunch it." ) self.desktop_info = self.get_desktop_entry() if self.desktop_info: icon = self.desktop_info.get("icon") name = self.desktop_info["name"] name = GLib.markup_escape_text(name) title = _("The application %s has stopped responding.") % name else: icon = "distributor-logo" name = os.path.basename(self.report["ExecutablePath"]) title = _('The program "%s" has stopped responding.') % name self.w("title_label").set_label(f"<big><b>{title}</b></big>") elif not self.report_file or report_type == "Bug": self.w("remember_send_report_choice").hide() self.w("send_problem_notice_label").hide() self.setup_bug_report() elif report_type in {"KernelCrash", "KernelOops"}: self.w("ignore_future_problems").set_active(False) self.w("ignore_future_problems").hide() self.w("title_label").set_label( f"<big><b>{self.get_system_application_title()}</b></big>" ) self.w("subtitle_label").hide() icon = "distributor-logo" elif report_type == "Package": package = self.report.get("Package") if package: self.w("subtitle_label").set_label(_("Package: %s") % package) self.w("subtitle_label").show() else: self.w("subtitle_label").hide() self.w("ignore_future_problems").hide() self.w("title_label").set_label( _("Sorry, a problem occurred while installing software.") ) else: # Regular crash. self.desktop_info = self.get_desktop_entry() if self.desktop_info: icon = self.desktop_info.get("icon") n = self.desktop_info["name"] n = GLib.markup_escape_text(n) if report_type == "RecoverableProblem": t = _("The application %s has experienced an internal error.") % n else: t = _("The application %s has closed unexpectedly.") % n self.w("title_label").set_label(f"<big><b>{t}</b></big>") self.w("subtitle_label").hide() pid = apport.ui.get_pid(self.report) still_running = pid and apport.ui.still_running(pid) if ( "ProcCmdline" in self.report and not still_running and self.offer_restart ): self.w("relaunch_app").set_active(True) self.w("relaunch_app").show() else: icon = "distributor-logo" if report_type == "RecoverableProblem": title_text = ( _("The application %s has experienced an internal error.") % self.cur_package ) else: title_text = self.get_system_application_title() self.w("title_label").set_label(f"<big><b>{title_text}</b></big>") self.w("subtitle_label").show() self.w("subtitle_label").set_label( _("If you notice further problems, try restarting the computer.") ) self.w("ignore_future_problems").set_label( _("Ignore future problems of this type") ) if self.report.get("CrashCounter"): self.w("ignore_future_problems").show() else: self.w("ignore_future_problems").hide() if report_type == "RecoverableProblem": body = self.report.get("DialogBody", "") if body: del self.report["DialogBody"] self.w("subtitle_label").show() # Set a maximum size for the dialog body, so developers do # not try to shove entire log files into this dialog. self.w("subtitle_label").set_label(body[:1024]) if icon: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf builtin = Gtk.IconLookupFlags.USE_BUILTIN app_icon = self.w("application_icon") theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() try: pb = theme.load_icon(icon, 42, builtin).copy() overlay = theme.load_icon("dialog-error", 16, builtin) overlay_w = overlay.get_width() overlay_h = overlay.get_height() off_x = pb.get_width() - overlay_w off_y = pb.get_height() - overlay_h overlay.composite( pb, off_x, off_y, overlay_w, overlay_h, off_x, off_y, 1, 1, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR, 255, ) if app_icon.get_parent(): # work around LP#938090 app_icon.set_from_pixbuf(pb) except GLib.GError: self.w("application_icon").set_from_icon_name( "dialog-error", Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG ) else: self.w("application_icon").set_from_icon_name( "dialog-error", Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG ) d = self.w("dialog_crash_new") if "DistroRelease" in self.report: d.set_title(self.report["DistroRelease"].split()[0]) d.set_resizable(self.w("details_scrolledwindow").get_property("visible")) d.show() # don't steal focus when being called without arguments (i. e. # automatically launched) if len(self.argv) == 1: d.set_focus_on_map(False) return_value = apport.ui.Action() def dialog_crash_dismissed(widget): self.w("dialog_crash_new").hide() if widget is self.w("dialog_crash_new"): Gtk.main_quit() return if widget is self.w("examine"): return_value.examine = True Gtk.main_quit() return # Force close or leave close app are the default actions # with no specifier in case of hangs or crash if ( self.w("relaunch_app").get_active() and self.desktop_info and self.offer_restart ): return_value.restart = True if self.w("ignore_future_problems").get_active(): return_value.ignore = True return_value.remember = self.w("remember_send_report_choice").get_active() if widget == self.w("continue_button"): return_value.report = self.allowed_to_report Gtk.main_quit() self.w("dialog_crash_new").connect("destroy", dialog_crash_dismissed) self.w("continue_button").connect("clicked", dialog_crash_dismissed) self.w("dont_send_button").connect("clicked", dialog_crash_dismissed) self.w("examine").connect("clicked", dialog_crash_dismissed) Gtk.main() return return_value def _ui_message_dialog(self, title, text, _type, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE): self.md = Gtk.MessageDialog(message_type=_type, buttons=buttons) if "http://" in text or "https://" in text: self.md.set_markup(text_to_markup(text)) else: # work around gnome #620579 self.md.set_property("text", text) self.md.set_title(title) result = self.md.run() self.md.hide() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.md = None return result def ui_info_message(self, title, text): self._ui_message_dialog(title, text, Gtk.MessageType.INFO) def ui_error_message(self, title, text): self._ui_message_dialog(title, text, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR) def ui_shutdown(self): Gtk.main_quit() def ui_start_upload_progress(self): """Open a window with an definite progress bar, telling the user to wait while debug information is being uploaded.""" self.w("progressbar_upload").set_fraction(0) self.w("window_report_upload").show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) def ui_set_upload_progress(self, progress: float | None) -> None: """Set the progress bar in the debug data upload progress window to the given ratio (between 0 and 1, or None for indefinite progress). This function is called every 100 ms.""" if progress: self.w("progressbar_upload").set_fraction(progress) else: self.w("progressbar_upload").set_pulse_step(0.1) self.w("progressbar_upload").pulse() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) def ui_stop_upload_progress(self): """Close debug data upload progress window.""" self.w("window_report_upload").hide() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) def ui_start_info_collection_progress(self): # show a spinner if we already have the main window if self.w("dialog_crash_new").get_property("visible"): self.spinner.show() self.spinner.start() elif self.crashdb.accepts(self.report): # show a progress dialog if our DB accepts the crash self.w("progressbar_information_collection").set_fraction(0) self.w("window_information_collection").show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) def ui_pulse_info_collection_progress(self): if self.w("window_information_collection").get_property("visible"): self.w("progressbar_information_collection").pulse() # for a spinner we just need to handle events while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) def ui_stop_info_collection_progress(self): if self.w("window_information_collection").get_property("visible"): self.w("window_information_collection").hide() else: self.spinner.hide() self.spinner.stop() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) def ui_question_yesno(self, text): """Show a yes/no question. Return True if the user selected "Yes", False if selected "No" or "None" on cancel/dialog closing. """ result = self._ui_message_dialog( "", text, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO ) if result == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: return True if result == Gtk.ResponseType.NO: return False return None def ui_question_choice(self, text, options, multiple): """Show an question with predefined choices. options is a list of strings to present. If multiple is True, they should be check boxes, if multiple is False they should be radio buttons. Return list of selected option indexes, or None if the user cancelled. If multiple == False, the list will always have one element. """ d = self.w("dialog_choice") d.set_default_size(400, -1) self.w("label_choice_text").set_label(text) # remove previous choices for child in self.w("vbox_choices").get_children(): child.destroy() b = None for option in options: if multiple: b = Gtk.CheckButton.new_with_label(option) # use previous radio button as group; work around GNOME#635253 elif b: b = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(b, option) else: b = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label([], option) self.w("vbox_choices").pack_start(b, True, True, 0) self.w("vbox_choices").show_all() result = d.run() d.hide() if result != Gtk.ResponseType.OK: return None index = 0 result = [] for c in self.w("vbox_choices").get_children(): if c.get_active(): result.append(index) index += 1 return result def ui_question_file(self, text): """Show a file selector dialog. Return path if the user selected a file, or None if cancelled. """ md = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( text, parent=self.w("window_information_collection"), buttons=( Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK, ), ) result = md.run() md.hide() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration_do(False) if result == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: return md.get_filenames()[0] return None @staticmethod def _get_terminal(): terminals = [ "x-terminal-emulator", "gnome-terminal", "terminator", "xfce4-terminal", "xterm", ] for t in terminals: program = GLib.find_program_in_path(t) if program: return program return None def ui_has_terminal(self): return have_display and self._get_terminal() is not None def ui_run_terminal(self, command): program = self._get_terminal() assert program is not None subprocess.call([program, "-e", command]) # # Event handlers # def on_show_details_clicked(self, widget): sw = self.w("details_scrolledwindow") if sw.get_property("visible"): self.w("dialog_crash_new").set_resizable(False) sw.hide() widget.set_label(_("Show Details")) else: self.w("dialog_crash_new").set_resizable(True) sw.show() widget.set_label(_("Hide Details")) if not self.collect_called: self.collect_called = True self.ui_update_view(["ExecutablePath"]) GLib.idle_add( lambda: self.collect_info(on_finished=self.ui_update_view) ) return True def on_progress_window_close_event(self, widget, event=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.w("window_information_collection").hide() self.w("window_report_upload").hide() sys.exit(0) def text_to_markup(text: str) -> str: """Turn URLs into links""" escaped_text = GLib.markup_escape_text(text) return re.sub( "(https?://[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_#?%+=./-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_#?%+=/-])", r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', escaped_text, ) if __name__ == "__main__": if not have_display: apport.fatal( "This program needs a running X session. Please see" ' "man apport-cli" for a command line version of Apport.' ) app = GTKUserInterface(sys.argv) app.run_argv()