Direktori : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.38/Glib/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.38/Glib/ParseXSDoc.pm |
package Glib::ParseXSDoc; # vim: set ts=4 : use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Storable qw(store_fd); use Exporter; use Carp; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( xsdocparse ); our $VERSION = '1.3293'; our $NOISY = $ENV{NOISYDOC}; =head1 NAME Glib::ParseXSDoc - Parse POD and XSub declarations from XS files. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the heart of an automatic API reference documentation system for XS-based Perl modules. FIXME more info here!! FIXME document recognized POD directives and the output data structures =head1 FUNCTIONS =over =item xsdocparse (@filenames) Parse xs files for xsub signatures and pod. Writes to standard output a data structure suitable for eval'ing in another Perl script, describing all the stuff found. The output contains three variables: =over =item $xspods = ARRAYREF array of pods found in the verbatim C portion of the XS file, listed in the order found. These are assumed to pertain to the XS/C api, not the Perl api. Any C<=for apidoc> paragraphs following an C<=object> paragraphs in the verbatim sections are stripped (as are the C<=object> paragraphs), and will appear instead in C<< $data->{$package}{pods} >>. =item $data = HASHREF big hash keyed by package name (as found in the MODULE line), containing under each key a hash with all the xsubs and pods in that package, in the order found. Packages are consolidated across multiple files. =back FYI, this creates a new parser and calls C<parse_file> on it for each input filename; then calls C<swizzle_pods> to ensure that any C<=for apidoc name> pods are matched up with their target xsubs; and finally calls Data::Dumper to write the data to stdout. So, if you want to get finer control over how the output is created, or keep all the data in-process, now you know how. :-) =cut sub xsdocparse { my @filenames = @_; my $parser = Glib::ParseXSDoc->new; foreach my $filename (@filenames) { $parser->parse_file ($filename); } $parser->canonicalize_xsubs; $parser->swizzle_pods; $parser->preprocess_pods; $parser->clean_out_empty_pods; print "# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED - ANY CHANGES WILL BE LOST\n"; print "# generated by $0 ".scalar (localtime)."\n"; print "# input files:\n"; map { print "# $_\n" } @filenames; print "#\n\n"; # Data::Dumper converts the whole output to a string, and consequently # uses an obscene amount of ram on Gtk2's nearly 200 xs files. Use # Storable unless the user really really wants to force us to fall back # to Data::Dumper. Storable doesn't seem to work well on win32, so # always use Data::Dumper there. my $use_dd = $ENV{FORCE_DATA_DUMPER} || $^O eq 'MSWin32'; if ($use_dd) { $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; print Data::Dumper->Dump([$parser->{xspods}, $parser->{data}], [qw($xspods $data)]); print "\n1;\n"; } else { print "use Storable qw(fd_retrieve);\n"; print "\$xspods = fd_retrieve \\*DATA;\n"; print "\$data = fd_retrieve \\*DATA;\n"; print "\n1;\n"; print "__DATA__\n"; # NOTE: don't assume STDOUT, because other code may have select'd # a different file handle. store_fd $parser->{xspods}, select; store_fd $parser->{data}, select; } return [ keys %{$parser->{data}} ]; } =back =cut # ========================================================================= =head1 METHODS =over =item $Glib::ParseXSDoc::verbose If true, this causes the parser to be verbose. =cut our $verbose = undef; =item $parser = Glib::ParseXSDoc->new Create a new xsub parser. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; return bless { # state module => undef, package => undef, prefix => undef, # data xspods => [], #pods for the exported xs interface, e.g. the C stuff data => {}, # all the shizzle, by package name }, $class; } =item string = $parser->package Get the current package name. Falls back to the module name. Will be undef if the parser hasn't reached the first MODULE line. =cut sub package { my $self = shift; return ($self->{package} || $self->{module}) } =item HASHREF = $parser->pkgdata The data hash corresponding to the current package, honoring the most recently encountered C<=for object> directive. Ensures that it exists. Returns a reference to the member of the main data structure, so modifications are permanent and useful. =cut sub pkgdata { my $self = shift; my $pkg = $self->{object} || $self->package; my $pkgdata = $self->{data}{$pkg}; if (not defined $pkgdata) { $pkgdata = {}; $self->{data}{$pkg} = $pkgdata; } return $pkgdata; } =item $parser->parse_file (filename) Parse one xs file. Stores all the collected data in I<$parser>'s internal data structures. =cut sub parse_file { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; local *IN; open IN, $filename or die "can't open $filename: $!\n"; print STDERR "scanning $filename\n" if $verbose; $self->{filehandle} = \*IN; $self->{filename} = $filename; # there was once a single state machine to parse an entire # file, but it turned into a bi-level state machine because # of the two-part nature of XS files. that's silly, so i've # broken it into two loops: the part that scans up to the # first MODULE line, and the part that scans the rest of the # file. my $lastpod = undef; # most recently-read pod (for next xsub) my @thesepackages = (); # packages seen in this file # In the verbatim C portion of the file: # seek the first MODULE line *outside* comments. # collect any pod we encounter; only certain ones are # precious to us... my... preciousssss... ahem. $self->{module} = undef; $self->{package} = undef; $self->{prefix} = undef; $self->{object} = undef; while (<IN>) { chomp; # in the verbatim C section before the first MODULE line, # we need to be on the lookout for a few things... # we need the first MODULE line, of course... if ($self->is_module_line ($_)) { last; # go to the next state machine. # mostly we want pods. } elsif (/^=/) { my $thispod = $self->slurp_pod_paragraph ($_); # we're only interested in certain pod directives here. if (/^=for\s+(apidoc|object)\b/) { my $which = $1; warn "$filename:".($.-@{$thispod->{lines}}+1).":" . " =for $which found before " . "MODULE directive\n"; } push @{ $self->{xspods} }, $thispod; ## # we also need to track whether we're in a C comment, because ## # MODULE directives are ignore in multiline comments. ## } elsif (m{/\*}) { ## # there was an open comment marker on this line. ## # see if it's alone. ## s{/\*.*\*/}{}g; ## if (m{/\*}) { ## # look for the end... ## while (<IN>) { ## } ## } } } # preprocessor conditionals my @cond; $lastpod = undef; while (<IN>) { # # we're seeking xsubs and pods to document the Perl interface. # if ($self->is_module_line ($_)) { # xsubs cannot steal pods across MODULE lines. $lastpod = undef; } elsif (/^\s*$/) { # ignore blank lines; but a blank line after a pod # means it can't be associated with an xsub. $lastpod = undef; } elsif (/^\s*#\s*(if|ifdef|ifndef)\s*(\s.*)$/) { #warn "conditional $1 $2\n"; push @cond, $2; #print Dumper(\@cond); } elsif (/^\s*#\s*else\s*(\s.*)?$/) { #warn "else $cond[-1]\n"; if (exists $cond[$#cond]) { $cond[$#cond] = '!' . $cond[$#cond]; } } elsif (/^\s*#\s*endif\s*(\s.*)?$/) { #warn "endif $cond[-1]\n"; pop @cond; } elsif (/^\s*#/) { # ignore comments. we've already determined that # this isn't a preprocessor directive (or at least # not one in which we're interested). } elsif (/^(BOOT|PROTOTYPES)/) { # ignore keyword lines in which we aren't interested } elsif (/^=/) { # slurp in pod, up to and including the next =cut. # put it in $lastpod so that the next-discovered # xsub can claim it. $lastpod = $self->slurp_pod_paragraph ($_); # we're interested in certain pod directives at # this point... if (/^=for\s+object(?:\s+([\w\:]*))?(.*)/) { $self->{object} = $1; if ($2) { $self->pkgdata->{blurb} = $2; $self->pkgdata->{blurb} =~ s/^\s*-\s*//; # If the line has the special form # "=for object Foo (Bar)", we take this # to mean: document the object Bar in # the file Foo. if ($self->pkgdata->{blurb} =~ s/\s*\((.*)\)//) { print STDERR "Documenting object $1 in file " .$self->{object}."\n"; $self->pkgdata->{object} = $1; if ('' eq $self->pkgdata->{blurb}) { delete $self->pkgdata->{blurb}; } } } } elsif (/^=for\s+(enum|flags)\s+([\w:]+)/) { push @{ $self->pkgdata->{enums} }, { type => $1, name => $2, pod => $lastpod, }; # claim this pod now! $lastpod = undef; } elsif (/^=for\s+see_also\s+(.+)$/) { push @{ $self->pkgdata->{see_alsos} }, $1; # claim this pod now! $lastpod = undef; } elsif (/^=for\s+deprecated_by\s+([\w:]+)$/) { push @{ $self->pkgdata->{deprecated_bys} }, $1; $lastpod = undef; } push @{ $self->pkgdata->{pods} }, $lastpod if defined $lastpod; } elsif (/^\w+/) { # there's something at the beginning of the line! # we've ruled out everything else, so this must be # an xsub. slurp in everything up to the next # blank line (or end of file). i know that's not # *really* an entire XSUB body, but we don't care # -- we only need the return value, name, arg types, # and body type, and there aren't supposed to be # blank lines in all of that. my @thisxsub = ($_); while (<IN>) { chomp; last if /^\s*$/; push @thisxsub, $_; } my $xsub = $self->parse_xsub (\@thisxsub); if ($lastpod) { # aha! we'll lay claim to that... pop @{ $self->pkgdata->{pods} }; $xsub->{pod} = $lastpod; $lastpod = undef; } $xsub->{preprocessor_conditionals} = [ @cond ]; push @{ $self->pkgdata->{xsubs} }, $xsub; } else { # this is probably xsub function body, comment, or # some other stuff we don't care about. } } # that's it for this file... close IN; delete $self->{filehandle}; delete $self->{filename}; } =item $parser->swizzle_pods Match C<=for apidoc> pods to xsubs. =cut sub swizzle_pods { my $self = shift; foreach my $package (keys %{$self->{data}}) { my $pkgdata = $self->{data}{$package}; next unless $pkgdata->{pods}; next unless $pkgdata->{xsubs}; my $pods = $pkgdata->{pods}; for (my $i = @$pods-1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i--) { my $firstline = $pods->[$i]{lines}[0]; next unless $firstline =~ /=for\s+apidoc\s+([:\w]+)\s*/; my $name = $1; foreach my $xsub (@{ $pkgdata->{xsubs} }) { if ($name eq $xsub->{symname}) { $xsub->{pod} = $pods->[$i]; splice @$pods, $i, 1; last; } } } } } =item $parser->preprocess_pods Honor the C<__hide__> and C<__function__> directives in C<=for apidoc> lines. We look for the strings anywhere, but you'll typically have it at the end of the line, e.g.: =for apidoc symname __hide__ for detached blocks =for apidoc __hide__ for attached blocks =for apidoc symname __function__ for functions rather than methods =for apidoc __function__ for functions rather than methods =cut sub preprocess_pods { my $self = shift; foreach my $package (keys %{$self->{data}}) { my $pkgdata = $self->{data}{$package}; foreach (@{$pkgdata->{pods}}) { my $firstline = $_->{lines}[0]; if ($firstline) { $_->{position} = $1 if ($firstline =~ /=for\s+position\s+(\w+)/); } } next unless $pkgdata->{xsubs}; # look for magic keywords in the =for apidoc foreach (@{$pkgdata->{xsubs}}) { my $firstline = $_->{pod}{lines}[0]; if ($firstline) { $_->{function} = ($firstline =~ /__function__/); $_->{hidden} = ($firstline =~ /__hide__/); $_->{deprecated} = ($firstline =~ /__deprecated__/); $_->{gerror} = ($firstline =~ /__gerror__/); } } } } # =============================================================== =item bool = $parser->is_module_line ($line) Analyze I<$line> to see if it contains an XS MODULE directive. If so, returns true after setting the I<$parser>'s I<module>, I<package>, and I<prefix> accordingly. =cut sub is_module_line { my $self = shift; my $l = shift; if ($l =~ /^MODULE\s*=\s*([:\w]+) (?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([:\w]+) (?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*([:\w]+))?)? /x) { $self->{module} = $1; $self->{package} = $2 || $self->{module}; $self->{prefix} = $3; $self->{object} = undef; return 1; } else { return 0; } } =item $pod = $parser->slurp_pod_paragraph ($firstline, $term_regex=/^=cut\s*/) Slurp up POD lines from I<$filehandle> from here to the next I<$term_regex> or EOF. Since you probably already read a line to determine that we needed to start a pod, you can pass that first line to be included. =cut sub slurp_pod_paragraph { my $parser = shift; my $firstline = shift; my $term_regex = shift || qr/^=cut\s*/o; my $filehandle = $parser->{filehandle}; # just in case. chomp $firstline; my @lines = $firstline ? ($firstline) : (); while (my $line = <$filehandle>) { chomp $line; push @lines, $line; last if $line =~ m/$term_regex/; } return { filename => $parser->{filename}, line => $. - @lines, lines => \@lines, }; } =item $xsub = $parser->parse_xsub (\@lines) =item $xsub = $parser->parse_xsub (@lines) Parse an xsub header, in the form of a list of lines, into a data structure describing the xsub. That includes pulling out the argument types, aliases, and code type. Without artificial intelligence, we cannot reliably determine anything about the types or number of parameters returned from xsubs with PPCODE bodies. OUTLIST parameters are pulled from the args list and put into an "outlist" key. IN_OUTLIST parameters are put into both. Data type names are not mangled at all. Note that the method can take either a list of lines or a reference to a list of lines. The flat list form is provided for compatibility; the reference form is preferred, to avoid duplicating a potentially large list of strings. =cut sub parse_xsub { my ($self, @thisxsub) = @_; # allow for pass-by-reference. @thisxsub = @{ $thisxsub[0] } if @thisxsub == 1 && 'ARRAY' eq ref $thisxsub[0]; map { s/#.*$// } @thisxsub; my $filename = $self->{filename}; my $oldwarn = $SIG{__WARN__}; #$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { # warn "$self->{filename}:$.: " # . join(" / ", $self->{module}||"", $self->{package}||"") # . "\n $_[0]\n ".Dumper(\@thisxsub) #}; my $lineno = $. - @thisxsub; my %xsub = ( 'filename' => $filename, 'line' => ($.-@thisxsub), 'module' => $self->{module}, 'package' => $self->package, # to be overwritten as needed ); my $args; #warn Dumper(\@thisxsub); # merge continuation lines. xsubpp allows continuation lines in the # xsub arguments list and barfs on them in other spots, but with xsubpp # providing such validation, we'll just cheat and merge any that we find. # this will bork the line counting logic we have below, but i don't see # a fix for it without major tearup of the code here. my @foo = @thisxsub; @thisxsub = shift @foo; while (my $s = shift @foo) { if ($thisxsub[$#thisxsub] =~ s/\\$//) { chomp $thisxsub[$#thisxsub]; $thisxsub[$#thisxsub] .= $s; } else { push @thisxsub, $s; } } if ($thisxsub[0] =~ /^([^(]+\s+\*?) # return type, possibly with a * \b([:\w]+)\s* # symbol name \( # open paren (.*) # whatever's inside, if anything \) # close paren, maybe with space \s*;?\s*$/x) { # and maybe other junk at the end # all on one line $xsub{symname} = $2; $args = $3; my $r = $1; $xsub{return_type} = [$r] unless $r =~ /^void\s*$/; shift @thisxsub; $lineno++; } elsif ($thisxsub[1] =~ /^(\S+)\s*\((.*)\);?\s*$/) { # multiple lines $xsub{symname} = $1; $args = $2; # return type is on line 0 $thisxsub[0] =~ s/\s*$//; $xsub{return_type} = [$thisxsub[0]] unless $thisxsub[0] =~ /^void\s*$/; shift @thisxsub; $lineno++; shift @thisxsub; $lineno++; } # eat padding spaces from the arg string. i tried several ways of # building this into the regexen above, but found nothing that still # allowed the arg string to be empty, which we'll have for functions # (not methods) without resorting to extremely arcane negatory # lookbeside assertiveness operators. $args =~ s/^\s*//; $args =~ s/\s*$//; # we can get empty arg strings on non-methods. #warn "$filename:$lineno: WTF : args string is empty\n" # if not defined $args; my %args = (); my @argstr = split /\s*,\s*/, $args; #warn Dumper([$args, \%args, \@argstr]); for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @argstr ; $i++) { # the last one can be an ellipsis, let's handle that specially if ($i == $#argstr and $argstr[$i] eq '...') { $args{'...'} = { name => '...', }; push @{ $xsub{args} }, $args{'...'}; last; } if ($argstr[$i] =~ /^(?:(IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST)\s+)? # OUTLIST would be 1st ([^=]+(?:\b|\s))? # arg type is optional, too (\w+) # arg name (?:\s*=\s*(.+))? # possibly a default value $/x) { if (defined $1) { push @{ $xsub{outlist} }, { type => $2, name => $3, }; if ($1 eq 'IN_OUTLIST') { # also an arg $args{$3} = { type => $2, name => $3, }; $args{$3}{default} = $4 if defined $4; push @{ $xsub{args} }, $args{$3}; } } else { $args{$3} = { type => $2, name => $3, }; $args{$3}{default} = $4 if defined $4; push @{ $xsub{args} }, $args{$3}; } } elsif ($argstr[$i] =~ /^g?int\s+length\((\w+)\)$/) { #warn " ******* $i is string length of $1 *****\n"; } else { warn "$filename:$lineno: ($xsub{symname}) don't know how to" . " parse arg $i, '$argstr[$i]'\n"; } } my $xstate = 'args'; while ($_ = shift @thisxsub) { if (/^\s*ALIAS:/) { $xstate = 'alias'; } elsif (/\s*(PREINIT|CLEANUP|OUTPUT|C_ARGS):/) { $xstate = 'code'; } elsif (/\s*(PPCODE|CODE):/) { $xsub{codetype} = $1; last; } elsif ($xstate eq 'alias') { /^\s*([:\w]+)\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*$/; if (defined $2) { $xsub{alias}{$1} = $2; } else { warn "$filename:$lineno: WTF : seeking alias on line $_\n"; } } elsif ($xstate eq 'args') { if (/^\s* (.+(?:\b|\s)) # datatype (\w+) # arg name ;? # optional trailing semicolon \s*$/x) { if (exists $args{$2}) { $args{$2}{type} = $1 } else { warn "$filename:$lineno: unused arg $2\n"; warn " line was '$_'\n"; } } elsif (/^\s*/) { # must've stripped a comment. } else { warn "$filename:$lineno: WTF : seeking args on line $_\n"; } } $lineno++; } # mangle the symbol name from an xsub into its actual perl name. $xsub{original_name} = $xsub{symname}; if (defined $self->{prefix}) { my $pkg = $self->package; $xsub{symname} =~ s/^($self->{prefix})?/$pkg\::/; } else { $xsub{symname} = ($self->package)."::".$xsub{symname}; } # sanitize all the C type declarations, which we have # collected in the arguments, outlist, and return types. if ($xsub{args}) { foreach my $a (@{ $xsub{args} }) { $a->{type} = sanitize_type ($a->{type}) if defined $a->{type}; } } if ($xsub{outlist}) { foreach my $a (@{ $xsub{outlist} }) { $a->{type} = sanitize_type ($a->{type}) if defined $a->{type}; } } if ($xsub{return_type}) { for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @{ $xsub{return_type} } ; $i++) { $xsub{return_type}[$i] = sanitize_type ($xsub{return_type}[$i]); } } $SIG{__WARN__} = $oldwarn; return \%xsub; } sub sanitize_type { local $_ = shift; s/\s+/ /g; # squash all whitespace s/^\s//; # zap leading space s/\s$//; # zap trailing space s/(?<=\S)\*$/ */; # stars may not be glued to the name return $_; } sub canonicalize_xsubs { my $self = shift; return undef unless 'HASH' eq ref $self->{data}; # make sure that each package contains an xsub hash for each # xsub, whether an alias or not. foreach my $package (keys %{$self->{data}}) { my $pkgdata = $self->{data}{$package}; next unless $pkgdata or $pkgdata->{xsubs}; my $xsubs = $pkgdata->{xsubs}; @$xsubs = map { split_aliases ($_) } @$xsubs; } } sub split_aliases { my $xsub = shift; return $xsub unless exists $xsub->{alias}; return $xsub unless 'HASH' eq ref $xsub->{alias}; my %aliases = %{ $xsub->{alias} }; my @xsubs = (); my %seen = (); foreach my $a (sort { $aliases{$a} <=> $aliases{$b} } keys %aliases) { push @xsubs, { %$xsub, symname => $a, pod => undef, # we do a deep copy on the args, so that changes to one do not # affect another. in particular, adding docs or hiding an arg # in one xsub shouldn't affect another. args => deep_copy_ref ($xsub->{args}), }; $seen{ $aliases{$a} }++; } if (! $seen{0}) { unshift @xsubs, $xsub; } return @xsubs; } sub deep_copy_ref { my $ref = shift; return undef if not $ref; my $reftype = ref $ref; if ('ARRAY' eq $reftype) { my @newary = map { deep_copy_ref ($_) } @$ref; return \@newary; } elsif ('HASH' eq $reftype) { my %newhash = map { $_, deep_copy_ref ($ref->{$_}) } keys %$ref; return \%newhash; } else { return $ref; } } =item $parser->clean_out_empty_pods Looks through the data member of the parser and removes any keys (and associated values) when no pod, enums, and xsubs exist for the package. =cut sub clean_out_empty_pods { my $data = shift; return unless (exists ($data->{data})); $data = $data->{data}; my $pod; my $xsub; foreach (keys %$data) { $pod = $data->{$_}; next if ((exists $pod->{pods} and scalar @{$pod->{pods}}) or exists $pod->{enums} or scalar (grep (!/DESTROY/, map { $_->{hidden} ? () : $_->{symname} } @{$pod->{xsubs}}))); #print STDERR "Deleting $_ from doc.pl's \$data\n"; delete $data->{$_}; } } 1; __END__ =back =head1 AUTHOR muppet E<lt>scott at asofyet dot orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by muppet This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. =cut