Direktori : /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/alternative-toolbar/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/alternative-toolbar/alternative-toolbar.py |
# -*- Mode: python; coding: utf-8; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 - 2020 - David Mohammed <fossfreedom@ubuntu.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # define plugin import gi import rb import os from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import Gtk gi.require_version('Peas', '1.0') from gi.repository import Peas from gi.repository import RB from alttoolbar_plugins import PluginDialog from alttoolbar_preferences import CoverLocale from alttoolbar_preferences import GSetting from alttoolbar_preferences import Preferences from alttoolbar_rb3compat import ActionGroup from alttoolbar_rb3compat import ApplicationShell from alttoolbar_rb3compat import gtk_version from alttoolbar_type import AltToolbarCompact from alttoolbar_type import AltToolbarHeaderBar from alttoolbar_type import AltToolbarStandard view_menu_ui = """ <ui> <menubar name="MenuBar"> <menu name="ViewMenu" action="View"> <menuitem name="Show Toolbar" action="ToggleToolbar" /> <menuitem name="Show Source Toolbar" action="ToggleSourceMediaToolbar" /> </menu> </menubar> </ui> """ view_seek_menu_ui = """ <ui> <menubar name="MenuBar"> <menu name="ViewMenu" action="View"> <menuitem name="SeekBackward" action="SeekBackward" /> <menuitem name="SeekForward" action="SeekForward" /> </menu> </menubar> </ui> """ seek_backward_time = 5 seek_forward_time = 10 class AltToolbarPlugin(GObject.Object, Peas.Activatable): """ Main class of the plugin. Manages the activation and deactivation of the plugin. """ __gtype_name = 'AltToolbarPlugin' object = GObject.property(type=GObject.Object) display_page_tree_visible = GObject.property(type=bool, default=False) show_album_art = GObject.property(type=bool, default=False) show_song_position_slider = GObject.property(type=bool, default=False) playing_label = GObject.property(type=bool, default=False) # signals # toolbar-visibility - bool parameter True = visible, False = not visible __gsignals__ = { 'toolbar-visibility': (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, (bool,)) } def __init__(self): """ Initialises the plugin object. """ GObject.Object.__init__(self) self.appshell = None self.sh_psc = self.sh_op = self.sh_pc = None def do_activate(self): """ Called by Rhythmbox when the plugin is activated. It creates the plugin's source and connects signals to manage the plugin's preferences. """ self.shell = self.object self.db = self.shell.props.db self.shell_player = self.shell.props.shell_player # Prepare internal variables self.song_duration = 0 self.entry = None self._plugin_dialog_width = 760 self._plugin_dialog_height = 550 # locale stuff cl = CoverLocale() cl.switch_locale(cl.Locale.LOCALE_DOMAIN) # for custom icons ensure we start looking in the plugin img folder # as a fallback theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() theme.append_search_path(rb.find_plugin_file(self, 'img')) # Find the Rhythmbox Toolbar self.rb_toolbar = AltToolbarPlugin.find(self.shell.props.window, 'main-toolbar', 'by_id') # get values from gsettings self.gs = GSetting() self.plugin_settings = self.gs.get_setting(self.gs.Path.PLUGIN) display_type = self.plugin_settings[self.gs.PluginKey.DISPLAY_TYPE] self.volume_control = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.VOLUME_CONTROL] self.show_compact_toolbar = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.SHOW_COMPACT] self.compact_toolbar_pos = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.COMPACT_POS] self.start_hidden = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.START_HIDDEN] self.inline_label = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.INLINE_LABEL] self.enhanced_sidebar = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.ENHANCED_SIDEBAR] self.show_tooltips = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.SHOW_TOOLTIPS] self.horiz_categories = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.HORIZ_CATEGORIES] self.app_menu = self.plugin_settings[ self.gs.PluginKey.APP_MENU] self.prefer_dark_theme = \ self.plugin_settings[self.gs.PluginKey.DARK_THEME] # Add the various application view menus self.appshell = ApplicationShell(self.shell) self._add_menu_options() # Determine what type of toolbar is to be displayed if display_type == 0: if 'gnome' in os.environ['XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'].lower(): display_type = 1 else: display_type = 2 self.plugin_settings[self.gs.PluginKey.DISPLAY_TYPE] = display_type self.toolbar_type = None if display_type == 1: self.toolbar_type = AltToolbarHeaderBar() elif self.show_compact_toolbar: self.toolbar_type = AltToolbarCompact() else: self.toolbar_type = AltToolbarStandard() self.toolbar_type.initialise(self) self.toolbar_type.post_initialise() try: process = Gio.Subprocess.new(['rhythmbox', '--version'], Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE) passval, buf, err = process.communicate_utf8(None) if passval: buf = buf[:-1] ver = buf.split(' ')[1] except: ver = "999.99.99" self._connect_signals() self._connect_properties() # allow other plugins access to this toolbar self.shell.alternative_toolbar = self cl.switch_locale(cl.Locale.RB) def _display_plugins(self, *args): """ display our implementation of the LibPeas Plugin window """ has_headerbar = isinstance(self.toolbar_type, AltToolbarHeaderBar) if gtk_version() < 3.12: has_headerbar = False dlg = PluginDialog(self.shell.props.window, has_headerbar) response = 0 dlg.set_default_size(self._plugin_dialog_width, self._plugin_dialog_height) while response >= 0: response = dlg.run() print(response) self._plugin_dialog_width, self._plugin_dialog_height = dlg.get_size() dlg.destroy() def on_search(self, *args): self.toolbar_type.on_search_toggle() def _add_menu_options(self): """ add the various menu options to the application """ self.search_action_group = ActionGroup(self.shell, 'AltToolbarPluginSearchActions') self.search_action_group.add_action(func=self.on_search, action_name='Search', label=_("Search"), action_type='app', accel="<Ctrl>f", tooltip=_( "Search")) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.search_action_group) self.seek_action_group = ActionGroup(self.shell, 'AltToolbarPluginSeekActions') self.seek_action_group.add_action(func=self.on_skip_backward, action_name='SeekBackward', label=_("Seek Backward"), action_type='app', accel="<Alt>Left", tooltip=_( "Seek backward, in current " "track, by 5 seconds.")) self.seek_action_group.add_action(func=self.on_skip_forward, action_name='SeekForward', label=_("Seek Forward"), action_type='app', accel="<Alt>Right", tooltip=_( "Seek forward, in current " "track, by 10 seconds.")) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.seek_action_group) self.appshell.add_app_menuitems(view_seek_menu_ui, 'AltToolbarPluginSeekActions', 'view') self.toggle_action_group = ActionGroup(self.shell, 'AltToolbarPluginActions') self.toggle_action_group.add_action(func=self.toggle_visibility, action_name='ToggleToolbar', label=_( "Show Play-Controls Toolbar"), action_state=ActionGroup.TOGGLE, action_type='app', tooltip=_( "Show or hide the " "play-controls toolbar")) self.toggle_action_group.add_action( func=self.toggle_sourcemedia_visibility, action_name='ToggleSourceMediaToolbar', label=_("Show Source Toolbar"), action_state=ActionGroup.TOGGLE, action_type='app', accel="<Ctrl>t", tooltip=_("Show or hide the source toolbar")) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.toggle_action_group) self.appshell.add_app_menuitems(view_menu_ui, 'AltToolbarPluginActions', 'view') def _connect_properties(self): """ bind plugin properties to various gsettings that we dynamically interact with """ self.plugin_settings.bind(self.gs.PluginKey.PLAYING_LABEL, self, 'playing_label', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.GET) def _connect_signals(self): """ connect to various rhythmbox signals that the toolbars need """ self.sh_display_page_tree = self.shell.props.display_page_tree.connect( "selected", self.on_page_change ) self.sh_psc = self.shell_player.connect("playing-song-changed", self._sh_on_song_change) self.sh_op = self.shell_player.connect("elapsed-changed", self._sh_on_playing) self.sh_pc = self.shell_player.connect("playing-changed", self._sh_on_playing_change) self.sh_pspc = self.shell_player.connect( "playing-song-property-changed", self._sh_on_song_property_changed) self.rb_settings = Gio.Settings.new('org.gnome.rhythmbox') self.rb_settings.bind('show-album-art', self, 'show_album_art', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.GET) self.connect('notify::show-album-art', self.show_album_art_settings_changed) self.show_album_art_settings_changed(None) self.rb_settings.bind('show-song-position-slider', self, 'show_song_position_slider', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.GET) self.connect('notify::show-song-position-slider', self.show_song_position_slider_settings_changed) self.show_song_position_slider_settings_changed(None) def _sh_on_song_property_changed(self, sp, uri, property, old, new): """ shell-player "playing-song-property-changed" signal handler """ if sp.get_playing() and property in \ ('artist', 'album', 'title', RB.RHYTHMDB_PROP_STREAM_SONG_ARTIST, RB.RHYTHMDB_PROP_STREAM_SONG_ALBUM, RB.RHYTHMDB_PROP_STREAM_SONG_TITLE): entry = sp.get_playing_entry() self.toolbar_type.display_song(entry) def _sh_on_playing_change(self, player, playing): """ Shell-player 'playing-change' signal handler. """ self.toolbar_type.play_control_change(player, playing) if (self.song_duration != 0): self.toolbar_type.enable_slider(True) else: self.toolbar_type.enable_slider(False) if (hasattr(self.toolbar_type, "total_time_label")): label = "" self.toolbar_type.total_time_label.set_markup(label) def _sh_on_song_change(self, player, entry): """ Shell-player 'playing-song-changed' signal handler. """ if (entry is not None): self.song_duration = entry.get_ulong(RB.RhythmDBPropType.DURATION) else: self.song_duration = 0 if hasattr(self.toolbar_type, 'song_progress'): self.toolbar_type.song_progress.adjustment.set_upper( self.song_duration or 1) self.toolbar_type.display_song(entry) def _sh_on_playing(self, player, seconds): """ Shell-player 'elapsed-changed' signal handler. """ if self.song_duration == 0: return try: slider = self.toolbar_type.song_progress except AttributeError: return with slider.handler_block(slider.changed_callback_id): slider.adjustment.set_value(seconds) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) total_minutes, total_seconds = divmod(self.song_duration, 60) total_hours, total_minutes = divmod(total_minutes, 60) if total_hours: label = "<small>{}:{:02}:{:02} / {}:{:02}:{:02}</small>".format( hours, minutes, seconds, total_hours, total_minutes, total_seconds) else: label = "<small>{:02}:{:02} / {:02}:{:02}</small>".format( minutes, seconds, total_minutes, total_seconds) self.toolbar_type.total_time_label.set_markup(label) def on_skip_backward(self, *args): """ keyboard seek backwards signal handler """ sp = self.object.props.shell_player if (sp.get_playing()[1]): seek_time = sp.get_playing_time()[1] - seek_backward_time print(seek_time) if (seek_time < 0): seek_time = 0 print(seek_time) sp.set_playing_time(seek_time) def on_skip_forward(self, *args): """ keyboard seek forwards signal handler """ sp = self.object.props.shell_player if (sp.get_playing()[1]): seek_time = sp.get_playing_time()[1] + seek_forward_time song_duration = sp.get_playing_song_duration() if (song_duration > 0): # sanity check if (seek_time > song_duration): seek_time = song_duration sp.set_playing_time(seek_time) def show_song_position_slider_settings_changed(self, *args): """ rhythmbox show-slider signal handler """ self.toolbar_type.show_slider(self.show_song_position_slider) def show_album_art_settings_changed(self, *args): """ rhythmbox show-album-art signal handler """ self.toolbar_type.show_cover(self.show_album_art) def on_page_change(self, display_page_tree, page): """ sources display-tree signal handler """ print("page changed", page) self.toolbar_type.reset_categories_pos(page) self.toolbar_type.reset_toolbar(page) self.toolbar_type.reset_entryview(page) @staticmethod def find(node, search_id, search_type, button_label=None): """ find various GTK Widgets :param node: node is the starting container to find from :param search_id: search_id is the GtkWidget type string or GtkWidget name :param search_type: search_type is the type of search "by_name" to search by the type of GtkWidget e.g. GtkButton "by_id" to search by the GtkWidget (glade name) e.g. box_1 :param button_label: button_label to find specific buttons where we cannot use by_id :return:N/A """ # Couldn't find better way to find widgets than loop through them # print("by_name %s by_id %s" % (node.get_name(), # Gtk.Buildable.get_name(node))) def extract_label(button): label = button.get_label() if label: return label child = button.get_child() if child and child.get_name() == "GtkLabel": return child.get_text() return None if isinstance(node, Gtk.Buildable): if search_type == 'by_id': if Gtk.Buildable.get_name(node) == search_id: if button_label is None or ( 'Button' in node.get_name() and extract_label( node) == button_label): return node elif search_type == 'by_name': if node.get_name() == search_id: if button_label is None or ( 'Button' in node.get_name() and extract_label( node) == button_label): return node if isinstance(node, Gtk.Container): for child in node.get_children(): ret = AltToolbarPlugin.find(child, search_id, search_type, button_label) if ret: return ret return None def do_deactivate(self): """ Called by Rhythmbox when the plugin is deactivated. It makes sure to free all the resources used by the plugin. """ del self.db if self.sh_op: self.shell_player.disconnect(self.sh_op) self.shell_player.disconnect(self.sh_psc) self.shell_player.disconnect(self.sh_pc) self.shell_player.disconnect(self.sh_pspc) # self.disconnect(self.sh_display_page) self.shell.props.display_page_tree.disconnect( self.sh_display_page_tree) del self.shell_player if self.appshell: self.appshell.cleanup() self.rb_toolbar.set_visible(True) self.toolbar_type.cleanup() del self.shell def toggle_visibility(self, action, param=None, data=None): """ Display or Hide PlayControls signal handler :param action: :param param: :param data: :return: """ action = self.toggle_action_group.get_action('ToggleToolbar') self.toolbar_type.set_visible(action.get_active()) def toggle_sourcemedia_visibility(self, action, param=None, data=None): """ Display or Hide the source toolbar :param action: :param param: :param data: :return: """ action = self.toggle_action_group.get_action( 'ToggleSourceMediaToolbar') self.toolbar_type.source_toolbar_visibility(action.get_active()) def _translation_helper(self): """ a method just to help out with translation strings it is not meant to be called by itself """ # define .plugin text strings used for translation plugin = _('Alternative Toolbar') plugin += "dummy" desc = _( 'Replace the Rhythmbox large toolbar with a Client-Side ' 'Decorated or Compact Toolbar which can be hidden') desc += "dummy" # stop PyCharm removing the Preference import on optimisation pref = Preferences() return pref def get_toolbar(self, callback): """ a method to return the toolbar itself :param callback: function callback - func(AT.ToolbarCallback) passed :return: """ self.toolbar_type.setup_completed_async(callback)