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Ϫ�f�!���dZddlmZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd	�d
e�ZGd�de�ZGd
�de�Z	Gd�de�Z
Gd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�Z
Gd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�d e�ZGd!�d"e�ZGd#�d$e�ZGd%�d&e�ZGd'�d(e�ZGd)�d*e�ZGd+�d,e�ZGd-�d.e�ZGd/�d0e�ZGd1�d2e�ZGd3�d4e�ZGd5�d6e�ZGd7�d8e�ZGd9�d:e�ZGd;�d<e�Z Gd=�d>e�Z!Gd?�d@e!�Z"GdA�dBe"�Z#GdC�dDe"�Z$GdE�dFe�Z%GdG�dHe�Z&GdI�dJe�Z'GdK�dLe�Z(GdM�dNe(�Z)GdO�dPe(�Z*GdQ�dRe(�Z+GdS�dTe(�Z,GdU�dVe(�Z-yW)Xz 
Exceptions in L{twisted.mail}.
�)�Optionalc��eZdZy)�IMAP4ExceptionN��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__���6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/mail/_except.pyrr���rrc��eZdZy)�IllegalClientResponseNrr
rrrrr
rrc��eZdZy)�IllegalOperationNrr
rrrrr
rrc��eZdZy)�IllegalMailboxEncodingNrr
rrrrr
rrc��eZdZy)�MailboxExceptionNrr
rrrrr
rrc��eZdZdefd�Zy)�MailboxCollision�returnc� �d|jzS)NzMailbox named %s already exists��args��selfs r�__str__zMailboxCollision.__str__ s��0�4�9�9�<�<rN�rrr	�strrr
rrrrs��=��=rrc��eZdZdefd�Zy)�
NoSuchMailboxrc� �d|jzS)NzNo mailbox named %s existsrrs rrzNoSuchMailbox.__str__%s��+�d�i�i�7�7rNrr
rrr"r"$s��8��8rr"c��eZdZdefd�Zy)�ReadOnlyMailboxrc��y)NzMailbox open in read-only stater
rs rrzReadOnlyMailbox.__str__*s��0rNrr
rrr%r%)s��1��1rr%c��eZdZy)�UnhandledResponseNrr
rrr(r(.r
rr(c��eZdZy)�NegativeResponseNrr
rrr*r*2r
rr*c��eZdZd�Zdefd�Zy)�NoSupportedAuthenticationc�L�tj|d�||_||_y)Nz-No supported authentication schemes available)r�__init__�serverSupports�clientSupports)rr/r0s   rr.z"NoSupportedAuthentication.__init__7s#������&U�V�,���,��rrc�z�tj|�dj|j|j�zS)Nz,: Server supports {!r}, client supports {!r})rr�formatr/r0rs rrz!NoSupportedAuthentication.__str__<s=���%�%��
�:�A�A�������
rN�rrr	r.r rr
rrr,r,6s��-�

rr,c��eZdZy)�IllegalServerResponseNrr
rrr5r5Er
rr5c��eZdZy)�IllegalIdentifierErrorNrr
rrr7r7Ir
rr7c��eZdZy)�IllegalQueryErrorNrr
rrr9r9Mr
rr9c��eZdZy)�MismatchedNestingNrr
rrr;r;Qr
rr;c��eZdZy)�MismatchedQuotingNrr
rrr=r=Ur
rr=c��eZdZy)�	SMTPErrorNrr
rrr?r?Yr
�^�eZdZdZ				d
dededeedeededefd	�Z	d
efd�Zy)�SMTPClientErrorz,
    Base class for SMTP client errors.
    N�code�resp�log�	addresses�isFatal�retryc���t|t�r|jd�}t|t�r|jd�}||_||_||_||_||_||_y)a
        @param code: The SMTP response code associated with this error.
        @param resp: The string response associated with this error.
        @param log: A string log of the exchange leading up to and including
            the error.
        @param isFatal: A boolean indicating whether this connection can
            proceed or not. If True, the connection will be dropped.
        @param retry: A boolean indicating whether the delivery should be
            retried. If True and the factory indicates further retries are
            desirable, they will be attempted, otherwise the delivery will be
        �utf-8N)	�
isinstancer �encoderBrCrDrErFrG�rrBrCrDrErFrGs       rr.zSMTPClientError.__init__bs^��*�d�C� ��;�;�w�'�D��c�3���*�*�W�%�C���	���	����"��������
rrc�@�|j�jd�S)NrI)�	__bytes__�decoders rrzSMTPClientError.__str__�s���~�~��&�&�w�/�/rc�&�|jdkDr-|jd�d�j�|jzg}n
|jg}|jr,|j	|j�|j	d�dj|�S)Nr�03d� r�
)rBrKrCrD�append�join)r�ress  rrNzSMTPClientError.__bytes__�so���9�9�q�=��i�i��_�A�&�-�-�/�$�)�)�;�<�C��9�9�+�C��8�8��J�J�t�x�x� ��J�J�s�O��z�z�#��r)NNFF)
rrr	�__doc__�int�bytesr�object�boolr.r rrNr
rrrArA]sv��� $�&*��� �� �� ��e�_�	 �
�F�#� ��
 �� �D0��0��5�rrAc��eZdZdZy)�ESMTPClientErrorz-
    Base class for ESMTP client errors.
    N�rrr	rWr
rrr]r]����rr]c��eZdZdZy)�EHLORequiredErrorz{
    The server does not support EHLO.

    This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be dropped).
rrrara����rrac��eZdZdZy)�AUTHRequiredErrorz�
    Authentication was required but the server does not support it.

    This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be dropped).
rrrdrd�rbrrdc��eZdZdZy)�TLSRequiredErrorz�
    Transport security was required but the server does not support it.

    This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be dropped).
rrrfrf�rbrrfc��eZdZdZy)�AUTHDeclinedErrorz�
    The server rejected our credentials.

    Either the username, password, or challenge response
    given to the server was rejected.

    This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
rrrhrh����rrhc��eZdZdZy)�AuthenticationErrorz�
    An error occurred while authenticating.

    Either the server rejected our request for authentication or the
    challenge received was malformed.

    This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
rrrkrk�rirrkc��eZdZdZy)�SMTPTLSErrorz�
    An error occurred while negiotiating for transport security.

    This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be dropped).
rrrmrm�rbrrmc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�SMTPConnectErrorzt
    Failed to connect to the mail exchange host.

    This is considered a fatal error.  A retry will be made.
    Nc	�:�tj|||||||�y�N�rAr.rLs       rr.zSMTPConnectError.__init__����� � ��t�T�3�	�7�E�Rr�NNTT�rrr	rWr.r
rrroro��
���Srroc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�SMTPTimeoutErrorz�
    Failed to receive a response from the server in the expected time period.

    This is considered a fatal error.  A retry will be made.
    Nc	�:�tj|||||||�yrqrrrLs       rr.zSMTPTimeoutError.__init__�rsrrtrur
rrrxrx�rvrrxc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�SMTPProtocolErrorzo
    The server sent a mangled response.

    This is considered a fatal error.  A retry will not be made.
    Nc	�:�tj|||||||�yrqrrrLs       rr.zSMTPProtocolError.__init__�rsr)NNTFrur
rrr{r{�rvrr{c��eZdZdZy)�SMTPDeliveryErrorz=
    Indicates that a delivery attempt has had an error.
rrr~r~�r_rr~c��eZdZd�Zdefd�Zy)�SMTPServerErrorc� �||_||_yrq�rBrC)rrBrCs   rr.zSMTPServerError.__init__�s����	���	rrc�8�d|j|jfzS)Nz%.3d %sr�rs rrzSMTPServerError.__str__�s���D�I�I�t�y�y�1�1�1rNr3r
rrr�r��s���2��2rr�c��eZdZd�Zdefd�Zy)�SMTPAddressErrorc�X�ddlm}tj|||�||�|_y)Nr)�Address)�twisted.mail.smtpr�r�r.�addr)rr�rBrCr�s     rr.zSMTPAddressError.__init__s"��-�� � ��t�T�2��D�M��	rrc�N�d|j|j|jfzS)Nz%.3d <%s>... %s)rBr�rCrs rrzSMTPAddressError.__str__s �� �D�I�I�t�y�y�$�)�)�#D�D�DrNr3r
rrr�r�s��"�E��Err�c��eZdZdd�Zy)�SMTPBadRcptc�4�tj||||�yrq�r�r.�rr�rBrCs    rr.zSMTPBadRcpt.__init__����!�!�$��d�D�9rN)�&z$Cannot receive for specified address�rrr	r.r
rrr�r����:rr�c��eZdZdd�Zy)�
SMTPBadSenderc�4�tj||||�yrqr�r�s    rr.zSMTPBadSender.__init__r�rN)r�zSender not acceptabler�r
rrr�r�r�rr�c��eZdZdZy)�AddressErrorz 
    Parse error in address
rrr�r�r_rr�c��eZdZdZy)�	POP3Errorz)
    The base class for POP3 errors.
rrr�r�s���	rr�c��eZdZdZy)�_POP3MessageDeletedzb
    An internal control-flow error which indicates that a deleted message was
rrr�r�#���rr�c��eZdZdZy)�POP3ClientErrorzA
    The base class for all exceptions raised by POP3Client.
rrr�r�*r_rr�c��eZdZdZy)� InsecureAuthenticationDisallowedze
    An error indicating secure authentication was required but no mechanism
    could be found.
rrr�r�0r�rr�c��eZdZdZy)�TLSErrorz�
    An error indicating secure authentication was required but either the
    transport does not support TLS or no TLS context factory was supplied.
rrr�r�7r�rr�c��eZdZdZy)�TLSNotSupportedErrorzi
    An error indicating secure authentication was required but the server does
    not support TLS.
rrr�r�>r�rr�c��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�ServerErrorResponsez
    An error indicating that the server returned an error response to a

    @ivar consumer: See L{__init__}
        @type reason: L{bytes}
        @param reason: The server response minus the status indicator.

        @type consumer: callable that takes L{object}
        @param consumer: The function meant to handle the values for a
            multi-line response.
        N)r�r.�consumer)r�reasonr�s   rr.zServerErrorResponse.__init__Ms��	� � ��v�.� ��
rrr�r�Es���
    An error indicating that the server sent a line which exceeded the
    maximum line length (L{LineOnlyReceiver.MAX_LENGTH}).
rrr�r�Zr�rr�N).rW�typingr�	Exceptionrrrrrrr"r%r(r*r,r5r7r9r;r=r?rAr]rardrfrhrkrmrorxr{r~r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r
rr�<module>r�s����	�Y�	�	�N�	�	�~�	�	�^�	�	�~�	�=�'�=�
	��	�	�~�	�
�	�N�	�	�^�	�	��	�	��	�	��	�	�	�	�2�i�2�j����(���(���'��	�(�	�	�*�	��#��S��S�S��S�S��S����2�i�2�E��E�:�"�:�
�9��	�	�	��)���i���������?��!�/�!�*�/�r

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0