Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/logger/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/logger/__pycache__/_format.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f�4 � �\ � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZm Z m Z mZmZ ddl mZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ d d lmZmZ d dlmZ dZdd �Zdd�Zedf d d�Zef d!d�Zd"d�Z G d� de � Z! G d� de e"ef � Z#d#d�Z$dd�Z%d$d�Z&dd�Z'dddef d%d�Z(y)&z& Tools for formatting logging events. � )�annotations)�datetime)�Any�Callable�Iterator�Mapping�Optional�Union�cast)� NamedConstant)�FixedOffsetTimeZone)�Failure)� safe_repr� )� aFormatter� flatFormat)�LogEventz%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%zc � � t | ddd�� S )aa Formats an event as text, using the format in C{event["log_format"]}. This implementation should never raise an exception; if the formatting cannot be done, the returned string will describe the event generically so that a useful message is emitted regardless. @param event: A logging event. @return: A formatted string. F)�includeTraceback�includeTimestamp� includeSystem)�eventAsText)�events �8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/logger/_format.py�formatEventr s � � � ���� � � c �� � dj | |�� S # t $ rP t � }dj d� | j � D � � }dj t |� ||�� cY S w xY w)z� Formats an event as text that describes the event generically and a formatting error. @param event: A logging event. @param error: The formatting error. @return: A formatted string. z)Unable to format event {event!r}: {error})r �errorz, c 3 �l K � | ], \ }}d j t |� t |� f� �� �. y�w)z = N)�joinr )�.0�key�values r � <genexpr>z+formatUnformattableEvent.<locals>.<genexpr>C s3 � �� � ���U� �J�J� �#�� �%�(8�9�:� �s �24zrMESSAGE LOST: unformattable object logged: {error} Recoverable data: {text} Exception during formatting: {failure})r �failure�text)�format� BaseExceptionr r �itemsr )r r r% r&