Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-312.pyc |
� _�d�I � �f � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ dej v Z ej j ej � Zej j ej$ � Zej j ej( � Zej j ej, � Zdej0 v r)ej j3 ej0 d � Zn\ej6 r?ej j9 ej j3 ej6 � � Zn ej: � Zd � Z eed d� Z d� Z!ejD dk( red � � Z# e#e� Z e#e � Z d� Z$ e$� Z%dZ& e%sejN Z&d� Z)d%d�Z*ed� � Z+d� Z,d� Z-d� Z.d� Z/d� Z0d� Z1d&d�Z2d� Z3d� Z4d� Z5d'd�Z6 ejn d� Z8 ejn d� Z9 ejn d � Z:d'd!�Z;d"� Z<da=d#� Z>d$� Z?y# e($ r Y �w xY w)(a� Provide access to Python's configuration information. The specific configuration variables available depend heavily on the platform and configuration. The values may be retrieved using get_config_var(name), and the list of variables is available via get_config_vars().keys(). Additional convenience functions are also available. Written by: Fred L. Drake, Jr. Email: <fdrake@acm.org> � N� )�DistutilsPlatformError)� py39compat)� pass_none�__pypy__�_PYTHON_PROJECT_BASEc �t �� t j | � j d� �t �fd�dD � � S )z] Return True if the target directory appears to point to an un-installed Python. �Modulesc 3 �\ �K � | ]# }�j |� j � �� �% y �w�N)�joinpath�is_file)�.0�fn�moduless ��A/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/_distutils/sysconfig.py� <genexpr>z(_is_python_source_dir.<locals>.<genexpr>2 s% �� �� �Q�"�w����#�+�+�-�Q�s �),)�SetupzSetup.local)�pathlib�Pathr �any)�dr s @r �_is_python_source_dirr , s/ �� � �l�l�1�o�&�&�y�1�G��Q�8P�Q�Q�Q� �_homec � � t j j | � j t j j |� � S )z, Return True if a is a parent of b. )�os�path�normcase� startswith)�dir_a�dir_bs r � _is_parentr# 8 s3 � � �7�7���E�"�-�-�b�g�g�.>�.>�u�.E�F�Fr �ntc �J � � t t f}� fd�|D � }t |� � S )Nc 3 �v �K � | ]0 }t �t j j |d � � r|�� �2 y�w)�PCbuildN)r# r r �join)r �prefixr s �r r z_fix_pcbuild.<locals>.<genexpr>E s2 �� �� � ���!�R�W�W�\�\�&�)�<�=� � �s �69)�PREFIX�BASE_PREFIX�next)r �prefixes�matcheds ` r �_fix_pcbuildr/ A s- �� � �;�&�� �"� �� �G�Q��r c �J � t rt t � S t t � S r )� _sys_homer �project_base� r r � _python_buildr4 P s � ��$�Y�/�/� ��.�.r � c �. � dt j dd z S )z�Return a string containing the major and minor Python version, leaving off the patchlevel. Sample return values could be '1.5' or '2.2'. z%d.%dN� )�sys�version_infor3 r r �get_python_versionr: f s � � �S�%�%�b�q�)�)�)r c �� � | rt nt }|�|n|} t � dt j � � } |||| � S # t $ r t dt j z � �w xY w)a� Return the directory containing installed Python header files. If 'plat_specific' is false (the default), this is the path to the non-platform-specific header files, i.e. Python.h and so on; otherwise, this is the path to platform-specific header files (namely pyconfig.h). If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.base_prefix or sys.base_exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'. �_get_python_inc_zFI don't know where Python installs its C header files on platform '%s')�BASE_EXEC_PREFIXr+ �globalsr �name�KeyErrorr )� plat_specificr) �default_prefix�resolved_prefix�getters r �get_python_incrE n sw � � *7�%�K�N� &� 2�f��O� ���-�b�g�g�Y�7�8�� �/�6�=�9�9�� � �$� �!#��� )� � � �s �>