Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/rich/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/rich/__main__.py |
import colorsys import io from time import process_time from rich import box from rich.color import Color from rich.console import Console, ConsoleOptions, Group, RenderableType, RenderResult from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.measure import Measurement from rich.pretty import Pretty from rich.segment import Segment from rich.style import Style from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.table import Table from rich.text import Text class ColorBox: def __rich_console__( self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions ) -> RenderResult: for y in range(0, 5): for x in range(options.max_width): h = x / options.max_width l = 0.1 + ((y / 5) * 0.7) r1, g1, b1 = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, 1.0) r2, g2, b2 = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l + 0.7 / 10, 1.0) bgcolor = Color.from_rgb(r1 * 255, g1 * 255, b1 * 255) color = Color.from_rgb(r2 * 255, g2 * 255, b2 * 255) yield Segment("▄", Style(color=color, bgcolor=bgcolor)) yield Segment.line() def __rich_measure__( self, console: "Console", options: ConsoleOptions ) -> Measurement: return Measurement(1, options.max_width) def make_test_card() -> Table: """Get a renderable that demonstrates a number of features.""" table = Table.grid(padding=1, pad_edge=True) table.title = "Rich features" table.add_column("Feature", no_wrap=True, justify="center", style="bold red") table.add_column("Demonstration") color_table = Table( box=None, expand=False, show_header=False, show_edge=False, pad_edge=False, ) color_table.add_row( ( "✓ [bold green]4-bit color[/]\n" "✓ [bold blue]8-bit color[/]\n" "✓ [bold magenta]Truecolor (16.7 million)[/]\n" "✓ [bold yellow]Dumb terminals[/]\n" "✓ [bold cyan]Automatic color conversion" ), ColorBox(), ) table.add_row("Colors", color_table) table.add_row( "Styles", "All ansi styles: [bold]bold[/], [dim]dim[/], [italic]italic[/italic], [underline]underline[/], [strike]strikethrough[/], [reverse]reverse[/], and even [blink]blink[/].", ) lorem = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in metus sed sapien ultricies pretium a at justo. Maecenas luctus velit et auctor maximus." lorem_table = Table.grid(padding=1, collapse_padding=True) lorem_table.pad_edge = False lorem_table.add_row( Text(lorem, justify="left", style="green"), Text(lorem, justify="center", style="yellow"), Text(lorem, justify="right", style="blue"), Text(lorem, justify="full", style="red"), ) table.add_row( "Text", Group( Text.from_markup( """Word wrap text. Justify [green]left[/], [yellow]center[/], [blue]right[/] or [red]full[/].\n""" ), lorem_table, ), ) def comparison(renderable1: RenderableType, renderable2: RenderableType) -> Table: table = Table(show_header=False, pad_edge=False, box=None, expand=True) table.add_column("1", ratio=1) table.add_column("2", ratio=1) table.add_row(renderable1, renderable2) return table table.add_row( "Asian\nlanguage\nsupport", ":flag_for_china: 该库支持中文,日文和韩文文本!\n:flag_for_japan: ライブラリは中国語、日本語、韓国語のテキストをサポートしています\n:flag_for_south_korea: 이 라이브러리는 중국어, 일본어 및 한국어 텍스트를 지원합니다", ) markup_example = ( "[bold magenta]Rich[/] supports a simple [i]bbcode[/i]-like [b]markup[/b] for [yellow]color[/], [underline]style[/], and emoji! " ":+1: :apple: :ant: :bear: :baguette_bread: :bus: " ) table.add_row("Markup", markup_example) example_table = Table( show_edge=False, show_header=True, expand=False, row_styles=["none", "dim"], box=box.SIMPLE, ) example_table.add_column("[green]Date", style="green", no_wrap=True) example_table.add_column("[blue]Title", style="blue") example_table.add_column( "[cyan]Production Budget", style="cyan", justify="right", no_wrap=True, ) example_table.add_column( "[magenta]Box Office", style="magenta", justify="right", no_wrap=True, ) example_table.add_row( "Dec 20, 2019", "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", "$275,000,000", "$375,126,118", ) example_table.add_row( "May 25, 2018", "[b]Solo[/]: A Star Wars Story", "$275,000,000", "$393,151,347", ) example_table.add_row( "Dec 15, 2017", "Star Wars Ep. VIII: The Last Jedi", "$262,000,000", "[bold]$1,332,539,889[/bold]", ) example_table.add_row( "May 19, 1999", "Star Wars Ep. [b]I[/b]: [i]The phantom Menace", "$115,000,000", "$1,027,044,677", ) table.add_row("Tables", example_table) code = '''\ def iter_last(values: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, T]]: """Iterate and generate a tuple with a flag for last value.""" iter_values = iter(values) try: previous_value = next(iter_values) except StopIteration: return for value in iter_values: yield False, previous_value previous_value = value yield True, previous_value''' pretty_data = { "foo": [ 3.1427, ( "Paul Atreides", "Vladimir Harkonnen", "Thufir Hawat", ), ], "atomic": (False, True, None), } table.add_row( "Syntax\nhighlighting\n&\npretty\nprinting", comparison( Syntax(code, "python3", line_numbers=True, indent_guides=True), Pretty(pretty_data, indent_guides=True), ), ) markdown_example = """\ # Markdown Supports much of the *markdown* __syntax__! - Headers - Basic formatting: **bold**, *italic*, `code` - Block quotes - Lists, and more... """ table.add_row( "Markdown", comparison("[cyan]" + markdown_example, Markdown(markdown_example)) ) table.add_row( "+more!", """Progress bars, columns, styled logging handler, tracebacks, etc...""", ) return table if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover console = Console( file=io.StringIO(), force_terminal=True, ) test_card = make_test_card() # Print once to warm cache start = process_time() console.print(test_card) pre_cache_taken = round((process_time() - start) * 1000.0, 1) console.file = io.StringIO() start = process_time() console.print(test_card) taken = round((process_time() - start) * 1000.0, 1) c = Console(record=True) c.print(test_card) print(f"rendered in {pre_cache_taken}ms (cold cache)") print(f"rendered in {taken}ms (warm cache)") from rich.panel import Panel console = Console() sponsor_message = Table.grid(padding=1) sponsor_message.add_column(style="green", justify="right") sponsor_message.add_column(no_wrap=True) sponsor_message.add_row( "Textualize", "[u blue link=https://github.com/textualize]https://github.com/textualize", ) sponsor_message.add_row( "Twitter", "[u blue link=https://twitter.com/willmcgugan]https://twitter.com/willmcgugan", ) intro_message = Text.from_markup( """\ We hope you enjoy using Rich! Rich is maintained with [red]:heart:[/] by [link=https://www.textualize.io]Textualize.io[/] - Will McGugan""" ) message = Table.grid(padding=2) message.add_column() message.add_column(no_wrap=True) message.add_row(intro_message, sponsor_message) console.print( Panel.fit( message, box=box.ROUNDED, padding=(1, 2), title="[b red]Thanks for trying out Rich!", border_style="bright_blue", ), justify="center", )