Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/platypus/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/platypus/tableofcontents.py |
#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details #history https://hg.reportlab.com/hg-public/reportlab/log/tip/src/reportlab/platypus/tableofcontents.py __version__='3.5.32' __doc__="""Experimental class to generate Tables of Contents easily This module defines a single TableOfContents() class that can be used to create automatically a table of tontents for Platypus documents like this: story = [] toc = TableOfContents() story.append(toc) # some heading paragraphs here... doc = MyTemplate(path) doc.multiBuild(story) The data needed to create the table is a list of (level, text, pageNum) triplets, plus some paragraph styles for each level of the table itself. The triplets will usually be created in a document template's method like afterFlowable(), making notification calls using the notify() method with appropriate data like this: (level, text, pageNum) = ... self.notify('TOCEntry', (level, text, pageNum)) Optionally the list can contain four items in which case the last item is a destination key which the entry should point to. A bookmark with this key needs to be created first like this: key = 'ch%s' % self.seq.nextf('chapter') self.canv.bookmarkPage(key) self.notify('TOCEntry', (level, text, pageNum, key)) As the table of contents need at least two passes over the Platypus story which is why the multiBuild() method must be called. The level<NUMBER>ParaStyle variables are the paragraph styles used to format the entries in the table of contents. Their indentation is calculated like this: each entry starts at a multiple of some constant named delta. If one entry spans more than one line, all lines after the first are indented by the same constant named epsilon. """ from reportlab.lib.units import cm from reportlab.lib.utils import commasplit, escapeOnce, encode_label, decode_label, strTypes, asUnicode, asNative from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle, _baseFontName from reportlab.lib import sequencer as rl_sequencer from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import IndexingFlowable from reportlab.platypus.tables import TableStyle, Table from reportlab.platypus.flowables import Spacer from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas import unicodedata from ast import literal_eval def unquote(txt): from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape return unescape(txt, {"'": "'", """: '"'}) try: set except: class set(list): def add(self,x): if x not in self: list.append(self,x) def drawPageNumbers(canvas, style, pages, availWidth, availHeight, dot=' . ', formatter=None): ''' Draws pagestr on the canvas using the given style. If dot is None, pagestr is drawn at the current position in the canvas. If dot is a string, pagestr is drawn right-aligned. If the string is not empty, the gap is filled with it. ''' pagestr = ', '.join([str(p) for p, _ in pages]) x, y = canvas._curr_tx_info['cur_x'], canvas._curr_tx_info['cur_y'] fontSize = style.fontSize pagestrw = stringWidth(pagestr, style.fontName, fontSize) #if it's too long to fit, we need to shrink to fit in 10% increments. #it would be very hard to output multiline entries. #however, we impose a minimum size of 1 point as we don't want an #infinite loop. Ultimately we should allow a TOC entry to spill #over onto a second line if needed. freeWidth = availWidth-x while pagestrw > freeWidth and fontSize >= 1.0: fontSize = 0.9 * fontSize pagestrw = stringWidth(pagestr, style.fontName, fontSize) if isinstance(dot, strTypes): if dot: dotw = stringWidth(dot, style.fontName, fontSize) dotsn = int((availWidth-x-pagestrw)/dotw) else: dotsn = dotw = 0 text = '%s%s' % (dotsn * dot, pagestr) newx = availWidth - dotsn*dotw - pagestrw pagex = availWidth - pagestrw elif dot is None: text = ', ' + pagestr newx = x pagex = newx else: raise TypeError('Argument dot should either be None or an instance of basestring.') tx = canvas.beginText(newx, y) tx.setFont(style.fontName, fontSize) tx.setFillColor(style.textColor) tx.textLine(text) canvas.drawText(tx) commaw = stringWidth(', ', style.fontName, fontSize) for p, key in pages: if not key: continue w = stringWidth(str(p), style.fontName, fontSize) canvas.linkRect('', key, (pagex, y, pagex+w, y+style.leading), relative=1) pagex += w + commaw # Default paragraph styles for tables of contents. # (This could also be generated automatically or even # on-demand if it is not known how many levels the # TOC will finally need to display...) delta = 1*cm epsilon = 0.5*cm defaultLevelStyles = [ ParagraphStyle( name='Level 0', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=10, leading=11, firstLineIndent = 0, leftIndent = epsilon)] defaultTableStyle = \ TableStyle([ ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0), ('LEFTPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0), ]) class TableOfContents(IndexingFlowable): """This creates a formatted table of contents. It presumes a correct block of data is passed in. The data block contains a list of (level, text, pageNumber) triplets. You can supply a paragraph style for each level (starting at zero). Set dotsMinLevel to determine from which level on a line of dots should be drawn between the text and the page number. If dotsMinLevel is set to a negative value, no dotted lines are drawn. """ def __init__(self,**kwds): self.rightColumnWidth = kwds.pop('rightColumnWidth',72) self.levelStyles = kwds.pop('levelStyles',defaultLevelStyles) self.tableStyle = kwds.pop('tableStyle',defaultTableStyle) self.dotsMinLevel = kwds.pop('dotsMinLevel',1) self.formatter = kwds.pop('formatter',None) if kwds: raise ValueError('unexpected keyword arguments %s' % ', '.join(kwds.keys())) self._table = None self._entries = [] self._lastEntries = [] def beforeBuild(self): # keep track of the last run self._lastEntries = self._entries[:] self.clearEntries() def isIndexing(self): return 1 def isSatisfied(self): return (self._entries == self._lastEntries) def notify(self, kind, stuff): """The notification hook called to register all kinds of events. Here we are interested in 'TOCEntry' events only. """ if kind == 'TOCEntry': self.addEntry(*stuff) def clearEntries(self): self._entries = [] def getLevelStyle(self, n): '''Returns the style for level n, generating and caching styles on demand if not present.''' try: return self.levelStyles[n] except IndexError: prevstyle = self.getLevelStyle(n-1) self.levelStyles.append(ParagraphStyle( name='%s-%d-indented' % (prevstyle.name, n), parent=prevstyle, firstLineIndent = prevstyle.firstLineIndent+delta, leftIndent = prevstyle.leftIndent+delta)) return self.levelStyles[n] def addEntry(self, level, text, pageNum, key=None): """Adds one entry to the table of contents. This allows incremental buildup by a doctemplate. Requires that enough styles are defined.""" assert type(level) == type(1), "Level must be an integer" self._entries.append((level, text, pageNum, key)) def addEntries(self, listOfEntries): """Bulk creation of entries in the table of contents. If you knew the titles but not the page numbers, you could supply them to get sensible output on the first run.""" for entryargs in listOfEntries: self.addEntry(*entryargs) def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): "All table properties should be known by now." # makes an internal table which does all the work. # we draw the LAST RUN's entries! If there are # none, we make some dummy data to keep the table # from complaining if len(self._lastEntries) == 0: _tempEntries = [(0,'Placeholder for table of contents',0,None)] else: _tempEntries = self._lastEntries def drawTOCEntryEnd(canvas, kind, label): '''Callback to draw dots and page numbers after each entry.''' label = label.split(',') page, level, key = int(label[0]), int(label[1]), literal_eval(label[2]) style = self.getLevelStyle(level) if self.dotsMinLevel >= 0 and level >= self.dotsMinLevel: dot = ' . ' else: dot = '' if self.formatter: page = self.formatter(page) drawPageNumbers(canvas, style, [(page, key)], availWidth, availHeight, dot) self.canv.drawTOCEntryEnd = drawTOCEntryEnd tableData = [] for (level, text, pageNum, key) in _tempEntries: style = self.getLevelStyle(level) if key: text = '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (key, text) keyVal = repr(key).replace(',','\\x2c').replace('"','\\x2c') else: keyVal = None para = Paragraph('%s<onDraw name="drawTOCEntryEnd" label="%d,%d,%s"/>' % (text, pageNum, level, keyVal), style) if style.spaceBefore: tableData.append([Spacer(1, style.spaceBefore),]) tableData.append([para,]) self._table = Table(tableData, colWidths=(availWidth,), style=self.tableStyle) self.width, self.height = self._table.wrapOn(self.canv,availWidth, availHeight) return (self.width, self.height) def split(self, availWidth, availHeight): """At this stage we do not care about splitting the entries, we will just return a list of platypus tables. Presumably the calling app has a pointer to the original TableOfContents object; Platypus just sees tables. """ return self._table.splitOn(self.canv,availWidth, availHeight) def drawOn(self, canvas, x, y, _sW=0): """Don't do this at home! The standard calls for implementing draw(); we are hooking this in order to delegate ALL the drawing work to the embedded table object. """ self._table.drawOn(canvas, x, y, _sW) def makeTuple(x): if isinstance(x,(list,tuple)): return tuple(x) return (x,) class SimpleIndex(IndexingFlowable): """Creates multi level indexes. The styling can be cutomized and alphabetic headers turned on and off. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor of SimpleIndex. Accepts the same arguments as the setup method. """ #keep stuff in a dictionary while building self._entries = {} self._lastEntries = {} self._flowable = None self.setup(**kwargs) def getFormatFunc(self,formatName): try: return getattr(rl_sequencer,'_format_%s' % formatName) except ImportError: raise ValueError('Unknown sequencer format %r' % formatName) def setup(self, style=None, dot=None, tableStyle=None, headers=True, name=None, format='123', offset=0): """ This method makes it possible to change styling and other parameters on an existing object. style is the paragraph style to use for index entries. dot can either be None or a string. If it's None, entries are immediatly followed by their corresponding page numbers. If it's a string, page numbers are aligned on the right side of the document and the gap filled with a repeating sequence of the string. tableStyle is the style used by the table which the index uses to draw itself. Use this to change properties like spacing between elements. headers is a boolean. If it is True, alphabetic headers are displayed in the Index when the first letter changes. If False, we just output some extra space before the next item name makes it possible to use several indexes in one document. If you want this use this parameter to give each index a unique name. You can then index a term by refering to the name of the index which it should appear in: <index item="term" name="myindex" /> format can be 'I', 'i', '123', 'ABC', 'abc' """ if style is None: style = ParagraphStyle(name='index', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=11) self.textStyle = style self.tableStyle = tableStyle or defaultTableStyle self.dot = dot self.headers = headers if name is None: from reportlab.platypus.paraparser import DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME as name self.name = name self.formatFunc = self.getFormatFunc(format) self.offset = offset def __call__(self,canv,kind,label): label = asNative(label,'latin1') try: terms, format, offset = decode_label(label) except: terms = label format = offset = None if format is None: formatFunc = self.formatFunc else: formatFunc = self.getFormatFunc(format) if offset is None: offset = self.offset terms = commasplit(terms) cPN = canv.getPageNumber() pns = formatFunc(cPN-offset) key = 'ix_%s_%s_p_%s' % (self.name, label, pns) info = canv._curr_tx_info canv.bookmarkHorizontal(key, info['cur_x'], info['cur_y'] + info['leading']) self.addEntry(terms, (cPN,pns), key) def getCanvasMaker(self, canvasmaker=canvas.Canvas): def newcanvasmaker(*args, **kwargs): from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas c = canvasmaker(*args, **kwargs) setattr(c,self.name,self) return c return newcanvasmaker def isIndexing(self): return 1 def isSatisfied(self): return (self._entries == self._lastEntries) def beforeBuild(self): # keep track of the last run self._lastEntries = self._entries.copy() self.clearEntries() def clearEntries(self): self._entries = {} def notify(self, kind, stuff): """The notification hook called to register all kinds of events. Here we are interested in 'IndexEntry' events only. """ if kind == 'IndexEntry': text, pageNum = stuff self.addEntry(text, (self._canv.getPageNumber(),pageNum)) def addEntry(self, text, pageNum, key=None): """Allows incremental buildup""" self._entries.setdefault(makeTuple(text),set([])).add((pageNum, key)) def split(self, availWidth, availHeight): """At this stage we do not care about splitting the entries, we will just return a list of platypus tables. Presumably the calling app has a pointer to the original TableOfContents object; Platypus just sees tables. """ return self._flowable.splitOn(self.canv,availWidth, availHeight) def _getlastEntries(self, dummy=[(['Placeholder for index'],enumerate((None,)*3))]): '''Return the last run's entries! If there are none, returns dummy.''' lE = self._lastEntries or self._entries if not lE: return dummy return list(sorted(lE.items())) def _build(self,availWidth,availHeight): _tempEntries = [(tuple(asUnicode(t) for t in texts),pageNumbers) for texts, pageNumbers in self._getlastEntries()] def getkey(seq): return [''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', x.upper()) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')) for x in seq[0]] _tempEntries.sort(key=getkey) leveloffset = self.headers and 1 or 0 def drawIndexEntryEnd(canvas, kind, label): '''Callback to draw dots and page numbers after each entry.''' style = self.getLevelStyle(leveloffset) pages = [(p[1],k) for p,k in sorted(decode_label(label))] drawPageNumbers(canvas, style, pages, availWidth, availHeight, self.dot) self.canv.drawIndexEntryEnd = drawIndexEntryEnd alpha = '' tableData = [] lastTexts = [] alphaStyle = self.getLevelStyle(0) for texts, pageNumbers in _tempEntries: texts = list(texts) #track when the first character changes; either output some extra #space, or the first letter on a row of its own. We cannot do #widow/orphan control, sadly. nalpha = ''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', texts[0][0].upper()) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')) if alpha != nalpha: alpha = nalpha if self.headers: header = alpha else: header = ' ' tableData.append([Spacer(1, alphaStyle.spaceBefore),]) tableData.append([Paragraph(header, alphaStyle),]) tableData.append([Spacer(1, alphaStyle.spaceAfter),]) i, diff = listdiff(lastTexts, texts) if diff: lastTexts = texts texts = texts[i:] label = encode_label(list(pageNumbers)) texts[-1] = '%s<onDraw name="drawIndexEntryEnd" label="%s"/>' % (texts[-1], label) for text in texts: #Platypus and RML differ on how parsed XML attributes are escaped. #e.g. <index item="M&S"/>. The only place this seems to bite us is in #the index entries so work around it here. text = escapeOnce(text) style = self.getLevelStyle(i+leveloffset) para = Paragraph(text, style) if style.spaceBefore: tableData.append([Spacer(1, style.spaceBefore),]) tableData.append([para,]) i += 1 self._flowable = Table(tableData, colWidths=[availWidth], style=self.tableStyle) def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): "All table properties should be known by now." self._build(availWidth,availHeight) self.width, self.height = self._flowable.wrapOn(self.canv,availWidth, availHeight) return self.width, self.height def drawOn(self, canvas, x, y, _sW=0): """Don't do this at home! The standard calls for implementing draw(); we are hooking this in order to delegate ALL the drawing work to the embedded table object. """ self._flowable.drawOn(canvas, x, y, _sW) def draw(self): t = self._flowable ocanv = getattr(t,'canv',None) if not ocanv: t.canv = self.canv try: t.draw() finally: if not ocanv: del t.canv def getLevelStyle(self, n): '''Returns the style for level n, generating and caching styles on demand if not present.''' if not hasattr(self.textStyle, '__iter__'): self.textStyle = [self.textStyle] try: return self.textStyle[n] except IndexError: self.textStyle = list(self.textStyle) prevstyle = self.getLevelStyle(n-1) self.textStyle.append(ParagraphStyle( name='%s-%d-indented' % (prevstyle.name, n), parent=prevstyle, firstLineIndent = prevstyle.firstLineIndent+.2*cm, leftIndent = prevstyle.leftIndent+.2*cm)) return self.textStyle[n] AlphabeticIndex = SimpleIndex def listdiff(l1, l2): m = min(len(l1), len(l2)) for i in range(m): if l1[i] != l2[i]: return i, l2[i:] return m, l2[m:] class ReferenceText(IndexingFlowable): """Fakery to illustrate how a reference would work if we could put it in a paragraph.""" def __init__(self, textPattern, targetKey): self.textPattern = textPattern self.target = targetKey self.paraStyle = ParagraphStyle('tmp') self._lastPageNum = None self._pageNum = -999 self._para = None def beforeBuild(self): self._lastPageNum = self._pageNum def notify(self, kind, stuff): if kind == 'Target': (key, pageNum) = stuff if key == self.target: self._pageNum = pageNum def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): text = self.textPattern % self._lastPageNum self._para = Paragraph(text, self.paraStyle) return self._para.wrap(availWidth, availHeight) def drawOn(self, canvas, x, y, _sW=0): self._para.drawOn(canvas, x, y, _sW)